Rebekah Hansen is a generational relationships expert that provides tools and techniques to help bridge the communication gap between parents, their teens, and their aging parents. Rebekah is the founder and the CEO and founder of Elevate Leadership. She has been married for 26 years, has four children and one grandson.
Be a crockpot, not a microwave
– Rebekah Hansen
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach has compassion, empathy, but also does not have all the answers, but will work with you to find them
2. Always be your authentic self!
3. It’s okay to ‘feel the way you feel’
4. Give yourself some grace!
5. Family first!
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey there this is Rebekah Hanson with Elevate Leadership and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my great friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
time to shine today podcast varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson Episode 243 with my rock star in pink, Miss Rebecca Hansen from elevate leadership Rebecca is a been married for over a quarter of a century has awesome kids even a grandchild when you see her on video never gonna know it. She takes care of herself so she was opened up or helps you level up her wealth and the knowledge nuggets she’s gonna drop on you about being authentic. It’s okay to feel the way you feel and how her coaching strategies in way that she works keeps are coming back in her plate full of just fantastic clients so please sit back relax, break out your notebooks because here comes my really good friend Rebecca Hanson from elevate leadership let’s level up. Time to shine today’s high cash varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson and I have my beautiful friend from the left coast over there the founder of elevate leadership Rebecca Hansen is a general relationship expert that provides tools and techniques to help bridge the communication gap between parents their teens and their aging parents. Where was she when I was younger right? She is the CEO and founder of elevate leadership and have been married for 26 years she has four children and one grandson if you’re watching this on any of our video outlets there’s no way she looks like she could have a grandchild but that’s why that’s a testament to her taking care of herself leveling up her health leveling up her wealth and Rebecca please come on Introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad but first What’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 1:49
Oh my favorite colors pink anybody that knows me is going to answer that for you so pink always really is my entire closet.
Unknown Speaker 1:59
Is that even a little pink in your hair?
Unknown Speaker 2:01
Unknown Speaker 2:02
I love it I love sushi stands by itself she said orange or blue I’ll be like you’re crazy.
Unknown Speaker 2:06
No orange is my husband’s favorite color and I hate it
Unknown Speaker 2:10
you hate it
Unknown Speaker 2:10
we’re competing neons
Unknown Speaker 2:12
I’m not a I’m not an orange guy you there but it just isn’t my color wheel so let’s let’s get into a little bit of your story here. It’s pretty interesting what you do bridging the gap between kind of parents and teens there’s a lot of disconnect there I know because I lived it like we all have but let’s get in the origins if you don’t mind and kind of get started there.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
Oh well I probably got in it because of being in it being in that season myself. I’ve got it mentioned earlier I’ve got four kids so I’ve gotten three of them successfully alive through the teenage years I’m in the middle of my final kid being in that teenage era so I’m in the process of being in that as well as my parents have hit that stage where they begin they’re started having you know a few health issues and so forth so that’s kind of changed the dynamic a little bit of you know how I look at life because you know everything’s a certain way your entire life and then suddenly it shifts you know not that life doesn’t shift all the time I mean because if you’re not if you’re not ready for life to change Watch out it’s like waiting like when’s the next shoe gonna fall But yeah, I kind of got into it probably because the people I was around and so forth begin to like that’s that was the stories that were coming you know and my heart just went out to people who are struggling and of course I have my own struggles and in those particular areas but I don’t want to look back on life with any regret absolutely you know and so that’s that’s the direction I just felt my heart was pulling me and I had the support of my husband and and so that’s kind of how I ended up doing that particular
Unknown Speaker 3:57
awesome Avenue Yeah, and people need it Rebecca and so was there a What did you do before you kind of gotten elevate leadership was there a background to what you’re doing?
Unknown Speaker 4:09
Well I spent the last 20 something years figuring out how to survive and thrive through different seasons so my my experience has definitely been a lot more on the personal side Sure. I have you know, I have just had the privilege of you know, being able to focus a lot more on my kids and on on the raising of them as they were younger and so it you know, I just I felt I’ve always felt with family first that’s just always been my motto just family first family first family first. And so you know, as they’ve gotten a little bit older, I’ve you know, I’ve taken time through the years and and have done a lot of work with nonprofits, a lot of church working in the churches and I like I love the whole idea of developing In the church leadership’s the same way the business business areas have an opportunity to develop their leaders I think that people are hungry for growth people are hungry for you know more and we don’t know where to look in a lot of times we it’s like you know I want to grow How do you grow and you talk to people and and they’re almost like well don’t do that because you know there’s there it’s almost a competition but i think you know if we grow together and we learn together and we build each other up man can we change our world
Unknown Speaker 5:30
sounds to me like you were a domestic engineer like handling like the household there the Hanson household which is just as tough as any job Trust me. So yeah, mother I’ll tell you I don’t know how she did it. But let me ask you this then what do you think makes a great coach in your niche?
Unknown Speaker 5:53
I think you have to have compassion you have to have empathy and you have to not have all the answers that’s a big deal. I don’t think I like it I was actually on a conversation recently and somebody was trying to tell me what I what I needed to do or what I should be doing and it’s like you know, almost almost frustrating because you’re not in my shoes I appreciate the help but you’re not in my shoes and you’re telling me how I should prioritize the things that are important in my life for my priorities are not what they should be and it’s like well I’m sorry you feel that way but that’s that’s just you know, I cannot be anybody but myself so I think going into coaching you know you can’t be that other person but man can you empathize with them for being where they are Can you have compassion for them for for being in those tough seasons? Can you be alongside them and support them? You know, I don’t think people are looking for the answers they just want to know they’re not alone.
Unknown Speaker 6:50
So you said seasons like three times now let’s get by squad our squad here a little bit quickly a rundown of what you mean by seasons
Unknown Speaker 7:00
um well I’ll just take it from the mothering aspect because it’s easiest for me to break it down that way is while we have the teenage season so we’re dealing with teenage kids we have the toddler season so we’re we’re you know dealing with kids that are running around and you know, tearing up your house and pulling things off you know, pulling your favorite teapot off the shelf or head you know, and then of course there’s the infant years where you’re figuring out what in the world that I get myself into and I’m I’m I don’t know how many are going to do this you know, so there’s their seasons of overwhelm their seasons of success their seasons of you know, where are you teaching you know, people are you know, in that case kids to stand up on their own too hard to think for themselves. Yeah, and I think that’s the hardest part of it the season we’re in right now is I’m allowing my kids to learn to think for themselves and to stand up on their own and it’s not always the way I’m hoping they’ll think or do or whatever else and I have to learn to be like hey, I’m still listening. I’m still here I may not understand but I’m still here I’m still you know, it’s just there’s I think and you’ll continue through that as you go along even after you know in business it can be seasons of you know promotion seasons of job loss seasons of you know, it’s anything seasons can basically title anything you want it to
Unknown Speaker 8:18
what do you think is the toughest season out of the toddler teen what you’re seeing with your clients also
Unknown Speaker 8:28
um oh my goodness Um, I think it depends on the client definitely but I know that a lot of the mamas I deal with you know, it’s just the the unknown of you know you’re fighting with you know your kid already with with the hormone issues you know that that suddenly this stranger that you’re living with you know, your sweet little baby and you know, whatever else and where are you and yes, exactly right and then at the same time you’re competing with the media you’re competing with the screens you’re competing with you know, the idea everybody’s life you know, is the Facebook real or the Instagram real or whatever, you know, everything is just and you know, I’ve got girls and so you’ve got the body image issues and you know, you’ve got you know, morality issues and they’re saying, you know, society is saying this is all okay, and we’re still saying no, you know, do the right thing, do the right thing, do the right thing and, and so I know that I talk with mothers all the time, and it’s the same thing, they’re terrified of what the internet is, you know, you can’t get away from it. I’m one of those parents that puts limits and everything else and I’ve talked to so many moms and they’re like, how do you stop it? Right and it’s like, well, if you figure it out, please tell me because you know, all I can do is be tell you be consistent, be consistent, be consistent. You know, pick your battles, pick your battles, be consistent. Pay attention, listen, you know, and and give yourself some grace because man Are we going to drop the ball.
Unknown Speaker 9:59
Love it. So What is your work with one on one? Yes okay so when you’re going into discovery period with over elevate leadership and you’re working with a client your prospect is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do
Unknown Speaker 10:21
um probably I would say I wish they would ask me if it’s okay to feel the way they feel you know because you were so busy justifying why we’re doing something and why we’re not quote unquote meeting the the expectations that we usually you know society sets on us but we said so many on ourselves sure that when you pull back and realize man nobody could meet I have to say this personally no one could meet my expectations especially me because I’m harder on myself than I am anybody else and so I said that I wish they would say to me is it okay to feel this way? Is it okay to feel overwhelmed? Is it okay to not have it all together? Is it okay to not be wonderwoman every single day? And it’s like yes, it absolutely is. It’s okay to edit and is it okay to take care of me? Yes, please by all means, you know, because if you know i i have trouble with this myself but it’s okay to actually stop and take a minute to rest and take a minute to think and take a minute to yourself you know, the house will not most likely fall down you know, I guess I could say I can’t say it will never but I mean most likely when you come back you’re still going to be dealing with the same kids you’re still going to be dealing with the same spouse you’re still going to be dealing with the same job. But take a minute and get away Take a breath you know, so yeah, I wish they would come to me and say Is it okay to not be okay.
Unknown Speaker 11:50
Okay, so then what is some secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing that helps them find their blind spot when you start coaching them.
Unknown Speaker 12:01
Um, secret sauce. From my perspective, it’s I have to learn how to listen to what they’re saying. And maybe what they’re not saying. And in turn, once they understand what they’re what they’re looking for, because I don’t know what they’re looking for when
Unknown Speaker 12:22
they come to me coach is gonna get it out of them powerful questions, right? Can we right? Okay. All right,
Unknown Speaker 12:26
absolutely. Okay, so once they kind of begin to understand what they’re looking for then then tips and tools to help them learn how to in turn, turn around and listen and to what’s being said and not being said to their kids or their parents
Unknown Speaker 12:47
or people trying to get an answer in the first session like we say here inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard it’s hard right? So are they looking for answers in their first session are they willing to work with you and a longer time basis to really level up in get that you remove a lot of that disconnect between them and their children?
Unknown Speaker 13:08
Well I think we all want answers in the first session you know we want the microwave to microwave you know mentally we live in a microwave mentality my husband says it like all the time you know it’s we want to microwave and tally what we actually need to live by the crock pot exactly you know so i think that you know we all want the answer so to say hey you know it’s not okay for you to want the answers would be like a disservice to them so I understand that you want all the answers I understand that you you know are desperate for something to change but can we talk can we can we can we find out what’s going on you know what what is that issue I had somebody actually told me yesterday I just you know, I said something to her and she used back my own The thing I had helped her with in our first coaching session he or she used it back to me I said don’t use my own words against me.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
I love it. Well you move with a coach or consultant um, are you a coach salted?
Unknown Speaker 14:10
There you go. I like that one. Yeah. Yeah, I don’t I don’t I don’t know about titles. Honestly. I just I think I just want to be that person that you know, if we fit we fit. Let’s work together. If we if we don’t Hey, is there something I can do? Or someone I can help you right now?
Unknown Speaker 14:32
Right? Right. Love
Unknown Speaker 14:35
you know, there’s this there’s so many hurting people. I mean, let’s not kick each other while we’re down. You know, even if we can work together and you’re not gonna hit 1000 with every person. Yeah, but if there’s something I can do, you know, maybe sometimes it’s just Hey, let’s, let’s be friends, let’s, let’s connect,
Unknown Speaker 14:56
you know, can put you with somebody that maybe help level you up. That’s what we do. Here. Time to shine today that’s we’re doing right now with you. So let me ask you something then Rebecca Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly let’s go back to the 2122 year old Rebecca I don’t know if it’s Hansen then but let’s go back to the 2122
Unknown Speaker 15:18
it was married a long time awesome
Unknown Speaker 15:22
knowledge nuggets as we call them here attention today would you be dropping on her to maybe help her shorten your learning curve level up and blaster
Unknown Speaker 15:31
give yourself some grace.
Unknown Speaker 15:33
I love that.
Unknown Speaker 15:36
Give yourself some grace because you know I spent I think my entire adult adulthood years trying to figure out how to be all things to people and do it all you know and be that one that was able to do it all you know whenever and it’s not like I was you know, oh, look at me look at me. I just wanted to be the best way. That’s my best you know, daughter best, this best that and just always, you know, make sure that everything was always it’s not it’s not a reality. Sure. It’s not a reality. So give yourself some grace. Make your mistakes, you know, love. Just love deeply and be yourself
Unknown Speaker 16:13
passionately and deeply. I love it. Yes. How do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date? And how do you want Rebecca’s dash remember?
Unknown Speaker 16:23
Oh, man, I there’s a lot of things I’d like to say. But at the end I probably like would love it to say she loved her family deeply. There was never any question about that. She touched lives around her. Love it,
Unknown Speaker 16:39
love it. You own it from such a place of service. And I can hear the emotion in your voice. I love love love that. So let’s get back in that Dorian. Okay and this time with Doc Brown. Remember he says we’re going to need roads let’s go five years in the future. God blesses you with five more years of life. Where do you see elevate leadership?
Unknown Speaker 17:00
Oh man, I see it and selfishly introducing me to so many more great people that have I’ve had the opportunity to impact in some way in some positive way
Unknown Speaker 17:16
service love this I love this interview so what do you think people misunderstand about Rebecca the most let’s see what do people misunderstand about me? Um I wow that’s a that’s a good one. Um, maybe they Oh, that’s such a good question. I don’t even know how to answer it time to shine today but that’s okay. I you know what I don’t some people especially from i don’t know i don’t know you and I don’t think there’ll be You’re so transparent so they might not misunderstand you you know so what do you what do you think that keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 18:04
Oh, the missed opportunities
Unknown Speaker 18:08
Yeah, and how you could have did things differently but do you leave that in the past and move forward?
Unknown Speaker 18:13
I’m getting better at that good I’m a work in progress always.
Unknown Speaker 18:18
I love that so what is your definition of a life well lived Rebecca
Unknown Speaker 18:23
wow um I’d have to say I it’s gonna go back it’s always gonna be my family first yeah my faith in God I don’t I don’t hide that either.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
We’re Christian I’m Christian here so my squad knows it and I tell them they can unsubscribe if they don’t like it.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
There you go there we go. Well I don’t apologize for that either. So you know to live a life of faith definitely yeah to learn I think this is something we’re always working on is learning how to trust him to take care of Mike Mikey I’m like I can trust you with anything else guys when it comes to my kids oh my goodness I want to hang on to deer a lot for dear life but you know to live a life that I’ve that I’ve done everything I know to do the right thing was definitely going to be a life well lived into like I said earlier just to love deeply and to never question that. Although I do have teenagers some shirts
Unknown Speaker 19:22
let’s take our cell phone out of the equation let’s take anything electronic and let’s okay family out of the equation two. What are three things that you cannot that Rebecca cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 19:35
Three things that you took away all my well not the cell phone but you took away that things I can’t live without when you said take the family out but um let’s see. I can’t live without the color pink for sure.
Unknown Speaker 19:46
You didn’t say that I’m hanging off.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
While I say I talked in food and glitter. So it’s that’s that’s kind of I definitely would not want to live without the color pink, the world with me and my Stoler place without it um I definitely would not want to live in a world where I couldn’t be around people being impacted and being impactful
Unknown Speaker 20:10
unity then yeah that third thing
Unknown Speaker 20:14
I’m definitely my face but I don’t know if you said take that one out but definitely my face first and
Unknown Speaker 20:20
foremost like what can you live without for food?
Unknown Speaker 20:23
Oh man I like food I like food I will try anything you know my husband he’s like that’s disgusting but you know I
Unknown Speaker 20:35
like yep let’s do it with the Vietnamese first time you know I I’ve been to Vietnam when I was in the military and stuff like that and finally found a place here in South Florida. That has like that she’s like, are you sure and now she loves it. Oh, wow. Wow, funny.
Unknown Speaker 20:50
So do you like Mexican food? Oh yeah and Olive Garden I’ll make I’ll make a lot of arguments because they have that you know never any soup and salad
Unknown Speaker 21:00
breadsticks man Yes. Hey, time to shine today podcast. Firstly, squad we are back with my really good friend, my pinky tuscadero if you’re old enough to remember that from happy days. My good friend Rebecca hands hence.
Unknown Speaker 21:15
That was
Unknown Speaker 21:18
his girlfriend and happy. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend. Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 21:23
Unknown Speaker 21:26
Rebecca weird. He was one of my idol. Like, you know, childhood others I had to I had the $6 million man the originally I remember him. And then Fonzie and then my first crush was Linda Carter Wonder Woman. I mean, Oh, there you go. 1970. Yes, Love it. Love it up in the Wonder run movie. Do you know that? You did? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. And then and then as I move forward in life, it was Daisy Duke. So but Rebecca, we’re gonna go through our leveling up lightning round. You and I could easily talk 15 or maybe even an hour on each one of these questions. But you got five seconds with no. They can answer quickly. So we’re just gonna keep you on your toes. You’re ready to rock?
Unknown Speaker 22:07
I guess you are.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Let’s level up. Rebecca, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? yourself? share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 22:21
Um, living passionately.
Unknown Speaker 22:26
Love it. Love it. So you see me I’m walking down the street. Freaky looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. What book? Are you handing me? outside the Bible?
Unknown Speaker 22:38
The Dream giver.
Unknown Speaker 22:39
Really? Who’s that by grich?
Unknown Speaker 22:42
Is it ritual or I moved to sitting right here next to me. I think it’s ritual person. Okay, not ritual question. Bruce Wilkerson. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 22:49
Please. Thank you so much. Okay. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 22:55
Oh, it’s the heart of the happy face.
Unknown Speaker 22:57
God love it. Chess or checkers?
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Unknown Speaker 23:02
No problem. Who’s made the biggest impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Oh, man. My husband, my kids, my parents
Unknown Speaker 23:11
beautiful, say family across the board. And Don’t lie to me on this young lady. Okay. But if you could stay one age, physically, physically for the rest of your life and still keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and continue to gain more wisdom? What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 23:29
Oh, I probably stick it right at 30.
Unknown Speaker 23:32
Yes, thank you very much. I say 28 to 32. I know you’re telling the truth. And I love it. I love it. So what’s your favorite charity in organization like to give your time and money to
Unknown Speaker 23:42
my local church? First and foremost,
Unknown Speaker 23:44
what’s the name of Sutter Community Church,
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Bob it right at the base of the Sutter buttes and Sutter.
Unknown Speaker 23:50
Love it su TT Er,
Unknown Speaker 23:52
Unknown Speaker 23:53
All right, put that in show notes. Okay, thanks. Awesome. Best that last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s 80s Yes, big hair don’t care. Yeah. All the way I gosh, you know, it’s funny you said that we have a like where I live I walk in they have an amphitheater and it’s like they have cover bands every Friday and that was oh wow Joby. laughs
Unknown Speaker 24:17
Oh, wow. Oh, fantastic. livin on a prayer? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:25
How can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Um, I am on LinkedIn. Probably the easiest way to find me I don’t have a website right now. I would love to have one but don’t just yet. I’m also on Facebook. You can find me under Rebecca Hansen coach or my personal pages, just my name, but it’s probably easier to find me on LinkedIn than anywhere else.
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Excellent. We’re gonna put everything in the show notes for my good friend Rebecca here and Rebecca, tell me about this six month, once a month webinar that you have beginning to launch here pretty soon.
Unknown Speaker 24:57
Oh yeah. I am going to be doing a series on connecting in your important relationships and so it’s going to be just different things like learning how to parent without losing your mind
Unknown Speaker 25:12
so many people subscribers out there hello
Unknown Speaker 25:16
actually I’m a Facebook group called parenting your teens without losing your mind oh wow so yeah the show notes as well awesome
Unknown Speaker 25:25
one last favor please can you give us leave our squad with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action
Unknown Speaker 25:35
um Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to let people in Be careful who you let in when you let them in make sure you you Be yourself you get vulnerable and really be open to growth.
Unknown Speaker 25:48
I love that in squad we got a free masterclass here from a really good friend, Rebecca, whose family family Family First I love it, she believes that a great coach is going to be their authentic self, but also compassionate, empathetic, and they don’t have all the answers. They’re going to help you through the powerful questions she’s going to ask really level up your life and understand that there’s within her niche that there’s different seasons, from infant to toddler to teenagers, and you’re going to hit some overwhelm and let us make if you’re running into that, let us make a warm introduction to my good friend Rebecca. You know, it’s she wants you to remember it’s okay to feel the way you feel it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to feel excited. It’s okay to feel scared. And a great coach she reminds us is going to really listen not only with their ears, but also the other nonverbal, the body posture, the the way the person might blink or her head turns her their eyes, a great coach is going to listen with all the cues. And we’re going to take a little piece of what Mr. Hansen says that like people want to live the microwave life. Let’s go with the crock pot. You know, she’s gonna remind you to give yourself some grace. And she will be remembered as someone that loved deeply, deeply, deeply. And she loves her family. She loves her faith, she loves God and she loves the word it’s fantastic and she’s going to remind you again to be yourself. Be careful who you let in your life and be open to all opportunities and like we say for my good friend Leah would forget your asking gear. If you don’t know something if you’re asking for help with regards to leveling up your within your family let me make that warm introduction Rebecca and Rebecca thank you so much for coming on. You’ve earned your varsity letter. You’re at time to shine today you level up your health you level up your wealth cannot wait to collaborate with you in the future.
Unknown Speaker 27:35
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 27:37
You bet talk soon. All right. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 in online at www dot Sutter in If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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