Welcome to Episode 111: Sandy Harvey lives her life with purpose and is always paying it forward and helping others Level UP. Transplant from Texas to my home state of Michigan, Sandy is an ex athlete with a heck of a story. A woman of faith with a HUGE heart! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Don’t be so hard on yourself, you don’t have to be perfect
– Sandy Harvey
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Be present with everyone and everything
2. Be concerned about others, give and help when you can!
3. Find and live out your purpose
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Sandy Harvey with Exodus consulting group. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend,
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Scott circuits. Time to shine today varsity squad it is Episode 111 and this is Scott Ferguson. And again here at time to shine today we don’t want anyone to feel like they have no one and you have came to the right place if you’re looking for connection, passion, and integrity and leveling up all three of those. Today we have Sandy Harvey, she located in Michigan originally from Fort Worth, Texas. And man, we had a fantastic, fantastic conversation. She reminds us to be present and be concerned about others and find and living out your purpose. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Sandy Harvey from Exodus Consulting Group. Enjoy
Unknown Speaker 1:04
Hey, time to shine today bursty swatted is Scott Ferguson and as we all see here a time to shine. We don’t want anyone to feel like they have no one and I have the opportunity to sit down which is kind of a home girl from Michigan. She migrated believe this or not from Texas, to me with her awesome husband, who has a church that he planted about 25 years ago in Hazel Park, Michigan and I have so many great memories of Hazel Park and being up there in the deep but Sandy Harvey, who’s my good friend here she is fantastic way to hear the knowledge nuggets that she’s going to drop on you she’s impact speaker, which she looked at her if you’re watching on YouTube. She’s fantastic. She’s beautiful, bright, vibrant smile. She She carries the audience. She’s a skilled strategist and purposeful connector. She’s the founder of Apple To this Consulting Group, a transformational people and process firm a pastoral executive yes people she’s a pastor fantastic I’m faith based people that know that about me this is going to be an awesome awesome conversation. Again a pastoral executive and leadership coach Sandy is a success visionary and passionate diversity and inclusion disciple and impact speaker like I said before she seeks to be a positive influence. So Sandy Welcome to time shine today please come on and do it yourself to the scribe but first, what emoji Do you use the most when you’re texting?
Unknown Speaker 2:35
The smiley face with the tears running just laugh
Unknown Speaker 2:39
What’s your favorite color? Purple. Why is that royalty? I was just gonna say royalty. That’s awesome. Up cool. So let’s let’s start a little bit at your origin. So you’re originally from Texas, correct? Absolutely. from Fort Worth, Texas. Fort Worth, Texas. Beautiful and what kind of your husband planted a church in Michigan, so you kind of went with him. That’s fantastic. So let’s get to the origins a little bit about your backstory, your origins and Exodus.
Unknown Speaker 3:08
Sir. I started Exodus about two and a half years ago originally when I moved to Michigan from Texas, I could not find a job, believe it or not, I didn’t have automotive manufacturing or union background. So everybody considered me to be unemployable. And I just thought there’s something wrong with this picture. So originally, when I moved to from Texas to Michigan, I did consulting for four and a half years, where I’ve worked with, you know, global companies doing leadership development and diversity training. And and so for me, I’ve always had that in me to kind of do my own thing, but really wanting to see the impact and that’s really where I knew But I had to start my own business because I want it to be a positive impact on helping organizations transform.
Unknown Speaker 4:09
Love it. And so your organization’s your, that you’d like to work with. They’re about 250 employees and under that I read that right or are you going larger than that? Or what? What’s your? Yes?
Unknown Speaker 4:20
So generally, I work with a nonprofit with the has one person, and I have a work with the client, that’s an auto dealership and they’re 1400 people. So it just ranges most of what I look for is the connection. I don’t take every engagement, I look for integrity, I look for people that are really passionate about their people. That’s extremely important. You can’t just focus on process but you also have to focus on people as well. And I really want to work with organizations that do right Other people.
Unknown Speaker 5:01
I love that so there’s like we use a term here in coaching. You’ve probably heard this the right horse for the course. So yeah, I want to make sure then they fit and so let me ask you something like, what do you ask them to find maybe their blind spot? You find if you know you’re gonna be able to work together you feel the integrity, the passion, that connection, you find what what is your processor can ask for some secret sauce here, find their blind spot to help them level up.
Unknown Speaker 5:32
The interesting thing is once I start talking and engaging with potential clients, I delve into sports.
Unknown Speaker 5:43
Gardening buddies.
Unknown Speaker 5:45
I grew up I had really, really bad childhood asthma. And my pediatrician, told my mother to put me in soccer, so I played soccer at the age of four, the only African American In soccer in the 70s for many years, really female. Wow. Yes. So I really, you know, kind of use the sports analogies and conversation to really kind of help to see where people are missing things.
Unknown Speaker 6:20
Wow. So you actually you ask powerful questions probably. Right. And then you listen not only with your ears, but with your eyes and you kind of read the whole person, you know, and being in sports. You know, I played, maybe not the level. I never play soccer. I just never thought about chasing a ball around. But I know, Vina sports you know about failure.
Unknown Speaker 6:44
Unknown Speaker 6:44
Tell us about one. Yes, in the business world where you failed forward and overcame. Mm hmm.
Unknown Speaker 6:52
I would say for me
Unknown Speaker 6:55
just doing business as an entrepreneur. Starting and having big dreams, and not reaching goals, but then not stopping. And for for that first year of this time of starting my business I started in, you know, early on when I moved to Michigan, but in 2017 starting my business and going through 2018 really having to analyze, is this the right thing to do? You know, am I qualified to do this? So I really started thinking about myself, I started coaching myself, you know, about my ability, my skill, and I kept with it 2019 was a better year, and it gets better, you know, each and every day, but I am an impatient person, and I know that and an athlete in you all the time. I have to deal with it. Yeah, I’m always on.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Right. So did you feel like you had at a certain time and imposter syndrome, kind of like Where you are not sure if you’re qualified, I think I heard that we feel like you’re not qualified. Yeah, and we help actually people at time to shine actually have a coach myself, I’ll get imposter syndrome, you know weekly, where I’m feeling especially as you’re growing and as you grow, you’re gonna feel that imposter syndrome. That’s what I tell the squads every squad out there every day that you took action, you know, we say here time to shine today inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the art, it’s hard so we break it down inch by inch. That’s, that’s fantastic. So if I’m out at a networking event, which hopefully we all get out there and be able to do that, again, about pressing some flash or meeting some people. What is someone going to say that is gonna make me think Exodus consulting as a good contact connection referral.
Unknown Speaker 8:50
Someone that I want to introduce to you what are they going to say to me?
Unknown Speaker 8:54
Sure, you know, generally those that connect with me or as a are referred to me want some type of transformation. So either that’s personally or that is professionally, they are at a point in their life where they know there’s something more, I do a lot of presentations around purpose. And even for myself growing up, you know, especially as a young female, you were conditioned to take this job and move up the ladder and continue to move up the ladder and continue to move up the ladder. And then that is what is deemed as success. But success may not look like that for everyone. And those that individuals that are at networking events are generally saying, You know what, I know that there’s something more I know my organization can do more. I know we can be more efficient. I know we can be more impactful. I know we can grow. I’m just not sure how to do that.
Unknown Speaker 9:57
Gotcha. That’d be a great intro for you. Then you can kind of take them through your process of, of getting them to a situation where they can level up at a fantastic. Thank you for answering like that’s, that’s a beautiful answer. So what did your family kind of think about your choice to move to Michigan? Gotta have that one.
Unknown Speaker 10:15
Well, there’s a couple of pictures, wedding pictures where my mom doesn’t look as happy as she probably could. I’m the youngest. So I’m her baby. And it was she she was happy. She’s elated. She knows the right thing. Believe it or not, my husband and I we met online in 2001. Wow. Yeah. Before it was cool, or, you know, the fad. And so we actually started emailing and talking on the phone. And we were married within 11 months. So I quit, quit my job, sold my house and moved to Michigan.
Unknown Speaker 10:57
Wow. That’s fantastic. I mean, God was pulling you They’re I mean, obviously, there had to have been something there that this popped off in your head that that’s amazing. And that’s called faith. Yes. Yeah, that’s faith right there. Nothing more than that. So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. Okay, remember that movie, right? I mean, look, you don’t look old enough to remember it, but I am. Okay. Got that. So, let’s get in there. Let’s go back to say the 20 to 23 year old Sandy kind of knowledge, I guess. Are you giving her to maybe shorten the learning curve if she’ll listen? Yes, shorten the learning curve and then level up.
Unknown Speaker 11:37
I would probably tell her to
Unknown Speaker 11:42
give herself a break.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
I still deal with, you know, occasions of perfection. And always, you know, seeking to do the best be the best. Not necessarily To be noticed, because I am an introvert though I love the work that I do. But really, you know, give myself a break. For me, I would, I’m really hard on myself, okay. And that’s something at that age, I felt like okay, I need an MBA, I need to do this I and I just had this goal and strategy for life. But I didn’t really incorporate faith into it and what God’s plans were for. So some of that I have to kind of go back and rework over the years of being right where I should be instead of where I want it to be.
Unknown Speaker 12:39
Gotcha. So really telling her not to be too hard on yourself, you don’t have to seek out perfection. You know, keep keep pushing forward. God, you know, let the faith I love that. I love that. So, we have, we have what we call here at time to shine today, the dash and I want to know how you Want your dash remembered? And that squad wants to know, you know, that little line that’s in between the life date and death date? Oh, do you want your dash to be remembered your epitaph if you will?
Unknown Speaker 13:11
That’s a really good question. I think for me, when I think about how I want people to look back on me, it’s to definitely say that she was all in that I was present. With everyone and in everything. I think this current covert crisis has reminded me that even more is to be present with people and then that I was concerned about the lives of other people. And for me, that’s extremely important. I feel
Unknown Speaker 13:49
totally blessed,
Unknown Speaker 13:50
even as we go through COVID to be in the situation and circumstance that I’m in and so you know, It For Me, I want people to know that they matter to me.
Unknown Speaker 14:04
Love that love that your total go giver. That’s amazing. That is amazing. So when you start working with these nonprofit groups or companies, when you’re starting in the discovery process with them, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 14:27
it’s interesting because
Unknown Speaker 14:30
they pay me for my expertise, right.
Unknown Speaker 14:37
But most organizations that hire strategists or consultants already have an idea of what they want, right? A lot of times, right, yes. So it’s like, well, this is what I want to do. I need you to help me do what I want to do. Okay. And so I think if if I had individuals or To ask, I would say, what is it that you would do?
Unknown Speaker 15:05
Love it? I love it. What do you like? What would you do? Or what failures? Have you had that? You know, like, I want to hear about you a lot. Now that’s that’s fantastic. I wish that they would ask me that a lot of times. I’m sure some of my clients are out there listening in laughing about that right now because I’ll be like, you know, I’m going to tell you a little bit about me and my failures. I’ll just answer for them without them even asking. That’s funny. So what do people say this? What do people miss understand about Sandy the most?
Unknown Speaker 15:35
I think they misunderstand the reserve and quietness as standoffish sometimes. I am extremely intentional when I’m in public and even at church, you know, is to engage and, you know, with emotional intelligence and all the other tools and resources out there. I’m very Try to be very self aware. Love it and pay attention to people. So if I watched them long enough, I’ll know what it is that they’re feeling and so I can hook up with them. I love
Unknown Speaker 16:09
that. I love that. So what give me give me your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
Oh gosh. It’s one where I’m able to give back. I’m like, the more that I make, the more that I do, the more that I can give. Last week we were gave back to the Hazel Park, fire and police departments. We took a mask and gloves and hand sanitizer and candy and backpack and coffee mugs you know, just just to try to make a small difference. But I really think that as you receive more, that’s the more that you give. And even if that means giving more of myself emotionally, I want to be able to do that as well.
Unknown Speaker 16:58
Absolutely. You cannot Give God in the universe, right? I mean, it’s like, your God is providing you with all these blessings. Why can’t you just give because the more you give, yeah, to stay open to receptivity to because you’ll get yours it might not be money, who cares if it’s money, you know, but it might be like it’s funny the other day is like, my god daughter never calls me you know what I did something for somebody that I never would do, you know, a little bit different because you know, I don’t work with my hands but I actually went out and changed a tire. And I was like, ah, next thing Oh, my god daughter called me like an hour later for Michigan. And I was like, Oh, yeah, that’s like I’m open to it. That’s awesome. Your total gogear That’s fantastic. As we wind things down, Miss Sandy, we like to go through what’s called a leveling up lightning round. Okay, so I’m going to ask you five or six questions, no explanations, just whatever comes off the top of your head. Okay. They’re super easy. You can do it. I promise you. Okay. Even someone soccer player from Texas can do it. Ready? Yeah, we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 18:07
Don’t be perfect.
Unknown Speaker 18:08
of that. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 18:14
Take a chill pill. Just relax, right? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 18:18
Chill. Alright, so other than the Good Book and not the book you’re reading now or the flavor of the month, recommended a book that’s kind of like your go to this written by a human being, you know, like, what is your like? Mine’s Andy Andrews. I mean, he’s a Christian comedian, but he wrote a book called the travelers gift, fantastic book, and it’s life changing if you read it, but what is your book?
Unknown Speaker 18:42
So mine is the Purpose Driven Life.
Unknown Speaker 18:44
Love it. Nuff said. Nuff said?
Unknown Speaker 18:48
What if you could be one age for the rest of your life? What would it be?
Unknown Speaker 18:52
The pivotal one was 5051. Now what?
Unknown Speaker 18:57
Yes. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, people You’re watching you understand if you’re not watching hop on the YouTube channel, because there’s no way to assist you. I’m 48 and I guess it must run in the water in Michigan or something. He says looking young. Wow. Okay, fantastic. So what charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to.
Unknown Speaker 19:17
So my husband is on the board of what was South Oakland shelters now the lighthouse and we do a lot with homeless this in Oakland County. So we the the lighthouse is where we are.
Unknown Speaker 19:31
That’s what we’re doing beautiful things that are a little bit last question. What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 19:39
Unknown Speaker 19:43
I’d say 9090s. Really?
Unknown Speaker 19:47
80s 90s but not I would go over 90. Okay, very cool. I love 99 Yeah, it’s cool crisscross.
Unknown Speaker 19:55
So how can we find you so you can Find me. My personal handle is Sandy Lynn Harvey is everywhere. By the way, you put me in an RV and just Google. Together. She shows up in like the first five pages of Google. I tried it earlier. So I noticed at the end, it’s Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, everything, Sandy Lynn Harvey. That’s it. Awesome. So I’ll put all of her links in the show notes people, and leave the time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget you want them to take with them internalize and put into action.
Unknown Speaker 20:30
Oh, one of the things I’ve shared and have been sharing recently is find your purpose. And then live out your purpose.
Unknown Speaker 20:42
Find and live out your purpose. Mm hmm. Love this. I have like pages of notes from from Sandy here. And I have to tell you folks, I mean, I’m blessed. You know, a former athlete. That was really at her time a minority in the game and she still rocked it. She’s always looking for connection, passion and integrity with People that she works, works for and works with. If you’re looking for transformation personally or professionally, and looking for purpose, make sure you give Sandy a call or hit her up online anywhere. She’ll be happy to give you a little bit of her time to see if you’re the right fish. Not she doesn’t take just anybody again. She takes people that are looking for connection, passion and integrity. People don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t strive for perfection. Maybe strive a little bit for greatness. This perfection is impossible. Like we always talk about here time to shine today perfection is impossible. If you’re striving for greatness you will attain it. And one thing that I’ve noticed about Sandy she’s present with everyone and everything. She is always looking to level up not only herself she’s humble, she’s healthy. She’s leveling up her health leveling up her wealth and now she’s part of our squad and thank you so so much Sandy for coming aboard and can’t go anywhere. Now you’re part of the time to shine today squad. I appreciate it. Thank you. It’s been awesome. Have a great day. You too. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes for our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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