Welcome to Episode 105! – Dr. Travis Parry is the go to authority for attaining work/life balance. He just authored Achieve Balance. It’s a must read! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Ask yourself daily what you are doing ANYTHING for. Do everything from a place of Love
– Dr. Travis Parry
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When digging to find out holding you back, dig deep into your values
2. Have a plan, be diligent about following the plan, but be flexible
3. Live your legacy daily – Live your life on purpose
4. If you are starting to work with a coach, ask them their motivation to help you Level UP
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
For A Limited Get Dr. Travis: Achieve Balance, for ONLY $1.00
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Dr. Travis’s Live Life on Purpose Facebook Group
Dr. Travis’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Dr. Travis Perry with the make time Institute. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend, Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Time to shine today podcast squad This is Scott Ferguson and I get to bring you a interview with my good friend Dr. Travis Perry whose book achieving balance is dropping now. So make sure you check the show notes. I do have a giveaway for the first person that leaves a comment into the Facebook page the time to shine today Facebook page, I will be sending out a free book autographed by Dr. Travis Perry himself. So make sure you sit back relax, take really good notes because she’s he’s going to really dig in to really evaluating where you are with your work life balance and how to level it up. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Dr. Travis Perry.
Unknown Speaker 1:05
Hey time to shine today varsity squad is Scott Ferguson and I am here with my good friend out of the great state of Texas where he says it’s really hot right now. Kind of catching up to him here in South Florida myself. But I have Dr. And that is Dr. Travis Perry. With the make time Institute Dr. Travis Perry’s of founder of the make time and students earn several degrees, smarty pants, in family and social science to better understand goal achievement and family relationships. He helps business owners and executives achieve work life balance and a full disclosure. Doc interviewed me for his awesome sauce book which I am going to get a signed copy. I can’t wait for that. I know I’m not gonna be in it. But the idea is that I was able to drop is phenomenal, but it’s going to be called achieving balance and it’s going to trap probably in the fourth quarter of 2020 Just stay with us here and check the show notes because the link to his book will be there. Even if it’s not when the podcast drops, we’ll always put it in there. So if you’re listening to this evergreen, check our show notes because his book is there. And lastly, I’m going to be doing a giveaway for anybody that comments and the time to shine today Facebook page after mine, the doctor Travis’s conversation, a free book and I’ll make sure that he sends it out signed to you on my dime. So Dr. Travis, come on. Thank you so much for coming on the time to shine today. Show up and stoked. It’s been a long time coming. Could you introduce yourself but first, what emoji Do you use the most when you’re texting
Unknown Speaker 2:44
emoji that I use the most? Probably a smiley face all right. It’s it’s standard, but it’s it’s genuine, you know, and that’s just me dislike to be happy and have a good time.
Unknown Speaker 2:56
I love it. Of course my question and there’s a method behind this man. What is your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 3:04
My favorite color is blue. And it’s because it’s just it’s most people’s favorite color. It’s blue. But it probably also is because when I was in high school and you know everybody is is trying to be the popular kid or whatnot, and I had some, you know, all boys care about what girls think. And one girl told me she came to me one day and I was wearing a blue shirt like, Did you know you have gorgeous blue eyes? I was just whoa taken back mine. I’m wearing blue every single day.
Unknown Speaker 3:38
I love it. I love it pulls them out your handsome mug guy. Well, again, thanks for coming on brother. Give us a little bit origin story. Dr. Travis. I mean, you’re, you know, affectionately said a smarty pants and you’re a doctor. So you have several degrees and stuff. So let’s let’s start like when you’re kind of going through your education. And then as you’re starting in bring out this awesome company. make comments.
Unknown Speaker 4:01
Yeah. So just full disclosure, I never intended to ever complete college, I went off to college, because I was trying to get out of the family business, which was plumbing. And my father and my grandfather, they built actually a fantastic company. I just didn’t feel like that was my place. And I wanted to go and do something else. I want to be a financial advisor. So I went off to college to see you know, what is it that I’d have to do to get that and that time, you didn’t need a bachelor’s degree to be a financial advisor or financial planner. You just were just assigned and you got a license and you can work with a broker dealer and get started. But the more I learned from I realized I really love learning I’ve always liked you know, school, it wasn’t a chore for me. And I typically didn’t have to do a whole bunch of homework because I was a quick learner. But I also got bored quickly. And so I know this rings true with a lot of business owners. A lot of us have ADHD 810 C’s add, you know, we just can’t focus because we’re so creative. And, and I, so I kind of had this issue of, am I ever gonna get, you know, graduated. And long story short that I became a financial advisor and realized that so many of the clients I was dealing with having the same issues that I had with focus with ADP with time management. And so I went and started to do more coaching and education, and eventually led me to this long process of you got to get a master’s degree in psychology really understand why people do what they do, what they do, why that matters to them motivation, how they deal with stress, and just kind of all these components, and that eventually led me to do a doctorate. So no one in my family I’m actually the first college graduate in my direct lineage and I The first ever to receive a PhD in my family and to receive a Master’s. So this wasn’t something that I set off like, yes, I’m gonna do this. But I think over time, when the doors started to say this one has to open, this one has to open. And I do believe that God, you know, inspired me to do what I’ve been asked to do and kind of been following that direction as well. But this this book that you mentioned, Scott, this is 10 years in the making, right? This is when when I was struggling with financial advisors and business owners trying to help them to manage their time better. I realized that man, it’s really all about work life balance, and it’s really all about that key and so I wanted to have a better understanding of really thorough knowledge. So when I put my name Dr. Travis Perry on there, I could I could basically say I’ve done the research on this. Not just have written a cool title, not just sell a lot of books.
Unknown Speaker 6:55
I want to I want to be rich, you know, you lived it too.
Unknown Speaker 6:59
You know what I’m saying? You You’re, you have quite a few children you have an awesome wife, you know, and you you are living it you’re walking the walk with that cliche versus you know some people like you say are out there just spewing knowledge which is okay, but they really haven’t walked it so let me ask you so what did your family think about you not following in the plumbing footsteps?
Unknown Speaker 7:21
That’s a really good question, Scott and I and it’s it’s an emotional one for me because I came back after about a year of school, I did a JC and I actually transferred to a big university. But in that timeframe, I went and served a mission for my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it was a two year process lighting door knocking mission. And and I you know, visit with people. At the end of that mission. My father actually came to Denmark, where I was serving, he came to pick me up. And one of the first things that I had on my mind I want to talk to him about was the family business. And I started to talk to him even there. I remember in Denmark on this bridge, just kind of picture asked, and I got this time alone with my dad after two years of not seeing them. And one of the questions I had for him was like, Dad, what if, what if I don’t want to do the business? Like don’t Let’s not talk about that right now? Let’s just enjoy this time. Like, okay, okay, but I was so you know, focused, goal oriented, like, what’s the next thing? What do I do need to do next, right. And when I came home, dad really made a plan for me. He’s like, hey, let’s, I want you to take over the business. I want you to take over what I’m doing so that I can do these other things. And so I realized Scott that I was probably the reason that my dad would be able to retire my dad would be able to scale his business because he put a lot of time and sweat equity into me. Sure. I was working with him since I was like seven right taking his wrench inside and doing a pot like I could take apart a toilet at age 12. This is second nature right? So I think he was really hoping that I would get into it. But there was also for other boys. And so, you know, if I didn’t work out, maybe the others would. Sure. And anyway, long, long story on this one I just really felt inspired to, to not do that. And even though I went away, whenever things were tough, dad would always like track, you can always come back, I’ll pay you this much, you know, you can always get back to the business. So even though I left part of me was just always kind of feeling a tinge of guilt, a tinge of guilt that that, that I left something that maybe I should have stayed with. Right, right. I think sometimes when we make business decisions, when we’re trying to decide on going forward, I think sometimes we make decisions, and then we still allow ourselves to have some of this guilt, which is not healthy. It’s not good, right. It’s we’re not present. We’re not motivated. We’re not focused. We’re still looking back too much.
Unknown Speaker 9:56
Yeah. And then
Unknown Speaker 9:58
then my father passed. away at age 49. I was 26. This was
Unknown Speaker 10:03
five years later.
Unknown Speaker 10:04
So five years later, he passes away. Very suddenly heart attack. Nobody expected this to happen. They call the Widowmaker for really good reason. There was no indicators, no signs and and then the business really didn’t have you know any direction and for a long time I think it floundered my uncles have taken it over from grandpa. But there are no other there are no other successors. This is a problem and family businesses only 13% of family businesses major third generation, right? their generation. So it’s a big issue.
Unknown Speaker 10:41
Yes. So it sounds like you have like a affectionately called Prodigal Son, you know, where father was always wanting to kind of bring back You are a man of faith, as am I so like to talk you know, in the parables every once in a while if well, which is fantastic. Hey, so we know that you’re helping individuals Or even teams, you know, have that work life balance between, you know, the family at home, and their work because you know, you’re always have a higher up that you’re trying to please, if you will. What when you bring somebody in and they are not quite a client, or maybe they’re a client, let’s say you brought him in, he had discovered through you bringing them in? What is your secret sauce for finding their blind spot of where they’re missing out on the work life balance?
Unknown Speaker 11:29
Really good question. I think if I think about this internally, because my father passed away, that was my biggest motivation to change, even my career as a financial advisor and to move forward and get my degrees and learn how to help other people have better work life balance, because the more I researched his condition, more I realized it was really about work life balance, it was about stress was about eating right. He was about exercising, all which he was doing pretty well, but I think there was there’s some genetic Factors that were stacked against him that he didn’t know about, that we had, I have to work super hard. So for me, I actually use that time afterwards to really dig deep. And I dig into values. So when I when I discuss with people about what’s holding them back, and I go deep in their values, I talk about what is really, really important to them. Motivation as I studied in my psychology degree, is built on so many different factors. No, we’re motivated if you remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and talks about you know, we need food and shelter and clothing, and then we need relationships. And then this top of the piece is, you know, self actualization. Well, that’s a 1950s theory 1950s. In the last class, my last assignment in my master’s degree, I found a study that in 2012, came out about the revised theory of Maslow. And this is really important, because I was studying motivation. I tried to figure out what motivates people to do What they do you know what, what can help them achieve their goals? And it really is these values. But where are these values based? Well for Americans, the number one factor is not self actualization. At the top of the revised pyramid of Maslow’s hierarchy is actually being a parent number one. And number two is their relationship with their spouse or partner. Everything else is pretty similar to Maslow. And now’s will actually recommend or suggested later on in life that you know what self actualization might actually never be achievable. So we have so many people out there and personal development. I know this is where this podcast is guy you know, you’re killing personal development field. But there’s so many people were focused on personal development, personal development, my secret sauce is actually in couple development, the motivation and the values that people typically have come from their relationships and Family, which brings me back to work life balance. Like there’s no, there’s no reason that we talk about work life balance with somebody who’s, who doesn’t really care to be with their family or doesn’t have a family to care about, like, it’s not that important, it is important, but most of the time, it’s those values that they that they really want to focus in on and that’s that’s really where I go when I when I talk to somebody, it’s awesome. Yeah, those values.
Unknown Speaker 14:30
Yeah. So like, you’re actually kind of bringing it back to what you kind of said digging in the values, what’s their motivation? And it’s cool that you said the realization you know, comes from relationships and family comes about everything comes back to work life balance, and that’s that’s very enlightening to me, especially you know, in my life as I love my relationship, I’m not if people are thinking it’s funny because they think that I’m this outgoing person, which I am when I have to be but I love my work like like my whole life. I love With my lady and you know my dogs and stuff like that so that’s where that I love that you explained it that way so if I’m out at a networking event and pressing flash which are starting to be there here in South Florida I know in Texas opened up a little bit as well just in case anybody’s listening a little bit later this we’re on stage one and two of the whole COVID opening up. And so if I’m out I’m pressing some flash meet some people, what kind of words are they saying to me, Doc that would make me think of make time Institute make them a great referral connection or someone that I just really want to introduce them to you.
Unknown Speaker 15:41
Probably the biggest thing is they’re complaining about or maybe even bragging about how busy that they that they are. Most people are. Their insecurity is also something that they tend to brag about or to suggest it on. I’m just so busy right now I’m and those types of individuals, they really are busy, but they don’t want to be right. They tend to they tend to want to actually spend more time with their family. They want to be there. Most Americans know if we think of this most Americans want to be with their family, certainly children, and you know, and their significant other partner, spouse. So that’s, that’s the key. I mean, you don’t have to pry. But but most Americans are overworked. Sure. I just know that most business owners are five times more likely to work more than 50 hours a week than a net than a normal, you know, corporate blue collar, even white collar job, you know that that’s out there. So we know intrinsically that you can probably just assume they’re working over 50 hours. I worked a 30 Hour Workweek, I believe in a 30 Hour Workweek for me. Most of my clients when I get down to brass tacks and we look at where are they spending all their time. It’s usually below 40 hours of it can make it into being a business owner real estate, and financial advising it whatever they’re doing so that they can spend more time at home. They want the lifestyle they want to travel they want freedom, they care about your
Unknown Speaker 17:19
even though they love their work, they want to be Luli
Unknown Speaker 17:22
more productive every see what happened as a mentor taught me how to be ambitiously lazy. So it really started putting my work life balance of delegation stuff like I know that you cover a lot of that kind of stuff and your work life balance. I don’t like that some of that I want someone to call you about but I became ambitiously lazy. And so things happen for me, but I am able to spend a lot of that time with my lady and my friends and family. So Zack, let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to your 22 year old doctor Travis without even doctor them. 2022 year old Travis Perry what kind of knowledge nugget so you drop in on him. Yeah, experience you have no
Unknown Speaker 18:04
love it. So just the other day I was on my home computer, and I pulled up my external hard drive and I was looking for something. And I happen to come across my autobiography from 2003. Okay, this is my first year at a university, and we ran out an autobiography for a sociology class. And I read through it, and it really was, hey, here’s the goals I need to accomplish. It was you know, Travis did this so far in his life and it really
Unknown Speaker 18:33
wasn’t that much.
Unknown Speaker 18:36
Like, what did I accomplish? But it said, you know, graduate, get a master’s in financial services so that you can become a speaker and and help other people manage their time I was like,
Unknown Speaker 18:50
dude, I’m doing it. You’re doing it. So who was your intuition is telling you to do is what every top bottom,
Unknown Speaker 18:57
love the time and I think this is the key Scott is When we take massive action when we take action right away Now, I’m not saying like, we have to, you know, squirrel squirrel, it’s not the ADD, you know, no plan, but have a plan, run that plan. But here’s the other thing I would tell myself be flexible. That master’s degree in financial services never materialized. I never got my CSP I, because I ended up going towards psychology instead of financial services. And now I’m helping financial advisors, real estate agents, financial pros, you know, business owners to achieve their goals. So, it’s good to have a good to have a plan. Good to have love.
Unknown Speaker 19:43
So, when someone comes to you, and you’re taking them on as a client, we already talked to them about their blind spot in the discovery, but is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do when you’re getting ready?
Unknown Speaker 20:02
Probably the biggest question
Unknown Speaker 20:05
that they should ask me is why? Why am I wanting to help them? I think this is the great part of the these kinds of podcasts that you’re asking these questions, Scott. Because when people know what my true intentions are, and where I’ve come from and what I’m trying to accomplish, they realize, okay, I can trust this person. He wants to do what I want to do. And if you think about this, most of us, we like other people because of how similar we are. So when we get on a phone call, when we get on a podcast, when we try to meet somebody, we’re instantly trying to find connection, trying to find, oh, that’s what I do. That’s why it’s kind of a natural, selfish tendency. But it builds connection. It builds relationship. Yeah. And so I think I wish people would ask me, you know, and like Then do they asked me why are you doing this? Like what is your motivation for and then I share with him, you know, briefly my story kind of what I’ve shared with you. And it’s a touching situation because it’s really comes back to you know, Father passing away me changing my life, really searching my values and goals and then wanting to share that with other people so that they can have that experience without having that loss.
Unknown Speaker 21:25
Well, that’s almost what my next question is usually about the dash with that dashes in between your life date and death date, you know, but you just answered it right there the legacy that you’re that you want to leave behind or even while you’re living, leave that legacy, which is fantastic, fantastic. So kind of what is your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 21:49
So that tagline is a life while live is living life on purpose. That’s my motto. That’s the end of all of my emails I send every single day No, he’s just gotten a few of them. Oh, yeah. And so living life on purpose to me is living every single day toward your goals, living your values, and being at the end of your life, no matter how short or how long to be able to say, I did it. I wish it I came to earth I did this what I’m supposed to do I live my mission, my, my calling whatever you want to call it. But that’s really living your life on purpose. Intentional on purpose. I love that. I love that doc. So we’re going to wind things down just a little bit. We’re going to go into our leveling up lightning round. You and I can there’s only five or six questions are real easy to answer.
Unknown Speaker 22:41
You and I could talk for 1520 minutes and each one of them but Yep, five seconds. Okay, and I get my producer on the other screen going high five. But I used to put them up on the screen and stuff like that, but he can stay over there. My other stream. You ready, brother? I’m ready. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Take action right away.
Unknown Speaker 23:02
Love that share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Morning Routine. Get up. I read scriptures I exercise and eat well before I do anything business
Unknown Speaker 23:16
beautiful. Other than your websites and of course time to shine today calm that’s my shameless plug. What other websites should you go to kind of level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:26
You know, I, I go to a lot of really good mentors like Trevor crane is a good mentor for him is right. Yeah, the book. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:35
I read the book how to write good books. Fast. Write fast. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So what if you could be one age for the rest of your life? What would it be?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Oh, man. That’s a horrible, you know, 30 because I’m not quite at the aging, but I’m still old enough to not be 18 Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:55
like 28 to 32 is like my jam like I go back there. I probably wouldn’t do anything differently because I love what I live but just the way I felt Vitaliy I’m pushing 50 years old now, you know, it’s like, back then I was like, oh,
Unknown Speaker 24:08
still but, and I hit 40 this year and I think this would this made me like, Okay, you got to write this book. Go time, you don’t have time left.
Unknown Speaker 24:17
So what’s your favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and or money to,
Unknown Speaker 24:21
you know, a really good organization is called Operation Underground Railroad. It is a fantastic attempt. Tim Ballard runs it plays a fantastic organization that helps to get kids out of child
Unknown Speaker 24:36
sex slavery. You know, you’re the second podcast interview this week. That said that there’s I’m not even kidding. Tim winders yesterday, so that it’s amazing. So last question, what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 24:52
Definitely not the 80s Oh,
Unknown Speaker 24:56
big hair. I’m gonna have to go with the I’m going to go back to the 50s. Okay, he didn’t name it the 50s and you know what i’m a i’m a swing kid, like, my we like to swing dance. Okay, even the 20 I mean talk about revolutionary.
Unknown Speaker 25:13
Oh man, roaring 20s as I get into that time period as well, you know, it’s all the, you know, I read this book of giants of enterprise and the stuff that happened between in the Gilded Age is the time where I would love I don’t want to live there. But I’d like to go back and vacation for about a week you know, hang out with the Carnegie’s and the, you know, the Rockefellers and the Morgans and the Henry Ford. I mean, that would be awesome.
Unknown Speaker 25:36
You know, in that time, you exactly and if you look at what’s happened during those time periods building after World War One World War Two, quite honest, there’s a lot of history repeating itself. It is brother. It is we can learn from it.
Unknown Speaker 25:48
So Doc, how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 25:51
So you can go to Travis Perry within a PA ri.com forward slash book for Travis perry.com First Book
Unknown Speaker 26:01
and it’ll be in the show knives
Unknown Speaker 26:03
and you’ll get on my coming soon book funnel so yeah I will be able to let you know when this thing is actually going to be coming out I’ve got a few bonuses there some free trainings on time management so if you do bump through there’s some great stuff on the other side
Unknown Speaker 26:19
beautiful beautiful yeah squat out all that will be in the show notes and I’m just watching my emails from my my grateful subscribers that I’m grateful for I should say, my grateful subscribers I’m going to run a little small campaign for Dr. Travis tall you guys to see if you guys make sure you pick up the book if you want that work life balance. So that leaves us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to take with us internalize and put into action. I
Unknown Speaker 26:47
think the biggest thing that we need to internalize every day is what are we doing anything for? Is it you know, are we guilting ourselves into doing things are we doing things by fear Are we doing things that add duty? are we spending time with our family to check off the list? Are we doing things because we love them? The highest motivation anywhere with family kids, even with business is love. Do you love to serve your clients? Are you looking for the almighty dollar? Because they can smell it? They feel right through it? Absolutely. Are you with your family? Are you exercising and eating right? Because you love yourself? You love your body? And are you spending that quality time with your family because you love them? serving God because you’d love him? are you managing your finances in the wealth that you’ve built? Because you care about your family and your legacy? others? I think what it really comes down to man is if we can do things intentional, and by the motivation of love, it is such a better life to be living and living off air and guilt
Unknown Speaker 27:57
and squad you just had like literally a mask I have like a whole page and notes that Doc, you know put out to us you guys really got a free masterclass and we know he’s telling you don’t look back or feel guilty if as long as you’re serving people really go for it. Don’t live in that small rearview mirror, live in that big windshield and always push forward. When you’re talking when you’re really internalizing and digging into yourself sticking to your values, what’s your motivation, you know, and realization comes from relationships and family. And that all comes back to work life balance, I that was a note that I took that just totally blew my mind if you’re a business owner or an employee, or if you’re complaining about how much you work or if you’re even bragging, I used to do that a lot about how busy you are keep track to Travis or Paul or email or you know, click through to his link or just get with me and I’ll make a personal introduction to you. And if you’re working with a coach, ask them why they want to help you. Okay, ask them why what is their motivation to help you level up. He says live your life on purpose in Lastly, the last nugget that he left was what ask yourself, what are you doing it for? Do what you love. Make sure that you’re really goes back to the very first thing I said dig into your values. What’s your motivation? And doc thank you so much for coming on brother your level up your help you level up your wealth you level up your mindset, you level up your family. You’re hungry, humble, you’re just amazing, brother. So thanks so much for coming on time to shine today.
Unknown Speaker 29:29
Appreciate it. You’re awesome host
Unknown Speaker 29:30
Thanks, brother. Talk soon. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest if you’d like to support Please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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