308-Ditch the Pitch and Start Connecting – TTST Interview with 30 Second Success Founder Laura Templeton

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International Speaker, Author of 30 Second Success: ditch the pitch and start connecting!, and Communications Consultant, Laura Templeton, Chief Instigator at 30 Second Success, works with inspiring business owners and professionals who understand the power of connecting and having an impactful 30 second message that leads to deeper conversations and more opportunities.

When you are networking, remember the people in front of you are jus as human as you are. Support them in their endeavors 

– Laura Templeton  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. A life well lived is knowing when I get to the end, I know I’ve been able to live a life that is in service to others

2. If you are not in a heart of service, people will pick up on your vibe and know your insincerity

3. A good 30 second ‘pitch’ is NOT to sell, but to connect with person or audience you are speaking too and get them to want to know more

4. Trust yourself (your intuition) and live a life of service

5. People are so willing to pour into you, all you have to do is ask!

Level Up! 


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Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Laura, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:20  

My favorite color is purple. It’s always been purple. Not sure why. But the fun thing is my daughter and my grandpa’s are both love purple love it, you know, so there’s a connection there.

Unknown Speaker  2:31  

So it’s a mix between red and blue. And so we people like us, we probably have both sides, the blue calm, and then the red can get a little fired up and whatnot. I love that you said that purple. It’s Regal, too, and it’s in your color wheel. So it looks fantastic on you, I’m sure love it. So let’s get a little bit to the roots. And how you really got started on really making this 30 seconds to success, this pitch, if you will really relevant when it’s really frickin needed.

Unknown Speaker  3:04  

So thank you for that question. That that it kind of was one of those opportunities that fell on my lap. Literally, I stepped into a leadership role years ago, I had been involved in network marketing for a really long time had a lot of amazing training during that time with network marketing couple different companies that I have been promoting been in their trainings, actually did a lot of training for them. And one of the things that I found when I stepped into a leadership role with a networking organization, because you know, in network marketing, you use networking as part of your marketing strategy, stepped into this leadership role and watch these amazing women that I absolutely had come to know and love literally fall apart when it was their turn to do the 32nd message, they would stutter they would stammer they would like literally say something that had nothing to do with your business. And it broke my heart. It just like made me want half the time. I’d be like, Oh, let me do a commercial for you. Because I haven’t learned.

Unknown Speaker  4:05  

I know I’ve been there. Please let

Unknown Speaker  4:07  

me do it for you. Right. And it’s just, you know, the idea behind it was just like, there, I knew the formula. I knew how to express who you are in that 32nd opportunity of sharing your brilliance with the world. And there’s no like, I wanted to make sure I was like I was on like Savior mode like okay, let me help you. I need to get you out of this. Because I’ve watched these amazing confident women just literally fall apart and it made me it made me hurt. It literally physically made my heart hurt, stepped into the opportunity. really started coaching people through this, you know that because I couldn’t find anybody else to teach them. That was the problem. I could find people to talk about networking, who would talk about your 32nd message, but there was nobody out there really teaching how to do your 32nd message right how to craft it, how to deliver it. What the true purpose of your 32nd messages, which really is not to sell yourself, it’s really about connecting with your audience and getting them to want to know more. And when I started helping people, you know, obviously, your network doesn’t just network with you, they go elsewhere. And word got out that I was teaching, then I started getting requests to teach, you know, to come and speak to other groups. And it just blossomed from there. The whole idea 32nd success, the name literally, like, it was one of those, you know, brilliant moments that was like, oh, and I was like, I love, love. And I started just like feeling into it. And just the business model all kind of came together, organically looked at it from an amazing opportunity, about a year into it, I came home and I said to my husband, I think I know I’m gonna like launch this new business. Like, for real? He’s like, people gonna pay you for that. I’m like, they already are. Yeah, love it. Yeah. So I was well on my way to building that as I was kind of stepping out of the network marketing arena. Since some things had changed within the organization that I was with, it just no longer really resonated with what I wanted to do. And I was ready to do something on my own. You know, instead of allowing someone else to have control over what my future look like, it was like, something of my own, make it or break it kind of deal for me. And that’s where it went it just and it’s been, it’s been an amazing ride.

Unknown Speaker  6:24  

Wow. So what kind of support did the hubby and the family give you and you really wanted to step out into the 32nd, you know, success realm and help others level up their presentation.

Unknown Speaker  6:37  

Oh, amazing support. My, my husband and my kids, my kids are grown at this point in time, you know, as a matter of fact, I think they were still in they were in high school at that point, you know, how passionate I am about helping people. So they were very, very supportive in me creating something also that didn’t take me out of the house as much as network marketing. Really, okay, isn’t network marketing you are, you’re on 24/7, like I was, I was one of those people that was like in your house, like doing demonstration kind of things, you know, and other times I was going to conferences and trade shows and all those other. And like, it gave me the opportunity to really kind of add a little bit more stability and and be in control of my own hours. Yes. Right. And I was like, Yeah, I want to work with people, I’m going to work, you know, that nine to five in that realm of, you know, hey, my kids are in college, you know, they’re not in college, yet. They weren’t in college at that point in time, they were in high school. So it’s like, I was still able to be involved in what was going on, you know, what, when, you know, I have to clue people in on the fact that when your kids are in high school, even though you think they’ve gotten bigger and older, and you can have a little more freedom, you end to be there for them, their problems just get bigger, when they get bigger. And being able to be there for them was amazing. But my husband and my kids were super, super supportive, still hard, still are my daughter, you know, she’s a stay at home mom with her two little babies launched her own business. You know, so it’s able to model that she used to be my little assistant when I do my. Yeah, she launched her own business, which is pretty, pretty awesome to be able to pretty proud of the things that she’s creating. I am a grandma, a five and a four year old and they aren’t near Old

Unknown Speaker  8:23  

enough. So that’s a huge shout out your way for the way you take care of yourself. So think then, with you, so you coach people, and then they kind of they come to you to learn that they polish up that 32nd pitch, if you will, or not pitch to 30 seconds to success. Is there any secret sauce during maybe your discovery period with them to maybe help them find their blind spots?

Unknown Speaker  8:47  

The biggest thing that I find and a lot of it is strategy work, because you know, people think it’s really about your message. And it’s not. It’s the fact that either a you’re lost in your business, and you think you can do you know, everything that you used to do and all the new things you want to do, and still have time for yourself. And but the biggest thing that I find with people that I work with is they’re either in that super superduper creative mode where they’re really up leveling their business. And now their message that they’ve had for years is no longer resonating with them, but they just can’t figure out that communications piece, because they haven’t really kind of lived into what it is they’re creating. Right? It’s so I aligned myself with them. And I really do a lot of deep strategy work when I do the one on one coaching with clients. And, you know, there’s such an amazing opportunity to just I love peeling back the layers of someone else’s business, right? Really getting to know them, really understanding what their vision is what that what’s that passion that’s driving them to create something exciting and in and invigorating to them, but also that’s going to serve who they want to serve. Right? Yes. It’s really about being in a heart of service. Yes. When you’re thinking about it, it’s like, how can I help people? What is it that you’re delivering day in and day out. And if you’re kind of lost in that creative mode, a lot of my clients come. And they’ve been doing the same thing for this for so long that they just can’t figure out how to get beyond that. So the strategy work that’s happening in there, too. So this is the big communications piece. A lot of times, I’ll do workshops, I have a workshop coming up on June 1. Okay. And that’s a free workshop. It’s on my LinkedIn page. And you know, it’s an event through LinkedIn. And it’s really about communicating your brilliance. And when people figure out what it is, you know, like, what’s, what is it that people need to hear from you

Unknown Speaker  10:53  

right there, and that wants to keep them coming back for more. It’s huge. That’s huge. So maybe when you’re in this discovery, period, time when you’re sitting down and making sure they’re the right fit, and you’re the right fit. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never know. Hmm.

Unknown Speaker  11:11  

I think that the thing that I have to share with when I’m having organic conversations with people, it’s not a sales conversation. Exactly. It’s really not a sales conversation. I think there’s so much opportunity to just get to know people and giving them the space to share. Right, really giving them the space to answer your questions. One of the things that I wish people would ask me, I’ve never really thought about that. But that’s, you know, like, I think the one of the things that I like to share with people is that background of what my network has done for me, right? Yeah, how I learned from the people that I surround myself with, in the choices that I’ve made, right, the choices of who I network with, who I connect with, who I’m following, right? Because you know, and I’m sure there’s, there’s, I can’t even tell you which book it is that I read it in, it’s like, you know, it’s all about and I’ve watched people talk about it from stage, it’s, you know, you are the sum of the five people that you surround yourself with. So yeah, and you know, what, I’m sorry, it’s more than five people. Yeah. Some of everyone you surround yourself with, because you’re, you, you start to attract the people that you want to become absolutely when you put the right message out there, right. So when I talk about when I talk with clients, and I talk with, you know, people in my workshop, it’s like, Who do you want to? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? Sure. Absolutely. Who do you want to work with? Not today, 10 years from now? And how are you attracting that person? Now? What are you saying that resonates with them? How are you speaking to their heart, right? It’s the power of the heart, the emotions, we’re emotional creatures are meant to love one another, we are meant to serve one another. And if you are not in a heart of service, so you’re if you’re like that mechanical, it’s all about money thing. That’s the conversation that’s really hard to have.

Unknown Speaker  13:26  

And people pick up on that, you know, it’s so true in with the, I’m just trying to figure out how to really structure this question for you, what, when you’re coaching these people, to have them basically give their 30 seconds, I’m going to call it a pitch I know it’s not a pitch but in the 32nd to success to you, or in how long does basically kind of coaching sessions last with you? Because this is the question I want to ask is it you know, I hire you to polish my 32nd You know, in front of people in my introduction and whatnot, you know, how long are they clients?

Unknown Speaker  14:11  

So I have a couple of different programs. And it really depends, you know, I have a couple I tell my clients all the time, I’d like to joke about this and like look, you know, I know you’re signing up for my sick with six week or my 90 Day Program depending on where you’re at in your business. But the truth is, once your mind your mind forever, you become part of my family, right? Because I want to make sure that we are we’re you know I’ll check in with you make sure you’re still in alignment with your messaging if things have changed in your business maybe it’s time that we need to kind of brush things up be careful not to not to get stuck in that here’s my whole message mode even though I’m doing something new. Yeah, but this is just got to be comfortable here. You know, I can do this without you know, screwing things up too bad. You know, and yes, it is. It is a you know, it’s funny that you said about being a pitch and yeah, you know, I talked about ditch the pitches. start conducting. It’s going beyond, right? Yes, your message really is, it’s gonna resonate with people enough to get them to want to know more. Right? It is a mini pitch in a way. It’s where the deeper connections and the conversations go afterwards. That’s so important. And that’s part of the process, right? Yeah, it’s coaching people on how to have the conversations, the deeper conversation, thank

Unknown Speaker  15:22  

you for elaborating, because some people that might see this be like, I’m just hiring her for a pitch, but you’re there for life. You know, you have that go giver mentality. And also ish, your pitch gets better. Your vibe attracts your tribe, and then that gets bigger. So you’re going to need that guidance on down the road to continue to keep in stay polish. I love that. Love, love. Love it. So yes, it’s something Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Absolutely. Okay, let’s get that Deloria with Marty McFly, let’s go back to the double Deuce that 22 year old I don’t know if his Templeton then. But let’s go back to the 22 year old Laura, is there any good knowledge nuggets that you might drop on her? That would maybe not so much change anything because we all have our journeys, and we have to appreciate them, but to maybe help them level up? Maybe just a little bit quicker? You know, just shorten that learning curve a little bit?

Unknown Speaker  16:15  

Yep. Trust yourself. Love it. Trust yourself. Right. Yeah. And I think you know, I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll be brutally honest with you right now. I’m 58. proud of it. You know, and I think if I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would be so much I would have gotten so much further, so much faster. Being being in service to other people has always been who I am. My dad was my my mentor, my guide on how to communicate with people watch this brilliant man, literally stand in a crowd of people that he did not know and engage everyone, right? It’s like being a good listener. serving other people trusting your gut, like how many times do we second guess ourselves? Right? Yeah, absolutely. So if I stopped guessing, second guessing myself, I would have done so much more, so much sooner.

Unknown Speaker  17:10  

Oh, love it. A lot of times people start second guessing themselves. Because they don’t know meaning like they like that’s where we say you know, get you’re asking here. Like you know what I’m saying it’s like you, you don’t know. So you start second guessing yourself. And I remember when I first became started becoming a speaker, I have a booming voice and I can carry a room. But I didn’t have that connection like your father had. You know, that’s something that I’ve had to polish with my coaches and stuff. And I’m, I’m known as the rebounder guy. And I take a trampoline on stage. And the first two minutes of my speech, if you will, is me jumping up and down on a trampoline and telling them the benefits of rebounding and how I’m 50 years old, and I don’t have the pain and and stuff. And the best part about it is is your rebound and everyone’s heads going up and down to they’re about to affirm. They’re starting to affirm everything, whether it’s don’t take life too seriously, you’re not making it out alive, or my overlap your happiness, speech or whatever. So they that’s something that I put together with my coach to really start the engagement process. Because they would see that nervousness I was afraid to engage in certain things people like for a year free to engage. I’m like shit, man, I didn’t know. You know, some things. I love that there’s someone like you out there, that’s going to put them in that mindset. And so you’ve talked a lot about giving. Okay. Are you open to reciprocation? Oh, absolutely. Okay. Absolutely. Do you have it reciprocation?

Unknown Speaker  18:38  

Yeah, I think the thing of it is, is, you know, we learn so much by allowing others to pour into us, you know, other people are so willing to pour into you when all you have to do is ask, just, I just posted something on LinkedIn, the other day I was in, I was in a spot, I have found myself in one of those funky spots where I was like, allowing fear to kind of hold me back. And I said, you know, you know, talk more about that. 32nd Right now I’m talking about a lot about your 32nd decisions, right? I made a choice in that 32nd window when I recognize the fact that I was holding myself back from doing something that I needed to do. And I reached out to a friend who I knew was going to kick me in the ass and make me do it. Right. And he did. He really did. He just kind of like called me out. He said, Alright, here’s what you’re gonna do. Did you did you do when you’re done, I want you to do one thing. He’s I want you to go over into your husband’s office, I want you to tell him to give you a high five and celebrate with you. When you’re done doing that, you’re going to come back and you’re going to message me that you did it. And then we’re going to celebrate. Yeah, and he helped me do it. Right. So it’s making those decisions that move you towards action that are so key. I love that you shared about bouncing on stage. One of the things that people are keep calling me out on it’s like, I’m an archery instructor, right. I’m a certified archery instructor. And we’re like, how incredible would it be you know, I want to use another word but I won’t because we’re on a Audio and I don’t know if your listeners but he’s like, how incredible would it be if you came out on stage and freakin shot and arrow at a target? And even if it didn’t hit the center, you’re still close. Right? Your message is the same way. Yeah. Yeah, talking about your target audience and everything like, how many venues would let me actually shoot? Stage? That’s what’s holding me back from doing that right? Maybe I need to call a couple of venues and say, what kind of insurance what I need to your stage would

Unknown Speaker  20:35  

be awesome. That’d be awesome. That’d be fantastic.

Unknown Speaker  20:39  

I’d have to maybe, maybe some of them might require me to, you know, shoot flu flu hours with you know, like a tennis ball. And yeah, no, no, but

Unknown Speaker  20:46  

I’ll say it out there with an app on my head. I trust you. Yeah, I love it.

Unknown Speaker  20:50  

I’m actually pretty good.

Unknown Speaker  20:53  

I take your word for it. That’s fantastic. So how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date on your tombstone? Which hopefully it’s years down the road? How do you want your dash remember? Loved? loved, loved, go deeper? Loved? What?

Unknown Speaker  21:10  

Huh? No, I think that the biggest thing is to me, it’s just loved by family and friends. Right? People that that are here for me. I just want to love them back. And you know, be a servant, the servant leader.

Unknown Speaker  21:29  

I love it. I love it. And do you have a coach?

Unknown Speaker  21:31  

I have

Unknown Speaker  21:32  

several. You two coaches have coaches? Right? Yes. Yeah. The coaches that know what the hell they’re doing. have coaches? Absolutely. I love it. And what I love about you, Laura, and squat is you know, I talk a lot about my, my, it’s not mine. But what I was taught when I was younger, my plus equals minus the people like Laura and myself, you know, every day, we’re the plus, you know, we’re reaching out to people that are higher than us are in a place where we want to be what she talked about a little bit earlier, about, you see people that you might want to emulate a little bit, not be them, but emulate them a little bit. And then you have the equals where, like Laura and I, you know, we would bounce stuff off of each other, you know, and see where it’s at. And then also the minus, which to me is the most important that builds that mentoring is people that are wanting to be you in a sense and emulate you and bring you forward. You know, we all say, you know that, you know, the more mentoring you do, the more immoral you become. And that’s something that Laura does, because you know, you do, you’ve said that so many times about giving, but being open to the reciprocation as well, but also helping people and you want to take them with you because like you said, you know, fives really not enough. The more people that you have in that vibe, that tribe and soaring like eagles into the atmosphere that nobody else can breathe in is important. You want to take as many people as possible with you, right?

Unknown Speaker  22:49  

Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I it thrills me to no end when I get to witness somebody that I’ve helped overcome that struggle of communication. I mean, one of my favorite stories is a client that I had that literally would stand up with cue cards in her hands, her hands would be shaking, she’d be stuttering, and she still couldn’t get through her 32nd mass pitch, right. And after working with her, I literally got to witness her stand up, put her hands on her hips, stamper foot and deliver her message without a cue card. Without any stutter. She owned it. And everybody in the room started clapping. Like everybody in the room started cap. But it was like that was like the moment that was like, right? Oh my gosh, this is life changing for people. Right? Yeah. It’s, it’s just, there’s when you can pour into people and just to have that kind of impact on their life. It’s, it’s such an incredible rush. And yet, there’s so much humility in it like this is this is a gift I was given. Right? And shame on me for keeping it to myself.

Unknown Speaker  23:56  

Love, love, love it that you’re spreading it out there. That’s fantastic. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  24:04  

Um, I think there’s a little bit of confusion around that 32nd message. A lot of people think there’s such a, you know, that’s the it’s kind of like the brand, right? It’s the, there’s, I think there’s just creating more awareness of how much more goes into it. Yeah. Right. It’s just there’s so much depth in that 32nd conversation, right? And there’s so there’s so much depth into how that message can change your confidence overnight, you know, and it’s so funny because I’ve I’ve networked a lot with men and women, men predominantly, it’s a lot easier for men to talk about themselves. You know, I have a couple of clients that are men and most of my clients are women. But I find that even men sometimes miss the mark of understanding that it is an emotional connection that has to

Unknown Speaker  24:56  

happen, right? Yeah. Especially

Unknown Speaker  24:59  

in today’s As day and age, I think emotions are driving people to make decisions. Almost overnight, right? It’s kind of like that instant, instantaneous decision making that’s happening in our world as we’re evolving, and we’re looking for people to help us. Right. And you know, that instant gratification thing, hey, you know, the internet has caused us all to like, what, hey, if you if I’ve got a problem, you need to fix it, and you need to fix it now. Right? Right. It’s the instant gratification that a lot of people are making decisions so quickly. And if you’re not able to get in front of them, and have a deeper conversation with them. See, that’s where the connection begins. That’s where you mentioned, go giver, and Bob Berg, right, Bob Berg, neighbor, Bobby, somebody, Hey, one of my favorite people. And he, you know, he talks about know, like, and trust, right. He’s the one who coined the phrase know, like, and trust, right? People, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. But if you’re not having if you’re not even able to crack the window, where people are willing to have a conversation with you, and that’s, you know, that’s I think your 32nd message is really the door opener, it’s really the invitation for people to have a conversation with you. Right, you’ve got to get them. You’ve got to get them to connect with you on an emotional level so that they are are looking at you going, oh my gosh, I want to know more, even if it’s somebody like, Hey, I’ve taught financial advisors, how to stand out in a crowd of a room that has three other financial advisors.

Unknown Speaker  26:38  

Sure. That also my story out there. Same thing. Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker  26:46  

And, you know, a lot of times, it’s really about your messaging, it’s how you come across, when you’re talking to people, it’s about having this organic course conversations. But it’s also about really understanding what your vision is, and really understanding where what the trajectory is for your business. Right. That’s where the strategy comes in. Right? And that’s where the, you know, the layers of your business have to come in, because you have to be able to explain to people, this is what I offer, this is where I’m going this is who I’m helping who do you know,

Unknown Speaker  27:17  

love it? Right? What? What is your definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  27:25  

I think the definition of a life well lived is really getting getting to the end of it and saying, You know what? I’ve been able to live a life that is in service of others. Right? You know, that’s, that’s my heart. It’s really about being in service of others, giving when I can, giving what I can and always looking for more opportunities to get

Unknown Speaker  27:53  

right and if you can’t give it you’ll know somebody that can because you surround yourself with a tribe you can refer them I absolutely absolutely love that. Laura, thank you. Time to shine today podcasts. Firstly, squad, we’re back with Laura Templeton, the 32nd success, pitch speech, fantastic everything and all that everything’s going to be in the shownotes. So you have to go watch it or videos are fun engaging. And you can tell that she just loves what she does. And you and I Laura will be able to talk one day in person since we live kind of close. about each one of these questions. 1520 minutes, maybe but you got five seconds with no explanation. So you’re ready. Okay, let’s do it. What is the best leveling up advice Laura’s ever received? Um,

Unknown Speaker  28:39  

do what you do what you do best

Unknown Speaker  28:42  

of it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  28:46  

Hmm. Morning and evening routine.

Unknown Speaker  28:49  

Beautiful. So other than your book, and you see me walking down the street, maybe I’m in a little bit of my doldrums. You know, like Fergie, you need to read this book. Is it

Unknown Speaker  29:01  

54321 Now Robins Well, baby,

Unknown Speaker  29:05  

love it. Good. Good times. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  29:10  

I use I actually use three hearts with my company’s business colors.

Unknown Speaker  29:16  

Beautiful. Beautiful. I think I might have gotten rid of text like that. That stuff. So any nicknames growing up?

Unknown Speaker  29:23  

No, surprisingly enough. Okay, very cool.

Unknown Speaker  29:27  

Just checkers or monopoly?

Unknown Speaker  29:29  

Monopoly. All right, we’re

Unknown Speaker  29:31  

good friends. Now. What’s your go to ice cream flavor

Unknown Speaker  29:35  

and chocolate chip

Unknown Speaker  29:37  

to listen like twinsies here. Beautiful. There. There’s a sandwich called this 32nd success. What’s on that sandwich? It’s named after you.

Unknown Speaker  29:48  

Whoa, what’s on that sandwich? Probably peanut butter and jelly.

Unknown Speaker  29:54  

Get some potato chips and grind them up on it to love TV. So you have access to a time machine. For one day you come back the present day, you can’t change anything at all. Would you go anytime in the future anytime in the past?

Unknown Speaker  30:12  

No, no, I would stay right here.

Unknown Speaker  30:15  

I still want to go back to this kegger I was that 1989 You know, that was epic night. I’ll tell you that I just visited Hell yeah, no, I

Unknown Speaker  30:23  

just, you know what, everything that has happened to me in you know, in my life got me where I’m at. That’s, you know, and I don’t want to know what the future holds. Because I love being surprised.

Unknown Speaker  30:32  

Me too. I would always go back, you know, just to see some, but like, you know, again, so many people, like have a foot in the future foot in the past and piss all over their president. It’s like this now. I love it. I love it. So what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  30:48  

I do a lot of giving and hands on service is one of my favorite organizations to support. Okay, out of it’s a small organization. My mom and dad have volunteered for many, many years. And yep,

Unknown Speaker  31:02  

beautiful. Last question. We can elaborate on this one, even though we elaborate on others, because I broke my own rule. But last question, what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 70s 70s? So who is your jam then?

Unknown Speaker  31:15  

Classic Rock? Come

Unknown Speaker  31:16  

on. You got everything. I’m an Eagles guy, like eagles was my jam. And, you know, I mean, I grew up I graduated in 90. But you know, like the 80s was my jam. But seven days is usually what I have on in the background. You know, as I go through, I love it. So Laura, how can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  31:37  

Easy way, easiest way to find me on social media is just 32nd success. I’ve I’ve used that brand ended the hell out of that. And even my website 32nd success.com It’s easiest way to find me.

Unknown Speaker  31:50  

I love it. Did you start writing your book before COVID Or during it? launched it right before? I was gonna say because it’s like a mayor’s March may or something like that. 2020 release, right?

Unknown Speaker  32:01  

Yeah, released a January 2020. And interestingly enough, it really focuses mostly on the in person networking, but I was smart enough to add a little comment in there that virtual networking is very much like in person networking. Yeah, so yeah, so that was it was interesting because doing a book launch when nobody’s listening because the world is going to go to hell. Okay, that was a little hard. That was a little hard. The PR side of it just kind of tanked. But hey, you know, got a lot of traction. A lot of people are picking it up now. So

Unknown Speaker  32:37  

yeah, hopefully a lot more people well, in squad, I am going to have personally purchase a book and have Laura sign it if she doesn’t mind and mail it out to you. I can take care of the postage as well. But uh, you have to put the first one to put Dirty 30 Dirty 30 in any of our comments on social media, we will send that book out too. So I can’t wait to get my copy as well, because I’m gonna I’m gonna buy it and read as well, although I’m a Kindle guy. You know, it’s just how I roll.

Unknown Speaker  33:08  

But it’s on sale on Amazon right now on Kindle. It is. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  33:11  

Like, looks like it’s dropped? Quite a bit. Yeah, absolutely. So give me one last salad laurel leaves us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  33:24  

I think the biggest thing to remember is when you are networking, remember that the people in front of you are just as human as you are. Right? The best way that you can connect with them is to support them in their growth. And then you know, it’s the give to get to give mentality. Yeah, somebody should that was a gift someone shared with me one time and the whole idea is you give and give and give until you get and then you turn around and give good gifts more,

Unknown Speaker  33:56  

give it some more. I love it and it’s never enough. You can never give enough that’s the thing I absolutely love it and squad. We just had a free masterclass with my good friend Laura here, you know, founder, you know, she’s in a leadership role and found that, you know, people were falling apart in their 32nd presentations, you know, she felt empathetic for them. She saw through their eyes, she saw that, hey, I can really help these people. So, you know, she reminds us that the true 32nd presentation, it’s not the salads connect with the audience and get them to want to know more of what you’re talking about. You know, she is a big believer really take control of your time, you know, don’t trade time for money. But, you know, during that the time that you have, make it make sense and give, give give and to what we say hurts so good. You know, it’s she says it’s not about your message, you know, it everything’s about your message. It’s not always about you as a person, you may be lost in your business. You know, you might be in a creative mode and you can’t make that communications part. Make sense? But that’s where Laura can help you do that she can help that make sense. You know, she tells you to really lean into your passion, create an exciting, invigorating part of your business and do it all from a level of service, you know, in a great coach no matter what, during that discovery time, you know, Laura, that, you know, she says, You know, God gave us two ears one mouth for a reason, really listen. And that should the coach should do, they should ask you powerful questions and get to know you and give you time to share. You know, you are how can I say this, I have notes here, pine notes, I’m just picking the best ones I can find here. You know, you know, she wants you to trust yourself being service to others. If you don’t know, something, get your asking year because there’s people out there that are willing to share it with you. You know, you we learn so much when we let people pour into us and also be able to reciprocate, let people pour into you, as well. You know, she’s be remembered as someone that love, gave love, and receive love again, it’s okay to reciprocate, it’s good to get as well, you know, and she’s someone that I believe that she does what she loves, in the service of people that loves what she does, and that they can see it because she’s so passionate about it. You know, she’s planting trees, that she’s probably never going to sit in the shade in and she’s okay with that. Because when we say the tree with the most fruit, it’s the one that bends to the ground. And that’s what she’s doing. She wants to bring you along. And lastly, you know, when you are networking with people, remember the people that are in front of you are just as human as you are, you know, help support them in their endeavors. You know, if you have to get up in front of these people and give that 32nd success pitch, if you will, you know, do it scared, you know, it’s fine to be scared. That’s something that I’m sure part of our coaching is about but just do it scared in law, you level up your health, you level up your wealth, your humble, yet, you get curious and very kind and hungry. And you’ve learned your varsity squad letter here at Townshend today. Thank you so much for coming on. I absolutely love your guts, and I cannot wait to collaborate with you in the future.

Unknown Speaker  37:10  

Thank you so much. It was such a pleasure to be here with you. I enjoyed hanging out. I’m sorry. It’s over. So yeah, yeah, we’re gonna hang out. Thanks so much. Take care.

Unknown Speaker  37:22  

Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine to date.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like where you’ve been listening to it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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