Welcome to Episode 211! Bobbi Kahler draws upon her own personal experience of overcoming incredible odds to recover her health and her graduate degree to help people prepare for and tackle the challenges that life has to offer. She has coached more than 3000 people to help them thrive. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
You are the reflection of the choices you have made so far
– Bobbi Kahler
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. It’s simple: Better choices = Better Results
2. A great coach empowers so that they can get fired!
3. Don’t believe in limitations
4. Be the hero of your story
5. Don’t be confined by where you are or what you currently know. Just go and learn!
6. Work to relentlessly to refine your skills
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Bobbi Kahler with Unyielded. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:09
time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got an awesome, awesome interview with for you today with my really good friend Bobby Kaler from annealed ID and Bobby is, you know, a rock star athlete. She’s always on the go, whether it’s cross country skiing, disc golf, cycling, but she’s so unyielding, she does not. She’s always working relentlessly to refine our skills. And that’s what I love about her and she can help you refine your skills as well. She is my friend out in Colorado, she reminds us that we are the reflections of the choices we have made so far. But we can also be the hero of our story. So I’m just going to shut up and let her take it right now. So sit back, relax, break out your notebooks, because here comes my really good friend, Bobby Kaler from annealed ID.
Unknown Speaker 1:03
Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:11
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson. And I’m just going to be full disclosure right now. We were doing this interview yesterday and my camera took a poop and my awesome from Bobby Kaler is like, Listen, you know, I’ll come back tomorrow. Because she knows the value of she, she’s like, I’ll come back tomorrow and do this. But Bobby is just fantastic. She’s my lady that’s over out there. And the great sky state of Colorado, an awesome country, cross country skier. She does it every day. She had this epiphany in New Year’s Eve where she was working double shifts and going home by herself. And new ones knew something just wasn’t right with her life. And she really kind of said, Hey, this is it. Man. I’m going to start leveling up that we say here time to shine today. And Bobby draws upon our own personal experiences that we just talked about a little bit of overcoming incredible odds to recover health and gret in her graduate degree to help prepare for and tackle the challenges life has to offer. She’s coached get this she’s coached more than 3000 people to help them thrive not only survive, but thrive. And that’s just awesome to see. She is the owner of annealed ID. We’re going to get into a little bit about her podcast and also she has a fantastic course which we’re going to talk about the end starts your future today. So Bobby, welcome again to the time to shine today. podcast varsity squad, please introduce yourself. But again, I know your favorite color. Can you can say it again for us, please?
Unknown Speaker 2:34
Certainly, it is orange.
Unknown Speaker 2:38
Orange again.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
That’s right. Because it reminds me to be on outside. It’s bright, it’s sunny, makes me happy. And that’s where I’m happiest is when I’m outside.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
And you know what Colorado has? To me kind of the best of both worlds. I’ve just thought ocean guy. That’s the reason why I live here. I would either live in Tennessee or Colorado, if I was landlocked, you know, but yeah, I got this big, huge Epsom salt thing over here that I’m in every day. So you see a little young, but you got snow capped mountains, and then you have a beautiful summertime as well. Right?
Unknown Speaker 3:05
Oh my gosh, it’s amazing. So we’ve got where we are. We’ve got the mountains, and then we’re right near the biggest lakes in for the elevation, highest elevation lakes in the country. And that’s awesome. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yes. Awesome. So let’s get into that epiphany timeframe when I believe you’re waiting tables, if I’m a
Unknown Speaker 3:27
hostess, hostess, okay. And a receptionist
Unknown Speaker 3:30
houses a reception. So let’s go there with the kind of the origins of maybe that like lonely night and at night.
Unknown Speaker 3:36
Yeah, New Year’s Eve, what a way to spend your New Year’s Eve, right? working two jobs, and I went home. And so there I was the lonely little apartment. And I had this thought like, why How did my life turn out this way? Because no one draws up their life to look like what mine did.
Unknown Speaker 3:53
right in.
Unknown Speaker 3:54
But when I asked that question like to nobody, because no one was there. The answer that came back is that my life was a reflection of the choices that I’ve made so far. And at first, I’m like, well, that’s kind of a bummer. No, there’s no fun in that. But then as I sat there with that, I thought, that’s hopeful. Because what that means, you know, what that means is that if I learn how to make better choices, I can get a better result. And here’s, here’s kind of the kicker for me, Scott. It wasn’t like I was making horrible decisions. It was that the decisions, the choices, they weren’t going to lead me someplace new, right? They were gonna lead me exactly down the same path I was on and I knew that path wasn’t going where I wanted to go. Not that I had any idea where I wanted to go, right. I just knew there was something more
Unknown Speaker 4:39
your power your questions were powerful that you’re asking yourself to answer basically kind of right like you’re really saying, oh, wake up. I’m gonna work that you’re asking that but it wasn’t like how can I challenge myself and whatnot? Is that what I’m hearing a little bit?
Unknown Speaker 4:51
Absolutely. Okay, I was taken. Here’s the other thing I was taking in information that was around me, but it was nothing new.
Unknown Speaker 4:59
You know, I mean,
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Wow, that’s amazing. So let’s talk about how you kind of leveled up then from that into, you know, being a coach of over 3000 people.
Unknown Speaker 5:11
Yeah. Well, it really made me start taking stock of where am I? What do I want. And this was not a fast journey, right? I was only 23. At the time. It took me a while, but I knew pretty pretty quickly, I was going to have to leave where I where I was living, because there just weren’t that many opportunities. And so I found a way to move, I got a better job, so I could afford to put myself through college. It was so funny. The last class I wanted to take was psychology because like, I don’t care about psychology. And it was the only class that was available when I started college. And then the rest is history because it’s what I fell in love with. Yeah, but you never know. It was just I was so hungry to learn new things. That
Unknown Speaker 5:54
psychology major.
Unknown Speaker 5:57
It was in my undergrad. My actual undergrad is in human performance improvement.
Unknown Speaker 6:01
Okay. Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 6:03
a lot of psychology, a lot of adult learning, and leadership. So it was just, it was funny, because I didn’t really pick that I just kept choosing classes that I liked. That’s where it kind of led. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 6:15
Like, what did your parents were your parents pushing you that way to human performance? or What did they want you to be? Oh, gosh, Scott? No,
Unknown Speaker 6:23
they didn’t want me to go to college. Oh, I actually had a fight with my mom to stay in high school. Oh, wow. Yeah. They just didn’t believe Yeah, I’m serious. I might be the only kid in America had to fight to stay in high school. Wow, they just they didn’t believe in higher education didn’t think it was necessary. So when I told him I was going to go to college, they just looked at me like, Why? Why? Why would you waste your money? Right? Oh, so it was? Yeah, it was. It was different.
Unknown Speaker 6:51
Okay, so what do they think about you leveling up and helping people level up?
Unknown Speaker 6:56
I think now, I think, Well, you know, my mom passed away in 2008. Well, that’s okay. She You know, it. It all worked the way you know, it was it was, it’s okay. But I think now, you know, in even before my mom died, I think that they’re happy about it. I don’t know that they’ve always understood it. You know what I mean? Like, because it’s very different than anyone else in my I’m the only one of my immediate family. Well, now my sister has as well, but I was the first to go to college. Wow. Okay. And it was just very different. Okay, now.
Unknown Speaker 7:28
They’re not mad at you. But they’re like a crab in a bucket where they don’t want you to crawl away from their comfort with you kind of and I get that he’s right. We’ll do the same thing. Man. We are so Kindred in so many things.
Unknown Speaker 7:40
Unknown Speaker 7:40
So do you coach people more one on one? Or is it group coaching? Or what’s your what’s your, your sweet spot?
Unknown Speaker 7:47
I do both. Okay, the 3000 people that has all been individual? Wow, that’s amazing. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:54
Let me ask you something, when you’re bringing somebody in to maybe you’re in the discovery period, is like what kind of secret sauce if you don’t mind me sharing there on yielded that you use somebody to help them find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 8:07
Oh, man, there is so much. It all begins with awareness. Right? There’s a great book by Tim Galloway, the inner game of tennis, and it’s about coaching. Now, I highly recommend that book. It’s awesome. And he talks about what we’re really trying to do is get is to help people see themselves in action. Because when they see themselves in action, they can start to give themselves feedback. And so it’s you know, it’s asking those questions that will help them like, hey, in this moment, I heard you say, XYZ, you know, as you think about it, now, what what’s your take on that? How could that have been, you know, perceived, you know, those types of things? Wow, that’s amazing. So, when you’re bringing
Unknown Speaker 8:52
let’s say, how we put this when you’re bringing somebody in? It’s still in the discovery period. Is there any good question you wish they would ask you but never do? Hmm.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
That is a really good question.
Unknown Speaker 9:06
Yeah, I mean, I just yeah, I there’s there’s one that would be like I, you know, I coach executive level people. Yeah, I just wish that they would be like, Listen, what, how are you going to hold me accountable? Or you know, stuff like that? I mean, you’re already gonna answer it. But some people they just are their deer in the headlights are flying blind. and stuff. Yeah. Tell me about a failed case. You know, Kaler like, Bobby, actually, let’s go that route. Tell me about one of your fails.
Unknown Speaker 9:29
Nine. Yeah. Oh, man. There’s so many. Gosh, I would say when we recognized my husband in 2000 on 2000. I started my own business in 2000 when he joined me, and we probably shouldn’t have started the business. It’s really, we shouldn’t have and here’s the problem with it. We were trying our best like a lot of entrepreneurs do. We were very scattered. And I was working so hard that I worked myself into To a collapse, which Oh, very near. I mean, I’ve had Dr. Scott that told me afterwards they’re like, You’re lucky that you’re still alive and some
Unknown Speaker 10:07
people to cheese.
Unknown Speaker 10:09
Yeah. Most of that’s come after that time. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Okay. But it was, you know, it was just, you know, when you work that hard and you’re trying your best and then you collapse and you’re like, that’s it, you know, right? That was hard. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 10:23
So do you do if you ever been brought in by cuz I’m asking this for very selfish reason? Have you ever been brought into a company? That is that you’re going to be coaching up a lot of people underneath the CEO? Have you ever been that? Okay,
Unknown Speaker 10:38
Unknown Speaker 10:40
what is your techniques that you use? Because there’s always that one? That’s right under him that’s gonna push back, you know, like, are those companies running? Good? How do you get across that barrier with dealing with maybe the second command?
Unknown Speaker 10:53
See, here’s the thing. I work primarily in organizations. I work a lot with the frontline managers. Okay. Yeah. So so I’m working, you know, very, very near to the customer. So yeah, which is really kind of cool. Yeah, you still see resistance at every level? Sure. But it’s not the second in command.
Unknown Speaker 11:12
Now. Okay. Got it. That’s cool that you set yourself up to work so close to the customer, because then it all back up the chain. Now that’s an art form that you have got that that’s fantastic. So if I’m at a networking event here in South Florida, we can press flash and meet people masked ups, at least until March 11. But, you know, because we’re in day 9256 have been here. But you know, if I’m at a networking event, Bobby, either virtual or in person, what kind of things am I listening for? Because you know, I’m using the whole shut up and listen to ears, you know, one mouth and what am I listening for? That would make them a great contact, connection or referral for Bobby at young you’ll live?
Unknown Speaker 11:50
Yeah. So here’s, here’s why a lot of people call me part of it is, you know, I do this stuff with with managers and helping them coach their team. So part of it is a manager who’s like, man, I want to be a better coach for my team don’t know how that’s one angle for anneal did what people call is there like, I know that I want to do more with my life. I don’t know what that is. Or I don’t feel like I’m totally in control of the story of my life. Those are, you know, and those are the people I love helping.
Unknown Speaker 12:23
Unknown Speaker 12:24
I mean, I love all of it. Don’t get me wrong, but it’s just something really special about helping someone craft their own story so that they can live their life their way.
Unknown Speaker 12:32
Love that is with 3000 people during this time a very short time is, is there any of them that have really stuck with you a long, long time?
Unknown Speaker 12:42
Yeah, there’s a few of them.
Unknown Speaker 12:44
Nice. That’s awesome to have that core, isn’t it? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 12:46
my goodness, it’s Yeah, in some of the stories you just never forget. Right?
Unknown Speaker 12:51
Right. That’s that that makes it and because you’ve helped them, you’re, you’re you seem to me like more of a coach than a consultant, you can correct me if I’m wrong, but like, you know, you’re gonna give them the playbook in some options. But you know, if they got to call an audible in their life, you’re preparing them to be able to do that correctly. Am I saying that? Right?
Unknown Speaker 13:10
Absolutely. It’s all about empowering them. You know, because there’s a point Scott, they shouldn’t need me anymore. If I’m doing my job, right? They shouldn’t need me at a point now that I don’t want to stay in touch and hear what’s going on or be a resource. But it’s all about empowering them. Because they’ve got everything they need. They just have to put it together.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
Love it. I love that. That’s amazing. Because a lot of coaches, they go into a lack mindset. And they’re like, oh, man, if I lose this one, I can never replace it. Or you actually want them to spread their wings, for lack of a better term. They want to get out there and fly. That’s exactly right. Fantastic. So you’ve heard Well, of course, you’ve probably seen the movie Back to the Future, right?
Unknown Speaker 13:49
Oh, yeah. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 13:50
let’s get that. Let’s get into that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 23 year old Bobby killer. It might not have been Kaylee them. But let’s go back to 23 year old Bobby got a knowledge? I guess we call him that here. Time to shine today. What kind of knowledge I guess Are you dropping on her to maybe help her level up last through maybe shorten the learning curve a little bit?
Unknown Speaker 14:12
Yeah. Believe in yourself. That’s one. Know that you can learn whatever you need to learn. You can learn it. You know, so don’t be confined by where you are what you currently know. I guess that’s another way of saying that. Wow. And another one is just start just do something. Go. Just go. Because by going you’ll learn.
Unknown Speaker 14:35
Right and like my good friend Leah. Woodford always says Get your asking gear. Like if you ask right. So you just said that you can learn and if you don’t know how you can ask because there’s always people there. They’re going to help you out. I mean, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:49
There are people who know it.
Unknown Speaker 14:50
Right. Exactly, exactly. So how do you want Bobby’s dash remembered, you know that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date. How do you want Bobby’s dash trim
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Unknown Speaker 15:03
She helped people see possibilities for themselves.
Unknown Speaker 15:06
See possibilities? Hmm? Love that through the unmuted way. That’s fantastic. So, Bobby, what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 15:17
What keeps me up at night? It all depends. Right now it’s our dog who’s in failing health, but oh my gosh, it’s heartbreaking. I don’t know. It’s, it’s, uh, sometimes it’s like, we know what, what can I do next? Sure. And sometimes I don’t have a clear answer for that. And but you know, it’s like, what’s next? What can I do? What’s next tree branch I can climb.
Unknown Speaker 15:40
So what do you do to to get at peace? Are you a meditator? Are you breathwork? What do you do, Bobby?
Unknown Speaker 15:46
I’m number one. Being in nature.
Unknown Speaker 15:49
Huge for me. Being in nature. You try to go barefoot as much as you can?
Unknown Speaker 15:54
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, connect to the ground. Yes. Yeah. Not in the wintertime.
Unknown Speaker 15:58
No. Well, there’s people like off that would do that. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:04
Yeah. And I just found a great app called it’s, it’s about mindfulness. It’s about Healthy Minds or something like that. Okay. And they talk about breath work, and really training your mind to be at peace. So I just started that. And it’s so far.
Unknown Speaker 16:17
Yeah, I use Wim Hof Method and also Troy Casey’s breathing and it’s the certified health nut. That’s awesome. It because you know, you can go three weeks without food week without water, but breath maybe three minutes. Yeah, like, I’m just starting after five years hitting my pelvic floor. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, that’s how long it’s taken me to really get the breath. Right. But I’ll tell you what, it’s almost it’s liberating. And I can just, I’m not one of those. I’m, like, get it really hit it. So that’s great. As long
Unknown Speaker 16:47
as you’re breathing, so that’s right. And really breathing. Yes. So who has had the biggest impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 16:56
Ah, the biggest impact on my life is a someone I know personally, or can be like, anybody anything? Hmm. I would say one person that comes to mind immediately. It’d be my husband, Rick.
Unknown Speaker 17:07
Yeah. You better say that. Shout out.
Unknown Speaker 17:12
Yeah. Well, he was the one that first encouraged me when I was doubting myself to become an entrepreneur. And in a writer. He’s like, why not? Right? Why couldn’t you? Oh, yeah, that’s
Unknown Speaker 17:22
awesome to have that I have that. My Susan. She’s all Yeah, I’ve never in my squad noses. I’ve never invented anything. I do a lot of introduction. Like you that people that need the coaching. You know, I sell real estate, they don’t invest in the real estate. You know, I’m writing a book now. And Susan is just like, did you do your 500 words? Did you do it? Bro? Did you throw up on your paper today? She would say, awesome to have that that person in your life. So give me the worst advice you’ve ever been given? Not by who? With the worst advice? The worst advice? Oh, maybe don’t finish high school.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
That could be one. Um, you know, I think that it’s a variation of people who wanted me to believe in my limitations. And there’s just no way I’m doing that.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
Yes. That’s amazing.
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Unknown Speaker 18:13
what do people misunderstand about Bobby the most?
Unknown Speaker 18:16
Mmm hmm. I would say that some people. They see me as very competitive and I am a competitive person. But I’m competing against myself. Yeah. Not against you in the mirror from yesterday. That’s right.
Unknown Speaker 18:31
That’s right. That’s awesome. So, Bobby, what’s your definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 18:36
Hmm. I think that doing the things that you love, in a way that contribute to the lives of other people. And you know, something that has meaning to you?
Unknown Speaker 18:46
Yes. You know, I take it from Stephen Farber, I went through his course and whatnot. You know, we do what you love in the service of people that love what you do.
Unknown Speaker 18:55
Right? That
Unknown Speaker 18:56
Yeah, he said that, you know, certified through him and stuff. So it’s like, dude, you love in the service of people that love what you do. And that’s, yeah, I do what I love every single day. I mean, I get to talk to awesome people like you, but I also get to sell properties. And if people you know, reach their dreams and their goals, that’s fantastic. Right? So hey, time to shine today podcast, Farsi squatter to Scott Ferguson, and I am back with my really good friend Bobby Kaler from annealed ID and we are going to take her through our leveling up lightning round and Bobby you and I could talk in our easy. Oh, he asked one of these questions. You got five seconds. Oh, no. Okay. donations and all of them can be answered. I promise you. Okay, during that time. All right. You ready to level up my friend?
Unknown Speaker 19:36
I am ready.
Unknown Speaker 19:37
Let’s do it. What’s the best leveling up advice Bobby’s ever received from a tennis coach who
Unknown Speaker 19:43
said if you want to get better play against better opponents?
Unknown Speaker 19:46
Yes, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 19:48
Should we do that in the jujitsu mat. Want to get better rather than grapple with someone better? Awesome. share one of your personal habits that contributes to success.
Unknown Speaker 19:59
My ability to relentlessly refine my skill.
Unknown Speaker 20:03
Okay tennis player anyways. Other than Bobby Kaler calm and time to shine today podcast.com that’s my shameless plug what website Do you like to go to to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:18
It changes but here’s my current masterclass Comm. masterclass calm. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 20:23
Then the show notes peeps.
Unknown Speaker 20:25
Awesome. So awesome.
Unknown Speaker 20:26
You see me, and I’m just the vibe Fergie’s vibe is off. What book? Are you handing me to get me out of my doldrums?
Unknown Speaker 20:34
Oh, hmm. depends a little bit about more about you. But what I love is sacred hoops by Phil Jackson. I love that. You’re
Unknown Speaker 20:47
kind of Jackie. That’s awesome. So what is Bobby’s most commonly used emoji when she texts
Unknown Speaker 20:52
and be the smiley face is this smiley face.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So Bobby, don’t friggin lie to me right now. Okay, you’re an athlete. So I know, he got these aches and pains things going on. So that’s carried over. But if you could say one age, physically, for the rest of your life, and still keep the knowledge you’ve gained in Garner knowledge, on a daily basis, what age physically would you stay?
Unknown Speaker 21:19
The age I am now in
Unknown Speaker 21:21
real life?
Unknown Speaker 21:21
That’s fantastic. I would take 32 all day. That’s just me. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 21:26
This is my best health.
Unknown Speaker 21:28
Loving Yeah, your favorite charity, an organization like to give your time or money to,
Unknown Speaker 21:33
hmm, there is one called key leader. It’s an organization of organization for high school leadership. And I love it
Unknown Speaker 21:42
a lot. I’m involved in one called reaching higher. So this thing will we take, I’m totally breaking my own rule here. But we take like five of the top most popular kids, and five of the ones that are outcasts, and then 15 of them that are in the middle of the pack. And we do a Thursday, we take them out of class for two hours. We do an awesome, the curriculum is just fantastic. And it changes lives. Man, I love that that’s super popular people hanging out. It’s kind of like a big breakfast club movie, you know. And so it’s like that. It’s really cool. So I’m glad that you’re doing that as well. And it’s helping shape our future. So this is our last question. Okay, and you can elaborate on this one. But what is the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 22:23
Oh, man, depends on the genre, right? If I’m thinking more rockets a 70s. And if it’s country, early 80s There you go.
Unknown Speaker 22:32
Love it. Love it. So how can we find you, Bobby?
Unknown Speaker 22:36
You can find me at unyielding dotnet or Bobby Kaler calm, and I’m very active on LinkedIn as well.
Unknown Speaker 22:43
Yes, you are. Absolutely. Let’s talk about the annealed podcast.
Unknown Speaker 22:48
Yeah. So the annealed podcast is where I find guests who share their stories of growth and triumph. Some of those are people who have dealt with adversity. And a lot of them are people who kind of answered that call of I know there’s something more and how do they go about finding it? And I love it.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
So much. wait to be on it.
Unknown Speaker 23:09
Anytime, Scott any time.
Unknown Speaker 23:12
All right, let’s go with this new courses can be rolling out what is it rolling out April May when it’s it’s gonna be late April, late April. Okay. So your feature today, right?
Unknown Speaker 23:20
Start your future today? Yeah, how to get started on creating that story that you want for your future?
Unknown Speaker 23:26
Is it virtual online? Or how do we do it?
Unknown Speaker 23:30
It’s going to be it’s going to be on demand. So it’s going to be video course with with, you know, worksheets and that type of thing. And the cool thing is because I want to give people a chance to like, you know, submit whatever that is, and then get feedback and and a review. So that it’s like, okay, terrific. You’ve created it. What’s the next step from here?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 23:47
I’m excited. Yeah, we’ll
Unknown Speaker 23:49
get some people involved in that as well from our squad because I know that they would love it and, and they know that the proof is in the pudding there. So Bobby, can you leave us pretty pleased with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action?
Unknown Speaker 24:03
Yeah, I would say it is knowing that the future, your future can be changed. And more importantly, you can be the one to change your future. Because you’ve got everything you need. And anything that you know, additional skills or knowledge, whatever, that kind of stuff. It can be learned. But but you can be the hero of your own story.
Unknown Speaker 24:24
Wow, that’s amazing. I got notes squad. I hope you are too. I mean, this is just amazing. Awesome. So spy you really just got a free masterclass with my annealed friend here, Bobby Kaler, you know, she’s gonna remind us that you’re a reflection of the choices you make. So level up your choices and you’ll get better results. You know, look for new information to level up, always be on the lookout, ask yourself more powerful questions. And you will that information will present itself if you put yourself in that state, you know, he or she wants to instill awareness in her clients so they can see themselves in action, then get the feedback themselves so they can level up. She doesn’t want to keep you as a client forever. She wants you to spread your wings wants you to do more, you know, and understand that you’re in control of your story, you know, and she’ll say that a great coach empowers so they can get fired. That’s I just kind of said, you know, she wants you to be fireable. As a coach, you know, want you to believe in yourself, you know, get your asking gear, get out there and ask questions, because you can always learn to level up, she always wants you to see the possibilities in yourself, and never ever ever to believe in limitations. She wants you to do what you love, like we say, do what you love in the service of people that love what you do, because that way you are truly live in a leveled up life. And as she says, it’s a knowing your future can change and you can be the one you can be the hero of your story. And Bobby, you are just amazing. You’re beautiful. You’re fantastic. You’re caring, you’re humble. you level up your health, you level up your wealth, you’re hungry, you’re always giving your total go giver. So really, I really appreciate your time. I’m so stoked that you came on. I look forward to collaborating in the future. And I can’t wait to talk again. Perfect.
Unknown Speaker 26:05
I loved it, Scott. Thanks for having me.
Unknown Speaker 26:06
You’re very welcome. Talk soon. Okay. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 in online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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