Welcome to Episode 91! You are in for a real treat today. My conversation with my friend from the ‘left’ coast Robyn Koenig from Rare Find was in itself it’s own master class! Robyn is a self professed self-improvement junkie and she pays it forward big time to help others Level UP! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
It’s not about your experience, but what you bring to the table from that experience
– Robyn Koenig
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. We all have the ability to solve our own problems. We just need to get out of our own way
2. A great coach will not ‘should’ all over you. They will not judge. They will dig to find your blind spot and help navigate you to Level UP
3. TFA Train – Thoughts leads to Feelings to Actions you take
4. Everybody has a gift and it’s made to be shared
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Rare Find Instagram
Rare Find Coaching Facebook
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Robin Tony with verifying and it really wants to learn how to level up your life. You should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott 30 cents time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and this is episode 91. And I’m super over the moon stoked and happy to bring you my good friend Robin Koenig from rare find. Robin has a phenomenal story and how she’s leveled up and really put herself out there to be able to help others level up. She lives over on the left coast in my favorite city in the whole wide world of San Diego. And she helps a really kind of niched into the fitness businesses but she also has coaches from other backgrounds and other aspects as well. She’s mentored by someone that I superduper respect Mr. Steve Farber, he wrote one of my top 10 favorite business parables and radical leap and she is under his tutelage and others as well to help people level up so sit back this is like a free masterclass for you people So, take notes, and just have a lot of fun because Robin is so personable. She’s so outgoing, and it was so fun to Interviewer So without further ado, here’s Robin Koenig with rarified.
Unknown Speaker 1:30
Hey, time to shine first podcast. Why did Scott Ferguson and I have my friend from the left coast out here in San Diego? Listen to her first on my good friend Josh taps lucky Titan podcast, just a fantastic interview. So I had to track her down because I wanted her contagious enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and just her nature. I want to get her out for you to listen to Robin Koenigsegg in her phone. Lhasa fee by understanding your gifts and they are the key to using them as your superpowers. Robin is a as a professor of self improvement junkie public speaker and ICF Certified Professional coach. Robin is an expert at combining mindset and self confidence with intentional action to create powerful change with more than 20 years in corporate nonprofit freelance and entrepreneurship. She has a first a talent analysts perspective about the path to success and roadblocks in the way. Well, that’s some serious serious credential. So Robin, welcome to time to shine today. podcast, please introduce yourself but first, what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:41
Hey, Scott, thanks for having me. Um, this is so fun. Let me think my favorite color I would say is pink. I’m wearing it right now. Not because I’m super girly. In fact, I have a really hard time being super girly, but hot pink. It’s just I don’t know. It’s like, Oh, look
Unknown Speaker 2:57
at you. I have a dark side. So I can pull off the pink too. And my girls like you gotta wear your picture to them. Okay? But no, Pink is perfect. It’s royal pink is royal, but it’s also love and in openness, which from all the vetting out that I’ve did on you, it’s exactly what you are. So give us the the origins of verifying, verifying law. I just want to make sure I have that final up. You’ve the origins of that, maybe even a little bit before that, that got you to there.
Unknown Speaker 3:26
Hmm, okay, well, I’m gonna try and keep it simple. So rare find is the name of my business. It has been an evolution in the last three years. So I became a coach in 2017. Mostly because I lost my job. I was running a nonprofit organization for about six years. And I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do. I was like, at a place of where I just said, What do I love to do? and What don’t I want to do? I stopped and I thought about it for a moment and I realized I love helping people figure out solutions to whatever they’re stuck with, but I didn’t want to give them the answers. You know? So I’m a mom, I’ve got four teenagers. And I feel like I’m kind of constantly that go to person of like, Hey, mom helped me with this, whatever, which is awesome. But at the same time, I really wanted to find a way to use some of my gifts to help other people move forward, get them to what they wanted to do, you know, bring them more joy and happiness in their life. So I decided to get my coaching credentials. And then for the last three years, I’ve been navigating through finding what kind of coaching really resonates with me and the kinds of clients that I attract. So rare find was essentially this umbrella opportunity to say I want to help people feel like they are rarefied in this world, whether it’s in their job, their personal life, as a parent, you know, whatever it is that there’s something very special and unique and brilliant about them that they can bring forward and make shine. So that’s kind of where it came from. Quick little snippet about that is that the name actually came from a LinkedIn review from a mentor of mine, who’s an amazing expert in leadership, his name is Steve Farber, you may read
Unknown Speaker 5:03
my gosh, I have a book right here. Okay, I gotta grab it for the screen which was in San Diego and I actually stalked him down in 2007. So okay, yeah, radical leap and radical edge are two books that literally stuck me up so hard with Steve sorry, but
Unknown Speaker 5:23
Unknown Speaker 5:24
he’s actually a good friend of mine. He’s been a mentor of mine as well. And so I asked him to do a review for me for LinkedIn to find a job, whatever. Well, long story short, he did this amazing review. He said I was a triple threat, which I thought was so cool. Like, wow. And he he listed out the three things that he felt I was really good at. And given my experience, he called me a rarefied. And I was like, shocked. I was like, this is this made me feel so amazing. I want other people to feel that way. So that’s actually where the name came from the triple threat. So he called out three things. He said, I have a gift with data and numbers. But I have a love for the people I serve. And I have a basically a warm approachability to your approach to help and support them along the way. So I didn’t know those were the things that I was. I knew I was good at certain things, but when he called them out and combine it with my experience in corporate and nonprofit and freelance, he just said I was a rare fine and I just took that really to heart. So thank you, Steve Farber.
Unknown Speaker 6:23
Yeah, he’s, he’s amazing.
Unknown Speaker 6:26
In what he writes about because I was telling you off off air here, that when I lived in San Diego and stuff, and I wrote my short stories, that gets published in a couple months, and it’s a business parable kind of like radical leap and radical edge and I reverted back to that in in actually gave some homage to Steve fent fantastic human being. So what would you Okay, so you came out of the nonprofit? And why coaching though, because we didn’t really get that what why did you say, I’m going to be a coach?
Unknown Speaker 6:57
Yeah, so coaching because I believe that So much in the fact that we all have the ability to solve our own problems, we just have a lot of stuff in the way, a lot of fear a lot of things that we feel like are going to prevent us from getting you know, the dream job or getting, you know, the relationship we want or just being really happy. And so coaching is just a process. It literally is just a process of guiding people. I call it myself. I’m the navigator. They’re the drivers to
Unknown Speaker 7:25
see navigator that’s gonna say right there. Excellent. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 7:29
they’re still in the driver’s seat. So I’m not necessarily telling them this is what you should do. Like, I don’t shoot on people, right? I’m helping them say, Okay, well, let’s really look at this. Let’s really understand what’s going on. And honestly, it all starts with your mind. It all starts with what you believe. And so the root of understanding whether you’re going to do something or not do something is what you think, you know, and that might sound super simple, but it truly is and when you have another person outside of your life, where they can actually see things differently. They can really help shine a light on those areas of opportunity without judgment. Without it, you know, making you feel like you’re doing something wrong. And that’s why I really think coaching is so powerful. There’s a lot of other modalities out there that are amazing that help people through stuff, therapy works. That’s for the past coaching works. It’s for you in the now and moving to the future. Yeah, taking
Unknown Speaker 8:21
that next level, like we say, level up here. Time to shine. So what then makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 8:27
Hmm. Again, removing judgment, you know, not not looking at something as is a good bad, right or wrong, meeting the client where they are, you know, everybody’s starting at a different place, but just being very present and meeting them where they are and helping them get to whatever that next step is. And then of being a really good listener, you got to get to really try and pick up on certain things that might not be necessarily said, but step back and really assess what could be going on the bigger picture. And then also looking at where they could maybe just take one little thing at a time not overwhelming the client with too many, you know, options really trying to break it down for them. So it’s digestible and manageable and moving into intentional action, what are the things they can do that are actually going to have the powerful results, not just being busy, not just here’s a whole bunch of stuff to do, and books to read and so forth, that they can do that DIY. But you know, what are the thing What’s one thing that they can do and then holding them accountable?
Unknown Speaker 9:25
That’s amazing that you said that, like you’re removing judgment, that’s the first thing you do. Even when I’m coaching, you have to remove the judgment because you don’t know what their past is, and what you said about listening. You’re not just listening with your ears, your listening with your ad, their actions, their posture, their way they own, and stuff like that. So you’re really picking up on there. I’m going to we’re going to get to the next question. I’m going to talk about blind spots, but you’re really picking up on those blind spots and you’re putting together a process to help them take intentional action. I did I kind of emphasize that back to you. That’s perfect. Okay, so what is the story secret sauce that you use at rare fine to help coach it or help the people you coach find their blind spots.
Unknown Speaker 10:11
So first thing, again is coming back to the beliefs, you know, really helping them communicate, right and reflect on what is it that they’re thinking. So there’s there’s three pieces to it, I call it the TFA train to being your thoughts, your beliefs, which are then connected to the feelings or the emotions that you’re having, which then produce either an action or even an inaction associated. And you can’t just jump from having, say, a negative belief to a positive action. It’s not connected that way. And so when I’m able to look at what the action is what’s going on, what are you actually what’s the product? What are you producing out of this situation? Let’s go back to what you’re thinking. What do you believe to be true? Right? Is it is it true? Is it the truth? Is it complete Bs, right? So we joke about how we call people out on their Bs, right? It could stand for literally the BS. But it could also say for their belief system, what is the belief system that they’re that they’re really wrapping around? What’s the story they’re telling themselves. And when they start to get real about that, which is really difficult sometimes write to just say, like, this is the story. I’m telling myself, this is the belief I have. Is it really true? And is it serving you? My absolute favorite question is, is it serving you? Because you might be like, I am pissed off right now. I am mad about this. And this is why and the belief that I have is this and this and this awesome. Judgment there. Is it serving you? Is it getting you what you want at the end of the day? And it will be Yes, great. And if you say no, great.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
Either way, you’re right now what Henry Ford said.
Unknown Speaker 11:51
Okay, so, I’m at a networking event not now because we’re in D 9625 of our COVID corn, back end processing, some flash memory Some people, and they’re coming up to me What are kind of what am I listening for? To know if someone is a good prospect contact or connection to introduce to refine?
Unknown Speaker 12:10
Hmm, great question. Are they stuck? Are they stuck? Is there something that they really truly want that they just aren’t getting for whether they think they’re not getting it for somebody else’s reason if they’re putting blame out there because oh COVID is preventing me from actually having higher sales in my business, or my business partner doesn’t agree with my approach, right? There’s something that’s preventing them from moving forward in whatever it is that they want to do now, very specifically, right now I work with small businesses, and even more specifically in health and fitness. So okay, Hi, my like my people are our small business owners in health and fitness, that are struggling to be focused, get organized, remove all the stuff in their way so that they can actually work. More money work less and spend more time with their
Unknown Speaker 13:01
families. curious about that. The follow up, how did you? How did health and fitness people kind of become your avatar? You know, your people that you’re going after? Did you start kind of like they have your pulse need help, I want to help you and then organically move that way or how did that happen?
Unknown Speaker 13:18
So I believe so much in the fact that you attract people to the kinds of things that you enjoy in your life. So my lifestyle is very oriented around health and fitness. I actually discovered fitness about 10 years ago, I became an athlete. I was never involved in sports before, but at the age of 35, I discovered, oh, what is this thing called a barbell? Oh, I can actually do that. And so I started to work out and train. I became a coach as well, a fitness coach. And then I started to compete as a Olympic weightlifter for three years. Really?
Unknown Speaker 13:49
No, that’s solid now you’re talking my language. That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. Did you do in the competitions?
Unknown Speaker 13:57
I did well, I I what’s the word I’m looking for qualified? Wow, nice outside for nationals three years in a row regulations Robin Oh, and, and it was one of those things again, I surrounded myself with the kinds of people doing the things that I believe are, you know, part of the overall wellness and health. optimal health I guess is really what I like to talk about optimal health for and so, you know, it’s fitness, it’s complimentary healthcare, you know, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapy, you know, gym owners, those are the people that I just, those are the people I surround myself with. So when that happens, then you start to attract people to the kinds of work you’re doing and say, How can I serve you?
Unknown Speaker 14:39
Gotcha. So then I got to just pile on this with a kind of a secret sauce that you’re using then, to keep these people coming back to you because we all know that January one, everyone’s blah, blah, blah, you know, and ready by February 10. They’re not anymore. So what are you doing and what are you using to keep these people on track to leveling up,
Unknown Speaker 15:02
I’m actually really helping them take one step forward at a time and make sure that they’re moving. Right. So it’s so easy to say, as a business owner, that these are the things that are I’m stuck with, right? I don’t I don’t see this happening. And so I’m just not going to take action until I really, really look at what is it that’s getting their way? What kinds of habits do they have? What’s missing from their business that maybe, as you know, say, a small gym owner, they started the business because they really wanted to help people work out. But let’s really look at why the business exists and why do you want it to survive long term love it. And so in that industry, health and fitness, those are people that care about other people being happy other people being well, maybe maybe they didn’t start it because they wanted to start a business. Right? And that is the really difficult part, myself included. I started coaching because I wanted to be a coach. I didn’t necessarily want to start a small business, but guess what if I want to do what I want to do, I got to look at the business. First and work on the business in order to be in the business.
Unknown Speaker 16:03
I love that. That’s beautiful. So let’s get in our I’m blown away. This is man, I have like notes upon notes and it’s like, get my own private mastermind class here, people and you guys are getting it too. So let’s hop in with Marty McFly. Let’s get in our DeLorean. Let’s go back. Let’s talk to the 20 to 23 year old Robin, what kind of knowledge nuggets from the experience you have now? Are you dropping on her?
Unknown Speaker 16:30
Ah, well, interestingly enough, at the age of 22, I packed up all my belongings from Chicago and moved to California with no job and all I wanted to do was be a freelance wardrobe stylist, right, which I did. And I worked for three and a half years as a freelance wardrobe stylist. So what I would say now is don’t stop because I did which was an impetus for me to move into corporate world and it got me to where I am now. But I remember getting to a place after three years I was exhausted. I was like, I want to quote real job. And I gave up the idea that what I was doing was actually helping me like that it was actually getting me somewhere. So I would I would say like, don’t stop this is this is something you will absolutely pull experience from. There’s nothing wrong with it. Don’t put so much judgment on yourself and keep doing it.
Unknown Speaker 17:21
Love it. Love it. That’s and of course she wouldn’t listen, but you know, if they’d ever do, but, um, okay, so what?
Unknown Speaker 17:31
Okay, you’re you’re starting to work with somebody
Unknown Speaker 17:34
or not even working with them. Yeah, you’re in discovery mode with a possible new client. Is there one question that you wish they would ask you? That they never do?
Unknown Speaker 17:45
Hmm, that’s a good question. Um, I think for the most part, they I would like for them to ask me.
Unknown Speaker 17:55
What do I suck at?
Unknown Speaker 17:57
Little bit your weak spots. Love it. What do
Unknown Speaker 18:00
I suck at? You know, definitely ability well suck at something. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 18:05
oh my gosh, that’s phenomenal.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
That’s awesome. So
Unknown Speaker 18:15
you’re growing. You started this about three years ago, the coaching business. When I wit what big, big, big thing do you want to accomplish? You’re doing great things now but what there’s got to be something because you’re, you’re TFA train you were ready to write, you’re always leveling up. That’s what we are talking about here. You’re and one thing I’ve noticed is you’re taking the approach of inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. So you’re slowly growing this but what’s the big, big thing?
Unknown Speaker 18:45
The big thing is to really integrate it with a bigger platform for speaking. So because that’s something I do on the side as well. It’s a compliment, you know, and I’m a born communicator, honestly, like they haven’t been able to shut me up since I was you know, Four years old or so, and so, so is to really, again, bring it to life in more of a platform because I believe in a ripple effect, I believe in metta impact. And so not just my container of my coach or my businesses that I coach, and the people that I know, but really busting open that container to have a ripple effect, where what I’m doing to coach one business then has an impact on their customer base, which then has an impact on their family, and they’re the people they know, and it’s creating that meta impact, right? Say people’s lives are being changed for the better, not just because they’re a business owner that does something better for their business, but they’re people that are improving their life and that’s that’s having, you know, again, that impact beyond just coaching. So, more speaking, more podcasts. I mean, don’t get that book
Unknown Speaker 19:51
out there to Robin. Get a book out there.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
Believe me, it’s on my
Unknown Speaker 19:59
dog. Can’t wait to want that signed copy? So let’s take our cell phone let’s take our laptop or our iPad whatever out of this question. What are three things Robin cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 20:12
Oh my goodness, my family is that that’s
Unknown Speaker 20:17
gonna be on I’m open it’s on there
Unknown Speaker 20:19
my family I’ve got an amazing family for teenagers and awesome husband and you know i mean that’s number one for me always. Oh sorry three thing we need
Unknown Speaker 20:30
chicken wings in there you can skin What are you thinking?
Unknown Speaker 20:33
Um, you know what I literally every day I have some kind of greens. And that’s not to you know, don’t shame people of like healthy living, whatever, but it’s literally what lights me up. So give me something green in a blender in a smoothie on my plate, whatever. I’m the
Unknown Speaker 20:50
same way. You know, I have to share for sure. There you go. And you live in San Diego so you get a lot of that it’s funny in my Will my ashes Hopefully it’s not down the road but it’ll be scattered off sunset cliffs. Oh, it’s already written in there. You know, I used to go there before I would deployed Iraq and just kind of have a night and just relax and it’s funny about my morning routine with my like, I have to have my distilled water apple cider vinegar, sea salt, Mediterranean pink bender tree and sea salt and tumeric in the lemon wedge, and I have to drink that because it resets almost I have to do that. You know, it’s kind of like, those are three things I can’t live with that I was asked that I just totally played drives this question from another podcast that I was asked. And I was like, that’s what I answered with I had to have that so that’s fantastic. So what is Robbins definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 21:44
Hmm. Are you are you happy?
Unknown Speaker 21:47
I mean, like well lived meaning. Is it good for you? Because I don’t want to live my life thinking I’m doing it in a way that is better for other people. I’m doing things to make them happy. I mean yes, I want to serve them but that’s very different than Am I happy? Am I truly happy? So you know Am I doing the things every day which could be different in a different season right or season of life where it’s fulfilling me right now in this current climate right economic situation. I need more alone time I need more you know, going out to the beach and and giving myself some fresh air whatever Sure. Like I have to listen to myself and say, what does that mean to me right like
Unknown Speaker 22:31
oxygen masks kind of thing. It’s like put on your own oxygen mask for you know, other people you have to serve yourself the right way to serve others,
Unknown Speaker 22:40
right so life well lived could be different right now versus what I would like Well, they’ve means down the road, but ultimately, okay, let’s go like you were talking about mortality or what have you. But I want to leave a legacy for people and and for my family, for my kids, if I feel like I’ve left them something to understand and do better in the world. That’s my legacy. That’s how life Well, if
Unknown Speaker 23:00
that’s awesome, that’s what I always say is that I want to serve as many people as I can to serve myself first take care of myself serve as many people as I can mentor as many people as I can. Because I was told, the more people you mentor, the more immortal you become, you know. So like you said, you want to leave that legacy. And that’s what I definitely want to do that as well. So, as we wind stuff down a little bit, we’re going to go into our leveling up lightning round. So we have five or six questions in you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of them, but you got five seconds, no explanations. I just want the answers. You’re ready. Okay. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 23:40
Crap, I’m already down on my five seconds.
Unknown Speaker 23:42
Unknown Speaker 23:46
It’s not about it’s not about your experience. It’s about what you bring to the table from that experience. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 23:53
Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:58
coffee every morning
Unknown Speaker 24:02
That’s fine. Other than your own website Robin co newegg.com. And of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What is another internet, web or website resource that you’d like to go to the level up?
Unknown Speaker 24:15
E. Farber Comm.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
Go, go. Okay, not the flavor of the week, not what you’re reading. Now. What is your go to book like mine? Sorry, Steve. But it’s Andy Andrews, the travelers gift because I was in a very particular kind of bad situation before and that book really helped me out of it. What is your book something in the doldrums? you’re handing it to him? Right now it’s atomic habits. by James clear, boom, he’s coming on. I have it right here. August 11. He’s coming on my podcast got him like, favorite charity or organization that you like to spend give time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 24:53
Hmm, I have a hard time with that. Honestly, because I feel like everybody’s got their own like charity and I don’t want to influence
Unknown Speaker 25:03
like this for you remember we’re starting with you which one did you like this close to your heart?
Unknown Speaker 25:10
You know what I mean? Silly my own Community Church three. Oh, like, Okay, I got my, it’s my church, Daybreak church here in Carlsbad. So that’s where I like to give.
Unknown Speaker 25:20
Love it. Last question. What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 80s?
Unknown Speaker 25:30
There you go. Um, it’s funny. I always say 82. I’m 48 years old. So it’s like I kind of grew up with the Ric Springfield’s and then the big metal air bands do so. Boom. Alright, Robin, how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 25:43
The best way to find me would be you can go to my website, which is Robin coney.com.
Unknown Speaker 25:49
It’s Robin.
Unknown Speaker 25:50
Why Robin Kaylee and AIG Instagram at rare find coaching. So that’s an awesome place to find me. My Facebook pages also verify income And LinkedIn, LinkedIn is the bomb and get it.
Unknown Speaker 26:02
That’s how I would have found you there. But I find you to Josh, because I searched through people that I think it’d be great for the show and whatnot. So then folks, all those will be in the show notes. So leave us Robin, please, the time to shine today podcast, Why leave us with one Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with them and internalize.
Unknown Speaker 26:25
Everybody has a gift and a gift is meant to be shared. So do not hesitate to find whatever that is that’s going to bring your light to shine and bring it to life like Do not hesitate. Whether it’s in your personal life, in your business in the world, like do not hold back on that because it truly can create like just the biggest opportunities for you but also really impact other people. So
Unknown Speaker 26:56
like get busy live in a lot bi n make that impact. Alright folks, you know thanks so much for tuning in you guys just had a masterclass mind blowing with my friend here Robin co Nick Miss triple threat, who’s great with data love for people and is approachable. She talked about let’s make an edit impact. Let’s go crazy. Let’s keep the ripples, ripples going take intentional action and always know if what you are trying to do is serving you ask yourself that. And don’t forget about the BS the belief system where your belief system is and hop on the TFA train the thoughts feelings and actions. So we all need the we all have the ability to level up. Sometimes you need to push and help you solve the process and Robin is fantastic at that. She obviously levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s humble. Yes, super hungry. And now you’re part of our squad. Robin, thank you so so much for coming aboard.
Unknown Speaker 27:59
Thank you, Scott. It was so much fun. I really appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 28:01
Awesome. Have a great day. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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