Welcome to Episode 130: Dr. Andrea is a rock star! Levels UP our youth! Her program Elev8 Life Foundation is just amazing! This interview is one for all ages! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Go out of your way to take care of your neighbor
– Dr. Andrea Hazim
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. The younger generation needs edification and building up!
2. You must consider how your actions and words affect others
3. Parents engage in projects with your child
4. Ask powerful questions from powerful people
5. Know you are created for greatness – don’t waste your potential
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Dr. Andrea’s Instagram
Elev8Life Facebook Group
Dr. Andrea’s Youtube
Dr. Andrea’s Twitter
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Dr. Andrea Hazim with elevate life Educational Foundation. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Time to shine today varsity sweated a Scott Ferguson and we are Episode 130 with my really good friend and kind of a neighbor about 40 miles south of me here in South Florida, Dr. Andrea Hazim. She is all about leveling up the youth and you know that if you’ve heard me talk about my reach and hire program, and other programs that I love to get my time and or monetary money to. And Dr. Andrea is just so passionate and vibrant and her conviction to the mission to help the youth level up just will shine through in this interview lead you will see so without further ado, here’s my really good friend Dr. Andrea hassim from elevate life Educational Foundation.
Unknown Speaker 1:09
Time to shine today podcast what it is Scott Ferguson and I am super Uber stoked about my next guest that I’m bringing in is going to drop some so many knowledge that I guess that’s going to blow your mind. And the reason why I’m super stoked is that Dr. Andrea, Andrea Hazim really reaches out to the youth and helps them level up their life. She has tomorrow leaders today are TLT a program that she is just leveling up to youth and if you hear about me on other podcasts, which I’ve gotten a lot of investor money in for reaching higher. Of course I invest in the reach and hire program myself. Just hit home here and she’s a she’s a neighbor. And I say that Florida because it’s such a long state is she’s about 45 miles from me. In South Florida here, and it’s nice to have somebody down here this rocking out the youth kind of like I did in the Detroit, Michigan area. And Dr. Andrea Hazim is known for her insightful facilitation and transform missional training a passion to see young adults rise above average and stand as tomorrow leaders today or TL T. It’s fueled her to develop the identify impact leadership intensive, and the elevate, there’s an numerical eight in there and the elevate Educational Foundation. Andrea has Xen team, which includes husband, Dr. Jeff and their three sons, who’s one of our sons is here rockin helping her get set up for this interview. There are true serving leaders impacting lives in every way possible. And Dr. Hazim thank you so so much for coming on. If you could come in and say hi to the time to shine today, podcast squad, but first, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:58
Hi, everybody. Well, I’m wearing My favorite color Well, probably second favorite color purple, of course, because I love that that royal Color Purple three going royal. That’s right. But coral like I just love this happy color.
Unknown Speaker 3:11
Well, both of them are in your color wheel. So if you’re watching on YouTube, you have a beautiful woman, she’s rocking the coral, they’re in her place here in my kitchen, in her kitchen. That’s all. We’re all kind of doing that these days. I’m literally in my home office den with his green screen thing behind me. So that so instead of in my studio, so that’s just fine. So, Doc, let’s get into the origins of where you kind of started when you’re younger. What was the aha moment to really want to start in originate the identify impact?
Unknown Speaker 3:43
Wow. I mean, I could go all the way back to being from a broken home. My parents were divorced, that married three more times. My mom, you know, always had issues with her and always wishing that I had a mentor and I had somebody who could be a role. model or like you and I say Scott as a life coach to give me tools and tips and life skills. I didn’t have that. I mean, I had a great family they love me Don’t get me wrong, like my father was an immigrant from Italy and you know, the big Italian family. And my mom’s side was Arab and Italian and we just always had good food, love all of that. But I was really lacking in the skills to make good choices and how to build trust and how to have healthy relationships communication skills. So fast forward I actually ended up becoming a chiropractor so my doctorate when people think I have like a PhD works in education. I wish it was it’s in Chiropractic and nutrition my
Unknown Speaker 4:41
husband better
Unknown Speaker 4:42
hire practice. Yeah, that’s like the whole other side of my life. We could do another podcast on our our DVD series that we do a teaching lessons for healthy living. Yes, that’s the other side of my life. Okay. Yeah. Huge Wellness Center for years and we realize why is it that we can give people amazing Tools how to use if you will, but yet they won’t apply them. And what we started to realize it was so much of how people succeed in life is based on their identity and their purpose. And as you know, you look around this world, people don’t have either of those, especially the younger generation. So that’s really where it was birthed when I look back. I mean, there’s more to the story. But
Unknown Speaker 5:23
what what scares you about this generation, the younger generation is coming up?
Unknown Speaker 5:28
Well, for one thing, you know, I like to take a temperature reading on them constantly. And whenever I’m around a young person, I when I say young person, I mean, maybe 25 and younger 13 to 25. They’re the person I go to in the room, and I just spend time with them. And I ask them, what’s on their heart? What are they excited about? What are they worried about? They’re not excited about much. And that makes me really sad. I also teach in a public school. I teach what the school board calls social and emotional wellness, okay? It’s the same thing that we’re doing when we’re teaching life skills, but They there’s a sense of hopelessness, especially with this whole Corona and being locked in their homes not even getting to finish school. There’s a sense of hopelessness, there’s a sense of what is my future going to look like? And even before this all happened, you know, the self harm and suicide rates every year, were going through the roof already. Absolutely. So my heart just goes out to them that they would know how awesome they are, like, the like. I call them pure potential, right? Literally, I see them like, you know, the electron cloud when you’re young and chemistry you learn, you know how it would swirl around the atom. Sure,
Unknown Speaker 6:39
I paid attention.
Unknown Speaker 6:43
Right, there’s the nucleus and then these electrons swirling around all this activity and potential energy,
Unknown Speaker 6:49
right? But they
Unknown Speaker 6:49
are, they don’t know. Truly their potential because they haven’t been told how awesome they are. They don’t have enough positive input and even though parents love them Don’t get me wrong, no offense to parents I’m apparent. We don’t pour in enough of edification and building up all the correction, we’re, sometimes they get sick of my own voice. I’m like, stop already, you know, be a good parent, you have to be consistent. You have to go out of your way you have to be willing to not be their best friend. Right and discipline and disciple. So you know, that’s an uncomfortable place sometimes and parents rather have peace in their home and let a lot of things go.
Unknown Speaker 7:33
So back is this is it faith base, the deep impact?
Unknown Speaker 7:37
I’m faith based? Sure. Educate. Elevate life is an educational faith Educational Foundation, just pure and simple educational.
Unknown Speaker 7:46
Love it. Okay. So how about parents engagement when you bring in elevate life, the TLT Wow, is I’m looking at this awesome picture folks. If you go to identify impact.com, which everything will be in the show notes Just this group of just awesome individuals, and they’re coming to your events and stuff, how engaged do the parents get the process of when you’re bringing them through the we’ll just call it the program, if you will.
Unknown Speaker 8:12
I’m glad you asked that. Because, you know, if we’re creating paradigm shifts, and empowering this future generation, then they’re going to go home and their parents have no clue, the vocabulary, anything that their student just experienced. It’s kind of like falling flat, and not setting them up for success. So what we do is, we allow the parents we invite them to come to a beautiful what we call the impact luncheon, and it’s a beautifully sponsored luncheon. And they come in for about two hours we debrief them, a lot of times we’ll even get them to do maybe one of the assessments that we use as a tool like this year, we’re doing emotional intelligence. Last year, we did Strength Finders, so there’s always some really good nugget that hey, you get these in corporate America, right? Sure CEOs. They send their top people So they can have incredible skills and assessments to make a good team. So the parents are seeing that. And then we have a completion ceremony
Unknown Speaker 9:08
to say, do you have like a graduation?
Unknown Speaker 9:10
Deal? And believe me, every single person is crying at all, because students are speaking to mentors or speaking and even the shy ones who would have never thought to get your mic. Yeah, will actually take the mic. And, you know, if you go on my reviews page of YouTube, you’ll see what these students are saying
Unknown Speaker 9:30
shout out just on your website, I was moved by that it is amazing.
Unknown Speaker 9:35
So here, a young person say I didn’t even know I liked people. Right? I
Unknown Speaker 9:40
thought I was an introvert. I didn’t know my voice mattered.
Unknown Speaker 9:43
That’s amazing.
Unknown Speaker 9:44
Or I didn’t want to be here. My mom forced me and now I don’t want to go home because I have a whole group of new friends.
Unknown Speaker 9:49
So with that, I’m going to kind of leap into the next answer. Is there a follow up system that you guys have because a lot of times I you and me being coaches and consultants, we’ve went to kind of like Throw tr seemed like a Tony Robbins kind of thing where it’s rah rah and everything’s going great, you know, you feel good. Your identify your identity is kind of shifting a little bit. But is there any follow up that you guys do a deep impact to make sure that they’re kind of staying on that road?
Unknown Speaker 10:16
Well, again, at the end of the identify impact leadership intensive, they don’t want to go home,
Unknown Speaker 10:23
right? That’s what I’m thinking, right?
Unknown Speaker 10:24
You don’t want to go home. So what has happened, and we do have students that fly in from other states, even other countries, Canada, Puerto Rico, all over the place. So thank god, it’s a virtual world, right? They stay connected. We have an impact meeting every Saturday at my house for those who can come Wow, that’s been amazing. And then what I try to do is at least quarterly do some sort of event where they can earn service hours or just come together. So
Unknown Speaker 10:53
yeah, but the alumni that come to the Yes, right? Yes, fantasy. Yes, squad did. I always say the fortune And the follow up. And that’s what they’re doing. They’re developing leaders. They’re giving them the confidence to find their voice, but then they’re following up with them. And that is huge to have that. And doc. So when your program, I’m just kind of wonder if you might be able to share a little bit of a secret sauce, if you will, of helping these children for language because you said 25 years old, there’s still children to me, I’m almost 50 so. So what is their little bit of your secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing that you help them find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 11:34
Oh, my goodness. Well, when I designed the curriculum, and we have a four year cycle, so every year they can come back for four years, and it’s different every year. So and in any order, and then the idea is that they come back and then they mentor and they come and be leaders. So it feel like I’m training trainers and mentoring mentors. For me. If I can get to me, my special sauce is really getting Getting them to get out of their comfort zone. As you know, that’s where the goals are outside the comfort zone. And to know that that they have support, and that their voice matters. So we do that in so many different ways. But truly, it’s a hands on experiential event that takes them up and down. I don’t want to say an emotional roller coaster because that doesn’t sound good. We, we pushed them to be uncomfortable looking in the mirror in a way they never had before. We’re offering them the tools to apply to change what they see. And to realize I brought a prop two, because I say you know, right, you know this word. It’s probably backwards because of the video. Right? Yeah, I want to write a book called selfie nation.
Unknown Speaker 12:45
Selfie nation,
Unknown Speaker 12:46
selfie nation because, right? Don’t they do this all day long. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 12:50
selfie, selfie, selfie. Everything’s a selfie. And I would say that that’s another special sauce is for them to realize that Being an emotional adult is not all about you,
Unknown Speaker 13:03
Unknown Speaker 13:04
You have to have empathy, you have to consider how your words and actions and everything affect others. Look at the world look at the world around us so many people are hurting. They’re they’re mad at other people groups. Why? It’s because of self. Right? Everybody is so consumed with themselves, that nobody goes out of their way to take care of their neighbor, or even at least to consider how what you do is affecting the world. So that’s really, really important too. And they all get a beautiful curriculum like this that I’ve been working on. This is last year’s, but beautiful, like pages of curriculum that’s beautiful working through and they take that home. So in the follow up like you asked about that. Sometimes I’ll be on a coaching call with one of my students, and I’ll say go get last year’s book. Remember that page, the DNA of relationships. Oh, you’re having problems with your mother right now. Okay, I want you to do this exercise with Your mother, I promise you, she’s not going to be mad at you. She’s going to be highly impressed that a teenager is going to communicate like a communication expert with tools. Wow. actually get through the problem. Wow, that’s that’s what I didn’t have. I don’t have
Unknown Speaker 14:16
emotional intelligence, everything all at the same time with your programming. So when you’re bringing in so again, I’m going to kind of go back to the parents and the parents are engaged a little bit up front. So is there any good question that you wish the parents would ask you, but never do when you’re getting started? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 14:34
I yeah. I think the biggest issue with the parents is well, there’s a few. One is, you know, these devices, right? They’re so amazing and there’s so deadly, right and parents feel. I don’t know if it’s laziness or just it’s inconvenient or truly, they feel that it’s not their place to know the code to their kids phone or to ever check an email. thing. That is I wish parents would ask how they can help support their child in the world of tech. Right with screens and media, and it’s so deadly. I mean, I could tell you 50 ways why it’s so deadly. Sure. So that’s, that’s a big one. Another one is that the parents would desire to get personal growth for themselves. And I love when I see a review video from a parent where they say, I wish I had this as a teenager. Right, exactly. But it’s not too late. It’s not too late. engage in the process with your child. Say, Hey, teach me something you learned because I didn’t get that. Right. He humble, be teachable, and show them you’re just a person. Right? You’re a little older. You have a little more life experience, of course, right? I mean, teenagers think they know it. All. Right. We’ve all been there. Right? And but when you show them that actually, they do. Maybe have a tool Write the date the parent doesn’t have. So those things, those are some of the things that I love that, let’s say,
Unknown Speaker 16:07
I love that doc. And so I want you to come back with me with Marty McFly in our DeLorean. And I want you to let’s go back to the 22 year old Dr. Andrea, which I believe your last thing then started with an S right? Maybe scowls? Oh yes. So let’s go back to Andrea Scalzo, the 22 year old what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on her? Oh my goodness. Now that with the wisdom you have now to help her level up, maybe shorten the learning curve.
Unknown Speaker 16:41
Wow. Well,
Unknown Speaker 16:45
there’s so many categories. I the first one I go to is spiritually okay. I even just the other day I was taking some time in the morning to pray and journal and look back to a couple pages and I saw at the top it’s in big letters I had written no thing means no thing. Right? And that was really God’s way of telling me, I got this. There’s nothing you need to worry about. You do your thing. I’ll do my thing. And it’s all gonna work out. Yeah, you know, I think when I was younger, I worked really hard striving, sure trying to figure it out making my own decisions. That’s another thing. asking for advice.
Unknown Speaker 17:28
You’re asking gear people. That’s what I’m always saying here.
Unknown Speaker 17:31
You’re asking for advice. Now, listen, I’ve never had a problem with asking my husband wants me to write a book called africology. Because he thinks I’m like the queen of asking. That’s not the issue, but asking the right things, right, like getting wisdom or powerful questions out enough, right. Yeah, exactly. I think I was such an independent, rebellious, you know, survivor, that I didn’t stop to ask anybody like Why should I ask your opinion? Right. How How should short sighted was that
Unknown Speaker 18:01
true? And you know, I wrote a whole chapter in my book about getting your asking gear and I got that from a fantastic lady Leah Woodford, she has smart femme. So ladies kind of group that she allows me to be part of. But she went through and I wrote a whole chapter on getting your asking gear in the powerful questions that I’ve had to ask myself. But like you said, do your thing when you’re younger. But get you’re asking gear and ask ask those powerful questions of powerful people to help shorten that learning curve. That’s fantastic. So Doc, we talked about the dash here a lot here at time to shine today. I want to know how you want your dash remember that little mark in between your life date and your expiration date? How do you want your dash your maybe legacy statement or your epitaph to be?
Unknown Speaker 18:48
That reminds my husband and I met on a chiropractic mission trip in the country, Panama. And at the end of the week, he said we’re going to spend the rest of our life together. And I said, I think that sounds crazy, but I think you’re right and he said he knew I was the one. When I said to him somewhere during the week it was like we were dating. I said, Yeah, when I die, I want my tombstone to say all used up for God. And he was like, Oh, that’s, I know that she’s the one because I just I don’t want to leave anything on the table. I mean, what a waste, right? I say these young people are pure potential. I know now more than ever the potential I have to impact lives. I you know, somebody asked me this is so telling somebody asked me recently, so now that your boys are grown, are you going to keep doing this thing? This you know, Leadership Camp? And is this what you’re gonna keep doing? And I had to stop and what? Wow, was this just some cool thing that I did while my kids were young for them and their teenage friends because I wanted to mentor them, or is this a lifelong mission and purpose, right,
Unknown Speaker 19:55
Unknown Speaker 19:56
I went great about it. And it was like, I Was this crying because I’m like this is what I will do till the day I die love is it changing lives especially young people
Unknown Speaker 20:07
love it doc and you know that, you know kind of brings me back to like you just said leave nothing on the table all used up for God. It’s like I look at it and like if you’re not looking to be a person of service and help others in my squad knows this, that you know, it’s almost like a sin and if you even go back to the root word of the you know, Greek root of the word sin is missing the mark. So it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, you’re just not living up, you’re missing the mark of living up to your potential. I love that you said I’ll use that for God and leave nothing on the table that is moving and that that’s why you you know, touch so many hearts. So excuse me, Doc. What is one thing you know for sure.
Unknown Speaker 20:51
I know that I was created for greatness. And the witness is what I tell the teams. I said you are an eagle meant to soar to the high places you are not a chicken or a crow on the barnyard floor. Scratching around with your face down in the dirt. Get out there and soar
Unknown Speaker 21:11
or baby I
Unknown Speaker 21:12
love to bring up those Eagle facts I mean eagles are so amazing they they can fly at altitudes that no other bird can find those annoying pesky birds come try to like mess with them. They just go higher.
Unknown Speaker 21:26
And the other ones can’t fly up there. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 21:29
rarefied air they were living in up there rarefied air. Exactly. So what are three things that without let’s take all the tech out of it. What are three things that Dr. Andrea cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 21:46
Unknown Speaker 21:48
well, God, my relationship with God love it. My my men, my husband and my three sons and the life we built. Truly I say I live in a country Unity center that just happens to have a bedroom. And we have a flow of life in our home. And so hospitality you know, having community and
Unknown Speaker 22:09
Unknown Speaker 22:10
Yes, having people know they’re welcome here. Like, don’t be afraid to knock on my door without calling ahead like old school, right?
Unknown Speaker 22:20
Yeah, and what else?
Unknown Speaker 22:23
What was three? There was God. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:24
that’s it. Yeah, that those are them.
Unknown Speaker 22:27
So what’s your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 22:30
Oh, used up for God
Unknown Speaker 22:31
love it, I knew you’re gonna go back. That’s kind of why I threw that in there. So, Doc as we level or we kind of wind it down just a little bit here. We’d like to go into our leveling up lightning round. So you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these questions, but they can easily be answered in five seconds with no explanation. So that’s what my producers require me right now. So you got five seconds, no explanation just off the top of your head. You’re ready. Yep. Awesome. What is the best leveling up in advice you’ve ever received.
Unknown Speaker 23:03
Oh my gosh, you say off the top of my head that I’ve ever received.
Unknown Speaker 23:08
The no thing is no thing
Unknown Speaker 23:09
of it.
Unknown Speaker 23:11
Love at the top of my head,
Unknown Speaker 23:12
or one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:18
Unknown Speaker 23:19
Love it, love it. So not the book you’re reading now, not the Good Book, not the flavor of the month. What’s the one book that’s moved you?
Unknown Speaker 23:28
Hands down. It’s called Heinz feet on high places by Hannah Barnard. Love it like 100 year old book.
Unknown Speaker 23:37
I’m gonna put that right into the show notes people, so I’ll put that in there. Oh, Doc, what’s your most commonly used emoji when you’re texting?
Unknown Speaker 23:49
I’m probably blowing a kiss.
Unknown Speaker 23:52
All right, love it. Physically. What age would you be if you could stay that way for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 24:02
Unknown Speaker 24:03
love it me too
Unknown Speaker 24:05
3040 I love that. So already What’s your favorite charity and or an organization that you like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 24:14
Well, I live it elevate life.
Unknown Speaker 24:18
Last question, this one’s a little bit of a toughy what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s
Unknown Speaker 24:24
Oh my gosh, disco disco. ballroom dancer. It was like pony Twinkle Toes I love that. Disco and salsa from the 70s
Unknown Speaker 24:37
love that love that doc How can we find you guys?
Unknown Speaker 24:40
Oh please visit us at elevate life.org spelled with a number eight e l e v number eight Li fi.org or if you want to check out the our main program, it’s identify impact, calm,
Unknown Speaker 24:52
love it and everything will be in the show notes folks. Oh yeah. So Doc, do me a favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to take With us that you want us to internalize and take action
Unknown Speaker 25:11
that you were born for greatness, love and don’t waste your pure potential
Unknown Speaker 25:15
Beautiful, beautiful squad. You’ve had seriously a solid masterclass with my good friend Dr. Andrea. I mean if you’re looking at watching on YouTube here I have like a whole notes that is like my own free masterclass for myself and for all my listeners, you know, she came from a broken home of immigrants so she had maybe a little bit of that abandoned this man in need feeling a little bit of loneliness but she used that as a power to help her level people up especially the youth and how to apply their how to edify and build up, you know, get out of your comfort zone with the support voice that matters. So if you don’t have one, reach out to us, your time to shine today will You with that support voice. You know, she’s going to write a book and I can’t wait to get my signed copy selfie nation, which is fantastic. I cannot wait for that. And, you know, be empathetic. Hear how your words may hurt or help people. Always Be mindful of that. You know, and if you’re a parent out there, I strongly agree that you get involved in your child’s tech world. And what’s really going on because there’s bullying going on. There’s a lot of different things going on there. You know, she’s saying, if you’re young and you’re up and coming, you know, do your thing and get your asking your ask questions, powerful questions from powerful people. Everybody’s wanting to share. She wants to be all used up for God, leaving nothing on the table she’s created for greatness in the biggest takeaway I got is nothing is no thing. So when you’re going through, believe me, give it to God. I’m a man of faith that my listeners know that you don’t like turn it off. That’s fine. I’m a man of faith. I just believe I give everything to God and let him know I take action people, but I give it to God to understand that I did what I could do and you know Dr. Andrea is humble yet healthy, she’s vibrant she’s fantastic she’s a great mother I’m from her background people the cooking in that house. Absolutely from Arabic and Italians got to be amazing Yes You’re so humble healthy wealthy. You’re leveling up your health you level up your well thank you so so much for coming on the time to shine today. Show We can’t wait to have you back.
Unknown Speaker 27:30
It was a pleasure. Oh my goodness. It was wonderful to be here talking to you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 27:35
Awesome. Thanks doc track soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you are a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit Time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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