Welcome to Episode 89! Get ready to get your mind blown. Diane has an amazing story of being held back by others and her own thoughts only to emerge on top! She is the inventor of the Spifter. Best Selling Author. Highly sought after coach. Etc etc! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
It’s easier to soar than to crawl
– Diane Forster
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Always ask yourself ‘I just want to see where this goes’
2. Be aware of how you communicate with yourselves and others
3. Remove the dandelions and replace with a bed of roses
4. A great coach has the capacity to ask the ‘one’ question and really listen
5. When you learn you want to teach, when you get you want to give
6. Whatever you think your biggest dream is 3x’s it
7. Never put your happiness on hold.
8. Find your divinity power and purpose
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Book: I Have Today: Find Your Passion, Purpose and Smile…Finally!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Diane Forster from I have today and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Hey time to shine today podcast varsity squad Scott Ferguson and you are in for a super duper Uber awesome treat with my interview conversation with Diane Forster from I have today she’s got huge huge aspirations to help a billion people level up and the knowledge nuggets she’s gonna drop on you are put it this way they all every single one of them resonated with me. Make sure you check the show notes because she’s offering a free coaching discovery session. She’s gonna drop so many knowledge nuggets with regards to finding your divine divinity power and purpose to remove dandelions and replaced with a better roses. It goes on and on. So sit back relax, break out your notebooks, because without further ado, here is my really good friend Diane Forster from I have today.
Unknown Speaker 1:18
Hey, time to shine today varsity squad Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to have on my guest my friend Diane Forster. I’ve been waiting for this interview. Probably about a month and a half just because of the backups and Diane’s been so kind to wait until this I wanted to slider in a little bit earlier. But this is it’s going to be an amazing interview. Diane is an award winning inventor, best selling author, a TEDx speaker, TV host podcaster intentional living expert, and reinvention specialist. She works with clients privately and helps you clear away mindset blocks and limiting beliefs that can block you from reaching your full potential. business life and relationships. Diane is a mother of twins and lives in San dog San Diego is all my listeners know it’s my favorite city in the whole wide world. I even have it in my Will my ashes go at the sunset cliffs, but I digress. Her mission is to see that 1 billion people who don’t know their self worth discovering their true divinity, power and purpose. So without further ado, Diane, please come on. Introduce yourself to the time to sign mercy squad but first, please let us know your favorite color. And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:32
Well, my favorite color is fuchsia which I’m wearing which is in a logo. It’s just it’s bright, it’s happy. It’s positive. It just makes me feel good. I like it. It’s oil.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
You know, oil. It’s regal. It’s royal. I love it and it looks great on your messenger. Your background there because, folks is if you’re listening out there, we’re in like de 9226 of quarantine and social have us to look presentable is fantastic during this time, which is, which is awesome. So let’s go back to a little bit of origin. Give us a little bit about your story, Diane and then we’ll go from there.
Unknown Speaker 3:10
Okay, well, I was born and raised in New York, my family moved out to LA when I was 17. And I went to San Diego State, which is in love with San Diego, San Diego. And I worked in the advertising industry for the first eight years of my career for moving to Chicago and transitioning into television sales, where I spent 24 years working in that industry and the last 20 of those was with Disney ABC. And while I was working at ABC one day I was you know, I was married at the time raising the twins love to cook and bake and entertain. I was an Easter Sunday in 2009. And I was making deviled eggs and sugar for To take over to a family party, and I went to put the final sprinkle of paprika on the deviled eggs and too much spice shot out of the container and ruins my dish in one second like deviled eggs on Easter.
Unknown Speaker 4:17
Now, no, such a thing. So So what happened is in my mind, I can instantly see this product. And I took off there was just a sifting spoon with a long handle and a tiny little sifting bowl with a tapping edge where I could put the spoon into the spice container and take some spice out and then just tap it exactly where I wanted to go. Wouldn’t that be cool? It’d be beautiful, neat, clean, everything would look amazing. No germs or mess on the food because I didn’t use my fingers to sprinkle. And so I set out on a quest the next day to find this thing and I couldn’t find it. And so I’m out to dinner with friends a couple weeks later and I mentioned it to them and I had this idea, do you know what in the industry and they did, they introduced me to him. And he tried to talk me out of making it. And my mantra was, you know what, I just want to see where this stuff, right and where it led was to winning an innovation award at the International housewares show in Chicago. And QVC was there to DC started placing orders for their store online. And then they called me a year or two later and said, it’s selling really well. We’d like to teach you you on air. So I went on air and we sold out in six minutes. So adding the mantra of I just want to see where this goes led to this magic of not knowing Trust me, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just doing one thing, you know, one foot in front of the other. So that’s, that’s what introduced me to entrepreneurship and opened my eyes to it. The creation of I have today is my personal journey. And I know this is gonna resonate with a lot of people. So while I have what looked like to everyone this habit all life I was married with the twins and the dogs and the big home and the cars and the amazing career and the travel do the outside looks really good. But what was happening to me on the inside was, I was completely unhappy, unfulfilled, depressed. And it was a secret I kept hidden to the outside world and I stayed in this marriage and relationship for 20 years, kept hoping that it would get better and you just didn’t and life events occurred and and my needs and happiness kept getting pushed further and further on the backburner. Sure, until one day in June of 2011, I had a breaking moment and it was it was a regular Saturday and we were out to dinner at some friends for a barbecue that night having dinner. And there were a bunch of families there and we got in the car to go home and the fighting started. And when I got home, I just went in the bathroom, locked the door and I just snapped and I took out two full bottles of prescription pain pills that I had sitting in the cabinet from a surgery I had the year before to remove part of my column because the stress in my life was literally killing me. And what happened was a bad moment that pills got knocked out of my hand and the same voice that told me to create the specter my kitchen product, screamed in my ear and said, You are not in your life this way. Try to go get help so that you can tell your story and you can help others. And that was my awakening. And so I you know, the next day I reached out for help and it set me down this path of self discovery and spiritual awakening and personal development. I started healing in this really profound way and started developing processes that worked for me because there was so many amazing experts, philosophers, teachers, influencers out there and I said, How can I practice and make this work for me so that anytime I can snap back, get intentional be empowered, be focused on my joy and happiness and what was missing. Honestly, Scott was self love. That’s what it was, and owning everything that has happened to me and being the one in the power to know that it all was happening for me, but I was the reason why my life looks like that it wasn’t outside of me. So that woke up my, you know, intuition, my spiritual gifts I was writing and creating like crazy. And one day I woke up with a poem in my head called I have today. And when I finished writing it down, among the many other poems and stories I had written, I looked down and I said, this is way more than a poem. This is a movement. This is what God was talking about in the bathroom two years ago. I’m supposed to help others who don’t know their self or discover their true divinity, power and purpose because if I was living like this, how Many other millions of people are living this way. Right? So I made a bold decision. Two years later, my twins graduated high school, I quit my corporate job at ABC. I sold my house and everything in it. I got them off to college. And I moved from Chicago to San Diego with the same mantra of I just want to see where this goes. And it’s been extraordinary. I tell you stepping over that line of fear to face Yeah, created more magic than I could have ever dreamed possible.
Unknown Speaker 9:30
Wow. I’m hearing a lot that you even believe in what a few of us in our mastermind group we call start ugly. So where were you just he doesn’t matter about getting going. It’s just really getting started. And just you know, it doesn’t matter how you do it, I should reset. We say that about getting started. And that’s what you did with a sister to finding your voice and putting that poem on the paper with I have today that that that’s an amazing, amazing share. So tell us how you really got into wanting to reach out to you because you’re really female base correct?
Unknown Speaker 10:07
I am I do coach men privately but I’m really focused on women and women would I call in the second chapter in transition. And I don’t want to say middle age because it’s not anymore but it’s women mostly in their 40s 50s 60s. Sometimes they’re younger. Sometimes they’re older, but that’s pretty much the age group. She’s me. You know, she’s a woman who is, you know, she’s smart, savvy, successful in some areas of her life, but lacking in other areas of her life. And she’s living in this existence that isn’t to her greatest, highest fullest potential. And she’s telling herself well, someday I will or when then you know, when this happens, then I will and all the limiting beliefs and excuses that happened to us. And what I discovered is those limiting beliefs mental blocks if that is my secret sauce on what I do, I guess doing my word, my next slide. All right, well, I’ll hold off. But anyway, what what happens is we what I call it is a ho hum existence, you know, nothing is necessarily really wrong, but I’m not happy. But I can’t really define it or I kind of can, but I can put up with it. So I believe in like a zero tolerance of anything that’s not fulfilling to you. I believe that you truly can should have it all in every area of your life, every day of your life, that there aren’t limits and that saying things like, well, I need to sacrifice this in order to have that is just a lie that somebody else told you absolutely bought it and you believe it. It’s not true. It’s not what we came here to experience at all.
Unknown Speaker 11:52
So yeah, with vetting you out and kind of going through and again, looking forward to this, this conversation that we’re having what You use the word secret sauce. We use it all the time here time to shine today. I’m seeing that a lot of the people were they’re not fulfilled like you said, they’re they’re great in some areas, other ones, their blind spots. Correct. So what is your secret sauce really for helping somebody find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 12:19
Well, it’s kind of a little bit layered, but where it stems from is what I discovered is in the law of attraction manifestation process you you wanting to get what you want, but not being able to get it. There’s a gap there. And while some people are doing all those things, they think they’re doing everything right. And they probably are. It’s the unawareness of how they are communicating to themselves and others throughout the rest of the day. So let me give you a for instance. So say you meditate, and you’re you know, you journal and you you know you work on this That personal development and your spiritual side, you know, whatever that looks like for you, and you’re being intentional in some areas of your life, but you negate or are not aware of the way you’re moving through the rest of your life through language. So when you say things, oh, that’s hard, oh, it’s expensive to live in San Diego, or, you know, I’m just giving drone out examples. I can’t do that it’s too late in life, or I you know, I’m not smart enough for that. I’m not fill in the blank for that, or that costs too much money or that’s, you know, whatever they are. These are just stories living in the subconscious mind that needs to be removed. I affectionately call them the dandelions and so what I do my secret sauces, I get rid of the dandelions and replace them with a bed of roses, through this amazing process that I do with every one of my clients and they tell me, I can’t believe my life. I mean, you’ve done more for me in 30 days than 10 years. therapy or write, you know, I just didn’t know that life could be this good and it’s not their fault. They don’t they just they’re so mired down in these dandelions. So I get rid of them right away. It’s what I call it, you know, getting the rocket ship off the launch, you know, unlike all the effort it takes to get it up. Once you get going. It’s it’s kind of easy peasy. Yes, yes. And so it’s extraordinary. And it’s so rewarding for me to see their transformations and I get these texts and emails, you’re not gonna believe what happened to me and I say, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 14:40
Diane, what what makes a great coach then.
Unknown Speaker 14:46
I think what makes there are so many good coaches out there. And they specialize in a lot of things. But I believe in my area of expertise while I have all the business savvy and certainly coach in business and relationships. His mindset first. And so I believe what makes a really good coach is a coach who has the capacity to ask the one question that they they look at and they go, Oh my God, that’s a question I’ve been seeking the answer to. And it’s not the same for every person. It’s not a cookie cutter. There you go now, right. So being able to listen is but it goes beyond listening. But really listening and tuning into what’s being communicated to what’s going on with that person. Because I can after a minute or two, three of the most asked that question and they go, Wow, right. That’s That’s it.
Unknown Speaker 15:48
Good. Yes. I think what it is, is that we’re not asking ourselves enough questions, and we’re not asking ourselves the right questions, right. That’s where the major transformation happens. Questions. Everything in life is what I have a couple podcasts on regarding that. And that’s what my mentor taught me when he’s like, brother when you’re driving down the street and you need to put your turn signal on to make a left. That’s still a question that’s firing in your head. Should I do this? Everything’s a question. You know, should I come on to Scott’s podcast? You know, it’s like everything is there’s a question. So we like to level up our questions that we asked our stuff every day. And that’s great that you said that because that’s what I was hoping to hear. Not cookie cutter, asking powerful questions. Not just listening with the ears, but also eyes, actions, posture, whatnot. That’s what makes you know, you’re fantastic. So let’s go back and get on our little DeLorean with Marty McFly. You’ve went through a lot. Okay. So let’s go back to say that 22 year old Diane Forster. What are you telling her? dropping a Knowledge Nugget on her to help her level up through the journey she’s about to go on.
Unknown Speaker 16:58
It’s so interesting that you pick that Because that is the age of my twins. It is my 22 year old self, I would tell her dream bigger. It’s just as easy to soar. In fact, it’s better than to crawl. Don’t pay attention to what others think. Because that’s what stopped me and to figure out who you are and live her unabashedly, unabashedly love that.
Unknown Speaker 17:32
That’s passion that was like convicted. It was sad a lot of people sit there and think and dwell but you know, because you went through it. What if you had that someone that was in your ear, you know, saying that to you. So you’ve did a lot in you. You even put in your bio, that you want to help a billion people. Okay, so that’s a huge thing. But what’s the other one big thing that Diane wants to accomplish? Well in helping the billion people the big thing that I I am accomplishing I’m intending and I’m moving forward towards it every day is creating the I have today network, which is a multimedia platform and I want to be known as the media company that helps people who are suffering from depression and anxiety and thinking suicidal thoughts to become happier, more fulfilling people. That’s my big free but what got you in because my listeners so my little brother took his life What got you in to wanting to help? Because I understand was your aha moment maybe because the pills were there in your hand for your own self or did you go through something else in your past where maybe someone had taken their life or what what was that aha moment you want to help the people that are contemplating taking their life?
Unknown Speaker 18:46
Because I what I discovered so many things that I discovered in the empowerment owning everything and really looking back at it and connecting my dots as Steve Jobs would say is that First of all, I’ve been helping people my whole life. That’s, I think that’s evident in what I’ve accomplished, and definitely never without a doubt, right? So, so being that, but to reach that number was, why not? First of all, first of all, second of all, it was given to me, it was guided to me, I mean, spirit told me that and I said, Okay, I’m gonna, I’m gonna roll with it. And that’s when you learn, you want to teach, and when you get, I want to give, and it’s the most rewarding feeling in the world to do that. So for me to do it on a massive level covering 13% of the world population. That’s what a billion is, is, you know, it’s a it’s total moonshot, but why not? What if I hit a fraction of that and effect those lines, you’re still within each person, you’re finding their divine power within themselves. It’s making the About even just one person changes the world towards world peace, you know, finding them. So what?
Unknown Speaker 20:06
I can say this. Okay, what is? Is there any good question that you wish people when you first meet them and want to take them on that you wish they would ask you, you because you talked about questions, profit questions when you first You don’t even know if you’re going to take the person on. Okay. I know me being a coach, what I want to be asked that people never do. But what is the one question maybe that people you wish people would ask you in your first little discovery session?
Unknown Speaker 20:37
I wish they would ask me. I’m waking up every day. not excited about my life. Can you help me with that? Absolutely. You should be waking up every day excited. That’s beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
So let’s take our cell phone or computers or laptops, every all those out of it. On this this next question what are three things that Diane cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 21:07
Unknown Speaker 21:10
The beach
Unknown Speaker 21:13
and my my twins and family love
Unknown Speaker 21:18
do they go to college in California or back in Chicago?
Unknown Speaker 21:22
their graduates they graduated last year. Yes, you’re both living in LA and they’re they’re doing great and they’re thriving right up the ifI from you though PCH little drive. Ah, yes. So,
Unknown Speaker 21:35
Diane, what’s your what’s your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 21:42
Oh my gosh, I think a life well lived is where you feel happiness every day. Maybe not all day every day but you find happiness every day so that when you lay your head down on the pillow at night, you can look back on that And say, if I don’t like that I’m all good with everyone and everything,
Unknown Speaker 22:06
all that I love nothing. You’re setting people up really to have a great outlook because pain is life, right? Suffering is a choice. Right? Okay, I just ripped that from Tony Robbins he ripped different Jim Rohn ripped from Earl Nightingale. So we’re as coaches, we’re kind of regurgitating other people’s stuff without a doubt where we’re putting our own little spin on it your spin is amazing. So that’s that thank you for sharing all of that we’re going to move into as we wind it down a little bit are leveling up lightning round. You and I, there’s about five or six questions you and I could speak for 1520 minutes and each one of these but I’m going to give you like five to seven seconds. First thing comes to your head. Really no explanation. And we’re going to just kind of go through these questions if that’s okay. Ready? Let’s get going. One what is the best leveling up advice Diane’s ever received
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Whatever you think your biggest dream is three times it.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:11
Definitely my morning routine of nurture my spirit, mind and body. I know you’re gonna
Unknown Speaker 23:17
meditate every day journal and move my body.
Unknown Speaker 23:20
I love it. Other than your own website and of course time to shine today back on this shameless plug here. Um, what other internet resource do you go to to kind of level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:31
I love the wellness universe. That’s a good one. That’s a lot of amazing talent on that. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 23:40
Love that. Look into that. Okay, not the flavor the moms or what you’re reading now or whatever is number one bestseller. But what is a book your go to like mindset travelers gift by Andy Andrews or the go giver by Bob Berg. Those two books are someone’s going through stuff. I hand them I’m like, read these internalize them loving what yours
Unknown Speaker 24:03
asking it is given that
Unknown Speaker 24:06
by Jerry and Esther Hicks, okay, and they’re channeling Abraham, okay, a little Whoa, really? You know what? It’s amazing. And it was so from the book of Genesis. No, Abraham, Abraham is collective consciousness. That’s been Oh gosh, yeah, that’s who she channels. I love him. Okay, that is such a good read.
Unknown Speaker 24:32
Gotcha. So I have to ask this because we’re in little social distancing right now. And you and I do well with ourselves. If we have to live there’s anywhere in the world that you could go right now, where would it be?
Unknown Speaker 24:48
To say,
Unknown Speaker 24:49
where I am used to live on the beach right here.
Unknown Speaker 24:54
I really I’m living. I’m practicing what I preach and I’m so blessed. and grateful glad you said that the living this way is
Unknown Speaker 25:03
your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and our money to
Unknown Speaker 25:09
the National Association for suicide prevention. Love it. Thank you for saying that
Unknown Speaker 25:13
last question.
Unknown Speaker 25:17
Best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 70s? Definitely. Next time I go to San Diego, we’re gonna go to a hotel circle there and pick a nice restaurant. Gotcha. awesome sauce. So how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 25:34
Well, you can find me at Diane forster.com and I offer a free coaching session with me on the coaching page. So feel free to check it out. But all of that in the show notes form. Oh, great. Also, please follow me on my podcast and my show which is called I have today with Diane Forster on YouTube. And then all the podcast platforms love Great yes follow me there.
Unknown Speaker 26:02
before we sign off leave our time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with them internalize and really take action on
Unknown Speaker 26:14
that if what is happening right now in the world isn’t a sledge hammer over our heads to say wake up. You only have today do not put your happiness on hold this is your chance to reinvent to pivot to up level what ever is not working out in your life so please reach out to a coach or do the the inner work to figure out what that is for you. And again, go after it. unabashedly.
Unknown Speaker 26:49
Love it and squad. You’ve just been treated to a fantastic bombing of knowledge nuggets from my friend Diane Forster. We’re so good See, she told us to be happy every day no matter the situation. It’s easier to soar than to crawl that’s that’s amazing that resonated with me. No ho hum existence out there get after it, have zero tolerance for that does not that does not serve you and find your divinity, power and purpose. And that’s what we’ve talked about all the time here at time to shine today. And Diane is very humble yet very driven. She’s levels up her health levels up her wealth. And now you’re part of our squad. Diane, thank you so so much for coming on.
Unknown Speaker 27:34
Thank you so much for having me, Scott. It’s been amazing. Really. Awesome. Have a great day.
Unknown Speaker 27:40
Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate. Real Estate excellence can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who We’d like to be interviewed on time to shine today. Please visit time to shine today comm slash guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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