Welcome to Episode 113: Matt Zinman stopped by to drop some serious Knowledge Nuggets on us to really Level UP. Matt is the author of Zisms: Insights to Live By. A fantastic motivator and lives the life of a true Go-Giver. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Be nothing less than kind to yourself
– Matt Zinman
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great leader is selfless – puts others before themselves
2. Earned confidence will keep you grounded. Stay present
3. Ask yourself what would you regret not doing and take action today on it!
4. Make coincidences matter
5. Matt wants to be remembered as a difference maker – make a massive difference
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Matt vindman author of the isms insights to live by. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast my friend, Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad in Scott Ferguson and weird Episode 113 and I am super stoked to bring you my good friend Matt Anson Minh, the author of Zen isms insights to live by the epitome of a go giver a huge difference maker. Matt is a family man, a always giving back he has charities he has just he’s on his plate is so full, but his goal is to help 100 million people level up. And so just having him on my podcast in the during the interview, I was so leveled up and so ready to go and I’m so grateful for Matt to come on. So without further ado, here is Matt xinmin. My good friend.
Unknown Speaker 1:08
Hey, time to sign to the varsity squad. What do you wish your younger self knew? What life lessons would you share to benefit others? I got my guy Matt vindman on right now he is a rock star. And that just was part of a little description of his book z isms. And that z dash is m s insights to live by and I cannot wait to dig in and read it. I’m going to put it in the show notes. I’m going to have a giveaway at the end of this podcast. Have one of his books where I’m personally gonna have Matt, autograph it and send it to you. So make sure you stay tuned. Okay, Matt is a difference maker devoted to and positively positively impact and personally enrich the lives of 100 million people by 2025. And I’ll tell you peeps, my money’s on him. His book z isms insights delivered by Based on his experience as an entrepreneur, athlete, single parent caretaker, the nonprofit founder, man is also starting up his podcast insights to live by which he’s going to rock. And I will make sure that he stays in touch with me so I can roll it out to all you listeners, as well as a podcast that invites guests to share their own pearls of wisdom is also co the internship Institute, which established in 2007. To make experience matters Louise, a lover of people, he’s a go giver. And Matt, welcome to the show. Come on, introduce yourself. But what emoji Do you use most telesat First, the emoji I use most? That’s a great question, Scott. And thank you very much. It’s great to be with you. I probably use the thank you emoji.
Unknown Speaker 2:49
The little
Unknown Speaker 2:50
thing I use, I use that a lot. And then I have this thing where I have like the fist with with the cool guy of the sunglasses. Right now a fist pumping since you know Virtual Lewis office either way I go What’s the favorite color?
Unknown Speaker 3:03
What’s your real green boys? I understand.
Unknown Speaker 3:06
It’s just been everything. colors from my company. It’s kind of like it’s like the it’s Can you see this is like the shawl on your background two brothers. Yeah, my office is green. Let’s see here. My business cards are green, your books green books green. Yeah. So if there was any question and it was like rhetorical if green is a go color, its growth. Its renewing. That’s awesome. So Matt, let’s dig in man. What’s the origins of z isms? Brother? Yeah, well, it’s something I’ve been wanting to write for a long time it you know, covers everything on you know, personal mindset and things I’ve learned about and then relationships and interactions, but also looking to get into like mindfulness. But overall, I want it to be practical. So there’s a, like a life enrichment action plan. So people come out of the book with you know, a framework A sense of direction. I love that. So you’re with vism zero, your personal development trainer. Correct. Tell us a little bit about the origins of getting that started and what you do for people. Sure. Well right now, you know, certainly in shifting gears from the nonprofit with the internship Institute and in writing the book, and now advancing into the, to the podcast, things are taking, you know, their shape and unfolding in their own way. As you mentioned, I’ve set a goal for positively impact and reaching 100 million people yeah, so I am less into coaching right now as I am working my way toward doing inspirational speaking and things that you know, through the podcast and otherwise in social media that are going to reach the masses. Love it. So what do you think makes a great personal develop? first speaker person what do you think makes a C a great leader even though some of this creative personal development What do you think makes that great selflessness is the first thing that comes in mind and putting others before yourself. The more that you can look, you know, you mentioned go giver, I think that’s really a great umbrella for, for anybody in a leadership role is to be a servant leader and, and to, you know what what you put out and you know, give you you’ll get in return. I love that and I love that you just said that, that you’re open to reciprocation through because a lot of people will say give, give, give, but you know, everything is going to come back to you in one way or another. So I think the more positive you give, I think you would agree, the the more positive you’ll get back might not be in the form of monetary like I was just, I was giving, giving giving last week and my god daughter called me out of the blue, you know, she never calls me, to me, that was like a payback, you know, for for that I was reciprocal from it. So, if I’m out networking, which here in South Florida, we’re able to do that. And a little bit other parts of the country aren’t quite yet, you know, out there pressing flash and meeting new people. And I’m talking, not even talking, I’m listening, I’m listening to people, and they what kind of phrases, maybe topics, something that they’re saying that would make me things, you know, to send them to your company as a great referral prospects, or some that they need I need to introduce to you. Well, I mean, certainly the book is, and what I’m all about in my endeavors now is around personal development. But but not just, you know, self and within but also interpersonal and relationships and then looking into areas of even the law of attraction and things having to do with entrepreneurship in terms of putting that into action for your business goals and achievement. You know, honestly, the the book is really for anybody who’s in transition, you know, If later in life or whether it’s coming out of college, and you mentioned what I wish my younger self knew, right, so all my work with I’ve had over 300 interns at this point in my career. So it’s fairly evident some of the things that would benefit them to know, you know, coming out of school and stepping into professional world that’s certainly covered. I think there’s really something in it for everybody. And from my vantage point, and I know you’ll have this in the show notes or whatever is that there’s the, the free part of the front end of the book is available and that people can read that and then they’ll know if it’s for them and want to keep reading on. Love that. So without divulging too much of what’s in the book. What are some of the processes that you have? enthusiasms that might help people find their blind spots and really level up?
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Well, there’s a combination from the, you know, the early part of it like one builds on the other, right so in the front The book is in Chapter One is called earned confidence. So that is something that we talked about as one of three filters, the other two, being mood health, and another being perception itself. So when you start with earned confidence, what you’re really talking about is the simple fact that we, we’ve all been through what we’ve been through in our lives. And we’re still going right we’ve made it through everything. And so it’s just, it’s, it’s a simple but not so simple reminder to ground yourself and not get caught up in worry, and anxiety and stress and, and to stay present and, and rely on gratitude to while in the present in richer life. That’s where the real joy in life is. And so, starting with that filter and just being present, right with that, and then you know, the book is written as if I’m having a personal conversation with the reader. There are a number of disclosures throughout one of witches, that I’ve had to contend with depression. Since my my teens, and you know, something like that, in terms of keeping yourself healthy, you have to be all the more vigilant in what what it is that you do to maintain that, that, that balance that that healthy balance. So certainly anybody can relate to their mood as another key filter to how you view the world around you. And, and you take the same set of circumstances, but the perception just the same and view them in completely different ways. So that front end, those are some of the early chapters. Speak to each of those topics and how you can you know, find your objective vantage point to see things as close to as they really are, including in your interactions and giving yourself and others the benefit of the doubt. Love it. And so how did you see yourself growing through the process of writing the book? Wow, that’s a great question, Scott. You know, it continues, even even from the book incident. Now it’s interesting I, I asked myself in a part of the book, you know, gets into the like, what’s my why and when I apply that to myself in writing in the first place It is something has been, like almost a thorn in my side, like, I really want to get to this. And, you know, what would I regret not doing? Right? That’s one of the key questions that was like, oh, okay, now I gotta I, you know, so I sat down and I didn’t say, Well, I’m writing this book, it was more like two days of what are all these things that I feel a responsibility to, to get into a book format? And then I looked, I was like, wow, I did it. And then I was like, no, not even close. Then, you know, I know you know that from you know, from your, you know, your book pursuits. But it then helped me really bring everything together in a in a cohesive way and explore some of the, the topics that had always interested me, even in greater depth than I had to write the book itself. You know, things like That whole heightening mindfulness in the law of attraction and going with the flow making coincidences matter, Chapter 11 to about 1111 on a deeper thing for 1111 at all or no, go there. What’s that about? Well, it’s just one of those triggers, you know, people talk about it and experience of synchronicity. So, you know, you’re, you’re, you’re walking past the clock, and it’s 11:11am or pm and it’s like, oh, you know, kind of smacks you like that coincide. Okay. I feel Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and for me, you know, it’s just one of those things that you can rely on to fold gratitude into your day. It’s like, you know, let me just stop and take a moment. And, you know, because it’s easy to blink and never have experienced, making sure that you’re, you know, you’re maintaining that groundedness throughout. So, from a practical standpoint, you know, that are even sending alerts on your, you know, on your phone, or things Dude, I just wrote that down and I was like, I was gonna say that the end set your alarm for 1111 Every day, it was will put you in that mindful for gratitude. Unfortunately, Scott, that’s cheating. But my dad even said it for 1110 you got to kind of know but just one of those things and that’s what’s what’s meaningful to you. You know, my wife is also a veteran, I know that 1111 has some meaning for your service. And, you know, thank you also for your wishes, and and our wedding anniversaries. 1111 Really? I mean, when that’s not a coincidence. Now, that’s no plan. We planned on that. Okay. Oh, there you go.
Unknown Speaker 12:34
So let’s hop in our DeLorean with Marty McFly, then, man. Let’s go back to talk to the 22 year old maybe 23 year old you know Matt and what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on him with experience you know now to help them level up, maybe shorten the learning curve, not saying he’s gonna listen, but what would you try to drop on? Right? That’s a great question. I’m thinking like, isn’t that like 1980 Smith’s wait November 1985. What was the exact date net? Dorian that they went back? I think I know, you’re probably right. I’m going to take your word for it since you’re asked the question. It’s interesting because, you know, one of the things that in the area of what I wish my herself Do I have a son, my, Jake is 19. And he did read the book, which was when, you know, in unto itself, well, he went off to college, I, you know, wrote that dad’s letter, and you know, what I wanted him to, to know, things like, you know, turning the page, you know, everything that you’ve been through, you know, in your, in your high school days, you know, you’re going into a new chapter in life, you know, just kind of use that as a grounding tool for know what comes next. But don’t necessarily drag whatever was with you. Everybody has that coming out of school, typically, but treating yourself right. Having, you know, setting your expectations as high as possible, because I do believe and this is kind of a somewhat of a law of attraction thing that what you expect tends to happen. So, you know, if you go into school and you’re expecting not to make friends or to have a hard time or this or that you’re not going to adapt to, to that, forcing himself into, you know, myself and into a discomfort zone. Sure. And, you know, all the way through, you know, just what a dad would write. But, you know, ultimately, it’s like, well, if you highlight everything, you know, what’s highlighted? So the one point I, you know, one point I read when I hit was, you know, just make good decisions. Love it. Yeah. And don’t be afraid to ask, you know, for like, a lot of the I remember when I was young, I thought, you know, I kind of knew everybody now, actually, one of the chapters in my book is get your asking year, and really being willing to ask for that help, and be open to guidance. That’s awesome that you wrote that letter to Jake. That’s, that’s fantastic. So tell us about a fail man where you fail forward. And when that really stands out to you, we probably fail. You are an athlete. So you know you live in a world of failure. A lot of the times as you level up but like what tell us about one of the fails, stands stands out and what you did about it. Wow. That’s a fantastic question. Well, I’m an ice I’m still an ice hockey player gets it. I won’t go past past tense on the athlete. I still grapple almost every morning. So yeah, so paddleboard right to grappling. So I hear you, but I’m actually buying myself some time trial which failure Do I go to? You know, look at you know, from from my entrepreneurial pursuits, I’ve been working for myself since oh two, and I and that intersected with my, you mentioned, I was single dad, you know, Jake was two at the time and then, you know, naturally I’m remarried now for a few years, but there was that whole span. I would say that in those first years, you know, starting my company, you know, single dad, you kid in diapers and bottles and doing all of that I didn’t leave enough Bruen for myself. In those years I was, I was so it was it was this or that it was naturally taken care of him my focus when I’m when I’m in a very compartmentalized and then everything and we’re building the company up. But I’d say my fail was not having just a little bit more balance that I needed in those early years and not and maybe not asking for enough help. That would have made things easier, right. Don’t get me wrong and he turned out okay, so he’s good. He’s good to go. So, how often do you play hockey? Uh, well, up until recently. Yeah, I’ve been I’ve been playing a couple times a week. Nice. I’ve been subbing for some teams. It’s barely now for me, Scott. I feel Yeah, that’s okay. You know, if you’re watching this on YouTube, this guy, I’m just gonna say anyway, he’s 53 years old. I mean, it’s like it’s pretty well put together so you know, he’s doing something right with that. So let me ask you something. How do you want your dash to be remember Matt in You know, we talked about the dash here a lot of time to shine today. You know, it’s that little thing in between your life date and death date, that little dash like how do you want maybe your epitaph to read? How do you want that das? Matt Zimmerman’s dash remembered. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 17:16
You know, the first thing that comes to mind is just a difference maker.
Unknown Speaker 17:21
Love it, you know, it’s something that’s always been a driving force for me and you know, going back I mean, I remember my first jobs, you know, when my teens and things just trying to always make, do something beyond what is and you know, finally now and I’m so grateful to be at the point I am in life and having the, you know, the experience under my belt, finally getting to write the book being here with you, and now recently setting the goal to make that massive impact that I absolutely, you know, not only believe, you know, it’s it’s an inevitability that then I’m going to see that through in terms of my expectations. So you know, that dash is going to difference maker love that Matt what’s three things you can’t live without let’s take out your cell phone internet podcast everything like that what’s three things that you can’t live without three nouns person place or thing?
Unknown Speaker 18:14
Unknown Speaker 18:16
well the first thing I was doing was with health right that’s gonna cut hours that works. Well I mean, what are you talking about that I think of currencies you know the one word currencies you know, love health time energy, freedom, right. Freedom is the one thing I you know, working for myself all the unemployable this way, right. So the the freedom and you know, my family and all that goes with that. I mean, there’s just easily more than three things to learn, but that’s I I just make sure chicken wings is on mine because I’m a chicken lamb for chicken. That’s my jam did that’s my cheat meal. I’m just gonna say I faqih if you’re looking for a concrete co writing I was gonna say where’s the IKEA myth? Now I’ll be more practical met What is your definition of a life well lived? Well, I think there’s a matter of legacy that that is the first word that comes to mind hearing that question. So for me, certainly my family comes first and you’re still a young man and you’re seeing seeing my family,
Unknown Speaker 19:28
you know, grow.
Unknown Speaker 19:30
Certainly a big part of that.
Unknown Speaker 19:33
reading the book, you know, making a difference. Everything I’m doing right now with that is another thing. And then the nonprofit, there’s a, you know, I’m 15 years in with doing the work of the internship Institute. It’s focused on employers around the quality and the quantity, those opportunities that are internships and making them annuities have more work to do that’s going to put the ingredients in place that’s going to see that legacy through, but I’m very clear about what that is. So those are Really, kind of those three top things that? Sure, you know, if I’m gonna leave the world a better place, then I came in and went, that’s, that’s Yeah, you want to help a lot of people, you know, my mentors used to say, you know, they still say it and I pass it on to my coaching clients and whatnot is that you know, the more people that you mentor, the more immortal you become, you’ll be remembered that legacy is. So if you’re going to touch 100 million people, people are going to remember you. I mean, that’s just how it is and then leaving that legacy of what you just said. So that’s, that’s fantastic that you said that. So Matt, as we wind things down just a little, we’d like to move into our leveling up lightning round. And you and I could talk for 15 minutes and each one but you have five seconds my producer is saying five seconds. So no, seriously a spare time. Let’s go. We’re gonna rock it right now. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Just be kind to yourself
Unknown Speaker 20:53
a bit. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I have a power hour every day and I’ll give my A choice I have to work out and do things that are healthy for me for you. Absolutely. So other than v isms. What other books not the flavor of the month or what you’re reading now what is one book that just stands out that you’re like, someone’s in the doldrums someone’s going down, you hand them that book and say this book changed my life.
Unknown Speaker 21:22
offhand it’s blink by Malcolm Gladwell.
Unknown Speaker 21:24
Okay, great book great retread trusting your gut instead of over analyzing things and you just log off confidence. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You started that off, even when your book about being confident is beautiful. So what age would you be if you could be the same age for the rest of your life? Hmm, I feel pretty good right now to be honest. Look, I’m gonna go I’m gonna go right now in the present. You know, I’m really living my best life right now. For you having a blast being here with you. Yep, that’s it. Gotcha. I don’t know. Other than the internship Institute. Are there any other organizations or charities you’d like to give? your time and your money to Honestly, I’m not really involved. I mean, my wife and I give to different charities but in terms of time, now it’s the internship Institute, right? Like, your plates fall and you’re doing so much for people. That’s fantastic. And what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s
Unknown Speaker 22:23
I’m kind of caught in the 90s War
Unknown Speaker 22:26
90s that transition period and you can move down the hairbands that is like a grunge kind of Nirvana. I was in Nirvana. The only couple pilots Ashley Tompkins said that goes like Amazon please don’t topple pilots when literally the first thing I said when I got up so that’s you knocking on like a rose right now. Right? Okay, lacquer rose. I love it. Love it, love it. So how can we find you? Well the site is z isms with that hyphen, calm on Amazon. You know the reviews have been very kind and again, I just you know in terms of Making that impact, I can only ask people to go check it out and read the first part of the book. And we’ll see if it’s for them. Awesome in folks, once you do that, today, and we will leave a link in the show notes to his book, go check it out. And if you, you know, go to my time to shine today Facebook page. And if you leave a comment below the audio gram that I’m going to place there for Matt, the first one to do so it’s going to get a free autographed copy. And how that’s going to work is I’m going to purchase it sent to Matt, Matt is going to sign it and I’m going to have the physical address to mail it to. So that’s my gift to you. And I mean Matt is like when you pull up the isms I mean, the authors that below him that they say also recommended is like Dan Kennedy, Joel olsteen Scott Pratt, Robin Sharma, Gary Vaynerchuk. If you’re if he wrote a book and these people are down there that are like a VAT caliber, I mean, just imagine the knowledge nuggets you’re gonna pick up from C isms. So Matt, do us a favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget. Get that you want them to take with them, internalize live take action on, you know, honestly, you know, in synthesizing all these conversations, it really comes down to Why be anything less than kind of yourself and then knowing that just be kind to yourself it’s a yes or no thing. It’s not like self respect, self love. You know, all those things are real. You know, you’re kind of grasping at your self esteem you’re grasping at but if you always come back to kindness, starting with yourself, but also toward others, it’s really just a yes or no, I am or I’m not. So have you use that in a practical way to kind of build everything else out? Wow. Well, you know what, squad we just had our minds blown by my good friend Matt here. You know, he’s selfless, you know, he’s a servant leader. He’s gonna stress you to not get caught up in stress. But when you are stressed, gratitude, stay mindful, stay present. Now, I know he doesn’t want you to cheat, but I want you to do Set your clock for 1111 every day in remember gratitude because it’s going to ingrain just like that old vinyl record, it’s going to ingrain. So you don’t need to set the clock anymore for that time after a while. So do that be a difference maker leave a great legacy. But most of all, my friend Matt said, Be kind to yourself, Matt, you’re hungry. You’re humble. You’re fired up. You’re leveling up your health. You’re leveling up your wealth. Now you’re part of the time to shine today varsity squad. We’re stoked for your new podcast. We’re stoked to get your book. Now your pirate squad can’t go anywhere.
Unknown Speaker 25:33
All right. Thank you, Scott. Thanks to your listeners as well.
Unknown Speaker 25:35
Really bad brother. Have a great day. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time To shine today.com slash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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