Kate Eckman is the author of The Full Spirit Workout: A Ten-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun and Fulfilling Life. She is a broadcast journalist and TV personality who brings her expertise in communications, performance, and mindfulness to her practice as a success coach for business leaders and professional athletes. She earned a B.A. in communications from Penn State University, where she was an Academic All-American swimmer, and received her master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. She graduated at the highest level from Columbia University’s executive and organizational coaching program and is a certified ICF coach (ACC) and a licensed NBI consultant. Passionate about mindfulness practices for both brain and body health, she is also a meditation teacher and course creator for Insight Timer, the world’s number one–ranked free meditation app.
Block out the noise and listen to intuition, remind yourself how powerful you are!
– Kate Eckman
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Do not be validated by externals
2. A great coach abides the clients agenda not theirs
3. Give yourself ‘sit and stare time’ intently listen for quality downloads to help you Level UP!
4. Kate loves to help everybody feel better in and out of pressure
5. Show up in life and MEAN IT! Love and embrace that ‘messy person!’
6. Allow your life to be juicy! Have fun!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Kate’s Leadership Development and Performance Coaching Site
Kate’s Book: The Full Spirit Workout
Kate’s Linked IN
Kate’s Youtube Channel
Kate’s Instagram
Kate’s Twitter
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Kate Eckman author of the Full Spirit Workout and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the Time To Shine Today podcast with my dear friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson weird episode 250 to 50 with my awesome sauce. Good good friend, sister from another mister, Miss Kate Ekman author of the full spirit workout make sure you listen to the end. And we have an awesome free book giveaway that Kate authored and if this is just such a fun conversation, I seriously love Kate Beckman’s guts. She’s just amazing. Her ability to relate to pretty much anyone she comes in contact with. She’s so connected. So giving so loving, and I just want you to sit back, relax, break out your notebooks because it comes my really really really good friend, Kate Ekman author of the full spirit workout. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:04
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And we are I’m super stoked about this one. This is my sister from another mister, the author of the full spirit workout which if you listen to the end, I have an awesome giveaway that my good friend Kate Ackman has given me permission. And she actually had John Hancock the book to send out to us but you have to listen to the end of this interview, to get that free book or have a chance to get that free book. And my friend Kate Ackerman is the author of the full spirit workout a 10 step system to shed your self doubt strengthen your spiritual core and create a fun and fulfilling life. She has accolades that go on and on. You can check them out in the show notes. I love that she went to Penn State University. I’ve been to a white out actually, which is fantastic. She’s a competitive swimmer. She’s also a graduate I believe at Columbia University. She’s passionate about mindfulness practices for both brain and body health. She’s also a meditation teacher, a course creator for Insight Timer, the world’s number one ranked free meditation app which I’ll put that in the show notes as well. You can visit her ad to Kate ekman.tv and the full spirit workout calm and Kate thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad, but first, okay, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:16
I love the color purple because when I think of purple I think of lavender and the the soothing comfort relaxation that comes with that.
Unknown Speaker 2:25
And it’s regal. And it’s a mix between my two favorite colors blue and red. And if you’re watching here on any of the video podcasts, you can see that my friend Kate Ackman is just a beautiful woman full of energy. Awesome Rockstar, but I want to kind of get a little bit to the origins Cade of where you kind of came through. I mean, you’re accomplished person. You know, you’re an athlete, which we resonate there. And but you kept on with your education. You coach high end of individuals, but what’s our what’s our roots?
Unknown Speaker 2:56
Yeah, so as a competitive athlete, I swam competitively for 17 years. And I knew how hard I had to train my physical muscles to compete at a high level for so long. And as I went about my life, like most people, I’m going to lovingly call everybody out. I was struggling I like many was in the the rat race on the hamster wheel, my life was all about the externals, that’s where I got my validation. And I had two massive Wake Up Calls losing two loves to suicide and one year, and I thought there must be a way to train my attitude, no muscles and get really fit and strong on the inside, develop strong mental, emotional, and spiritual muscles. And so that’s really been my life quest to come up with the keys for the better way of living, not just for myself, but for everyone. Because I believe we all have so many gifts and strengths to identify, leverage and share. And we’re really not utilizing our full potential. So that really is is my passion. It’s my purpose, and it’s what gets me out of bed ready to rock and roll every morning.
Unknown Speaker 3:58
Zeref like a fork in the road. You mentioned two suicides, my little brother took his life so I get it and then even to come on the show. Thank you for donating to the suicide life reasons prevention hotline, which all my guests do. What was that moment it was that kind of the moment was the suicides that really made you start to flex your muscle muscle whether your emotional and spiritual.
Unknown Speaker 4:20
Yeah, and I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve experienced the loss of love likewise, it’s um, it’s such an epidemic and people are really uncomfortable talking about the topic, there’s such a stigma so I’m happy to be the face of this to help erase the stigma even though it’s really hard and heartbreaking work as you know, and you can get triggered and taken out and it is sad, but I’m really inspired by people who like you are taking the time to shine and despite it all showing up not just for yourself, but for other people, but that certainly changed the whole trajectory of my life and it wasn’t Just the pain of losing these two beautiful men, but it really was forcing me to look at myself in the way I was choosing to live my life. And it’s like, oh my gosh, am I gonna be in a moment of despair and not be in my right mind and make a poor choice because that’s all it takes is a moment. And so I’m really passionate about speaking so openly and vulnerably about this because everyone is experiencing so many painful emotions, especially this past year, too. So it’s okay and let’s talk about it and share and there really is no shame in it.
Unknown Speaker 5:34
Yeah, and I love it. The you were very candid about it. Your book, I believe is chapter five, build your emotional muscles. And what I love that you kind of put in there was the emotional muscles on drugs, there’s no fix, I believe that was the name of the little excerpt that totally stood out to me, because I was like, a Xanax guy, you know, it’s just like something that made me cope. I love that you put in there natural, like you do things naturally. So now I’m like a lemon balm and l theanine person before I go to bed. And it really just allows me to wake up. What do you do you practice that within your own life and natural and really staying away from the chemically induced fixes are bait. They’re not even fixes, because they don’t allow you to get into Bravo, or you know, B, A, B, C, and D, all the four sleep stages, right? When you’re trying to get your rest and recovery. Are you a person that really uses the natural to help you level up?
Unknown Speaker 6:28
Yeah, I mean, of course, we all know this, right? This getting enough sleep, getting enough exercise, excuse me, the meditation, I’m a woman of faith. So I pray. But I do a practice that I invite all of your listeners to do starting today, and I call it my sit and stare time. And that’s something where you do exactly what it says you sit, you turn off all your noises, distractions, you need to be in a room quietly by yourself, and stare out the window and check in with yourself as if you were a small child and ask, how are you doing? What do you need right now? How can I support you, you know what’s working, what isn’t, and really take the time to listen, we all need to become more practiced at listening, not to the ego voice that tells us you’re not good enough, you’re not this enough to say that dumb thing I’m talking about to our inner wisdom, our Higher Self, God, Spirit, universe, nature, whatever you want to call it, bring that that wisdom from your head down into your heart into your body and sit in that space. And I promise you, that is the natural high, you will you will gain the insight, clarity, and really start to become more practiced at listening to that voice.
Unknown Speaker 7:39
And I love that you said that because I believe I’m a man of faith. And everybody knows that small group leader at church, you know, in whatnot, but you know, God’s voice is silence. It’s like you hear it when you can sit like you say, sit and stare. And ask yourself the questions. How are you? What do you need? What can I do for you? And like you can actually during that sabbatical of your day, hear God’s voice if you’re actually listened to it correct listening for it?
Unknown Speaker 8:08
Yeah, absolutely love it. And you and you get the the the downloads, as I call them, you know, oh, reach out to Scott and pitch this project to him, or, Hey, you really need to take some time off. Like, I think we get these messages all the time, and we don’t listen, or, Hey, you really need to leave this unhealthy relationship and you hear it and it starts getting louder and clearer. But then your ego mind says, Well, where are you going to live, or you’re going to have to start over or all of those things come up, willing to let in the guidance and support that’s always available to you and, and take a leap of faith and take the risk and stretch your comfort zone as I outlined and step one, and really start to allow life to be a bit more juicy for you and really help you expand and grow.
Unknown Speaker 8:59
Yes. And so let’s get into your coaching a little bit. Um, what do you think then makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 9:10
I think a great coach is someone who listens, not just to what is being said, but what isn’t being said kind of that metadata. A great coach focuses only on the client’s agenda. They’re not bringing their agenda. They’re not projecting. They’re not giving advice. That’s a misconception. I think once you’ve been working with the client for a while, you can ask permission or say, Hey, Scott, May I share what’s coming up for me and not even to tell you what to do. But just say what I’m hearing you say, Scott, is that you really need to leave this job about what you’re experiencing. So putting it back on you because you have all the answers and I think it’s amazing the transformation that can occur when we just shut up and let people discover for themselves. There’s an acronym called Wait, which is why am I I’m talking. And this is not just for coaching, share this gift with your loved ones, share it with the clerk at the grocery store and just let people be seen, heard and acknowledged
Unknown Speaker 10:12
love it. That is fantastic. That is wait that is on our agenda. Put that on. Love this. I love this. So when you’re starting to work with, say a one to one clients, maybe you’re in the discovery period. Is there any secret sauce? If you don’t mind sharing, and it was so cliche secret sauce? Was there any secret sauce that you have to maybe help them initially find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 10:37
I think it’s, again, I tuned into my intuition. That’s my superpower. And I can kind of sense like, wow, this man is saying that he’s fine. And this is going well, but I’m sensing that he’s about to crumble and cry, which, which scares me, especially with my background. And so again, it’s when people answer, pausing, and letting the conversation brief because in that pause, the person will continue to talk. So they might say, Everything’s great. And you know, I’m looking forward to this promotion, and then just give it a beat. And then a lot of times, they’ll say, but you know, I don’t even know if I still want to work at this organization. I’m not getting along with my boss. I’m not in alignment with the values of this company. And some said, so say, say more about that. Tell me more, again, letting the conversation breathe and expand. And you do that through pausing.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
Just love that. Yes. Listen, pause and listen with all your senses, not just your ears, but the rest of them, because you pick up on them, like you said, the nonverbal cue. So when you’re starting still working, we’ll say in the discovery kind of period, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do during this time?
Unknown Speaker 11:50
That’s a great question. Um, I mean, I’m so upfront and I think all of my materials that they they read, before we even get on the call, they kind of know what they’re getting into. But I’m happy to answer you know, or for them to say, Why do you think coaching is so valuable? Why do you think it works? And I’ve got a great answer for that. Because I’ve had a coach, many coaches, I started my first coach, I was 23 changed my life, and I still work with a coach. coaches do, right? So, um, I think maybe if they could say, hey, what would make me a great client and I would say, Thank you for asking, show up with a topic come with energy, come with the willingness to be self aware and to go deep and to not pretend and to let it all hang out and let it rip. As I say to my clients, this is a no pretend zone. Let’s just be real. And I think they are real because I’m, I’m so candid, for better or worse, that I think then they feel safe to be their real selves.
Unknown Speaker 12:53
I think I’m quite a bit older than you. But I think that we were like detached, is twinsies somewhere down the line, because you and I think and speak the same way. So let me ask you this. Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the competitive 21 year old you’re always competitive, but like the the competing person. The 21 year old Kate Ackman, and I don’t know if Zachman but let’s go back to 21 year old Kate. Is there any good knowledge nuggets that we call them here time to shine today and to get knowledge that gets you a drop on the 21 year old Kate to maybe help her shorten your learning curve level up lesser? Hmm.
Unknown Speaker 13:32
I would tell her to block out the noise and to listen to that voice within that is powerful. I would speaking of powerful remind her how powerful she is and that she can do anything that she decides is important enough you can achieve anything you deem worry worthy, and keep going. But what came to me instantly and maybe because I’ve got Kobe Bryant’s Mamba mentality books sitting right behind me. I feel his spirit around a lot. It’s so tragic. What happened there. And I feel like Kobe says his spirit says that to me all the time. And he was a pro at blocking out the noise and the nonsense and focusing at the task at hand. I want everyone to be like Seabiscuit, the race horse and on your blinders and run your own race.
Unknown Speaker 14:21
Love that movie to love the story behind Seabiscuit. So let’s talk about your dash. How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date life date and death date? on your tombstone? How do you want keep stash remember?
Unknown Speaker 14:36
I Kate was a woman who made everybody feel better and her presence
Unknown Speaker 14:42
Yes. And even outside of your presence, I think because you’re going to have your clients and even the people you come in contact with leave feeling better. That’s awesome. I love that you’re concise and very convicted with that. So then what do you think people misunderstood And the most bukkake
Unknown Speaker 15:02
I think there’s this this misconception in our society at home that if you look a certain way, make a certain amount of money. If you’re on TV, you went to the fancy schools, that must be nice to be you, you don’t have problems, what do you know? And I think that’s why people are shocked when I get up on stage. And I look a certain way. And I talk about the love of my life jumping off a bridge, and people are like, wait, what, and then it’s that kind of icky statement of I don’t think someone like you would experience something like that. What does that even mean? And I think just getting up on stage talking about a successful career, and that I was filled with turmoil, anxiety, insecurity, self doubt, and I think people are just, it’s unexpected. And I think people because I am so joyful and polished and put together, that they don’t understand how sensitive and raw and bleeding My heart is behind the scenes, and just how much I care and know how human I am. And yeah, I think sometimes it doesn’t match up because I definitely get judged and labeled. I mean, I’m a tall blonde, right? Very big blonde hair, and curvy and all of that and but, you know, behind the scenes, I resonate more with like a Mother Teresa, I just want to like love everybody. And I’m certainly not on her level. But I just want to love and help everybody.
Unknown Speaker 16:30
Appreciate you saying that. It’s true to you, I can see where people would have that. I want to call it misconception but maybe that first that first thought so then what would keep Kate up at night.
Unknown Speaker 16:45
I like last night I was missing my loves my angels who have crossed over and you know, being in a good place with it in terms of they’re always around. But I just think there’s so much sadness and tragedy in our world, I think our society is at an all time sick. And that that does keep me up at night. It literally breaks my heart and I have to consciously unsubscribe from that and turn off the phone and get off of the trending topics on Twitter because it literally breaks my heart and takes me out. I want to be aware and know what’s going on. So I can play my part in the solution. But the state of the world does troubled me. But that’s why I’m so passionate about doing these exercises, because we do have the power to show up and transform the world.
Unknown Speaker 17:32
Oh, strong. So let’s get back in that DeLorean. But this time with Doc Brown never always said where we’re going. We don’t need roads. Where are we in five years, Kate? Smith, Willie, where are we in five
Unknown Speaker 17:45
years? Yeah, we’re alive. We’re smiling. We’re happy, we are helping even more people. And I think we are in a place of making spiritual fitness more mainstream, and that people are working out their inner muscles. And they’re aware of the importance of this, just like they’re aware of the importance of exercising their physical muscles.
Unknown Speaker 18:04
So much of that need, especially in this day and age. I mean, both muscles need to be flexed, you know? So then let’s, let’s take out anything electronic out of this question. No cell phones, no computers, nothing. What are three things that Kate can’t live without,
Unknown Speaker 18:24
like my journal and my pen, something to write with? Animals, my parents golden doodle just came to mind. Animals are so soothing and healing and just pure love and joy. And I can’t live without deep meaningful conversation and connection like what we’re doing right now. And that’s why this lights me up. Because we were talking before and we’re both exhausted, we’ve had a lot going on. And when I show up for interviews like this, and I’m tired, I say you know, focus on connecting with the hosts in a meaningful way and being present when everything else takes care of itself. And I think that’s such an important reminder to anybody, whatever you have to do if it’s driving the kids to school, the big meeting, whatever, show up, you present, focus on connecting with the person or task at hand the rest will take care of itself.
Unknown Speaker 19:13
And I love that you said that you need to be present in any situation, no matter what your energy level is. Least to the best of your ability. And if you’d like you said you and I both both couple things here. So without a doubt so what is Kate’s definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 19:29
a life well lived is where you are showing up like you mean it you have the courage to be not just that Polish puts together a person that you present to the world, but you’re loving and honoring and embracing that messy person behind the scenes who’s trying to keep it all together. He or she is lovable, and relatable and so inspiring. So it was
Unknown Speaker 19:50
such an awesome answer bad that that’s amazing, like love who you are, no matter the sitch, right. That’s beautiful. That’s beautiful and squat. This has just been awesome. I pages, a page of notes, and I hope that you do as well. Hey, time to shine today podcast versus squad. We are back with my good friend Kate Ekman, the author of the full spirit workout. Also, Kate Ekman TV, you can find her there. Everything will be in the show notes. But Kate, I’m going to take you through our leveling up lightning around you and I could talk literally, and I’m sure we will one day an hour on each one of these questions, but But you got five seconds with no explanations, and all of them can be answered that way. You’re ready to rock.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
Let’s do it.
Unknown Speaker 20:30
Let’s do it. What is the best leveling up advice Kate’s ever received? Keep going? Yes. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success. sit
Unknown Speaker 20:40
and stare time. Love it. Other than Kate
Unknown Speaker 20:43
Ackman TV and the full spirit workout calm and of course time to shine today.com I shameless plug. What website? Does Kate go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:51
Oh, gosh, oh. I don’t have any
Unknown Speaker 20:56
say Google or YouTube one of those. So you see me, I’m in my doldrums. I’m kind of walking around and just not use a turkey as bad energy. You know, other than the full spirit workout book. What book are you handing me?
Unknown Speaker 21:11
A return to love.
Unknown Speaker 21:13
Really? I love that. The first I know the book. And you’re the first one ever said. That’s beautiful. What’s Kate’s most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 21:20
The kissy one? Love it. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 21:24
What was your news resolution? I don’t do those beautiful. chess or checkers. Checkers to keep it simple. What’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time or money
Unknown Speaker 21:36
to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Unknown Speaker 21:39
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Last one. You can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what’s the bus ticket in music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 21:48
Oh gosh, it’s a toss up between 80s and 90s. I have my Sirius XM radio and it’s always 80s on eight and 97.
Unknown Speaker 21:55
Today we are definitely brother and sister from a different Mister, I swear. That’s crazy. I was you know, I graduated 1990 from high school. So it’s like I have the grew up in the 80s with the big hair don’t care. I mean, rap came in, you know, the YouTube invasion. You know, Duran Duran, it’s like we have all that in the 90s you had the grunge and the garage bands. It’s like those two decades are x for me. I love it. You know, I love it. So kick, where can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 22:23
Go ahead and log on to Cape Ekman, K T E. E CK mn.tv. Or the full spirit workouts calm. And I’m Kate Ackman on all the social medias, I would love to connect with you there and keep the conversation going.
Unknown Speaker 22:36
In squad, all of that will be in the show notes. But let’s talk a little bit about the full spirit workout the book, which we have a good we will have a giveaway. And if you’re watching here is the book that you’ll actually have in it was so nicely signed by my great friend Kate to you. And let’s talk a little bit about it. Where’s the origins about it, and then what really moved you to write it?
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Yeah, it was the the inspiration my two loved ones that I lost to suicide. And really, to anyone who is struggling with mental health, which as I’ve discovered this past year is really and truly everyone. So I wanted to give people the tools for a better way of living, really exercise our mental emotional and spiritual muscles, the way that we do are supposed to exercise our physical muscles for optimum health and to keep going. So I’m just passionate about a different way of living and really making this a mainstream concept because I and everybody who has done these exercises has just experienced the results and benefits. So it is like physical exercise, you can’t just show up at the gym, and your cute outfit and expect to be fit your personal trainer sadly, cannot do your push ups and pull ups for you. Right? Good news about that is then the results are yours. And as you start to feel more fit and toned on the inside your body and your spirit really starts to crave these exercises. And then the best part is you naturally become the person who can achieve your cherished goals and attract the people the experiences the opportunities, rather than striving or forcing or controlling. You’re getting the emails, people are coming to you because you’ve become that person. Does that make sense? Yes,
Unknown Speaker 24:17
yeah, you have and you started on the inside the spirits on the inside period, you start leveling up the spirit flexing that muscle and it works out because it’s almost like subconsciously, you’re forced, for lack of a better term to become that exterior person as well because your interior is taken care of. And you’re taking care of that. And I love that and that’s this has just been fantastic. And Kate, can you do me a huge favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that we can take with us internalize to take action?
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Yeah, I think a lot of people face rejection or they feel overlooked or miss cared for by a lot of people, even people who love them or claim to love them. And what I want to remind you is that our spirit that you’re now going to be exercising consistently, our spirit can’t be rejected or criticized or overlooked or miss cared for. And so I want you to remember that you have this powerhouse inside of you that no one can ever take away from you or diminish. And so let’s just shine that a little brighter. And let’s lead from that place, rather than the ego rather from the limitations of the external world and I promise you, you will start to see different results, you’ll have a whole new group of friends or colleagues or people coming into your life to support you. And that said, maybe it is time to let some people fall away and make space for the new.
Unknown Speaker 25:36
I love that. And this has just been so enlightening. Kate, thank you so much. You know, in squad, I literally have pages of notes here, you know, and if you don’t believe me, it’s front and back. And, you know, she was somebody that she keeps someone that doesn’t want you to be validated by your externals. You know, she wants you to really train your emotional and spiritual muscles. She has an exercise, it’s a lot like my box breathing. But basically, it’s sit and stare, you know, ask yourself, how are you? What do you need? And listen, listen, listen for those downloads, and then put them into action. You know, allow your life to be juicy, have fun with your life. A great coach is going to listen with all their senses, not just their ears, but their eyes. He’s going to pick up a nonverbals it which is fantastic. But the huge thing is the clients agenda, it’s not the coach, if you’re working with a coach, bring a topic and be ready to be all in just like my friend Kate is all in. And we had an acronym of Wait, why am I talking in practice that don’t talk listen, and you can pick up on so many things, make so many new friends and just have a lot of fun with it. If you want you to pause and let the conversation breathe, whether you’re speaking to somebody or if it’s during your sit and stare type, you know, pause and let the conversation breathe in the answers and downloads will come to you. You know, she would have told her younger self you know, to block out the noise and listen to her intuition. Remember how powerful you are. If you have questions like my good friend Leah Woodford will say you’re asking here ask the people surround yourself with the right person people like Kate that can help you get to the next level. You know she’ll be remembered as somebody that makes everybody feel better in their in and out of her presence. And then show this last one it came in reverse I was reading so fast but show up like you mean it loving embrace your messy self as well. In this remember lastly that your spirit can’t be rejected overlooked. No one can take anything away from you lead from within, not your ego. And that’s exactly what my really good friend Kate does. She levels up her house she levels up her wealth. She’s so giving out pouring so much she’s earned a varsity letter here that not that she needs another one. But she earned a varsity letter here at time to shine today. We thank you so so much for coming on, Kate. I’m blessed. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
I just this was amazing. I could talk to you all day. Thank you so much. Big thank you to your listeners. We love you.
Unknown Speaker 27:53
You’re very welcome. Love you guys. Talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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