442- Living Richer: Identifying & Stopping the Leaks in Your Wealth” 💸🔍 TTST Interview with Remnant Finance’s Brian Moody

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Brian is a Christian, husband, and father of 4 children. Brian is a Nelson Nash Institute Authorized Practitioner and is the founder of Perennial Wealth Concepts – a financial agency that specializes in teaching people how to unconsciously save money, create a financial tailwind utilizing the Infinite Banking Concept, and create a legacy plan.

Brian is also a 22 year veteran of the Air Force where he flies KC-135s! He believes that a life of abundance is available to anyone in America who chooses to live intentionally in all areas of life – faith, family, finance, friendship, and fitness!

    “You’re richer than you think! Start unlocking your financial potential today by identifying and stopping the leaks that are holding you back.”
    – Brian Moody

    fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

    1. 🛠️ **Create a Lasting Legacy**: Focus on building a legacy that goes beyond finances—incorporate love, faith, and strong values that will endure for generations.
    2. 💼 **Take Control of Your Finances**: Move from being a passive observer to actively managing your wealth. Financial security starts with taking control.
    3. 📊 **Tailor Your Financial Strategy**: Work with experts who can help you create a personalized financial plan that aligns with your unique goals and needs.
    4. 📚 **Commit to Continuous Growth**: Always seek to improve and learn. Personal and professional growth should be a constant in your life.
    5. 🌍 **Connect with Your Community**: Let your faith and commitment to your community guide your financial and personal decisions, ensuring they align with your values.
    6. 💰 **Prioritize Financial Independence**: Remember that every purchase involves financing. Make informed decisions that enhance your financial independence and future security.

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    Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

    Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

    Speech Transcript


    L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Hey, time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson. And I just got done interviewing Brian Moody from remnant finance and like, don’t let finance throw you off. Like this is going to be boring and all that jazz. All I can say is that Brian’s a veteran. He’s a pilot. In his quite a cool story about being in the military, but also what he does to build legacies, not only for his family, but also for you and others to be able to be financially secure.

    Also secure with your kind of love, your family, community, work, everything. He’s just super harmonious. We just have fun conversation. We might’ve been a little bit longer than the 30 minutes that you only put out, but he’s well worth it. So I’m going to shut up and kind of look over my notes again. Cause I have like three pages of them.

    So if you like it, please hit, like, if you know somebody that needs to hear it, please share it with them. Or if you’d like to smash the subscribe button, that’d be awesome as [00:01:00] well. So without further ado from remnant finance. Here comes my really good friend and fellow veteran, Brian Moody. Let’s level up.

    Time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got me a awesome sauce veteran. Somebody, it’s a Christian brother. Somebody that is all about the remnant, that small percent, the standout, the people that actually get out there, get after it, and they do it for the intention and not the attention.

    And I’m talking about my really good friend here, Brian Moody. Again, he’s a Christian, a husband and a father of four. He’s an authorized IBC practitioner. He helps people exit the financial compact passenger seat and boldly command their wealth, enriching Wealth enriching their family and leaving a generational legacy.

    Brian is also again, a 22 year veteran of the Air National Guard where he serves as a KC 135 instructor and evaluator pilot. Brian, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself. Do the time to shine today podcast for us to describe, [00:02:00] but first what’s your favorite color and why,

    Brian Moody: You’ll probably be surprised, but it’s blue and it’s a light blue sky, blue, just like

    L. Scott Ferguson: the KC one 35.

    Is that it’s a bigger aircraft, right?

    Brian Moody: Yeah, that’s a refueling aircraft. It’s a, it’s a variation of the 707. So it’s like, it’s close and comparable to the 737, which is what most people would know now.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. Yeah. I just remember watching that. I got to go through, like I flew an S3. It was a submarine hunter, but you know, it was what we did.

    We had to go up and off and get, plus we got launched off the carrier, blah, blah, blah, but there was an actual refueling happening in the distance, , that we could actually see. And that was the coolest thing that the whole nozzle and trying to line that up, man, it’s, you guys are just ballers, man.

    But seriously, thanks for your service. And also thanks for coming on Brian, man. And I love. Kind of to get to the roots of, , kind of what you, how you kind of started. Obviously you got the military, you got the background, you got the structure, but [00:03:00] how you kind of moved in to the run net finance.

    Brian Moody: Scott, it kind of begins when my, when my daughter Cora was two years old, I took her to visit my dad in the hospital for what was going to be the final time he was terminal. And When I, when I, I, I let her down and he’s, he’s, he had a really painful cancer and it was all through his body. So he’s sitting on the bed and he lights up like a Christmas tree and she jumps up on his lap and I’m standing here just like I’m getting right now a little misty eyed and And man, it shook my world because I realized in that moment, not so much just to see the joy he had in her, but I realized that everything I’d heard and learned about my grandfather was wrong and the destruction he did in our family by being emotionally abusive.

    And you see, whenever I was a little boy, he had a disease and I can never figure out why he was so mean to all of us, I would ask, and my family would say things like, They’d be like, Oh, well, he’s [00:04:00] in a lot of pain. So my entire life, I had this paradigm of when a man is in pain, they’re mean. Right. And that was the first time.

    So here I am 31 years old and I see my dad light up and I went, wait a second. That’s love he’s in pain. And so it shook me. And so for the next couple of years, I started investigating this because who we’re talking about is actually my mom’s father. So that generational legacy came down on her side.

    Sure. And it made me realize relationships I had with her. She has since passed as well. Relationships that with my aunts and uncles and all the people on that side. And you realized this trauma came. So I decided it was time to plant a tree of a new generational legacy. Cause my first daughter was only two.

    My second one was four weeks old. I think when my dad, six weeks old, when my dad died. So I said, you know, it all changes here. Like I had to first recognize it and boom, I’m going to plant a new tree. That’s going to kind of erase this generational trauma. And start over and we’re going to do it different.

    And, and I have to, and , that means that there’s a lot of self reflection, I have to [00:05:00] figure out how that affected me and how to not pass it on. Well, time goes on a few years and this becomes a theme in my life, like generational change, but I don’t really know what to do or how to do it. Other than I’m going to try to be a lot closer and a lot more loving than, than, , than my family may have been prior to that.

    And and I come across this book, infinite banking concept, and I realized this. Is the financial side to the generational legacy. So not only can I leave them a legacy of love, but now I can leave them a legacy of wealth and we can kind of start to build everything. So I’m going to leave the legacy of faith.

    Is it? Well, that’s my goal, the legacy of love, the legacy of wealth, the legacy of a healthy lifestyle. And it all started coming together when I finally found the financial piece and how to do it. And then I realized, like, I can enrich my own life doing this and we live way better. And it’s changed the way I think about everything.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. , it’s what I’m hearing is that I’m a big believer that balance is zero, right? You have 10 pounds on one side, 10 pounds on the other. And it’s just zeroes everything out. So I’m hearing [00:06:00] a lot of harmony. Yeah. , and what I mean by that is like, I love jazz, , and I’ll go to, , Susan, I will go to jazz clubs and my fiance and we’ll like watch musicians and like, so I picture like, , spiritual or God is your drums.

    Personal growth is your horns. You got work, community, family, , living environment, health and recreation. They’re all different instruments. If one of them is out of tune. Wonderful. There’s no harmony, but you don’t have to be Bach or Beethoven or John Bonham or Eddie Van Halen or anything to bring them back in.

    They just say to be tweaked. Is that what I’m kind of hearing? You’re really finding harmony within people’s lives.

    Brian Moody: Oh, absolutely. And even it’s sometimes some of those can be quieted, right? When I mean, sometimes they set down their instruments, stop playing one side of that jazz band. So, so I’m with you on that, on the balance, it’s, it’s not all in all the time, there’s, there’s going to be waves, things are going to get louder.

    Things are going to get softer. Things are going to come in when they need to come in and retract when they need to retract. Yeah. So it’s all about that army. Absolutely.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. So how are you structuring? Are you [00:07:00] structuring kind of like a lot of one on one? Because I know you’re kind of doing the work now, but you’re in kind of a transitional time, which, , I’ll add to the podcast when this drops.

    But , it, are you working with people more one on one? Are you handling groups, companies, or what, what, what is Remnick going to be?

    Brian Moody: We, we more work with people one on one. So sometimes it’s groups, but it always comes down to an individual basis. And I sit with that person and, and we focus on basically what you said, but we stick with the five F’s to faith, family, finance, fitness, and friendship, which are relationship and community.

    And, and we kind of figure out where they are and what we found is that. Many people are missing a saving strategy and without that, and without that financial piece, that is what makes all the other things possible. Because if that stress is in the financial piece, you can’t thrive in the other four areas or five areas or however you even want to define that for yourself.

    So we sit down and really find out individually where you are, what you need to do, what your goals are, and what the goals really are. Not just like, I want to [00:08:00] save a million dollars. What’s the real goal? Why? What’s your why on there, right? What’s your why? That’s right.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it, man. What’s your why behind setting up?

    Brian Moody: Man, it’s, it’s, it’s really just. What I’ve almost described so far, I just want to have the generational change. I want to see, I want the great grandchildren that I’ll never meet to be born into a system that is, that is already existing and that they know exactly where they’re coming from. So, , I’m in the process of writing the Moody family constitution, and I want this to be like a living document that gets passed through our trust

    L. Scott Ferguson: and it’s

    Brian Moody: just like, all right.

    So, , when this kid’s 15 years old and his mind starting to change and mature a little bit to read that, he can say. This is who we are.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

    Brian Moody: And that’s already working as a child, but like now they can start to deeply understand. And when they’re adults, it’s like, this is what it means to be a moody of this branch of the tree.

    L. Scott Ferguson: That’s amazing, man. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, and, and one, they’re gonna have good character. One, they’re going to, , know how to treat [00:09:00] people. One, they’re gonna know how to have fun. They’re gonna make some bank. Dude, there’s nothing wrong with making a little bank, dude, not at all. So let’s say you’re one on one with somebody and they’re, they kind of come on and, and you’re kind of sitting down maybe in a discovery period, Brian, is there, if you don’t mind sharing kind of any secret sauce you might use to maybe help them find that initial blind spot in, in their finances, possibly that where the harmony is not taking place.

    Brian Moody: I, I think it really comes down to asking the right questions. Sure. And I can’t even, I can’t stand here and tell you what the right questions are because those are formulated based on the discussions we have. Yeah, it really turns into a flow, but so excuse me, but , when you think about the financial side, which is where we’re usually going to turn to, even though we’re willing to talk about all the sides, what we find is like, if I can look at how you strategize, where you put your money, most people start out and everybody says, , the common, the common theme out there is start investing in your 401k, [00:10:00] but.

    What about protecting yourself? What about saving and investing? So there’s three aspects to that. And if I can show you that, like, , you don’t, you don’t have any lever level of protection. So you’re building this castle with no moat. And start to show you how that can affect your life.

    So the strat, the, the, the discussion goes into that. And then when we build these layers of protection around that mode around your wealth, then we, then we know we’re protected and we can start living out in the other areas we need to.

    L. Scott Ferguson: You just see you listening, man. And you, you, you like me, our, our superpowers are curiosity.

    We really dig in and I really see you listening, not just with your ears, but with your neck as well. You know what I’m saying? Like really leaning in and getting into their life without being judgmental. Yeah. Right. Or it really, , want to put the right path together for him. And so maybe while you’re in this discovery period, Brian, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never [00:11:00] do,

    Brian Moody: , that’s a tough question. I’ve thought about this a couple of times and I, I think sometimes I, I wish they would ask, honestly, what have I done? Because I show them what I do. And but sometimes it’s about what have I changed and how has it affected my life, which can come through in the conversation.

    But I think that’s the easiest way is I can, if I’m an open book and and , people want to focus on rate of return, but it’s like, how has this affected my life? And when that conversation comes up, it’s powerful and it doesn’t often.

    L. Scott Ferguson: But still, I mean, I would ask that, , I want to know your lineage.

    I kind of want to know what you did and how you grow. Yeah, absolutely, man. So there’s

    Brian Moody: good teaching in that. Yeah, absolutely.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, absolutely. So if I’m at a networking event, press and flash, getting out there, meeting people, what am I hearing? It would be like, make them a great prospect referral. , the Bob bird question, man, , what would make them a great prospect referral, or even a client for you?[00:12:00]

    Brian Moody: Yeah, well I think, I think one is are you interested? and keeping more of what you earn.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Mm.

    Brian Moody: So you can earn more on what you keep. Keep

    L. Scott Ferguson: more of what you earn so you can keep more,

    Brian Moody: keep more of what you earn. Yep. So you can earn more on what you keep .

    L. Scott Ferguson: I love that.

    Brian Moody: , so, so I think, I think a common thing to ask somebody, and if this is something they’re interested in is, is on the financial side of what I do is, is one, do you have a plan for legacy?

    Do you have a plan for the wealth you’re creating? Because if you don’t. The government does for you, that’s for sure. And are you interested in stopping that institutional theft or doing what you can to mitigate it? I should say.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

    Brian Moody: On the other side of that, it’s, it’s, it’s a question is what do you think, would you be interested?

    And earning constant compounding interest on your money, whether it’s being saved, spent or invested elsewhere.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it.

    Brian Moody: And if that’s something that interests you, it’s worth the discussion. Yeah.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love [00:13:00] it. So what do you feel your strengths are?

    Brian Moody: I think my strengths are getting down to meeting, meeting people where they’re at and showing them a way out, , and, and I think a great phrase that that, that I’ve kind of been thinking through a little bit is, and this applies to most Americans, especially most Americans that, you Are going to want to speak with us or, or interested in growth in their life is you’re richer than you think.

    No, even if you’re, even if you feel like you’re not, you’re richer than you think.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Unpack that a little bit.

    Brian Moody: I have yet to find a person that I can, and just in all ways. I mean, just think about the way we live, man. Just think about all the blessings we have in America, all the abundance around us, all the, all the possibilities of doing more, , I just, I just kind of coached a young man.

    Who is I know through some, , friends of friends of his parents and things, and he’s 22 years old and simple coaching. I said, I said to him, I said, Hey, I want you to, this was homework. We had lunch together. I said, by Friday, I want you to [00:14:00] contact your boss. Cause he works remotely. I want you to say, Hey, we did our evaluation a couple months ago and he’s still in a an early part of his career where he, he, he he’s in like a what’d you call it?

    Like the first year where he can’t get a raise. And why am I drawing a probationary

    L. Scott Ferguson: period? Like a

    Brian Moody: probationary period. I said, all I want you to ask him is say, Hey, I know, I know it’s coming up in July. What can I do to bring more value to your company? So that when the time comes, yes, To, to do more and to go bigger and to earn more and get promotions.

    I want to, I want to put myself in a place where that makes sense. I said, nobody’s ever asked your boss that. So you’re richer than you think you just have to find it. And on top of that, I’ve never met a human being that I can’t find places on the financial side where they’re bleeding money.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

    Brian Moody: Everybody, every, I still have holes. I still find my own one spot. I’m like, ah, I

    L. Scott Ferguson: get, I get that call every quarter from two different people that I’ve heard, are you ever going to fix this, , like, what I’m saying? So I feel you. How about, I just kind [00:15:00] of admitted a weakness here, but how about you?

    What, what weaknesses do you think you’re still working on?

    Brian Moody: Well, I, I think we’ve got a lot of weaknesses. I think, I think one, one thing that I tend to do is I tend to dive into this a bit much and sometimes a little, a little, a little too much. Yeah. And I always want to be studying and everything. And it’s like, I got to set it down and get away and, and spend more times in those other areas of life.

    And I think another weakness is , I’m a shiny object guy. I think like a lot of us are. Like, Ooh, this could be good. This could be good. This could be good, but I just need to turn it all off and zero in. Right.

    L. Scott Ferguson: My mentor used to say, listen, this is back when checkbooks were still used. Now I’m 52 years old.

    So I’m dating myself here, but like, like he would be like, listen, you go to something, leave your checkbook in the car and this is Michigan, right? So you live in PA. So, , it gets cold when a lot of these things are, and , if you really want something, when you chuck your butt out to your car, And get that checkbook out and bring it back in, , cause I’d be the same way.

    I’d be like, yeah, there you go. I’ll buy [00:16:00] that. Now that’s awesome that you appreciate that too, as well. And you made light of your weaknesses. Cause that’s the only way you can get through, bro. I,

    Brian Moody: and we all have them. I mean, if we’re acting, if we’re acting like we’re all squared up on all sides, I mean, you’re fooling yourself and you’re not fooling anybody else.

    L. Scott Ferguson: I am such a broken man, not only spiritually sometimes, but financially. I like makes like, thank God I have my Susan dude, because like, she’ll be like, eh, do you really, , so I’ll be like, okay, but she’s not like, she won’t say no, , no, you can’t, but like, she’s like, eh, , check some balances.

    It’s what, This great country, no matter what we think, it’s still an awesome country. It’s the best that I’ve been around because I have been to those third world countries and stuff, but the checks and balances that we have in the country is kind of what got us to where, , not exactly the best place now, but , got us going and that’s great relationships as well.

    And I appreciate that. So have you seen the movie back? Absolutely. Absolutely. No, no. So have you seen the movie back to the future? Oh, I have. All right. Let’s, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. [00:17:00] Let’s go back to the double deuce, the 22 year old Brian, what kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on him?

    Now, again, don’t change anything because even the hurt with, with what you and Cora had to see and just all the challenges that you have, right? Like what might you drop on them to maybe help them short and a learning curve blast through maybe just a little bit quicker.

    Brian Moody: Let me see that’s 21 years ago for me.

    I’m 43. So I would, I’ll be 43. I’ll be 43 next month anyway. But I think the one thing I would say is don’t shrink yourself, dude. Like I had, I’ve always had like a relative decent amount of, it’s, it’s a weird dichotomy, like some internal confidence, but I wasn’t always put it out there, I think, I think fear, I don’t know if it’s a fear of a judgment or what it was, but that came later in life for me.

    So it was like, don’t shrink yourself, man, get out there, do your thing. Right. And I think the other thing I would tell the same 22 year old me is there is absolutely nothing in this world you can’t do. [00:18:00] If you put your mind to it, , and I think, I think I discovered that around. I went to pilot training late.

    Everybody was 22 years old. I was 28.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Wow.

    Brian Moody: And so I discovered that, , I’ve been doing it for 15 years. So I discovered that somewhere in that neighborhood that like, I can do this, , cause that just seemed like something somebody else did. Somebody else smarter, somebody else better did. And then one day I realized like, well, why can’t I, I was too old.

    Like, I wish I would’ve known that at 18, ,

    L. Scott Ferguson: absolutely. It’s like, why not me? So how does Brian want his dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date? Hopefully it’s way down the line, brother. But like, how does Brian want his dash remembered?

    Brian Moody: Yeah. I always tell my, my kids life favors the bold. So I wonder if they, can they do that dash in a bold font?

    L. Scott Ferguson: I will make sure it’s all that up for you, man. All right.

    Brian Moody: I’d say B and not only being bold for ourselves, but being, sometimes you have to be bold for others. And that’s another thing with our [00:19:00] clients is I, I’ve found that when you would probably as a coach, sometimes you got to be bold for the person, bro.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

    Brian Moody: And then, yeah. So, so boldness and I think impact. I want to know that I’ve had an impact and man, just love, .

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I feel you. That’s funny that you said I had a client this morning. That’s like, wait a minute, dude. And again, I’m not a consultant. I’m not going to tell you what to do.

    Right? I believe everybody knows what they want. They just don’t know how to talk themselves into it. Right? And I know that every challenge that resides there. There’s the solutions right next to it. They just have to, because if they come up with it, they’re probably going to see it through. If I say, Hey, Brian, go do this.

    And it doesn’t work. It’d be like for a year and a idiot, what I’m saying? It’s like, but if you come up with it through my curiosity and question asking, then you’re going to see it through, but man, I had to challenge this kid today, , cause , he’s, he’s playing down it. Was it colonial?

    He’s on the tour and he was getting a little bit, a little bit yeah, just off and I’m like, brother. You know, this, you know, but I challenged him and I thought, [00:20:00] man, I’m, hope I’m not too hard, but I have ESPN plus on over here. He’s doing okay. I

    Brian Moody: love it. That’s awesome.

    L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. So what do you think people maybe misunderstand the most about?

    Brian Moody: I, I, I would actually believe it or not, , another possible weakness of mine is I am exceptionally. Blunt.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Okay.

    Brian Moody: And I think sometimes, , and I’ve learned this and I’ve worked on it and I’ve been working on it as, as being tactful with that. And I don’t do it from a place of necessarily, it’s just the way things have always come out of me.

    There’s never anything malicious, but I know sometimes you, I see the recoil in people and it’s just like, I’m actually, when I, when I speak bluntly, it’s out of love. Yeah. And and I, I, I’m trying to find out, I’m trying to work on softening those edges. You are like a

    L. Scott Ferguson: little brother from another mother, man.

    I swear, because , it’s like, I have to watch myself. I’m six one and two 30. I’m pretty well put together. I’m big dude. Right. So I have to watch that. And as I’ll tell you right now, as a pilot, I love the bluntness because you’ve got to be [00:21:00] on point. It’s a lot of your stuff is black and white. And then now you’ve got to make decisions of turbulence and stuff like that.

    But man, you got a checklist to go through. I remember sitting, I was telling you that S3 and it’s just like the checklist going mad. It sounds like me with a MK 55, like an explosive, right? Every checklist was like there with bomb squad. So I’m kind of happy that you are blonde. Cause it’s going to help you get points across to a lot of people as well.

     especially kind of the engineers that you’re going to be working with, , that read every fricking word in your contract and, and finances and stuff. That’s great. That’s great strength. So anything keep you up at night?

    Brian Moody: Not too much. No, not a whole lot. I mean, as far as the actual physical side of sleeping, I typically, people were always surprised I’ve ever heard seer training when we were, , out in the woods and it was March, it was cold and snowy and then every morning, like we’d all line up and we’re huddled to keep a little warm.

    They’re like, how do you fall asleep in like four seconds? I don’t know. I’m tired. So [00:22:00] yeah, the physical side, no I’d say, but if you want to talk about just the, the, the abstract side of that question and the, the worry of it, one of the, one of the fears has always been looking at my children hungry, that drives me, so it doesn’t keep me up at night, but it definitely compels me.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. I get you after it too. Every day, man, that’s all about three things Brian can’t live without family air, water, food out of it. Like, give me three things that, man, you’re like, And it can be coffee, dude. I don’t care.

    Brian Moody: Cheers. Oh, and I do love some coffee.

    L. Scott Ferguson: It’s almost 2 PM here. And I know it is there too.

    So I’ll still drink it all day.

    Brian Moody: This is like my third one today. Yeah, I’d say. Coffee, , books. Yeah, I just like to soak in knowledge. I’ve got too many unread books because I still have a buy. I still purchase them. Like I don’t have four kids. [00:23:00]

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, that’s funny. You’ll read those books and you’re about 52, man.

    You know what I’m saying? You’ll be caught up. You’re like Fergie. No, I feel you, man. I feel you.

    Brian Moody: Yeah. And you didn’t know what is, is much I think the positive side of like the internet is just, is being able to even have connections like this. This is awesome. We’re, we’re 1200 miles away and having a great conversation.

    I wouldn’t want to give this up.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, yeah, exactly. I’m so glad that we got connected and introduced brother. So how about what is your definition of a life? Well,

    Brian Moody: I think, I think a life well lived as one that just really impacts others that, that, that changes trajectories for people’s lives. If you can, and sometimes that’s just a one degree difference, man, , thinking on the aviation side, if I can change my course or my heading by one degree.

    I can end up, it’s the difference between New York and South Carolina,

    L. Scott Ferguson: you know what I mean? From the West coast. I don’t know. I’m just

    Brian Moody: guessing, but it’s just like that one degree change in your life, that little [00:24:00] impact you can have on somebody can take their life in a totally different direction.

    L. Scott Ferguson: And

    Brian Moody: that’s a life well lived as knowing you’ve not even knowing, but you don’t even have to know.

    Having that impact on someone.

    L. Scott Ferguson: I love that you said that. So true. Just one little degree, man, is different. And, , when I coach, if I’m blessed to coach people here in South Florida, I put them in the driver’s seat of their car. One, I want to see how they keep their car because I can see how their mind works with organization a lot of times.

    But then I tell them, , this, this little thing, this mirror up here, that’s the rear view mirror. , it’s small for a reason. It’s the past. , it’s a great place to visit and learn from. But that’s it. , if you, you have problems there, I’m going to send you my therapist. Right. And this big windshield is the future.

    Oh my gosh, it’s scary. Right. Where are we going to go? But since 2011, they’ve been putting these things in there called GPSs. And that’s me. , I’m going to help you dial in, make those micro adjustments or sometime major adjustments. I can’t buckle your seat belt. If you so choose to start the car, put it in gear, but I can be there as that in that it was [00:25:00] adjustments that you said about the trajectory of life.

    Just hit home with me right there, man. Brian, appreciate that, brother.

    Brian Moody: Yeah, man. And I mean, I think I’m thinking about that, the conversation, like you have to set the destination. What is it you want? Exactly. You know what? There’s going to be detours. I’m going to be the GPS that helps you work those.

    Destination. That’s awesome.

    L. Scott Ferguson: If you were flying down, hang out with your boy, Jensen and meet me and stuff like that, and your flight got delayed, would you just be on turnaround going home? No, dude, you’re going to like adjust, , winners adjust mediocre people make excuses. It’s like, it’s just. , Pat summit, the great basketball coach said that, , she said it a lot more harsh because she was hard.

    She’s like winners make adjustments, losers make excuses. But, , I love that, , you’re no excuse in being a pilot, bro. You can’t make excuses at all. You make adjustments and you make them on the fly. I have mad respect for you guys, man. It’s mad respect. And then the funny thing is, is I did a deployment.

    The bomb squad on the USS Kitty Hawk, big aircraft carrier, CV 63. And then you’re thinking [00:26:00] all these, like, like, you look great for a pilot, man. Handsome dude, guys, if you’re, gals, if you’re watching on Vimeo or YouTube, that dude is, , he’s pretty well put together, handsome dude, like, a lot of these Top Gun pilots.

    They’re gray by the time they’re 28. And then I found out they’re pulling all those G’s like, they don’t look like Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer a lot of time, no offense pilots, but you guys put yourself through a lot of stuff and have to do things on the fly, Brian. That’s just, to me, that’s mad, mad skills, bro.

    So thank you again. Thank you.

    Brian Moody: Thank you. I appreciate that.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. We are back and Brian, when you head South there, I’m definitely going to hook up with you and we’re going to grab at least a coffee.

    , I got really good places down here, brother. And we’ll talk some of these questions, 15, 20 minutes. But today, , you got to put on that quick thinking pilot stuff here. Like what is it? A goose. I got to do the pilot shit math. , you got to do this year, but you got five seconds and they can all be answered that way.

    I promise you, Brian, you’re ready to level up.

    Brian Moody: Let’s do it.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Here we go. Brian, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? [00:27:00]

    Brian Moody: Go for it.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

    Brian Moody: Early rise workout.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. So you see me kind of walking down the street or maybe we’re in the event or whatever, man.

    Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums. What book might you hand me to level me up?

    Brian Moody: Give you one of two. It’d either be the go giver for the compound effect.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Oh yeah. Compound effects legit too. There’s a shout out to you, Bobby. Love it, man. So your most commonly used emoji when you text?

    Brian Moody: Just the laughing.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Nickname’s growing up. Now. What’s your call sign?

    Brian Moody: You know what, we don’t have a call sign in the heavy community.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Oh wow. Okay. Nicknames then.

    Brian Moody: Oh man. You got the last name Moody. I could, I could write you a book on that. . What? What? Which one stands out? None that have ever really stuck though. Okay.

    Nothing’s ever stuck. Yeah. Mood Maximus. Mood is mood, eye, you name it.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Love it, dude. I love it. So any talent and or superpower that you have that no one really knows about until now?

    Brian Moody: Yeah, dude, in fifth grade in my [00:28:00] elementary school, I, I won the thumb wrestling competition for the grade and I have, and I haven’t lost since man.

    So you’re on, when I come down, you’re on. Dude, it’s

    L. Scott Ferguson: on.

    Brian Moody: I

    L. Scott Ferguson: love it. Chess checkers or Monopoly?

    Brian Moody: Monopoly.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Right. Headline for your life?

    Brian Moody: Abundantly blessed, but always seeking.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Buffett, that’s bad. That’s, that’s, man, amazing. Go to ice cream flavor.

    Brian Moody: Say that again?

    L. Scott Ferguson: Go to ice cream flavor.

    Brian Moody: Vanilla.

    L. Scott Ferguson: All right. Me too. Actually, there’s a sandwich called the mootest Maximus build that sandwich for me, man. What’s on the same

    Brian Moody: Maximus, man, the bread’s not even important, but it’s going to have, it’s going to just have good grass, red reef.

    I’m going to stuff some, some jalapenos in that. I’m going to cover it. Peanut butter.

    L. Scott Ferguson: No, really? Have you ever had peanut butter? I love it. Yeah, it’s not bad, bro. It’s not, I love it. They actually had it in Pittsburgh at Brothers. They had one there that was like that dude. Yes, they had That’s awesome.

    One. [00:29:00] Yeah. Yeah. I competed in a bodybuilding show that was nationally ranked, blah, blah, blah. Back then when you go to Pittsburgh and then we went to the warehouse or the flats warehouse, something of where Protis was, and they actually had it with peanut butter on it. And I had been dieting for about 18 weeks to get in peak shape and yeah, it was, that’s awesome.

    You said that, man,

    Brian Moody: gimme the fattest thing. You can gimme.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Any favorite charity and organizations like to give your time or money to?

    Brian Moody: You know what? I it’s, it’s very small. It’s called children of hope through a small church in Mississippi. And that, that helps us school in the Dominican Republic. I’ve done some mission trips to help with. So you

    L. Scott Ferguson: put that in the show notes, you said the Dominican.

    Brian Moody: Yeah, it’s in the Dominican Republic, but it’s through that’s, that’s where the charity helps. It’s called children of hope. I can send you a link to the, that’d be

    L. Scott Ferguson: great. We’ll throw it in the show notes. Last question, Brian. You can elaborate on this one a little bit more, but what is the best decade of music?

    60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s.

    Brian Moody: So, , I was born in [00:30:00] 1981. You’re going to be surprised the sixties.

    L. Scott Ferguson: What’s your, what’s your jam back then? Like, who did you really like to listen to? Who might you throw on where you’re getting work done?

    Brian Moody: Oh, I think it’d probably be some, something in the Motown side of things. Or yeah, I love it.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. Yeah. , being from Detroit, like, Oh, that’s home for me. Yeah. And yeah, like. They have a lot of like actual, the real people that were on the four tops or the temptations that live here and they will frickin perform on a Thursday night at happy hour and a random restaurant and they’re like, yes, they’re like, that’s like Larry Brown’s there.

    I’m like, that’s Larry Brown. it’s like what it’s him. , it’s amazing. Well, , when you’ve come down here, it’s like kind of a hotbed for people to reach out. I live where people reach. I live in heaven’s waiting room. You know what I’m saying? But it’s awesome. So Ryan, how can we find your brother?

    Brian Moody: You can find me at remnant finance. com. And. [00:31:00] I think I sent you all the social media channels because they’re all a little bit different, but that’ll be the easiest place to find me remnant, R E M N A N T finance. com.

    L. Scott Ferguson: That is like definitely not perennial. So that is awesome for you, brother. It’s a little between us joke squad.

    Don’t even worry about that part, but no, it’s a, it’s been a pleasure interviewing you, man. And like, you do have a podcast. It’s going to be dropping in the next couple of months here called remnant finance as well. Right.

    Brian Moody: Yeah, we’ve recorded about seven or eight episodes so far. So we’re building our launch strategy out and hopefully next month and which is June based on when we’re recording this

    L. Scott Ferguson: beautiful, beautiful.

    You got a book dropping ever.

    Brian Moody: It’s it’s in the works.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Okay.

    Brian Moody: Yeah.

    L. Scott Ferguson: You have to like you, you just have that also. And also watch out for Brian on the stage too, as well. Squad. He’s going to be setting up some speaking events. You’re definitely going to want to get them out there again. The remnant is a small part of a squad.

    It’s actually out there getting after that. You can trust a brotherhood or a sisterhood. That’s what I [00:32:00] consider, , Brian, a part of my remnant squad here now. And Brian, do me a solid, please leave us with one last knowledge nugget. Okay. We can take with us internalize and take action on,

    Brian Moody: I’m going to give you one in my world.

    And it’s that you finance everything you buy and to think about this. So you either pay interest to somebody outside in the world. Or you give up the opportunity to earn that interest. So just think about how that works and how that can impact your life. Wow. Knowing that.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. That’s amazing. And it’s crazy.

    I’m not saying Jewish people are like cheap or anything by saying this, but I was raised by Jewish people, the Jews. I always say affectionately back in Detroit, cause the second biggest. , population. And they taught me about money because I live that rich dad, poor dad. I love my dad. He’s my best friend, but he worked on the line at general motors, never really had anything.

    But what you said is you finance everything you buy. I just really get home, , you either pay somebody else the interest or why don’t you just buy something that’s going to make interest for yourself and make your life a little easier. You know what I’m saying? It’s amazing. [00:33:00] And squad, I just said, I got three pages of notes.

    I don’t know about you out there, but like he, he started this off with an awesome, not an awesome story, actually kind of a heartstring story with, with taking Cora and the scene, the gentleman light up and really shook the world and changed the perspective for my good friend, Brian, , he’s out there.

    Planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of that is his dream is to do that generational legacy with a hell of a lot less trauma. , the, the IBC, the infinite banking concept through that, he’s going to leave that in other aspects of remnant is going to leave, , a legacy of love and wealth.

    I mean, he he’s doing what the name of my book that’s coming out, the harmonic hustle, that’s what he’s doing, with his faith, family, finance, fitness, and friendship, and again, Like he’s drawing up the moody constitution to get out there and it’s going to last for generations because it’s going to rock in and I’m so happy to be aligned with someone like Brian that wants you to have that moat around your castle, [00:34:00] somebody, , that protection while you’re still growing vertically, but have that moat that there is to protect you.

    You want you to keep more of what you earn so you can earn. On top of that and on top of that and keep compounding, , meet people where they are, , and if you have the capability, show them the way to safety, show them the way to abundance, show them the way out. Always remember you are richer than what you think.

    That’s something that really hit home that Brian had said. , he also said that, , life favors the bold, , be bold for yourself, be selfishly bold. So you can go out there and help others be bold for themselves. And lastly, you finance everything you buy, either you pay interest to someone or you give up the opportunity and give up the opportunity to earn, or you can earn and invest, which again, I’ve did multiple podcasts and buying real estate and how I did and left nothing out.

    Did not sell it for a dime. that, then that’s my vehicle and , it’s done. I mean, I have a little money in the market, blah, blah, blah, but real [00:35:00] estate was my vehicle. And I really leaned into it. And if you’re looking for a vehicle, someone that’s going to, that’s going to listen, that’s going to be empathetic, but also is going to push you.

    And let me introduce you to my good friend, Brian. He levels up his health. He levels up as well. He’s a handsome double. He’s out there just getting it done. Loving on people, , he’s earned his varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Brian, thank you so much for coming on, man. Absolutely.

    Love your guts.

    Brian Moody: Yeah. Thank you for having me. It’s been awesome.

    L. Scott Ferguson: Chat soon.

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