Welcome to Episode 204! Brian C. Steele is a pastor, author and speaker. After 8 years studying the parable of the hidden treasure he leads people to find God’s really real kingdom as the path to a life that is flourishing. Brian is also a professional geologist and is in (partial) recovery from a birdwatching addiction. He loves alpine backpacking with his wife Katie and dog Banner. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
The story in your head matters more than anything else. Live a Kingdom Narrative. It will give meaning and help squeeze out goodness.
– Brian C. Steele
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Don’t be afraid of the hard questions when it comes to your faith
2. Sometimes you have to go through hell to build character
Your BIG sacrifices will be worth it
3. A great leader is a servant that brings flourishing to and through other people
4. Flourishing does not mean easy or comfortable
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Brian’s Book: The Kingdom Field Guide
Brian’s Linked IN
Brian’s Facebook
Brian’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Brian Steele with Kingdom field guides calm. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson,
Unknown Speaker 0:12
time to shine today podcast versity squad it is Scott Ferguson and we have Episode 204 with my good friend, the author of your kingdom Field Guide, pastor and author Brian Steele, what a fantastic conversation man, this guy is all about leveling up through God’s goodness. I’m a man of faith. And I unapologetically say that. And it was so great to have a conversation with someone that was kind of a science person in geology, and kind of leveled up his way into really being God loving. I mean, he always loved God, but now he’s leveling up and helping you love God as well. He doesn’t push it down your throat. He’s not like really aggressive about it. And that’s what I really love about Brian, we’re cut from the same cloth and I just love that. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Brian Steele, the author of your kingdom Field Guide. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast mercy squad into Scott Ferguson. And how do you feel about a broken theology pastor and then dare to write a book about the Bible’s most relevant story today? Well, I got my guy, my good friend here from the left coast out in Washington State, Mr. Brian Steele. He is a pastor, author and speaker after eight years studying the parable of the hidden treasures as he leaves people to find God’s really real Kingdom as a path to a life that is flourishing. Brian is also professional geologists as and I want to get into that part about being a geologist and also a man of faith. As in recovering from a birdwatching addiction, he loves Alpine backpacking with his wife, Katie, and his dog banner. And he also says, may you stub your toe on the hidden treasure waiting right at your feet. And that is awesome as a lot of times squad what we really want God’s already provided there. You just have to open your eyes and see it. So Brian, welcome to the show. Please come on. Introduce yourself to time to shine today varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Hey, Scott, glad to be here. It’s a it’s a mountain blue that you only get in an Alpine wilderness. So you got to be about 6000 feet up. And it’s a sky blue in that Alpine setting. Loving, close to God there
Unknown Speaker 2:33
right, my man. That’s it. Yeah, my boy, Brian here is a man of faith. And you know, I am unapologetically a man of faith as well. And my squad listens to it, they still continue to listen. But this man is a man of faith, but he also brings it in with his kingdom Field Guide. If you’re watching on YouTube, or any other video channel, I’m gonna have a giveaway for this book. So wait to the end. Make sure you listen to the answer. You can have your chance at a free giveaway but he what I’m saying by that is he modernizes it like Jesus did in the parables would he would make you know something intelligent human terms. And Brian, I’m not he’s not thinking I’m not thinking he’s anywhere near Jesus Christ. But you know, he’s able to do that and give that gift of that. So Brian, again, thank you for coming I can we get to the origin stories of you being a geologist, which a lot of geologists, they don’t believe in the Adam and Eve and in kind of stuff like that, at least the ones that I know, we get in our nice little friendly debates and stuff about creation and whatnot. But you get into a little bit about your background and geology and then kind of how it leveled up into, you know, being a fantastic coach, and also the author of the kingdom Field Guide.
Unknown Speaker 3:39
Yeah, well, I, you know, I started getting into geology in high school with my English teacher taught me and some buddies how to rock climb. And that got me hooked and being outside and I have a science mindset. And so when I’m trying to do Sue, I don’t get to decide what I’m going to do with my life. It was I’m going to go study geology, and I love being outside. So combining science with being able to climb all over rocks. And the way my faith integrates in that is I just believe that this earth declares God’s glory, the more we look at it, and more we study it, the more we get into the details. It’s amazing. And so for me, I have zero problems, integrating my faith and being a person of science and geology is just like, everything
Unknown Speaker 4:29
created by God, man.
Unknown Speaker 4:31
I’d say yeah,
Unknown Speaker 4:32
it’s it. And it’s, what do you created?
Unknown Speaker 4:34
Unknown Speaker 4:36
So let’s kind of level up into where you’re at. Now you’re a pastor. Yeah. And you’re also a fantastic author. What, what kind of brought you into going into the clergy?
Unknown Speaker 4:49
Well, I had, you know, My son was starting middle school, and I said, I’m just going to volunteer in the middle school youth group, and that snowballed and absolutely took off and I discovered I just bumped into something like I had no plans of becoming a pastor. It was never on any life path. And I discovered something that I loved and a passion I didn’t even know that I had. And so that volunteering experience just snowballed. And then church offered me a job. And I left a really an excellent career in geology, I was doing consulting, engineering, consulting, and and left that so I could come and be a pastor did youth ministry for a few years now I love working with adults, connecting people helping people live in God’s kingdom.
Unknown Speaker 5:41
And you sit at your church that you do you must most of this connecting, or do you go and go out with an outreach or missionary kind of thing, or what, what?
Unknown Speaker 5:50
Mostly local in my church and and, you know, we have people that are across the board, economically and socially. It’s a huge church that I work at. I’m one of 15, pastors and people from all kinds of backgrounds and all kinds of faith backgrounds. And I love that I love that everybody’s story is unique, and God is working his story. That’s, that’s just me. He’s the best author right now.
Unknown Speaker 6:19
Unknown Speaker 6:21
Unknown Speaker 6:22
So you,
Unknown Speaker 6:25
you What did your family then kind of think about you kind of really kind of moving away cuz I know a lot of my friends, they work at the church, and I’m sorry, like, monetarily, it’s much there. I’m sorry. God says it’s okay to make money. Just don’t be in love with it.
Unknown Speaker 6:40
Yeah, you know,
Unknown Speaker 6:41
so what does your family think about that kind of move into the clergy life away from kind of geology where, again, I don’t know what you’re making, but it you spent a lot of time there. So I’m sure it was a living?
Unknown Speaker 6:52
Well, I’m not making six figures. And but what I discovered is that God provides, if he’s calling you to something he’s going to provide for it. Yes. And he’s going to provide in ways that are really surprising. It might mean that you need to make sacrifices, it might mean you need to make big sacrifices, but it’s always going to be worth it. Yeah, and when you say yes to what the Lord has in store for you, he’s just going to provide and, and, and honestly, even though I’m not making nearly what I used to do, my wife and I, we feel like we’re living as royalty, and our lives are so full and so meaningful, more than I ever could have imagined.
Unknown Speaker 7:37
And I love that you say that, because when you’re part of something like you are at your church, it’s kind of like, it doesn’t mean money doesn’t matter. But if there was ever a hiccup in your life, the churches usually they’re not lack of better turnout to bail you out. But to really help us do that. And if it becomes monetary, a lot of times I know when I was going through my hard times no nine in 2010, my church and I’m a small group leader, you know, for the teenagers, and they like couldn’t make a car payment, you know, in the real estate market crash it couldn’t they, you know, Benevolent Fund, they just said, Listen, man, forget, we got you. And that’s one thing about the church, is that that’s awesome. So then what do you think Brian makes a great leader?
Unknown Speaker 8:19
service? I think a great leader is a servant that brings flourishing to and through other people.
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Wow. Give me an example.
Unknown Speaker 8:32
Well, you know, it’s I had that the person I’m working for right now is one of the best bosses that I’ve ever had in any setting professional, and he just makes me a better Brian. And he’s so humble. He has a humility, and he has a servant heart. I mean, he’s the guy that showed up on my doorstep when I was getting ready to move my house and just want wanted to help. And his humility, and his service has helped me become a better Brian. And as part of the flourishing that’s in my life.
Unknown Speaker 9:09
Yeah, that’s fantastic, man, thank you for that example of being transparent. So the people come to you being a pastor, they’re gonna come to you with a plethora of different background problems. Yeah. What is some of your secret sauce then, that you have that helps you help them find the blind spot that they’re going through?
Unknown Speaker 9:29
Yeah, I mean, I’m I often the story in your head, I’ll say the story in your head matters more than practically anything else. And I’m so convinced that the narrative of all history is God’s kingdom narrative. And, and that, you know, in my book, I say that, that God’s kingdom isn’t just real, but is really real. It is the thing that’s going to last for eternity. And if the story in your head isn’t lined up with that, reality, then it’s a little bit crazy. And so I’m really as people are coming in, I’m trying to help people see, you are living in God’s kingdom, his kingdom is really real here and now. And that the narrative that you live by when you wake up when you go about your day, when you’re doing all the ordinary stuff, if you’re living a kingdom narrative, it makes all the difference in the world. And it even Ginga gives meaning to the, to the suffering to the trials to the difficult things, and it squeezes goodness out of those really difficult things.
Unknown Speaker 10:35
Wow, I’m
Unknown Speaker 10:36
always talking about the story in your head, and what narrative Are you living by?
Unknown Speaker 10:40
Wow, that’s awesome that that gives them a foundation to really start their healing process or their leveling up process, even if they’re trying to make it forward in life. So when they’re, they’re coming to you, Pastor, Brian, is there? Is there any good question you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 11:04
Well, you know, actually, what I’m finding is usually people have a fear of of raising questions around areas of faith. Like they think that those questions translate into a weakness in faith. But I believe that the best questions and the most difficult questions are a reflection of strong faith. Yes, like, if you have a close relationship with somebody, there’s nothing that’s off. That’s off topic is you can talk about your deepest struggle and your most intense doubts and your fears. And so, I would wish that people were more honest with the real deep questions that they have about their faith. And, and, and so I wish people would be able to go there more often. Right. Rather than bury the questions or say go, I can’t ask that. Because I think that weapon viewed as weakness or not having faith.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Yeah, yeah. You have to ask because the strength in your faith, faith, you know, I take my really good friend, Leah woodfords. advice, you know, get your asking here. You know, I’m saying Ask, ask, ask, you know, saying? Yeah, I love that. Get that asking here. So, Brian, who’s had the most profound impact on your life, outside of God? Yep.
Unknown Speaker 12:26
He’s my great uncle Jerry. It’s actually my wife’s great uncle Jerry, Jerry Kirk is he’s in his 90s. And he is a man, again, is humble. He has a servant’s heart. He is a person of faith, and he has an impact that really travels worldwide. And, and, and Uncle Jerry has has helped form and shaped me, not just as a Christian, but as a person, perhaps more than any other mentor role in my life. And the reason why it’s so powerful is I one time I asked him, Hey, would you mentor me? He said, No, I won’t mentor you. But what I’ll do is let’s follow Jesus together. And let’s learn together because he has this conviction that he has as much to learn as I do. And so it’s a mutual relationship. So yeah, it’s
Unknown Speaker 13:22
right. It’s a journey, and that you’re consistently learning. And that’s what probably keeps him alive into his 90s. Because he’s consistently learning. So people that just stop and they think they know it, all their content that they don’t get for us. And that actually kills you physically. If you don’t continue to learn, that’s probably part of it.
Unknown Speaker 13:40
So, yeah, he’s really honest with his struggles with me as well. And you think if, you know, by the time you hit 90 if you just arrived, and you know, he’s totally dispelled that notion, and, and so, his the gift that he gives me is he’s honest with his struggles with me, that means I can be honest with my struggles with him. And, and that is such a, that’s awesome. That’s a gift.
Unknown Speaker 14:04
Love it. So if you see, Back to the Future, yeah, okay, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly.
Unknown Speaker 14:11
All right back
Unknown Speaker 14:12
to the 22 year old brain steel. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on Brian to help him level up last through and maybe shorten the learning curve?
Unknown Speaker 14:22
Yeah, actually, I don’t want to shorten his learning curve. I want him to go through every last bit of hell that he is going to go through because he’s going to have in his 20s and 30s. And even a little bit into his 40s. He’s going to have some versions of hell on earth that he needs to go through. And I don’t want to shorten that at all. Scott, I want him to. I need him to do that kind of suffering. Because it made me the person that I am right now. So I’m not telling them the thing. I get to be like no or go through it.
Unknown Speaker 14:56
I love it.
Unknown Speaker 14:57
Unknown Speaker 14:59
how do you want that dash remember though that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want your dash remembered on your? your tombstone? If you
Unknown Speaker 15:08
Yeah, well Jesus He told the parable the hidden treasure he said, the treasure the kingdom of God is like treasure hidden a field that a man finds and then in his joy goes and sells everything and buys that field and, and I want that dash to be not only I found the treasure hidden in the field, but I lead others to finding the greatness and flourishing that’s available in God’s kingdom.
Unknown Speaker 15:34
Wow, that’s fantastic, man. That’s awesome. So let’s transition here. What what keeps Brian up at night?
Unknown Speaker 15:45
Oh, man. I, I when I’m when I’m concerned about if I’m being the very best steward of what God’s entrusted to me. Am I using my time? Well? Am I using my gifts? Well, my talents Am I am I listening? Am I living a life that’s you know, that’s characterized in a Jesus way is there humility, right? And, and, and honestly, I’m most haunted if I feel like I’m building my own kingdom as a poor as opposed to God’s kingdom. Because if I’m building my kingdom, that thing is gonna crumble. It’s not gonna
Unknown Speaker 16:26
go well, it’s got to be on the foundation of that. Stone rock. Absolutely. So then, what is Brian’s definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 16:37
It’s it’s flourishing. And flourishing doesn’t mean easy or comfortable. And so Scott, you know, 2020 was honestly the best year of my entire life. Good to
Unknown Speaker 16:51
meet you. I say the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 16:53
And it’s not because it was an easy year, but it was because I experienced flourishing in the middle of it. Right. Now, in the last eight years, I’ve been married to my wife, Katie for eight years. And, and during that time, we’ve gone through a brain surgery with my wife, and she ended up getting shot, which is their own story. And we’ve had some nightmares. But that even through that was flourishing.
Unknown Speaker 17:18
Right. And you and I would probably not have Matt, without COVID because of the That’s right. The connection that we have to Kyle Gillette are good, but no, you know, in, you know, in reached out to Kyle, he’s like, you have to talk to my friend, Pastor Brian. And like, that’s the way I look at it. I mean, I built my podcast up to almost half a million downloads and sponsorships, and everything through COVID. Because I was like, man, how can I help people and it’s interviewing people like you, they’re just going to hear the message. It’s going to hell. That’s fantastic, though. So thank you for sharing that. Hey, time to shine today podcast, frosty squad, we are back with my good friend, author, Pastor Brian Steele. And he is the author of the kingdom Field Guide. And again, we have a giveaway, which makes sure you stay to the end, and I’ll tell you exactly how you have a chance of winning his fantastic book. But Brian, we’re moving into our leveling up lightning round, I’m going to ask you about five or six questions. Okay. And you, I get you and I could talk 1520 minutes an hour and each one of these questions, but you’ve got five seconds with no, you’re ready. Let’s do it. Don’t be nervous. You could do this. On. Let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Brian’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 18:35
A serve?
Unknown Speaker 18:38
sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 18:42
I have a daily devotional on paper and I’m using paper to to track my life. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 18:51
I love accountability. That’s fantastic. Other than your website, Kingdom field guides calm and also time to shine today.com shameless plug What’s another website you’d like to go to? to level up?
Unknown Speaker 19:02
soul? shepherding.org Wow,
Unknown Speaker 19:05
I have to check that out. And I will put that in the show notes squat. Awesome. If I’m in my doldrums, and you’re seeing it like Fergie read this and not the good book or not your book. What’s another book that you might hand Forgive me myself?
Unknown Speaker 19:20
I’m gonna go Mike cosper recapturing the Wonder
Unknown Speaker 19:24
caption the one that I’ll put that in the show notes. I’m gonna have to pick that one up too. Absolutely. Awesome. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you tax Brian?
Unknown Speaker 19:32
It’s like the sideways smiley face. Here’s laughs I’ve been down.
Unknown Speaker 19:38
That people always say the laughing emoji. But I would say straight up or sideways. So you’re sideways guideways
Unknown Speaker 19:43
Unknown Speaker 19:44
emoji you can’t friggin lie to me right now. Okay, you’re ready. All right. If you could stay one age for the rest of your life and still keep the physically for the rest of your life. still keep the knowledge you’ve garnered, and still continue to You get the good knowledge. What age physically would be, would you say?
Unknown Speaker 20:04
Yeah, I think right now I’m in some of the best physical shape. So I stay right where I’m at.
Unknown Speaker 20:12
Okay, I’m almost 50. And I would take 32 just because it’s a lot easier for me to get on that jujitsu mat than it is. Now. I’ll tell you what, I have a warm up before I warm up. Any favorite charity and organization like to give your time and money to?
Unknown Speaker 20:27
Oof. Well, locally, it’s rebound of walking County, and they they serve underprivileged and vulnerable kids and families that are around me. Love it. Love it. Thank
Unknown Speaker 20:39
you for saying that. And last question. You can elaborate on this one just a little bit, but what’s the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 20:50
Unknown Speaker 20:52
I’m going 60s.
Unknown Speaker 20:53
Alright, very close.
Unknown Speaker 20:56
Back in the day.
Unknown Speaker 21:00
You can’t go wrong with any one of those four.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
I mean, Jimi Hendrix is on it. Honestly, it’s so good. Some of that old right?
Unknown Speaker 21:07
How old are you if you don’t mind sharing?
Unknown Speaker 21:09
I’m 85 No, I’m 31
Unknown Speaker 21:14
oh wow man, you’re in excellent shape. You’re excellent. That’s fantastic. So Brian How can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 21:19
Kingdom field guides calm
Unknown Speaker 21:22
and that’s with an S on the end squad guides.com
Unknown Speaker 21:26
also have a kingdom field guides Facebook page there’s lots of great content on there and and those are the two best places to to find me
Unknown Speaker 21:34
and also does have a free download the five tools to establish a kingdom first culture It looks like a free download on his website and also squad the first person you have to pick up this awesome book I’m halfway through it. Brian has personally signed it for you as well. But it is the kingdom field guide the hidden hidden treasure series keys the five keys to finding guides are really real kingdom. And again it gets it gets me glued I talked about this on my podcast a lot I don’t read books straight through I do it in mini and I probably have five or six books going at once but all of them really feed my mind good stuff and I want you to if the first person to put in any of my social time to shine today whether it’s LinkedIn Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or even an email subscribe that replies back steel man, s t e l e m a n steel man if you put that in the reply along with what your thoughts are on the podcast, I will send you out a free book and Brian again is already signed it and it’s ready to be shipped to you in time shine today is blessed the Brian sun to us and of course we will handle the shipping. So Brian, if you could, this has just been awesome. Can you please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you’d like us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 22:50
Yeah, when Jesus he talked about his kingdom, he’s there was really two things. It’s it’s worth more than anything. You can imagine anything you could have any dream goal, but he says that it’s hidden. And for you to find God’s kingdom. He says to seek it first it means make it your highest priority. Your your greatest effort, the top of mind. And and when you embark on that kind of journey, you’re everything in your life is going to take such deeper meaning and significance and even the most ordinary things in your life. You’re going to find it and become extraordinary.
Unknown Speaker 23:30
It’s going to put it like underneath a microscope scopic glass or a magnifying glass. You know if you see that kingdom first and that’s one thing that actually saved my life in 2009 2010. So absolutely so you know, square you just had a free masterclass with my really good friend Brian Steele and author, fantastic man, a pastor, you know, God He lives by God’s calling, he knows that God is going to provide, you know, big sacrifices that you’re going to make are going to be worth it. You know, a great leader, Brian says is a servant that brings flourish meant to and through other people. And that’s exactly what Brian does. You know, he’ll tell you the story in your head matters more than anything else. You know, live a kingdom narrative, you know, give meaning and squeeze goodness out of everything in your life. If you’ve if you fire up and level up and really go after that kingdom. You know, don’t be afraid of questions when it comes to faith. Because you’re going to have questions you’re going to have doubts, reach out to someone like Brian who’d be happy to take a call with you, or I’ll be happy to make the introduction personally to Brian. You know, he’s going to tell himself and others go through the hell suffer. It’s going to build character, but just keep your eye on that kingdom first, and you will succeed promise you I went through that I’m a living legacy. A podcast episode 26 tells that story. You know, he wants to live a life where he’s found treasure and he wants to lead other people to that treasure that’s the epitome of a go giver and your treasure might be different. That his but he will help get you there. You know he wants to be the best steward have humility while doing that and lead you again to God’s kingdom and seek that kingdom first and remember that flourishing is not easy you have to suffer a little bit to really seek out that kingdom and Brian You’re so humble yet hungry you level up your help you level up your well thank you so so much for coming on time shine today podcasts varsity squad, and I just can’t wait to collaborate with you more in the future brother.
Unknown Speaker 25:26
Looking forward to it. Scott, thank
Unknown Speaker 25:27
you so much. All right. Have a great day, my friend. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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