Elizabeth Ford-Sommer is a nurse practitioner, certified in Family Practice, Anti-aging Medicine, Fellow in Anti-Aging Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapies, Reiki Master, and yoga teacher.
It’s your responsibility to prepare yourself to deliver the most light to those who come into your world
– Elizabeth Sommer
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Don’t try and do everything at once. Live in the moment and enjoy your time and journey!
2. Keep your temple/vessel (body) as pure as possible
3. Reiki comes from the words Universal Light
4. If you release your sense of urgency, you will notice your own perfection
5. You only learn when you go within
6. Dharma is your divine life purpose. Not necessarily the path that you chose, but the path of least resistance.
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hi, my name is Elizabeth Sommer nurse practitioner Reiki master yoga teacher. And if you really want to learn how to level up your time and your life today, join us on Time to Shine Today with Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
Time To Shine Today Podcast Varsity Squad! This is Scott Ferguson and I am over the moon stoked about bring you episode 249 With my really good friend and kind of a neighbor here in South Florida Elizabeth summer. She is a nurse practitioner yoga instructor Reiki master, she’s all about feeling that she has the responsibility to prepare herself to always help others level up. So that falls right in line with time to shine today. So I’m going to really just shut up and get to this interview, because you need to break out your notebooks because she has dropped some serious serious knowledge nuggets on us. So without further ado, here’s my really really good friend Elizabeth summer. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast mercy squad This is Scott Ferguson and I’m a little bit different today. I have my neighbor here in South Florida. my really good friend Elizabeth summer. She is a nurse practitioner. She’s certified in family practice anti aging medicine. She follows anti aging MS and integrative cancer therapies. She’s a Reiki Master and also a yoga teacher she she falls under all the umbrella that you hear me do on my vlogs that I put out to you about leveling up in my knowledge nuggets that I put out it’d be great to have a voice from somebody here that’s local because we’re going to kind of talk about living where people vacation. You know, it’s also kind of affectionately called heavens waiting room they save up their whole life to come here and die, which Elizabeth is going to put out some pointers and how people that come to warm climates can really help level up their life extend have a better course of living and without further ado, I’m going to bring Elizabeth and lizards please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast first you squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:03
Turquoise because it’s like the water I
Unknown Speaker 2:05
swear to god you’re the second person today you’re my third interview and Briella ralis so I just posted on my my Instagram she coaches American Idol clients she was a top 40 or 50 finalists and American Idol back in the OG time of 2004 and she said today turquoise and the reason why I do the whole color is one I could build all your marketing around color you know all your clips and stories but also kind of gets like a personality so why turquoise
Unknown Speaker 2:38
because it just looks like the water and I mean it’s very simple. I can’t like dumb down that answer anymore. It’s just calming and when I go to the water, this might sound kind of snobby. If the waters not turquoise, I don’t go in No, I feel you’re Brown and murky. I’m like it was a lot of seaweed or maybe bacteria. It’s kind of like my pressure gauge. You know, how I assess the purity is if it’s turquoise looking because I know that’s what it should look. It’s not looking like that. I just don’t stick my foot in.
Unknown Speaker 3:08
I feel Yeah, I feel and what’s what’s nice about where we live squad is that we live about 60 miles north of Miami, maybe 70 miles north of Miami and our waters pretty blue most of most of the time, unless you are in hurricane season or whatnot. So get into that water is great therapy, which, you know, squat out there. You know, I’m always in the water. That’s why I moved here to South Florida and why Elizabeth doesn’t leave. She’s around perfect weather. Yeah, so Elizabeth is a native, that’s what they call them down here spotted natives. And they’re the nice people. They are the ones that you don’t have the edgy east coast. People like she’s actually nice and pleasant. And I’m so blessed. No Liz. But well, let’s, let’s get a little bit of your origins Liz but maybe growing up here in South Florida, and then how you kind of really leveled up into taking care of your own temple and really wanting to help other people level theirs up.
Unknown Speaker 3:59
So I’m from Fort Lauderdale originally. Third generation Floridian really. I grew up in Broward County I went to high school in Coral Springs went to USF. So homegrown, slow grown. And gators total. So looking at as I majored in nursing, and I started out actually in a plastic surgeon’s office after grad school, and I was doing cosmetic lasers, cosmetic treatments. And it just kind of grew from there. I knew people in the hormone and wellness industry and so I they brought me over to there and you just there’s introductions that go on, you know, as your career develops, sure. And about five years ago, I did a yoga teacher training and a Reiki training and I just fell in love with all of those items. Sure. At first I was just gonna use it just for myself. Just because I always feel like before I can practice on a live patient for myself, right I have to at least know Okay, does this really work? Am I going to enjoy this process because I can be pretty pretty critical of myself, so if I don’t like it, I’m not gonna pass it
Unknown Speaker 5:04
on. Well, yeah, be passionate about it. Right.
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Exactly. Exactly. And I did the, the Reiki started out as more internal healing. Like for myself, I, it took me about four years to go through Reiki one all the way up through Reiki three. Each time I went through a different class, we got different symbols to work with, or like different layers different attunements. And so that was another way of like leveling up. Sure. And it was, it was an emotional process. I mean, I went through, there’s a lot of ancestral karma I had to work on through my maternal and paternal lines, and then just past lives, you know, I could take this conversation to anyone. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 5:45
let me ask you something, though. With, with Reiki, let’s dumb it down for people. Okay. People that don’t live our lifestyle. Don’t know what Reiki is. So
Unknown Speaker 5:56
work, okay. So it’s it’s Japanese Ray, and Qi. So rays universal key is light, universal lights, universal healing light that you channel from God, divine source, whatever you want to call him or her. And it’s an unlimited source. So you’re never going to drain god of his own light or her own lights. And it’s usually problem specific. Or if you just go in with a general question or general healing requests, the answers are revealed to you. So things are revealed, they might have been repressed or weren’t in your awareness when your awareness vision. And so it took me about four years to go through level one through level three, right. And as I did that, that’s each each month almost or every few months was like leveling up, I felt like I was raised very much a people pleaser. Okay. So I had to let go of a lot of those patterns. Okay, and learn how to set boundaries for myself how
Unknown Speaker 6:58
to move the toxic stuff when you need to, right, exactly, exactly. So
Unknown Speaker 7:02
there’s a lot there was a lot of blockages that I had to release and let go of, and I had to realize I’m not really in control of anything, right? Anyone nothing. And when you realize you are in no control of anything in your life, that’s ironically, you kind of gain control. Because that sense of urgency to either achieve something or to get this house or this car, this type of relationship, a sense of urgency is really released. And once you’re able to release that sense of urgency for something that may or may never happen, or was maybe never meant to happen, then it’s not that you’re lowering your standards, you’re you’re like at peace, it’s like, okay, I’m perfect, just as I am sure, just my current state,
Unknown Speaker 7:46
with that being said with it. And I love Reiki and how you dumbed it down for people even like me, you know, because I actually get Reiki work from somebody in person and Carrie Murphy, you know, she does hands on and then also hands off. And it’s really helped level I mean, she, she really helped me break through the surgery that I had, like 10 days ago, and it’s awesome. It’s beautiful. But when when you’re saying this, like you don’t have any control, but you do have responsibilities, correct?
Unknown Speaker 8:14
Yes. Okay. So, for example, on the Reiki note, of responsibility of a Reiki practitioner, whatever level is to keep your vessel as pure as possible. So you’re not doing drugs, you’re not smoking, you’re drinking moderately, you’re not putting a lot of toxicities into your body. That could block your channel. Okay, very good. So that’s and that’s, it might just sound like a personal responsibility, which it is. But if you’re sharing that gift, that skill with the world, you owe it to the people that are coming to you for help. That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker 8:51
Yes. Yes. You
Unknown Speaker 8:53
like it’s like, your dharma. If you have
Unknown Speaker 8:58
exactly, you have that gift, it’s your responsibility to pay it forward. Right?
Unknown Speaker 9:02
It’s your responsibility to prepare yourself and make sure that you can deliver the most light to whoever is coming into your sphere asking for help.
Unknown Speaker 9:12
So what would be your definition then Elizabeth of responsibility,
Unknown Speaker 9:16
taking care of one’s life purpose, love it. Whatever that life purpose is,
Unknown Speaker 9:26
love it. You know what I always say is and I say that responsibility, and I’m regurgitating it from my mentor here. Make this up responsibilities, ability to respond. You know, instead of react, it’s rerouted. Right in the world. I love it. So let’s swing over into yoga because yoga saved my life. Literally. I moved down here seven years ago in 2014. I had plantar fasciitis, like crazy, participate in combat sports, whether it’s jiu jitsu wrestling, since I was like four years old and like I had plantar fasciitis so bad. I couldn’t get it to go away and I went to get introduced To in Juno Beach, native yoga Ashtanga Yoga. Yeah, and I it changed everything I have my mat I have my whole area over here that you know I practice a minimum of three mornings a week Ashtanga I like it because it’s a more aggressive yoga it’s kind of like a bodybuilder yoga Ashtanga meaning eight limbs. What is your take on the benefits of yoga? And also what yoga Do you practice?
Unknown Speaker 10:24
So I did my training at Native yoga. It’s
Unknown Speaker 10:27
under top 50 Something I’ve been on the show as well. Love
Unknown Speaker 10:35
is I did my training there. I love them. Love the Astoria.
Unknown Speaker 10:38
I probably saw you there. In the front, I’m the guy in the back during my floor. That’s like, everybody. Man. We got to get Ferguson deeper in his asana and stuff like that workout. It’s just the and probably, it’s it’s crazy. Maybe we still had I’m sorry, this is interesting. No,
Unknown Speaker 10:54
you’re fine. I love yoga. I love it been doing it for almost 20 years. And I haven’t taught a whole lot I taught at the complex where I used to live. And I’ve done some private teaching, but I haven’t taught yoga a whole lot. Only because of my schedule, I don’t have a whole lot of time. So for me, because I also had plantar fasciitis recently over the summer. So I treat I did treat it met medically with a Medrol dose pack. And in the moment, I had to take care of it. But moving on beyond that. I would do Ashtanga in the mornings for I took a took a month, I didn’t even go to the gym, I just did the yoga. And I realized I wasn’t doing yoga enough for the past few months only because of scheduling. And we all go through that. And for me, it’s the warrior poses the Warrior One and two, it’s this like leveling out of the hips, right? I know helps with my ankles and my feet. And when I do my vinyasas I actually roll over my toes. It’s kind of hard to explain without the visualization
Unknown Speaker 11:54
bragger. But now I get I feel
Unknown Speaker 11:56
it’s, it’s the best way to open the feet is the best way to open as metatarsal and get that blood flowing. And I I’ve never had X rays on body parts. I don’t know what kind of arthritis I have going on, or anyone want to know, I don’t
Unknown Speaker 12:09
even treat it with yoga. I’m telling you right now. At the pace where you’re able to. That’s it. That’s crazy. So, you know, staying within the within the yoga. What part spiritually? Do you take from yoga, if any at all. I took
Unknown Speaker 12:28
the quieting of the mind. That’s what I took home. That was the first thing I took home. From the teacher training. I did the teacher training, not to teach it but just for myself again, because I got to do things for myself first. Oh, yeah, it was my alternative to going to India for three months and doing the Mysore in my
Unknown Speaker 12:50
I couldn’t although I hear that trips. Amazing. I hear yes.
Unknown Speaker 12:53
Maybe someday when I’m all grown up. Right, right. For now, I did my one weekend a month for like a year. Yeah, just quieting the mind. And realizing that yoga is not a religion. And I was brought up very religious, conservative Christian app, this baby. It works for some people. Yeah. And I’m not criticizing it by any means. But yoga really opened my eyes to that. Spirituality is deeper than a religion. It’s a building. It’s deeper. It’s so much deeper than anything I ever taught. And it was it was ever taught. And it’s like a truth that you only learn when you go within. And there’s so much spiritual truth. Oh my god there. I don’t even read books anymore on spirituality. I can’t because they all say the same stuff. I’m sorry. It’s like somebody reinvented the wheel. So if I want to find a spiritual truth that makes sense for me, I just meditate I do a Reiki meditation. My crystals my answer Khurana my symbols all over the
Unknown Speaker 13:57
Unknown Speaker 13:58
Yeah, there you go.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
You might soda my answer choline. stay next to my heart all the time,
Unknown Speaker 14:03
consult the heavens, you know, and find a truth that maybe no one’s ever heard of. I doubt it. But you know, no, it’s new to me.
Unknown Speaker 14:11
But it’s also yourself, Elizabeth. That’s the thing, like the God or the creator. You’re actually a branch of that whatever your belief system is your branch of it. So your Creator is not going out and effing up his body or her body with drugs and alcohol. Why? Why do you want to disrespect yourself in your Creator? Right?
Unknown Speaker 14:30
When we think about it, how did the prophets in old days write their books? You know, how did Abraham you know the father of all Judaic religion? Yeah, he would go to a mountain sit by himself and just let God talk to him that they discovered those truths and those techniques. I feel like have kind of died out. Yes, because we were taught that Oh, religion is this and you don’t need to add to it or contribute to it. Well, no, I disagree. Right. I think The techniques of the ancient sages, the mages, the Magi, even should be implemented still should still be taught so that we can all in our own way and at our own level, wherever we’re at, like God meets us, wherever we’re at, wherever you’re at on that day, that month, that year, and that moment, that’s where God is going to meet you. And he’s going to tell you, whatever you need to hear. It’s not about going to church and listening to what someone else thinks you need to hear, right? That’s good. It’s not a bad thing to do. It’s like free therapy, of course, but not enough of us really connect on a daily or at least you know, every couple of days basis and just sit and let God us like prayer. Talking to God, Metta silence
Unknown Speaker 15:43
is God’s voice to me. Yes. You know what I’m saying? It’s like I, myself, and you know, I worked with high end clients. And they’re like, the hardest thing for them to do is take that 15 minute daily sabbatical that I require them. You know, I’m telling them, it’s part of my curriculum, can’t do it. I’m not the right coach for you. And because I’ll tell you what, my 15 minute, sabbatical daily, it levels up everything because I speak you know, I just shut up. And I listen for for the answers. And that’s that fantastic. You brought that up, Elizabeth. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay. Yeah, let’s go the first one. Let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 20 year old lisabeth. What kind of knowledge nuggets we call knowledge nuggets here time to shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on Elizabeth to help her maybe level up last through shorten that learning curve just a little bit quicker.
Unknown Speaker 16:40
I would have told my 20 year old self that you don’t have to do everything all at once. And you don’t have to have it all at once. Because I was very I was very ambitious at 20. I was very
Unknown Speaker 16:55
dropping. You’re not anymore, though. You still very ambitious.
Unknown Speaker 16:59
Now I’m kind of like alright, like if I don’t do it in this life. I’ll do it in the next life.
Unknown Speaker 17:03
I feel you. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 17:05
I don’t have that house in this life. I’ll do it. Next slide. Love it. No pressure. Yeah, I would have I would have said anything to just take the pressure off my 20 year old self because I would have been more in the moment and I would have been able to enjoy my youth more. If I knew the if I had the wisdom and the knowledge base and the patience with myself and the patient for the process that I have now.
Unknown Speaker 17:26
Love it. Love. So then how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration date before your life dating death date? You know, so how do you want people? How do you want people to remember that dash?
Unknown Speaker 17:41
You mean like
Unknown Speaker 17:42
my life? Everything that’s lived in that dash?
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Oh, gosh, let’s see.
Unknown Speaker 17:49
She was happy. Yeah, okay. Yeah. That’s it seemed like a pretty go giving kind of person though to like, you want to help others.
Unknown Speaker 17:59
It’s my dharma.
Unknown Speaker 17:59
I love it. I love it. All right, then. So what do people misunderstand the most about Elizabeth?
Unknown Speaker 18:10
They might think that I’m aggressive.
Unknown Speaker 18:12
No way. Just kidding.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
I’m really not aggressive. I just, I get excited. Like, I get excited about certain things. I get passionate about certain things that other people either they don’t know about. They don’t understand. And what do people do when they don’t understand something? They fear it. So I feel like some people might be intimidated or afraid of words that come out of my mouth because like what Reiki I’ve never heard of that no one thought that what these yoga poses are going to help my plantar fasciitis How can my doctor didn’t tell me that? Oh my gosh. You know, that’s, that’s why I started making some videos. I felt like education increases awareness and awareness reduces fear. And if people fears can be reduced, then we’re all going to kind of come to that better understanding of like, why we’re here and how we can help each other out.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
I love that. I love it. So then what keeps you up at night? Not much good.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
I think I was hoping you’re gonna kind of say that. Can you see real grounded? And know how a lot of people will have that. I
Unknown Speaker 19:15
don’t say much though. All right, fall asleep, but I wake up early because I’m usually wait between like four and 5am. I don’t go to bed till about 530
Unknown Speaker 19:25
That’s fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay.
Unknown Speaker 19:28
Yeah, I’ve got my time. I just lay there just kind of staring at the ceiling or the back of my eyelids. You know,
Unknown Speaker 19:34
I belong to the 5am club. It’s like a group of people it follows kind of Robin Sharma has, you know, he wrote the monk who sold his Ferrari and, you know, great books. If you ever read him. It’s fantastic. And so, you know, I’m all you know, for 45 or more, I’m actually up within that hour and only my day, at the start earning sunrise. You know that I’m in my jujitsu mat over gamblers there and Palm Beach Gardens. That’s, you know, seven o’clock and then I start my day after I’ve taken care of I temple, my mind and everything. So I love that you can follow suit. That’s one thing that I had a problem with and I’m getting better at is just shutting everything off and shutting the monkey mind down. I love it. So what would Elizabeth’s definition of a life? Well it be
Unknown Speaker 20:18
She fulfilled her dharma. Love it. Because Because when you do that, you don’t have to come back.
Unknown Speaker 20:24
Quickly, quickly educate us on dharma.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
So Dharma is your life, your divine purpose, your divine life purpose, okay, it’s not necessarily the path that you chose. Because the ego leads us into other areas sometimes, okay, actually, most of the time. Right, right all the time. We spend the rest of our adult life disconnecting from that egoic path, and then connect into the dharmic path, which it might be less money or might be less prestige, but it’s more fulfilling. And when we are able to fulfill our spiritual purpose and meaning on this planet, then we’re getting rid of means we’re growing. We’re our souls growth is just happening by default. And when we might come back, sure, I come back. I mean, reincarnate if we choose. And if we choose to, we’re going to have that natural upgrade that we’ve always wanted. And so I feel like because I believe in reincarnation, I believe God gives us ample lifetimes to achieve whatever it is that we want to achieve variance. And God is so patient with us that He gives us as many lifetimes as we need. And so that’s why I would tell my 20 year old self like, Okay, if you don’t get that car if you don’t get that house on the water that right now, don’t worry about it. It’s always gonna be there that you can come back or you can get it. Yeah, exactly. And so the Dharma path and this is like, it’s a yogi concept also, is that it’s also the path of least resistance. It’s the path when you let go of that need to control okay, and you’re not letting your ego give you that sense of urgency pushing you where you shouldn’t go because ego edges got out. Okay, I just got I just got out of jail. That’s right. Yep. So as you take that dharmic path, things open up without effort. I mean, you have to do effort but things that you didn’t think were possible open up yeah, that’s like your confirmation. That’s when God gives you a confirmation that no, you’re supposed to be having this conversation or talking to this person or in this place at this time.
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Got it love i love that definition of a really appreciate you laying that out for us. Hey, time to shine today. Podcast rescue squad, we are back with my really good friend and neighbor here in South Florida, Elizabeth summer. And Elizabeth we’re gonna go through our leveling up lightning around you and I could talk an hour on each one of these questions, but you have five seconds with no explanations, and you can answer them all in five seconds. Easy. Great rock. Oh, is it fresher? You’re ready. Okay. All right. Let’s get a level up. What is the best leveling up advice Elizabeth’s ever received.
Unknown Speaker 23:08
Don’t feel like you need to be in control
Unknown Speaker 23:10
of it. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:14
I go to the gym every day.
Unknown Speaker 23:17
So if you see me and I’m just kind of walking through downtown at the gardens, and you’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. What book would you be handing me? No book. Okay, very good. Maybe just a smile. Help me level up right. Very good. What’s your most? What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? hearts love it. chess or checkers?
Unknown Speaker 23:39
Unknown Speaker 23:41
Like is there any favorite charity in organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 23:47
ah honestly I haven’t but I think the Surfrider
Unknown Speaker 23:51
Okay, very cool. Surfrider last question. You can elaborate on this a little bit. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or
Unknown Speaker 23:58
90s 90s?
Unknown Speaker 24:01
Yeah, are you a little after me? So I’ll give you the 90s I’m an 80s guy. So I’m coming up I’m 50 years old and it’s like I miss those big hair don’t care days. I love it. I love it. And do me one last favor in our squad land one last favor. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 24:22
Event is life without
Unknown Speaker 24:23
time. Heaven is life without time.
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Wow. So being in the present moment is the closest we get
Unknown Speaker 24:34
written that wow this is awesome in squad we really just had a free masterclass for my really good friend, Elizabeth summer here who realized that he wants you to realize you even through Reiki is universal life and it’s an unlimited source. You know, you She wants you to keep your vessel as pure as possible. You know, don’t have to be in control all the time. I let things run their course, take responsibility and take care of your your life’s purpose. You know, don’t try to do everything at once. Remember what we say here inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard. You know, she wants you to stay in the moment, enjoy your time, stay present, she has to be someone that’s lived a happy life. And then she was a help her along the way, you know, in what you don’t understand you fear and what we also see here at time to shine today and with my clients, as I say, get your asking here. Ask people, there’s people out there like myself, like Elizabeth, they’d be happy to share with you, you know, so reach out to one of us, you know, find a path of least resistance if there is one, because you don’t want to have to push through and then you’ll end up somewhere that you didn’t even want to go in the first place. And she finished up with Heaven is life with what was that again lives with Heaven is life without time. So stay present. And enjoy the time you have been on Earth and I I just enjoyed this past 2530 minutes with my good friend Elizabeth who levels up her health levels up her wealth. She’s humble yet she’s hungry. She’s a beautiful human being. She’s always helping others. Thank you so much for coming out. Elizabeth. You. Awesome. We’ll talk soon. Yes, your guts. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust if you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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