262-Million Dollar Body Method – TTST Interview with Fitness and Nutrition Expert and Author Nate Palmer

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Nate is a fitness and nutrition expert, coach, speaker, and writer who believes that being in incredible shape gives a massive advantage in business, focus, and relationships.

He also happens to be a dad, husband, and the #1 bestselling author of The Million Dollar Body Method and  Passport Fitness. Nate helps business owners and entrepreneurs improve their physique, finances, and family time using fitness and nutrition as force multipliers.

If you don’t quit you can never lose

– Nate Palmer

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. When getting ready to hire your fitness/nutrition coach, ask them point blank ‘Why should I hire you?’

2. A good coach will really dig through powerful questions to help their clients find their ‘why’

3. Get into what you REALLY want to get into, your passion, ask lots of questions, take action!

4. F.E.A.R. = Face Everything and Rise

5. Sometimes you have to implement, Ready, Fire and Aim

6. Good fitness and nutrition will always elevate you and if you fall off you can always return to those.

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

N8Training Systems

Book: Million Dollar Body Method

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Yo yo yo this is Nate with N8training systems and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my boy Scott Ferguson. Let’s Go!

Unknown Speaker  0:10  

go time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I am super, super stoked to bring you this episode with my really good friend. chiseled like he was done by Michelangelo himself built like a brick but he has the velvet glove that he carries around and he will help you level up and get your fitness nutrition on point. I mean we’re at the beginning of 2022 and right that kind of two and a half week mark where people start falling off and if you find yourself falling off, reach out to my boy Nate here, but make Nate Palmer he’s a author, fitness nutrition expert, his book really changed my views on how my morning protocol happens. Just fantastic. I stay more hydrated I stay more focused just by following the tips in his book and we do have an awesome giveaway. So listen to around the end of this podcast for an awesome awesome giveaway. So this one you’re gonna really want to break out your notebooks he’s gonna have pages and pages of notes for it so without further ado, here is the author of the million dollar body method. Nate Palmer let’s level up to shine today pockets varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got my boy Nate’s Newman Newman now we’ll just call him Nate here man and I has made in it’s an eight. The new miracle eight Nate training systems are fantastic to do very well put together. He’s a rock star. He’s a fitness and nutrition expert coach, speaker and writer who believes that being in incredible shape is a massive, massive advantage of business focus and relationships. He also happens to be a dad, a husband and the number one best selling author of the million dollar Bobby method and passport fitness passport fitness I actually dug into the no nonsense guide to staying in shape no matter what city you wake up in, which is much travel because I’m back to doing this is a great read. For the people out there traveling he helps business owners and entrepreneurs improve their physique, finances and family time using fitness and nutrition as force multipliers. Nate is a coach, speaker and writer whose work has been popularized in media outlets such as the Huffington Post big time testosterone nation there you go. Ask man breaking muscle stack media and thrive global. And Nate, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:34  

I probably have to go with blue just because that’s the first thing that popped into my mind. I I feel like that if you think too hard about those types of questions, right? I get all wound up and you’re like, oh, man, it’s chartreuse. I guess it’s burnt. That’s burnt orange.

Unknown Speaker  2:47  

I love it. I love salmon, salmon.

Unknown Speaker  2:50  

The light salmon, lights. I

Unknown Speaker  2:52  

love it, man. Thanks for coming on brother. And like I’ve vetted you out to go through this. It’s just stacked and stacked and stacked with information that helps people level up, you know, time to shine today, our mission credo, whatever you want to call it, it’s we don’t want to have anyone to feel like they have no one. But I also my clients that I that I coach a lot of the forest 100 and high end clients, professional athletes and what stuff and we all agree that, you know, if you look good, you feel good, you feel good, you perform good. And if you perform good, you make money, you make connections you make whatever, so I know that you come from that. But let’s get to the origins how you started there, brother.

Unknown Speaker  3:26  

Okay, yeah, and I know I’m gonna try to I’m trying to keep this really nice and concise. So basically, I got into fitness as a fear based response to kind of comedy situation happened me when I was like 11 or 12. I was in eighth grade. My mom dropped my sister off at school, I was at home by myself. someone breaks into my back door breaks the window. I’m like, That can’t be good. Grab a steak knife, and I’m crawling out of my bed locking this little like rinky dink like deep, like door lock, right here, this guy coming down the hallway, got wood floors, he’s like, boom, boom. It’s like It’s like ingrained in my memory. Oh mounds on my door. I’m like down to the steak knife. Like I dare you put your face down here. Like pretending to be brave, you know, like actually, like peeing myself. Yeah. And I remember in that moment, Scott doing like, like, I don’t ever want to feel powerless like this. Again, I don’t ever want to feel like my like a ton of entire autonomy is like stripped away from me. So I was like, you know, what I’ll do is I’m going to buy a bunch of knives on eBay. As a 12 year old, pretty good, pretty good idea. Yeah. And I’m also gonna, like, equip myself with a bunch of like muscle armor. I’m gonna grow a beard, I’m having earrings, get tattoos and be so intimidating that no one will ever want to mess with me again. That was my mentality when I first started off in fitness. And since then, thank goodness, it has morphed because I think there’s a lot of people who still get tied up in that and want to be intimidating and have something like that. Just stuff from childhood, whatever, just feelings of inadequacy. Sure. I know that like that fear based responses. A lot of us like, oh, I want I want to get in shape. I don’t want to feel a certain kind of way. I feel like I’m XYZ or I’m, I’m lacking X, Y or Z. But I think that like well that’s a great place to start from. We can use that as fuel. We have to transform at some point into what you said. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you perform good. To be performed good, you make connections, you you elevate your lifestyle. Yeah. And so that’s one thing I love about fitness nutrition is that it’s a way of elevating yourself. Rather than trying to pack yourself down and fit into a little box. It’s like, How can I become better today? How can I become greater? How can I uplevel my energy? Who can I touch right now? I think that when you feel good, and you walk in a room with confidence and energy, like you are able to impact more people. Sure. I think that’s like, that’s kind of where I’m at now, compared to where I was, like, 20 years ago.

Unknown Speaker  5:27  

That’s beautiful. Thank you for being transparent. That story cuz it reminds me of me like, no, no, I’m, I’m a six, one and 250. No, my waist is a 34. So it’s not like I’m put together like a fat, right? But like, I walk in now, and I kind of get that. And I built a lot of me on insecurities of being a skinny kid. Right? I mean, I was, you know, I was always scrappy. Russell, I made state tournaments, whatever, I was good. But I was always a scrappy kid with the Navy. And then start seeing all these guys in my team, like, building muscle. And it’s like, oh, this is what I want to do. But I, it took me a long time and a lot of coaching to get out of that insecure about security out of my head. Okay, I was always the skinny kid on site. Do you ever have some of that fear that ever surfaces? And what do you do to force that back?

Unknown Speaker  6:11  

Yeah, I think that like, I mean, up until pretty recently, like, that has still been kind of my identity, like, like skinny like not, never, like be good enough. Especially trying to be a fitness professional and feeling like, oh, I need to look a certain way to look like I did have like this, these physical attributes. But I think honestly, like, I’m like, using kind of my platform and actually speaking about it hasn’t been really helpful. Yeah, like, at first, like, what I was always thinking was like, oh, like, he’s, he thinks I’m this kind of way, or they expect me to show up like this. But I’m like, Yo, guys, I suck. I have a hard time with a lot of stuff. And this is like, and here’s how, like fitness has helped me. Like that was like really like to be able to be like transformed, like, like transparent and open up about it was like, oh, like, everyone deals with this. I’m not better than anyone. I’m not anyone. We’re on the same page. We’re just all having a human

Unknown Speaker  7:00  

experience. Not an anomaly. Right? So,

Unknown Speaker  7:04  

which is great to hear. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  7:06  

it’s secure there. Let me assume that you you mentioned three or four times I mentioned it three times or seven times so far in this conversation. There’s been the word fear. What’s your acronym for fear?

Unknown Speaker  7:15  

Face everything in rise,

Unknown Speaker  7:17  

dude. I love that that you said that. Because I say face everything and respond. I actually like rise better. I’m stealing that. That’s awesome. Take it Oh, yeah. Fantastic, bro. That’s it. Thank you for saying because everyone has False Evidence Appearing Real, which is fine. But do face everything and rise. That’s that’s kick ass. I love that. I love that. Thank you. So when you starting to take somebody, let’s let’s say put you in a one on one situation with a new prospective client that comes to you at a training system that again, squad, that’s an eight eight is the numerically neat training systems. Someone comes into what kind of secret sauce Do you have, if you don’t mind sharing to maybe help them find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  7:52  

Yeah, so I’m big into questions. I will ask people questions over and over and over again. And a lot of times people come in, like, really why you asked me why I want to lose lose weight, like isn’t it obvious? And I’m like, like, no, not not to me. Like we want to I want to really unpack this. So before I give them like tactics, and this is again, like, this is coming from like 1112 years of evolution as a trainer, because before I was like, Scott, you ready to roll? Burpees Let’s go. Come on, you know, but I’m like, like, Scott wise is important to you. And you’re like, Well, I want to get healthy. I’m like, Well, what’s health look like to you? And you’re like, Well, I’d like to, you know, be able to live to this, like this old age like, Well, why is it important to live to meet your 80s or 90s? I want to be there for my family. Why is important be there for your family? Well, I want to like my like, I want to, like walk my daughter down the aisle, essentially, or something along those lines. I’m like, Okay, now that’s a reason. Yeah, now, now we’re getting somewhere. Because it’s like, I wanna lose 20 pounds, I want to run a five kg. Those don’t mean anything. And once you hit them, it doesn’t like it. It kind of renders that, that feeling like obsolete. And you’re like, well, well, now what do I just go back to eating normally do I have to the living my life? Like, right, Scott, like you said, you want to be able to be there with your grandkids and your great grandkids and you want to be able to walk your daughter down the aisle and be able to like crawl around on the floor and like play with your kids like that’s a why now you can stay with this long so before I even get to like tactics and secret sauce we got to what what’s important.

Unknown Speaker  9:15  

Yes, the why is critical. I love love that you brought that up. So while you’re meeting with them in that first meeting in the questions you’re firing off at them, which is all powerful questions, obviously to dig to their Why is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

Unknown Speaker  9:32  

Hmm, that’s a great question. I love I get this sometimes I love when people ask me like, why why should I hire you? Or what’s the difference between you and a personal trainer? Because I’ve kind of been in both roles. I think that’s a great question. I think there’s, like that signifies that someone’s actually done their research and not just showing up to be like, Well, what do you like, what’s what’s going on with this? Well, that’s that’s a positive question. And then also like, like, I love it, like not even like in that in that, like, first first meeting but like During our time working together when they go, why are we doing this? Right? I’m eating like this. What’s the point of this protein shake? Why are we doing so many more games?

Unknown Speaker  10:06  

I love that. I love that. So what do you think maybe your strengths are?

Unknown Speaker  10:15  

Well, I’ve never really been like, the sharpest. Like, I’m not picking stuff up the fastest. I’m not like crushing it year one out of the gate. But I know for a fact, and this is something that I think I’ve liked, that I’ve loved about fitness is that if I don’t quit, I cannot lose. And if I’m committed, and I’m consistent, I know I’m gonna get, I’m gonna get what I want. And if it takes me 10 times, as long as it takes someone like you, Scott, I’m okay with that. Like, I think one of my biggest strengths besides my biceps is my consistency and my patients like I can hang in there and wait for something good to happen. I don’t need to be today I don’t need

Unknown Speaker  10:51  

right your clients you pass that right on your clients may inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the artists are that’s we say your time to shine today. Right? So that’s awesome. So to what extent do you appreciate those strengths? are being consistent patient?

Unknown Speaker  11:04  

Like, like, how do I how do I feel about them within myself? Exactly. I’m proud of myself. I’m not gonna lie to you. Like I think that this we have this we have a culture right now. Have we got the easy button? We want faster if I if I could, it was able to like put together a pill that gave people weight loss results, right? Like, I’d be a millionaire, right? Yeah. Like that’s what that’s the level we’re living on Amazon Prime mentality. Right. So I think it’s really counterculture to be like, I’m okay with waiting. I’m okay with not having being perfect today. I’m okay with that. Ready, fire aim. Like I’m gonna go. And then I’m gonna get a little bit better. And I’m gonna go again, I’m gonna get a little bit better. And so I like that because I feel like it’s, it’s a it’s a difference maker. And I know that like it. It solidifies. Like, victory is already mine. I’m gonna get the W You can’t stop me. No one can stop right. Jane quavers gonna stop me as

Unknown Speaker  11:49  

me. Yeah. Yeah, I love it. And so then what extent do you appreciate your limitations? Because we all have them?

Unknown Speaker  11:56  

Yeah, I don’t know if I necessarily appreciate them as much as like, look at them. Like, gotta get better

Unknown Speaker  12:01  

at that. But like, the journey, though, baby gotta love it. Right.

Unknown Speaker  12:05  

And I know that like, the one thing I do like about them is that when I can see my limitations, like my organizational strength is not my is not like, right, ideal, right? I’m, I’m great at taking action, but like refinement, not, not my like my skill. When I know, Scott, that if I if I actually go to go to work on those things. Those are my limits. Those were asking me from the life I want. So I know that like by addressing them, I’ll get closer. Not that much. It’s not fun. It’s not pretty sometimes. But do you

Unknown Speaker  12:32  

appreciate them a lot that man because you know, they do the winners out there. The people that I’ve coached, again, CEOs of monster companies, they look at their limitations. They’re like, dude, if I can’t conquer this, I’ll hire it out. You know what I’m saying? I love that. You say that? Because you can’t hire anybody out your body. You have to take care of it. And I love that you’re trans Dude, you’re transparent. This is frickin awesome. So have you saw the movie Back to the Future? Yeah, okay, let’s get that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 20 year old napalm. What kind of knowledge and I guess we call them here at times trying to get a knowledge. I guess you drop it on the 20 year old date to maybe help them level up last through and shorten his learning curve just a little bit.

Unknown Speaker  13:13  

I just tend to buy a bunch of Bitcoin. I do. Walking away. I love it. I think that I would, I would go back and like tell myself Hey, get into like get into the things that you want to get into because I got a business degree like I was 20 years old. I was working on a business degree from University of Arizona. And I hate did not like it and I was bored with it. And it was not like it was not my favorite thing. So I spent a lot of time like starting to read fitness articles and nutrition articles and stuff like that. So I would have probably told myself to shortcut that process and go after the thing that I was looking for get that like go for that personal training certification. Like switch switch the degree if that’s what it takes. And then I don’t know I feel like I’ve had

Unknown Speaker  13:55  

it all man. It’s all about passion and being authentic. And that’s that’s what I would tell my I’m gonna be 50 That’s what I tell my, my young guy to man. Absolutely. So how do you why your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date on your tombstone? How do you want nice dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  14:16  

And this changes every year? Like if you would ask me when my 20s I’d be like probably like the guy with the really big biceps. Jordan, you asked me at like 28 I’d be like, Oh, I like adventure. Like, like, just legend. I want to be a legend and then I think you asked me now I’d be like, I want I want my like my family. I have a three year old daughter and a seven month old son I’m like I want them to remember me as being like a cornerstone and a pillar for them that allowed them to grow and thrive. Like it feels like it’s like it used to be all about me and I feel like now it’s not not as much Wow,

Unknown Speaker  14:51  

that isn’t that crazy? The older you get man. Yeah, it’s that’s that that answer was kick ass do that was fantastic for being there with that. So let’s get back in that glory. And this time with Doc Brown, where we’re going there are no roads, where do you see Nate Training Systems in five years?

Unknown Speaker  15:10  

I would like to one of my big goals right now is to help like 30,000 dads in the US, which is literally point 1% of the dads out there. And so most of the people I work with are, you know, dads, but they’re also C level executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, people like leveling up in their tribes and their trade. So I want to help people like that. Get to the point where, like, the they don’t have that, that track right in the back of their mind, where it’s like, Hey, you’re not enough. You’re not You’re adequate, you know, you don’t like I want to help them feel good. When they walk into the room. I want to give them back their power that they had when they were like, they had that confidence and energy. So I think that like, like, This is who I am. This is where I’m, this is where I’m standing. I love it. Yeah, I can see that if I don’t show up powerfully for my kids. If I walk, if I get back to my house at 5pm. And I’m in a bad mood, like, I see oh, that impacts my kids. And if I show up and I’m like, like Dad’s home, like, let’s go there, I see what they’re like, and I can I know the power of that. So if I can help other dads, how that I know that’s going to completely transform just like families and lives.

Unknown Speaker  16:14  

That’s, that’s fantastic. You are doing it, man. You’re doing it. So what do you think people misunderstand the most by me?

Unknown Speaker  16:24  

I’m more than just a beard, Scott.

Unknown Speaker  16:28  

And that can go a bunch of different ways. I says I said it. I was like,

Unknown Speaker  16:33  

let’s keep it. Let’s keep this in the episode. I think that probably people think that I’m like, I come across as being a little bit harsh sometimes. I’m a truth teller. I like to I sometimes don’t sugarcoat things. No kid gloves. And I swear a lot. I’m kind of a rambunctious, right bucket person. So

Unknown Speaker  16:52  

good with me, man. Do your thing.

Unknown Speaker  16:54  

So I think the people think that like I am I am fitness person trainer hardcore. Let’s get after it kind of guy. I’m really a big softy. So.

Unknown Speaker  17:03  

Right. Gotcha. You carry that stick, man, you got that velvet glove that Iron Fist underneath. Yeah, that’s, that’s good stuff. So what keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  17:14  

I think like, again, like, I know, I’ve talked about feelings of inadequacy and fear and stuff like that. But the big, big things for me is like, Am I like as an entrepreneur? Like, is this business gonna work out? Should I give this up? Should I go start a landscaping landscaping company? Should I go to work in the workforce? Should I like, Am I like, Am I doing the right things for myself and for my family to create the life and legacy that I’m that I want? And that backs me up? Because I think you know, being a business owner being outdoors, at the heart of it very scary to have to what do you

Unknown Speaker  17:41  

think it is? Because you’ve been doing this 11 years, right? Like straight up like straight through 11 years, right? From what I’ve vetted on you, what keeps you going?

Unknown Speaker  17:50  

I mean, that same thing I was talking about earlier, like, I know that what I want is on the other side of hard work and consistency. Yeah, man. And if I keep going like and if I like if I putting out content, writing books, I’m talking to people, I’m having conversations like maybe today, like I’m coming off a string of some rough, like some rough, like sales calls, but a bunch of people in a row just saying no to me. And like in the moment today, I’m frustrated. I’m annoyed by that. But I know that this hard work that I’m putting in right now, like, I don’t know what that’s gonna look like in three months, but I know it’s gonna be positive. I know, these things are gonna come back. And so if I’m just delivering value and helping people out as best I can, like, I know, it’s I know, I’m having an impact. I hear that all the time from the clients who are working with me, right? I know that, like the life I want is on the other side of getting people to the life that they want.

Unknown Speaker  18:33  

I love that. You know, it’s funny I’m looking at right now on my wall above Donnie said here, just keep doing it. Even when you don’t see any visible progress. It’s literally on my wall. Do you know that’s what you need to hit the nail on the head? And when you do it, man, it goes, bro. So what are three things? Let’s take out our computer or cell phone, tablets, anything electronic trying to go out of it. Let’s take family out because that’s a gift. What are three other things that you cannot live without?

Unknown Speaker  19:09  

If I had to like narrow it down to like one piece of workout equipment or something like that, I would probably say there’s a there’s a power block dumbbells that I really love. Love it. Like it’s a dumbbell that I can adjust the weights on like that. It’s amazing. Um, I kind of want to cheat a little bit and say my Kindle like I love reading I’m fine readings good. I can’t I can’t carry out a bunch of books on the Kindle the Kindle money for me.

Unknown Speaker  19:32  

Your third answer better be some kind of cheat meal, bro. So come on, man. What is it? What’s your cheat meal?

Unknown Speaker  19:38  

I don’t do cheat meals. I just do tacos. Alright, that doesn’t fit the macros I eat tacos.

Unknown Speaker  19:43  

Probably beautiful dude. Love it. I love it. So what is Nate’s definition of life well lived.

Unknown Speaker  19:50  

I think that you can like you’ll be able to tell if you live a life like worth remembering by like how the like the people you touched when people come to your like, come to your house. You know, what, what are they? What are they saying about you like, oh man, like, he was, he was a nice guy, he did a good job at work, or they were like, hey, like this guy showed up for me when I was in a rough spot this guy like when like, she had a conversation with me, like, I’ve heard the story about Bill Clinton a few times, which is kind of interesting. But when, when people talk about meeting Bill Clinton, they say like, Hey, here’s this influential, really powerful man. And he’s talking to me, like we’re the only people in the room and I’m the most important person here. Yeah, so that’s like, that’s the legacy I wanna leave behind where people are like, like, I knew like yeah, you guys have an idea of who Nate was like I knew him in this capacity. And that one time when I really needed like, some help some eyes on some whatever else, he got me on that so it’ll be for me like

Unknown Speaker  20:44  

you gotta be in our business and you kind of coaching business man that’s what I want every client to feel like I might be working with and what I want coaching clients a month, but I want that one client when I’m with them to feel that I’m they’re here because you know, so many people have a foot in the future foot in the past and piss on the president. Right? They don’t care about where they are right now. This is that’s cute. What you just said makes you successful. And what you are because you’re there with every person. That’s fantastic. Time to shine today podcast Farsi squad, this is Scott Ferguson. I got my boy Nate Palmer from Nate training systems here. And we are going to go through our leveling up lightning round and Nate you and I could tell you and I could talk an hour about every single one of these questions, but you got five seconds with no and I repeat, no explanations. You ready to rock? Ready rock if you’re here on one of our other streaming internet streaming but video services he’s rockin man, he’s like Muhammad Ali getting around. I love it. So Nate, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Don’t quit. Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  21:43  

I drink 32 ounces of water every morning. Yes. Other than your website,

Unknown Speaker  21:47  

Nate and that’s an eight numerically neat training systems calm and time to shine today.com my shameless plug what website does make go to the level

Unknown Speaker  21:56  

there’s a site called bada sec. Q I. I can’t I can’t spell it. But it’s called barking up the wrong tree. It’s kind of like contrarian advice.

Unknown Speaker  22:04  

Beautiful, beautiful. You see me I’m in my doldrums. And, you know, you’re like man, Fergie’s just not looking right. Other than your two books. What book would you me?

Unknown Speaker  22:17  

A book just read called Change your questions. Change your life.

Unknown Speaker  22:20  

Love it. They What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? crying laughing baby. Here you go. What was your Newser? New Year’s resolution and 21? Were more hats. I do chess and checkers. Chess. Jeff. Wow. All right, my dude, favorite charity organization like to give your time or money to

Unknown Speaker  22:38  

front row, Front Row Foundation. Beautiful. What is that? That is an organization that helps. It’s like kind of like, Make A Wish Foundation. Okay, people live their life in the front row. Basically, like so that bring people to like, concerts and their, you know, terminal illnesses.

Unknown Speaker  22:54  

Hmm, that’s beautiful, man. So last question. You can elaborate on this one? What’s the bus stick into music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s 90s 90s?

Unknown Speaker  23:02  

Hip Hop?

Unknown Speaker  23:06  

Dude, my dude, how can we find your brother,

Unknown Speaker  23:09  

you can go to an eight training systems.com is great place. I spent most of my time in the Facebook group called the million dollar body community so you can go to na training systems.com/group to get there. Okay, I put a lot of time and energy and effort into that. But uh, you can also find me on the Instagrams, other places at na training

Unknown Speaker  23:26  

and a Tran. Love that brandy, man. That’s fantastic. So they, they let’s talk about your book. The latest one that just came out. Is that the the million dollar Okay, yeah, talk to us about that.

Unknown Speaker  23:39  

So my first book, passport fitness was kind of a collection of some stories from my wife and I spending a year abroad traveling and how do you stay in fit on the road? What I found from that it was not transformational at all. It gave some good tips. And people were like, Oh, this is great, nice, very nice book and put it away. This book is basically a like a step by step guide to a nutrition system that I find is as really powerful. I feel like a lot of coaches write books that are like, Hey, here’s a like a long letter about why you should buy my service. I don’t do that because I don’t know I’m going to be in 10 years, I want this to be something that people can pick up in a decade or two and still get incredible results. So it’s a little less Slyke story driven and a little bit more like, here’s what we know, here’s why it’s important. Here’s what to do next. And so by if you read that book, it’s it’ll give you a four week blueprint or game plan on how to to start eating in a way that fuels your energy teaches your body to burn fat for fuel, and just helps you release some pounds feel a lot better show up with show up with more energy enthusiasm everywhere in life.

Unknown Speaker  24:37  

Beautiful, beautiful and squat. I’m going to do a giveaway I’m going to purchase two of Nate’s books I’m gonna have them shipped in Nate Nate’s gonna sign one to a lucky listener that puts million dollar my or million dollar No, no, you know what, in the anything that respond to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, anything they put some face everything in writes that way I’ll know you’ve listened to this face everything in rise you put that in the comments and I will have Nate mail you out which on time to shine today’s time Nate mail you out sign copy of his book. And it’ll go out to the first lucky listener that puts anything in any of our social and keep the keep it going. We’ve did 240 interviews, and we’ve given away 220 bucks from authors. So let’s keep it going. Everyone listens all the way through. So that’s fantastic. In Nate. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you like to take with us internalize and take action

Unknown Speaker  25:35  

I think we’ve already I mean, we already established this but this is like I think this is the most important thing is that you beat it in man. What is it? You can’t lose if you don’t quit? Yes cannot lose if you don’t quit. I think that’s like the most important thing whether you’re a dad, parent, husband, spouse, business owner, or you’re working on your health and fitness like the only like the only time that you lose or you falters when you stop so whether you you have a like you eat off plan you gain a couple pounds back you will have a fight with your wife your kids doesn’t matter keep going

Unknown Speaker  26:04  

and going reset that’s beautiful and squad we just had an awesome awesome masterclass basically free one my boy here Nate the great Palmer, you know, he built his like life kind of on a fear based response that got him into fitness because of his, you know, go back to minute two or three in this interview and it got pretty deep for him as a young kid. You know, he’ll tell you that fitness nutrition will elevate yourself no matter what you can always come back to that base. If you fall off, you can reset and keep moving forward, you know, face everything in rise, fear, his acronym, his face everything in rise. I love that love that. And he believes that a great coach like himself, will help you find your why he’ll dig with powerful questions to help you find your why and why he’ll always take you back to your why. Even though you’re getting off track, a great coach will do that, you know, ask a good coach, why should I hire you? And there’s that why word again, because he’s gonna take care of your wife, he’s gonna keep you on track your wife, you know, I’m gonna say this probably three times in this recap, but don’t quit. If you don’t quit, you won’t lose. So that’s bottom line. That’s where he comes from. You know, you believe in a ready fire aim mentality and a lot of different things. And you want you to get into your passion, get into what you want to do, you might go to business for poetry or business. But really, if you’re set, like my boy Nate to level up people in their health and fitness and mindset, then by all means frickin do it. You’ll go after your passion. If you don’t know about certain things like like good, friendly or Woodford says Get your asking gear, ask people and there are people there that will help you. He’s gonna be known as a cornerstone and a pillar, flowers family to grow and also the people around him that he comes in touch with, you know, he’s going to help 30,000 dads or maybe even more, which basically comes he wants to have 1% of the population of dads to level up their life and level up their tribes and trade it I mean, that’s that’s frickin huge. In other people that know you. He wants it, especially the people come across my boy Nate’s path. He wants to be in touch with them. You showed up and helped shape the lives with 1000s of people at this cat’s funeral. Hopefully, it’s a long way away, but there will be and again you can’t lose if you don’t quit Nate, you level up your health. You level up your wealth. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here. Thank you so much for coming. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future, my brother. This is a real pleasure. Thank

Unknown Speaker  28:21  

you so much. Awesome. I

Unknown Speaker  28:22  

love your guts level up. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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