Welcome to Episode 68! I got to have a very open and open candid conversation with my friend Charlotte Terrell. She was an ‘old soul’ as a child. Since she has had triumphs and tragedies, but Charlotte never wallowed and always progressed! Today she shares techniques she passes on to her coaching clients and that will also help YOU level UP your life. Enjoy!
Ask yourself; Are you living your authentic life? Are you enjoying yourself? Would you trust you?
– Charlotte Terrell
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. To be a good coach, you must have a good heart, genuine and a great listener
2. Be human – own your mistakes – learn from them and progress forward
3. Don’t aspire to be perfect. Strive for greatness and be mindful of your best self.
4. It’s okay to have down times, but don’t wallow, take action!
5. Be yourself – what you resist persists
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Charlotte’s Book – Dis-Ease: The 30 Day Guide to Comfort Depression and Anxiety
Charlotte’s LinkedIN
Charlotte’s Images MCA Facebook Page
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Charlotte, surreal from images motivational consultants agency. And if you really want to level up your life you should be listening to time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Hey time to shine varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson here and I get to bring you an awesome interview conversation with my friend and home girl from Michigan the mitten and also a Michigan State Spartans fan Yay, go green go white. Her name is Charlotte Terrelle of images motivational consultant agency and she had a quite a journey to get to where she’s at. She was an old soul growing up but her vibrancy and her experience now is able to help others go to the next level. She is all about being genuine to yourself. And even when you’re in the wallows of life, take action. Because you’re not going to be where you are now then and might as well be in a better place. So here without further ado is my good friend, Charlotte corral.
Unknown Speaker 1:24
Hey, time to shine squatted Scott Ferguson and I am blessed to be having a conversation with I’m going to call her my homegirl. She’s from the mitten Detroit, area, Detroit, Michigan, and she made her move down into Mississippi where she’s her whole family’s from and I kind of moved down to South Florida and we both kind of moved down for the sunshine, which is I think everybody needs right about now because the while we’re recording this, it’s March 31. And it is we’re kind of right smack dab in the middle of our social distancing. So it’s nice to have some conversation with people that are going to level up your life and Charlotte Terrell has worked as a clinical therapist, trainer and life coach for a number of years. She is evoke change and positively impacted the lives of hundreds with her authentic, insightful wisdom and witty approach to life and its circumstances. Charlotte is a dynamic communicator whose mission is to promote effective communication, coping methodology and self confidence in all people and get this squad. She is the author of a fantastic book the disease and it’s spelled di S dash e a s e, the 30 day guide to comfort depression and anxiety. And Charlotte please come on and say hello to our squad. But first, tell us your favorite color and why.
Unknown Speaker 2:43
Hi everybody. Um, this is Charlotte Terrelle here and I guess a favorite i mean i vacillate between blue and purple. They’re kind of the same family, but they both are representative of royalty. Ha It always reminds me of freshness and being a new and being rejuvenated. So I just I love those two colors.
Unknown Speaker 3:06
Love it, love it. So let’s take our debit like me. I know you’re so you’re so like, your energy is just spilling through I love this. Take us back in our like little DeLorean Back to the Future here. You know, tell us a little origins of your start and how you got to be this fantastic, you know, life coach and trainer.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
It is it’s got a weird but um, even as a child, I mean, I did the normal things and get in my share of trouble. But I spent a lot of time My mom is a retired choir director and she actually is still doing some music and consulting in the area in Michigan. But she was one of those that back in the day. You know, she would be in jail now. But back in the day she would bring the kids home. We traveled together. They were like my brothers and sisters, but they were older than me and I also always found myself listening to them. providing them with advice. And although I was a little girl, I mean, I could understand what they were talking about. I just had this innate sense of people in relationships. And I just enjoyed listening and giving advice when necessary. And so it just kind of evolved as I got older and my mom asked me when I was getting ready to go to college, not are you going to college, but what college are you going to? And what are you going to major in? And I knew without question, social work. Where did that come from? I mean, really, what a surprise, but I just decided, you know, to stay in that same vein, I know social work. I know people I know systems and how people interact with social systems. And so I just made that my major, and that’s kind of been between education and social work, as well, you know, therapy. That’s kind of been what I’ve been doing. Discovered coaching in 2010 and said, Oh, this is putting some stuff That’s to what I’ve been doing all along. You know, I don’t have to just listen anymore. I could say, hey, do this. Try this. Have you tried that? And just kind of adding some enhancement to what I was already practicing. So that’s kind of the long and the short of
Unknown Speaker 5:13
it. I love it. I love it. And so like so you’re a little child kind of spewing some advice in the wizard. What do you think that was? Some kind of came from it such a young age? Are you just very observant and picking up on stuff or do you think that Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:25
yeah, I think it’s a combination of being observant. I was around older kids, a lot of my older people, they always used to call me boss. I was like, Why are these old people call me Boss Lady, but it just kind of stuck. Yeah, observant, being around older people. And also just an innate gift that God has given me to just have a love and compassion for people in pain and helping them through the healing process. You’re a trope true. Go
Unknown Speaker 5:51
giver that that’s fun.
Unknown Speaker 5:52
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Where did
Unknown Speaker 5:55
you end up going to college to become a social worker was in Michigan.
Unknown Speaker 5:58
I went well actually. I did. One of my degrees in Michigan. Okay, I got my master’s in rehabilitation counseling. It’s stay
Unknown Speaker 6:06
party party on that’s it. We don’t care for the blue flew here on my No, no.
Unknown Speaker 6:14
I went to Kentucky State for undergrad. Wow. Okay. social work degree there. Okay. And I had a music scholarship so I sang and did my thing. Oh you sang
Unknown Speaker 6:24
Okay. Did you start kind of in the choir as you were younger and stuff because your mom Yeah, we’re director right you said
Unknown Speaker 6:30
yes. Okay. Yeah. So I was in her choirs and then I experienced some other choirs in the community as choirs and all that jazz, but you know, I don’t think much anymore, but
Unknown Speaker 6:39
I love it. I love it. So what do you think makes a good coach then Charlotte?
Unknown Speaker 6:45
Hmm, I think for one, you have to be a good listener. You have to have a good heart. You have to be authentic and people right now. And even before this tumultuous time, have been interested in people who are genuine being themselves. You know, I, you know, sometimes I can talk about mistakes I’ve made not 10 years ago, 10 minutes ago, I mean like I might have said the wrong thing put my foot in my mouth, but you know, I’m human. And being human is probably one of the probably the most important factor to being a good coach, be human. I love
Unknown Speaker 7:26
how do you pull? When you meet somebody, they don’t a lot of times they might come referred to you, but like, how do you pull their genuine out of them because a lot of people come to you with a fake face. They think that you have it together they’re just looking for help maybe to make some money or you know, get over a treasures but how do you bring out that genuine, authentic self out of your prospect before they’re even a client
Unknown Speaker 7:53
and usually may start with a joke or something that I’ve noticed the commonality that we get have, like I’ve seen people here in Mississippi that have a University of Michigan shirt on. And I might just walk to walk up to them and say, my ugly shirt on. And my cousins are like, Oh my god, you don’t get us killed. But you know, it’s just my way of just kind of breaking the ice. And then people will be people with you if you’re people with them. And just kind of just breaking down the barriers by talking real stuff with them. And just, again, finding a commonality, finding something that people are passionate about, you know, I’m not I’m not inefficient, but my husband is sure. And he’s passionate about it. So you know, do I want to hear about worms or season? Fish? Not really, right. But I mean, I listen to it because he loves it. I’m not getting enjoyment from seeing him excited. So just being genuinely excited for people and with people celebrating with them. I think that’s a
Unknown Speaker 8:58
that’s fantastic. So tell me about a face that you might have had in your life, something that you had to push through and come out the other side being a better person for it.
Unknown Speaker 9:08
Do you mean professionally or personally,
Unknown Speaker 9:10
that’s either let’s dig in either one we’re comfortable talking about.
Unknown Speaker 9:15
Well, I couldn’t be the first to admit I was in a marriage prior to this one that wasn’t successful. He threatened to kill me. And I figured that probably it’s a good idea to get out. didn’t kill me. Obviously, he didn’t put his hands on me, but he has a propensity to do that. I got pregnant, lost the baby. And, you know, I really hit rock bottom at that point, because I was thinking, you know, I’ve lost this baby. I’ve lost him. You know, nobody wants to fail in marriage. But I don’t feel like I failed. I just feel like the marriage just was not a safe place for me to stay in. So I left after he threatened to kill me. Um, there was some issues just underlying with him that he just was not willing to let go of and just kind of after the marriage led me to a dark place because I was wondering what was in me to choose somebody like him. And what did I do wrong to wind up in a situation where not only am I jobless homeless, scarless had to go home to mom and you know all that stuff. But her small voice say to me, you’re worth saving. And that just kind of built on that. You know, before I was from a pretty confident family, and they encouraged you to be confident and know who you are and where you going. And after I hit rock bottom with this whole situation with this guy, he was on drugs and you know, just all the things that you could imagine would go into a situation like that. But once I came out, I was like, I got game now that I didn’t have before. I’m on I made the mistake of maybe choosing too soon or choosing wrong or whatever you want to call it. But I learned from that and I
Unknown Speaker 11:02
Yeah, I came out better because of it.
Unknown Speaker 11:04
It’s almost like it’s perfect timing for a bad thing and in a way being I mean, you don’t no one ever wants to go what you went through, but you came through your strong woman, you know, that’s, that’s fantastic. Thank you for sharing that, by the way, cuz that’s, that’s pretty that’s, that’s strong I use the word strong up but that’s a strong thing so
Unknown Speaker 11:24
to help somebody and then you can come out and you can be better.
Unknown Speaker 11:28
Excellent. I love that. And you know scars are tougher on your skin anyways, you know, they’re, they make you stronger. Yes, that’s fantastic. So I guess we can segue into this if you were to go back in time and meet the 22 year old Charlotte, you know, what would you tell her? What would you advise her?
Unknown Speaker 11:52
I think one of the things that I tell people all the time I would tell her is one don’t aspire to be Perfect, because you’re not, you’re never going to attain that as a goal. Your dogs not going to be perfect, your marriage is not going to be perfect. Nothing about you or your immediate scope will be perfect. And also, you’re going to take you with you wherever you go. So whatever precedents you want to take in representing yourself, always be mindful of presenting your best self.
Unknown Speaker 12:20
You know, what I’m getting from this squad is that she said it many times. But what she just said there is just be genuine, right, Charlotte? You know, that’s what we want to tell everybody out there is be genuine, no matter what your situation is be genuine. That’s what you would have told your 22 year olds or maybe you were back then because you’re like lightyears ahead of what your age was. But I’d like to ask that question a lot. Because I want to hear because I I’m always saying, you know, get your asking gear, meaning that’s what I would have told my, my younger self is Be bold and ask people ask, don’t be afraid to ask and in being like you just said it’d be genuine. I love that. So we’re not
Unknown Speaker 12:58
just uploads just
Unknown Speaker 13:01
Just to piggyback on that, it’s okay to not be okay. And don’t sit on your behind and like you said, don’t get your butt. Get your butt in gear. But it’s okay to not be okay. And figure out what you need to do to not be, oh, I need to be better.
Unknown Speaker 13:14
I love that, you know, I’m a man of faith and I don’t care. I really think I’m absolutely, that’s fine. But I’m a man
Unknown Speaker 13:21
of faith.
Unknown Speaker 13:23
Right? And, you know, you know, even God says, As you walk through the valley of the shadow, not sit and wallow, and while you move, take action, keep moving forward. He’s got you, no matter what. And I don’t want to turn this into this because, you know, some of my listeners are not, but you know, we’re I’m a believer, I’m not afraid to say but no matter what you’re in, take action. Move forward. That’s exactly what you just said stay genuine, take action and move forward. And I love that. So what do you think, is the one thing that says it’s a different one? Is there any Good question that you wish your prospects that are going to become clients would ask you, but never do. When you’re first, you know, a lot of times it makes you think a lot because I coach people too. And there’s certain questions and I’m like, Man, I’m just waiting for you to ask it. But like, what do you think is maybe a question that people never ask that you have to actually draw the answer out of them before they even ask it?
Unknown Speaker 14:27
Unknown Speaker 14:29
I mean, you know, going along with a theme that we’ve been talking about, are you living your authentic self images is an acronym that actually stands that’s my company that stands for imparting a message about God’s expectation of our success. And Wow, awesome. I like the the acronym but also I like images because we were all these masks and all these different hats. And what I want to ask people or want people to tell me is Are you being your real self? And what do you really? What are you ashamed of what? What What is making you not feel like you can be who you are, and be accepted and loved and get gratification from your life? You know, what is it about your life that makes you feel like you have to hide behind a mask or hide behind a title or facade? So, are you living your authentic life? Are you enjoying your authentic self? And what are you doing to take care of you? Would you trust you to be your caregiver? I
Unknown Speaker 15:34
look Wow, would you trust you to be your caregiver? That is strong squad. Listen, I’m writing that down. Hold on one second, would you trust you to be your caregiver? Sorry people, but I had to actually write that well as in the top of my head. Hey, real quick, the images. What is that again? That Can you say that a little slower. It’s
Unknown Speaker 15:56
imparting a message.
Unknown Speaker 16:00
Unknown Speaker 16:04
God’s expectation
Unknown Speaker 16:08
Okay, how about success? I love that.
Unknown Speaker 16:12
I love it. I’m parting a message by God’s expectations about success is
Unknown Speaker 16:17
our success
Unknown Speaker 16:18
of our success. Okay? Beautiful, beautiful. So, okay. If you will take your cell phone out of the equation right now, but what’s three things that Charlotte cannot live without? And they can be anything fun they can be like something like God,
Unknown Speaker 16:38
love it. laughter
Unknown Speaker 16:42
and family whether blood related or non blood related
Unknown Speaker 16:48
years are better than mine. I always thought chicken wings at the end because I’m a snob so it’s like I have to have the but Charlotte what is your definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 17:04
you know growing up or even sometimes now we fall into this whoo you’re gonna have a lot of money and drive this and got that but I’m a fulfilled life to me is a life that where you are living a life of thanks living you’re thankful for things people places, your experiences the ones you learn from the ones you love, the ones you hated. They all formed who you are and I think embracing all of those things and embracing and just taking life by the reins and running is living a fulfilled life because
Unknown Speaker 17:41
taking action right
Unknown Speaker 17:43
yeah, taking action. Just loving it, living it and enjoying every aspect of it. I’ll tell my mom yesterday. My husband’s like, come here, come here, come here and I ran outside. He’s like look at that is a praying mantis. Have you ever seen one of those before? And you know, to to the audience question Or to you? It might sound strange, but it’s those little things. Stop and recognize and it was cool to share a moment like
Unknown Speaker 18:08
that with him. Did you tell him that the female eats the male after they made? They do. Google it. It’s crazy. It’s funny. My lady made sure she told me that I was like, Oh, thanks. Hey, Charlotte, we’re gonna go into our leveling up lightning round. So you and I could really speak for 1520 minutes, but I got to limit it to like five to seven seconds on the answer. Whatever comes to the top of your head. Really? Don’t follow up on it. I just want an answer. Is that cool? Cool. Awesome. Ready? sec. Yo. All right. It’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
Unknown Speaker 18:50
Be yourself what you will what you resist persists. I
Unknown Speaker 18:55
will. I was going to bet the house you’re going to say be yourself and I love that. Share. One Your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
Acting the fool. Hey, you got to add laughter
Unknown Speaker 19:09
I love that I’m gonna I’m gonna stop right there. You can even elaborate you can even get there because I love that. That was that was genuine. It’s true. It’s true. Okay, recommend a good book to read other than the Good Book. Recommend another book not that one you’re reading now but one that comes to your head. Every time you think man, I need to remember something and you read it in that book.
Unknown Speaker 19:32
power in praise. It’s so old. It was one of my grandmother’s books love it or in praise by Carruthers. I believe his last name was in gone now but great book.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
Excellent. So your favorite charity or organization that you’d like to support either monetarily or with your time.
Unknown Speaker 19:53
It’ll usually be church organizations. Many.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
Okay, last question. The best decade of Music 60s 70s 80s or 90s
Unknown Speaker 20:03
Oh man, come on.
Unknown Speaker 20:07
I love it all. genres. 80s has some hot stuff under the rock back then.
Unknown Speaker 20:15
Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. So as we wind down Charlotte, can you share with the time to shine squad? One Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with them today please.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
Um, know that
Unknown Speaker 20:34
where you are is not where you’re going and keep moving forward.
Unknown Speaker 20:38
Love it. That’s fantastic. So how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 20:43
Well, I have several venues. Social media, LinkedIn is Charlotte to rail, comma m Ed, comma MRC.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
I’ll put it in the show notes. Don’t worry about your
Unknown Speaker 20:57
face no is at images MCs. I
Unknown Speaker 21:00
love it. Don’t say face number Facebook,
Unknown Speaker 21:03
okay? I have that open too.
Unknown Speaker 21:06
So that’s where his Twitter is at Shar the real one.
Unknown Speaker 21:11
That’s Charlotte, the real one. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 21:13
And then my email address is Charlotte ito rail@gmail.com.
Unknown Speaker 21:18
Love that. And in squad, make sure that you pick up a book as well on Amazon. I’m gonna put a link in the show notes. Again, it’s disease and it’s spelled di S dash sc and the 30 day guide to comfort depression and anxiety. It’s a it’s Kindle format. It’s a super quick read, you’re going to love it. And I Just Want to Have you realized that not only is Charlotte a sparty, but also a genuine loving person, you know, in which she asked the question, would you trust you to be your caregiver? And that’s amazing because I know that whoever is taking care of my parents they better have their A game on and part of the varsity squad. If you’re going to trust yourself and be genuine, and then the images acronym is fantastic. I’m gonna butcher it again but in part a message about God’s expectations about our success. I’m hoping that we got that. No, yeah, yeah. So, Charlotte, you’re so humble yet you’re so hungry. You’re leveling up your health. You’re leveling up your wealth. You’re part of our squad now. Thank you so, so much for coming. And we look forward to actually having you on again. Okay, I’d
Unknown Speaker 22:31
love it. I’d
Unknown Speaker 22:32
love it. Guys. Hey, thanks
Unknown Speaker 22:35
so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash Guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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