Welcome to Episode 203! Everyone talks about leads and closing but who’s talking about your sales pitch? Nick is. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Record your self ‘pitching’. Watch your tape, get feedback and work to Level UP on your flaws
– Nick Capozzi
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When your coach gives you guidance, be ready to accept the vinegar with the sugar
2. Reps Reps Reps – So critical
3. Nick will be remembered as being approachable and a Go-Giver
4. In sales work FIRST to build rapport. Find something in common
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Nick Posey from sales pitching calm and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my really really good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:13
time to shine today podcast varsity squad in Scott Ferguson and I got my boy that has probably just as much if not more energy than I do nit kaposi that’s one p two Z’s, I use a rock star salesperson, but he does it on the platform of building rapport. It doesn’t go in for the kill like we’d say in sales. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s there to level up his game and make a sale but he does it through building rapport in the knowledge nuggets he’s about to feed you. If you’re in sales, breakout your notebooks because you’re going to want to take some mega notes just like I did. I think I have two and a half pages of notes just from this interview alone. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Nick Posey from sales pitching.com Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:04
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. A lot of people say you know for you, you have the energy you have what it takes to get people’s attention bro up squat. I’ll tell you right now, I have this this guide Nick kaposi has forgotten more about pitching and selling from a place of service than I’ll ever ever know. You know, and if you have a company and you’re really you know, with sales consulting, high converting video sales sales training, you need to quickly turn around your results from strategy development to recruitment to sales training. Nick offers bespoke consulting options to optimize optimize your sales fast you know everyone talks about leads and closing but who’s talking about your sales pitch? You know who is my boy Nick. So Nick, come on, introduce yourself to time to shine today. podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why? powder blue?
Unknown Speaker 1:58
I didn’t know this is coming because of because of my Montreal Expos. Ah,
Unknown Speaker 2:02
I love it. Man. I love it. I hope Montreal gets a team back man. I love watching the expos back in the day, brother. Well, that’s
Unknown Speaker 2:09
my goal. Man. If Gary Vee is gonna buy the Jets, I want to bring the Montreal Expos back. That’s,
Unknown Speaker 2:14
you know, Gary Carter was a catcher for the spose back when I was a kid and he was my favorite player growing up right and, like I have my whole wall behind me is Gary Carter stuff and his family down here in South Florida. My clients, I help them out with all their real estate. So I kind of love The expos there Andre Dawson, you know, back in the day even. I don’t know if you remember Moses Alou or Moses, Luke turned his ankle when he’s next bow his ankles, turned off his foot. And I remember that did It’s amazing. That’s awesome. You’re supposed to man. But man. Hey, thanks for coming on, brother. I really praise
Unknown Speaker 2:44
me for gear. You kidding me, man?
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Come on. Fergie’s podcast. I’m excited. You’re crazy. I love it, man. Let’s get to the origins and Nick, you know, and kind of work our way up into the sales pitching in and whatnot. But I want to get that origin story first brother.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
All right, man. So here it is. I’ll give it to you in like 45 seconds. I knew two things when I was a kid. One I hated winter two. I was going to be the play by play voice of the Montreal Expos. Everything I did was to get me into this one radio program in Toronto. Got into it was in radio and TV in Canada for five years and one day at a party someone goes Yo man, can you do that radio thing on a stage? I’m like, yeah, there. Next thing I know I’m stepping onto a cruise ship in Miami. I spent 20 years in the cruise business actually lived on cruise ships for 10 years sidebar, I could be a Netflix original series just sitting on a couch telling you stories will blow your mind. What we did for gie was we were pitch people. So we would get on stage in front of 500 people and we would live pitch all the duty free like 60 products in 60 minutes from Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and Mexican vanilla up to Swiss watches which were duty free all the way up to high end jewelry. And people don’t understand how big duty free is. So that was it. man that was that was my backgrounds. The radio guy became a cruise guy got out about a year ago and just started posting content on LinkedIn about sales and how to use video and how to prospect how to build rapport and relationships. Yeah, it just went like this man. And now now I’m sitting here I used to listen now I’m actually here man.
Unknown Speaker 4:17
Dude, I love your videos in squad you have got there’ll be in the show notes. You got to go to sales pitching on YouTube, and also his website as well. Just sales pitching calm. Fantastic content from Nick. So Nick, what do you think makes a great I know how to like a great sales pitcher. What do you think makes one
Unknown Speaker 4:39
building report? That’s what it comes down to? People buy from people they like we hear that all the time, right or what people like people who like them. Right? So anytime I get on any conversation or if I’m missing a prospect of video, what I’ll do is I’ll spend a minimum of two to three minutes I budget this time, two to three minutes going through people’s LinkedIn profiles to find Easter eggs, right? And people are like, okay, where they’re from where they went to school, it gets way more layered than that. I’ll just give an example. One of the things I always do that people brush off, I look at mutual connections, we assume it’s industry people. But almost every person I look at, there’s a random connection. I’m like, how did they know that person? I’ve met people who worked with family members who worked with people I worked with in the cruise business. I met a guy I grew up with on the same street in Montreal, and we didn’t even put two and two together until way later. And if you want an ally, when you’re trying to sell something, Fergie find that kind of mutual connection. Right?
Unknown Speaker 5:37
Yeah, man. Absolutely. Because it can. Are you saying it kind of as a point of like, like a warm introduction, possibly to the person you’re trying to sell?
Unknown Speaker 5:48
No, but let’s say let’s say I want to send you a direct message. Right? So let’s say I rip off a piece of paper and I’m do a video on how to put your name right on. I’ll be like, hey, Fergie, how’s it going? So you know that it’s directed to you? And I’ll say, Hey, man, listen, you know, I was listening your podcast today. And you mentioned that you knew, you know, Bobby, do you actually know about like, how do you know Bobby? Cuz I went to high school with Bobby. Right? So it’s not even I’m not talking about what I sell. I’m not doing what I do. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 6:15
I’m like, how do you know, Bobby? Dude, you’re building rapport on something that’s common ground,
Unknown Speaker 6:20
right? But that’s it. And that’s why Scott is what I had to do in the cruise business. Because you ever cruise man?
Unknown Speaker 6:26
Oh, yeah, I love it. I live like just north of Miami. So we try to catch to even the Palm Beach, the palm port of Palm Beach to try to catch even a weekend cruise man with 100%.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
But if you get on a cruise for the first time, or any time you’re blown away by the ship, right? Like the hardware is amazing. And when I was selling duty free, I’m like one of 12 revenue departments, you’re more interested in a spot in the casino? And also, if you’re coming from up north in January, like oh my gosh, the sun. Look, it’s the sun. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 6:53
Unknown Speaker 6:53
I had 18 hours from the minute you stepped on the ship to get you into my presentation in the dark theater. On the first day at sea when we’re halfway past the Bahamas. And how I did that was were you from all you’re wearing? You know, University Wisconsin jersey. Hey, Jesse, that Jonathan Taylor just got drafted. How do you think he’s gonna do right? And it was a quick rapport building things. And why I had to master it. It wasn’t even strategic at the time. My crew that worked for me on ships were Serbian, and Indian. And so African. So how do I teach someone from Belgrade? How to build a relationship with Diane from the Moines Iowa in seconds?
Unknown Speaker 7:34
Right? Wow. Yeah, that’s awesome. That rapport building skill is key. So then when you’re teaching people within sales, pitches calm about pitching, is there any secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing to help them maybe find their blind spots, when they’re going to be working out and pitching people
Unknown Speaker 7:53
100% man, you got to watch the tape. And, you know, the way that it used to work was we would record these presentations. And like, I started this in 2000 people’s to FedEx me their their VHS tapes from the coast of Japan. And I’d sit there like an offensive coordinator and football on Monday, and I would break through the tape. And the reality is, is that I would give feedback, but the people who excelled were the ones that took what I said, watch your own tape, watch your own videos, you’ll find your flaws so quickly, it’s very uncomfortable. But it becomes much more comfortable, the more you do it. And you’ll start to find those things. And then when people say yeah, but Nick, you know, I’m in that sensitive industry, I can’t record my zoom meetings, or my prospect, I wanted to feel comfortable, no worries, open up a Word document, click dictate. And if you talk for 30 minutes, you’re going to get an eight page document. And what that’s going to do is going to show you all your blind spots, all your crutch words, oh, shoot, I was supposed to say B before c but I didn’t write. So it’s that practice. And that repetition is just like sports, man. If you want to be a good hitter, you got to get in that cage every day and take those
Unknown Speaker 8:58
shots, the rep span the reps are frickin important. So when you when you’re bringing people in, maybe you’re in discovery process of them hiring sales pitching calm.
Unknown Speaker 9:07
Unknown Speaker 9:08
Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?
Unknown Speaker 9:13
And that’s a good question right there. How about that?
Unknown Speaker 9:17
Time to shine? Doubt,
Unknown Speaker 9:20
no doubt. Okay. What should you what they should ask me is is will this work if I put in the effort? And the reason is, is that, you know, I’ve learned a long time ago in a lot of industries I was in, not everyone puts in the work, right? I can lead you to water, I can get you the bucket. I can get you a Brita filter the water. I can put her on a table, put a bouquet of flowers, it’s ready to drink. But if you’re not ready to actually put into the work, it’s not that it’s a lot of work, but it works. So if you put in the work, it will work. And I just wish people were maybe it’s I don’t want to say straighter with me. But it’s like How serious are Are you about this because I can make you great. But I need to know that you’re committed.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
This student is so funny, you just said that because I just moved over to another mat and other jujitsu. And I trained under a guy for years. And now I’m on another mat. And I asked him, basically, you know, what do you expect to me? And he’s like, are you ready to work? And I’ve liked it. I’ll put the reps in, man, he goes on, let’s get after it. Cuz you know, you want to get on the mat back. And I’ll be 50 pretty soon want to get that back in the mat in the competition. That’s awesome that you said that man. So what do you think then is one thing that people must misunderstand about Nick the most?
Unknown Speaker 10:36
You know what, I don’t think there’s a lot of misconceptions about me, because I’m not afraid to tell you exactly what I think. But it’s all those years as being like a hotel guy with my name, badge, and right, where I know how to do it in a very polite way. So I’ll give it to you. And I judge my audience, right? I gotta read my audience. If I’m talking to you, I’m going to give you critique or feedback differently, that I’m going to give someone who may be, you know, a little bit more sensitive, and that’s fine. I can work with that. You know, I’ve worked with all kinds of people from all over the world. But I think I think that’s, you know, what it comes down to is, is, you know, how you deliver the message and how, how you build people up, right? Because I’ll give you I’m gonna give you some vinegar, there’s no doubt I can’t I can’t work with you and build you if I can’t give you vinegar. But I’ll give you all the sugar to I’ll tell you. When you’re doing well, I’ll give you all the Pat’s on the back. I’ll give you that motivation to actually help you cross the line. I
Unknown Speaker 11:30
love that man. That’s that’s key, because you’re hitting it from both angles. And that’s what is needed. Especially because people, you know, we’re told no, according to shad helmstetter that wrote what people say when they talk to themselves. You were told no as children, by the age of 13 135,000 times in most households. So, you know, getting to that. Yes, a lot of times people are afraid, man. So what’s your secret sauce about maybe helping people get over that hump of fear when they’re about ready to pitch?
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Practice, practice and practice. Practice in front of a mirror. Right? And this is this sounds silly. And you’ve heard this technique before. But you know, a quick story. I had this big guy. He was big guy like us, although I will never get on the mat with you, man. Because you crush me. But this was like a big six foot six 280 pound Canadian guy. Right? Right. And, and he was big and rugged. But we were selling like high end jewelry. And I’m like, okay, Bobby, here’s what I need you to do. Bobby, what I need you to do is when you’re talking about jewelry, and he’s really highlight the beautiful elements of it, you can still be that big guy. But I need you to talk talk in a beautiful way, right? Like a raspberry red in that Ruby. So I made this guy, this big guy who didn’t want to do it. I stood up in front of a mirror and I sat there with him for two hours. And he was looking, I’m like, Don’t look at me look at the mirror. Say it again. Say the script again, say the script again. When you talk from a place of knowledge. And you can acknowledge how you’re delivering it. It’s easy, right? Because because the person on the other end, Scott, they don’t they’re not prepped like that. They’re not ready to do that. They’re blown away by you.
Unknown Speaker 13:04
Right? Yeah. And that’s something I had to really learn. Before because I’m six one, I’m 260. And I’m kind of put together pretty good. I come off as intimidating. And if I ever like a resting bitchface, for lack of a better term, it’s like people will be like automatically turned off. So I hear what you’re saying. I do a lot of reps in front of the mirror myself. I have a mirror right up in front of me looking at me do away. Look above the camera. I see that a man I’m smiling. I’m paying attention to what Nick says. That’s fantastic. So you’ve saw the movie Back to the Future? Of course, right here. Alright, so let’s get that DeLorean. Let’s go back in time to the 22 year old Nick, what kind of knowledge and I guess we call him here. Now it’s like you dropping out Nick to help them level up last through shorten his learning curve.
Unknown Speaker 13:50
Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. Right? Because everyone’s got that fear at the beginning. It’s all going to work out. If you do it, if you put in the time, it’s going to work out. That’s definitely one of them, too, is something I wound up doing think globally. Right, think on a global perspective. Now I’m a Canadian, but I’m also a proud American living here in Phoenix, Arizona. And one thing that I find in this amazing culture that we live in here is we think a lot about America. But when we think on a global perspective, right, so I was training someone the other day, and you know, really bright girl and I said you have a secret weapon. She said, What’s that? I said you’ve traveled to 60 countries, right? It’s in there on her LinkedIn. She’s like, um, like, probably one out of three people that you’re talking to in these demos wasn’t born in America. Right? So if you go through their LinkedIn profile, it’s like, Hey, you know what, I noticed? You went to the University of whatever in Slovenia, right? I actually traveled through Slovenia, I went there, you’re blew my mind the tile on that whatever it is,
Unknown Speaker 14:51
Unknown Speaker 14:52
So it’s it’s just it’s it’s thinking globally and understanding that even though we live in America, if you step into someone else shoes from a global perspective and look at it, it’s gonna change the dynamic and people buy from people they like people like people who like them. You know it all it all weaves together
Unknown Speaker 15:11
with that Nick of listen. No, No, me neither, bro anything at 22 it doesn’t make us I knew everything but I was very stubborn about taking in new, new content. So alright. How do you want you know,
Unknown Speaker 15:25
you know hi But listen, sorry Scott. I was thinking about this the other day because, you know, I, my grandfather was a politician in Montreal, my father was a very charismatic are still is a very charismatic gentleman. And I learned all these things from osmosis. But I was 22 I didn’t want to hear it. And actually when I was 24, I got on Celebrity cruise lines. And there was this hotel executive who was just like my father and my grandfather. And he was doing a brand transformation for this high end Cruise Line celebrities great cruise line, right. And when it was coming from him, I took it differently. It was all the same things that my father, my grandfather said, but what I heard it from a different voice. Yeah, who wasn’t the guy who said no to me 135,000 times as a kid. flip the script, please.
Unknown Speaker 16:11
It’s awesome that you say that? Because it’s like if you were to come to my house with a friend, right, you walk in. I’ll hop up, Nick, what’s up? Hey, Jeremy, nice to meet you, Nick. Thanks for bringing over you want a beer? You’d be like, yeah, let’s take a beer. Jeremy, you want a beer? Awesome. But if you’re to come over yourself, and you’d walk in be like got a beer for God be like no, the frickin fridge is Nikki saying it’s like that’s the same thing when your family’s trying to tell you something. You love them. But you don’t really like you respect them in Assam, you respect them, but you don’t respect them. You know, that’s awesome that you brought that up. That was fantastic. Thank you for saying that. So, Nick, how do you want your dash remembered, man? How do you want that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want that life and death date? How do you want that next dash remember, bro? He was approachable.
Unknown Speaker 17:01
That’s it approachable.
Unknown Speaker 17:02
I love it, man. I mean,
Unknown Speaker 17:04
why make it easy for you to come and talk to me? If you if you come to my house, and there’s 30 people that are at my party and you’re the one person I don’t know. And you don’t know anyone? How do I land that plane for you? How do I make it easy for you? And
Unknown Speaker 17:17
that is awesome. That is awesome. So what keeps Nick up at night?
Unknown Speaker 17:24
Oh, man, what keeps you up at night? Is that tomb going tombstone? gonna say approachable? Am I practicing what I’m preaching, right? Because that’s important to me, man. That’s like, that’s just something I grew up with. Like I grew up in an Italian Irish household. But you know my
Unknown Speaker 17:45
bed. Right? Right, right. Yeah. But
Unknown Speaker 17:48
here’s, here’s what I will tell you about. I’ll give you a great hack. Some of the biggest victories I ever had in my life. It’s because I took one of these index cards right here. And I wrote the goal down and I stuck it on my ceiling in my bedroom right above me. So I would fall asleep to it every night. And I would wake up to it every morning. And if it couldn’t fall asleep, I was staring at that goal. So at least if I couldn’t sleep, subconsciously, I’m still absorbing the target. And you know, what, if if where we needed to be was was here. And this was my target. But by looking at that index card every night I only got to hear. I mean, I still lapped where I want it to be
Unknown Speaker 18:27
of that man. So what’s the worst advice you ever been given in sales?
Unknown Speaker 18:32
The worst advice I’ve ever been given in sales. Oh, man, I could give you a ton buddy. You know what it is jumping right into, hey, let me sell you something, right? The only the only exception I’m going to do for that and I have, I cannot tell you how much respect I have for door knockers. Someone coming to sell me something, I’m not gonna knock on my door. And I’ll be in my office and you know, look at the ring my ring doorbell. And if it’s someone selling me something, I will go down. And I will give them the courtesy of listening to their pitch as if they’re out there. And 120 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona in the summer. And I’m going to listen to their pitch. I’ll critique it. And if I liked them, I give them my card. I’ve hired people off off or not. I
Unknown Speaker 19:15
love it. I love it. So yeah, that and you might even get a client so what is Nick’s definition of life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 19:28
Man you were you this is like the best interview questions. I’ve been here within a while.
Unknown Speaker 19:33
You know, what?
Unknown Speaker 19:36
Do I have choices? Do I have options? My dad drilled into me a long time ago. Money is a short term motivating factor. Does money motivate me? Yes. But the trip the voyage the living in the now the enjoying every day. This is fun for me. I’m not here promoting. I’m here because I want to talk to you man. Right?
Unknown Speaker 19:56
Yeah, absolutely. That’s
Unknown Speaker 19:56
so you know, do I have options do I I have choices for me the way I’m wired. That’s all I want. I could live in a two bedroom apartment and as long as there’s enough room for me in the kids, and I’m cool with that, I don’t need something bigger than that. But am I am I am I living? You know what? I’m What? I’m what I’m pitching.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
You got it? No, I love that you being an imposter. You’re actually that person. That’s fantastic. So was your family life? Are you like the Nick that I love? I know off camera. You’re You and I are still both boisterous and fired up. Are you the same at home? Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 20:34
am. Usually usually by like, My day starts early. I like getting up at like four or five in the morning. So by six, I might be on the couch might be playing a little NHL, you know EA, if my wife will let me get away with it. But this is this is how I live man. And I’ll tell you how deep I go with it. And this came from wearing again, a name badge, right Royal Caribbean Hall in America, Norwegian Disney. And when I’m going to grocery store, I see that you know, hey, Scott, thank you very much. at Starbucks. Me too.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
Yeah, Triana?
Unknown Speaker 21:05
Are you making my coffee today? Because what did I do? I gave that person a little tiny bit. Maybe they didn’t need it. Maybe they didn’t notice it. But there’s always a game a little boost a little extra pep in their step,
Unknown Speaker 21:18
right? Dude, my, my girlfriend we first started dating and a couple years ago, you know, she would always be like, Why do you ask the waitress her name? Because that’s her name. And you’re giving it? Yeah. And she’s at first she caught him was like, What is he trying to, you know, be a little skeevy a woman like no matter if it’s a dude or a girl, the first thing they say what do you like to drink? And like, What’s your name? You know, just so I know. So I’m not saying Hey, get our waitress up. Now I’m the same way man the name you call somebody by their name, it means more than they’ll ever then you’ll ever know. You know, so it gives us a point of respect. And hey, we are back with my boy nikka Posey from sales pitching calm, and we’re gonna move into our leveling up lightning round here as we wind things down a little bit. And Nick, we got five or six questions we’re going to ask you and I can talk 1520 minutes, even an hour on each one. But you got five seconds and all of them could be answered no explanations. You’re ready to rock.
Unknown Speaker 22:13
So I’m so jacked up for this. Let’s
Unknown Speaker 22:15
go do it. Alright, what’s the best leveling up advice Nick’s ever received.
Unknown Speaker 22:20
Just show up. Just show up every fucking day show up every
Unknown Speaker 22:22
day ready to work? Right? share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 22:30
Putting those those notes those targets on my sales. That’s
Unknown Speaker 22:34
enough, other than sales pitching.com and of course time to shine today.com a shameless plug. What website Do you like to go to the level up and kind of just get rockin?
Unknown Speaker 22:47
You know what I like newsletters, like the hustle. The hustle is fantastic. Yes. Yes. Love
Unknown Speaker 22:51
it. Awesome. Great. Let’s go The house was fantastic, man. So I’m in my doldrums and walk around you feel my vibe. You think man freaking needs to dig into something. What book are you handing me?
Unknown Speaker 23:02
I’m not handing you a book. I’m handing you Spotify. What’s your favorite song?
Unknown Speaker 23:05
Love it. Love it. Love it. Your most commonly used emoji
Unknown Speaker 23:12
the laughing and I’m 44 I need to up my my emotions
Unknown Speaker 23:15
right you don’t straight up laughing at the side laughing straight up. I’m wait. I’m
Unknown Speaker 23:22
waiting for the baby Yoda emoji when that comes out. Everything I’m going to say is this is the way I love it.
Unknown Speaker 23:27
I love it. So no bullshit me here. Man. If you could stay one age physically for the rest of your life and still keep all the knowledge of garnered and still continued to build experience and get knowledge. What age physically? Would it be?
Unknown Speaker 23:42
27 love it. Do
Unknown Speaker 23:43
I say 20 to 32 every frickin time. Nick quickly, who’s made the most profound impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 23:51
Other than friends and family Gary Vaynerchuk
Unknown Speaker 23:54
There we go. Gary Vee favorite charity or organization like to give your time or money to Goodwill. Love it. Last question that pop. What’s that?
Unknown Speaker 24:04
Helping people step up?
Unknown Speaker 24:06
Yeah. Love it. Love it. So you can elaborate a little bit on this one. So our last question, but what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
So I grew up in Montreal and we didn’t have like the American music
Unknown Speaker 24:20
right late.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
And there’s a there’s a rule called can con a certain amount of radio content in Canada has to be Canadian. So growing up in the mid 90s, at high school in Montreal, when West Coast gangsta rap came out. And then and then Seattle, grunge. I’m like, oh my gosh. And then the judgment night. Oh, man, this is a reference to judgment night movie soundtrack was this mash up of all these hip hop groups and all these heavy metal and grunge acts. Judgment night soundtrack. If you are from that generation, and you don’t remember that. Do yourself a favor do that. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 24:53
yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about. Man. I love I love that transition from the 80s to the 90s. me I’m more of an 80s baby. I’m coming up. 50 years old, you know, and but like the 80s had my rap you know it had hair bands, you know glam rock to me they had that but then we rolled into the garage bands and then the grunge like you said with like blink 182 and then Nirvana. It’s fantastic Pearl Jam. So Nick, how can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 25:17
on LinkedIn? nikka Posey, CA p ZI, and sales pitching comm YouTube channel is going to be up in a couple of weeks, but definitely LinkedIn and sales pitching calm.
Unknown Speaker 25:27
love it, I love it. And all of those will be in the show notes squad. So, Nick, leave us with one last knowledge nuggets that you’d like to still take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 25:41
Turn on a camera, get to $35 softbox lights, get a $70 really good webcam with a lens and shoot yourself video yourself practice and put it out to the world you want traction. You want to grow your business you want to grow your brand you want to grow your services what I don’t care if you’re in real estate, financial services, or the CEO of a company turn the camera on, put it out there.
Unknown Speaker 26:04
That’s just freakin awesome in squad you have just got a free masterclass from my boy, Nick Capozzi. That’s one p two Z’s. And, you know, two things, he hated the winner. And he wanted to be an expos play by play now. So he said, the second best thing of going on cruise ships and help people level up, you know, he believes in building rapport. People, like people who like them, you know, if you’re looking in sales, look for mutual connections, and maybe build a relationship with a person that has a mutual connection to you, like he was talking about, you know, someone might be a Wisconsin fan, you know, go out there and talk about the latest trade or the latest draft pick, you know, he’s going to tell you to watch your team, get feedback from someone like Nick, let me make that warm introduction to you get the feedback and work to level up on your floss. You know, if you’re working with a coach, ask the coach will this work if I put in the effort, you know, in the coach should say are you going to put in the effort you do it, it’s going to be a marriage we’d have and that’s fantastic. You know, you got to remember that when you’re working with a coach, he’s going to give you some vinegar. But if a good coach is going to give you a little sugar, it’s going to work you’re up pat your back a little bit. And that’s exactly what kind of Nick does is going to give you that vinegar so you can work on those flaws. He’s going to tell you reps, reps, reps, reps, get in front of mirror and to your reps. You know, he’s gonna say like to his younger self, don’t be afraid and like we say here at time to shine today, do it scared and also to think big think globally grow, grow, grow, you know, he’s gonna be remembered as someone that is approachable. And he is do whenever I meet with him, he’s like, forget I just frickin love it. Even if I didn’t know this guy. I’ll get along with them in a room. Get something like a gold card like Nick has man he looks at the ceiling. And he has that subconscious. Remember our conscious minds a gatekeeper the subconscious mind is what’s going to drive you and push you so get that subconscious mind going. You know, and remember the options and choices are key. And enjoy that journey. While you’re going through life show up every day and again, reps, reps, reps. That’s my boy nikka Posey, that’s one p two Z’s. And he’s a good friend of mine. And I want him to introduce you to him. He’s He humbled levels up his life. He levels up his health, his wealth. He’s humble yet hungry, Nick, thank you so much for coming on. You’re a rock star. I’m just baffled. And I can’t wait to do some more collaboration in the future brother. Thank you buck. Yeah. Awesome. See, brother. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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