Welcome to Episode 35. Yes I admit I was in total fan boy mode in this interview with Randy Gage. Randy was instrumental in my ‘turn around’ 12 years ago. He pulls no punches, tells it like it is. But deep down, Randy really cares and wants you to be successful. So sit back, get out your notebook and get ready to level up!
People think that the opposite of success is failure, but it’s not. Failure is part of the process of success
– Randy Gage
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
- Be mindful and present. Always be the thinker of your thoughts
- Watch and read some entertainment. Enjoy life. But when you are done counter program with a good book or podcast
- Prosperity is infinite. Always strive to be a higher version of yourself.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – hover and click
Randy Gage Website
Why You’re Dumb, Sick and Broke and how to get Smart, Healthy and Rich
Mad Genius by Randy Gage
Risky is the New Safe by Randy Gage
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout:
Speech Transcript
Hey, time to shine varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson here with time to shine today podcast. And I am beyond stoked to have the next guest you are going to hear. His name’s Randy gage. If you’ve never heard of them, pause this, Google him. You’ll understand why I’m super stoked to have him on the podcast today. He’s a very busy guy. He’s written 25 books, a lot of them best selling. He has he speaks in front of hundreds of thousands of people. He’s got books that have changed my life. His prosperity mind series, his book while you’re dumb, sick and broke, is changed my life especially Ellie, you guys know about my doldrums and how I had to break through and I mentioned Randy quite a bit in my podcast, so I’m not going to keep going. I’m just going to get right to the interview. So sit back, relax. x, open up your mind, breakout your notebook because it’s our time to shine. Let’s level up.
They time to shine squad at Scott Ferguson here in I am in total fanboy mode. I have the great Randy Gage, as you can see here on our screen if you’re watching us on video, but Randy has just been instrumental in me leveling up my life since 2007. As you know, my story goes way back to sleeping on a couch during the real estate Boston hat and feeling that life was going nowhere in Randy’s writing and just following him throughout has just changed my life. But here I’m going to give you a little bit about Randy. Randy is a thought provoking critical thinker who will make you approach your business and your life and a whole Way, Randy is the author of 12 books translated into 25 languages, including the New York Times bestsellers. risky as the new safe and mad genius and my personal favorite while you’re dumb, sick and broke, and how to get smart, healthy and rich, is spoken to more than 2 million people across more than 50 countries as a member of the speaker’s Hall of Fame. When he is not prowling the podium, or locked away in his lonely writers Garrett, you’ll probably find them playing third base for a softball team somewhere. So welcome to the squad. Randy. Could you quickly share with us your favorite color and why? My favorite what and why color?
Oh, Color Purple?
Why is that?
Why I don’t know it. Do we have a logical rational reason for why we like a color I you know what it gets kind of like the energy it gives off. It’s kind of royal. It’s kind of majestic.
look good.
Looks good idea. So tell me a little bit about your backstory Randy if you could share with our squad.
I’m the
researcher and scientist of the human behavior that has ever walked this earth. Love it. And I make that claim being not because I’m a psychologist or psychiatrist or psychologist because I’m not. I’m a high school dropout. Not because I have a college education I don’t not because I’m certified there therapist and nothing like that my experience comes from a kid who was in jail for armed robbery at 15 years old became a teenage alcoholic, a teenage drug addict. And when you’re an addict, you learn how to manipulate people. When you’re an addict, you learn how to gauge people’s mood and behavior and what causes them to act. And then I went into direct marketing and of course, you test and track everything and you see what causes people to take out their credit card. But really, most importantly, because I really screwed up my life and I spent the first 30 years just moving from tragedy to drama, to failure to more drama, more tragedy, more failure, and just woke up one day and realize, I hate myself. I, I hate the person I have become. And I need to reinvent myself and so I’ve really spent the last 30 Yours because I’m 60 now so that was around was amazing.
I saw that I can’t believe it. You played you played baseball at a high level. Look at you look great. So,
okay, two games tomorrow night I’m starting
shortstop. Oh, nice, a little bit longer throw. You know, Randy your aha moment which I’ve caught in a couple of your books. Can you tell us a little bit about that night that when you got shot
was on that thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning? I was coming home from a club it’s like 3am and you know, I got out of my car and skies kind of amblin up to me and I figured he’s gonna ask me where it was lived in South Beach and there were a lot of clubs there. So after he was going to ask me where club new was or asked to bum a cigarette or something and then I recognize when he gets up on me, he’s got a gun and Turns out, he’s a crackhead. And he’s just desperate for his next fix. And without getting into my keynote speech, you know, you guys have probably figured I got shot, you’ve probably figured out I lived smart listener, I’m gonna have figured that out. But that was really a seminal moment in my life when you have gone when you go through something like that, and I bet there’s a lot of people listening where even though they may not have been shot, they got a horrific medical diagnosis or they lost someone they really loved and cared about or faced some really horrific scenario, and then you stop taking things for granted so much. In my case, I never take a sunrise for granted. I never take a sunset for granted. I get fresh flowers delivered to my house every week. You know, I noticed some and I smell them and, you know, and I appreciate them. And that’s what happens when, you know, enlightened people, they don’t need those kind of situations to wake them up. In my case. I did.
Right. Okay. So one thing that I’ve learned from you, in all of my readings from all your prosperity series to direct selling for success for zombies, whatnot, is that taking responsibility for your own actions, like you actually took responsibility as you move forward in your life for that night that that happened. So I believe that everything this is what I talked my squat about, and everybody that’s listening will probably be nodding their head. Yes, yes, yes. Is that anything that happens to you good or bad, is something that you’ve actually manifested and that’s something that you pass on to me. So thank you.
So since I pass it on to you. Let me pass on my current level of thinking on that because my I’m always, you know, I believe if you don’t change your mind, sometimes you’re probably not really using it, right? So if you talk to me five or 10 years ago, I would have said, okay, you attract and manifest every single thing that happens in your life. And I don’t believe that anymore. I believe you’re a huge influence on what happens in your life. And I believe you co create your life. If you’re a sentiment that you know, a conscious human being the like the book I’m working on, if you’re following my blog, these last couple of weeks I’ve been exercising from my next book, which will be my 14th come out sometime lead in 2020, early 2021. Excellent. The title of that is radical. rebirth. How you, you know, this was the process you have to go through that I did when I said okay, I’m just going to totally reinvent my life. So, the premise of that book will be and you know, because you follow my work, you know, all of the the negative mind viruses we get infected with, you know, money is bad and rich people are evil and it’s spiritual to be poor, and, you know, all of those limiting beliefs we get, as a child, you know, your core foundational beliefs on all the really important stuff, marriage, relationships, God, sex, religion, money success, you they’re all created before you’re 10 years old, and most people never question that. Right. Right. Well, I believe you get to this tipping point as you go into adulthood. So when you get there, either you’ve adopted all of these limiting beliefs and You have a horrible or low self esteem. And if so then you’re going to have a horrible, miserable or mediocre and adventurous life because you don’t believe you deserve great things. You’ll have lowered expectations, you’ll set lower goals, you expect bad things to happen, right? Whereas if we can get somebody to that, that turning point that cusp of adulthood, and they have a positive self esteem, then they manifest a positive life because they expect certain things to happen. Good things to happen. And you know, as I wrote it the other day and in my blog about the I think the title if someone wants to go back and look at as your real birthday, yes, and I say that you know, the day you become self aware, when you can become the thinker of the thought where you can go Up to 30,000 feet, see yourself objective leads, okay, I’m really angry at Mary, you know, why am I angry? What is the fear behind that anger? Or I’m really feeling petty I’m acting petty and vindictive. You know, what is causing that is there’s some unresolved issues. There’s some anger there. I haven’t spoke about, you know, you can actually look at yourself in that way. And so I’m able to look at myself and say, Well, you know, the fact that I got shot that was like, always a day dream I had as a kid growing up watching spaghetti westerns with the rifleman, with Chuck Connors, yeah, you know, all of the Lone Ranger and you know, the good guy always got shot. And then he got love and attention and he was the hero but he always lived. And so I owe as a this neurotic, insecure, scared, frightened kid that I was That was my Daydream, visualization of what was going to happen to me someday. So I
brought it into yourself. Programming you had when you’re younger Randy, right?
Yeah, so do I think okay, I sent out some energy and that’s why that crackhead picked me and why you pulled the trigger. I don’t know that I’d go that far, but I do think I helped co create it. Right. And so for most people, and sadly most of the people don’t ever reach that level of self awareness. So they’re just reacting to whatever happens to them. They’re they’re not the thinker of the thought they get thoughts presented to them. ESPN and the ESPN tells them which quarterback is the elite quarterback and which one is a bum and shouldn’t get a contract and they watch the talking heads on cable TV and that tells them who they should vote for and why The other side is evil and, you know, their government programs them with limiting beliefs. They’re organized religion programs them with limiting beliefs. So they don’t ever question that. So they never reach there. They never are actually born. They’re just like, worker drones in the matrix their carry
on what they were taught when they were younger. Yeah, where you’re saying with a radical rebirth, you’re able for them to even no matter where they are in their age, understand what happened and they can be changed and my my kind of seeing this the right way of what you’re
doing with the new book, if you can reach that level of self awareness where you become aware of your thoughts, and you mindfully choose your thoughts instead of just let them be. You know, instead of being assaulted with thoughts and accepting them as your own, you become this conscious being and you know, I always joke that the matrix was really a documentary right? And everybody laughs when I say that seminars, but there really is a matrix there is all these AI artificial intelligence and algorithms and big data and research on you. And there are companies who spend millions of dollars and they have PhD psychologists in rooms, tracking your eye movements, every time you visit a website and every link that you clink, click and every product you ever bought online and they know more about you than your spouse does, then your mother does. And they’re trying to manipulate you and political campaigns are doing that marketers are doing that governments are doing that. Movies, you always have
said that and I learned that now I watch. I don’t never watch a movie squad without being on guard because of the man I’m talking to you right now. And it’s
what that is that’s a that really is a form of the matrix. All of these forces that are which then they didn’t consciously plan it, right, right. But Walmart knows everything that you buy Amazon knows everything that you buy. Netflix knows exactly what kind of shows you watch. Right? So they know stuff about you that you don’t know about you. For I bet half the people who come out as gay or lesbian or trans or non binary, I guarantee you that Netflix or Amazon or Walmart, or whoever knew it before you knew it, you knew it.
Yeah, it’s incredible man.
There are there are groceries, online grocers who know you’re pregnant before you know you’re pregnant, just based on they can run algorithms of the choices that you’ve been making, right. So and your emotional mood swings and divine, you know, the the medicines you buy. And, you know, there’s actually documented cases of that where they sent, you know, diaper in a, you know, off, you know, offers for an expectant mother that the mother didn’t know she was expecting yet right. Wow matrix that’s a modern day matrix
algorithms consistently running. So to counteract that, would you say that what you had said earlier to be aware of your thoughts and be more on guard at all times? So the stuff that maybe you notice them running algorithms on you or like, What’s your thoughts on that too? Am I saying it to be more thought aware?
Yeah, I think noticing that stuff is 80% of it. So I can watch it like billions it’s a show on Showtime right? of it. Bobby one of my favorite shows, right? That show is filled with so many limits. beliefs about money and rich people and how evil rich people are. I mean, it’s a it’s just trope after trope after trope. Right? But the writing is brilliant. That acting is brilliant. You know, the guy who plays the DA, the guy, Bob Axelrod, the Wendy, the therapist. Those are the rules of a lifetime. Those people just yeah, watch that and say and notice all of that and say, Okay, this is a guilty pleasure because I’m a writer. I’m going to watch this show because I enjoy it. But I’m also going to recognize all of the negative beliefs about money and success that are happening. And I’m going to counter program that with an extra hour reading a positive book or listening to a positive podcast. To counteract that negative
stimulus stimuli that I know I’m I’m receiving there.
So basically you’re being the thinker of your thoughts you’re being consciously aware of what you’re bringing in as a guilty pleasure as fun. But then you’ll before after you’re done to get rid of maybe wash it away, you’ll dig into a good book under understood now that’s that it’s funny that I’ve modeled myself after that since 2008. From what you know, I’ve gotten from why you’re dumb, sick and broke is because now I’ll do the same thing because there’s certain shows that I know are filled with lack, lack programming, but I just enjoy watching me look at the Avengers all the superhero movies, I mean, they fill them as well, but I, I’m a frickin Tony Stark junkie. And I guess I relate most with the Avenger that’s a lot less lack. But I can see where my squad is listening. Everybody else would would see that and that’s where I tell you everybody that you gotta keep on guard at all times. This is the person that I’ve actually learned it from. So, Randy, why is it noble to seek wealth?
I believe there’s a cause and effect relationship. When you and I’m not going to say seek wealth, I’m going to say seek prosperity, just to encompass it a little more because I think prosperities a more holistic term, which means health, relationships, spiritual grounding, and money and material things. And this programming that you know, Money can’t buy happiness. Of course not. We know money doesn’t buy happiness. What but we also know money can allow you to eliminate things that are causing you to be unhappy. Right? If you’re unhappy because you can’t buy groceries for your children and you’ve got money, you’ve just eliminated a big cause of unhappiness. If you can’t fill your prescription because you don’t have enough money for the copay, and you generate money, you just eliminated a cause of stress and unhappiness. Right? So, but to do that, and in other words to become wealthy to become more prosperous, you have to create more value. Because all prosperity is infinite. Right? There’s no limit on any form of true prosperity.
Do you hear that? Guys? There’s no limit. Sorry. I mean, I’m always telling them. My I coach clients as well. And I tell them the exact same thing that there’s, there’s no limit to the prosperity and that everything is finite. What you were just saying is, everything’s good and bad. You know, it’s going to end whether it’s good, whether it’s bad and it’s just a life flow. But I’m sorry, go ahead guys. Sorry about that.
say okay, love and hugs are infinite. You could give someone a hug, it doesn’t come out of your inventory. You don’t have one less. When you give someone a hug, you get a hug back. So It’s infinite. It’ll never, you know, given away love. It’s infinite. And money is infinite too, because the more you solve problems or add value, the more money you’re going to attract. So as long as you’re willing to go out and instead of trying to steal money instead of trying to take advantage of people, instead of trying to find someone to make you get rich or help you get rich. If you go out there and say, Okay, I’m going to solve problems and add value, then the universe is going to conspire to send prosperity your way. And to do that you have to grow as a person you have to be on the path toward enlightenment. So I think it’s very noble to pursue wealth and prosperity. I think it’s very spiritual to pursue wealth and prosperity, because you have it forced you to me the my philosophy That I want to live by is that I want to keep unfolding into the highest possible version of myself. And every day, I may not take the company public today, I may not make $10,000 today, I may not save a drowning child today, I may not whatever. But if I’m a little bit closer to the highest possible version of myself, then I did a wonderful day. And so too, when you seek to become prosperous, you’re signing a contract with the universe that says, I’m going to work on me. I’m going to strive to become a higher version of myself and what a noble and spiritual journey that is.
Wow, squad Did you Did you hear that? I mean, we’ve always talked about the word Sin with being the Greek origin of missing the mark. And that’s really just living in a lower version of yourself. And if you listen to what Randy saying, he’s basically saying like we say here is inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard. You’re not always trying to bite off a ton at once. Randy’s even saying that this is a man that you’re looking at that is my like I said Fan Fan fanboy here that he even said inch by inch, little by little to find the higher version of yourself. That’s just fantastic. I appreciate you sharing that because I’ve been getting that over to my squad for about eight years. Randy in the hearing from you, is where I got it from an inch by inch. It’s a cinch came from rod Harrison. He’s another speaker. But But every everything that you had said before is is I got from from you. So I know that I know that your time is very valuable. But I just got a couple questions for you. I’ve always wanted to ask Now that I have you, I am going to ask because you’re a busy guy. Okay, how inside of your cell phone? What are three things that Randy gage cannot live without?
Well, obviously one is softball because I’ve retired 17 times because of had four spinal surgeries how my back and I was in excruciating pain. And I kept saying, Okay, I’m old enough I’m in so you know, I got him and I keep coming out of retirement. So softball has to be one. Reading has to be one reading is really, really important to my life. Honest, true relationships would be, you know, third one, because it’s, you know, the highest value I have for relationships is truth telling. I want people who tell me the truth, and I want people around me want me to tell them the truth. Not to pander not to tell me what I want to hear. So an understanding it’s coming from a place of love the truth and the truth, right? So relationships are so important to your life and maybe reading I might even I could upgrade that to learning that you have to have a learning in my life.
Gotcha. And you’re you go, you are speaking of spoke in front of literally millions of people and I’m sure you get bombarded. That’s why I can’t even believe I’m sitting here talking to this is awesome, but you get bombarded with people that are coming up to you. Is there any good question that you wish people would have asked you but never do? Because you get deep man. It’s like you get deep with what you’re suffering, in lack of a better terms. You piss some people off, you know, with with your thoughts and whatnot. But is there anything that no one’s really asked that you wish that they would?
Well, I will, here’s how I think is the best way to enter that most The people who asked questions of me and people who do the kind of work I do is with an external focus, hey, I want to be rich, but you know, my, you know, I want to be this but my mother and father say I should be a lawyer or I want to be this but my spouse tells me this and, you know, I wanted to do this, but then my girlfriend stole my credit cards and ran them all up and I have to file for bankruptcy. And it’s always extra. It’s always out there. It’s the government is Trump, its other impacts. It’s their parents, it’s their spouse, and the much better questions are always what am I doing to contribute to this situation that I say that I don’t want? What am I doing to attract this thing that I say? I don’t want what what is my role in that? Wow.
Okay. And then the last thing is I’ve always wanted to ask you this too is that I’ve never watched the movie Titanic again without a frame of mind a different frame of mind which they could. The people that are listening today, my squad, they will understand what I mean when I’ve talked I’ve did a whole podcast on Titanic and what you thought wouldn’t let your thoughts works, but what movie has taught you the most out of life? Other than not for lack of programming, like, What movie did you do you kind of refer back to and go Hmm, that’s like kind of for me, The Shawshank is kind of like perseverance and I really dig that movie and then get busy living or get busy dying. I mean that that’s really, when they kind of pushed me I’ve always wanted to ask you because you’ll mention movies and the lack of prosperity, but which ones that you taught you that you’re not only are you letting your guard down what you said to enjoy the movie, but one that actually emotionally Eternal lives with you. I’ve always wanted to ask you this.
Well, I’m a sci fi geek. And I kind of look to movies for escape. So and I look to books for the life revelations. So that’s I’m really not coming up with any movie that spoke to me in that way. Fair enough. Yeah. Because, to me, it’s always been books and because I don’t, I just don’t watch that many movies. And when I do, it’s because I like softball, right? The reason I put I love my work, and I’m intense about my work. I work about 10 hours a day, and I love to work about 10 hours a day, I work for myself. Nobody makes me do it. I’m financially in a good spot. I don’t have to do it for the money. I do it because I love my work. And I also recognize that if I stay on my work all day, I go crazy insane. It’s not helpful. The turn into a hermit right? So I need to socialize, I need to get out I need sunshine, I need fresh air. And so that’s why softball is so important. It’s just when I get on the softball like tomorrow night, I’ve got those two games, I won’t be thinking about anything to do with my work, I’ll be thinking about the pitch that pitchers delivering that I’m in the box and I’m, you know, going to slam it or on the field and I’m waiting to see if it’s going to get hit to me. I’ll be totally in the moment focused in the game. And think thing I’d like to show the the expanse was a sci fi network show, which then got picked up by network, Netflix, Netflix, great sci fi series, and I watched you know, kind of binge all four seasons. And I totally escaped when I met that or a Star Wars or a star track, right. So that’s kind of move and then for, you know, that transformed my life. The book, actually shrugged by that book you know the as a man think of the magic of thinking big thinking Grow Rich books like that had a sustained, lifelong influence on me.
Wow, that’s amazing. So we get like you’ve already mentioned some of the stuff that we have a what I call the level up lightning round as we wind this down just five to seven seconds real quick answers and we could go on for 20 minutes on every question but just really quick thing that comes to the top of your head. What was holding you back from becoming the entrepreneur and the person that you are in the past.
low self esteem.
What is the best level of advice you’ve ever received?
work on yourself first.
Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success randee
exercise every single day.
Love it outside of rain. gage calm, recommend an internet resource
that you might go to the love life.
I love podcast so I like the Tim Ferriss podcast. Oh, yeah. You guys got your squad here. They’re listening to you here on prosperity power podcasts. I got it. Yeah, but I love I’ve kind of this last year to dial back on reading, and I’m doing more podcast because I can do those during my cardio drives and things like that.
And lastly, the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s
Oh, I gotta go with the 70s did I was my formative years. I’m why
I’m three for three today with interviews. Every single one of them said 70s. And what’s funny is they’re all from different genres. I interviewed a person here in Jupiter, Florida that is is built a successful business and he’s so said the same thing. And somebody says like I grew up with my mom and dad listening to it. That’s awesome. So, Randy, I’m going to put in the show notes. But do you have any events coming up? Do you want me to? I’m going to put in the show notes on how to find you. But do you have any other events or anything that’s coming up that you want to get out to the squad here, next couple of weeks,
I’m actually moving more toward books. I’m going to write at least one book every year. So I dramatically cut back my public events and speeches and consulting. I’m doing two events a year. One is called speaker school.
That’s modern history.
It actually just ended last weekend. It’s a two day, but I do one every year and it’s two days school on platform skills, how to communicate as a world class professional. Just because I have so many speakers who come to me and hey, you know, and that’s not my market. That’s not my audience, but kind of self defense. I created that and then once a year I do an event called tribal. And this is a four day event that usually sells out about a year ahead of time. And it’s for thought leaders, political leaders, coaches, authors, a YouTube big YouTube people are just influencers. So experts and influencers, people who really want to change the game. So it’s very intense. So that’s a tribal event calm if anybody’s interested. Excellent. So those are the only two live of you know, public events
that I’m doing every year. And when’s the book coming out? Is that the end of this year?
Well, I have a book coming out in May called DEF CON one direct selling, okay, and that’s for people in the direct selling leverage sales space on the top, top top. Leadership stuff on what to do if your company goes out of business what you, your top three leaders take a deal and go somewhere else. Your product gets contaminated and 10 people die and you have a public relations fiasco, right? You know, an emergency tragedy like that, you know, so it’s high level leadership stuff. And then the radical rebirth we don’t have a date yet. It’ll be late 2020 or early 2021
I can’t wait to read that one because it’s almost like you’ve not reshaped but you you kind of are just moving with the flow like water. Because before you’re really on you manifest you manifest and now you’re kind of taking a bigger view of that and I’m very interested to see what your views are. So all right squad, we always say that. We always want to consistently level up and you must surround yourself with people top notch people who are always leveling up their health, leveling up their wealth, and leveling up. Now, I’m going to start adding the prosperity because prosperity is all encompassing. So Randy, I am more than grateful. Blessed that you took the time out of your busy day to do this for us. And I just can’t say thank you enough.
Thanks for having me on. It
was a fun conversation. Awesome. Virtual fist pump Randy. Do it for us. Thanks.
Oh, em, gee, my mind is blown. Did you guys pick up on all those solid knowledge nuggets that Randy gage dropped. I mean, he was so forthcoming and again, I’m almost in fanboy mode. Because I’ve read about him. I’ve saw him live just never really got to really have a one on one with him. So I’m super stoked, but I know I picked up three solid knowledge nuggets from him. One Be mindful and present. In Remember, you’re the thinker of your thoughts. So always stay present in every situation and monitor what’s coming in and out of your Your mind you’re in this could be sucked into your subconscious mind to change you into maybe a lack programming. He also says kick back, relax, get some entertainment, you know, maybe movies or books that don’t really serve you. But the second you’re done, counter program that with a good book or podcast, especially if it’s before you turn in for the night. All right, and the last thing he says is prosperity is infinite. And always strive to be a higher version of yourself. You know, Randy used to be really, really hardcore on everything that happens to you is your fault. But I think that and I can’t wait for his new book, radical rebirth to come out because I think even in the podcast, he kind of backed off from it a little bit. He didn’t, you know, downplay it or anything. I think he’s just growing and progressing and understanding the certain things we might not be able to understand because it happened to us so young, but as we move forward into the radical rebirth, I think that we’re going to be able to change our lives for the better and always move forward into prosperity. So I hope you enjoyed this podcast interview as much as I did and how privileged I was to do it.
So let’s all stay hungry. stay humble.
Level up our health level up our wealth, because it’s our time to shine. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on our podcast, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope you will help support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson until next time, level up, it’s your time to shine.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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