Welcome to Episode 115: My super good friend Dr. Laura Ellick drops by TTST and shares her journey to becoming one of the most sought after therapists for eating disorders, medical illness and weight management. Just an amazing person with a HUGE heart! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Take every experience that life gives you and suck the energy out of it.
– Dr. Laura Ellick
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A good therapist must have compassion and empathy. Want to hear what it’s like to be ‘you’
2. If you start to work with a therapist, ask to be more involved in the process, at the same time don’t try to steer, trust the process.
3. Try to spread a little love and happiness and help others.
4. You have one life to live, go BIG or go home!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Dr. Laura’s Book: Wisdom From The Universe: A Journal to Motivate & Inspire
Dr. Laura’s Website
Dr. Laura’s Linked IN
Dr. Laura’s Wellness, Abundance and Love with Laura Facebook Page
Dr. Laura’s Instagram
Dr. Laura’s Twitter
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this
Unknown Speaker 0:00
is Dr. Laura Eric with Dr. Laura L. Psychology of wellness services. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life,
Unknown Speaker 0:07
you should be listening to the conscious mind today podcast, my friend Scott Ferguson, you fill up time to shine today varsity squad, Scott Ferguson and thank you so, so much for tuning in to Episode 115. With my really good friend, Dr. Laura Alec, I don’t get to meet everybody that I interview but Dr. Laura literally is a neighbor of mine, here in South Florida and what she does, and how she does what she does, is just amazing. Such a little lady and I say little, she’s a little lady. She has a guy gancho his heart. She helps people with eating disorders, medical illnesses and weight management. She’s an author of a couple fantastic books. She’s full of compassion and empathy. So without further ado, here is my really good friend Dr. Laura ellic
Unknown Speaker 1:09
Hey Tom just shining today varsity squad. I am here in nice sunny South Florida where the person I’m interviewing should be. She was kind of a neighbor of mine. Actually, she is a neighbor of mine. And you know I’ve been stoked to spend a little bit of time coming to get my good friend Dr. Laura elec on the time to shine today podcast. And she’s up in Long Island right now. Waiting on I believe a graduation for your son correct? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:39
okay. That’s correct. Yeah. So we’re gonna do a graduation. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:44
yeah, it’s huge. And it’s so crazy what things are going on right now because we’re still up there. There are a lot more quarantine then. We are here in South Florida. But again, I’m really stoked to have a good friend Dr. Laura on. She’s a life coach and licensed psychologist. Both New York and Florida she works with all types of clients, but as a special expertise in eating disorders, weight management and medical illness, she’s a speaker and presenter and runs online and in person workshops, her second book Wu wisdom of the universe will be out this year. So Dr. Laura, I’m gonna have you come on introduce yourself to the time shine to the squad. But first, what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:28
Purple, purple, purple. Purple has always been my favorite color. And that was easy. That was if that’s the easiest question we get on happy here. So yeah, Purple’s always been like I find it soothing. It’s royal and regal, too, and it’s royal and regal. And I just put my new logo out and it’s purple. I can’t wait to see it. And so we’ll get to a little bit later. But are you dropping a book and this month or? I am it should be out by the end of this month. I’m really really excited.
Unknown Speaker 2:55
Yeah, in the time of interviewing, it’s about a month delay. To get it out there. So folks, you’re listening to this, check the show notes right now because her book will be there. Okay, so Dr. Lauren, let’s get into the origins here of you and your dad and kind of take us from Miss Laura from maybe childhood up through becoming a doctor.
Unknown Speaker 3:20
Awesome. All right. So that’s a little bit of a long journey. I’m not going to say how old I am. But that’s a little bit of a long journey. I mean, I was just always like, the sensitive kind of kids concerned about everyone’s feelings, didn’t want anybody to be hurt. I knew that I was going to somehow find my way into this, this field. When I got to college, and I took my intro psych 101 class was the only textbook where I read ahead every week I was I just had to keep learning more and more and more, and I would read the same chapter over and over because I would always get something different out of the chapter. So I knew that that What I was going to focus on in terms of the area that I was going to focus it was it was pretty interesting because on my dorm floor, they were teaching girls, and six out of 18 girls had or had had eating disorders. And I’m like, wow, that’s, that’s one third. And these are people who would admit to having problems going on. So I’m sure that there were people who didn’t say anything or people who were kind of under the radar a little bit. So I became very interested in eating disorders, and I started studying them from college on and I knew I know, a little competitive, a little type A so I figured I wanted to go as high as I could go. And that was my PhD. And there you go. Did you have any decent disorders at all? Yeah, I did. I did. Interestingly enough, as I was studying it, I had my own issues. And I used what I was learning to actually kind of self treat. So when I work with my clients and they say, Wow, you really get it? Yes. I really get it. Because I know mindset is like,
Unknown Speaker 5:05
right. Yeah. So you, you’ve lived through it so you can kind of share your story to help them level up as they go through their journey. How do people come to you that if you don’t like my answering that because it’s, you know, I have been in a relationship with somebody that had an eating disorder at a young age is my first love and actually my first wife, and we’re still great friends to this day. Hi, Amy. You’re listening. But she had one, you know, and it was it took me having to go and she’s okay with me sharing this having to go into her closet and finding paper bags of throw up, right, showing it to people for them to believe. I was saying so how do people kind of find you doc and and come to you?
Unknown Speaker 5:48
Well, in an ideal world, people would recognize what’s going on with them and say I need to go get help. Oftentimes it’s a family member who like Like you said, espoused partner, a parent oftentimes who recognizes that something’s going on. And because there’s such a phobia of food or phobias, getting fat people don’t necessarily walk into my office saying, Hey, Doc, I’m here treat me they come in, not very willingly. But But, you know, once we start talking, and once we realize how much food and eating is controlling their life, they really want to get rid of that. That’s not thriving, that’s not even surviving. And so, you know, we can we can hook people in that way by just realizing how much of their life is controlled by food and eating. Well, and so do you ever get I’m sure the answer is yes. But you have people that like have almost met death and then get referred to you as well through the eating disorder, you know, take into that and then come to you and kind of start with you. salutely I mean, one of the things that so difficult about an eating disorder is the longer you have it, the harder it is to treat, so I mean, I’ve seen people all over the spectrum where they’ve been close to death. Now they’re stable. Something happens in their life, like Corona lockdown, or some kind of like major stress, and then they start to drop again.
Unknown Speaker 7:14
Gotcha. So what in your opinion then makes a great coach, or a therapist or a doctor in that line of work?
Unknown Speaker 7:21
Right. I think I think that the number one thing you have to have is a compassion and empathy for somebody else, even if you don’t necessarily know exactly what they’re going through, to be able to sit there and say to somebody, I don’t necessarily know your experience. 100% but I want to hear what it’s like to be you.
Unknown Speaker 7:41
Right. And so, you’re listening, not just with your ears, but with your eyes and all the other senses as well through their story. Yeah. Yeah, listen with your heart. Yeah, that’s that’s absolutely true. So what if you don’t mind sharing a little bit of your story? sauce when you’re in the discovery process with somebody, what is your secret sauce a little bit to help them find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 8:10
Well, that’s a good question.
Unknown Speaker 8:13
A lot of times, one of the things I like to do first with all of my clients is let them know that I am 100% there for them. So when they know that they have an ally, when they have someone that they can reach out to that they can say anything to. And I’m accessible 24 seven, the wall starts to come down. So once you see the wall come down, and that trust happens, then you can find what a person’s maladaptive thinking processes are, what their weak spot is, it’s really driving whatever their issue is, whether it’s depression, whether it’s anxiety, whether it’s an eating disorder, but it’s really about making that connection with the person and letting them know that I don’t really care what issue you have. You’re You’re valued as a person, you have something to give So that’s part of like, the secret sauce is just listening and being there and telling people, I’m here to help you because you deserve better than this. And you’re having that presence to where you’re not judging by their opening up, and then you can, as you ask, I guess, you can get down to the root of things that really the health of the therapy, the cure. Okay, that’s fantastic. So is there any good question
Unknown Speaker 9:28
that when you’re meeting with somebody the first time and again back to the discovery period, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 9:39
Um, I think it would be great. I’d love to see people ask more about how you do what you do. Your process because Yes, okay. Yeah, I find just in the in the mental health field people don’t necessarily understand when you go to an MD You ask a lot of questions like so how long is this going to take? What are you going to do to me what kind of tests are going to happen? I just would like to see not to be obstinate, but just for people to be more involved in their mental health care the same way that they’re involved in their physical health.
Unknown Speaker 10:17
As a doctor, do you think that they’re trying to steer the stir, steer, you know, like, like a car, and if you’re listening, I just made the hands on the steering wheel,
Unknown Speaker 10:28
steer you in a direction or you’re smart enough to know that and then still kind of add it into their chore for lack of a better term. You know, I’m saying like, a lot of people will come in, like when I go see my doctor, you know, I’ll, you know, you know, I do see, you know, I suffer from PTSD, you know, over overseas and whatnot. You know, I kind of went in and asked, you know, kind of that question in the back of my alpha Enos like you, you’re that Yeah, direction of where I wanted to hear things, but he’s good. So he didn’t do you think Find patients maybe kind of trying to do that when they first meet you. Absolutely, I think I think anything that you get in a conversation with someone is more grist for the mill. So if you if you open an area of conversation, it’s all information that you can use to find out more about the person. So if if you’re dealing with someone who’s an alpha, you know, maybe part of their issue is going to be control. And so that’s going to be something that you’re going to wind up working with. And it couldn’t be control. Not not to be like a controlling person, but just because it makes them feel safe to try to control the situation. So So anytime you have a conversation with someone, you can get a lot of valuable information. And we use it all.
Unknown Speaker 11:43
If you failed with a patient.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
Unknown Speaker 11:46
Okay. Oh, yeah. How do you come back?
Unknown Speaker 11:49
Ah, um,
Unknown Speaker 11:52
I think I think you have to understand that in the field, like in any medical fields, there are going to be people who just don’t respond to people who for whatever reason, whether it’s genetically, whether they’re just not there at the spot yet where they need help. They just are not ready to receive it. And so sometimes we just make an agreement that it’s like a not now thing. And you can come back if you want to, but I can’t say that I feel good about it. I always wonder, I always wonder what happens to people? Do they eventually come back? Did they find somebody else? You know, maybe it’s just not a good personality match. And that happens sometimes, too, but it’s hard not to take it personally. Exactly. I was just gonna
Unknown Speaker 12:34
thank you for being so candid and transparent and open with that. So we’re going to get into our DeLorean with Marty McFly right now. We’re going to go back to the 22 year old which by the way, she said she doesn’t want to disclose her age. If you’re watching this on YouTube. She is very young, vibrant looking beautiful woman. So don’t let her fool you if you’re just listening, but let that Marty mix hang out with Marty McFly. The scope To the 22 year old Dr. Laura which you might not have been a doctor yet but again, right back to Laura at that time, it what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on her with maybe help her last through some learning curves and whatnot with the knowledge and wisdom you have now. Keep on going
Unknown Speaker 13:17
never ever just keep pressing on and, and also to relax, just relax, girl, it’s gonna work out. Like it’s gonna work out there. I know I wasted a lot of time in my early 20s with anxiety and how do I do this? And how do I do that and you know what it all winds up working out so I could have saved myself a lot of energy, a lot of lost sleep just reassuring myself that that it was going to be okay. And that there’s always a way.
Unknown Speaker 13:47
I’m coming up on 50 and I still have to remind myself that I was like we were talking about patience control. Yep, just relax, chill. You know what you did what you had to do, and just keep progressing and an inch by incenses Sanchez What? You know, we’d like to say here, it’s time to shine. So you’ve accomplished so much in your life. Is there any big, big thing that you really want to have happen? As you start to kind of leave your legacy out there?
Unknown Speaker 14:16
Oh, man. Yeah, I’m ready to talk at MSG. Are you commenting? Let’s go.
Unknown Speaker 14:21
No, let me know.
Unknown Speaker 14:22
Yeah, I really, I really want to put things out that I love working one on one. I mean, that’s how I started that’s a passion. But But you don’t touch as many people as you would if you were in a group format. That’s why I like to write books because I like to touch people in different ways and and reach as many people as possible. I want to go big. That was the other thing I would tell my 22 year old self that I’ve learned is Go big or go home. This is my one the one life you have to live. Make it the best one that you possibly can. So I’m looking to get out there. That’s that’s my goal.
Unknown Speaker 14:56
Oprah like, call me. Let’s go. Let’s do that.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
So we talked a lot about the dash here at time to shine. And you know, I really want to know what how you want your dash. Remember that little mark between your life date and update? Like what? How do you want your dash remembered? Maybe your epitaph if you will, you know has Dr. Laura want that dash remember? She loves hard,
Unknown Speaker 15:19
she lives hard. She played hard now all now Just kidding. She loved it. She loved it. She loved what she did. She worked for everybody. And she tried to do the best that she could every single day. And I think that’s what I try to do every single day is I just tried to spread a little love, spread a little happiness. Maybe bring somebody a little bit of relief from their emotional drama. And if I’ve done that, it’s a good day for you. I love that. I love that you’re doing it every single day. You’re such a go giver. So what would let’s take our cell phone out of it. Let’s take our computers tablets We’re trying to get out of it. What are three things Dr. Laura can’t live without
Unknown Speaker 16:04
books. tons of books.
Unknown Speaker 16:09
My music so oh, I don’t know can I say Walkman is that still technology? can have that.
Unknown Speaker 16:17
We’ll go We’ll go back in the past so definitely music
Unknown Speaker 16:21
and definitely my kids.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
Love it. Love it how many kids you got? I got three
Unknown Speaker 16:29
very cool, very cool. They coming down south Florida with you.
Unknown Speaker 16:32
I have one who’s gonna play lacrosse at Kaiser. So he’s getting ready to launch. Yeah, and to others who are behind there. So but they’ll be down for the summer.
Unknown Speaker 16:44
Can’t wait, can’t wait. So what is your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 16:51
I think a life well lived is one that’s lived fully. That means you’ve taken every experience that life has given you and you’ve really sucked the energy out of it meaning that you’ve lived every experience that’s come to you This world is really like a playground for adults there’s so many places to go so many things to do do as much as you can but also give as much as you can love it so we want that balance between the giving and taking that to me is a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
Like why miss out when you can partake rather than say Well, obviously there’s morally and ethically but still of course partake in that love there love your energy about that color. So as we wind things down just a little bit I’ve got a leveling up lightning round is five or six questions you and I could talk 30 minutes on each one of them and maybe over coffee we can do that. But yeah, I’ve seconds to answer the first thing top your head no explanations. You ready? Okay. awesome sauce. All right. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Holly passion,
Unknown Speaker 17:55
love that. share one of your personal habits to contribute to your success.
Unknown Speaker 18:01
routine and brushing my teeth every day.
Unknown Speaker 18:05
So not the book you wrote or the couple of books you’ve wrote, not the one you’re reading now not the flavor of the month. What is a book that if you know someone’s come to you, they’re in the doldrums you really want to help them level up? Know what is like mine is like the travelers gift by Andy Andrews or the go giver by Bob Berg. like one of those two are like kind of really helped me up. What’s that book for you?
Unknown Speaker 18:25
I could read over and over again the gift of fear by Gavin de Becker. Wow, I’ve never read that. I’m gonna put that in the show notes people.
Unknown Speaker 18:33
What is your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 18:38
I’m the one where your head is blowing off.
Unknown Speaker 18:41
Okay. Very cool. In that your age now, but what if you can be one age for the rest of your life? What would it be? 27 Yeah, as a fun age, right? Yeah, I always say 27 to 30 is like my jam because I’m starting to learn and get it but I also look Like feeling good every day. I had a couple adult beverages before you know what is your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to? Tim Tebow foundation? love it love TiVo love him love him. You know you can catch him here and Jupiter. When when the Mets play dogs oh my gosh yes I’m here. Yeah, cuz he’s at that level. Alright so last questions kind of a toughy what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 80s I’m an 80s girl. Big hair don’t care love it. There you go you to the 80s versus so how can we find you back?
Unknown Speaker 19:38
Alright, so well you can find me walking around Palm Beach Gardens. Yes, I’m out there all the time.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
But you can find me I got a brand new website up and running. www dot Laura elec calm. Oh, wow. I did not know that. Okay, yeah, brand new to the show notes. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 19:56
yeah, you can find me on Instagram at After dot elec Yep. And where else can you find me you can text me always fax me 566356186 love it and also you have an awesome LinkedIn page as well. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:19
And all that stuff will be in the show notes peeps and this is I just pulled up our website it’s pretty stellar. So doc Can you if you can please leave the time to shine today squad one last Knowledge Nugget you’d like them to take with them internalize and take action on
Unknown Speaker 20:35
it is never too late to start over. And it’s never too late to find and Live Your Passion every day every minute is an opportunity for you to restart so don’t let anything get you down there’s always a new beginning
Unknown Speaker 20:51
Wow. In squad up I don’t know about you, but I just was absolutely served a masterclass by Dr. Laura elec my good friend here and Naver when she gets her blood back down, but like if you’re on YouTube, you can see I just have notes galore. And, and you should too. Bottom line is that the Lord is easy to find. If you’d like to talk to her directly, just reach out to me and I’d be happy to make a personal introduction, her compassion, empathy is off the charts. She listens not only with her eyes and ears, but she listens with her heart. She’s 100% present and makes herself an ally to her patients. Her she’ll explain the protocol and process, but if she doesn’t, or any doctor you’re working with, ask them that don’t try to steer the conversation. Ask them for their protocol and process of how they’re going to help you level up. She would tell her younger self and she reminded me and hopefully she reminded you to keep pressing on relax, it’s going to be okay. What while you’re doing that go big or go home. And no, no, she said she was joking, but she does love hard, live hard and plays hard. She spreads her love and happiness. Basically never start. Be afraid to start over and Live Your Passion. And she does that with in spades. Dr. Laura, thank you so much for coming on. You’re so humble yet hungry. You’re so leveling up your health leveling up your wealth, and you’re part of our squad now you can’t go anywhere. So thank you so, so much for coming on. Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it. Absolutely. I know. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 in online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit
Unknown Speaker 22:46
time to shine today.com slash
Unknown Speaker 22:49
guest if you’d like to sub so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes for a website. There you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott
Unknown Speaker 23:12
Ferguson. And until next time,
Unknown Speaker 23:14
let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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