Welcome to Episode 151 – We were stoked to bring Kyle Gillette on the TTST show. He lives the SAGE life which he explains in the show. A true Go-Giver who daily lives his passion and pays it forward to others. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Go into networking events to make friends and connect to build relationships
– Kyle Gillette
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach has great perspective
2. Kyle lives the life of 3 B’s – Business, Behavior and his Bible
3. Commit to the things you are passionate about
4. Reflect weekly on what you should do more of, less of, start doing, stop doing and keep doing
5. Take imperfect action
Level Up!
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Gillette Solutions Facebook Page
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey, this is conduit of electricians and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast, my good friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad to discuss Ferguson and we are at Episode 151 with my siege my really good friend, Kyle Gillette from Gillette solutions. Again, I’ve called it sage. It’s his acronym for self awareness, accountability, growth and empowerment. And he digs into those four key factors that you can really use to level up especially by using Kyle’s coaching. Kyle’s a really good friend of mine, a man of faith, like myself from out on the left coast out on the west coast. And he’s just such a big heart, such a family man, just such an overall great person. So I want you to sit back, relax, take a lot of notes because he’s going to give you a lot of information here. Because here comes my really good friend Kyle Gillette with Gillette solutions. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today barsi squatted Scott Ferguson and I got my guy here. Kyle jillette from the left coast up there in Washington, he we’re kind of cut from the same sheet I’m a little bit older than him. But we’re kind of cut from the same sheet of our, our coaching, but we kind of started a little bit in the personal fitness business and helping people level up their fitness, you know, Kyle’s put together pretty well. He’s a fantastic gentlemen, family, man, I’ll even say that he just closed down a bigger house for him and his lovely wife and three daughters. If you go to his website, Gillette solutions, you can see a nice picture of him and the about Kyle side. But you know, he believes that all people have the ability to thrive in their personal and professional lives to obtain freedom and independence that they strive to achieve. You know, Kyle is an executive and business coach who helps his clients grow their business without increasing their workload. So work smarter, not harder. I love that. For over two years, his Sage mindset leadership program has helped his clients level up their leadership and the team around them and I love it level up just like right above here, level up your life. So Kyle, thank you so much for coming on the time to shine today. Show and if you could introduce yourself to the squad, but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Oh, my favorite color book. Well, hello. Thanks for having me. Yeah, man. Yeah, favorite, I’d have to say Blue. Blue is definitely the cut, which is your shirt. So I’m happy about that.
I got a veteran own swell surf, surf waves enjoy life. You know, I got guys in the Midwest that basically bring people out here to the coast and I helped put them up and they you know, people suffer from PTSD and stuff like that we get them. So I always rep their company a little bit. It’s pretty awesome. But anyways, let’s get to you, Kyle, let’s talk about the origins. You know, from you know, maybe you started working in the fitness industry and then really working it up to helping people level up mindset, you know, through your Sage program.
Yeah, so it all kind of began in 2005. I was sitting at a I had a I had a desk that was basically a piece of plywood on top of two by fours. And it was in this of this apartment with three other dudes and I was in college. And I was finished wrapping up my kinesiology degree and getting ready to do some personal training or physical therapy or something I was a bit lost. And a couple days before I had traipse through some poison oak, because in California, there’s a lot of that crap. And I’m extremely allergic to it. And so I remember sitting on in my at my desk talking to my parents on the phone, and I was covered in poison oak and I was itching like crazy. And it was just this metaphor of how my life was. It’s just kind of a mess. I was confused, frustrated, anxious about all kinds of things. And then you fast forward six more weeks, boys gone, fortunately. But I I had bumped into a buddy that had gone to India with and he invited me to go interview for this men’s mentoring program. So I interviewed for this program. And it was at this this old farmhouse on 40 acres. And I went there and interviewed and it felt like when I was sitting in in that room in the living room where I was interviewed, I felt like I was just being pulled into the couch like I belonged. And like I needed to be there. And so long story short, after the interview, they asked if I wanted the job, so I accepted it on the spot. And that was kind of the very beginning of my journey to Gillette solutions because it introduced me to helping people get their lives on track helping people to level up, as you say, and do those sorts of things with their lives.
But so would you give up that college experience for anything in the world?
No, no way. All right. College is awesome.
Right? You sit there and like I was in the military. So I had chosen I was in Ramona, California, just north inland of San Diego. And we went camping and I was out there with a bunch of buddies before deployment that we were going over to Iraq. And you know, when you’re you’re drinking a few brain grenades and you’re going out in the woods and you’re, you know, doing your business, you know, number one I got poison oak everywhere, bro. And I’m talking even fair, you know, that’s horrible. So it’s in like you I look at poison Oh guy get it, I just there’s no way around it so, but like that that’s a funny experience you and I are so much like so many ways but yeah, I wouldn’t have given up that experience for anything and and I’m glad that you actually shared that So you started leveling up in wanting to level up other people but how about the start of kind of the sage program within the Gillette solutions? How did that come about?
Yeah. So as I transitioned out of that program, I was a part of that men’s mentoring program for 10 years, played different roles in it. And ultimately, I met my wife in the middle of all that we had a couple kids. And we decided that living in San Luis Obispo, which is a fantastic place to live, wasn’t going to work for us as a family because there was no family close. So we moved up to Washington. And, and I, when we moved, I said, if if we’re going to move, I have really huge impact right now write that program as a part of but when we move, I want to have even larger impact. And so I thought the only way I could do that would be to interact with business owners, and to help them have an impact on the people that they’re working with. And so if I can help level them up, if I can help them thrive and become the leader they’re meant to be, then I’m having the impact that I want. And I can be behind those leaders. But I needed a framework to pull that off.
Love it. So what makes a great coach
will make perspective, great coaches give perspective, they do a great job of asking questions that give the clients perspective, because great coaches, don’t tell the clients what to do. They help them realize what they need to do.
That’s what I was waiting to hear you guide them to that with your expertise. Thank you for saying that guy. That’s fantastic. So with, if I’m out at a networking event, which here in South Florida, we’re allowed to no matter what the media says, We’re going out and we’re networking, and we’re pressing some flash and meeting new people. What am I listening for? What am I hearing? If I’m talking to somebody that would make them a good referral connection, Introduction to Gillette solutions?
Yeah, typical clients, for me are business owners that are family owned businesses. So a lot of blue collar businesses are the ones that I work with, you know, construction, some architectures, some automotive, but larger businesses that have around 100 employees are the typical good fit for me, okay, have the business owners have a heart for their people, but they just don’t know how to manage their people very well. And so that’s where I come in, I’m solving people problems and system problems. And ultimately, when you get when you remove those people problems, or you resolve them, same with system problems, you get more profit, that’s what it boils down to. So so I’m really helping their bottom line with the work that I do with them with personality stuff, coaching conversations, those types of things. So out of a family business, who would reach out to you and to be the owner of the business, they would reach out to you seeking help to help them come in level up. Is that generally who it is? Yeah, typically that the owner of the business, a lot of times it’s the wife versus the husband that reaches out because men struggle to admit they need help. Yeah,
yeah. So with that being said, like when you come into a business, I mean, you have the patriarchy, especially family owned business, you have a patriarch matriarch, who you said usually reaches out to you. What do you how do you defuse the person that’s right below them, the person that a business is going to be turned over to in the future? They see you coming in? And they’re like, What the hell are you doing here? You know, tell me, you can’t tell me that’s not true. Because I have it all the time. And people say that I coach and stuff, how, what is your secret sauce for maybe helping get around that, that obstacle?
Well, most of us have heard the phrase know, like, and trust, yes. And I think I have a cheat code for that. Because what I do is I have everybody in, in the leadership positions, taken a personality assessment with me. So they go through a personality assessment process with me, which allows me to understand them better and speak their language, speak their dialect. And because of that, then then they start to like me, because I respect their dialect. And then they trust me because of those things. And then all of a sudden, I can be working with that General Manager, that CEO or CEO, whatever. And there’s a trust that’s already built over other
ones that are the oldest brother that the family is going to be over two right? Now. That’s fantastic. You hear that squad at me, he he doesn’t go in with ego. He doesn’t go and trying to change things. He gives them a, you know, an assessment test to help them understand the language that they’re talking and understand their dialect and that that’s called being a go giver. It’s called being just absolutely smart. Thank you for sharing that. So what is your secret sauce and the help? When you bring somebody in to start coaching? I’m called to help them really recognize their blind spots.
Yeah, I mean, that that that cheat code is that assessment. That’s a big piece of the secret sauce. It’s just helping them to understand themselves. And it’s the beginning of the sage process. I haven’t fully explained what that is. Yes, please do. Sage. Sage is an acronym. And obviously Sage means wisdom. It’s a plant it has. There’s all kinds of metaphor there. But ultimately, sage stands for self awareness, accountability, growth, and empowerment. And so the first step I always take with everybody they work with is to have them take an assessment, which creates that self awareness. And then the next three parts of it kind of intertwined throughout the whole framework, the whole relationship with the with the business and with the owners.
Love it. I love it. So you can really it what assessment do you use?
I use, I use disk, and then another one called motivators. So there’s a part of it.
Yeah. Excellent. So you really dig in from the start and, and really get to know their language is that that’s the epitome of a great coach. So is there when you start working with somebody, whether it’s in the discovery process, or just starting to work with somebody? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
I don’t know. I don’t know if I have that an answer for that. Yeah,
I’m not sure say, No, don’t worry about it. I mean, it’s, it’s kind of throw that in there for people because I mean, I look at it. And I have a couple coaches, you know, I have a mindset coach, and then also a productivity coach. And basically, the first thing I always asked him is, tell me about a fail. I mean, how you failed bad and what you did to overcome it, you know, or, you know, just why do you do what you do? You know, I know your passion shines through period. I mean, you look at everyone your pictures on any of his social guy is known as a handsome dude, but like he’s always smiling, you’ll always get after you vibe side. And that’s somebody that I would want coaching me. That’s fantastic. So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly, you old enough to know who that is? Okay. Gotcha. All right. So let’s go back to the 22 year old Kyle Gillette, and what kind of Knowledge Nugget should you be dropping on him with the wisdom you have today? to help them level up, shorten his learning curve curve and really blast through?
Yeah, I think I remember, about two years ago, I was laying on my couch in the early morning where I do some reflective stuff, and some meditation and prayer and stuff like that. And I got this message in my head that was like, focus on on these three things. And it was business behavior, and Bible in my case. And I think that if I would have been told, when I was 22 years old to focus on those three things, I’d been way better positioned than I am now. So in other words, it’s, it’s going to be different for each person. But if you can pick one of those, if you can pick three or four things to really, really drive into and dive into, and consistently level up in each of those areas. When you’re younger than when you’re older. It’s going to be really impactful. And the other piece would be network, network, network, network, make, make friends connect with people with no intention to get anything financially out of it. You know, go into it with intention to get something out of it. relationally sure, but not financially, if something comes up it financially awesome, but if not, who cares? Just network run crazy.
Yeah, exactly. And alignment. That’s actually I love that you said business behavior and Bible. You know, it’s funny, it’s like part of my morning. routine is I read Proverbs. Okay. And there’s 31 books in Proverbs are 31 chapters in Proverbs. And so there’s like seven months of the year, there’s 31 days. So it’s like, every day you have a lesson, you know, and then unless it’s June 30, then you read 30 and 31, on the last day of the month, or it’s February, you read three chapters in a day. But it’s just nice that you said that because it can really instill that wisdom, and then the business behavior network. That’s fantastic. So I want to know how you want your dash remembered, Kyle, that little mark in between your, your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want Kyle Gillette to remember maybe your epitaph or your legacy?
Yeah, I have this little phrase that I wrote down, and let me I’m gonna cheat and look at it because it just, it just fits. When I when my when I had my first child, her name’s Annalise, she, she’s wonderful. But there’s something and in my heart, I was like, what what do I want my kids to know what I want them to, to know about life to love. And I realized that there’s two things I want my kids to have, and I want to have for myself and I want everybody else to have it. But that’s one love God and to love learning. If If my kids can love God and love learning, everything’s covered, there’s nothing isn’t covered. Because loving on covers all kinds of things, obviously. And then learning is wherever the shortfalls are. So if they love both of those things, and if I love both of those things and pursue them hard, I’m good. And so they
it’s a never ending journey of leveling up, right? I mean, it’s, you’re always have that love of God, in which is which God is love, you know, period. So it’s like you’re loving upon love, and then you’re, you know, overlapping, you know, because a lot of times people will chase happiness, but you know, Everything’s fine that you and I are not you and I, but you could be having a great time on vacation. But guess what that vacation ends? Eventually, you know what I’m saying. But if you consistently, you know, level up your happiness and overlap it, you know, and that’s where you said with God, it’s like, the more you that you love God, you’re overlapping, overlapping, I’m happy you said that and love learning, that’s beautiful. So you’re going to leave that legacy and you’re basically kind of a living legacy for and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would actually say that. But, you know, what is something that people might misunderstand about Kyle?
I think a lot of people think I’m,
so I have a coach. And her impression of me is that I’m, that I’m a little bit too soft. Okay. And I think what people don’t understand is that there’s this exterior of gentleness, and one might call it meekness. But then once I’ve established trust with someone, once they see that I care about them, then the hardest part comes out the directness, the aggression,
a lot. I mean,
it’s like with the client, they you know, you have to help them to understand who you are, and that you actually have empathy and care about them. But when they’re not taking the right actions, or they’re, or they say they’re gonna do something they don’t, that’s, that’s when the directness comes out, that’s when the aggressiveness comes out, to help them achieve what they need to achieve, to help them push themselves harder to push their team harder to get the results that they wanted from the start. And so I think there’s this misconception that, that I’m gentler than I actually am.
Right. And you know what, that that’s a great trait to have. Because that’s, that’s sage, if you ask me, it’s kind of kind of sage, it’s like, you know, you can, you know, back somebody up enough, and then they can, the inside can come out of them. But what you’re doing is you’re building that trust, building that trust building that trust. So you can not lack of better term unleash, but you can kind of really dig in to their blind spot, and then blast through it. Right. Awesome. That’s fantastic. So
what do you have, because if someone wants if someone really wants to achieve something, what they need is accountability. Yeah, so that’s the second letter of sage. But if if I’m not willing to go after it with them, and keep them accountable, then they’re not going to get to that same level of leader, right? But then you have to get that trust, you have to get that empathy. So there’s this really kind of the Goldilocks combination so that you can help them move to that direction.
Love it. I love it. The three bears right?
Yeah. Love it. Love it. So let’s take our cell phone out of it. Let’s take our tablet computer or anything electronic. What are three things that Kyle can’t live without?
Well, definitely my family Sure.
And then of course, my Bible.
Love it. So what what’s the what’s the sports that you follow?
Well, unfortunately, every gym around here is closing it as it relates to racquetball, racquet balls, my thing, racquetball, but then you’ve got basketball, and mountain biking, those, those would be the sports. They used to be surfing. And I miss it like crazy. But yeah, those would be the sports gods, but anything that doesn’t require that you just run around and stuff, you know, activity like that is awesome.
breaking a sweat every day as part of my daily ritual. Oh, yes. You know, so getting it done. I love that. So kind of what is your definition of a life well lived?
Yeah, I would say committing to the thing that you’re passionate about.
Love it.
And not regretting that, you know, pushing through when when it’s difficult.
Love it. So when you fail, kind of fail forward and learn from it. Just keep going. Wow. That’s fantastic. So as we wind things down a little bit here, Kyle, I have my leveling up lightning round. Okay. And you and I could talk 15 2030 an hour per question, but you got five seconds and all of them can be answered with a word, and no explanation. So you’re ready. Ready to let my man Sarah said, what’s the best leveling up advice Kyle’s ever received? connect with others. Love it. Love it. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Every Saturday I do reflective practice or answer five questions.
Love it. No, we can expand. What’s the five questions?
Yeah. What should I do more of? What should I do less of what should I start doing? What should I stop doing? What should I keep doing?
That’s amazing. I’m gonna have to add that to my repertoire. Fantastic. So not the Good Book, not the book you’re reading now. Not the flavor of the month. What’s the one book if I’m in my doldrums and you’re like it because mine is the travelers gift by Andy Andrews, who’s a Christian comedian. And it’s fantastic book right. It’s that changed my Life. What is the one book that you say Fergie read this?
I probably have to say How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Dale, man. Got a good deal. Kyle, what is your most commonly used emoji?
Well, I use a bitmoji. Okay, if you’ve never heard of that, yeah, it’s, it’s usually like usually it’s obviously an image of me, but also some sort of like, thank you. Okay,
very cool. Very cool. Not wisdom, not knowledge. But physically. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be physically?
With my current condition?
Your current knowledge?
Yeah. Oh, geez. But I could continue to learn.
Yes, absolutely. If you can stay one age physically. What is it? I
probably like 3130. Yes.
How old are you brother if you don’t mind?
Okay. 232 is my answer every time. It was the best age that I’ve ever had. I think that was 2004 now 2000 yet 2004. I was born in 72. I do the math. Yeah, but 32 was like it was it was rock star age for me. So what is your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
Yeah, we we give to crew camps crusade. Okay, we’ve been given to this this guy. So I went to Albania on a trip. Several like, oh, gosh, maybe 12 years ago or something like that? Unbelievable experience. And there’s a guy named Bertie that that led the trip. Okay. And he lives there with his wife and kids. And so we’ve been supporting them for about 12 years now. Beautiful.
Love it. Last question. What is the best kind of tough, best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 60s 60? Really? Wow, you brought it you brought it back? A little bit is good, though. It’s good music real good music. Love that.
I grew up on that stuff. So did you? Yeah. Parents are obsessed.
Yeah. Were they hippies?
No, they just, you know, just did like Leonard Skinner’s and Oh, yeah.
Brothers, those books. There you go. There you go. So
how can we find you my man? Yeah, you can find me Gillette solutions.com.
And then also look up Sage mindset podcast in any of the podcast channels. that’s those are the two best ways to find me. Next Monday. I get my slot. I see it on my calendar. I get to come on. I can’t wait. I cannot wait. Wait. Kyle, leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Yeah, take imperfect action. Just go for it. No, there’s no no sense in making trying to figure out the exact perfect action to take just take imperfect action.
Love it and do it scared to write do it scare that’s what I love. I love to add that on to anything that I say listen squad man, we just had a basically a free masterclass with my good friend, Kyle scheelite, here from Gillette solutions, you know, they’ll tell you that a great coach, you know, gives perspective, you know, in his uses assessments to help him understand his clients like business language, if you will, you know, and he uses his Sage sh G, which is self awareness, accountability, growth, and empowerment. And those four are just amazing. And I strongly recommend you get in touch with Kyle, if you can do it through the show notes, information, or else just give me a jingle or a ring or an email or whatnot. And I will personally put you in touch with, with Kyle who, you know, he believes in three things business behavior in the Bible, if you’re young, get locked into those three B’s that we’ll call it the B three business behavior in the Bible and always network network network, you know, and he would reminds his kids and reminds himself to love God and love learning always progress. Always love, you know, you know, really connect with your passions and never have regrets. You know, you know, really go after what you really want. You don’t want to look back and say you know what, Man, I wish I woulda did that Kyle lives it on a daily basis, he connects with others. And then his his five, he reflects on Saturdays, what would he keep doing more of what we do less of? What would he start? What would he stop? And what would he keep doing and I’m going to start adding that in my repertoire. That’s just fantastic. I appreciate him really sharing that with us. And lastly, take imperfect action. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just take action you can learn along the way and as we like to say, you know, do it scared. You know, get your asking gear if you need five s people get out there in in, you know, just make make connection with people like Kyle and Kyle is humble. He is passionate, he’s healthy, he’s wealthy, and he’s a family man. He’s a Godfrey man. We’re cut from the same shooting cow, thank you so much for coming on time to shine today. You’re fantastic. And we can’t wait to have you back. And we will talk to you soon my friend. Yes, thank you very much. By now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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