357-Helping Extraordinary Leaders Become Extraordinary Mentors – TTST Interview with Bold Men Adventures Eric Rogell

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Eric Rogell, is the founder of Mentors On Mission, a consultancy that works with top executives and entrepreneurs showing them how to impact their businesses, and their lives, using the power and influence of mentoring.

Eric is also a bestselling author, speaker, podcast host, documentary filmmaker, and award-winning journalist who’s traveled the world writing for publications including Discovery.com, Men’s Fitness and others.

Being successful is all relative – You must know your purpose!

– Eric Rogell

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child

2. Eric’s passion is to help men (due to his own upbringing) to step into the best man, father, brother and leader they can be

3. Only a king can create another king

4. Look at your broad vision over goals

5. Knowledge comes from learning, wisdom comes from living 

6. The comfort zone is where dreams and goals go to die

Level Up! 


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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 11:26:34

Time to Shine Today Podcast Varsity squad this is Scott Ferguson, and I got a guy here that it happens to be kind of like a neighbor of mine, somebody that I immensely respect.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:26:43

I rock stages, fantastic coach! His name is Eric Rogell.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:26:47

He’s the founder of mentors on Mission a consultancy that works with tapping executives, and I entrepreneurs showing them how to impact their businesses and their lives, using the power and influence of mentoring Eric is also a best-selling author speaker pack cast host which is launched a

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:02

New, Podcast, called Forging Greatness, which I can’t wait to dig into that very soon.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:08

Documentary filmmaker and award winning journalist who’s traveled the world writing publications, including discovery, com men’s fitness, and others.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:16

He’s just a smarty pants. I just love this man so, Eric, thank you so much for coming out.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:20

Please introduce yourself to time to shine today. Podcast. Mercy Spot.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:23

But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

[Eric Rogell] 11:27:25

Oh, Blue brother, and you got it behind you so I love that you got it right behind you.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:29

And we live close to this huge Epsom salt thing called the Atlantic Ocean, which is blue. Right?

[Eric Rogell] 11:27:34

Exactly. Right? Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:36

Get that energy from that, brother. So let’s super accomplished.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:40

I’m so blessed that you’re you came out.

[Eric Rogell] 11:27:42

Oh, let’s see, my honor to be here, man with you guys

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:42

But can we get later? Thank you. Bro, thank you. Let’s get to the roots.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:48

Let’s let’s get to you where you started and how you really leveled up to, you know, write for discovery, math, fitness, etc.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:27:56

Like. Let’s get to the roots of your brother

[Eric Rogell] 11:27:56

Yeah. Man. So you know, it’s interesting. Is everybody? Asked me, how did you get involved in that? What did you do?

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:01

And it’s funny, I was. Tell everybody I fell backwards into it, and so I think if there’s one lesson to take away from this one piece of wisdom that I love is that everything’s an opportunity.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:12

And and I really said no to it, over and over and over, because it wasn’t what I did.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:28:17


[Eric Rogell] 11:28:17

You know what I mean. It was like, no, no, man, I I do this.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:20

I don’t do that. But this kept showing up, so I finally jumped on it, and it turned into something pretty amazing at the time.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:28

What I was doing was, I had a company. We were production company for independent publishers.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:34

So we would actually build magazines for companies and people that wanted, like their own vanity publication.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:28:39

Right? Nice.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:40

And I was the creative director. So I was the guy that made it look nice.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:44

So I had a background in graphic design. I love that, you know, and I was doing loados and graphic design layout.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:50

And all this we did that for the magazine. So companies like, you know, hooters was.

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:54

A was a client of mine. We built their magazine at the beginning.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:28:56

One times nice

[Eric Rogell] 11:28:57

So is that, yeah, there’s a lot of stories there.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:29:00


[Eric Rogell] 11:29:01

We can get into but and, like Lady of America, fitness centers was a client for a little while, so he’s doing all this, and what happened was some of we had a whole team like we had editors and writers, and and graphic designers and photographers and layout artists and

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:14

Salespeople and distribution network. So we were doing everything like we’re a one-stop shop, and and one of my editors came to me and she said, we have these articles that one of the writers or doesn’t sound right?

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:25

Can you take a look at them like, just see what it’s sound like?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:29:27


[Eric Rogell] 11:29:28

I said, Oh, yeah, this is terrible. Here. Here’s how this should sound.

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:31

You know. I’m all about making shit better. So sorry I I I rewrote some of these articles, and she was like, huh!

[Scott Ferguson] 11:29:34


[Eric Rogell] 11:29:39

And she started assigning me stuff! And I’m like, Look, I can’t get to that.

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:43

I gotta make stuff look pretty. That’s what I do.

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:44

I make things look great I’m gonna get a go, and more and more.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:29:45


[Eric Rogell] 11:29:47

And so they ended up. We needed a column for one of the magazines, and I came up with this idea because I’d had a really wide and very background, right which we haven’t gotten into.

[Eric Rogell] 11:29:59

But I I did everything from like I was a chef.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:02

I ran restaurants. I had a martial arts school.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:30:03


[Eric Rogell] 11:30:06

I worked in design. I worked in retail, or you know, I traveled a lot.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:10

So the the name of the thing was, ask the bachelor guy, and it was just it was like all the questions guys want to know the answers to.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:18

But they’re like down to free to ask their friends, you know, like what I do on a date, and what shirt should I wear, and what’s the best cocktail?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:30:20


[Eric Rogell] 11:30:25

And out. Tell me about a good Bourbon, and I would write this column in it, and it really took off, and one of my guys put it on the the net used to be these.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:34

These, this news Aggregation site called Digcom.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:30:38

I remember. Take, yeah, yeah, who was that with 2? Gs, yeah, I remember. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:41

So, yeah, so we’re working one day and our whole fucking system goes down.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:49

Server goes down, everything crashes. And I’m like what is going on.

[Eric Rogell] 11:30:53

I got a web guy, and he’s like, Oh, I’ve been putting your articles up on Dig, and we’re getting like 304-05-0000people through like in 15 min is we’re not set up for this.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:31:03


[Eric Rogell] 11:31:03

So I ended up. We he helped me. We we created a site called the Bachelor Guycom, and that was like back in the early 2 thousands.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:31:10


[Eric Rogell] 11:31:11

And it became like one of the original men’s lifestyle sites.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:31:14


[Eric Rogell] 11:31:14

And what happened was all these Pr reps started contacting us with the company.

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:19

They would, they would see the mast head in the magazine, and they would contact and say, Hey!

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:23

And and I never put my name on it. It was always just the bachelor guy.

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:28

And so what would happen was these, these reps were called in, and they would go, hey, man, we need to get a hold of the bachelor guy.

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:34

We want to send him to Tokyo and have him ride in an you know, an autonomous vehicle that we’re developing.

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:40

This is 10 years ago, and I’m like, Oh! And then, you know, we want to test drive cars. We want to send them to Kentucky and do Bourbon.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:31:41


[Eric Rogell] 11:31:49

And I’m like guys. No, it’s me. That’s I. I’m doing it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:31:53

I don’t have time to go, and I kept saying no to all these amazing things, and today I’ll tell you, Scott, one day I was like, you know what maybe I can work, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:31:54

Hmm! Wow!

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:01

And again you’re gonna remember, this is like, Oh, 405 working remote, wasn’t really?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:32:03


[Eric Rogell] 11:32:07

You know, not a lot of setup. You didn’t have zoom like this at that time.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:32:10

Right, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:12

The finally I said, You know what I’m gonna give it a shot.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:15

And I did. And I started traveling around the world started taking these trips, started writing articles and other magazines, got picked up, and then a publisher saw my work contacted me, said, Hey, we have this idea for a book.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:29

We love your style we’d love you to write it for us, and which I thought was, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:32:31


[Eric Rogell] 11:32:34

Come on, I was like, All right. Well, what are you looking for me to pay no, no, no, we’re gonna pay you, which never happens.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:32:37

Wow, okay. Nice.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:40

So all these opportunities, and I think the biggest thing on on level and up we’re talking about, that is, look at everything as an opportunity and take those opportunities because even if it’s not what you do right like, I had this vision.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:54

I’m a creative director, and I’m doing magazines.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:57

It’s gonna lead to this. And I’m building this business.

[Eric Rogell] 11:32:59

But it was going over here and doing some writing and experiencing things, and then writing about those experiences that really became something, and that’s what got me all the other stuff that you kind of mentioned there at the beginning.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:06


[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:09


[Eric Rogell] 11:33:14

The the writing, the books, the the documentaries, all that kind of stuff came out of that.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:18

That’s beautiful. Man!

[Eric Rogell] 11:33:18

So yeah, jump on those opportunities when they, when they arrive

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:22

Do so? Who do you work with now? Or you just still kind of the the guy that people come to with projects?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:30

Or do you work with people consulting, coaching, or what?

[Eric Rogell] 11:33:31

Yeah, yeah. A little bit of both, you know. It’s when you think about.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:34

What’s your story? Okay?

[Eric Rogell] 11:33:36

I’ve got, you know I I have a passion for helping men, and part of that passion comes from my my own upbringing right like I I always joke, you know I was raised by a single mom.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:39


[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:47


[Eric Rogell] 11:33:47

Right, my dad, you know they divorced when I was 12.

[Eric Rogell] 11:33:50

So I’m you know, man of the house at 12.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:33:52

Right, right, right.

[Eric Rogell] 11:33:53

I don’t know what the hell I’m doing for mama, and do all these things.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:04

But she raised me to be soft. You know I I always say she raised me like a veal.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:07

I had to be soft tender, and not get pumped.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:34:07


[Eric Rogell] 11:34:09

Or bruised and minute. They built this kinda like anger inside of me, which was starting to show up in my teams right?

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:17

I was billing. I was angry. I was, you know, all those things, and when when I got to to college, which was great, cause, you know.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:28

Listen, and let me preface this with love, mom. She did the best she could with the tools she had.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:33

She was trying to do the best for me. It wasn’t like she was trying to be hurtful and malicious.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:34:36


[Eric Rogell] 11:34:37

She just thought the way to raise me when I got to college.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:42

It was like, let’s break out of this. Let’s let’s let’s reinvent Eric, and the very, very first thing I did that first night is I saw a flyer on the wall for a martial arts club and I signed up for it immediately I’m like let’s get

[Scott Ferguson] 11:34:53


[Eric Rogell] 11:34:54

Bumped in bruise. Let’s break ball.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:57

Let’s let’s see what’s going on, and I’ll tell you.

[Eric Rogell] 11:34:57

You know this because you know you you do that. It’s that feeling when you get in there in your banging around and you’re rolling around on the math, waking up the next morning.

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:07

You’re like, oh, shit! There’s some. There’s some good stuff in there.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:35:08

Shit right

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:11

There’s some juiciness there, right? It’s life.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:35:13

Yeah. Man.

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:14

Feel good. And so I was like Ha! And I started going on this journey to find out what does it mean to be a man?

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:20

Who am I? As a man? Am I? There? There’s no rights of passage. How do I go? So I went on.

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:25

This journey to find some really good mentors, and fortunately I did, and so for me they became a passion about helping other men who grew up the way that I did, who feel the way that I felt and and how do we get them?

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:38

To step into the best man that they can be the best man, the best father, the best husband, the best brother, the best leader.

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:46

How do? How do we do that? I took all this wisdom from these mentors that I have one in particular who’s a, you know, a veteran like yourself using marine he’s he’s raised complete opposite the way that I was he was raised by good.

[Eric Rogell] 11:35:59

Strong men raised on cattle ranches. Here in Florida, by the way, these up in Fort Pierce, on cattle ranches with some amazing amazing men who are like John Wayne figures, and then he was a marine.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:36:00


[Scott Ferguson] 11:36:04

Right, right, hmm

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:11

He went to the marine. So he and I are like 2 ends of the spectrum here on how so we came together, started doing this work, and and I really kind of followed his lead.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:36:15

That’s awesome. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:22

He’s got 30 years experience in human consciousness and going doing deep inner work, plus the physical work.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:28

And you know human, potential, on that. So we built kind of this stuff out.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:31

So yeah, so getting back to your question, I work primarily with men.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:35

And it’s like, How do you step into your team? Right?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:36:37

Step it to your what? I’m sorry. Okay.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:37

So we have the. You’re king who you are as a king, and I have the 4 foundational archetypes, the warrior, the lover, the king, the hero warrior, being that side of us that driven masculine, courageous bold leader, that we all need in order to pull up

[Scott Ferguson] 11:36:55

Sure, sure, sure.

[Eric Rogell] 11:36:56

you gotta break through. You gotta have momentum current. But then there’s the lower side.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:00

This is the one a lot of men. A lot of us resist because we think it’s week.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:37:03

Right, right.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:04

It’s not week with them. Trust, inspiration, creativity, playfulness, empathy, all that kind of stuff comes from that side.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:12

We need. That’s our heart. We need that. Oh, when you can integrate your warrior and your lover right that’s when you’re operating, is king, and we always say, Lead with warrior is men.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:37:14

Yes, sir.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:37:21


[Eric Rogell] 11:37:23

We lead with our warrior, support with the lover. That’s when you’re operating is king.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:28

You have both sides in balance. So when I work with men, it’s like, Okay, we gotta get you to step into your king.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:33

It’s gonna help you in leadership. It’s gonna help you in relationships.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:37

Communication parenting. So I’ve gotten really involved now with helping men raise strong sons.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:37:42


[Eric Rogell] 11:37:42

That’s a programmer putting out raised strong sons, and it comes from only a king and create another king.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:37:50


[Eric Rogell] 11:37:50

So you’ve got to be stepped into that as much as you can before you can raise these young men up.

[Eric Rogell] 11:37:55

So I work with men on mentoring, you know, even if they don’t have kids mentoring young men and young women who are motivated when I go into companies.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:03

It’s your king and your queen, and you have to create kings and queens around you.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:08

How do you do that? Your organization? How do you get these people to level themselves up into that archetype so that’s kind of how I what I do and why I’ve been doing it.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:14

Love it

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:19

And you know I’ve turned a whole bunch of marriages around this year, but just there can save some families.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:21

Beautiful man. Victories. Brother, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:24

Got some guys some amazing jobs by getting them to step into their king during interviews.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:28

Office, love, that integration. I love it so. If you’re working with somebody, and and work them to step into their king, you it maybe you’re in Discovery period.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:30

All these things. So yeah, what it’s about, man.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:35


[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:41

Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:44

But never do.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:46

That’s a great question. Any question I wish they would ask me.

[Eric Rogell] 11:38:50

You know one of the things that I try to do with all the men that I’m working with, and tell me if you feel this has been, your experience is lot of men as men we grow up, and we don’t share a whole lot right?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:38:55


[Scott Ferguson] 11:39:00

Right, right, absolutely man.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:03

We don’t share with feeling. We don’t. So I’ve had to become an open book.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:06

Man it. It is like all that shit that you’re embarrassed about or you can saw your biggest.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:39:12

Yeah, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:14

I do, and and a lot of these guys don’t ask those, you know, and and they tend to kind of keep it in.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:21

We tend to kind of keep it in like we’re ashamed of something that happened or, God damn!

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:25

I hope nobody finds out about this, and it could be small stuff.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:26

Scott, I had a guy that came on one of our, you know, Boldman, adventure trips, highly successful.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:39:27


[Eric Rogell] 11:39:31

Guy in his forties. Divorce, 2 kids, lawyer.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:36

He was head council at a big big company, and we’re building a fire to first night.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:42

We’re there and he doesn’t say anything, and the second night we go to build the fire, and he goes.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:47

Guys, look, you know, I feel like you guys are my Br, you know, men only small group of men feel like you guys are my brothers.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:39:50

Sure, sure, sure, sure.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:53

And I’ve never told anybody this in my life, but I have no idea how to build a fire like nobody ever showed me.

[Eric Rogell] 11:39:58

I don’t know it any time we go somewhere, and guys are, but I kind of hang back.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:03


[Eric Rogell] 11:40:03

I never stay, but now I’m deciding. How do you build a fire?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:06

I’ve been there dude right

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:07

We were like, you’re on brother, you’re building the next one like tomorrow you’re on.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:12

We, we video taken to picture, send them to his kids so big and small things.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:13


[Eric Rogell] 11:40:16

So the question I wish they would ask me is, you know, what’s your biggest fuck up like?

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:20

What’s your what’s the thing that you know what I’m saying like?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:20

Thank you.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:23

What did you? Because look, that’s the those battle scars that we’ve earned, we’ve earned them right.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:29


[Eric Rogell] 11:40:30

We earn those battle scars, share when you’re sharing that with them to make wisdom right? That’s wisdom.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:33

Beautiful, absolutely. It’s part of the lovers side man. That’s beautiful.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:36


[Eric Rogell] 11:40:37

Yeah, well, it’s being old and honest. Right? That comes from the lower side.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:40

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:43

So the yeah, the yeah, exactly 100%. So that I appreciate you saying that.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:46

So you tap into that, and that’s being the king.

[Eric Rogell] 11:40:49

You are courageous enough to be honest. Right? You know we we have the sacred 7 core values that we have in my work which are courage, honesty, integrity, commitment, duty, honor, and love.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:40:51

I love it. Dude

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:00

Love it

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:01

So when you think about it, courage is the warrior side.

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:04

Love is the obviously love or hearts. Those rapid be often the Omega you have the courage to be completely honest, ruthlessly honest with yourself, then you can live in integrity.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:05

Sure, yeah, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:14

Everything’s out there. You got nothing to hide so that’s what I guys to do.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:14

Beautiful. Yeah, that’s with yourself. Yeah, love that

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:19

So I you know. If they ask me. Listen, I’ll tell you every I’ll tell you everything I screwed up, because it’ll help move you forward and get you there faster, and that’s what I warn you.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:27

Love it, Eric. It’s beautiful. So have you seen the movie back to the future?

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:32

Yeah, absolutely. Many.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:33

Alright! Let’s get that to let’s get that glory with Marty Mcfly, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:37

Let’s go back. To the double. Do the 22 year old error!

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:40

What kind of knowledge Doug, it’s not so much to change anything, because, you know your journey is awesome, but to maybe help them.

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:44

Yeah, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:41:47

Shortness, learning curve blast through, level up, maybe just a little bit soon quicker

[Eric Rogell] 11:41:50

Yeah. You know for me what it comes down to, and and looking back at that me which was still just coming out of college, I was working in Manhattan at the time, and I think there was a lot of lack of I’m gonna say, lack of boldness.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:01


[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:09


[Eric Rogell] 11:42:09

So I would say, be more bold, right, be more courageous, imposter syndrome was a real thing.

[Eric Rogell] 11:42:17

Back then, like, what am I doing here? Am I really any good at this?

[Eric Rogell] 11:42:20

Do I have any value to offer to this company? To this job? Am I?

[Eric Rogell] 11:42:25

In my my meant for better things, or am I just comfortable?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:29

Right, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:42:30

So I think what I would say to the 22 year old me was more courage, more boldness.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:35


[Eric Rogell] 11:42:35

Break out of that comfort zone. I always say comfort. Zone is where dreams and goals go to die, and that’s really what it was for me at that end

[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:41

They do. Yeah, yeah, keep stretching that comfort zone until everything’s just within love it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:42:47


[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:48

So how do you want Eric’s dash? Remember that little line win between your incarnation date, your expiration day, your life, date and death date hopefully, it’s a long ways down the road. How do you?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:42:58

How does Eric want us? Dash on them

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:00

You know, for me. It’s about leaving a legacy right lately making an impact.

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:06

I’ll say, you know, Steve Jobs, who’s who’s one of my heroes?

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:10

I think he’s a man that changed the world. What I love about Steve is that you know he was fired from Apple.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:12

Oh, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:16

He was asshole. Basically, he was difficult to, but he was full on in his warrior.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:18


[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:22

Yeah, right.

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:22

That’s what it was. He had to build this he was in his warrior, and I think, after he got fired and got left he tapped into that lover side became king.

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:29

He leveled up to

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:29

Jennifer and stuff. Yeah, his daughter, I believe.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:32

Yeah. Helped out with that

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:32

Right? Yeah, all of that. So, and he was just a brilliant, amazing guy.

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:36

He had so many amazing quotes, but the one that I remember the most is something about, and I’m paraphrasing about even making a big dent in the universe.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:44

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Huh!

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:46

So that’s what I really struck for like, how do you make a big dent universe?

[Eric Rogell] 11:43:49

And how do you impact people? So it’s why I do the work that I do it’s I see it as generational impact.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:43:55


[Eric Rogell] 11:43:55

Right. I I know how I was raised, and passing that along, and men that were raised that way pass it on to their sons, and then they pass it under their son and I call it the Xerox effect becomes a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, and it reads everything so if we can we can get these men, into king and

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:07

Love it. That’s beautiful.

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:12

Then they work with theirs, being king, and they work there.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:14

Pass it down. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:18

Now we’ve got generational impact that I think for me.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:19

Kings. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:21

What gets me going with drives me? What keeps me, you know, on that path or keep, you know, and keeps me moving forward myself.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:27


[Eric Rogell] 11:44:29

You know, work with my mentors as much as possible, so that I stay ahead.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:32

Right. Love it, Eric, what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:33

You know.

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:39

Yeah, this is a great one, because, you know, when I was writing and doing a lot of stuff in in men’s stuff, the thing that I get more often than not is I get the women that come in and go so you must hate women.

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:52

You’re working with man, and you

[Scott Ferguson] 11:44:53

I can see that I could see from stepping out looking, and I could see that in a sense, but

[Eric Rogell] 11:44:56


[Eric Rogell] 11:44:58

Yeah, it’s about you must hate women. You must be this, you know, misogynist.

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:03

You know, Macho, and I’m like, well, I don’t think you understand part of why I do.

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:08

This is for women love women. I adore women right? You know, I’ve got amazing women in my life, and I always say to men, you really and more fully, step into your king when you have a queen.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:09


[Eric Rogell] 11:45:21

By your side. So your job is to just give her the space you could be attention to become her incredibly powerful divine Queen.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:23

Love it

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:26


[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:34

That’s beautiful. Yeah, dude. That’s Susan.

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:35

And then you guys together, pushing level level up, yeah, guys are leveling each other up, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:37

And I were unstoppable because of that. Yeah, yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:41

Ing each other, leveling each other so. No, it’s not about that.

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:45

And the one thing I tell men all the time is if you don’t step up she will.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:50


[Eric Rogell] 11:45:51

That’s what ends a lot of marriages.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:53

It does, and when she does she usually bales. Is there a lot of ways?

[Eric Rogell] 11:45:56

Correct, and she’s like you ain’t doing it. But I don’t need.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:45:59

Yeah, yeah, love it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:01

What do I need you for? That’s how we’re able to turn around these marriages by getting stepping into their king.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:03


[Eric Rogell] 11:46:05

So the the thing is that misunderstanding is I must hate women.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:09


[Eric Rogell] 11:46:09

No love women. I want everybody up. I want everybody in their King and queen, because man, when I, when when you see what happens, I tell the men that I work with cause a lot of them will say, like why am I working with you?

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:21

And she’s not here like. Well, then, you shift, and usually step into your king.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:22


[Eric Rogell] 11:46:26

Everyone around you will shift you all think it’s bullshit till it happens, but when you step into your king she will shift into her divine Queen and relax, and she’ll go.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:28

Oh, yeah, that’s true. True.

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:36

That’s what I’ve been waiting for, and everything’s interesting.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:38

Love it and it’s equals. I love it so. What is Eric?

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:41


[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:43

‘s definition of a life will lift

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:48

Another great question, Scott, you’re hit. You’re you’re just.

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:52

You’re given the best one I do a lot of these.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:46:52

I’ve decided today, baby

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:54

These are great fucking questions. A life well live to me is like I was told.

[Eric Rogell] 11:46:59

Guys, you know, being successful is relative it’s what do you consider successful?

[Eric Rogell] 11:47:05

I get a lot of men that come to me. They’ve been successful in business.

[Eric Rogell] 11:47:08

They’ve made millions but they’re empty here.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:11


[Eric Rogell] 11:47:12

Right cause. Nothing’s been fulfilled here. So for me, a life well lived is a life of purpose.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:14


[Eric Rogell] 11:47:19

What is your purpose been? What value have you delivered and what legacy have you left?

[Eric Rogell] 11:47:25

Because if it lives on after you’re gone that to me is a life.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:29

That’s a king raining, you know, and not need your Cisco way.

[Eric Rogell] 11:47:29

Well lived. You know. Yeah, how are you? Right? Bye, the King, you have left the legacy in your kingdom.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:34

This is the case, I love it. It adds to the king

[Eric Rogell] 11:47:40

You’ve got generations going on talking about. Oh, Grandpa Scott, man, I’m still taking that wisdom on, and I can’t wait to pass that on to my grandkids right now to me that is the life will live purpose value and and and leave that legacy.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:46


[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:49

That’s beautiful!

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:52

Love it

[Scott Ferguson] 11:47:57

Beautiful and squad. We’re gonna take my good friend Eric Regal, through our leveling up lightning round as soon as we get back from thinking or sponsors and affiliates

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:08

Time to sign today. Podcast firstly, while we are back. And Eric, when we hook up some of these questions, you and I probably talk about, you know, twenty-thirty minutes each over, I mean be 2 fingers of Johnny Blue or something man but today, you have 5 s to answer with 0 explanations.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:25

I will cut you off. If you explain it. They can all be at

[Eric Rogell] 11:48:29

Each question or 5 s, total

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:30

5 s for each question, but and they can all be answered that way.

[Eric Rogell] 11:48:32

Okay, I’m ready to run. Let’s go alright.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:34

You read rock, hey? Let’s level up, Eric. What’s the best leveling up advice?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:38

You’ve ever received

[Eric Rogell] 11:48:40

Be bold. Be your unique version of you. Be a maverick

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:44

Awesome share. One of your personal habits that contributes to success

[Eric Rogell] 11:48:49

One of the things I do is I have an intention every day of moving at least one man forward every day.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:54

Love it

[Eric Rogell] 11:48:55

Daily King blueprint that I use, or I write everything out for the days I worry about it

[Scott Ferguson] 11:48:58

Love it! See me walking down the street, or into wherever we’re meeting, or what he looks like.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:04

He’s in his dole, jumps a little bit.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:06

What book might

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:07

Oh, I got one! That’s great, for that’s called Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferris.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:12

I I have it on my kitchen table right now.

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:12

It’s all the so best. Forget all the wisdom, all the best ways in from all podcasts

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:13

Swear, love it? Yeah, that tribal mentors is fantastic, awesome.

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:18


[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:19

Your most commonly used Emoji, if any, when you text

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:22

Oh, it’s a definitely fist bump with the guy in the sunglasses I put at the end of everything

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:25

Beautiful nickname is going up

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:29

Rogue, brody, bear.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:30

Rogue just checkers or monopoly

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:35

Checkers. I’m a simple man.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:36

Actually, we’re like brothers from different brothers. Man, it’s awesome.

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:40

Oh, I love salt! The caramel man! It drives me crazy.

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:44

Love that shit

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:49

There’s a sandwich called the Rogue.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:49:51

Build that sandwich for me

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:51

Oh, man, it is got everything Italian on it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:49:55

So Salami kept a call. It’s basically the Italian.

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:00

But when I grew up they used to put artichoke hearts on the top.

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:03

So I love that. So it’s all the Italian meetings mortitro carts on the top

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:03

Nice, beautiful love it favorite charity and our organization like to give your time and our money zoom

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:11

Anything to do with kids. So boys and girls clubs, anything, anything to do with kids on man

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:13

Love it. Thank you.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:18

Beautiful. Last question, elaborate on this one. Just a little bit.

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:22


[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:22

But what’s the best decade of music? 60 seventies, eighties are now

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:27

I would say for me sixties. I love the old crooners, and shit like that, like, yeah, I love Sinatra and Dean Martin.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:33

Dude, and you can understand the words that are stories.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:35

I did it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:39

All those guys. Man, I love that shit

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:40

Yeah, I just turned 50. So I graduate 1990. Right?

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:41


[Eric Rogell] 11:50:44


[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:45

So it’s like the eighties is my jam.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:47

But if I’m editing something, or even writing my book, I was had like the Seventys. I want to throw it back to my mom, and we should just throw on Seeger or the eagles or stuff like that. But you could

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:53


[Eric Rogell] 11:50:55

Oh, yeah, 70 was awesome for that, and it was also great for R.

[Eric Rogell] 11:50:59

And B. So if you don’t want to get in mood, man, what’s that

[Scott Ferguson] 11:50:59

Yeah, it. It. But you could understand. You can understand the stories that they’re telling in, and they all have a story, whether it’s happy or sad.

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:09


[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:09

That’s you know, that’s awesome. So, Eric, how can we find you? Man?

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:14

Yeah, one of the best ways to find these on Linkedin right now, cause I love conversation.

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:19

So come on, Linkedin, find me the only go on there.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:20


[Eric Rogell] 11:51:21

Connect with me, have a conversation. I’ve got 2 sites that are getting built right now, so my Eric Rgilcom will be ready real soon, and then I’ve got the site coming up for Ray’s strong suns.com that’ll be coming soon.

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:33

Too. You’ll find me there as well

[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:34

Awesome, and you’ll be launching that podcast for Jean. Greatness correct

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:39

Georgian greatness is coming, and then the book is coming out, and probably in February it’ll be up on Am.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:43

Love it, you know I’d be remiss. Oh, that’s the lions raised by lambs which is perfect for your story, man.

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:44

So, too, which is, go ahead.

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:48

Lions. Yeah, right? And that’s exactly what it is.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:52


[Eric Rogell] 11:51:54

It is the story of being mentored from this lamb into a line into the King.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:51:58

Love it

[Eric Rogell] 11:51:58

Finding the tours and getting a 1 million. So it’s great for fathers. Great, for you know, guys that are looking you there

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:02

Beautiful, and I would be remiss if I I should do this at the start.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:07

I might, even during my intro, actually put it in Laura Templeton.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:09

Thank you so much for the introduction to Eric, the 30 s success, Rock Star.

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:11

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:16

Thank you so much for the reduction. But Eric, do me one last salad, and leave us with one last knowledge. Nugget.

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:19


[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:21

We can take with us, internalize and take action. Action on

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:23

Yeah, yeah, do this this is one of my favorite quotes.

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:27

And I always quote it. Well, there’s 2 of them.

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:31

I’ll start with one and then the other one I’ll give you, so we’ll take a second.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:32


[Eric Rogell] 11:52:34

First one is, prepare the child for the road, not the road, for the child I live with that every day, so whether you’re a leader or you’re talking about your team or you’re talking about your kids, get them ready for the challenges.

[Eric Rogell] 11:52:46

Ahead. They’re gonna come. Don’t try to take those challenges away.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:49


[Eric Rogell] 11:52:49

It’s important. They go through them. So that’s one of my favorites.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:52:52


[Eric Rogell] 11:52:53

Okay, the child for the road, not the road for the child, and then my other favorite that I use every day is by a guy named Anthony Douglas Williams, and he said that knowledge I’m sorry.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:04

Yeah, knowledge comes from learning, but wisdom comes from living. So for me, it’s all about sharing that wisdom, right knowledge, and get it out of a book.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:10

That’s strong.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:15

It comes from opinion, advice, all that stuff. I always tell people wisdom.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:21

What’s your experience? Share those experiences you’re missing your screw ups your, you know the failures the things that you think are negative.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:27

Hold valuable lessons for you in my world. It’s never wins and losses, it’s wins and learns.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:30


[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:33

Love it either way. You learn baby. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:34

Pass on that wisdom. Pass on that learn. It will move you both forward faster

[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:39

I love it! And squad. We just had a fun conversation with good friend Eric Regal.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:45

You know he he was raised bubble wrapped like I like to call it race soft, re, re reinvented Eric you saw a flyer for martial arts went out there, got after it, started toughening himself up.

[Eric Rogell] 11:53:47

Thank you. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:53:57

You know, building those calluses so he can level up through life. You know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:01

He kinda wretched he fell backwards into success you know, which made him oper realize everything really is an opportunity if it looks and that’s going to work for you, and it cons within certain.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:12

Then it will, and that’s what happened with. He became at the bachelor Guy.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:17

You know he has a passion for helping men due to his own upbringing as well to step into the best man, father, brother, leader that they can possibly be what you call stepping into your king, and that king is a combination of the warrior and lover, you have to have both sides to be a complete

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:32

Human that’s what Eric will help you to become.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:34

You know he’s a very. He’s a visionary guy that’s so much a goals.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:38

Guy there’s a vision. And with a vision we know we can laterally move by changing the goals to get there because goals are finite.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:45

You reach a bit efficient, you’re having to have goal after goal.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:47

After goal. And that’s what Eric does, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:50

And if you’re starting to work with somebody, that’s a going to mentor you or coach, you ask them what their biggest fuck up is, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:54:58

And with that you’re gonna find out if they are courageous enough to be honest with you, because that’s the kind of people you want to align yourself with.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:03

Your minds. His younger son at anybody else, whether you’re young or old, to be more bold, and if you don’t know how to get to somewhere, get your asking here ask because there’s people out there like myself Eric, that will want to help you get there he will be remembered.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:18

As somebody that made an impact on. Well, he’s gonna slide across home plate, bumped and bruised, but through service he knows he’s gonna make his deadly universe, which I believe he’s planning trees right now.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:27

He’s never going to sit in the shade of, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:30

He reminds us that being successful is relative and it doesn’t mean shit unless you know your purpose in and your why you don’t know. Eric, is a phenomenal mentor, and like I always say the more you mentor the more immortal you become it’s gonna pass down from king. To king.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:45

To King, you know. Prepare the child, throw the road, not the road for the child.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:49

There is. Gotta have your kid, or whoever you’re mentoring ready.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:53

You don’t want to change it, make it all bubble wraps their whole life.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:55:57

They want to get dirty down endured because that journey, when they look back and be like man.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:00

I kicked ass and made it. You know, last quote, that he pulled out from some of the he immensely respects.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:06

His knowledge comes from learning, wisdom comes from living and that’s what my good friend Eric does.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:11

He levels up his healthy levels, up his wealth. He’s humble.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:14

Yeah, he’s hungry. He was the most interesting man in the world before the most entry.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:18

Dressing man. The world came about. I love his guts, man, you, sergeant, as Varsity squad letter here time side today.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:25

Thank you so much, Eric, for coming out. I absolutely love your gods, brother.

[Eric Rogell] 11:56:26

Oh, thank you. It was my honor to be here, man! This was, I think I got leveled up just by having this conversation.

[Eric Rogell] 11:56:32


[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:32

A lot of fun. We’ll chat zoom, brother.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:35

Awesome great job, man. Sorry it took a little bit long.

[Eric Rogell] 11:56:37

I that was fun, man! That was awful

[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:41

I gotta. I don’t mean to rush you through here because what I’m gonna do when we hang up, I’m gonna touch you from my personal line so that way you have it.

[Eric Rogell] 11:56:44


[Eric Rogell] 11:56:47


[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:47

I’m gonna dump something to chat Eric, and every time someone pushes play on my show it’s my guest voice.

[Eric Rogell] 11:56:49


[Scott Ferguson] 11:56:55

It’s not my my voice or music. It’s the guests introducing themselves, and so I need to use that.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:03

Rigel, you know. Energy, you know. I’m gonna hit record here in a second.

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:06

Yeah, hang on. Let me read through it on my glasses on.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:07


[Eric Rogell] 11:57:10

So I wanna make sure I do it without my glasses.

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:16

Oh, yeah, this is awesome, absolutely. I will do this from you.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:18

How old are you here?

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:21

How do you think I am

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:23

Maybe 50, 52

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:25

57, going on 58

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:27

Oh, nice man! We gotta have a lot in common. Man it’s funny, my girl is 57, and I always dated this Florida down here.

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:31

Yeah, oh, cool.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:35

It’s like fricking candy store, and but she happened to be from Michigan, got introduced and it’s like, Do the sunrise and sets with her man, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:42

So it’s just awesome. So I’m gonna hit record.

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:44


[Scott Ferguson] 11:57:45

And you just go at your comedians, brother

[Eric Rogell] 11:57:48

Hey, this is Eric Rogale, with bold men adventures, and raised strong sons. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson, so let’s level up

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:06

Beautiful! Beautiful! Hey! Look at the camera for me, not me at the camera!

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:11

The camera? Oh, no, no, no, no, no! This is the next step.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:11

I wasn’t looking at. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:15

Look at the camera, perfect smile that have some smile. We’re gonna hold it for 3 s ready.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:18


[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:21

Beautiful, missed off the recording, and Donny is typing up or released, so I can use your handsome mug and you’re awesome voice across all platforms, and then and then I’m gonna text.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:30

You got it, man, you got it.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:34

You today, I got a scoop. So I have one more interview before I hit the pvi.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:36

Cool, cool.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:39

But I’ll text you. So we have. You have our personal number.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:42


[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:43

Just wanna make sure here, brother, that I have your (954) 802-1320.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:45

Yeah, I should.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:48

That’s it.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:49

Okay, perfect. I’ll text you from my that, and then we’ll set up a time for a brain grenade when I get back.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:55


[Scott Ferguson] 11:58:58

There you go look it up. Alright, brother. Yeah.

[Eric Rogell] 11:58:58

I always call the wisdom bombs. Oh, yeah, and and listen I if I have an email, I’m gonna send you that king.

[Eric Rogell] 11:59:04

The daily King, blueprint and cause I’d love to get that out and and do you know whatever?

[Scott Ferguson] 11:59:07


[Eric Rogell] 11:59:10

And then we’ll we’ll talk when you get back. Okay.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:59:11

Yeah, when it’s it’s so easy with being close, because we’ll definitely hook up in the next couple of weeks.

[Eric Rogell] 11:59:15

Yeah. Good luck tonight. Alright, I take care. Bye.

[Scott Ferguson] 11:59:16

Alright, thanks, brother, appreciate you, Eric. Bye! Now

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