Welcome to Episode 207! Megyn Blanchard is a truth-teller, modern day spiritual mentor, and Inner relationship coach on a mission to break down overly simplified empowerment and healing topics so you can move past the intellectual level of self-understanding and self-love.
Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
You don’t have to constantly try and prove yourself to people – Be authentic and the right people will find you
– Megyn Blanchard
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. If you feel like you are only wired to survive, let us introduce you to Megyn to thrive
2. Love is the ultimate liberator
3. Do not deviate from your authentic self and follow other people’s opinions
4. You have to feel to heal
5. The things that you are afraid to say to yourself and others are probably the things that need to be said
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Megyn Blanchard with the whole human and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend, Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:11
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson word Episode 207 with my whole human, awesome sauce friend and coach Meghan Blanchard. She is an active podcaster she is a fantastic coach. She says what’s on her mind. And she lives it too. And it was so liberating to have a conversation with somebody that I walked so parallel with, and it was just an amazing, amazing conversation. So I cannot wait to bring you this episode. So I’m just going to shut up and without further ado, here is here comes my really good friend Megan Blanchard from whole human. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I’ve had to do some rescheduling with my really good friend Megan Blanchard. She is the whole human reason why we had to do this thing is because she lives in Texas, and they kind of lost some power during that whole winter outage. So but she’s back she’s looking better than ever. She’s absolutely a fantastic friend. And she’ll tell you that in this crazy world of self help and personal empowerment. There are a lot of concepts that actually make it harder to connect to self compassion, self trust and self love. Because they do miss dismiss some of the realities of being human. Megan’s mission is to bring you the whole human truths of healing transformation, while being a relatable, accessible and real life voice. And Megan is a truth teller. She’s a modern day spiritual mentor, an inner relationship coach on a mission to break down overly simplified empowerment and healing topics so you can move past the intellectual level of self understanding and self love. And I am so stoked, Megan, thank you so so much for coming on the time to shine. today. Please introduce yourself to the varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:09
They’re What do you think? I can’t get away from blue.
Unknown Speaker 2:13
Yeah, losing her color. Well, if you’re watching on YouTube or whatnot, she’s absolutely stunning. And the blue is totally in her color wheel. She’s got that little red box there going. And it’s just fantastic. So let’s get to the origins of Megan Blanchard. Let’s let’s kind of get started and how you want to be in a truth teller, which is awesome. Because basically, you’re simplifying what we say here. It’s time to try and today dumbing down. You know, the things that everybody thinks is so hard when it can be really simple. So if you get us to the origins of that making, that’d be awesome.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
Like the sort of breaking point that had me go, Oh, this is like whole human is like my mission in life.
Unknown Speaker 2:51
Yeah, let’s go there. Okay, your fork in the road, in a way?
Unknown Speaker 2:54
Yeah. So basically, I was like, for all intents and purposes, like this empowered, independent, get shit done. Woman, right. Like I was, I had my own business in my early 20s. I was I felt very strong in my sense of self. I had competed in bodybuilding, I was doing all the things right, that looked on the external, like I had it together, that I loved myself, and that I knew what I wanted. And I knew who I was. But I was round 32 back end of like an abusive relationship. I knew it was abusive, but I couldn’t get out of it for about two years. And I had this sort of moment, this existential crisis moment on my bedroom floor where I was crying because the pain was the pain of getting out of the relationship was just as painful as staying in the relationship. And I remember asking myself, like, why don’t you love yourself? Because I thought I did. Like, why don’t I love myself? Because I thought I did. And I had been plugged into all of this spirituality and positive thinking and personal development since I was 16. I’d always been introspective and someone who explored and wanting to understand the meaning of things and want to understand myself better. So it didn’t make sense to me that this person who thought she loved herself was creating this terribly abusive relationship. And the answer that I heard back that day, whether it was sort of divinely downloaded, or just time that I had to get it right from so many years of doing it wrong was Megan, you’re not just an intellectual being with a mind and a criminal ego, you’re an emotional being as well, and you need to feel to heal and so that really began this sort of, I’m still on that journey, right? Because there’s no such thing as being completely baked or completely finished with healing, but that really began this journey of me softening into some parts of myself that I had either unconsciously or consciously does not denied, disowned and suppressed because they were less than positive or less than empowered or whatever. And it anyway so that’s
Unknown Speaker 4:48
so when you say you need to heal the field to heal but you also need Yeah, that that makes sense because I was I thought I had a backwards in my head. I didn’t know if you said heal So let’s go over those go deep. Yeah, let’s go deeper into that a little bit, if you don’t mind, like, where are we going with that?
Unknown Speaker 5:06
I don’t mind. So So I think the easiest way to explain it to people is that we all are we’re, we’re survival based beings, right? Like we’re innately wired to survive. And, and one of the straw, the strongest survival machinery that we have is our brain in our mind. And that that happens very early on in childhood, right. And so what happens because we either don’t know how or don’t learn, or it’s somehow beaten out of us through shame and trauma, or just, you know, whatever we learn in society around us that it’s not, it’s not okay to feel certain things like vulnerability or fear, or less than and we don’t know how to discharge it. We don’t know how to work through it on our own. And so we get into this place in our head, like, okay, like, how do I, I’m trying to think of an example like, how do I move past let’s say, you learn that what you authentically want in life is not, it’s not like maybe your parent tells you that’s not what you should be doing. And so you learn to follow certain rules or for certain structures, and that’s pretty much mind based that’s like Head Head based stuff. And so what we get disconnected from his like that authentic, innate knowing felt based part of self that maybe you want to call it heart, maybe you want to call it subconscious. There’s all different ways we could kind of talk about it. But we get separated from the authentic self, that and we end up following other people’s guidelines, blueprints, structures, it’s really codependent codependence on some level, right? We’re we’re sort of externalizing our power, or we’re just not listening in to like that little nudge that says, Go, I want to do this, I want to follow this or I don’t really want to do that. That’s not doesn’t really feel good to me, it doesn’t feel in alignment, because we’re just never taught how to do that kind of stuff. And so a lot of the stuff that we’re sort of that’s blocking us that it has this recreating these dysfunctional or lessened fulfilling patterns. They’re not strictly logical, conscious, rational problems alone, there’s a lot of feeling based stuff that happens along the way that we just kind of have to process integrate work through meat, if you will, in a way that’s safe and loving. Does that make sense? super high level there without?
Unknown Speaker 7:15
No, it’s it’s like we’re born with a lot of times. I mean, I know that I’ve heard in research that kids when they’re young are told no 135,000 times by the time they’re 13 years old, by their parents. And so you’re programmed to basically survive rather than thrive growing up? And will you guys do it hold human is what I’m gathering here is that you guys kind of help them push them into the thrive zone? In a sense, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:46
What’s buying maps? Mm hmm.
Unknown Speaker 7:48
Perfect. We you want to, you want to be in a more balanced, like whole human state, right, which is you don’t want to dismiss or demonize the mind or the head or the the brain but or the conscious aspects of self. But you also don’t want to demonize some of that stuff that maybe feels uncomfortable or vulnerable, or is more feeling based either, because when you got all those parts working together and balance and, and and unison, you get a much more nourishing, fulfilling authentic life,
Unknown Speaker 8:18
if you will, very harmonic. It’s like a jazz band. To me, it’s like different pillars of your life or different instruments. And if they’re all playing well, then you sound great. But if one of those pillars is off, then there’s no balance. No harmony, right?
Unknown Speaker 8:31
Right, correct. Yeah, and there’s been studies done that, like, actually, people are pretty stunted, even intelligent wise, when they don’t have any access to their emotional base cell for their phones.
Unknown Speaker 8:44
Wow. Yeah. Dad, that makes 100% sense.
Unknown Speaker 8:47
Yeah, well, so
Unknown Speaker 8:48
when you’re kind of bringing somebody into the whole human community and stuff, and you’re maybe in a little discovery period with them. Megan is there. Is there any secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing that helps them find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 9:04
Um, yes, the places where they’re most in judgment, shame or judgment, I would say with themselves like, the whole I should not or I should be. That’s a big clue that you’re probably over relying on some, like you said, internalized programs that have you sort of in your head too much. So shame, judgment of self, a lack of self compassion are all big, big clues. And those are those are avenues we explore pretty deeply like why why that’s there because ultimately the love is ultimate healer, right? Like I don’t believe that the energy of anything less than love can we heal in so love is ultimate liberate or healer, connector and truth teller. So, people get really terrified that if they give themselves a break, or give themselves some self compassion or self love, they’re gonna get stuck in this place of like victimhood, and that’s not at all how it looks or works.
Unknown Speaker 9:59
I love I love it. So when you’re starting to work with somebody, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do
Unknown Speaker 10:16
it now? No, they so to be 100% to be honest, all the clients I’ve ever worked with said they’ve never felt as safe or as held as they that’s kind of my gift in this lifetime. I’ve had to learn how to use it appropriately and a lot of codependent people do or have to learn how to use that love muscle more healthfully. But no, I mean, I think that the people who come to me when they’re drawn to me, they’re drawn to me for a very specific reason. And they’re ready for the work so I’ve never there’s typically people open up really quickly and we can go deep really quickly and we can get to some really juicy raw deep stuff that is holding them back real love it probably in the first 45 minutes typically of a call.
Unknown Speaker 10:58
I love it. I love it. That’s very transparent. So what’s weird what’s cool about this is like you You know, I was a competitive bodybuilder nationally qualified. And like I made that transition over like I’ve been kind of self helping since I was maybe 29. To Chung as you start at 16. But you know, I’ve always used that to kind of push me but there’s a lot of narcissism in that world and there’s nothing wrong with that world. I love it. I A lot of my friends are bodybuilders, fitness, physique, whatnot. But there’s a lot of that narcissism a lot of that insecurities there. How were you just never that or did you overcome some of that to become more whole human?
Unknown Speaker 11:40
Oh, I was I was that I was that bodybuilding was hating myself as like, Hey, I was literally looking for being honest
Unknown Speaker 11:47
love. I love it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
hating myself into trying to feel better about myself. And at the end of my first competition at 6% body fat, I was like, why do I not? Why do I still hate the person I’m looking at the mirror. It was really, and I still didn’t have quite at that point in time. Understanding a deep understanding of the lack of self worth there. It wasn’t until years later that I could look back and go oh, that was there was some low self worth low self love stuff there. And you can’t force that stuff. Right? You can’t just like flip on a switch and all of a sudden you really organically truly love yourself. There’s there’s a process to it. Yeah, I was hating myself and
Unknown Speaker 12:23
thank you for being transparent. Honest, that’s fine. That’s freaking awesome. So yeah, cuz I did it too. You know, I was I did it to escape my business life. But in that same time, I was just going to turn it into a person that, you know, I can be I can run walk that line. And I just wasn’t feeling like Fergie, I was feeling like an imposter. While that was getting especially in my prep. So you know, those 16 week props and, you know, you become a whole different person around your family to trust me, they can’t wait to that’s over. So, you’ve watched Back to the Future, right with Martin. Okay, let’s go back to say that 2022 year old Megan, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on her to maybe help her level up, shorten that learning curve and blast through?
Unknown Speaker 13:09
That’s a really good question. And don’t be so you don’t have to prove yourself to so many people like the right people will find you. Don’t Don’t try so hard. And also, you’re probably right where you need to be like, I think there’s this tendency, especially for women in their 20s to think they need to be somewhere else. And that’s just another layer of self hate and shame. And trusting in the journey that like, if you listen to yourself as much as you can, which it’s really hard when you’re in your 20s you’re gonna get to the right places, it’s just hard in your 20s I actually don’t coach that many people under 30. To be honest with you, it can be helpful. There’s there’s, there’s there’s stuff that they can glean from coaching. But to be honest with you, you really have to go through a certain amount of life experience for some of this stuff to really make sense. And 30 is kind of like that, that. I feel like
Unknown Speaker 14:11
it’s a clicking age. Age
Unknown Speaker 14:13
starts itself starts to make sense because your your brain doesn’t stop even developing until you’re 25 Right, right. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 14:20
yes. So how do you want that dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date in your expiration date your life date and update? How do you want that little dash? How do you want Megan stash? Remember?
Unknown Speaker 14:32
dash remembered? I want to I want to I think that she lived fully and wholeheartedly and was the most genuine person in the world even if we don’t always like what her genuine self has to say or do
Unknown Speaker 14:54
you know what I think there’s more to it than that you do because your whole human in what you Doing, I feel, I honestly feel that you are planting seeds right now that you will never see come to fruition because of what you’re doing. And that is awesome. And you’re not even seeing it. I see it in you. I mean, you’re just Oh, like I do see the social stuff. I see your website. And you and I have talked five or six times and I’m like, you’re always dropping these knowledge, nuggets, and helpfulness and stuff like that, that I’m the same way. That’s the life I want to live is that I want to plant seeds that I’ll never see come to fruition. You absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 15:29
I love the way you put that. So
Unknown Speaker 15:33
that’s just fantastic. So make it What keeps you up at night.
Unknown Speaker 15:37
keeps me up at night. Not a lot. I sleep really good.
Unknown Speaker 15:41
That is a superpower in itself helps. I
Unknown Speaker 15:44
don’t have a problem. I mean, honestly, I sleep. There’s the last time I was kind of triggered and couldn’t sleep was. I mean, I pretty much you know, work through it rather quickly. And that hasn’t happened in years. So
Unknown Speaker 15:57
I stopped that’s a superpower. That’s right. I’m getting really good at that. That was literally my new year’s resolutions. My sleep hygiene. And it’s worked. I had I did what I did what I needed to do. That’s awesome. So what do you think is something that people misunderstand about making the most?
Unknown Speaker 16:16
Yeah, I think they want to pigeonhole me this is this is kind of probably a little bit irritating for me. And it’s some of it can be because I get stuck into, you know, a sort of a space or a silo of people who are all doing somewhat similar things. But I do not, do not fit into any boxes and as compassionate and as loving and as is concerned and as empathetic as I am. I’m not. I’m probably not. I don’t fit into any boxes. I love it frustrates me when people want me to be the way they all are, because I’m doing this kind of work. Like, it’s not like I’m a bodybuilder, like most of the people in this space, you know? do yoga, ya know? And like y’all want you to do yoga. And I’m like, No, I actually feel more embodied and healthy when I’m at the gym throwing around some iron
Unknown Speaker 17:07
jacket that iron love it. Yeah, love it. So who has had quickly and this one who has had the most profound impact on your life? Good or bad? That will stay with good.
Unknown Speaker 17:21
Okay. Scott pack in the book he wrote, probably the road less traveled. Without a doubt. Love it. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 17:29
So who not Who? What is the worst advice you’ve ever been given?
Unknown Speaker 17:39
something along the lines of it’s control
Unknown Speaker 17:43
so much of it, make it
Unknown Speaker 17:44
Yeah. along the lines of you can control or help other people that like everyone is helpful. I don’t I don’t believe that I have the power to help. Everyone. I just I know my limitations. And that kind of kept me in these weird sort of like, you know, toxic scenarios with people trying to help these people I love right, because you write people and you can see them healed, but like the fact of the matter is, is not everyone’s ready or wants to and that’s okay, that’s liberating to know your your sort of locus of control and power.
Unknown Speaker 18:13
All right, so give me three apps on your phone that you can’t live without.
Unknown Speaker 18:21
Can’t live without probably the text messaging app, just because that’s the way we communicate my Spotify app without a doubt. I’m a music person all the way. No time
Unknown Speaker 18:32
to shine, subscribe down there, of course.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Yes. Right now, time to shine is on there. Yes, I listened to a lot of stuff. And I had a third one to pick that I cannot live without maybe the weather app. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 18:46
Thanks for being honest there too. What? So yeah, what’s one thing Megan knows for sure.
Unknown Speaker 18:53
Nothing, nothing is everything is going to change. Like nothing is permanent. Everything changes. Don’t get attached to the good or the bad.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
You know, I frickin love that because I just taught a class in an office. It was kind of a leveling up class and live to here in Florida, which was awesome. I have a class called overlap your happiness. It’s like, if you bad things are gonna end no matter what, no matter how bad they’re finite, right? And then with good things, like if you’re like, I’m going to visit Fergie in South Florida, and you’re stoked to go but guess what, you’re still gonna fly back that time is going to end You know, you’re going on vacation or whatever is good. So why not just do shit every day all the time that makes you happy. That makes other people happy to keep on overlapping it. I love how you answer that question that everything you must progress you must because I mean if I look in the mirror, and I look in the mirror 10 years ago, I look a lot different. You know, I have a little bit more of these gray hairs actually my chins a little thinner. You know, so which I progress with that but you know, like you You nailed that that Everything keeps going no matter what. And it’s not like you have to keep up but just beat that person in the mirror. Right? Is that what you’re kind of saying with that? I love it. I love it. So then what’s Megan’s definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 20:16
Okay, deep, deep, deep, authentic connection with myself and with others. I thrive off connection and deep intimacy with people and making like connections like with you, for instance, this is the stuff that gives me inspiration keeps me going make it lets allows me to feel alive. And I think, you know, it gives me hope to so that’s, that’s my definition.
Unknown Speaker 20:40
I know. It seems really No, that is frickin awesome. It’s called being authentic. So that’s amazing. So, hey, we are back and I got my awesome sauce friend Megan Blanchard here and we’re gonna go into our leveling up lightning round. You and I there’s five or six questions. Megan, you and I could talk 15 2030 minutes on each one of these kampot you got five seconds. Okay, yeah. All right. And there’s you can answer them all in one word answers so okay, or one little phrase? Are you ready to rock read Love, Love Love.
Unknown Speaker 21:10
already ready?
Unknown Speaker 21:10
Let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Megan’s ever received.
Unknown Speaker 21:17
People who don’t have the same definitions of respect kindness, let them go.
Unknown Speaker 21:20
Yes, share one of your personal habits to contribute to your success
Unknown Speaker 21:26
exercise movement daily
Unknown Speaker 21:29
other than your own website Meghan Blanchard COMM And of course time to shine today calm my shameless plug what’s a website you’d like to go to to level up?
Unknown Speaker 21:41
Robert Bernie, he’s this little known author wider in the codependent sort of recovery community I think his weapon for wealth.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
Beautiful. So if I’m in my doldrums you walk around you notice that you notice my energy and you know I’m a reader mega what books you get handed me to help me level up before you What’s this read this book? What is it?
Unknown Speaker 22:04
Scott pack, read Less Traveled mentioned the other book, there’s really not a lot of other books that are universally recommend to people. doldrums? Maybe conversations with God, I feel like that was a fire. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:23
I will. I’m gonna look into pecks book too. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you’re touched?
Unknown Speaker 22:30
The one that little the shocked one with the big eyes. I love
Unknown Speaker 22:34
that love it. So and Don’t bullshit me on this one. You could be physically one age for the rest of your life. And keep the wisdom that you have gathered and still continue to garner wisdom physically what age would it be?
Unknown Speaker 22:51
Oh, like 3839 I mean, I don’t want to be I feel pretty good right now. But yeah, 3839 physically, but with all the knowledge that I had,
Unknown Speaker 23:02
you don’t even look that now. So whatever, but it’s like I’m always 32 it’s like I didn’t have the creaks and cracks when I got up or any of that other jazz But no, I appreciate the honesty. So what’s your favorite charity organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 23:17
anything that has to do with rescue for for for pass. So you
Unknown Speaker 23:21
and I are best friends now.
Unknown Speaker 23:22
Local stuff here in Houston, I love to give to anything local was where I try to keep my money to
Unknown Speaker 23:27
I got my rescue pit stitch literally at my feet right now. Keeping them warm on an 85 degree day but that’s okay. Last question. And you can elaborate just a little bit on this. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 80s? It’s gonna say big hair. Don’t care. Gotta be the 80s gotta be the 80s
Unknown Speaker 23:46
timeless, you can go dancing 80s clubs. So yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:50
do we have 80s themed things every weekend in South Florida. And it’s funny because you know, you have the transition out of disco and you have the big hair bands. You have the British invasion, the Irish invasion with YouTube, you have rap? You know, you have the glam rock, you know, with poison and stuff yet Bon Jovi? I mean, you had the 80s was just stocked and I love it. I love it so much. How can we find you love
Unknown Speaker 24:17
my website and social Instagram are typically the places where you can sign up for alerts to get on the list. So Megan Blanchard comm that’s Megan with the Y, Megan Blanchard on Instagram, two best places to try and find me and find what I’m up to in the world.
Unknown Speaker 24:31
Love it. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 24:32
I’m sorry. And whole human radio my, my my podcast. I didn’t even think about that. But all that’s on my website and on my
Unknown Speaker 24:38
talk to me about that podcast real quick.
Unknown Speaker 24:40
So I am actually getting ready to start sort of the second generate the second season second generation of I put it on hold for a while because I wanted to revert. I’m in a deep reevaluation period, which I think is fine. I think we’re supposed to do I think momentum towards growth is positive. But yeah, so we’re going to start that up and keep it a little bit less. shorter in length i think is a good idea and a little bit more You know authentic for for me I think a little bit lighter is the feeling that I’m feeling it was kind of it was good informative and helped a lot of people in the first season but maybe want to go a little no I’m feeling into that right now. So
Unknown Speaker 25:12
awesome. So make it leave us if you don’t mind please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action. Oh
Unknown Speaker 25:27
gosh, we already is discussed so much. Yeah, you’re, I think probably just that the things that you’re probably most afraid to say to yourself and others are probably the things that you need to close on the things that make you most uncomfortable to say or explore. That’s where you need to
Unknown Speaker 25:51
I love that that is so true. And don’t be afraid to as long as you’re not disrespecting people say what you want that’s what people say, Fergie, man you just you’re boisterous. You just add like as long as I don’t hurt people, I give zero fucks what someone thinks about me I care not at all because I am who I am and I love who I am and I love helping people. So in squad speaking of helping people we do just got basically a free masterclass with my really good friend Megan Blanchard from Megan Blanchard calm that’s me g y n Vla, N, ch, ar D calm, and she’ll tell you you need to hear need to feel to heal. You know, we’re wired to survive. And if you’re looking to thrive, let me make a personal introduction to my good friend Megan, you know that we don’t want to separate from our authentic self and father other follow other opinions. We want to be authentic and be yourself just like what I said, I give zero fucks about what other people think about me as long as I’m not disrespecting them. But I do it in the service of others as well. That’s how I live my life. You know, don’t live in really judgment and shame. And if you are, then Megan’s a great introduction for me to make to you because she can help you explore that deeply and really pull you out. You know, she’ll tell you that the love is the ultimate Liberator and to use that love muscle on a daily basis, we’re always saying flex that hustle muscle. You know what mega tell you to use your love muscle. Don’t you don’t have to prove yourself through life the right people will find you put the right vibe out those people will come and find you. And she’ll say that a life well lives a deep authentic connection with herself and others and she lives that she believes movement is paramount. You should be getting up and getting moving and get that body move. You’re only given one vehicle that you live in for your life. Make sure you’re moving in to make the best of it. And don’t be afraid to say what you want to say in need to say get it out there to the world be authentic. And that is what my beautiful awesome sauce friend Megan Blanchard is authentic. She levels up her house she levels up her wealth. She’s humble yet hungry. This has been so freakin awesome. I cannot wait to to just to collaborate with you in the future.
Unknown Speaker 27:57
Thank you Scott. Me too. I’m super super grateful and excited and and now that people like you come in, do not come into my life for an accident. That’s right.
Unknown Speaker 28:05
Alright, love your guts. I’ll talk to
Unknown Speaker 28:08
you soon. Bye. Bye.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nuget.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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