Welcome to Episode 176! Aside from being the creator of Happiness Boost, I am a certified Mind Body Wellness coach, Yoga instructor, fitness instructor and holistic nutritionist. I’m also a mom, humanitarian and suicide survivor. I’ve been featured in publications such as Oxygen, Yoga Journal, Cosmo and Women’s Health and on a variety of podcasts. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
YOU are more powerful than you realize – YOU deserve everything!
– Amanda Webster
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Make a stand in breaking the mental health stigma
2. Take responsibility. You have done this to yourself, it’s up to you to undo it.
3. Take challenges day by day. Step by step
4. Make sure you listen to Amanda’s ‘Elle Woods, bunny suit moment’
5. Look at each day as an adventure and see fulfillment in those moments.
6. Listen for the 5 puzzle pieces of happiness
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey the Semantic Web Store with Amanda Webster help if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson Ward, Episode 176 with my good friend, Amanda Webster from the happiness boost, and his story is absolutely just crazy. I’ve known other people that kind of walk this path that have given into this path, but manda leveled up through it, so I’m not really going to talk too much about it. I’m just going to let Amanda share her story and also give you some knowledge Nuggets to really level up your life. And I’m going to tell you right now, if you’re in a dark, dark spot, let me put you in touch with Amanda because she will help you level up through it. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Amanda Webster from the happiness boost. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today varsity squad is Scott Ferguson. And I got my really good friend from the left coast here Amanda Webster, from Amanda Webster health she is a survivor in many shapes and forms. She’s an absolute go giver. So selfless in aside from being the creator of happiness boost, Amanda is a certified Mind Body wellness coach, yoga instructor, fitness instructor and holistic nutritionist. She’s also a mother humanitarian and what my listeners that know me will understand that she’s a suicide survivor, which is fantastic. She’s been featured in publications, such as oxygen, yoga journal, Cosmo and women’s health on a variety and on a variety of podcasts. So it’s like a rose on her nose right squad. She’s fantastic. And so Amanda, thank you so much for carving out the time to come on the time to shine today. If you could please come on introduce yourself to the squad but first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Obviously,
thank you so much for having me here
today. First and foremost, thank
you. But yes pink
I I was always really girly girl. I always had that very very girly girl personality, love glitter, love anything with sparkles. And as a teenager I really kind of attached about Elle Woods mentality so it only amplified by obsession. If you look here behind me, you’ll see this little Ricky
Oh, it’s like choo choo. Ah,
I actually have a little brown Chihuahua that I rescued. I rescued three Chihuahuas. It was not reserved, but he was adorable.
But a great movie too. I love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. I was absolutely in love with le le Larter. Back in the day. This is
pretty Yeah, she’s
beautiful one beautiful. Um, so let’s get to the origins of you. And let’s kind of give your story of where you kind of started maybe a little bit the darkness and how you came out to level up and be a complete go giver.
I love that you say origin story, like I’m the superhero. I love it. backstory. So, you know, I really grew up I was great ostracized as a teenager, even as, as a child, I was very ostracized by my peers, I was not particularly accepted. I started therapy at a fairly young age, when I started getting bullied in probably fourth or fifth grade, I started into therapy. And it never really did a lot for me. But that was what you’re told to do. You know, when you’re struggling, you go to a therapist, that’s what you do. And things just kept getting harder. My dad found out he was terminal in
when I was in junior
high. So I kind of had that dropped on me. And as a teenager. In my sophomore year, I was raped. So I dropped out of high school. And I think that only created more about being ostracized, because at this point, I don’t want anything to do with humans. Now I’m gonna just get away for me, it used to be a good way to do with me now. I didn’t want anything to do with them. So I started to isolate more and more become more and more depressed fall into kind of that partying lifestyle. I lost my parents in my early 20s. So my dad when I was 29, when I was 22. So I was kind of thrust into adulthood before I was particularly ready. And I know that sounds kind of sad, because you know, I was 20 to 22. I should have been in college and all this but I was just still really reeling from a lot that had happened through my teen years. And I did go and get my GED and stuff and I wanted to take the next step forward. I just didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t know who I was. And Things just got really dark after my mom passed away I fell into drugs I fell really deep into started self harm, even though that had been a coping mechanism. Before that, prior to that when I found out my dad was terminal, as when I started self harming, and it just progressively got worse and worse. And it culminated in 2017 when the lead singer of linkin park Chester Bennington committed suicide I that was kind of a coping mechanism. linkin park that was
my coping mechanism.
So I really just fell apart. I had no idea how to cope, I have no idea what to do, I fell really hard into the drugs and the self harm even more. So I lost my identity because now at this point, I don’t have my parents, I don’t have my coping mechanism. I feel like I’m all alone in the world. So I started using pretty heavily I got I went into recovery, about six months later when I met the surviving singer of Linkin Park, Mike Shinoda. But a few more months after that, I didn’t deal with the underlying issues. So I wound up on a hotel lunch in a foreign hotel room in Canada. And I was just looking down, ready to jump. And in my life, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where to go. And I thought that that was what was best for my son what was best for everyone else in my life. And that was the last thing that I was thinking when I look down. I hope this doesn’t hurt because I don’t want this to hurt anymore. I just don’t want to hurt anymore. And this is what’s best for my son. So to all of those people that think that suicide is a selfish decision. My last thought before I jumped was I’m doing this for my son. He’s better off without me.
Okay, and you’re on the ledge and then what?
And then ironically enough, the song breaking the habit by linkin park came on just outside the door, which is weird because it had been dead quiet this place the entire three days I’ve been there. I didn’t know there was a cleaning crew. There were no real people out and about super quiet. In that exact moment. The cleaning crew had turned on their music in a French speaking province menu. And it was breaking the habit by linkin park
by Linkin Park.
Yeah. And I’m just oh my god, like completely freaked out, I stepped back inside. And I thought that I was hallucinating to be honest with you. So I went to the door and looked outside. I had a little interaction with them in French and just said, say mushrooms don’t play FIFA. That’s my favorite song. And I came back inside and I fell apart. And I completely just lost my mind. I just completely fell apart on the floor because I knew in that moment, okay, something’s telling me not the job. I meant to be here. But I don’t know what to do. I felt like I went to the therapy. I’ve been on so many medications, I can’t even begin to list them all they’d give me picked me on everything under the sun for my teen years, from the kids dose to the higher doses to the new medications I done that I went the yoga route. I tried all these self help books and trims and, and whatnot. I tried, you know, to eat healthier, whatever. But it really helped. And I ended up on that ledge because nothing was taking that away. Nothing was, as I said, fixing me, nothing fixed the problem. I think that’s the mindset where I went wrong was thinking that I was broken in the first place. That was one of the major things that I did wrong in that. But what else can you think, you know, I was diagnosed as semi in my 20s serious mental illness, which means I was told you will never have a functioning life, you will never be able to be productive, you’ll never really be able to be successful because you have borderline personality disorder, you have an SLI and you’re just never going to be productive. You’re never going to be functional, you’re never going to live a quote, unquote, normal life.
So we’ve just hit a major fork in the road moment here. So what made you like, what was it that because you’re a phenomenal, successful person now but what, like pushed you down that road to recovery? Because it sounds like you You tried and exhausted all of these options. Now what was it that kind of leveled you up and kind of kind of pushed you in the we’ll call it the right direction?
Well, there’s a couple of instances that really, as we were talking about, oh, was was my elbows. Moment. Number one was I went to MIT to a professional, I’ve went back home until a professional right when I got back from Canada. I said, Look, this is what happened. I got pushed to this point. But I’m going to be happy. Like I’m tired of being complacent and tired of you just trying to keep me safe. So I don’t kill myself on your watch. I want to genuinely find happiness. And that woman looked me in the eyes and said, that is not possible for someone like you. And that was my Elle Woods bunny costume moment where I just thought, watch me I’m going to prove you wrong. Watch me and that lit the fire under me that I needed to really reanalyze myself to take a step back
and go
What can I do? What am I doing wrong? This isn’t impossible. What do I do? And a part of it was was really reevaluating the lifestyle I already had that was my first step was really reevaluating the lifestyle I already had and using my education as my body wellness coaches. My my schooling as a holistic nutritionist using that to, to analyze my life and then to say, Okay, number one, What’s missing? Number two, what do I need to to add to build upon. So I remember sending a text message to diamond Dallas page, I become a DDP yoga instructor and diamond Dallas page is a phenomenal person that was one of my childhood heroes growing up. So when I got to do his yoga certification, I’m not gonna lie, I kind of geeked out a little bit. But I texted him and I said, Look, I’m a really hard place. And I don’t know what to do. And he was kind of a father figure to me, because, as I said, my dad passed away, and I bought it with my dad watching us live. So being able to reach out to him was was really awesome, because he kind of gave me that that advice. And he said, I’ll never forget this. He said, You did this to yourself, it’s on you to undo it. Now, I know, in the darkest of my days, I would have punched someone in the face for telling me that like, how dare you tell me that I made myself depressed, like this is a this is a combination, I was assaulted, I lost my parents like, and those those things are true. Like I did have all these things happen to me, that had led me to that place. But I did have a say, in the lifestyle that I led. And I was not leading a lifestyle conducive to mental health. So of course, I was constantly feeling bad about myself, I was constantly feeling fatigued, I was constantly exacerbating all of these symptoms of depression, right? So when I really stopped to look at it, and I really started kind of thinking, Okay, where did I go wrong? What I realized is, number one, I never put all of these things together. And that’s, that’s a huge thing for people with depression is we kind of tend to go all in, when you have that manic, manic moment, you kind of go all into something, you’re like, Okay, I’m gonna do this yoga challenge. And I’m just going to do yoga every day. And then that doesn’t solve the problem. So you’re like, Okay, I’m going to eat really healthy for five days, or I’m going to go on this diet. And that doesn’t help. So then you jump to the next thing. And that was a big part of the problem was jumping from thing to thing. So I started really committing to making those lifestyle changes. And I found that there were five major components. And I call these the five puzzle pieces to happiness, because these were the five major components that got me from that ledge to where I am now. And we’ll talk a bit more about that in a second where I am now. But it got me from point A to point B, it really helped me heal and having tried everything under the sun, having really gone in and out of therapists office on medications on all these programs. It’s the only thing that really helped me have structure have direction, and be able to what are
the five things?
So the first one, like I said, was really meeting myself where I was looking and analyzing my life, saying, Okay, how can I boost myself on my happiness spectrum, like looking at happiness? A spectrum because it is different for everybody. You know, we all we all experience happiness differently. for somebody like me, I might not experience happiness in the same way as you my best friend, for example, she her happiness, like when she was really over the top happy, she might be a 10 like on the scale her over the top, she just isn’t very expressive about it, right? Well, my over the top, I get excited about something and it lights up my body, I’m just like, you I’m very expressive, I get very excited, I get very emotional about things. So figuring out number one, how I can start boosting that happiness spectrum. Number two, figuring out how I can stay at a more steady place on the happiness spectrum. So when I’m just walking the dog, or I’m just doing the dishes, how I can find happiness, and that so that was the first step was really just analyzing where I was at, and figuring out where it wasn’t happiness spectrum and how I could, how I could improve that. So analyzing My life is actually
like the third.
Second, the second, you can’t skip the second. So the second was learning how to emotionally eat the right way. Because I am an emotional eater, I did get anxiety and you get stressed out a lot. I did get a lot of frustration. And my response was to eat and learning how to eat in a way that’s conducive for mental health. My dream without ever having to count anything. I never I never say count the damn thing. I never count anything in my life, but learning how to eat the optimal way for mental health. The third way is finding your fitness. The third puzzle piece is finding your fitness and that does not necessarily mean going to the gym. That doesn’t necessarily mean doing all these circuits. I have plenty of clients that never go to a gym in their life. They don’t. They don’t do circuits and stuff, finding your way introduce that into your life. Even if you hate working out so reaping the physical and mental benefits of exercise. Even if you ain’t working out. The fourth one is the three C’s of sustaining happiness. And that kind of gives you the tools you need to navigate stressful situations. And people, stressful people,
what are the three C’s?
So the three C’s are the compartments of your toolbox, and the coping, like learning how to cope, and then learning how to communicate. So the compartments the coping, and the communicating, learning how to, you know, interact with other people, the highly underrated stress management skill, we don’t learn that in school, we don’t learn how to talk to people appropriately. And then the last one is cutting the crap. That’s what I call it cutting the crap. That’s the end of the module, it teaches you how and what to let go of, to be at the top of your personal happiness spectrum.
Gotcha. So you moved in from really working on yourself and you continuously do it to this day? Because all people that are always leveling up, do that. So how did that kind of roll into Amanda Webster health and helping others? Because a lot of times people when they go through it, and I’m a survivor of this, too, they’re not they sometimes they don’t feel like they’re good enough to do it. But what was that kind of kicker that said, Okay, I’m good enough. And then what did you do to help others?
I actually had never thought about helping others in this way. I thought, Oh, great. I feel cool. But then a lot of people kept asking me, How on earth did you go from where you were several months ago, when I went public about my story of nearly committing suicide? People kept asking me how the hell did you go from that to being so happy? Because it just showed I was a happier person. And I had so many people continuing to say asking me, okay, well, maybe I can kind of teach these people one on one and show them what I did. And that became utterly exhausting. Because I have so many people coming to me that I just truthfully couldn’t handle it. I said, I can’t do this right now. I’m god, I can’t, I can’t handle this load. So I ended up turning it into the happiness boost program and of happiness boost course, so that people can get those step by steps of how they can go from wherever they are to improving their happiness, improving their life, no matter if they’re struggling with anxiety, or depression, whatever the case is. And the way we measure that is there’s actually a standardized kind of test. It’s called das da, ss depression, anxiety, stress scores. And when people go into the course, I have them do the dose evaluation so that we know where they are. And I have never had a client that has not gone up at least five points on and that’s like, on the low end, I’ve had people go up as much as 20 points on the desk scale, which is really awesome. Because I remember when I yeah, it’s insane. Just because we under estimate how much power we have. That’s what that’s where I where I messed up is I relinquish my own power? And I stopped realizing that, am I ever going to be quote unquote, normal? First and foremost, what the hell is normal? Secondly, probably not. And that’s okay. That’s why I write in November, in November 2018. This is about a month and a half after I nearly committed suicide. I took the dat scale. I took the data, sorry, I took the death stuff, just and my depression was that of 20. My anxiety was at a 16. And I retook that test in May of this year 2020. And my depression was at a three and my anxiety.
That’s amazing, especially with it being during COVID. To me, yeah.
Well, I will tell you that I’ve actually really almost enjoyed this quarantine. I don’t enjoy why it happened, obviously. And I feel really horrible, my best friend COVID. And I know that’s an awful thing. But I have enjoyed this time. For me, I’ve enjoyed this time that I’ve been able to number one brief, because I have so much going on, you know, and developing the course and doing all that and I had a lot of interviews and stuff. And I was kind of pulling myself a little thin there for a while searching myself a little thin, and just getting to sit down and read just getting to sit down and go, you know, what if I feel like playing a video game for a few hours, yes. Actually, I just finished reading the bar that I’ve been working with the literary agent on so I’m super excited about my book. So I got to do that.
What do you think people misunderstand about you the most? I
think that it’s something that people misunderstand about. Not only me, but themselves know about you please about me specifically. That’s tricky, because I think that I think that people look at me, and they assume that I’m happy all the time. And I never struggle because I’ve come out and I’ve said you know I found this path to happiness. You know, I found this way. To get through the darkness, people look at me and say, well, you must be happy all the time, you must never have a struggle, you must never be upset, you must never have that anxiety anymore. That’s absolutely not true. That’s not a particularly reasonable goal. I’m sure there are some Buddhist monks somewhere that have achieved that. I am not one of them. And I do have, you know, points of anxiety, I
do have
panic attacks, sometimes even I mean, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. And sometimes that does get a little overwhelming. And there are moments where I do struggle with that. But now I know first and foremost, that I’m going to come out on the other side of it. So when I do have that moment, I’m going to call on the other side of it. And because I’ve learned those skills that I was talking about in the three C’s to sustaining happiness, because I’ve learned those skills, I now can shorten the length of these, these episodes of these issues. When I have anxiety and panic attack, stress kind of hits me, I know how to manage them, and I know how to get faster. So it doesn’t, it doesn’t completely take over my life. It’s like, oh, okay, I’m feeling stressed right now. How am I gonna deal with it?
That’s beautiful. So when someone comes into the program, and you know, you’re you’re looking to possibly take them on to help them? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
I wish that they would talk more about what they expect, because I want people to be very clear about their expectations, going into any program, honestly, like going into any program being a coaching mindset program. I feel like people tend to have kind of unrealistic expectations, like we’re just saying of what happiness or what fulfillment or what these things are. And that’s why I started, you know, really pushing the the, what, how much do you want to increase on your skill? Or what are your goals going through this? I didn’t really do that as much at first, but I do wish that people would be more clear, you know, going in, what their goals and aspirations
that’s, that’s fair. That’s 100% fair. So are you familiar with the movie? Back to the Future? You’re a little bit younger than me, but Okay, so yeah, so let’s get into DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to maybe the 16 or 17 year old Amanda, with the knowledge that you have now what kind of knowledge nuggets? That’s what we call him here. Time shine today, would you drop on 1617 year old Amanda, with what you know, now, maybe help her shorten your learning curve level up, Lester.
First and foremost, you’re more powerful than you realize you have way more powerful power than these people have made you believe that you have. You’re more capable. Don’t let people make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want, or that you don’t deserve your dreams. Don’t let these people tear you down. You didn’t deserve what happened to you. But you can come out on the other side. Even superheroes have a tragic backstory. Okay, you can come out on the other side of this.
It’s curious that you brought that up. Thank you for opening that door. A lot of people live in the superhero I did before because a lot of people will get stuck in that superhero. Where you know, you have the backstory. You were suicidal, you went all through all the stuff you blasted through. But do you ever find yourself having to actually go back and become a superhero again, to level up even more? Because my coach had to pull me out of it? Because he’s like it once he pulled me out of it. And he gave me awesome exercises, that now I don’t even think about the superhero syndrome anymore. I don’t have that. So, do you find yourself going back to having to have that feeling? Because I was regressing when I did it. You know, I was going back and going. Oh man. Okay, what can I what kind of shit? Can I have happened to me? So I can blast through again and be the frickin hero. Like, do you ever find yourself going there?
I don’t think I tried to find issues to get through. But I definitely do feel like I fall back into that mindset sometimes. Yeah, when I do when I do find myself in stressful situations, there are times obviously where I’m going to be like, Okay, what, what items do I have to go collect in this in this world? As you said level up? I really liked that actually, because I do think sometimes of things as a video game. It’s like okay, what items do I need to find to get to the next level?
What do I have to defeat?
So, how do you want your dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date and your death date? which thankfully, you’ve extended that line? You know that that death date? What do you want that dash remember your epitaph, your legacy? How do you want it remembered?
I want to really make a stand in breaking the mental health stigma when I die. I want to know that people can talk about mental health that this isn’t a thing anymore. Okay, let’s keep that quiet. We don’t talk about you know, grandma’s issues and stuff that we can talk about. Our struggles, the struggles of others. I want to be the person that breaks that. I say often I want to be somebody who’s Chester. Like what Chester gave to me that strength, that power, helping find myself again helping comfort me. I want to be that to someone else.
Gotcha. So what’s your favorite video game?
Zelda Legend of Zelda? Are you kidding me? My first tattoo here?
That’s a tattoo that’s like my age bracket with a Zelda. And I’m almost 50. And I remember playing Zelda back in the day. That’s fantastic. That’s cool. So what would your definition real life would be?
You know, people ask me quite frequently how I knew that I got to a point where I should be certified as having a mental serious mental illness which happened to me earlier this year, by
the way, so I’m really
excited about that. But to me, happiness is when I can get up in the morning. And I can look at the day as an adventure. Because before it was like, I wake up every morning and go, Oh, God, not this again, and drag myself into bed and drag myself through another day. And there was no real fulfillment there. So when I can get up and I can say, Okay, what adventure Can I have today? And I can smile, and I can be grateful, you know, even if things aren’t going my way. Even if I didn’t get everything I wanted. I can look for the lesson I can look for the gratitude, I can still smile regardless. And that was huge to me when I realized that I was consistently getting up on the right side of the bed. That was when I started really realizing that I was happy even if I wasn’t perfectly happy all the time. Right. I was happy. I found that base point that I wanted to find on my happiness section.
Love that. Love it and Amanda as we wind things down just a little bit. I have we have our leveling up lightning round. Okay. You and I could talk 1520 minutes easily each one of these questions but you got five seconds and no explanations we will beat you up and ready to say they can all be answered in five seconds. All right, let’s level up. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t give up hope because you never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow.
Beautiful. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
I have a gratitude app that I do every morning when I wake up first thing
my kind of girl love that. Other that knows go this route, not the book you’re reading, not the book. That’s a flavor of the month. But if I’m in my doldrums not feeling it. You’re like Fergie read this book.
Inferno by Dan Brown.
Okay, that’s great book. I’ll throw that in the show notes to squat. Absolutely. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
The crime? Like the happy crime one
straight up or tilted? tilted? I love it. I love it. So do you have any favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money two
days for girls?
Love it. Okay, this is the last question. And you can elaborate a little bit on this. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 90s? Yeah, there’s Lincoln parks right in there right in there. So tell us about this five day challenge.
So I know that we’ve kind of touched a little bit on the five puzzle pieces of happiness and I just want everyone to have the opportunity to go deeper so they know the framework and that they can come out already having taken steps to boost their happiness so even through the five day challenge, they’re already going to boost those dashboards they’re already going to be able to take the next step toward moving higher on that happiness spectrum and they can also get what I consider kind of a bonus step which is the how to improve your focus to boost your happiness and that’s my free workbook so everybody can get in that immediately so they have something to do while waiting to get into
the challenge
we find you Amanda
a happiness boost dot life is where you can sign up for the challenge and then that has all my social media you can check me out elsewhere
love it. So that’s happiness boost dot life. It makes sure that makes them the shownotes please awesome so leave us with one last knowledge and I’ll get you want us to take with us internalize and take action on
think here for a second. So for just everybody in the term of mental health or in the term of
life life
you know like I said I want my my
memories to be breaking that stigma mental health. So I want anybody that is out there that is struggling or that knows somebody who is struggling to know that there’s somebody out there
that cares if your light goes out Yeah,
I want you to know that if you ever need somebody if you need to talk to me personally and you don’t want to call hotline or something you can message me anytime I don’t care if I get 1000 messages a day. I respond to any person that is struggling and just need someone to talk to you because
I love this woman. She’s fantastic. This is Amanda was a person that was not accepted. Total adversity throughout her life squad lost her parents at a young age raped tried to commit suicide that’s just enough to many people would want to end it. So I understand why she might have walked that path. You know, she had a basically a fuck you a watch me moment when she had a mental health therapist who was supposed to try to help her level up, told her to basically it’s never going to change. So she took that, that basically that bunny suit that l wore and then she went and took responsibility from DDD diamond Dallas page, you know, and we say here at time to shine today, responsibility, the whole frickin word is rooted in responsibility, which is the ability to respond. And that’s exactly what my friend Amanda did. She has a five puzzle pieces to happiness, which is going to have you emotionally eat correctly, find your fitness compartmentalised coping and communicate the three C’s cutting the crap and I know I missed one but we’ll get back to that. But she’s adding a bonus one to improve your focus on all of this, you know, she’s going to say live each day by day, inch by inch is essential, like we like to say here at time to shine today, inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard. She does it inch by inch, you know, she’s going to ask you, if you’re working with any kind of coach, ask the coach what they expect of you don’t tell the coach, have the coach, any good coach is going to ask you that anyways. But ask that Coach, what they expect of you, she’s going to remind you that you are more powerful than you realize, and you deserve everything great in life. She is a person that’s gonna she’s a living legacy, right now, peeps, but she’s going in, she’s making a stand and breaking the mental health stigma. And she is the perfect person. If you’re watching on YouTube, she’s absolutely beautiful. And she’s a survivor. And if you, she’s going to ask you to look at each day’s an adventure, even if it’s bad. Look for the knowledge nuggets in there, they’ll help you level up and lift the field in these moments. And my friend Amanda levels up or health levels up or while she gave me a whole page of notes. If you can see that on YouTube, that I’m going to use to help myself level up. She’s a beautiful person. She’s earned her varsity letter here at time to shine today. And thank you so so much for coming on. We look forward to collaborating with you in the future, my love.
Thank you so much for having me. It’s been awesome.
Hey, talk soon, Amanda. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate. Real Estate excellence can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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