Welcome to Episode 47. We at Time To Shine Today were pleased to bring on Karrie Klimas. She dropped serious Knowledge Nuggets about how to really engage with people. Be bold and focused. Enjoy!
Be fully present and give people full attention without judgement and allow the conversation to flow.
– Karrie Klimas
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. Key to have a soul family with your business and close knit team
2. Always be present aware and focused when meeting people
3. Always trust in yourself to ask people for help. Never fear authority.
4. Stay on purpose, ambitious and persistent. Always room for more!
Level Up!
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Facebook Group: Great People Skills
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Self Discovery Life Mastery Instagram
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Speech Transcript
Hey, this is Carrie climate with self discovery Life Mastery. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast. My friend, Scott Ferguson has a fantastic day.
Hey, time to shine today podcast squat at Scott Ferguson. And I am pleased to be able to bring you this interview with Carrie climates, carries a life coach with a great people skills workshop. Fantastic interview. She’s actually kind of a neighbor, local to me here in South Florida. And it was just a great conversation. She tells us how she’s fully present while giving people the attention without judgment when she first meets people. So I hope you pick up on that. Fantastic, fantastic interview. So without further ado, here’s Carrie climates. Let’s level up
Hey, time to shine squad. It’s Scott Ferguson here and I am super, super stoked to bring on Carrie climates. She’s kind of a neighbor he lives right down the coast here in Fort Lauderdale area Florida in our little version of Paradise that’s for sure. She was born and raised in Florida and is currently residing in Florida. Like I said, She’s a firstborn, daughter of two wonderful parents who are still residing in the same house after 50 years. That’s amazing. Along with a brother in law, nice cousins living in Broward and Palm Beach counties Carrie is a life coach and and great people skills workshop communications Trainer with self discovery Life Mastery located here in sunny South Florida and Fort Lauderdale. Carrie’s passion is building relationships for long term success with over 12 years intensive networking, experience retail sales, marketing and presentation skills. She’s an expert in her field have excited Experience the self discovery Life Mastery process since 2011. She is now inspired to help others create highly successful personal and business relationships. So miscarry climates. Welcome to the show, and if you could please share with our squad, your favorite color, and
why. Oh, my favorite color I would say is red. Next would be green. Similar. They’re both but the love is you know, red is bold. It’s bright. Love it also green because green is money nature and also chakra,
the firecracker side and you you guys catch us on YouTube, you’ll see it she’s a firecracker. She’s a big broad smile, and she loves it. So tell us a little bit about your backstory. How you came to be where you’re at now in the life coaching world.
Absolutely. Thank you. Um, yes, I did the corporate world for about 18 years as an a ministry assistant. I get involved in a sales company back and doesn’t And, you know, notice successful people leading the way and I wanted to, you know, follow what successful people were doing or who they were being because it never really was about the product was more about who they were and how to get up there by going to conferences, workshops, and leads and personal growth, you know, for quite some time. And when I came across our company, I guess at the time I wasn’t as fulfilled and happy as I wanted to be. So I attended our first workshop in 2011. And everything we do is more experiential. So I practice that work attended the workshops and head coaching with my coach as well and all a lot of differences in my life and more disciplining my attention, or just myself more having more well being and balancing where I’m at right now.
Awesome. In squad you hear that everything was about a progression with Carrie where she’s consistently leveling up her life she’s into the her not only person viding, for lack of a better term self help, but she also is self helping herself on a daily basis. So, Carrie, you were in the corporate world for 18 years, what was that aha moment? You explained a little bit of it. What was that thing that clicked and you were like, this is it like, I’m going to do this, I’m going to become a life coach, and whatnot.
So I was in the corporate world for 18 years, I had a candle business on the side. And I remember sitting in the car with a friend and saying, Hey, I wish I could actually have my own business. But I didn’t think it was possible. And about a couple months later, the corporate world said, adios to me and I went out to a networking event Three weeks later, on December 31 of 2009, I met a gentleman who said to brand myself, and I became known as the good problem solver and started selling candles and then went to another networking event and added on purses and jewelry and other products and got a wholesale license. But I remember speaking to the universe, obviously, I wanted To be on my own, and I guess the corporate world answer my prayers and as became an entrepreneur.
Excellent. So I’m sure with experiencing these, you’ll have some good, great highs and a little bit of lows, or sometimes it goes the other way around. But what was your worst entrepreneurial moment like moving forward and building your business to where it is now helping people level up their life? What was the worst experience you’ve had?
I wouldn’t consider anything the worst. But I could say that I wasn’t feeling fulfilled and happy with what I was doing and the gift business, I felt there was something else out there more for me more purposeful, that would be more aligned with who I was and the skills and the value that I could share with others. So kind of when, when I got rid of the candles and stuff, things started to change.
Nice, nice. And so you’re obviously close knit with your family, at least what I’m reading and I did a little digging on you and stuff like that. What did they think about you and your choices? To go pursue being a life coach and helping people level up?
Well, it’s funny to say that my parents and family are local, but actually they are not actually know really what I do. They are. We call it our I have my birth family, but I have a sole family with my, you know, with my business partner, our team and the community that I’m involved with. So, sometimes we outgrow people, I guess you could sense that my family doesn’t actually know who I am and what I provide, and that’s okay. But I have these general conversations with people and really take the conversations deeper to explore how we really feel about things and where we want to see people go and grow and grow and flourish. So
excellent. And so tell me about the golden mouse award you want.
Oh, that was when
I do dig a little bit.
Thank you. That was actually I got that award when I was in the gift business, but I actually just started great people. skills at the time. So it was a very new thing. But the the woman who knew me, you know, people kept saying I was really good at networking, and I’m comfortable going to events, I’m comfortable introducing myself. I’m comfortable, you know, making lasting impressions with people asking great questions. And so that’s why she guess gave me that award in the networking industry and getting a boost award.
So what is your techniques if you will, like I teach the Ford technique when meeting people? What is your one skill of being able to, you know, generate relationships, make relationships with people upon first meeting then when you’re out networking process and flash meeting people, which what’s the one skill that stands out to you?
I’m present aware and focused and discerning with only a judgment that says to myself, I believe people are amazing, and I look forward to finding more about them and how amazing they are and understood that to me, awesome
tribe Did you hear that they carry on So present aware and focused and I, and there’s everybody out there that knows and also my students that I work with one on one. Do you know that I believe in the Ford with finding out their family, occupation, recreation and dreams? And I’m going to add this into my repertoire being present aware and focused. That’s excellent, excellent advice. Thank you so much for sharing that myth, some care you’ve been in the business for, you know, in the life coaching businesses that since 2011,
or no, I’ve been a client of our company for five years. So I’ve invested in myself into attending the workshops. And in 2016, I sat with the founder as my next coaching session from my coach. And he asked me, you know, what’s going on in your world and I said, I have this networking thing I don’t know what to do with and three weeks later, he put me together with my business partner and we launched our great people skills communication workshop, and now we just started our fourth year and then found decided to add on a coaching program which just launched seven months ago. Okay, now the coach founder is always looking for new evolutionary ways to bring what people are looking for. And to add value to, you know, to the community, we have people who have a podcast as well, as a gentleman who runs a podcast called warriors, lovers, kings and heroes, we also have a warriors workshop where people can have a self defense, you know, ways to learn how to get, you know, have a gun permit and defend themselves. So we’re always looking to, yeah, the founder, the founder stays behind, he’s alive and well and was in loxahatchee, but he’s behind all the different projects and looking to flourish and see what new projects are out there and how that each thing can intertwine with each other.
And that’s warriors, lovers, kings and heroes anymore. Okay, tribe, let’s take some notes on that. I’ll put that in the show notes as well. So you’ve been through 18 years of corporate and then you’ve built yourself you Basically did your own little, not going back going to say transformation but like, we like to say leveling up and getting to a higher version of yourself? What would you do? If you look back? Or wrote a note to the 18 to 20 year old Carrie climates? What would you say?
Ah, well, congratulations, you did an awesome job. Good for you for getting out of the corporate world.
What would you tell the 18 year old carry?
The 18 year old carry? Well, the 18 Oh, carry was afraid of authority. So I wasn’t able to communicate with authority. So I should say I would wish I could have trusted myself more to go up to people confidently and ask authority. What’s my best direction to go into like I didn’t I mean, I got a human to read human Human Resources degree, but I never listened to authority was afraid to talk to authority to find out what degree I really should be part of or what classes to take. So my fear of talking to authority ruled my life. So I would tell myself to Relax, take a breath and they’re only human and to just communicate and find out what they could add value to your life to be bold
and ask for direction. Then add to that great now you have your mastermind family if you would tell her listen build that family from now moving forward not to see what you did was was not rewarding, but I like to write letters back to my my young Scott every once in a while as well. So, so when you’re dealing with people is there any good questions that you wish people asked you? But do not
waste people asked me
cuz you’re always now you’re starting to ask people because that’s how you started growing and leveling up. Anything that people don’t ask of you that you wish they would?
Well, I mean, I think most people I’ve been it’s even it’s on my own and for both people like how you got there. You know, what interests you What inspires you? What are you passionate about? So I believe most people they had the opportunity Not only ask themselves but to ask each other more.
Asha What’s one thing you’ve learned Carrie that has really blown your mind
I’m just my ability to stay on purpose and stay ambitious persistent and present myself done exactly. giving myself and treating myself everything I can become being the best me all the time. Better and better. always room for more.
I love it always leveling up. Love, love, love that. So let’s leave out your cell phone. Okay, what are three things that you cannot live without the Curie climates cannot live without
me myself and I okay.
Let’s see. It’s like myself without my pillow. Ah, I would love my shoes, my wardrobe.
Hello shoes, and wardrobe. Love it.
Things are talking about He got to be in there to live it out for
you things, people, I should rename it, the three nouns you cannot live without I love it, I’m gonna have to change that a little bit. So you seem very seasoned, very bold. What’s your definition of a life well lived.
A life well lived would be somebody who feels connected to themselves and feel they have a very well balanced life. They’re comfortable at ease with themselves, enjoying what they’re doing and enjoy who they’re being and enjoy who they’re spending their time with and making an impact in the world
of your answers. They’re amazing. It’s all about living on purpose and being impactful. That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. So I’m out networking. And I’m talking to people and if someone said something to trigger, you know, would be a great prospect or a future client that I could introduce you to what am I listening for, during that during that introduction,
Sure, well I mean the people that I want to be connected to are ambitious and willing individuals so if they’re ambitious and willing and are sick and tired of complaining and you know are stuck and don’t know they’re or do something attitude, they want to, you know, see progress. They’re looking for more looking for having better answers. And yeah, they’re just willing to know more about themselves and where they can be somewhere faster rather than the same hamster wheel over and over.
Like, Who Moved My Cheese and just kind of going over and over again, I hear you. So right now we’re gonna do what I call our level up lightning round. There’s five or six questions. You and I could talk for 2030 minutes on each one of them. I’m sure you could fill a ton of knowledge nuggets on our squad with this but the light the lightning round, five to seven, maybe 10 seconds, Max, okay. Okay, you’re ready. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
More become better and more purposeful.
Oh yeah. Love it. Sure one of your personal habits contributes to your success
attending my workshops on a regular basis love it
other than your own website and of course time to shine today my shameless plug recommend to us an internet resource that people could go to the level up their life
Hmm, I say my also my parent company’s website as D Life Mastery. Calm, okay.
Beautiful. Yeah, sure, Ron guys. What’s that? That’s right. Yeah,
that’s right. Do Wk hL podcast.com
love it?
I’ll find it and I’ll put it in the show notes. Okay, excellent. So, you know all that all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers. So recommend a book to us.
Well, I could say thinking Grow Rich, but it’s not about reading. It’s about experiencing, the more we can experience life. So the less reading the more Being becoming what the book is telling you. It’d be real people to experience your world.
Love it in your world. Having that faith and back in that faith with a persistence doesn’t recognize failure. I love it. All right, your favorite charity organization that you love to support
You go here that people veterans, thank you for doing that. Love it. Last question. The best decade of music 60s 70s or 80s or 90s
Well, since I was born in 68, and I love the 80s music I like to rock and roll but I also love disco as well as I do a lot of dance music.
Wow, little Bee Gees action you know some of that disco inferno. I love I was born in 72. So we’re still right in that Generation X timeframe. All right, so before we end here, leave the time to shine squad one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to walk away with.
Well to be fully present give somebody your full attention without judgment. And allow the magic and the magic of the conversation to flow and see where it takes you and opportunities to become more engaged with another human being just to see where they’re at and where they should they go.
That’s powerful. Carrie, Carrie, how can we find you online or
Really? Absolutely online you can find us at great people skills dotnet SD lm coaching Comm. We also have Facebook a Facebook group page called great people skills. You know, we do host workshops, financial workshops, coaching complimentary introductions, complimentary networking events. So we’re all about the community and having a very powerful strategy for others to just be have more winning in their lives thriving and being around other ambitious individuals. I love
that I love that all right, squad. You know, we’re always talking about surround ourselves with people who live on purpose in their high vibing keeps who’d like to stay humble, stay hungry. Level up their health and level up their wealth, all while with the premise of serving people in carry. Now you’re part of our squad. And we’re humbled and honored that you took time out of your valuable, valuable day to share your knowledge nuggets here, with our squad out there and time to shine today. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Me too. You know, thank you as well, Scott, and thank you to your tribe for taking the opportunity to listen to this today and feels inspired I look forward to connecting with them.
Awesome. The virtual fist pump. There it is. Awesome. All right. Bye, Carrie. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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