Welcome to Episode 147 – John Currie joins TTST to share his journey from being a US Marine pilot and taking that discipline to start Semper Savage. A true healthy salad dressing. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Slow down and be thoughtful
– John Currie
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great entrepreneur must have drive. Be a stubborn S.O.B.
2. When you engage with others, shut up, listen and learn, come away a litte wiser
3. John is a living legacy that serves others, especially Veterans
4. Make you bed in the morning, no matter what
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Hey this is john Perry with super savage salad dressing and marinate. If you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott for time to shine today varsity squad to discuss Ferguson and it’s Episode 147. It’s a little bit different here. I mean, I do interview entrepreneurs, coaches people to help you level up but this is a gentleman that I think a ton about a lot because I pretty much use his product at least three or four nights a week on my salads and steaks and chicken but I’m talking about my good friend john kerry of supper, savage salad dressings and marinades. And john is that basically has a salad dressing where he says there’s no food, chemistry, alchemy here. It’s everything that you find in here you can find on the outside of a shopping center. Like I always tell my my students, my clients, you know, when you go shopping shop the exterior because that’s where the healthy food is. And that’s what’s in the salad dressing. But not only the salad dressing john has a phenomenal story. He was a pilot in the United States Marines, Ra, a and he just levels up his life on a daily basis. And he at he has a great support system with his wife is a great support system with his mentors and I cannot wait to bring in this episode with my really, really good friend john kerry. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today Barsky squatty to Scott Ferguson and I am very stoked. I use that word a lot. But I’m very stoked to have my brother here. JOHN Curie on from suffer Savage. He is a marine pilot. He flew the super Cobras, lots of deployments, lots of missions. So true American hero and you know how it is close to my heart with having veterans to be able to come on to time to shine today and share their story. This one’s a little unique, you know, I mean, the Marines You know, I’m Navy guy got my marine over here, you know, they’re the men’s department. I’m okay saying that of the Navy. But these he’s a true badass. He also put together a fantastic salad dressing. And I gotta tell you, they sent me this and it’s already empty. They sent me this like last week. And this balsamic savage balsamic vinegar is the best vinegar at that I’ve ever frickin tasted in my life. It’s like, I don’t know how he did it to make a vinegar at actually taste meeting. And I don’t mean that in a chunky way. It’s just, it’s very full flavor. They do it by not putting any crap in their dressings. I’ve also started to dig into their Savage cinterion. Here with their Italian I’m not a big Italian lover, but my lady is and she’s in love with it. So john, again, like I said, he served in the United States Marines. when he was younger, he worked in a restaurant and he wanted to, he was really into like the Italian foods. And I’m just going to kind of stop and introduce john because I want to get into a story. And why why salad dressing what makes them tick is really designed the salad dressing here. So john, if you could please come on to the time to shine to dace and introduce yourself to the squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why favorite color is green, green. And the reason is that one it’s the color of my wife’s eyes.
That’s boom. Yeah, love it. Nah, but ya know, it’s always been a very restful color. That’s the word I use restful.
Love it. Love it. Gotcha. So let’s get into the origins here. I know Gabby’s pizza, right. I believe it’s something Yes,
Gabby, Debbie’s pizza is a place I worked. It was owned by a guy named Bill Barber, the dude when he got mad, he’s just an Italian. He had a little torn up book that was handwritten by his mom that had our recipes in it. It’s written in Italian. And, you know, he used all the best gradient ingredients and really made some good food, some fantastic pizza. And I just worked there as a teenager for for a couple years. But what I The important thing I learned while I was there, besides that old Italian people cousin Italian is, is that look, if you want to have great food, you’ve got to have a great recipe. Then you got to have great ingredients. And then all you got to do is put it together, right and voila, you got some great food. Real simple. In our food was really simple. I didn’t learn to make anything fancy. I learned to make, you know, like subs and salads and pizza. It was simple food, but God bless it was good. And so that was just a super important item that I took away from, from Gabby’s pizza, when I was young, they did have an unbelievable salad dressing, which I have been trying to replicate forever and never replicated. There’s, there were two other restaurants that I will mention, I don’t even know if they exist anymore. There was this whole place called for vinos. And another place called marshmallows. And they had this unbelievable, never tasted anything before in my life, but it was just like an urban cigarette. Now, that’s what I tried to duplicate those two and I finally got real close. Ours is a little different. But the savage Centurion, I finally got real close. But I just loved salad ever since I was probably about middle school age. Sure, I liked eating salad. And so I was interested in finding good salad dressings, but I couldn’t find anything off the shelf, I’d go and grab something, I put it on a salad, I’d eat it and be like, yeah, that’s terrible. Because most of it frankly, was, and still is, it’s probably worse now. And, and there’s a lot of reasons for that. Going back to ingredients and commodity, you know, commoditization of products and things like that. So, we, I experimented My way is the bottom line over literally, gosh, I probably started in college, maybe late college, I started experimenting with it. And then it wasn’t till about 2009 or so. I mean, so we’re talking like, damn near 20 years. So just gonna say because the seed was planted with your young when I was, and I believe that the story goes, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you know, for your birthday, your daughter got you, your face on mason jars or something like that, like kind of, you know, if you have one of them, they’re like for your birthday. Right? And they kind of like, it was Christmas in launch kit. Right? Yes. Check this out. All right. So here’s the little photograph. Yeah. And that’s it. Actually, that photograph has become part of a decent amount of marketing and stuff that we Yeah, absolutely. Sorry, the A boxful a case of these mason jars. And there was this little note to get started.
Yeah, hey, start fill them up. Okay, it was you know, it was funny and everything, but that really was kind of inspirational. We, you know, we’re looking at sort of a finished product. I mean, yeah, it was homemade. But looking at this product, and Stacey, I just kind of like, cheese. We ought to do it. Now. I had been told getting told for years by friends and family. You know, they’ll be like, dude, you have got to do something with this. I’m like, Yeah, but I don’t have you know, 100 grand to blow on something that’s probably going to fail, is really bottom line, what’s what’s in my mind. And so that brings up a second event. That was that was key. And I was working in the Pentagon. I was I was civilian. I had retired already, but I was working in the Pentagon Corps, Marine Corps aviation, working in the h1 shop. And Matt Talbert, this guy that I had already worked with for a couple years comes Walton, and one day, somebody says, Hey, Mack, how’s your how’s your barbecue sauce business going? And he starts cracking off about this barbecue sauce. And I’m like, dude, I had no idea. You had a barbecue sauce. And I said, Hey, I get the salad dressing. Let’s talk so we had lunch and bottom line is he mentored us? Mostly meat, just literally over lunch. It into how to get something into a bottle basically replicated his first steps. Okay. And and of his barbecue sauce, the barbecue sauce on barbecue sauce, man, they’re, they’re pretty. They’re fairly popular in Virginia. But yeah, he was huge. Just that little bit of mentorship. He’s like, No, dude, you don’t have to break the bank. You don’t have to spend 100 grand, you know, here’s how you do it. And so I said, awesome. started a company in 2018. We spent a year trying to figure out how we were going to do things, everything from labels to logos to named Shaw back about a year before we finally launched product Veterans Day last year 2019. So here we are in what are we in August. So you know, less than a year, less than a year in now. And we’re just now starting to get a little bit of traction. We’ve made a lot of changes along the way to our marketing in the way we engage the public products remain the same the products are Stacy still make some in the kitchen by hand. It’s the exact same thing that Stacy makes in the kitchen. It’s just in a bottle. It’s homemade salad dressing in a bottle. You’ve done the work for you. It’s already there. Your Italian grandmother would be proud
of the service. What’s differentiates cember savage from say, Newman’s or whatever else I could buy on the shelf other people,
but right well, so you mentioned humans in humans, I’ll tell you is he I say he but his organization. Back in the 80s. They launched some really great products. That product had that particular product. He had one product which was an olive oil and vinegar, I call it like, olive oil and vinegar vinegar at or something like that I remember right, right, it was really good. Well, it was extra virgin olive oil. And it had super simple ingredients. It was a it was good. I mean, I liked it. And over the years fighting for margin, you know, it’s like the the salad dressing wars or the you know, just the sauce wars, the grocery wars, companies are fighting for margin. And so I often use this example, the production cost center savage on a bottle of salad dressing is more than the retail costs on most salad dressings. Reason is, there’s no water, there’s no sugar, there’s no, there’s no, I call it food chemistry, alchemy. There’s no weird stuff, right? In our salad dressing. It is literally homemade salad dressing the Baba, you can find the ingredients in your in your cabinet, or you can go get them at your grocery store. And you could make this stuff yourself if you so desire.
I love it. And so what do you think it was that helped you around your blind spot? You think it was the mentor? Because you have this idea that was planted a while ago, and he’s kind of working through in this 2018. So it’s been 20 something years since maybe they like how you were around the salad dressing around the food market. But you’ve had it It must have been playing in your subconscious mind, which we talked a lot about here at time to shine today, john, but what do you think it was it really launched, you passed your blind spot?
It was it was support. So it was several, several people, several key people. My wife, Stacy was extremely supportive of the idea. I had plenty of friends who had a lot of friends that was kind of a big piece of building this bow wave of demand, where I sent this bow wave of demand outside of our family. Okay. But my, obviously our kids, we use it at our, you know, our kids loved it. Our daughter who we already kind of told the story it was away at school, missed it couldn’t couldn’t find it. And so, you know, we jump through some hoops to make sure she had what she wanted. But my wife Stacy basically said, Let’s go for it. And that was just what really
happened when you have that family support. I mean, my my lady works in the food service business and you know, I’m out building coaching businesses and real estate businesses. And she just like Fergie, just go get it. You know what I’m saying? That’s the best right? When Stacy’s like, let’s go do this. And done that. There’s nothing better than that. So freed up a lot. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. So what do you think makes now that you’re a year in and you’re becoming you’re finding success? You know, we believe here at time to shine today the inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard guitar. You know, when we have you know, you’re taking it step by step. What do you think makes a great entrepreneur?
Dr. Just Just not just being a stubborn sob.
The Marine sets you up for that? Yeah, you
know, yeah. Well, your baby. That’s that’s actually a really good point. So, you know, there’s a lot of jokes about Marines eating crayons, and how stupid we are at all and we embrace all of that. Definitely, we definitely take. We definitely have our moments, but all in all, I have found the and I actually think most of your, you know, most of our brethren in the Pentagon would probably agree. Mm hmm. Found the Marines to be the most savvy most absolutely having their shit together. Oh, yeah. You walk in the room.
It’s funny. You say savvy, because I always say that, you know, Marines are the most squared away savvy savages. I’ve used that for yours, brother. Because what I did in the service, I worked mostly with marine detachments. So like, I was around them all the time, and I had that preconceived thing, but then it was just like, Man, these guys are bad mF man. Not only are they that, but they’re smart as a F.
Right? Yeah. And we, you know, we embrace the whole Dell marine thing, but we know that it’s not actually true. Absolutely.
23 years of that sort of mindset of not only be be a little stubborn and don’t quit, but make sure you’re right. Right. Yeah. Double check yourself, look to your left and right and say, Hey, dude, does this plan makes sense? Yeah. That’s corporal schmuckatelli. Does this plan Do you understand this plan? Right? He goes, Oh, yes, you’re a guy. You’re like, okay, that’s a good plan
dumbed down enough to where it makes sense and
right, common sense. And so so I think I bring have brought a lot of that in and I would say that that many of those aspects that I mentioned, combine to make at least somebody who’s entrepreneurial whether or not they will find success. People see.
Right? So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. You’re familiar with the back of the future, right? Oh,
yeah, right. Yeah, baby. I love those movies. So let’s
go back to the 2223 year old john wooden knowledge nuggets, you drop it on him with the experience wisdom that you’ve gathered through the years, maybe helping shortness learning curve and level up.
Yeah, right at that age, from about 18 to 20 to 23, I would. First thing I would say to him is you’re an idiot. And I would say, hear me out until you recognize that you are an idiot. And that everybody, every time you walk in a room, every time you engage with somebody, you need to shut up and need to listen to what they have to teach you. Because there is always even the things you know that you are good at. There’s somebody better, absolutely the things that you maybe think you’re good at, there’s somebody who is actually good. don’t discount somebody because of their rank, their position or anything else. Listen, shut your mouth, listen up, and try to become a little more wise as you walk away from a situation. So that’s the first and I struggle with that every day, Scott, I still, to this day struggle with shutting up and listening and learning and becoming a little more wise, I tried to become more wise, but I you know, I continually fail at it.
That’s fine. As long as you’re failing forward, we’d like to say here at times you have it, you know, you know just I love that Shut up. Listen, and come away a little bit wiser from every encounter. So how about your dash? How do you want your dash remembered? Now that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want john kerry’s dash remembered?
I wanted to read john William Carey, the fourth Lieutenant Colonel United States Marine Corps, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan,
love it served self serving people, you hear that he’s a total go giver. And not only that, he’s building a company, which is a really go giver as well, because he’s taken out the crap. And the impurities that you find a lot on those grocery store shelves, like his, his salad dressing could literally be sold on the exterior, I tell everybody that I coach shop, the exterior of every grocery store, this salad dressing could be placed there because it’s natural. It’s fantastic. And don’t then make sure you stay on here because I have a giveaway at the end of our little interview here with my friend, john. So, john, you’ve you’ve accomplished a lot of things, you know, Lieutenant Colonel, in the Marine badass pilots, you know, you’re kind of coming up, you and your wife come up with a salad dressing that’s just amazing. Is there any big, big big thing that you really want to accomplish before you expire?
You okay, so big thing personally,
or big thing, and it can be anything, brother, anything.
I’m telling you, big thing personally is a very little thing. I want to live in peace on a farm and be able to work outside and chop wood. I yeah, I told my mom years ago, I said, You know, I spent the first 25 years of my life trying to get off the farm and go out and see the world and grew up on a horse farm and go out and go out and see the world and do some great things. And I spent the next 25 trying to get back. Man, that’s it. I’m telling you that that is my that is my goal is to live with my wife and hopefully our grandchildren. Yeah, you know,
I love that. I mean, I’ve you know, I live here and I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean I’m exactly where I want to be pretty much for the rest of my life. I want to travel and kind of do things and help as many people along the way as much as I can but you know what, I’m a guy that I just want to walk in the ocean every single morning. And that’s it you know bottom I’m not a surf guy I’m not this but I can go walk right out my back door and there it is. You know I’m saying and that’s what I’ve always wanted and you’re making your stuff come to fruition and you’re doing it but in the service of others so john Tell me three things that you can’t live without.
Oh man.
Yeah, so
I want I need my quiet time I need I needed my kind of time alone. I need to I maybe I could live without her but my wife provides me an unbelievable amount of just support and strength validation. And a lot of times she slaps me around a little we need it rather. Yeah, but I’m until I get that’s the other one and oh my gosh, probably I would have to say just my my books and my personal ego. You know my books and And actually I use YouTube a lot now, but alright, the ability to go out there and get some more knowledge. And
yeah. So, john, what would be your definition of a life well lived?
I’ll tell you what, Wow, that is a huge question. And so here’s my answer. My answer is when I am 85 or 90 years old, and I got grandkids or great kids and grandkids sitting on my knee, and they look up at me and they say,
Grandpa, great grandpa, what did you do
with your life? Whatever I tell them, I wanted to have meaning. So things that have meant a lot to me was when I served in the Marine Corps. Sure, that’s great. A lot of people to I had the opportunity to make history on three different continents. That is huge. I had the opportunity, though, along the way to serve a lot of other people. As a leader, yeah. To and develop relationships with those people, which I maintain To this day, some people I’ve got old Marines, I haven’t. I haven’t laid eyes on for 25 years. But we still talk via Facebook, or they’ll send me Facebook
phenomena. It’s great.
So those sorts of connections, that the ability to serve others and now I’m seeking a way to serve, particularly veterans, but veterans and their families and first responders and their families. Love it post service. Strong I think there’s a very, very broad definition of a life well lived.
No, I love it. You’re you’re living it, you are the epitome of a living legacy, man, you are, you’re living your legacy every day. So those great grandkids grandkids are on your lap. Like man, I got busy Li vi n every day. And that’s what you’re doing. I mean, you didn’t get out of the Corps, and then go and do nothing, you’re actually still leveling up and helping. And that’s what we’d like to hear here at time to shine today. So john, as we wind things down here a bit, we’d like to have our leveling up lightning round. You and I could talk for 1520 minutes, but I’m going to throw the drill instructor out here and say you got five seconds. All right. Bottom line, five seconds, no explanations. Okay. for it. All right. All right, you’re ready. All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Shut up and listen. Love it.
share one of your personal habits to contribute to your success.
And make my bed every morning no matter what.
Love that. Love it. So not the book you’re reading. Now you do a lot of reading and not the little book you’re reading now. Not the flavor of the month that you’re seeing out there. But if I’m in the doldrums, man, I need to be leveled up and lifted. Like Fergie. Here’s this book. Read it. What is he?
Did? There are so many.
So too, right now, just a book out there. So first? Yeah, I would say grab something by Simon Sinek.
Go. People have said that. I love it. I love it. Yeah. So what is your most commonly used emoji in your text?
Ah, most commonly you used is not necessarily my favorite, but it’s the laughing it’s the it’s the laughing that’s at a 45 degree.
Yeah, people say the laughing when I’m like sideways or up right? I always say you you got Marina me described. I love it. I love it. So physically, john, everyone wants to say the age I am now physically with the wisdom you gather? What age would you want to be for the rest of your life?
If I could take my wisdom with me? Absolutely. 35
There you go, baby, I would say between 32 and 35. Because that can tell you what it’s a lot easier to get out of bed and just get rockin. Right. So what’s your favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and or money to?
Man? That’s a good one. I’m actually struggling to find it. But any? I haven’t found one yet. Okay, I have in the past I’ve given to other things like young life insurance, stuff like that. I think
you guys super savage is going to set up an organization that you’re going to head up and I’m going to be one of your first donator. So it’s going to be fantastic. What’s the best? This is the last question. It’s kind of hard. You can explain this one if you want since it’s the last one. Well, what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
It’s 70s. But it’s late 70s and early 80s. There you go.
Love it. Great.
I would say later.
Johnny, how can we how can we find your brother,
man, if you google Semper Savage, we’re gonna pop up. Our Facebook page is going to pop up our website’s page is going to pop up. You’re an affiliate though now Scott, man you can send your your all your listeners right to your affiliate page love and they’re going to get a code They can get a little discount other than that but yeah just google super savage and click on anything that pops up
All right man so in folks that will be in the show notes everything from Super savage whether it’s twitter, instagram youtube and you get to watch this YouTube video it’s fantastic the first one on your left when you open up this page fantastic and I am going to personally mail you two bottles one of the savage balsamic vinegar and one of the Savage cinterion to the first person who replies within either the LinkedIn posts or the Facebook posts and both of them are time to shine today so be linkedin.com slash in slash time to shine today or facebook.com slash time to shine today that’s my gift to you is two bottles one of the Savage cinterion and one of those savage balsamic which is my absolute favorite. And john leaves us with one more little Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action on
oh gosh
slow down and be thoughtful of it. Slow down and be thoughtful understand what you were talking about take the time to become more wise read Dostoevsky read sultanates and look at you know look at Jordan Jordan Peterson’s classes for free on line you can get a master’s degree just doing that but I’m just trying to become more wise Yeah, you
know, squad we just had basically kind of like a free masterclass from a veteran that’s leveling up. And he is starting with his passion and taking it you know, again to the next level. You know, he’s a pilot I had the opportunity many times because what he did the military to be in ready rooms with pilots before they’re starting to go out and I didn’t really dig into john, and maybe we’ll have him on again and go through it. But his last thing he said is slow down and be thoughtful. I remember being in the ready room and all the pilots were getting into their zone if you will, for lack of better term. And that he’s the epitome of slowing down me and thoughtfulness. He’s growing this company, he’s going to tell you, you know his food, there’s no food chemistry, alchemy, in his in his awesome super savage salad dressing. You know, he believes that every entrepreneur should have a drive and persistence that does not recognize failure. If you’re young or even if you’re just still leveling up through your life, shut the hell up. And listen, because everybody will have a little Knowledge Nugget to give you if you’re live, literally willing to shut your mouth and God gave you one mouth and two ears for reasons. So john did remind us that he wants to live in peace. He wants to chop wood. That’s fantastic. You know he’s living this life serving people so we can go live the life you want. And john is a living legacy bottom line people the guy is out doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it with his partner in life. I mean, what else could you ask for? JOHN? You’re part of the time to shine today varsity squad now you can’t go anywhere. Thank you so so much for coming on Brother.
Brother. I really appreciate you have me on man. It was an absolute pleasure. Thank excellent.
Have a great day brother. finances. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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