Welcome to Episode 82! Today you are being treated to a phenomenal conversation I had with Danny Creed of Focal Point Coaching. Danny was raised a farmer, knows what hard work is. Has logged over 15,000 hours of coaching. A true Go-Giver. Always Leveling UP his clientele and everyone around him. The Knowledge Nuggets Danny drops are priceless! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Get out of the surviving mindset and get into the mindset of thriving, always look for opportunity
– Danny Creed
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Ask yourself what happened, why did it happen, how it will never happen again and then turn your hand around and say goodbye.
2. Ask lots of questions and shut up and listen! Blind spots will appear
3. If you look for an opportunity that’s out there, you will find it! Keep a winning mindset!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Danny’s Book – Champions Never Make Cold Calls:High-Impact, Low-Cost Lead Generation
Danny’s Book – Straight Talk: Thriving in Business
Danny’s Linked IN
Danny’s Focal Point Business Facebook Page
Danny’s Twitter
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey everyone, this is business coach Dan created focal point business coaching and real world business coaching. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Hey, time to shine today varsity squad, Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to bring you my good friend, Danny creed. He is the founder. He They call him Mr. Lucky. He’s coaching consulting redefining success. He’s a no frills guy. I love vibing with dudes like Danny, he’s fantastic. He’s going to remind you not to dwell on your mistakes as a class of questions and shut the hell up. And he’s going to listen, that’s the key part of that. If you’re looking for opportunities, they’re there, and when they’re there, take action on them. So let’s sit back, Let’s relax. Let’s break out your notebooks. Because here comes my friend Danny creed
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Time to shine today varsity podcasts. Why did Scott Ferguson and I we’re in day right now probably 592 of our quarantine in the COBie quarantine. But we’re all making the best of it. And I hope everybody out there is always leveling up and talk about leveling up. I have a gentleman who has, he’s just amazing. I have him on my podcast is a I get to some major street cred when it comes to business turnarounds, and a business a serious business coach. His name’s Danny creed. He’s from real world business coach.com and real in a little bit about Danny’s an international master business and executive coach, business consultant, trainer, best selling author, international keynote and workshop speaker, experienced entrepreneur and business owner. He’s logged over check this out people 15th Thousand that’s not a misprint or misspeak 15,000 business coaching, consulting and training hours he’s survived 14 successful startup businesses in over 400 business turnaround challenges. Coach Danny is the six time recipient of the focal point international Brian Tracy award of sales excellence in that is some major major credentials in coaching. Danny, welcome to our squad and if you could please come on in, introduce yourself. But first, tell us your favorite color. And why. Uh, my favorite color is red. And it’s because it was my mom’s favorite color. I love it. I love it. I get a lot of blue, but I’ll tell you what, watching Danny’s video people and you’re watching him. He’s a no frills guy. He’s tearing humble coach. He’s gonna kick in the button. We’re gonna get into a little bit about that. And red is a perfect perfect color for Danny when he says it’s good stuff. Say having me on. very welcome and thanks so much for coming on. Give us your origin story, man because you get some serious credentials over 15,000 I’m happy to even be a part of one on that a little bit. So, well story. The the real short version is I I started out in southern Kansas as a farmer. I was born but I walked off the farm from the family farm into a radio station. I spent 20 years in broadcast, which is a great place. You get great stories of that out. But it’s a great place to learn sales, and learn sales and all kinds of businesses. I walked out of a radio station in the 80s when we were still trying to figure out how to spell the word entrepreneur and walk into a entrepreneurial startup. My first one and we did really, really well with that one and really broke some ground on some technology that’s still around the day in a big way was the basis of a lot of different things. It took me to Phoenix, Arizona, where we Get a really nice startup here and very successful took it public. We have the 14 startups three of them, we took public and, and in that one did well, and then I had the chance to work at the Pentagon and Department of Defense with the Oracle Corporation, doing some consulting and coaching and sales. And I met a lot of admirals and generals that I was working with. And one of them pulled me over one day and said, you know, you ought to look into this new industry called business coaching, not live coaching, not because I had no interest in that they’re great life coaches, and there’s no need for that. I had no interest in it. I, you know, so I looked into it because I was traveling, I averaged 219 nights a year in a hotel, and it was driving me nuts. But what do you do so I did a lot of research and found my friend Brian Tracy, who I’d met a number of years ago when I was in radio, you know, the Lancer, the grant Master and he and Zig Ziglar were great influences on my life. And Brian was beginning to put together focal point business Coaching International. And it took off, I looked at my options, and I joined them 14 years ago. And I build a very, very successful business coaching practice. And the reason I emphasize that is that it just, you know, and I won’t get on my, on my stuff too much, but I, but everybody in their uncle seems to be able to think they can call themselves a coach these days. And I think that’s dangerous. And so if you’re a business person and looking for a coach, you’ll take the same time you’d take to hire a lawyer, or a doctor or a CPA. I mean, you’re you’re putting your business in the hands of somebody you’re going to trust and hope that they’ll lead you through some of the business issues. And so it’s really important to find somebody that’s professional that’s certified and knows what has the background so
Unknown Speaker 6:00
That’s all that fantastic advice right there. And people need to heed with that. So this gentleman that kind of told you that you should become a business coach. Well, they’re kind of planted that seed you watching your videos, and no one knew a little bit. You’re not a guy that could probably be easily swayed into something. Okay? You firm in your principles in whatnot. Obviously, if you read your favorite color, and it was your monster, because you have great family bonding, what was that aha moment then to make you change your mind and flip that switch?
Unknown Speaker 6:38
That was
Unknown Speaker 6:41
Unknown Speaker 6:43
the the idea that I could take all the collective knowledge that I’ve I’ve had, I’ve always been one that didn’t, didn’t dwell on mistakes. Very much guy, you know, and I think that’s the big issue with business people today is that they make a mistake and they go, Oh my god, what are we going to do now? Instead, I was always trained with an old concept, but there’s four steps to dealing with a mistake. One, ask yourself What happened? The second thing is, why did it happen? The third thing is how will it never happen again, and then you turn your hand around a wave goodbye is done. The only mistake that matters is the one you did learn something from. So I teach all my clients this and I live by this rule. And and so I knew that and I had made a lot of mistakes through all the startups. You know, I, I’ll admit it, I screwed up a lot. But part of my coaching is based on the knowledge I have the tools that I have, with Brian Tracy and and zig and all those things, but it’s also based as much on the mistakes I’ve made in learning from that. So I believe people’s success is based largely on being able to learn from the mistakes they’ve had and be able and be able to then move forward Love and not dwell. Okay, so when you’re meeting with a prospect for the first time, what do you get down to kind of soup to nuts to find what we’ll call their blind spot when you first meet them? Or you first take a client on? What’s some of the secret sauce Danny uses to find their blind spots? Well, the first thing I do is I asked lots of questions and I shut the heck up and listen. Okay, I believe that listening is the last art in American business. And I have clients all over the world right now. It’s the Lost Art of worldwide business, right? If you shut up and listen and ask good questions, and shut up and listen, your client or prospect will tell you how to sell them more. And we’ll tell you how to keep them for a long period of time. I have a friend in Canada and myself has is probably one of the greatest longevity of clients and people and that’s something I’m very proud of people. Stay with us along Time. It’s not like I coach him for two weeks and they’re gone. I mean, our average client will run three to five years. I have one clients been with me almost 10 years. Wow. And that’s because I’ve learned. Now it’s wasn’t easy. But I’ve learned to ask questions and listen really well, because they will tell us now, there’s four very distinct personality profiles. Not all of them are open to just
Unknown Speaker 9:27
tell you sure.
Unknown Speaker 9:29
But you have to ask questions and listen. And if you listen really well write down what they’re saying. They will tell you how to deal with them. So then what I do is create a customized curriculum for them that will help them solve their biggest need first. Love it. That’s what I’m looking for. I want your biggest need, because I can’t I could say, well, we’ll deal with that in module 17. PAGE 842. No cookie cutter for you. And my client would go I mean, what would you do? You’d go you Yeah, by by feeling, and I guess we’ll get to that when we’re ready. Yeah, that’s I get that from coaches that I’ve interviewed. So let me ask you something real quick because you’d said something about being a sports broadcaster. And you’ve failed you admitted, which is great that he admitted he failed forward, obviously. Do you think some of that feeling in being okay with it came from being a broadcaster and watching athletes fail and still come back and do it? You think that was some plan? subconsciously? A little bit planted in your brain? Just a little bit? Yeah. I’ve never thought of that. A lot. But you’re right. It is because the great athletes are the ones who bounce up and go,
Unknown Speaker 10:38
right. Wondering because you were a sports broadcast. I just
Unknown Speaker 10:41
don’t play hurt. Right. Oh, and I think in business, you have to play hurt. Absolutely. You know, I mean, what’s going on right now? Right? We’re right now a lot of us are playing hurt. Yep. But the key to what’s going on right now, is if you don’t mind it Need to say this to say what you want. The key, the key to do surviving right now is a mindset. We’re not about surviving, you got to get out of that if we ever got to thrive, right? So we’ve got, we’ve got to have a thriving mindset. And the and the so the, the thing we’ve got to do is look for opportunity. I’m telling you right now, I’m not saying that there isn’t a bad thing going on. I’ll acknowledge that. But we also have to say, you know, if you look at the Great Depression, in the early 1900s, there was one statistic most people will notice there’s more millionaires made during that period of time than any other time in age. Right? You know, so we have to look at what’s the opportunity of what we’re facing and I could, I could talk for an hour about the opportunity. Once I made my clients sit down, I make them say, we’re going to, I’m not going to leave our meeting until we come up with two opportunities that have right now. And we have to be thinking in the ones that are gonna make us out of this mentally as well as physically are the are the ones who are adapting and changing right now to things that will make them better when we’re done with this true? Absolutely. We’re not talking about band aids, which was they were talking about what’s going to make us better when we leave. And this stay at home thing, right? I have one client who refused to have their people stay at home, they moved about 4000 people home. And in the last three weeks, they’ve recorded the 60% growth and productivity.
Unknown Speaker 12:37
Who would have thought Who would have thought yeah, you get it done.
Unknown Speaker 12:40
Right. Oh, now that’s something they’re gonna report. This is the new normal. So you just, you know, you’ve got to be looking for what’s our opportunity, and you’re always going to come out great and strong, man. That’s fantastic. So, Danny, I’m at a networking event. I’m well, not not, not right now. But you know, for an networking events and presence and flashing mean some people? What if I’m talking to somebody? What’s the key word that maybe how I would know if someone would be a great prospect contact connection for Danny Creek? No. Well, as it turns out, I if I could draw something, I would draw a triangle. So envision a triangle, okay, close your eyes a vision to try and go on and so this is how I evaluate that great question. On the left side of that triangle, I write the word understand. And what that means is people understand the concept of coaching of having a coach or business coaches sports coach, the other side of that angle, the word is owner. I don’t want one of the earliest lessons I ever learned in selling anything was never taken no from someone who can’t say yes. So I’m looking. I’m looking for my prospect that’s an owner that I talked to them and we talk and discuss it that if they like what they’re hearing that they can hire them. They don’t Have to go back to the committee. And the bottom of that, of that triangle says that they have an immediate need that I can identify pretty quickly. So understand owner need, and sometimes I can identify if they have a deed simply by Scott. I can say, hey, Scott, how you doing? I’m great. They go. I’m okay. Right. Right. I know, I know there’s something so I can usually say if they fit the other two sides of that I can say Scott, why don’t we can I buy you a cup of coffee? Like, tell me about your business? Okay, or I will already know something about it. And I can usually find a need there from a business standpoint. Brian Tracy in the and Zig used to say that there’s a foundational recipe for success. And all that all that means translated to today is that there’s about 12 to 14 items that is in a that is in that recipe ingredients, okay? And those things do not change. whatever is going on in the world, they don’t change what the economic conditions are, they don’t change what business, they don’t change at all, that there’s foundational things you need to get good at, or you need to get great at before you can do any of the fancy stuff. I’m telling you before somebody comes to you and says, use this app, and it’ll change your life or do this or that, you know, and go to this website or wherever, look, you can do that. But it’s not gonna work. Unless you understand clarity of your business, you understand time and priority management unless you have written goals. It’s not gonna work. Right? Well, I spent a lot of time talking about those 13 foundational things with every client. That’s why I believe I can work with any client, any business anywhere in the world in any economic condition. I love that so you can you can pivot on in any situation. I love that. So, Danny, let’s let’s hop in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. All right. We’re gonna go we’re gonna go back and meet the 23 year old Danny creed all right? What did you tell him that damn what do you what kind of Knowledge Nugget would you drop on him? Of course he’s not going to listen I wouldn’t listen to 23 but what would you try? Not as easy cuz I would still have bib overalls on so so Exactly. So I would say slow down dude. Don’t worry about what you didn’t have in life because we weren’t the wealthiest people on the far but read everything you can and learn how to sell quicker. Love it. And Danny in coach I’ve been wanting to ask you this also is when you meet a prospect or something that’s, you know, it fits that understand owner and immediate need. And you’re sitting there you’re having your first consultation which we see on your website that you do offer 90 minute free consultation if it fits, if you feel there’s a bit for you. Is there any question? Did you wish that prospect would ask you but never does?
Unknown Speaker 17:07
Yeah, I know, you’re asking the powerful questions. But
Unknown Speaker 17:10
yeah, you know, is there a question that I get I get upset if they don’t quiz me on things like, not that I want to brag, but I think if you’re gonna spend the money to hire a really good advisor, just like a doctor, you don’t go and just go, yeah, you look nice.
Unknown Speaker 17:31
You know, you want to know their story, right? It’s
Unknown Speaker 17:33
like, that’s, yeah, I mean, I would I would make it I have a whole checklist, by the way that I could offer your group if you’d like on how to choose. Okay, but there’s, I believe there’s 12 questions that are standard that you should have in hiring any professional and I get a little upset when people don’t. Don’t ask me So what kind of training do you have? What’s your experience? Tell me a story of your your top success. Yes. In your top failure, right, I think it’s just like it. Would you do that with a CPA? Right? Absolutely. That would not doctor, I’m a luxury realtor by trade. That’s what I’ve been doing since 1998. And so everybody asked me how long have you been in the business? I remember my first two years, I was like, seems like a lifetime. I would say that. But like, people aren’t afraid to ask a real estate agent. how long you’ve been doing this because they’re kind of trusting you with that. That’s great. That’s great stuff. So you’ve, you’ve logged over 15,000 probably even more than that by now. training hours 14 startup businesses, Danny, what’s the big thing big you want to accomplish in your life? Oh, wow. I would like I just keep growing that that’s great question. I keep growing that I think this year the big thing is I want to reach through new methods I want to reach 10 million people
Unknown Speaker 18:56
love that with with a message of
Unknown Speaker 18:59
with with The simple message of anybody can achieve anything they want if they just get off their dead button do it. Love that. Thanks for saying that and people need to hear that. So what’s your definition of a life well lived in Oh, well that’s interesting you put it that way because I wrote a book based on that and yeah, I have a book that’s called a life Best Live the story of life death in second chances and and i and i think a lie is it a business parable or is it well maybe wrote the real it was four years ago the real short of it was I was going to make a speech in Vancouver Canada, didn’t feel good I had my wife property by a hospital just to check it out. Cuz I wouldn’t feel terrible and just went by before she got the car park. They had me on a gurney said I have 48 hours to live and, and I ended up with a triple bypass heart surgery. And and then after I came out of surgery, Five minutes after I came out of surgery we called the family let them know I was okay my mother died and in bang bang bang and so the doctor came in the next morning and in challenged me he goes you know what, what are you going to do if people I give the second chance to most of them blow it they got start eating cheeseburgers and smoking cigars and you know and just blow the second chance. So you know, life has lived i think is understanding for everybody that everybody gets a second chance. And the third chance and the fourth chance and we all have the ability to reward ourselves that second and third and fourth chance most people have sent around a wait for someone else to give it to Ryan waiting for to get a second chance well get off your butt and go to work and cry to take some action. So alight you know life as live as being able to do what I want. What I want to do with who I want to do it whenever I want to do it. And the
Unknown Speaker 21:03
Unknown Speaker 21:03
and right and right here right now. I mean, I’ll, I’ll probably die in a coaching session. I just love people. I love helping people that want to be helped to want to improve their lives because it’s pebble in the pond stuff, Scott FC, if you do it right, I have one success. If my on my website, you’ll see a lot of case studies. And the case studies is not me, me, me. It’s about Look what my clients done for themselves. And there’s one of them in particular, that the success was so big for them that we figured it affected almost 1500 people in the After Effects right. You know, amazing, right? their term was we we changed their family tree. That’s awesome. And I’m telling you that’s strong. Very strong. That’s, that’s all working together, listening, creating, you know, in in pushing them but part of my job is to push you to your bath to fall off a cliff. Grab your car and make some stronger. It’s like lifting a weight or whatnot makes those little mini cuts in the muscle makes them stronger. Danny’s, we kind of wind down we’d like to do what’s called a level of lightning round. Okay, and I could talk for 1520 minutes and each one of these questions, but I need a five second answer. Oh, great. No explanation is just the answer. If you can please write, I would even look at my notes. I’ll just look at you. Yeah. All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 22:33
read a lot.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
Love it. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I do time management priority management every night before I go to bed and I have 35 years. Love it. Other than your own website, or of course time to shine today, calm. The shameless plug. recommend an internet resource that you like to go to zoom. It’s okay other than the flavor of the week or the What you’re reading right now? Name a book that is just it sits there. And if someone’s in the doldrums your hands and you read this now, what’s the book? Oh, thinking grow rich. There you go. I love that I read it every year as
Unknown Speaker 23:15
somebody to
Unknown Speaker 23:16
some of us is boring as heck, but it’s great,
Unknown Speaker 23:19
favorite charity organization you’d like to support with your time and your money.
Unknown Speaker 23:24
I actually work with a group
Unknown Speaker 23:28
that helps prisoners in prisons called brothers and blue. its ultimate program and I speak to them. I was there three times last year and I’m hopefully I’m going to do one next week. Beautiful. Thank you for doing that. I just started adding this question to my lightning round because of our situation. But if you feel anywhere right now, where would you go? If I could go anywhere? Sure. I’d probably go to the Caribbean. There you go. Last question. The best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? I see by it. Is that all vinyl back there?
Unknown Speaker 24:06
Yeah, I’ve got about 10,000 albums here. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:10
So what’s the best decade if you had to pick one?
Unknown Speaker 24:15
Actually the late 50s Okay, because I didn’t get a great I think that’s where the foundation of all the rock moved to nice in the 60s and 70s and if you look at if you look back on that the first three or four Rolling Stones albums were all American blues music. Yes, there are lovers of blues. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:37
So how can we find you Danny?
Unknown Speaker 24:39
www dot real world business coach calm and I’m, I’m almost maxed out on LinkedIn. But if you’re if we’re not connected, please go to LinkedIn and look me up.
Unknown Speaker 24:53
Unknown Speaker 24:55
that is I have to look@linkedin.com Danny. It’ll be in my show notes. Brother, this is cold. Yeah. Okay, cool. And also, you have a couple books that came out in January champions ever make cold calls and straight talk and thriving in business. They can be found on Amazon as well. I’ll put those in my show show notes on Amazon. And you can go to my website and there’s a page on my website, it’ll tell you about and you can connect by the book. Okay, and hey, time to shine today squared. I’m going to the first person that comments on when I do drop Danny’s podcast for probably a couple of weeks from when I’m speaking right now, but when I do drop it, make sure you go to our Facebook page. Time to shine today and make a comment on Dan the first two people do I will personally buy them a champion server make cold calls. And then the second one straight talk and thriving in business. So I’d be happy to do that for for Dan and Dan. Just leave us kind of quickly. One last Knowledge Nugget that you want the time to shine today squad to take one way with them. internalize with them in just Walk away because you’re already just dropped so me knowledge I get something. Yeah, I mean I i would there’s a lot of things but I’ll go back and reiterate something I had looked at times are tough and you can let it get to you in. But I’m telling you if you look for opportunities in personal life and professional life, if you look for the opportunity that’s out there, you’re going to find some and in telling you there’s a winning mindset in the negative mindset. And I had a client that I asked one time about his mindset. And he goes, Well, my goal My goal is to go to work every day and break even. And I said, Hmm, that’s not it. Even though you’re not thriving yet. You’ve got to have the mindset that you are. So you know, look for the positive shut off. Here’s my sage advice to a client last week. Shut off your TV. All right. Watching TVs I bought you to alright squad We’ve got just our mind blown with my friend, Danny creed, who you know, believes in asking questions and shutting the hell up. He’s very humble guy, when something bad happens to you ask yourself what happened, why it happened, how to not let it happen again. And then turn your hand and wave goodbye to that bitch. Just let it go. look for opportunities at all times, especially in a time like this right now, as Danny said, there was more millionaires made back in the Great Depression than any other time in history. Why not level up your game now to make that happen? And remember this when something happens bad to somebody, they should get multiple chances. But when they get that chance, take action and make the best of it. Those are all knowledge bombs that I’m just regurgitating from the Garrick Danny creed. Danny, you’re humble. You’re hungry. you level up your health. You’re leveling up your wealth and you’re a part of the time to shine squad right now. Thank you so so much for coming aboard.
Unknown Speaker 27:54
You bet man. It’s my honor. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 27:56
You bet. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today, pod Cast, proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time,
Unknown Speaker 28:47
let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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