254-Level UP Your Intuitive Strengths – TTST Interview with Author Intuitive Seer Michele Sammons

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Michele Sammons is an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned guide who works with clients worldwide helping them transform their lives through divine guidance. As an empath and intuitive, Michele’s light-hearted, joyful approach embraces her clients right where they are on their spiritual path and gently guides them to personal clarity and understanding.

If you can’t see your blind spot yourself, sometimes you need someone to reflect it back to you, and that comes with working with a great coach

– Michele Sammons

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. A great coach will listen with all the senses! Lean into conversation!

2. Stressed? Take a breath and bring yourself back to the present moment

3. Michele uses all her skills to help read and understand your energy signature

4. Enjoy your journey and be grateful daily! 

4. Understand that no matter how much you plan, they will change. Stay in the present moment and adjust to your zig zags

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey, this is Michele Sammons, author of The intuitive Companion. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the Time To Shine Today Podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson

Unknown Speaker  0:12  

time to shine today podcast versus squatted Scott Ferguson and it’s time to level up our intuitive strengths with my awesome sauce friend, and author and intuitive seer, Michelle salmons. There’s an awesome awesome book giveaway. So make sure you listen to kind of towards the end. So Michelle will mail you out a signed autographed copy of her awesome sauce book. So the this is made me really stretch my comfort zone with Michelle because she brought up things that during our conversation just really nailed into my past and was realizing I was not living in my present my energy signals can be all over the place. And she just made me really, really take maybe responsibility for a few other things in my life. So really sit back, relax, make sure you break out your notebooks because this she’s just chock full of fantastic knowledge nuggets. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Michelle salmons author, an intuitive seer. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast versus spot. This is Scott Ferguson and I got my Southern Belle, my lady from Memphis, my good friend, Michelle salmons, who’s an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly attuned guide who works with clients worldwide, helping them transform their lives through divine guidance as an empath and intuitive Michels, a light hearted, joyful approach embraces our clients, right where they are on the spiritual path and gently guides them to personal clarity and understanding. So if you’re ready to find your purpose, if you have a yearning for a life that feels alive and meaningful, and you want your spiritual path to feel light hearted and fun, then you’re going to really enjoy our conversation here, my good friend, Michelle, and she also has a book, which I’m gonna have a giveaway at the end. So you have to listen to the end. It’s a little book of big knowing. So Michelle, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today packets or sweet spot. But first, what’s your favorite color? In why?

Unknown Speaker  2:14  

Ah, that’s a great question. I’m green, because it just reminds me of the freshness of nature, as

Unknown Speaker  2:21  

it as coaches and whatnot. It’s always a rebirth, you know, for us, and you know, with people getting in green, it’s just a rebirth of stuff. So, Michelle, let’s get into your root. So you cover a laugh for being divine guidance, Empath intuitive, so let’s get to the roots of Michelle.

Unknown Speaker  2:40  

Yeah, so I’m Michelle salmons, and I live in Memphis, Tennessee, part of the United States. And when I am mostly to boil it down is an intuitive, which just means I use my senses that we all have, it comes with the human package. And I’ve just refined those skills. So that way I can read someone into someone’s energy signature and just kind of help them understand what things are going on in their life, beyond what they might be able to understand what their rational analytical mind.

Unknown Speaker  3:13  

I love it. I love it. It would put you on that path?

Unknown Speaker  3:18  

Well, that’s that’s a great question. I started out in traditional coaching. And I had a lovely practice that I had lovely clients, we we discussed lots of things from career problems to family life. But I just felt like I wasn’t going quite deep enough for my own personal satisfaction, we kept going into deeper meanings of why things were happening and about their own journeys and, and what this was leading for and what was kind of unfolding for them. So it was just kind of a natural transition from one more mainstream traditional coaching to a little bit more expanded version of that. So what

Unknown Speaker  3:57  

do you think then makes a great coach?

Unknown Speaker  4:01  

Oh, you have to be a good listener. That’s the number number one key because and that also helps develop your intuition in your awareness. When you really listen to someone and you give them space to be seen and heard just as they are without even having to fix it give advice or suggest it brings healing on its own, just to have someone be heard. And that’s what a lot is going on in our society today. Right? People are wanting to be heard they’re wanting to be seen as they are in, in everyone can give that gift to each other. If you just take time and pause and really tune in and pay attention to the person in front of you. It’s just a huge blessing to them and to you.

Unknown Speaker  4:46  

Wow, that’s the take time and pots which you know, I really believe my exercise for it for my clients that I coach is really through breathing. Okay, breathing exercises, whether it’s tactical breathing, they’re learning the military or even boxing Breathing, what exercises you get your clients to do maybe at a start of a session to get them really leveled up to raise their game?

Unknown Speaker  5:10  

Yeah, well, that’s funny that you start with breathing, because that’s one of the things I asked my clients also to do is to just take a breath, because when we take a breath, and we refocus on, on that natural thing that we take for granted so much, it brings you back into the present moment, right? So it brings you right into the here and now in it, it helps to, for my clients, especially if someone’s new, when they might be a little nervous or anxious, just helps call met central nervous system down, right, that way they can hear and receive without having all the stuff that’s getting in the way.

Unknown Speaker  5:42  

I love that you said that, you know, breathing is the best medicine period. It’s free medicine, right? And it really can get you centered in ready to become a sponge to be able to level up in whatever aspect that they’re looking to, to level up into. So you you coach a lot of people one on one, then

Unknown Speaker  6:00  

I do I work with groups, and I also work with private clients. Okay, questions? Yeah, sure. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  6:05  

so when someone comes to you, as they will stick with a private client, someone comes to you? Is there any secret sauce that you could share to make them help them or not make them to help them find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  6:19  

Oh, that’s great question. Well, it’s always easier for someone else to see our blind spot, right? Absolutely. Yeah, we all see each other’s and what coaching or like my intuitive sessions do is that just helps kind of put a spotlight on it, if you will. So sometimes when, when you can’t see it yourself. So you just need someone to reflect it back to you. Once they’re aware of something, then it’s easy to spot it the next time it comes up. So and you know, oftentimes, we just need to be made aware of it initially. And then we begin to notice it on our own when we’re doing it ourselves.

Unknown Speaker  6:56  

I love that. Because as coaches, we’re not so much consultants, unless you’re a coach salt into you know, but I’m a coach, like I’m at a consult, let’s say has to do with real estate. I’m not going to tell one of my fortune 100 clients, you know, a consultant, but as a coach, we can ask those powerful questions. Listen intuitively, right? And then they help almost come up with it on their own. So they feel great about themselves. Correct, right?

Unknown Speaker  7:19  

Because that’s what you want to do is empower someone and tools and skills that they can do it and use it in their own life in their daily lives. Yes, if you’re not empowering someone to live their best life, then then you’re not really helping them.

Unknown Speaker  7:34  

Right? You’re almost you’re almost sinning. And I don’t mean that in a religious standpoint, sin is just a Greek word for missing the mark. So they’re almost they’re not taking that to the level that they’re able to correct?

Unknown Speaker  7:46  

Yes. Because eventually you want them not to meet you. Right, right. Right, you’re working yourself out of a job. Yes. And so that’s kind of what I like to do is empower folks to go forward and, and use the skills that they learned and use that information that they’ve learned loving themselves.

Unknown Speaker  8:06  

Love that. Love that. So transparent. Thank you. So while you’re, let’s stay with that first discovery conversation with a prospective client. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  8:22  

Well, now, when intuitive session starts a little differently. So what I like to do is dive into the energy and see what’s presenting itself. Initially, like, let’s, let’s see, where we are what we’re really

Unknown Speaker  8:36  

grappling with talking with, right.

Unknown Speaker  8:39  

And I ease their mind a lot, because they’ll come with questions. And I’m like, we’ll get to all those and we’ll address the ball. But initially, let’s see where where your Energy wants to start like that deeper, bigger part of you. And so that’s where we’ll start. And then we’ll go from there. Oftentimes, that’s where it’ll go on its own. So we’ll continue that path and then circle back there, if we need to.

Unknown Speaker  9:05  

Beautiful, beautiful. So what do you feel that your strengths are?

Unknown Speaker  9:15  

Say strengths. Do you mean with a client or do you yourself? Well, so I am a good listener, but I do a lot is I some people will call it holding space, I don’t consider it holding space. What it is, is your setting kind of a frequency or vibration. Some people would call it a presence if you’re just mainstream America. And so I’m allowing my client to to meet me in that space. Saying vibration, and a lot of times that’s a calm, serene place to be and when they meet me there and they let go of their anxiety or they’re worried or they’re wanting to to fix their problems, then resolutions and solutions just kind of bubble up naturally. Here to see what was kind of there, obviously anyway, does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker  10:09  

Yeah, absolutely. So you’re really putting the, I want to say maybe lack of a better term, an atmosphere. setting for them is a strength of yours to make them feel comfortable to be able to go to that level. Like nail ladders. It’s

Unknown Speaker  10:26  

yeah, so I definitely make someone feel comfortable if that if that.

Unknown Speaker  10:29  

Yeah, that’s what I was asking for your strengths, because that’s what makes the people that we want to have you talk to they want to know those.

Unknown Speaker  10:35  

Yeah. So if they want to know my strength is it’s the intuitive skills. Yes, exactly what every everyone has. So it when you talk about intuition, people get a little kind of like, oh, my gosh, what is that? Well, we all have it, it’s part all of us. Right? And so it’s what you know, like a stockbroker would call, he gets a hunch, yes. Or a mom will know that something’s wrong with their child. And it’s kind of mother’s intuition, or about following their heart or instinct. It’s all those things. And we all have it. What I’ve done is refine that skill, so that I can also help other people, yes, know what’s going on in their lives.

Unknown Speaker  11:15  

I love it, and what extent do you appreciate your strengths? Oh, gosh,

Unknown Speaker  11:19  

well, it’s, you know, it’s something you always take for granted, right? Until someone reflects back to you, oh, how do you do this? Or? Or how do you sense these things? And they start to ask particular questions, and you realize, oh, I’ve developed something that maybe not everyone has the curiosity or wonder to develop, right? So that’s usually when I start to reflect on it. But otherwise, I just do my thing and and try to help as many people as possible.

Unknown Speaker  11:45  

Let’s go the other way, what extent do you appreciate your limitations?

Unknown Speaker  11:50  

Well, as an intuitive, you definitely have to appreciate your limitations, because you have to know when you’ve got to tell your client that you don’t see something for them. Honesty,

Unknown Speaker  12:02  

honesty, and transparency. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker  12:07  

Well, you know, we’re, we’re human, right and as neutral as I try to be with this session with my client, because when you’re when I’m out of judgment, and I’m out of my own, try to be as as much as possible out of my own personal paradigms, but we only see energy, and I can clearly see my client. But we all you know, no matter how neutral, I try to be, we all have stuff sometimes that gets in the way. Yes. Oh, Matt. Yes, your own triggers and things that happen like that, and

Unknown Speaker  12:39  

taking responsibility there. Oh, of course. Yes. Yeah. What’s your definition of responsibility that?

Unknown Speaker  12:47  

Oh, gosh, that’s a great question. I haven’t ever really thought about it. Well, when I think about responsibility to my client, it’s being number one, it’s doing a good job. So it’s being present, it’s being aware it’s being with them. It’s reading their energy as cleanly as I can. So telling them when when something doesn’t appear to be coming forth, right. It’s all those things. So my responsibility to my client is just to do the best I can within within what I have, what the gifts I have to work with.

Unknown Speaker  13:21  

I love it. So you know, I was told I was taught this long time about build by my mentor and coach is the you know, the responsibilities the ability to respond. And it’s rooted right in the Word. And so I want to ask you this, then how do you respond to people that kind of come into one of your sessions in our thinking as some of this just seems like fu we’re far far You know what I’m saying? Because a lot of people, they’ll say, okay, an intuitive, an empath, and they’ve been referred to you. I see an empath right now. Okay, I’m not so I believe in the stuff but other people might not How do you respond to that? When they when you first start talking to them? Maybe get them on the path of leaving in in your process?

Unknown Speaker  14:00  

Well, what I’ve noticed is someone who has a few doubts or they’re a little skeptical it’s it’s interesting when when a session when someone is like that all the information I received will have some kind of, I like to call it candy because usually it’s not a matter but it’s like something that’ll grab their attention. So a name or a phrase that they’ve been reading about or thinking about or I’ll get something that is a very physical thing within their life now, that just grabs their attention in there and it startled

Unknown Speaker  14:35  

that is beautiful that does something excellent.

Unknown Speaker  14:39  

And then once I have their attention, then we can do the deeper meaningful work yes, your souls journey and what beautiful,

Unknown Speaker  14:46  

you responded perfectly. That’s beautiful. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Oh, gosh, a long time span a bit. Right. So I can’t believe it’s 36 years old the movie but

Unknown Speaker  14:59  

yeah, Dating all of us. I

Unknown Speaker  15:01  

know right? So let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Michelle, what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on her to maybe help her level up, shorten your learning curve and blast through maybe just a little bit quicker?

Unknown Speaker  15:16  

Oh gosh. To not think that she has to have a plan. So a lot of us, you know, we’re in this little this analytical, linear world. And we really want to hold on to a plan. We want to know where life is going. And we want to know what we’re doing. And we want the straightest shot there Right? To get from point A to point B. And what I’ve learned over the years is that intuitive living is more about being in the present moment. Versus, like we talked earlier responding to what’s going on in front of us listening deeply for the next step. Yeah, so sometimes, you know, your path will be more zigzaggy or it’ll be circle or it’ll be wandering path. Yes, for some of the great goodness and juiciness of life is yes, go in the fastest way

Unknown Speaker  16:07  

possible that journeys in the good memories are in those exact so I’m going to tell you right now, because so many people stand with a a foot in the future and a foot in the past and they pee on the present, you know, they’re not they’re enjoying that moment of just the things that you just come in the memories, because we you and I talking right now, our memories for tomorrow, and I leveled up my day. And that’s beautiful. So how do you want your dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and your death date and your team? So how do you want Michelle’s dash

Unknown Speaker  16:39  

remembered? I love that question. Never have that dash? That’s a great question. You know, there’s a couple of things that I’d like to say about that. Number one, the immediate answer that comes as is, I just, I think we all contribute something to the world. And that’s part of why we’re here. And one thing I’d like to contribute is just more love, because that just makes everything better. You know, the Beatles got that right. And, you know, and the other thing I would like to attribute is, is it’s okay to shine your own mind. So it’s okay to be exactly who you are, despite culture, despite, you know, what you’ve been taught with your family or your or your community, be you and when you do that, then you teach someone else that it’s okay to be there. Yes. That is yes. That’s all we’re really trying to do is just be who we are, and allow ourselves to express that. And the best way possible.

Unknown Speaker  17:41  

Yes, authentic is key. So I love that answer. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Michelle?

Unknown Speaker  17:52  

Oh, um, well, I think sometimes your clients think that you have it all figured out. But I also have my soul’s journey, right. And so I still have my blind spots. And in you know, as you work on yourself, and you become more aware, those things, you get deeper and deeper with your learning. So you you kind of cut away the surface stuff, and then it the lessons that you learn are even more profound. Right. But we were all doing that. I mean, that doesn’t stop no matter whether you help others, whether you do it for yourself, whether you’re just you know, a mom or a dad, you know, having a family life trying to keep it all together.

Unknown Speaker  18:42  

Right, right. Absolutely. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  18:44  

It’s a constant thing for everybody.

Unknown Speaker  18:46  

Yes, absolutely agree. So what if anything, keeps Michelle up at night?

Unknown Speaker  18:56  

Oh, well, from a from a person who used to be what I would call a worrywart worried about everything for the longest time. You know, I have done my work around that. And so I lead most of it. And the Dalai Lama, he has a great practice that he lets everything die before he goes to sleep at night. So let’s dive experts where your color

Unknown Speaker  19:23  

green comes in honey as the rebirth it’s a love

Unknown Speaker  19:26  

that I love that fresh every morning every day,

Unknown Speaker  19:29  

right? It took me a minute in a couple of coaches to get me there with that, because I would be like, Oh, can I grow? How can I it was like man, dude, how can you just let things be give it to God or whoever your Creator is and just go to bed? And now I do that, you know. So what are three things? Let’s take our computer out of equation, your cell phone, anything digital. What are three things that Michelle can’t live without?

Unknown Speaker  19:55  

Oh, that’s easy. My husband, my dog

Unknown Speaker  19:59  

say that

Unknown Speaker  20:01  

probably my next breath, right? No. So family and, and loved ones are extremely important. Absolutely. So they’re part of my journey. And yeah, those are the things,

Unknown Speaker  20:15  

no chicken wings or anything like that.

Unknown Speaker  20:19  

You know, I love a donut, but I could probably live without

Unknown Speaker  20:22  

it. I love that. I love that. I love that. So, what is Michelle’s definition of a life well

Unknown Speaker  20:29  

lived? I’m sorry, say it again?

Unknown Speaker  20:31  

What’s your definition of a life well lived,

Unknown Speaker  20:33  

a life well lived. How much you’re enjoying it? So you’re here for your own personal experience and your own personal process? And if you’re not loving your life, if you’re not enjoying the majority of your life, then then something’s missing the mark. You’re missing the mark on that and it’s time to adjust.

Unknown Speaker  20:56  

So sin. Yes, I tell my clients like oh man, are we going religious? I’m like, no do sin comes from the Greek word Sydney, which means missing the mark. Which I love that you just said that again missing the mark. Time to shine today podcast Farsi squad, we are back and we got my awesome friend Michelle salmons author which we’re going to get to her book here in just a little bit but a shot. You and I can talk 1520 An hour and each one of these questions you have five seconds with no explanations. You’re ready to rock. I will do my best. What is the best leveling up advice Michelle’s ever received?

Unknown Speaker  21:35  

To let it go.

Unknown Speaker  21:36  

So one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Meditation. Beautiful, other than your website, Michelle salmons.com. That’s one L squad. Michelle salmons.com. And of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What website is Michelle like to go to level up?

Unknown Speaker  22:00  

Ah, Abraham Hicks

Unknown Speaker  22:01  

welcome beautiful. I always say Google, but Abraham Hicks is a great site. Beautiful. So if you see me in my doldrums, and you’re like freaky just as a look right, his energy’s off. Other than the little book of big knowing at what book would you hand me?

Unknown Speaker  22:17  

My new book The intuitive companion.

Unknown Speaker  22:20  

I love it. I love it. I love it. Love it. Alright, so what is Michelle’s most commonly used emoji. They begin what is Michelle’s? With most commonly used emoji. Oh, the Wink, wink, love it. What was your New Year’s resolution? I don’t make them beautiful. chess or checkers. Checkers. Gotcha. And don’t lie to me on this one. But if you can be one age physically, for the rest of your life, keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and to continue to gain wisdom. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life? 35 year I’m glad you put a three because I’m coming up on 50 next year and are in February actually and I say 32 Every single time I would take that get not a bad little less creaks and cracks and take that all day. Thank you for being honest on the you’ve been honest and transparent. This whole interview been beautiful. What’s your favorite charity in organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  23:15  

Oh, that’s a good one. Um, there’s there’s a local women’s shelter here.

Unknown Speaker  23:21  

Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you so much for doing that. And the last question, you can elaborate a little bit on this one, Michelle. But what is the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s? Oh, 70s 70s. All right. I love the 70s and 80s is my two my two decades. I was born in 72. So the 70s I was a little younger, I still remember but the 80s You know, I kind of grew up in so those two decades is beautiful. So how can we find you, Michelle?

Unknown Speaker  23:49  

Yeah, the best way to find me is on my website, Michelle siemens.com. But I’m on all the social stuff. So Instagram and Facebook and Twitter those things too. In YouTube, I have lots of lovely free videos there that talk about things like this. They’re short little snippets, three to five minutes to just kind of get a little dose of inspiration. That’s

Unknown Speaker  24:08  

awesome, and squat. All of that will be in the show notes. So let’s talk about the little book of let’s talk about the intuitive companion That’s our new and that’s when we’re gonna have a giveaway out. Okay, and squad. What we’re going to say is the first one that puts intuition rocks on any of the social comments whether it’s Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, anyone that says intuition rocks, will get a free book signed by my good friend Michelle, which I will take care of all of that she’ll sign it and hopefully maybe take care of the posts a dragon Venmo you the money for the postage. But let’s talk about it.

Unknown Speaker  24:51  

Yeah, so I’ll show it to you to pay onion right away to get my copy. I’m gonna send you one for sure. So, and what it does is It helps people tune into their own intuition. So it’s not a how to book. It’s an answer book. Because we all are intuitive. We all are guided, we’re all tended to and supported. And so what happens is when you do get rid of all the noise and the clutter that’s going on in your physical world, and you really kind of tune into your inner world guidance will bubble up. And this is kind of an easy primer for people to tap into that in a in a super user friendly way. I

Unknown Speaker  25:34  

love that. I love it. So what was the like writing this book? It looks pretty thick. How many pages is that?

Unknown Speaker  25:42  

Oh, like 368

Unknown Speaker  25:45  

ish? Did it just just throw up all of your keyboard? And it came out? Is that how it were? I mean, cuz that’s a lot.

Unknown Speaker  25:52  

Yeah. So it’s kind of, for me, it happens in spurts. So energy will kind of rise up with inspiration. And I’ll write as fast as I can. The same thing happened with the little book of big knowing, yeah, it will fall off, that energy will kind of fall off. And then it’s my job then to wait patiently for two bubble backup. I love it. Again,

Unknown Speaker  26:15  

don’t force it. That’s beautiful. I love that I love it. And Michelle, do me one last solid favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  26:27  

Well, mostly what I want your listeners to know is that they are a value, that they are here for a reason that they came for a reason that it’s important that they’re here. And, and to thank them for being who they are for their own journey for doing their own work for living their own life. It all matters. And it matters not only to your family and to your community, but to the all that is without them. We would have a missing link.

Unknown Speaker  26:58  

Yes, we would. Yeah, we would in squad, we found ourselves a missing link here with a really good friend Michelle, she just brought us she uses the senses and refined skills to read your egg energy signatures. And that’s something that not many people can have. I don’t even have it with my clients, but I will want to keep leveling up that part. But Michelle’s mastered it and her own sense that helps her clients level up. You know, she wants you to go deeper into deeper meanings that she will help get you there. You know, she’s a great coach that listens with all the senses not just her ears. She listens with her eyes, her feel in her intuition that nudge that she has that hunch that she has to help you level up your intuition and get you there. So remind you especially if you’re younger out there, you don’t need a firm plan you want to be planning but it doesn’t have to be firm and just enjoy those zigzags along the way remember, like we say a time to shine today. inch by inch it’s a cinch by the yard it’s hard but during those inches enjoy the journey you don’t want to like we say we’ve said it before you don’t want to stand with a leg in a future leg in the past and pee in the present you want to enjoy this President is right now is tomorrow’s memory and we want them to be leveled up you know she was gonna be some of the contribute to the world. She wants to remember it’s okay to shine your own light and most importantly be authentic. You know she is enjoying her entire journey and that’s what she wants to do as a life well lived. And remember you’re here for a reason. And that you are important in she will make you Michelle and make you feel that way. And that’s how our credo our motto our mission statement at time to shine today’s we don’t want to have anyone to feel like they have no one. And Michelle is someone that we want to introduce to you. She levels up her health she levels up her wealth. She’s earned her letter here at the varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so so much for coming on. I love your guts. And I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future. Michelle,

Unknown Speaker  28:54  

thank you for having me. It’s been a joy. Yay, talk

Unknown Speaker  28:57  

soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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