Welcome to Episode 205! Nelson’s mom had him when she was 15 years old. When she was pregnant her father shot two police officers. His mom testified at my grandfather’s murder trial testifying that the reason that my grandfather shot the police officer was because he had raped her, and she was now pregnant with Nelson. From that beginning Nelson created a life he couldn’t have even imagined as a child. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
We don’t have a knowledge problem with achieving our goals we have an execution problem
– Nelson Tressler
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. You are not a victim of your circumstances, but a product of your choices
2. Nobody’s really smarter than you. Take action and see things through to the end
3. Your goals are yours, have a strong why
4. Focus hard on your potential and also help others see theirs
5. Things only have meaning that you give permission to
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Get the I Got Smarter App
Pick up Nelson’s book: The Unlucky Sperm Club
Nelson’s Linked IN
Nelson’s Facebook
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Nelson Tressler with I got smarter. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson Hey, time
Unknown Speaker 0:12
to shine today podcast varsity squad as Scott Ferguson word Episode 205 with my really good friend Nelson Trusler, me and Nelson kind of walked a similar path in our life and kind of with a little bit of tragedy and trauma into triumph and then turning around and helping people level up their life. So I’m not going to say too much more. I want you to listen for a book giveaway here in this podcast interview with Nelson, and really break out a notebook and take some notes because the knowledge nuggets he’s going to give you about taking action and things will they will have meaning to you only if you give them permission to so without further ado, here is my good friend, author of the unlucky sperm club Nelson Trusler. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and my squad knows my story. It’s pretty unique. And thank you for listening to it. But I got a guy whose story runs parallel, maybe even a little bit darker for lack of a better term. I have a really good buddy Nelson Trusler here, create your own luck. He’s the author of the book, get this title, the unlucky sperm club. He’s got an app that’s called I got smarter and we are going to tackle that and make sure you keep listening and staying on because I do have a book giveaway for his unlucky sperm club book. So Nelson’s mom had him when he was she was either 15 or 16 years old when she was pregnant. Her father shot two police officers. Her mom testified at her father’s murder trial testifying The reason that her grandfather shot the police off that his grandfather shot two police officers because he had raped her that’s that’s crazy. That’s dark. And we’ll we’ll get into that. And she was now pregnant with Nelson. From that beginning he’s create a life that cannot even be imagined as a child but he’s thrived and kind of survived. And now he’s helping others level up that are in similar circumstances or maybe even not that similar but he helps people level up so Nelson Thank you for coming out of the time to shine today podcast. varsity squad, introduce yourself to us but first, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:27
It’s green. I love nature. So
Unknown Speaker 2:31
would you live in the desert man is
Unknown Speaker 2:32
there much green there? I’m from Pennsylvania and that’s probably why I love green even more so. Because now
Unknown Speaker 2:40
Easter West pa
Unknown Speaker 2:42
central central pa
Unknown Speaker 2:44
Okay, got it. Got it, guys. So let’s get to the story. A little bit origins of Nelson cuz I’m lack of a better term stoked to hear it. But I know there’s some really meaning to it. So let’s get into that if you don’t mind.
Unknown Speaker 2:55
Yeah, I mean, you touched on it. He touched on it. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 15. Whenever she was pregnant with me her father shot and killed two police officers actually killed one and wounded the other. And during his murder trial where he was facing the death penalty. My mom got up and testified that the reason that her father had shot and killed that police officer was that the police officer had raped her. And she was now pregnant with his baby who was me. And it actually worked. My grandfather’s first trial ended in a hung jury. He was later sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole where he ended up spending the rest of his life more than 40 years behind bars, leaving behind me my mom, my mom had 15 brothers and sisters in this small town to deal with the consequences of that. And, you know, being born to a 15 year old mother, it was hard. It actually got harder because she married a man who was an alcoholic, very abusive, you know, pretty much beat me and my mom every day. Eventually, my mom and him had four more siblings and because of their lifestyle, a lot of what you know, a lot of what had to happen for my siblings fell upon me. And because of that, you know, my life was very hard. I ended up flunking the fourth grade, I couldn’t read, couldn’t write couldn’t spell. Come to find out I had dyslexia, so that that’s kind of where my life began. Then one day, my my stepfather was walking home drunk from a bar. Yeah, there was somebody else driving home drunk from that bar, and they ended up hitting and killing him. And, you know, at that time, my mom has five small children. She’s dropped out of school in the eighth grade, never worked outside the home. And it was at this time that she decided she couldn’t do it and she decided that she was going to take her own life, and she attempted suicide. And fortunately, she was not successful. But when she did get out of the hospital after that, that’s when she decided she couldn’t care for all of us. on our own, and that’s when our family got split up and I went to go live with my grandmother who was the wife of the man who shot and killed the police officer.
Unknown Speaker 5:08
In I was gonna ask if there was a grandmother involved, too. So, how old were you when you went live with her?
Unknown Speaker 5:16
Around 1010?
Unknown Speaker 5:17
Okay, gotcha. Was she a good influence in your life? Or was it the best? Oh, she was the best, okay
Unknown Speaker 5:23
is the best. Every day in my life, she told me Nelson, you’re gonna make something of your life. And she was my biggest fan. And that’s when my life everybody has that fork in the road. That was one of the forks in my road is when I went to go live with her. Because, you know, there was no, I didn’t have to worry about my stepfather coming home beating me or my mom, I didn’t have to worry about taking care of my siblings. And her one role was you were going to school. She didn’t care how well you did, but you were going to school. And because of that, that’s when I realized I wasn’t stupid. I just wasn’t putting forth the effort.
Unknown Speaker 5:56
That’s just amazing how the adults in our life can mold our minds, right? It’s like, Did she allow you to explore? Did she tell you know, a lot like, how was her over protective or she or was she really, really encouraging? No, she
Unknown Speaker 6:09
was encouraging. She was not overbearing, she she left you make mistakes. I mean, she had 15 children. So I don’t think she could be much of a micromanager with 15 children. But you always knew that you were loved. You always knew that. She expected the best out of you. And I loved her so much. You know, every time she told me that I was going to do something with my life. She told me it’s so often that I started to believe it. And I loved her so much that I wanted to prove her right. And, and that was a lot of the drive that I had to eventually become the first person in that family to graduate from college. Wow,
Unknown Speaker 6:45
where did you go?
Unknown Speaker 6:47
I went to I started off at St. Francis. And it took me 12 years. It took me four different universities. It took me four years in the Air Force. And I ended up finishing up at U and Lv.
Unknown Speaker 6:58
Oh, nice. You’re running rebels and huh? Yeah. And what years were you in there for his brother?
Unknown Speaker 7:02
I was in from 92 to 96.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
Okay, gotcha. We were served. And kind of at the same time, I was 90 to 97 in the Navy. So excellent, man. Excellent. So let’s pull forward a little bit into kind of the Nelson Trusler, you know, create your life and how did the origins of that start?
Unknown Speaker 7:19
Yeah, so I, I’ve been fortunate enough to start, you know, more than 10 businesses, the number one in the world for a top five commercial real estate firm. So I’ve had some success in businesses. And I stem that all back from knowing how to use goals and personal development in my life. And when I was able to exit some of those businesses, I was trying to figure out, Okay, what do I want to do with the rest of my life. And I thought about my origin story and why I live that life. And it kind of came to me as like, I’m supposed to share that story with other people so that they realize they’re not victims of their circumstances, but product of their choices. And that’s when I went out and wrote the book, the unlucky sperm club, and then started the program, I got smarter, to help people be able to achieve their goals, because what I realized is, we don’t have a knowledge problem when it comes to achieving our goals. We have an execution problem, we just don’t do what we know we’re supposed to do.
Unknown Speaker 8:15
So let’s go back to that. You said we’re not a victim of circumstances, but
Unknown Speaker 8:21
a product of our choices.
Unknown Speaker 8:23
Got it? That’s, yeah, that Yeah, I’m taking notes. Man, I think everybody out there in the squad that’s listening, should be taking notes as well. It’s such a strong story. So did you carry around? Like a chip on your shoulder, from your childhood and carry that forward? Maybe? Did it produce a little bit more ego than you wanted to? Or where you did it humbly? Or what? What would happen?
Unknown Speaker 8:49
You know what, when I was a child, I had a huge, you know, I carried it around, I had a huge chip on my shoulder. You know, I feel like I got passed over in sports, because of what my last name was. I mean, this is a small town, 6000 people. So everybody knew what my circumstances was. And, you know, I remember starting going out for junior high football, I wanted to be the quarterback. And I felt like because of who I was, I got passed over. And I remember having to turn in that jersey, that was a quarterback number 14. And on the on the table, there was the jersey number 48. That’s how old My grandfather was when he went to prison. And I’ve worn that number 48 through eventually, you know, Junior High High School and eventually was able to go to college on and play football and I’ve learned that number and always motivated me and inspired me to do my best and no matter who I was and what I was, I was going to do my best and make sure 48 was the best person on the field,
Unknown Speaker 9:52
bro that’s like divine in a sense you’d like to have that in like Pennsylvania is like a hotbed for football. So if You’re getting blackballed in any way shape or form. And they had to have been tough man had to have been tough. So what do you think that makes a great leader?
Unknown Speaker 10:09
You know what I, I think, one, you have to be confident. And I eventually got that that was one of the things. When I, whenever I was able to graduate from college, it was a hard thing. I mean, it took me 12 years from setting that goal, you know, a bunch of schools getting money to, you know, going through the Air Force. But understanding that no one out there is really smarter than you. The only difference is, is that people move forward with things. And they see things through to the end. There’s, you know, ideas are out there. But I think a leader takes a hold of that idea. And then, quickly after coming up with that dream, they get to work on it. And I think that’s kind of been my superpower is I have a lot of ideas. But I also know that it’s going to take a lot of work and moving forward. And I don’t quit. You know, I don’t? Yeah, I’m Crystal clear on what I want to accomplish. And once I know that, that’s what I want to accomplish. I’m not quitting until I’m done in reps, man, right? Put those reps in brother.
Unknown Speaker 11:07
So it when you do coach people, one on one, or your more group coaching,
Unknown Speaker 11:13
you know what I’m I’m pushing my app. You know, my whole thing was, I’ve had a lot of coaching, and for me personally, and I see the value in it. So the one thing that I see, there’s so many people out there that don’t want to spend the money, no matter how valuable it is. So I came up with this app to help them achieve their goals and and the app is 10 bucks a month, I didn’t want anybody to have an excuse to not live the life that they were meant to live because of money or because they were afraid to invest. So I started this app to show people that they can do it and what potential lies within them.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
That’s awesome. And so when you’re, when you are talking to somebody, and they kind of run into maybe a parallel background of you like and you’re trying to help them level up. Is there any secret sauce that you help them find that blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Yeah, you know what, for the longest time, that story, my origin story, nobody knew that story except for my wife. I told her before I got married, I figured she deserved to know that. But I didn’t tell any my friends. I didn’t even tell my children, because it weakened me. And then when I started figuring out what I wanted to do, I started to think why I’d done that. And I started to give that those events a positive meaning. And I think that’s the secret sauce is things only have the meaning that you’re willing to give them that those same events that weaken me that I was embarrassed of, as soon as I started to give them a different meaning, they started to strengthen me and inspire me to go out there and help people same exact events, the only thing that changed was I gave them a different meaning. And I think that’s what people need to realize. You get to give meaning to everything that happens to you in life, you need to give it a positive meaning.
Unknown Speaker 12:57
I love that. And so that that nailed it, nailed it right on the head. So when you’re starting maybe to work with somebody, again, I’m kind of keeping that this this, I guess this pace of the story. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 13:13
Oh, that’s a good question.
Unknown Speaker 13:17
Time to shine. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:20
Yeah, you know what I mean, the important things in life, I think there’s so many people out there that set goals that aren’t really their goals. And, you know, I think we all have those type of regrets where, you know, maybe the world thinks this goal is awesome. Or maybe our parents or our spouse thinks this goal is awesome. But they need to be our goals. And I think we need to be crystal clear on that, that these are my goals, because that’s when I think people fail, is when they don’t have that strong. Why when they don’t have that fuel in the tank that’s gonna see them through because the goal wasn’t theirs. It was the world it was somebody else’s.
Unknown Speaker 13:55
Wow, that’s strong too. So the outtake cleared your path, and then level up. And then also, like we say, you know, get your asking gear, you know, like, ask for the help as you go along. So, have you saw the movie Back to the Future?
Unknown Speaker 14:10
Yeah, I love them all.
Unknown Speaker 14:12
You and I are, shall be 50. So we’re close. So let’s get that DeLorean Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Nelson. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you had? Are you dropping on him to help them? That’s what we call them your knowledge nuggets here. We can now check Are you dropping on them to help them maybe level up last through and shorten the learning curve?
Unknown Speaker 14:34
You know what? I didn’t see the potential in myself at 22. I always felt like damaged goods. I always felt like I wasn’t good enough. I always felt like no matter who I was looking at was better than me. And as I got into business and got in those conference rooms and started to negotiate, you know, million dollar deals, you know, what I quickly realized was, those guys aren’t any smarter than me. They just actually did it. And if I would have known That a lot sooner that people aren’t necessarily you know, smarter than you. They’re just willing to move forward and put forth that effort, I would have done that a lot sooner in my life.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Wow. So take that action. That’s fantastic. So how do you want your dash remote remembered, you know, that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and nothing? How do you want Nelson stache? Remember,
Unknown Speaker 15:20
you know what I want to help other people reach their potential. There are so many people out there that have this pinned up potential that they haven’t exposed yet. And I was like that I mean, you know, not, not many things scare me. I don’t give fear much in my life. But what does scare me to death is if I wouldn’t have gone after becoming that first person in my family to graduate from college, that this life that I’m living right now, I would have forfeited that life. And I think there’s so many people out there that have this wonderful life that is waiting for them. And all they have to do is take action to reach that potential and see that that’s, that’s what I want to be able to leave my legacy is to help people get past that and actually live their life and reach their potential.
Unknown Speaker 16:11
But that yeah, that’s such a go giver. So what did your family think like your four other siblings, and then your 13 aunts and uncles about this journey of yours? And obviously, your grandmother was 100% superb. She fed your subconscious mind all the time. But like, how’s the rest of your family? Man? Are they like crabs in a bucket trying to pull you back to safety? Or did they like boost you up and kick you out of the bucket?
Unknown Speaker 16:35
You know what, I love that analogy, and I use that in my book, The on lucky sperm club, because there are some that are just, they’re calling me liars and all that with my book. And, you know, I never thought in a million years, they would do that. But there’s also others who are my biggest fans. And you know, my mom’s my biggest fan and some of my aunts and uncles and my siblings are my biggest fans. But yeah, there’s cousins out there that are that are definitely shit and stuff. Yeah, haters limit.
Unknown Speaker 17:08
Yeah. I feel you, man. So what keeps you up at night, Nelson.
Unknown Speaker 17:13
Unknown Speaker 17:14
you know what, not not living to my potential, I really feel a responsibility, you know, in this life to reach my potential and, and really be able to help everybody. You know, again, you see people on that you think are always doing the right thing. I mean, yeah, I struggle with so many things. And I just, you know, I use an alter ego. His name’s Fred. And I try it. You know, Fred always makes the right choice, you know, but Nelson, he, he hardly ever makes the right choice. And, you know, so I try to ask friends, advice as much as I can. And sometimes I don’t like his advice, but it’s always right.
Unknown Speaker 17:53
Is do that is also you getting out of your own friggin way. Man. I love that. You know who my alter ego is chili Palmer, remember him for him? Like cuz he was so cool. So chill, because Fergie can get boisterous rah. And sometimes I lose stuff in translation. I kind of get lost. But how chili Palmer handle it? That’s awesome. That Fred’s available for you, man. Yeah. So then I think I probably know the answer to this, but who has had the most profound impact in your life? Or maybe even your career?
Unknown Speaker 18:22
Yeah, I think my Graham has had the most impact on my life, I think I mean, you know, where would the world be without great grandparents. So I think my Gran has, but I also got placed into the big brother Big Sister program, when I was 11 1213 years old. And what that gave me was contrast from the life that I was living to the type of lives that were out there. So I got to see, you know, how families reacted and how different families were. And I think that gave me the contrast. And it gave me that desire to say, hey, I want this type of family as opposed to the family that I was living in.
Unknown Speaker 19:04
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. grandmas are just awesome. You know, mine was kind of the same way you come in with my background as well. She always, you know, introduced me as a little bit more special than the kind of the rest of our family my adoptive grandma. That’s fantastic. And she was there for you doing that. So what, what would Nelson’s definition of a life? Well, it be?
Unknown Speaker 19:26
You know what? laying on your deathbed at 130 years old, surrounded by, you know, your posterity, and all of them looking down and just knowing that you did your best and having those great memories, and being proud of of the man that that you were
Unknown Speaker 19:45
loving man. That’s awesome. And you can ask really for much more than that, you know, I mean, it’s like we always I always say that. I want to help people so much, that I’m outdated in a sense, like, you know, like the beef Two bomber dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but like now the stealth bombers are so much different like they’re almost forgot about but that couldn’t have happened without that. And that’s how I feel that you’re going to be remembered to now and I really appreciate you saying that. Hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back with my really good friend Nelson Tressler. He has the app, which we’re gonna get into in just a little bit, which is I got smarter. And then also his book that I’m lucky sperm club. But first we’re going to throw him to the grind of our leveling up lightning round. So Nelson you and I could talk 15 you, you and I run so parallel, so many things, right? Not only age, but you know, some of our background. But we could talk 1520 minutes and each one of these questions, maybe even an hour but you got five seconds, no explanations. We’re going to answer them they all can be answered quickly. You’re ready to rock.
Unknown Speaker 20:51
I’m nervous.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Good. That’s why why bring out that put on that 48 Jersey. Let’s get ready to grind.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
There we go.
Unknown Speaker 20:59
Let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Nelson’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 21:05
You You get to give meaning to everything that happens to you in your life.
Unknown Speaker 21:08
Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success. a morning routine. There you go. And not outside of Nelson Trusler calm and of course time to shine today.com a shameless plug. What other website Do you like to go to? to level up
Unknown Speaker 21:25
YouTube love
Unknown Speaker 21:27
to Google and YouTube’s my answer to that all the time. If I’m in my doldrums I’m walking around just not feeling it. And outside of the unlucky sperm club you what other books do you hand me say Fergie read this.
Unknown Speaker 21:39
You know what, I love the compound effect by Darren Hardy baby
Unknown Speaker 21:42
Hardy. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 21:47
a wink? wink my
Unknown Speaker 21:49
sarcastic Love it. Love it. And don’t frickin lie to me, Nelson, if you could be one age, for the rest of your life physically keep the experience you’ve garnered and continue to gain experience. stay physically, one age for us your life? What would it be and don’t lie 35 There you go baby. I always say 20 to 32. So at least you were on board there too. What’s your favorite charity and organization like to give you time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:16
I’m very active in my church. So I I free? My church? Where do you attend? I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Unknown Speaker 22:24
Nice eye. Excellent. Thank you for doing that. And thank you for being convicted to that as well. Last question, and you can elaborate on this a little bit. What’s the best decade in music 6070s 80s or
Unknown Speaker 22:35
1970s? Without
Unknown Speaker 22:38
70s and 80s? Like that? Or I love it. Man. I love your answers, brother. So how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 22:45
You can go to Nelson Tressler calm. Everything’s there. The book the app, you can also go to I got smarter, calm. And the book is available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold the on lucky sperm club.
Unknown Speaker 22:57
I love it. And let’s talk about that I got smarter app.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Yeah. So you know, we talked a little bit about it. I mean, this app is kind of what I have used over the last 20 years to design a life I couldn’t have imagined. And it it has that morning routine, and it has the evening routine in it. But what were the realest secret sauces is that you’re able to invite success partner to come into that app with you. And now you’re both working on your goals together. And when you bring somebody else into your goals, there’s a 95% more likelihood that you’re going to achieve those goals. So the app lets them know did you do your morning ritual when you did you can give them kudos if you didn’t, you can give him some encouragement. But it’s just going to help you see your goals through to the end it breaks him down. There’s there’s so many little things in there where people fail their goals that we’ve patched or, or kind of changed it around so that people will achieve their goals. And people are, you know, no matter what level of goal achievement they’ve been at whether they can’t get past January 3 on their new year’s resolutions, or they feel pretty good about their goals. This takes them to the next level and goal achievement.
Unknown Speaker 24:05
I love it. And that can be found on iOS or Apple and Google Android x. I’ll grab that link squat and I’ll put it in the show notes. So Nelson, also squat, I gotta go back here we’re going to do a giveaway which I’m going to purchase a book for the first person that replies on any of our social media time to shine today. Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, whatnot, I’m going to get the first one that replies with the code. Trusler first one that puts Tressler into their reply, will get a free book that I will purchase. I’m going to have Nelson sign it for you. And if does he take care of the postage? That’d be fantastic. If not, I’ll Venmo you the money out to you. But you will get the lucky person to get the unlucky sperm club book. So nuts leave us please with one last dollar you’d like us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 25:03
Yeah, I mean taking action I think that’s the best thing is start where you’re at because that’s the only place we can start and start now you hit you hear these inspiring podcast or you get motivated and inspire and then you want to wait for some arbitrary date. Don’t wait man do what you need to do. Now you you know at least the next step that has to be taken in your in your goals. So take it now and then continue to go.
Unknown Speaker 25:29
Wow, this is my boy Nelson Trusler he is we again, we run such parallel lines, man, you just got a free masterclass, from my good friend Nelson, you know, like his grandma put in his subconscious that he was going to make something up that he can be anything you want. And she really had that awesome, profound impact on him. Remember, you’re not a victim of your circumstances, but a product of your choices. So make sure that you are making choices, don’t get stuck into the analysis paralysis, he wants you to take action. And speaking to that, remember, nobody is smarter than you, they just took more action. That’s why they’re at if they are ahead of you, you know, a great leader, a great coach will instill the confidence in you to take that action. You know that remember, also Nelson said that things only have meaning that you give permission to have that meaning. Okay, take the repeat that to yourself. Things only have meaning that you give permission to have that meaning. So if it’s a negative, meaning you’re giving it permission to be negative, so let’s level up and push out that negative. You know, he wants you to see your potential. He wants to help others realize their potential. He wants to live to his potential and he has responsibility is to do that, as we say a time to shine today. Responsibility is nothing more than the ability to respond. So if you’re living to that potential, you’re going to run into roadblocks and whatnot. Nelson will tell you to get your asking gear and ask for help to push through and see that potential and he’s gonna live to 130 years old, he’s gonna be surrounded by loved ones, and knows that he did his best to help others level up. And most of all, take action action action do it now and my friend Nelson does that. He levels up as healthy levels up as well if he’s humble yet hungry. He’s fantastic. Thank you so much for coming out. Nelson. I cannot wait to collaborate in the future with your brother.
Unknown Speaker 27:15
Thanks, Scott. Appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 27:17
Talk soon, my friend. Aloha. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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