Welcome to Episode 103! – My friend Sheryl is an amazing coach. A fearless leader who helps entrepreneurs and companies level up. Always helping others get better, Sheryl is the ultimate Go-Giver. Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Operate at your level of brilliance
– Sheryl Mays
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When you are tasked with responsibility of others, don’t lead through fear or ultimatums, stay empowered and lead from the heart
2. 4 D’s of task management: Dump it, defer it, delegate or do it
3. Get better, help people get better and help people help others get better
4. Add the word ‘yet’ to the end of a phrase of anything you want to accomplish
5. Operate at your level of brilliance – don’t try to do everything. Delegate what you can
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Sheryl’s Book: Silencing the Chatter Monsters
Rise and Shine Facebook Page
Sheryl’s Linked IN
Sheryl’s Instagram
Sheryls Twitter
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey this is Cheryl Mays The Rise and shine the app. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend got Ferguson.
Time to shine today versity squad it is Scott Ferguson and welcome to Episode 103 with a fantastic conversation I got to have with my good friend and fellow coach Miss Cheryl Mays from Rise and shine. She’s going to tell you just basically she’s going to drop some just solid knowledge nuggets on use a breakout your notebooks sit back and relax because it’s like a free half hour masterclass that Cheryl puts out to you, my listeners. She’s going to show you how to operate at your brilliance, how to get better, help others get better and help those people help others get better. She’s going to leave just a fan. She’s leaving a fantastic legacy for herself. She lives in walks the walk. There walks her talk, I guess I should say it’s just fantastic. I could go on and on about her. But without further ado, here’s my really good friend Cheryl Mays.
Hey, time to shine today varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson. And if you’ve ever heard the word edutainment, that’s my home girl here by Florida. Well, she’s more central Florida. I’m on the East Coast, but she does scuba dive kind of here on the east coast where I live. And it’s the fantastic Cheryl Mays from rising and shining calm and that will be in the show notes but it’s rising dash and dash shining calm that will be I’ll be in the show notes. But she’s fantastic. She’s all about having fun and leveling up people. She’s the founder and chief learning officer A speaker and author and you got to pick up the book silencing the chatter monsters which we’ll talk about that in a little bit. I’m hoping I get a signed copy and tense. Cheryl works with organizations who want to create happy, healthy humane workplaces for increased positivity, productivity and prosperity show combines a business degree in administration account for process improvements. 20 years of leadership experience and is traveled throughout the country training employees and serving as keynote speakers while that is some serious serious credentials. So without further ado, I’m going to bring Cheryl on and introduce her as yourself to introduce her to the time to shine today’s scribe but first, Cheryl, what emoji Do you use the most when you’re texting?
Oh my god. So this is so funny. I you know, everybody just started doing their new avatars. And that has taken me the longest time to figure out how to do an avatar. Okay, so that is my new emoji everything. is me with the the avatar do avatars upside down? I’m happy I’m saying yes. All of that. So if you don’t get an emoji from me It’s because I can’t find
my avatar. Love it. I love it. I love it. So what’s your favorite color? Then?
My favorite color
is purple, purple and why
I love purple because it’s, it’s intense. Sure. It’s, it’s, there’s representation of loyalty and creativity. And
for me, it just takes it another level deeper than what you see on the surface. Love it. It’s like you said it’s royal and regal. And it really kind of stands up. It’s a powerful color. I love it. Love, love, love purple. So tell us a little bit about your origins and tell us like how you started the aha moment they got you the rise and shine.
Wow. So I’m about 20 years ago. I’m gonna take you back to when I was young because then we’d be here till midnight. So back a little bit. Sure. About 20 years ago, I actually started working for a nonprofit organization without the Make A Wish Foundation. And I started as a volunteer and I have been truly blessed to be able to work in areas of my heartstrings. So things that I have been passionate with, I’ve worked with Make A Wish Foundation, the Orlando Humane Society and Junior Achievement of Central Florida. So kids education and animals. That’s, that’s, that’s who I am my heartstrings, are pulled for. And so in that process, I’ve had the opportunity to fundraise. I’ve raised millions of dollars for nonprofit organizations. I’ve had the ability to move into the training aspect, in education, and that’s where I literally found my passion, my love for training and being able to help individuals not only in the the basic functionalities of their role But also get them to be able to bring out that champion, because I believe everybody has a champion inside of them. And you know, you think about a football team when you’re your bench, and you’re sitting and you’re like, coach, let me in, let me in. Right, right. That’s the champion that sits in all of us. And they’re, they’re just saying, Wait, let me play, let me perform, I can do. And so I found that I have this ability to be able to get people to that level of performance. And so I have over the course of time, I’m also a jack Canfield trainer. Okay, well, jack Canfield is the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul principles. And what I realized from being certified as a Canfield trainer is that the success principles and what I had actually used in my own career over the course of time, and didn’t realize that it was a term, right. I was just like, they say, I was just doing me, right. And so What I found out was that you have the ability given techniques, when you’re given a series of techniques that you can use, that will uplevel your career that you can then take and transfer to your personal life. It makes, it makes things so much better. You know, people talk about work life balance, well, we don’t get a work life balance, what we get is work life integration. Sure. And so when you have the ability to use skillsets, that you’ve learned, and that have worked, and you can cross them over into your personal life, then you find that you are more capable of sustaining your success level. Oh, oftentimes, what I think happens is the things that you do in your career, you get home and you do something totally different.
There’s that there’s that, you know, you’re hitting yourself against yourself, because you’re not using those successful habits into your personal life. Right. And so, for me That is that crossover. And that’s what I love to be able to share with people is to give them techniques that go, Hey, this is not for today. This is not only for today, but this is for you to use in your everyday life. I love that. So like what we say, you know, hear it that well that was that was a huge knowledge bomb Knowledge Nugget that you just dropped on us. Like, it’s not so much balance because balance is zero. Right? So you’re looking for that harmony that can happen. I like it with my coaching clients, we call it kind of like a jazz band, you know, where like, you know, your personal life might be a guitar, your drums might be your profession. You know, relationships are another instrument. Well, one of them are added tweaks that doesn’t have harmony, so you kind of get to work and everyone I love that how you you give them the techniques to from their professional and personal life to sustain success. That’s beautiful. So what was the mistake? How do I ask, okay, if you’re working with somebody into the you went through the discovery process, you know, you’re the right fit. So what are you doing is we’re asking for some secret sauce here share, like, what do you?
Do you want to look under the cap?
Yes. help them find their blind spot.
You know, you have to ask yourself some questions. And it comes with initially, what do you want? And oftentimes that’s where people are stuck. Because you don’t know how to define what you want. In specific, clear term. Sure. I can ask you I say, Scott, I’d like more money. And yeah, okay. Well, how much more like how much more money would you need in order to get you to your goal? You know, do you have to be specific, I want to lose weight. Okay, well, how many pounds? At what time frame? What’s your goal on being able to do this? So when you’re asking questions, and when I’m talking to a client, I need to get To the core of what it is that you truly want. Sure, you know, and being specific. And a lot of times, that’s where the hindrances, right are not truly specific because you have not literally sat down and asked yourself, what, what, you know, here’s a statistic 3% of people actually write down their goal, yet 91% of the resources are maintained by 3% of the population, right? Is that amazing? Yeah.
So sure, is there any when you’re starting to work with a client is sir, or even let’s take it even a little bit back. You may be in the discovery process to make sure you’re like we say in the coaching industry, the right horse for the course. for them. Is there any question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
problem. Yeah. Yeah. So I would like for them to ask me this. typically happens after I after I talk because as you can see, I’m a pretty open person. Yeah, your your energies, like
it’s beautiful. It’s Go ahead.
And so for me, it’s just making sure that, you know that, you know, as they say that when you’re swiping left, right, in harmony, whichever way you swipe to the right direction, right, right, compatible. And and I’m not a coach for everyone. I am a coach where individuals look at themselves and say, You know what, I want to move from where I am, to where I want to get to, right. And then I want them to ask me, is there are there people that I have not been able to help?
I love that. So you’re kind of like, I say that all that that is the question just phrased a little differently. Like Tell me about your fails. That’s what I kind of want to hear. And I can openly share about my face. salutely No, no problem with that Cheryl. If I’m at a networking event, which down here in South Florida is starting to open up a little bit, you know, if I’m at a networking event that and, you know, pressing flash and meeting people, and I’m talking because I’m a listener, you know, God gave me two ears and one mouth for a reason. Right? And is there any key words phrases that I’m listening for to see if they are a great fit as a referral connection?
Possible client for Rise and shine?
Absolutely. So my focus areas, I have three focus areas, that three signature program. So for me, the question would be is your team at the level that you want them to be at? And that goes along with you know, leadership. So my primary focus is on emerging leaders, giving leaders the toolkits that will allow them to get their teams to perform to the company’s objectives. So the question would be, you know, aren’t your teams at the level that you want them to be? Have you looked at your processes? Are you you know, are you increasing your costs? Are you increasing your prices because I also work with individuals on processes and reviews? Sure. Being Lean Six Sigma certified. That is a huge, huge aspect. What I do is help people look at waste and how you can eliminate waste. And oftentimes when you talk about that when I say wasted people, they go materials and I’m like it goes far beyond Oh, yeah. material.
You know, even though emotional fat, you know, cut that all the fat off there. That’s, that’s beautiful athletes.
You know, as a Lean Six Sigma practitioner, we use an acronym and it’s Tim Woods when you think about weight, right? Yes, Tim Woods is the acronym and wrote simple because it’s transportation, inventory. Motion. That’s Tim Woods is waiting over processing over production defects and skilled underutilized. Wow. So when we think about waste, if you look at I like to say use that third lens, sure. You take that third lens, and you look at your business. And you go beyond just the inventory, the material pieces, but you look and go, Wow, this, this order has been sitting in someone’s email. Sure. You know, so there’s a waste opportunity there, right? Because how long has it been there? It’s been there. 48 hours is that person on vacation? Who’s the next person to look into their emails? Right? It’s those things and being able to look at your business and understanding how to cut costs. Well, therefore you don’t have to increase your prices.
Wow. So you help them dig into that. That’s beautiful. So let’s get into our DeLorean with Marty McFly. And let’s go back in. Let’s talk to the 23 year old Cheryl Mays, what kind of knowledge now gates, are you dropping on her to maybe shorten the learning curve and level up a little faster?
I would tell her operates in your area of brilliance.
Oh, that’s strong. You hear that squad operate in her level of brilliance? Wow.
I found when I became an entrepreneur Scott what I wanted to do with everything? Uh huh. I tried to do everything. I did all the research. I was on YouTube, I didn’t you know, you go on YouTube about entrepreneurship. There’s like 4 billion videos. Right? You know, and I wanted to do the website, I wanted to do the marketing. I was a sales person. I was, you know, all things in the company. You have to be there at the start kind of right. But learn to delegate it and operate where you are the strongest. Am I hearing that right, coach? Exactly, exactly. You know, and I call it the four DS solution
for D solution. Okay. I You can dump it,
you can defer it. You can delegate it, or you can do it.
I love it. I love it. I love, love. Love that. So we talk a lot here on time to shine today about our dash. And like, I want to know how you want your dash. Remember that little line between your life date and death date? Like how do you want to be your desk be remembered maybe your epitaph, if you will.
It’s funny, you said that I have a business mentor that I love because I go to him and I have these crazy ideas. And I go, Hey, so what do you think about this? And what do you think about this? And one of the things that he shared with me that truly resonated with me, he said, You know, one thing that you want to do as a leader as an entrepreneur in life is to get better, help people get better, and then get better at helping people get better.
And so although it sounds like a rock It literally when you separate it out, it makes so much sense. Get better yourself, help others to get better and then you get better at helping them get better. Wow,
that’s strong. That is super strong. Thank you. Thank you so much for saying that. That’s that right there is legendary, excuse me, that would be make you immortal. You know it like I was always taught by my business coach or I’m sorry, my mindset coach, you know that the more people you mentor, the more immortal you become, you know, because they’re always passing it down. And that’s where, you know, my heart is huge for mentorship. Obviously yours is as well. And that’s fantastic. So, Cheryl, what do you think is the thing that most people misunderstand about you?
Hmm, wow, that um, I guess that I will try to help individuals through a method that they deem to be probably unconventional. Okay?
And these are awesome answers. You’re amazing. You’re amazing because you know what, like, people are gonna come to you and they need you because they’re, it’s a breath of fresh air to them because you’re like, wait a minute, you know, like she’s making me do this. Yeah, because it works. You’re gonna put it it works and you would if you heard the same thing from every coach. What I love about Cheryl squad is that she’s not cookie cutter. She’s saying something I have. You’re watching on YouTube. I have notes that I’ve just wrote wrote wrote from from Cheryl here, which is amazing. What you just said, is just resonates so much for my clients. I’m going to ask so what is the big the big, big thing that Cheryl wants to accomplish in her life?
I would like to accomplish a company that helps leaders to To become better emerging leader, I remember back when I became a leader. And one of the things that I lacked, one of the things that was not provided for me was the proper training. Oftentimes new leaders, what you get is a team that you’ve inherited. And so now, how do you get this inherited team to operate in a fashion that you can, you know, get to the company’s objectives? Because that’s your goal. You got one thing on your mind is like, I got to exceed these budgets. Sure. And so how do you how do you do that? And so I love working with emerging leaders. Because we talk about empowering people, inspiring people and not leading through fear or leading through automate them with encouraging them and developing them to get to the next level. Therefore, you get to the next level. I would always tell my directors, you never chase numbers. you empower people and the numbers Take care of themselves.
Wow, that’s strong. So stay empowered. Beautiful, beautiful. Sure. Let’s remove your cell phone, your laptop, your tablet, your Wi Fi. What are three things that Cheryl cannot live without?
Okay, so this is so funny um, during this this time frame, I have a dog I have a terrier mix and he has become my best buddy right and so during this time when you know we are quarantine and you keeping social distance he has been my right buddy so whenever I grabbed my keys, he knows that I’m going in the car right at the door and he is ready to get into the car. right and right now my car has so much dog here in it.
I’m gonna have to play a professional queen or at least $100 out of my car.
So we got your dog.
Yes, it would be my dog. It would be my daughter is also an entrepreneur. She’s a poet and she is just a phenomenal woman. And it would be my ability to be able to go out into nature and just walk and have my devotional time where I can just, you know, talk to the creator and the universe and just have that clarity and find purpose because that’s where I find my clarity.
Love that you’re for getting chicken wings. So because that’s my number three, I’m a snob when it comes to chicken
in one of my three dogs
I love it. Hey, Cheryl, what is your definition of a life well lived.
A Life Long live for me is if I have had the ability to help individuals to succeed in there like I’m not a very materialistic person. I’m literally to be considered a minimum list. I’ve realized what’s important. And for me, it’s just, you know, it’s seen that person that you’ve coached this got, you’ve probably felt this too. You’ve coached this person for a couple of weeks, a couple of months, and you get that phone call, and they go, Oh my god, you’re never gonna believe what happens.
You die.
Right? There’s something incredible that you did something incredible, because, you know, the coaching happens in between the coach,
right? It does,
absolutely. Coach him when things happen. And so that for me is, is when I go, okay. I did good. Nice. And so I just sit back and and, you know, I think about those individuals that have, you know, written reviews or that have sent me an email or that have called me or even a little text message that said, guess what I did today. Thank you. I’ve been a coach. I have a client that does We’re working on wording. And for me words are still very powerful the word that you say to yourself, Oh, absolutely. And so she said something. And she says, Well, you know, I’m not good at that. And I said, No, you’re not good at that yet, right? And so, and so I said, whenever you decide to say things like that, what you’re not good at or what you’re not sure of, I want you to finish that sentence with the word yet. Love that. Because that makes a huge difference in the mindset, right? Or to hear words differently, then you start to think differently because you have control over your thoughts and your actions and your responses. Let’s say to yourself, and what you speak to yourself is so very important because that gets you to your goal.
Yeah, it does actually opens up your subconscious mind to believing because your subconscious mind will believe anything, you know, I mean, you have your gatekeeper, our conscious mind that’s out front, and it’s saying I want that and don’t want that and you add your content. mine I love this squad Listen up closely you add yet to the end of anything you’re have not accomplished yet, you know you you want to have not lost 40 pounds yet, you know I have not walked every morning for 10 minutes yet but it will start programming the mind because you can live yourself enough in a good way that all sudden you’re starting to do things, and they just happen. And that’s that. Thank you for sharing that Cheryl. So as we wind things down a little bit, we’d like to do what’s called a level up lightning round. So each answer, we could talk for 1520 minutes, but you’ve got five seconds, no explanations, and all of these can be answered with just one word or two. All right, you’re ready. I’m ready. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Pay attention.
share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I am a creature of action. Sure of action, take an action. Love that. So not what you’re reading now. Not the Good Book, not the flavor of the month.
What is your go to book?
My goals I have to tell. My first one is the power of focus.
I have it right here. Like literally I have it right here. It’s Canfield and three other offices. Yeah,
yes. Okay. And the second one is action to values by Harry Jameson. Love it.
Love. I’ll put both of those in the show notes. If you could be one age for the rest of your life. What would it be? Oh my gosh. I’m gonna say the age that I am now. Love it. Love it. Love it. favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and your money to
wow since I’ve worked with three of them And again, children kids education.
Yeah. And animals right? Yes
children kids I met
my dad I understand you say my my my my Pitbull is my kid. So you know I feel you. So what is last question What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s I like the 80s in the 90s right we can hang out anytime we better when you come scuba dive in here. I actually got a really cool place to go to and hope sound which is just north of Jupiter. Even better diving in Jupiter. Trust me when you come here we’ll go bring your gear. Well, I’ll take you out. We have a little group that we go out. There’s actually a nice drop off in a reef right I hope sound like bathtub beach and stuff. So you have to come with us. Very nice. Yes. Yeah. So how can we find you?
You can find me My website is rising dash and dash shining.com You can find me on Instagram Rise and shine. If you can find me on LinkedIn, under Cheryl Mays, and you can find me on Facebook at Dr. Sunshine dot success.
Awesome. She’s got an awesome Twitter account as well. And your book silencing the chatter monsters. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Yes, that was a book that I wrote. Because on my journey of entrepreneurship, as I stated, you get so much information. And a lot of times people have a dream. And so the book is entrepreneurial, and it’s for your personal life is something that you want to do. And oftentimes you share that information with people and they’re just negative. They just don’t they’re not the supporting people. They’re not the encouraging people. And so they begin to save things so much that you internally start to say them to yourself. Yeah. And so you have this, these this dichotomy going on, where you have this negative chatter, you have this internal negative chatter, external negative chatter, and so what’s the book done is it’s a traveler and she’s on a journey. And on her journey, she visits these five very successful, true real business individuals. And they share with her rules of silencing the chatter, and how they went through their business, how they, you know, conquered all of that negativity and still realize that tomorrow does come. Once you have the ability to silence the chatter, provide clarity and focus you two can accomplish your goals and individuals. Each of them share rules that will allow you to silence the chatter, beautiful. And in the end, she realizes that as she looks at these gifts that were given to her from these individuals, she realizes that she too has the ability to internally release that champion and offer what’s going to provide her the most passion in life.
Love it. Hey, squad. I can’t wait to read it. Do me a favor in when this episode drops go to time to shine today to the link that I’m going to drop for there’s a post I’m going to drop for Cheryl and whoever comments first I’m going to buy them in shipped to them a copy of her paperback book so that’s a little something I want to give away to the squad as well. So surely you can do is just one last favor and please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want our squad to take with us internalize and take action on
I would say set a goal that command your thoughts liberates your energy and inspires your hope.
Wow. So set goals to command your thoughts. That’s fantastic in squad we have just had basically a free and that’s a capital fr ee masterclass with Cheryl Mays. You know who’s really passionate about kids education and animals. Fantastic. You know, and she believes in teaching techniques that are going to overlap both personal and professional so you can sustain success in harmony in every pillar of your life. She’s always asking powerful questions. And if your team is not at the level or you’re trying to be an emerging leader, please reach out to Cheryl or myself and I’ll put you in touch. And all the information will be in the show notes. And make sure that you’re always always, always operating at your level of brilliance. And that what really, you want to help people, help yourself get better, help other people get better, and then help people help others get better and talk about paying it forward. That’s making my friend Cheryl immortal, which is just just amazing and never leave to fear, ultimatums or ultimatums and stay empowered in we again we have just had a masterclass with Cheryl Rising and shine. And I feel blessed. She’s so humble yet hungry, she levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s always getting after it. And now she’s proud of the time to shine today squat. So thank you so, so much Michelle, for coming on.
I am excited to be here, Scott. Thank you. And thank you to your listeners.
Yeah, talk soon. All right. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify. I Heart Radio wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine
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