Welcome to Episode 194! Ashley Harwood is the founder and CEO of Move Over Extroverts, a training company dedicated to empowering introverted entrepreneurs. Through her own experience as an introverted Realtor, Ashley learned that what worked for others didn’t always work for her. Thus, Move Over Extroverts was born. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
A life well lived is making a positive impact on others in a positive way
– Ashley Harwood
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Treat your energy like a phone battery, make sure to recharge
2. If you’re feeling burned out, need sustainability, let us introduce you to Ashley
3. A great coach will ask powerful questions of you, provide options that are tailored to your needs
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Ashley Harwood with move over extroverts. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life,
Unknown Speaker 0:06
you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Time to shine today podcast, frosty squatted Scott Ferguson and we’re Episode 194 with my fierce advocate for internet introvert entrepreneurs Ashley heartwood from move over extroverts, very unique take on helping people level up. If you’re kind of somebody that is not like me, boisterous and outspoken and full of energy, and you’re really just kind of, like hide things inside which there’s nothing wrong with that because I have an agent in the office next to me, that sells 30 million a year and she’s a fantastic introvert but she’s even looking forward to listening to this podcast because the knowledge nuggets that Ashley drops is going to help you level up your game whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. So without further ado, here is my really good friend Ashley Harwood with move over extroverts. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:08
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad is Scott Ferguson. And I’ve got an awesome sauce home girl from the state of Michigan or like we call them mitten. You know, a lot of people can talk smack about Michigan, but we’re allowed to, but nobody else can, you know, because it’s kind of like our little brother. We both are from the MIT and we both moved to sunshiny state. She’s out on the left coast. Now I’m in South Florida. And I’m just so stoked because this can be really unique. It’s the move over extrovert, expert, Ashley Harwood. She’s the founder and CEO of move over x extroverts, a training company dedicated to empowering introverted entrepreneurs through her own experience as an introverted realtor. And as people out there no 23 years, I’ve been an agent, so I’m super stoked to hear this. Ashley learned that what worked for others didn’t always work for her thus move over extroverts was born. She’s the founder of the quiet success retreat, white success workshop, white success programs, these programs shorten the learning curve for other entrepreneurs and help them do business in a way that does not burn them out. And Ashley, thank you so so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:26
My favorite color is blue. And thank you for having me. Sure. And why is my favorite color blue? I don’t know. I just always loved it.
Unknown Speaker 2:34
You kind of migrated to where there’s that big blue pacific ocean that could help.
Unknown Speaker 2:42
My hair too.
Unknown Speaker 2:43
Yeah, yeah. And it’s in your color wheel. It’s awesome. You can wear it really stylish. She’s a beautiful redhead, my girlfriend, the mitten here. So let’s get the origins like let’s go back to where you started feeling that you recognize that you are an extrovert, okay, and understood that and use that to level up your business?
Unknown Speaker 3:01
Sure. So after a couple of years, as a full time realtor, I was very frustrated, trying to cold call and door knock and do all the things that were taught to do. And I saw them working for my colleagues in the office, and they weren’t having the same results for me. So I’ve figured out some other things that would work for me. And actually, it was seeing a therapist who helped me realize I was an introvert. She recommended the book quiet by Susan Cain. And after I read that, I was like, holy crap, this explains my entire life.
Unknown Speaker 3:37
What was the thing about going and seeing a therapist? Did you just feel like you weren’t in tune with the world in tune with yourself? Or like, What? What was that actual fork in the road moment? They took it to a therapist.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
I was stressed out all the time, for no reason.
Unknown Speaker 3:55
Okay. Were you feeling like you were doing stuff that was way out of your identity? And that was what stressed you out? And then you kind of figured out that you are an introvert or how did that work?
Unknown Speaker 4:05
In hindsight? Yes. Okay. I didn’t know that at the time. We never knew. Right? Right. I just knew that something was off. And there was no external reason for me to be feeling so stressed out and horrible all the time. And so I went and saw a therapist. And what I realized is I was extending way too much energy every day. And essentially, I was burning myself out every single day.
Unknown Speaker 4:30
Right? Not just mentally, but physically all across the whole board right to where it’s almost like a I don’t want to use the term because it’s almost like a depression in a sense, right? Like, were you just not feeling like getting out of bed and doing anything? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 4:45
doing too much. I was doing all the things that I thought I had to do to make this real estate business work.
Unknown Speaker 4:51
Right. Right. And why real estate What made you throw your hat in the ring out on the west coast in real estate?
Unknown Speaker 4:57
Um, so I was in real estate in Boston. And I spent nine years in Boston. That’s why I felt career. I moved there from Michigan. And I had, I’d always thought about real estate even as a little kid, I would sit there and watch the show that would play listings, one after another super
Unknown Speaker 5:15
old. Remember that I do remember it. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 5:20
sit there and wait for it to restart at the highest price one because I wanted to see the big houses.
Unknown Speaker 5:25
Oh, I love it. I love it. So what then kind of was used fork in the road moment, again, to really parlay your learning experience to embracing an extrovert and succeeding as being an I’m sorry, an introvert and succeed as an introvert to help others do the same.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
So that was a very clear fork in the road, I built my business as a solo agent to a place where I was doing as many transactions as I wanted, I didn’t want to do more than that. And I was working with my business coach. And we basically decided that I needed to either start building a team and take the business to the next level. And I decided I did not want to do that. I didn’t want to be in charge of hiring and managing
Unknown Speaker 6:07
other ad sitting. Right.
Unknown Speaker 6:11
And or the other alternative was, do something that was real estate adjacent, but filled a need. And mmediately. As I’m talking this through with my coach, what comes to mind is, I need to work with the introvert because no one is doing this. And someone like me, when I first got my start, I think I would have been a lot more successful a lot more quickly.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
Gotcha. So you had to go to a therapist to kind of figure out that you were an introvert. So how do you get business from people that if you had to go to a therapist to figure out like, how do people come to you, and understand that they’re introverts and that they can still level up?
Unknown Speaker 6:54
That is an interesting challenge. For me as a business owner, now, it really comes through. Some people are self aware enough to know that they’re introverts. And there’s a lot more discussion about introverts now than there was, say, five years ago, six years ago. But what happens is, I spend a lot of time on my own messaging for this business to make sure that I’m speaking the language of introverts and telling my own story. And then when people start to hear that it resonates. And sometimes they’re surprised I used to teach classes, I taught classes in real estate offices all over New England in 2019. And part of the class was a quiz. And every time I gave the quiz, you know, there were 2030 students in the room, all agents, usually there was at least one who was surprised to find out they’re an introvert. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 7:49
And that quiz? Is that did you write the quiz? Or did you get out? Okay? So you’re able to find the people that are introverted that need to level up as an introvert then through the quiz? Well, that’s, that’s fantastic. So when someone does come into your business, and you’re in the discovery process, did you coach people one on one? Or is it mostly mostly group? Or what’s your what’s your? What’s your story there?
Unknown Speaker 8:13
No, I do work with people one on one. Just started that this year, really excited about it. Nice. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 8:20
So when they’re coming in, in the discovery process, what is some of that secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing, though, maybe help them find their blind spot to help them push through and level up?
Unknown Speaker 8:30
Sure. So usually, people come to me when they’ve tried a few other things, and they haven’t found success, or they’ve tried other things, and they’ve burned out. And they know they need to find something. Mostly, it’s around lead gen, you need to find something for Legion, that they actually enjoy that sustainable. So what I help them do that’s different than all the other coaching programs out there, I help them sort of back into a lead gen strategy, through a couple different filters through we filter through your lifestyle, what are you doing anyway? What do you enjoy doing? What’s your budget for lead? Gen? If you have any budget, some of this stuff is free? And then how much time do you spend on it? And how much energy Do you want to spend on it? So we go through all of this and spend the first session with people is usually, you know, three to four hours really just going really deep and hashing all this out. And that way they can
Unknown Speaker 9:31
cheat, you go really deep with them. And because they really figure out what’s gonna work for not only their energy, but their budget, and I’m glad that you mentioned that because a lot of people want to do stuff, and sometimes their budget doesn’t allow them. So you have to kind of pull them through that. That’s fantastic that you have options. So when you’re bringing somebody in is possibly a client or still in the discovery period, actually, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do
Unknown Speaker 9:59
it Question.
Unknown Speaker 10:02
It’s time to shine today, baby, let’s roll.
Unknown Speaker 10:05
As I would wish that they would ask me more about the options and how we can tailor it. I feel like a lot of times people just assume that it’s going to be one style of coaching. And I don’t even love that word coaching, I think of myself more of a as a consultant, because a lot of a lot of coaching. Currently, it’s just asking a lot of questions and trying to pull out the answer of people, right, and some of that, but if someone asks me a question, and I can give them a real answer, based on my experience, or the experiences of my colleagues, or other clients, I’m just going to tell them the answer. I’m never going to say, Well, if you have gotten this so many times from other coaches I’ve worked with, right? Something they’ll be like, well, if you knew what the answer would be, what would it be? why I asked you the question, can you guess?
Unknown Speaker 11:05
I love the the tailoring to be able to tailor it to their needs. I’m happy, very happy that you said that. So if I’m out at a networking event, or virtually here, South Florida, we can put press and flash and network safely here, because we’re in de 9825 of quarantine, kind of, but no, we can press some flash and we can zoom it. If I’m talking to somebody actually, what am I listening for? That might make them a good prospect referral or connection to send you.
Unknown Speaker 11:33
Thank you for asking the right question. So usually, clients for me are, you know, 123 or four years in the business, sometimes more. But usually they’re real estate agents who are struggling, they’ve maybe had some sales, but it’s not consistent. They don’t love their lead gen. They just haven’t found that thing that works and they’re getting burnt out. Way too often.
Unknown Speaker 12:00
Got it in me. Do you only work with people that are introverts? Or do you will you work with everybody to help them level up their business in real estate?
Unknown Speaker 12:12
I work with anybody. However, my specialty is introverts.
Unknown Speaker 12:16
Gotcha. and pulling that out of them. God, I mean, there’s two agents in our office to do 50 million a year and they’re total introverts. And it’s, it’s a lot of fun to really kind of pull stuff out of them to they’re in the office next to mine. So I get it, and I told them about you that I’m interviewing you, they’re like, Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to watch that interview. You know, so that’s, that’s just awesome. So you posted something on Instagram. And one thing I gotta ask you about cuz i 100% agree with all the other protecting your energy, but canceling a commitment. What did you mean by that? Because it because some people will see it and be like, dude, if you have a commitment, because I, you know, I canceled on you or rescheduled on you because I was legitly sick. But like, what what did you mean by that? It’s okay to cancel commitment.
Unknown Speaker 13:05
I’m in that truly that it is okay to cancel a commitment. Because when someone’s energy level is too low. It’s like being set.
Unknown Speaker 13:17
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:18
You’re not going to be able to bring their best self to that commitment. Right? Well, it’s better to either cancel or reschedule while bringing half of a person to a meeting or whatever.
Unknown Speaker 13:34
That’s what I was hoping you were gonna say, you know, some people might be like real snarky about, let’s just okay, but you back it up with facts. You know what I’m saying? And that’s cool, because I did that to where I’m just man, I’m not bringing my a game. And I will I’ll do it as well. I’m not calling you out on writing it because I wanted to hear how you explained it because I’ve have like, I’m not feeling I will reschedule something a heartbeat. So well, thank you for saying that. So, Ashley, are you familiar with the Back to the Future movies?
Unknown Speaker 14:03
Yeah, okay,
Unknown Speaker 14:04
so let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 20 year old Ashley. What kind of knowledge and I guess we call him here. Time to shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on that Ashley to maybe help her blast through level up and shorten the learning curve?
Unknown Speaker 14:20
She is 20 year old Ashley. She knew nothing but she thought she knew everything.
Unknown Speaker 14:32
I probably would have majored in something other than English. economics or done Gary Keller and got my real estate degree. But yeah, I would have started investing sooner and property I would have started a business sooner and not you know wasted a couple of years in retail. Although you I learned a lot from that
Unknown Speaker 15:01
you learn a lot in retail. I trust me. I love it. I love it. No, that’s all you think she would have listened to you?
Unknown Speaker 15:09
Oh Anna.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Yeah, me neither. I always say that 2022 year old Scott would never listen to frickin anyway. So that little dash, how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your inclination date and your expiration date? How do you want Ashley’s dash remembered?
Unknown Speaker 15:27
It’s very simple. I want that dash Remember to add someone who made a difference in other people’s lives in a positive way. And what that looks like right now is working with the introverts of the entrepreneur world, you know,
Unknown Speaker 15:46
love, I love You’re so convicted to the niche of introverts, that’s awesome. Because a lot of people would just use it as a platform to just go launch a huge program, you actually seek them out, and they’re starting to seek you out. And I love that you’re sticking to your guns on that, you know, because I, I coach, you know, I only have five high end executive clients, and I will refer out people that don’t fit how I coach, you know what I’m saying? So and that’s like with you, I have a referral now for somebody that is an introvert. And speaking of that, do you coach people outside the real estate industry? Or are you just in the real estate industry?
Unknown Speaker 16:23
In terms of one on one work, I pretty much stick to real estate, because then I can coach to it. And I do have a membership that’s open to all industries.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
Gotcha. So actually, what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 16:43
I’ve gotten better about this. But I do worry about what people think of me. I know that’s a waste of time to worry about. But I still struggle with that. So when you say you’ve gotten
Unknown Speaker 16:53
your hurdling that, what are you doing to do that? That’s a tough one
Unknown Speaker 16:59
is a tough one. And I still am in you know, I still have my own coaches, and I’m in communities that that fill me up so I can go to my people and fill them up. So when I feel like that, I just I go back to my places where I have people who can
Unknown Speaker 17:17
support system I love it that you’re not afraid to get your asking gear, you know that that’s when my friend Leah Woodford, I need to introduce you to By the way, you know, said so get your asking gear, like get around the people that you can ask for help or ask for recommendations. I love that you do that you’re not just sitting there in not doing it. So who’s had the most profound impact on your career? Probably your life sorry, actually.
Unknown Speaker 17:48
My life my whole life? Oh, my goodness. Well, that’s a different question than my career. I was gonna say Peter pasado has the biggest impact. He was my business coach when I made the transition and started move over extroverts. entire life, though, I say, you know, probably my parents
Unknown Speaker 18:08
love it. Go back to the roots baby. love that. I love it. So how about some bad advice? any bad advice you’ve been given?
Unknown Speaker 18:18
Unknown Speaker 18:21
I would say I’ve given myself some bad advice.
Unknown Speaker 18:27
Love it, love it.
Unknown Speaker 18:28
When I first started the business in 2018. You know, everyone kind of assumed that I would be doing one on one coaching. And I fought against that for a year and a half. And just now this year, am I coming back to it after building out all these other programs and doing these other things. And so I had just I’ve given myself the bad advice that if I’m going to be a coach, it has to look this one certain way, which is not true. I can look however I want.
Unknown Speaker 19:00
I love it. I love it. You’re staying true to yourself. Yes, that that’s fantastic. A lot of times our minds can trick us into things and again, you start reaching to that identity and that identity starts pulling you have a different direction. I’m loving that you’re staying in control of that. So actually what is your definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 19:20
making impact in lots of different ways. And having the freedom and flexibility to live however, I want you to spend my days doing what I want. And right now that looks like spending more time on the beach and I’m going hiking today. Yay enjoying all the few things that are still open and
Unknown Speaker 19:47
things will start opening up it looks like that. I don’t want to go that route but I mean Florida. You know I’m, I live on my paddleboard every morning that’s kind of my jam. You know, I live on the inlet and it’s just nice and I understand getting out in that nature. Being able to have what you just said the freedom and flexibility to do what you’d like that is the definition life will live while impacting others in a positive way. That’s fantastic. Hey, and we’re back with my good friend from the mitten and now on the left coast Ashley hardwood and so we’re gonna have our leveling up lightning round as we wind this interview down a little bit of five or six questions you and I could talk 510 1520 minutes an hour on each one of the questions but you got five seconds with no explanations. You ready to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:27
I think so. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:28
do this. Actually, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 20:35
Listen to your gut. God.
Unknown Speaker 20:38
Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 20:42
sleeping a lot.
Unknown Speaker 20:43
Yeah, get your ass. That’s awesome. Fair enough. Other than your website, move out over extroverts calm and time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What’s another website that you like to go to? to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:58
A website? Can it be another podcast? Sure. I love listening to how I built that and hear
Unknown Speaker 21:05
great, great, great, great podcasts. So if I’m in my doldrums, I’m just not feeling it. In you noticed that you’re like Fergie, here’s a book read it. What’s the book?
Unknown Speaker 21:17
I’m always gonna recommend quiet.
Unknown Speaker 21:20
I knew you’re gonna say that. I even wrote that down in my notes. Actually, what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 21:29
Probably the one where you’re like laughing and crying,
Unknown Speaker 21:32
which sideways or up ways.
Unknown Speaker 21:33
But it isn’t.
Unknown Speaker 21:35
Alright. Very cool. Very cool. So now Don’t bullshit me on this one. Okay. What age physically? Would you stay for the rest of your life? If you could keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and continue to gather knowledge? Physically? What age would you stay for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 21:53
I mean, late 20s,
Unknown Speaker 21:55
late 20s. I always say 20 to 32. So I mean, I’m almost 50. So I would take those physical years in a heartbeat. Thank you for being honest with that. What’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:09
There’s a charity that I was actually on the board of for a while back in Massachusetts, and they work with adults with mental illness. Good for you.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
Thank you for saying that. That’s fantastic. And last question. You can elaborate just a little bit on this one. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 22:31
I would say late 90s. Early 2000s.
Unknown Speaker 22:33
All right.
Unknown Speaker 22:34
I was growing up.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
There you go. Very cool. Very cool. Actually, how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 22:40
My website is the best place to find me say their website for us with energy and then move over extroverts.com
Unknown Speaker 22:48
Love it. Love it and actually leave us kindly with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 22:58
Okay, so here it is. Think of your energy, like a battery. Like a phone battery that needs recharging. You have to take the time and plug it into the wall. Otherwise it’s going to get down to zero and it’s going to die. And it’s going to take that much longer to charge backup.
Unknown Speaker 23:19
I love that I love that in squad you got a free masterclass with my good friend, my my introvert who does things I feel for intention and that for attention. And she’s the epitome of that, you know, she she sought out help with a therapist with that. That’s huge kudos, you know, and she’s learned to speak the language of the introvert. So if you’re feeling like you’re introvert, you’re you have something that’s deep inside, you want to get out, but you’re not like me and boisterous and just crazy. Ashley is the person that would love, love, love to introduce you to and if you’re starting to work with a coach, make sure you ask them about options. They would tailor to your needs. It’s not her need. She’s a consultant. She’s not going to tell you exactly how to do it, but she’s going to pull it out of there. So you can get there on your own. But you got to be okay with asking her. If you’re going to do a business in real estate right now where you’re in 134 years or so, you’re doing some business but you’re struggling feel burnt out again. Let me make that introduction to Ashley. You know, if you’re doing something in life, make sure you find the passion that serves you that that’s what Ashley really said that she admitted that she didn’t really do when she was younger, but she grew into it. She wish she would invest it earlier found that passion earlier, but that’s okay. She’s there now. You know, she’s gonna be remembered as someone that made a positive difference in that in a way that has really helped people level up across all boards. And like I just said make impacts and a lot of different ways. And she loves the freedom and flexibility to do what you want. And if you want to do what you want, make sure you reach out to me I’d love to make a warm introduction to my good friend Ashley hardwood who levels up her health levels up or wealth. She’s so bold, she lives with intention, not for attention. And I’m so blessed that you’re here, Ashley Thank you so, so much for coming on and we look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
Unknown Speaker 25:04
Thank you so much. This is a great,
Unknown Speaker 25:06
yay. I’ll talk soon love. Bye. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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