After 20 plus years of entrepreneurial and networking experience, including 7 years of dedicated networking team facilitation, Wendy Caverly knows the value and importance of effective networking for long-term success. And has a passion for helping others find that success as well. Wendy finds that what makes others amazing, encourages them to greatness and shares them with others. Wendy has received both the emotional and professional benefits of being a master connector. Now she teaches others the importance of diversifying their networking styles and how to create a large network of people to help you achieve your goals long term and beyond.
Always work towards synergy for a mutual benefit.
– Wendy Caverly
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Remember the value of networking in good times and bad
2. Before entering a networking event, have a plan
3. Before reaching out to someone after a networking event, ask them for permission to connect with them
4. Wendy’s four different landscapes of networking. Farming, Hunting, Fishing and Foraging
5. Don’t predetermine what somebodies value is upon meeting them at an event
6. Develop a sincere desire to give to get
Level Up!
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Wendy’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Wendy Caverly with Crusaders networking and if you really want to level up and learn how to love your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
time to shine today podcast firstly squad This is Scott Ferguson in Word Episode 232 with my really good friend Wendy Kava Lee from Crusaders networking, and Wendy is going to give you a serious free masterclass on how to network the correct way. It’s she has a broken down into a science but a science that can be explained in elementary terms. And it’s just fantastic with her four separate landscapes for networking. And I’m just so blessed that she came on for a second interview and time to shine today. So make sure you break out your notebooks on this people because I have at least three pages of notes that I’m using right now to level up my networking. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Wendy Kavli from Crusaders networking. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:04
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad is Scott Ferguson and I got a 2.0 interview with my really good friend from the mitten aka the state of Michigan, which he is still crushing mission got hit pretty good with that whole pandemic scam demmick thing that was going on out there. But when the thrive through it, and when he has a company called Crusaders networking, she’ll tell you what networking is not. Networking is not selling and marketing. Networking is an open exchange of knowledge while connecting with others. And I love love networking. I know my listeners know that. I don’t get out worked or out network. And that’s how I love to live my life. I like to help people I like to meet new people. God gave me two ears one mouth for a reason to be able to listen to be able to connect them with people. And that’s exactly what my really good friend Wendy Kay really does. So Wendy, I’m going to welcome you back. Thank you so much for coming on. But first remind us of your favorite color and why? Oh, my favorite color is green. Green. And why is that?
Unknown Speaker 2:04
Because I love spring and I love the shades of green. And it’s just its life. Its renewal. Its nature. It’s peaceful. Yeah. green green screens, the beginning of all things right? Well, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:18
yeah, absolutely. Yes. And like, we went through the springtime. We don’t have it here in Florida. But spring in Michigan is like the bad luck for the most. Yeah, because the chill near the football stuff. But the what the like the springtime is like you said it’s renewed. And it’s beautiful. It’s been really doing
Unknown Speaker 2:36
well. I made it to Mackinac Island for the lilacs this year. first week of June, end of May 1 of June. Oh, Love it. Love
Unknown Speaker 2:45
it. Yeah, that’s right. That’s awesome. So let’s get into the Crusaders networking. That did this out. I’m loving what I’m seeing. And let’s get into how when you started it, what was your thoughts behind it and where it’s going?
Unknown Speaker 3:04
Well, as you know, there was a big massive shift in businesses last year. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you know, it happened. And I and I’ve been I’ve been a professional connector. I’ve been a referral team facilitator for seven and a half years. But last year caused any business person who to really test their skills, right? Are you an entrepreneur? Are you a business person? Are you ready to face the challenges that come up. And luckily for me, you and I met about a little over a year ago, I have already pivoted, and that pivot created an entire new world for me. I had a gentleman reached out to me last year, based off of a video I made about the importance of forming your business. And he thought it was a sales coach. He was looking for solutions for his sales forces such as Salesforce, I couldn’t have taken a 65% hit last year. And they were looking for alternatives. And that was the the moment that I realized people don’t understand the value of networking, especially when things are good. When things are good sales are easy finding clients, there’s easy. There’s a waitlist for your work, there’s enough for everybody. They don’t focus on that networking skills, that relationship, that team part of their business. And then all of a sudden something happens like last year where you’re not door knocking. You’re not doing your expos and your home shows where people are just walking up to you. And what do you do that’s when you turn to your network of professionals have connections that are there to help support you carry you through and and that became the seed of Crusaders networking that Networking as a skill is neglected. Sure, you know, there’s there’s a lot of people and I don’t mean to upset anyone when they say this, but they view networking as that way to create a connection to get to a sale. It’s a way to create the illusion of caring. So you can try to influence the person to sign on the bottom line. Okay? And, and those are the people who then leave with the 800 number, here’s your 800 number. If you need something, let them know. I’m out. That’s not how everybody wants to do business. But there’s no one focused on just teaching people how to connect how to make it a real connection, and how you have control over this valuable skill to to create a long term successful future. And and that’s Yeah, Crusaders networking officially opened his doors, February 2 of 2021. On Groundhog Day, I’m curious because I’m going to do this forever. Inspired by 2020, founded 2021.
Unknown Speaker 6:08
Love it. And so what is the the core of Crusaders networking when it comes to, like, Who are you looking to meet? So if you’re I’m looking, if I’m out pressing flash meeting people, you know, like, who would be a great prospect contact connection referral for Crusaders networking?
Unknown Speaker 6:31
Somebody who has a sincere desire to give again, you and I both know, that is that is how you secure a long term success. Those people who want to build something solid, and that will have a long term, long term value to them. I’d like to name a specific profession or a specific industry, but it really isn’t. It’s really about a people with that mindset. new entrepreneurs are are most likely to resonate with us because they’re already in a growth mindset. But yet, I’m finding a lot of my new people coming to me are, are the ones that they started their business after the recession. So they kind of operated in this good time. And they got taken by surprise last year. So now they’re looking for a way to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Unknown Speaker 7:25
I love it. I love it, and what steps are you taking them through maybe like a 30,000 foot view to make because I I’m one of those people that you know, I when times are good in Oh 60708 and I was printing money. I was in the real estate business. And it just I didn’t listen to my mentors, advisors. And I lost everything because I cut off the network and I work network so hard. But for those 36 months, I did not work for nothing. And I had to learn the value of networking and good times. And I appreciate you bringing that up. Like what kind of in what’s funny is that the people that I worked with, like mortgage brokers and whatnot, never wanted to market with me anymore, because they were getting a lot of the refinance and the good times. And then once the time dies like it did during the scam dynamic thing. They’re coming to me going Fergie, you know what, what do you got? What can we do together? And that’s almost like you don’t want to be that person that’s groveling for business? Because you could have cut that off at the knees by staying active networking good times. Correct. Am I hearing that? Right?
Unknown Speaker 8:26
Yes. And funny that you should mention that because I actually wrote that down is all of those businesses that suddenly started sending emails out last spring? Hey, we’re just checking with you making sure you’re okay. Do you need anything? I haven’t heard from you in two years. Right? Right. You know, so I can tell that you really, really care? No Crusaders networking, actually what you said the 30,000 foot view? Yeah, um, networking is a very broad and wide skill. So I have actually defined it into four separate landscapes that can lead into the nature references, because we already know what farming is. And we already know what selling is from a sales or hunting is from a sales standpoint, it’s different in the networking standpoint. So I’ve actually defined networking into four landscapes. There’s farming, hunting, fishing, and foraging. And each style serves a different purpose at growing your network growing your business growing your long term success, and each one comes with a little different skill set to navigate that successfully. And and since networking has become somewhat of a neglected skill, I view it as an art form. So first you learn the you learn it, you learn how it all works separately, and then you learn how it works together. And then you can employ those skills that become an art form. And you become that person that other people look at and say, Well, she’s just a natural networker. I could never do that. Yes, you can. Networking is a skill. A skill is learnable. And once you learn it, you embrace it and it becomes a an art form. And then it’s natural.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
So let’s briefly go through those four bullet points as fast as possible, because I want to go in contact with you, you know, make a connection. So let’s go with farming,
Unknown Speaker 10:13
farming, that is where you’re nurturing those relationships with people who not only refer to you, but make you more valuable to your other customers, because you can refer them to the people, excellent hunting, hunting is a strategy in networking to not only manage your frustration that it’s not going fast enough, but also measure the success that you have. So you can continue on the path fishing, fishing, fishing is actually the classic networking style, it’s where you meet those people who are going to take you to the bigger rooms, that’s never gonna lift you up and carry you forward, while they’re catching that big fish, right? That big fish or just because these are these are not your customers, these are the people that are going to make you and take you and mentor you greater. How about foraging, foraging is being open to spotting whatever opportunities that might be around you. It’s about taking off the blinders. So finding that connecting with a new person that might be a customer is just as exciting as connecting with a new person who just might be good to know.
Unknown Speaker 11:18
Love it. And let me ask someone, what makes you qualified to teach networking
Unknown Speaker 11:24
20 plus years of entrepreneurial and networking experience seven and a half years of dedicated for sort of facilitated networking teams, I advocate for the small business community, I have seen the value of people who I can go to who come back to me and failing a lot. And I know that sounds odd, but there’s so much more that you learn about yourself and those around you by failing. And and you learn that value of connecting. One of the things that I’ve really enjoyed about growing this new business is it’s not something that anyone focuses on. They know they need to, but they don’t know how and and I am excited that I’m going to be someone who can help them learn how. So it’s not an overwhelming process anymore. And I mean, one of my favorite jokes is no one stands on the stage in 10 years accepting an award instead I did it all by myself. Exactly. Oh, there you go. You helped me and you, you helped me. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:32
I you know, those people I use, I’ve been blessed to win quite a few of those. And, you know, I was taught at a very early age to acronym tout to you to thank the person who you owe it to how you’re going to use it. And then thank everybody again, and get the hell out of there. You know, I’m saying people don’t want to hear but tout stood with me and I just remember going on stage deer in the headlights my first time and said that now it’s gone. I got the most they’re like he didn’t talk. He was just God. I wish they’d do that at the Oscars and stuff if I ever start watching those again. He’s so humble. Let me ask you like, what do you think the biggest blind spot that people have? When they really want to become a good networker
Unknown Speaker 13:20
pre determining what you want the person to be and then abandoning them when they’re not that. Okay, let’s let’s dig on that. Let’s go a little deeper. Yes, I often call it don’t judge people by the business card. Every single person is a doorway to a new network. They are the guardian. They are the Sherpa. They are the gatekeeper. And to look at them and say a great example especially for business networking is skincare lady. She’s just an Avon lady. She’s just a Mary Kay lady. She’s a Rodin and fields lady. I’m a financial advisor. I don’t need to know her right. You’ve just decided that every single person she knows and every single person she has influenced with doesn’t need to know you as well.
Unknown Speaker 14:10
Right? Love it. So the art of networking at an event I don’t know how it is in Michigan my home state but here we press flash we have I go to three events a week, you know in there packed in talking to 300 people that’s what I’ve heard what I’ve tried to rub that in on you just come down here visit a little bit and we’ll we’ll get you rockin get you plugged in here. Um, what is your strategy? You walk into a room? Okay. You’re you’re seeing usually then those events here have basically chaperones man, they they meet you, they see you like okay, we’re taking you to this part of the room. And then they kind of drop you into the shark infested waters in a sense, but they guide you say, you know, okay, you’re a real turtle. There’s People in real estate or Europe, chiropractor always like to hear this part and they’re really good at it. What is your strategy?
Unknown Speaker 15:07
I, first of all, I love that they wouldn’t know where to put me, right? If I walked in and said, I’m a, I’m a professional networker, I’m a professional connector, they wouldn’t know what to do with me, that you are describing is a foraging landscape. Okay, you were there to spot what opportunities might be available to you, and how you can make that connection. When you’re at networking events. The goal is to not dump everything on that person, because this is the only time you’re going to see them. The goal is to get to what I’m calling the professional first date. You are there one to one? Yeah, one to one, the sincere connection. So
Unknown Speaker 15:44
thank you for saying that. You better have went there, this, I would have called you on it. Because that’s exactly what it should be. You should be walking in process and flash meeting people that don’t nobody knows what I do. When I go into an event, I don’t wear the name tag it maybe it is just my name. If they forget that they don’t know what I do again, because sometimes I show up as a realtor. You know, people like shit, man. Wow, who I can connect them with, you know, Bob Berg, the author wrote the go giver. It’s the best book
Unknown Speaker 16:23
about the book I’m reading right now. Yeah, I was gonna suggest,
Unknown Speaker 16:26
yeah, Bob is my my neighbor. You know, he lives seven doors down. So I see him a lot. And like he is the epitome of networking. And you learn so much from that man and watch him. And ever since I really took on the go giver mentality, networking just explode, I always was good at it, Wendy, but like the whole next level, so you’re said, we want to get to that first date,
Unknown Speaker 16:48
you want to get to that first date. And you’re not going to do that by making it about you. That’s that go giver mentality. Again, part of that is you’re just trying to find a connection with that other person. And that may not be business. But you might find that we’re both from Michigan, that’s an instant connection with that is a bond. That’s something to build on that sincerity as well. It’s not the, you know, fill out the form. So you’re at a networking event, we’re back to the networking event, you’ve just activated like my favorite communication style, which is a peacock, so I’m all excited. But foraging, the point of the foraging is you’re going to see what opportunities are there, you might find someone who has a potential to be a customer, you might find someone who has the potential to be a valuable resource to you by referring them to your personally or other clients. Or you just might find somebody that that might bring information to you. The point is you’re gathering these potential contacts. So you can take them back to your farm and then review, get to know them, see how they fit into the network. If you went into that networking event already thinking now I do recommend when you go into a networking event, you go in with a goal. A goal that you have to set it for yourself for me oftentimes is that I want to meet a certain number of people. Or I’m looking to connect with a state attorney. So I’m going to look for to try to talk to you as many attorneys as I can today. Or your goal may be something as simple as I’m just going to touch base with everybody I already know because this is me maintaining that relationship with the people already in the room. What a lot of people find is when they go to a networking event, they spend the entire time just talking to everybody they already know. And they never got around to me that new person. So if you set yourself a goal, it makes us that’s the that’s the farm that’s the hunting part, you’ve set a goal so you can manage your frustration. I went to this event and I met no one. Well, because you spent two hours talking to people who already know Bob it should have set the goal. So there’s the there’s a lot of landscapes that they’re involved, but at a networking event set yourself a goal and stick to that goal make the connections with the people ask for permission to follow up with them that’s a big deal because so many people get cold called on now they end up on newsletters. They call it the the keep in touch emails but what I’m getting five a week that’s not keeping in touch since you’re spamming me right and and and see if you can get to that next date. And part of that is by also listening to what they have to offer an offering a connection or solution to them. So you’re on your you’re on your way to a networking event. What do you have in your car? Oh, stack of business cards. Okay. Oh, it’s a stack of business cards. And I do my name badge because I am somebody that I tried to remember people’s names and and be respectful by the worst thing you could do is call someone by the wrong name. So yeah, and that’s it. What else do you need? You need a positive attitude. You need to feel confident About the the value that you bring, you need a goal in place, and you need a way to make sure they have your contact information. Love it. You don’t need to sell wires. You don’t need any of that other stuff.
Unknown Speaker 20:12
What about in your car? This has been money for me. Okay teach it to my my coaching students and whatnot. I don’t coach networking, but I do coach relationships and visionary beliefs. What if you had a stack of thank you cards in your car? money from you know, I go out to my car. While I’m in the parking lot, it could be foods in Southfield Michigan. I started doing this in 1999. Okay. And I remember the first thank you card I wrote I got somebody card at an event. Right? wrote him out a thank you card. already pre stamped, went in my mail by the next day. Okay, but Wow, man, I met you. That’s awesome. It just said, Love. Love meeting you, Andy. It was awesome. What you said about, you know, networking and forging. That was frickin phenomenal in our conversation. You want to set up a one to one, that’d be great. I still followed up with a call. But I did it like two days later, but they got that. They got that? Thank you. No. right then and there. And when I take their business card be like, Oh, is that your office address? That’s what I would say. That’s your office address. Oh, wow. Okay, well, that’s a nice building, by wanting to frickin confirm. That’s where they worked. Right? That’s our partners disappear. So I would I i’m not saying anything, but I know that you go out to my cars, all three cars. There’s, there’s thank you notes in there. I write them every day. That’s just the follow up. I do it by email. Yeah, I got email too. They go right down the list.
Unknown Speaker 21:44
You always you should always follow up within 24 hours with any contact you want to pursue. Sure You and I both know, after all of these years, there are people that you cross paths with that you they just they didn’t resonate for one reason or another, right? They’re not dead to you connections, but I’m not going to pursue them. Right. Oh, absolutely. It’s going to be on their side to pursue it.
Unknown Speaker 22:07
You got to build that list. You know, a solid list. And with the thank you cards, it’s it’s right there in that I just remember in 1998 I love the sound You’ve Got Mail. Now I love going my frickin mailbox and getting mail
Unknown Speaker 22:24
something besides spam. Well, yes, I would never have been a letter Yes. And actually I would never have thought to mail it right after first meeting them but absolutely yes.
Unknown Speaker 22:39
And we I just met him last night yeah here the day or the day after it’s just something that I love. Let me ask you something about reciprocation we give give give you an AI or people that give give give until it hurts so good. I got guys I got give give give until it hurts for my good friend Todd Cohen. Fantastic coach. But I added so good. So I can say it on station in we’re laugh we laugh about it. So what about getting my your networking? Okay, you are there with a goal you said? Yes, yes. But what about receiving, what about reciprocation? Because there are blind spots for people about reciprocation, what is your thoughts on?
Unknown Speaker 23:21
I never go into an event. I never create a relationship with the thought of I need to measure what I get from it. Otherwise, this was a waste of my time. Well, sometimes the get is not obvious. And sometimes it is not immediate.
Unknown Speaker 23:34
Thank you, Wendy. caverly. That’s true. my mic. I did something for somebody that I knew I’m not getting the money back from the other day. Right. But my god daughter called me out of the blue. She lives in Brighton, Michigan. No Fenton, Michigan, Linden, Michigan. She lives in Linden, Michigan. She lives near me. That’s what you’re saying. Oh, that’s okay. That’s right. Yeah. Yeah. When did she talk she called to talk to me. She didn’t ask for money. didn’t ask for nothing. But that to me, is a reciprocation for something. Yeah. And what I’m here I love what you said about that. I use the plant analogy all the time. Like I have plants all over my house my cats love them. But like you know that plant we breathe in what we read an oxygen we breathe out carbon dioxide. Yes, the client the plant breathes in carbon dioxide. They breathe out oxygen. So this whole world this universe, whether you’re God fearing faith, faith based whatnot, it’s all about reciprocation. Right? I mean, we have to be open to receiving it. It’s what
Unknown Speaker 24:35
the spider what I call it the spider web. I love that. I love it. I describe it as a spider web. That’s why if you predetermine what someone’s value is going to be yes. You’ve you’ve missed that. That entire link,
Unknown Speaker 24:49
right? You haven’t won the day. Right? Right. Like you have it. Love that when you I love you. You’re awesome and you’re this Crusaders networking squad. Don’t go there. Now. We got here, listen to the rest of it. But you must, must, must go to Wendy caverly calm. And we’re going to get into a giveaway here just a little bit. But I really want to know Wendy, what do people misunderstand about you the most.
Unknown Speaker 25:14
But if people misunderstand about me the most, that when I want to connect with them, they think it’s because I want to give them a sales pitch. When sincerely I just want to learn about them first. Sure. The odd thing about networking that people don’t think about is they’re judging you to listen, I’m listening to you how you do business, how you talk about people, how you how you connect, I’m thinking about who do I know that should know you? Do I want to bring you into my circle? Do I want to introduce you to my network. So those conversations are not me trying to sell you on my service. It’s also me auditioning you, okay to be a part of part of that spider web. So so the first time I connect with people guaranteed the first time probably the first three times, I will never talk about the cost of my product or service. Because sincerely part of my value to my current clients is what I can bring to them. Well, so this new connection might be somebody that I bring to them without any expectations from them. But, but they’re already what we get so sold to now. And it all moved on to LinkedIn. And I’ll move digital with the world like all of us did. And now we get cold call email messages in our inbox, and yeah, so we’re on guard for it. So when there is a sincerely, I just really want to know what makes you amazing. So I can share you with others. They’re not exactly sure how to handle that. What’s the focus? I might not share you with others. Right?
Unknown Speaker 26:52
Right. It might not benefit others sometimes you have to rely on your instincts is what I really feel quite a bit. And Wendy, what is that? Like? We talked before? about going back in time with Michael J. Fox and that DeLorean let’s go in the future there are no roads remember that line? I go into the future? 15 years where do you see Crusaders networking?
Unknown Speaker 27:18
Oh Crusaders networking is in a digital format already. So it’s, I see workshops, I see programs. I see everyone in the world learning how to create synergy with each other for a mutual benefit. And and I see eye security. There’s something really secure about knowing I have a problem. I have someone who’s gonna help me that awesome. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 27:48
Awesome. So when you actually I need to Yes, we do. Okay, it’s Hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back with my good friend from Michigan the mitten Wendy caverly. From Crusaders networking, who is just an absolute rock star. She’s dropped some serious Siri knowledge nuggets on us. And I’m just getting knocked out because I’m knocked in the head. I have pages and pages of notes here. squad and when we went through this before, but it’s been a year. Yeah. So let’s go through it again. Things are leveling up. I’m ready. euro explanations. Five second answers. Ready? Let’s do it. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 28:31
put yourself out there more people need to see you.
Unknown Speaker 28:33
Beautiful share one of your personal habits contributes to your success
Unknown Speaker 28:36
sandboarding out loud with other professionals on how I want to grow my business.
Unknown Speaker 28:41
Love it outside of the go giver. Bob’s book. What other book do you recommend?
Unknown Speaker 28:47
Oh my goodness. I’m actually it’s a course and probably shouldn’t say it, but it’s an influence and most powerful skill. I
Unknown Speaker 28:56
love it. It is it’s a great book. It’s a great book. No, it’s is that a book or a course?
Unknown Speaker 29:01
It’s a it’s a course for me. Maybe it’s a book, but for me, it’s
Unknown Speaker 29:04
a course that I know. I’ve read through it. Okay. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you tie?
Unknown Speaker 29:09
What’s my most flashy face? laughy face laughy face? Double crying laughing face sideways? What was your New Year’s resolution? My New Year’s resolution? I have to quit Facebook.
Unknown Speaker 29:23
Good. Good for you. Chess or checkers. checkers. Okay. And Don’t lie to me on this one young lady. But if you could stay one age, physically, physically, for the rest of your life, keep all the knowledge you’ve garnered and keep continuing to gain wisdom. What age would you stay physically? 34 Thank you. I say 32 because I’m coming up on 50 and six months, right? And I do not sometimes when I get a bed I’m very active. I mean jujitsu. Yeah, it’s like I’m always gone. But thank you for being conscious about that. So 3234 I was strong. I was fed Was Yes, yeah. Mm hmm. favorite charity and organization you’re giving your time or money to No.
Unknown Speaker 30:06
Can I say to? Yeah, all right. One is Clara’s hope in Genesee and Livingston County in Michigan. They help foster and adoptive families find success. And the other one is sparrows house in Washtenaw County, mentally challenged adults living in homes houses. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 30:24
yes. And I’m not trying to pump myself up, but they get a check for me every year. They’re awesome.
Unknown Speaker 30:30
They’re in one of my referral teams that I facilitate love. You’re amazing people.
Unknown Speaker 30:34
I love you. They for me to see if you remember. And you I can’t catch you in a lie here. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 30:44
Oh, that’s tough. Because lately I’ve been really enjoying the mellow 70s Oh, there you go. I haven’t been embracing a lot, a lot more of that. Now, I’m gonna, I’ll say seven days, because that’s about Okay, six of the last 12 songs I’ve bought.
Unknown Speaker 30:58
Yeah, man. It’s awesome. Like 70s. And 80s is my jam. You know, it’s like, I mean, I love the 90s. I love the 60s with the 70s. It reminds me of my parents a lot those influential years when I was like, I was born in 72. So it’s eight years. And then the 80s is what I grew up with. I went to high school and everything else in the US. So thank you. That’s awesome. So Wendy, let’s talk about how we can find you. And also I believe you said a little giveaway for the squat?
Unknown Speaker 31:23
I do I do, because it’s such a new concept. So I do have a giveaway, Wendy carefully. COMM that is the 100% easiest way to get a hold of me because Crusaders networking is my coaching and networking skills. But I have a second business that is a practice of networking. So Wendy carefully gets you to everything. I have a collaboration partner who is an expert at communication, personality styles, and she translates those through birds. And as we know, I do networking translated through landscapes, right. So she and I have created a collaboration called the networking to communications landscapes. And my gift is the Atlas, which is like a map, that giant overview is set 3000 10,000 foot view of all four landscapes and all five communication styles. So people can can learn, learn and see how networking is actually four different forms, and how communication, how you communicate how others communicate helps with your networking skills. So it’s a it’s a one hour program, and it’s a great introduction, and I’m going to offer that to your people for free. Do you need me to save the code? Or is that something?
Unknown Speaker 32:39
Actually, I’m gonna have you email the code to us? No, see the code now in the email, and then we’ll make sure we put it right in the show notes. The code is level up 21 I love you leveling up. Yeah. So can you leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action. Say yes. I love it. I love it in squad, we just had a fantastic Part Two with my professional connector networking extraordinary, the beautiful Miss Wendy caverly. You know, she she pivoted, I still say shift. She said pivot. So we might as well come to we’ll call it ship it, we ship it in her entire world through that time, you know, the value of networking and things are good. Things are good right now. I’m sorry, right now they are good squad, you need to be networking your ass off and leveling up your networking now and build those relationships. Because when you said that networking as a skill is neglected, you know, she understands that it’s a sincere desire to give to get, but there’s like four landscapes that you really want to know. And when he kind of took us through them with the farming, the nurturing the hunting with the strategies to manage and measure fishing is really getting those bigger fish getting to the bigger rooms in 14 is you know, you’re going to be open to spotting the opportunities out there. You know, I’ve taken off those blinders, you know, don’t judge people by their business card. Okay, that’s what when he says and I 100% whole agree with that, okay, sometimes they’re just getting started. And they just have their name written on it. Those are the people you probably really want to connect with. Because those are the people that are hungry and eager to learn and to grow. And if you grow together, you’re unstoppable. You know, she wants you to set a goal when entering networking events, know who you want to meet, but be able to give give give to meet that person as well. You know, and when you meet somebody, don’t just blast them. ask permission to connect with them. Be sincere about asking permission. You don’t want to see it like you have those wide eyes and work in the room for the next person that they want to you want to talk to you stay present you stay locked in to that conversation in the moment. That’s what when he was telling us about, you know, she wants to build a community of synergy for a mutual benefit of everybody and Wendy, thank you so much for coming on. You love, love, love, love your well. You’re amazing. You’re beautiful. You’re humble yet hungry. You’ve earned your second varsity letter with us at our varsity squad. Thank you so much for coming on love. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it. You’re very welcome. Talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine flash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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