347-Helping Parents and Children with Essential Life Skills Through Sports – TTST Interview 2.0 with 4D Athletes Jason Holzer

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Jason Holzer is the co-founder of 4D Athletes and a Mental Fitness Specialist.  He uses the power of sports and the experience of overcoming losing his dad to suicide to inspire others to live their best life. 

Every time a kid feels more connected to their parents, they show much much differently at school, sports and extracurriculars due to them feeling supported

  – Jason Holzer

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Home life dictates who children will grow up to be.

2. 4D Athletes passion to to have kids win the game within to grow up to be interdependent, motivated, and at the same circle back to their parents later in life

3. If you are a parent ask what they are TRULY interested in

4. As a parent, are you showing up, trying? Owning your mistakes?

5. Be present in the moment, be where your feet are

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Jason brother, welcome back, man, thank you so much for coming out. It’s nice to catch up with you off camera Off mic for a little bit. But tell us a little bit about what’s going on with your brother,

Unknown Speaker  2:35  

Scott, man, it’s always great to see, you know, it looks like you’re doing well excited for your show to keep growing and excited to be, you know, 2.0 It’s really cool. Because, you know, you mentioned like, working with youth and that kind of thing. But I think you know, to like, the important thing is what I realized is yes, it’s important it is to work with youth, it’s also important that we help the youth like who they go home to, which is parents. Because parents you know, as much as we try to teach our youth in school and sports and extracurriculars. Like their home life really dictates a lot of their you know who they show up as right. So you know, a lot of it too is that we weren’t Yes, we weren’t with kids. But now we’ve found this like connection with parents that like Man, we really want to how can we serve them better? Right? Because we can serve them better than kids get better than everybody. It’s better.

Unknown Speaker  3:26  

Yeah. And I love that they it starts with I guess the root system of the parents. And you I know correctly that you guys really get the parents involved within your guys’s activities and situations, correct?

Unknown Speaker  3:42  

Yes, that’s the goal man is to get parents like working with their kids learning and growing together. And really sparking conversation and connection, right because every time a kid feels more connected to their parent, they’re going to show up much differently at school and in sports and extracurriculars. Just because they feel supported and I know I don’t know about you but like anytime I felt supported I showed up with more confidence. Courage, I show up with more like just feeling good about myself you know and so I think like when parents don’t understand like your support is everything to the kids that how you do that in a certain way to make their kid feel like they’re you know, the best thing in the world and not in an arrogant way but just like showing them like hey no matter what happens I know I’m gonna be loved supported and cared about right and when kids have that those basic needs man like they can they can really start to thrive.

Unknown Speaker  4:31  

With that being said man with a you know you’re very curious person to me curious is your assays, the biggest superpower anyone can have? But what’s your take really on these the trophy for everybody? You know what, what’s your mentality of setting kids up for the future and teaching them about wins and losses? You know, because I’m a big believer, hey, you compete you get the trophy, the urine, okay. There’s differences of opinion across The board. That’s right, I feel is really helped me out, like, where do you see parents going with that conversation with their children right now.

Unknown Speaker  5:08  

You know, I think if you can, if you can help your kids win the game with it, and what I mean by that is like, you know, there’s a lot of people struggling with anxiety, depression, you know, lack of self worth overthinking, doubting themselves. And if you can instill like, you know, yourself by helping yourself win the game within those kinds of things, and you helped your kid do that, then what you’re going to have is a kid that’s going to be able to grow up, be interdependent, like, you know, they know they needed help, but they’re able to go out and try things and go for things, live their dreams, if you will, but they’re always going to want to come back to you as their safe car as a person that’s like, hey, you know what, I want to come back and visit you for Christmas, I want to spend time with you only go on trips to the I want to share my deepest struggles, I want to share my biggest celebrations, I think at the end of the day that that’s what every parent wants is just to feel connected to their kid, beyond the rearing years, if you will, or the years that they have to stay connected with you, right? You know, they want to come back and be with you, after they’ve had the chance to go out on their own. And you’ve done all the things that you can do until 18. You know, I think that’s the ideal, you know, and then like, if you ever have a chance to be a grandparent one day, or you name it, like just to feel that lifelong connection. That’s the That’s where,

Unknown Speaker  6:27  

right, where are you seeing them with parents often want to call maybe a blind spot, but kind of like a disconnect with the children that maybe not so much the people that you’re working with, but maybe or maybe the people that are first coming in to for the athletes? Right? What do you think the biggest disconnect between parents and their children is right now?

Unknown Speaker  6:50  

I think they’re not asking enough questions about what kids are truly interested in. And I think they’re putting a lot of pressure on the kids to perform. Because I think subconsciously they feel like, I’m just using sports as an example. Because that’s the

Unknown Speaker  7:02  

bullies do. I live for the athletes? Right? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  7:05  

And I think like, there’s so much pressure on the kids to perform a certain way or you know, be on a certain team or play your your route or whatever they kids, like, they feel so much pressure that it’s not fun anymore. Sure the car ride home is more like talking about what they did wrong, or what they could have done better, as opposed to praising effort, as opposed to saying things like, hey, you know, what, I just loved watching you play. For me, just to see you get out there. I know, you tried your best. I know, you all came up a little bit short. But man, it was fun to see right there. And I think that itself is like, oh, so I don’t have to do a certain thing to like, get your appraisal or to get your approval, I can just go out and, and live my best life and try my best. And that’s good enough. Like, I think that’s where, you know, you get a lot of great parenting, a lot of great connection is whenever kids aren’t expected to score five goals to or to hit two home runs or score 30 points or whatever it is, you know, I mean, so. And a lot of it too. I think, you know, parents are like, well, I missed out on my sports opportunities. So my kids a great avenue for me to relive the dreams that I wish I knew that right? Yeah. When I was like, is that your kid’s dream, once your kid’s dream is to build robots, or every kid’s dream is to be a great artist, and they just use sports as a social Avenue. Right? Like, we don’t ask our kids like, Hey, why do you want to play sports in the first place? Right? What’s the goal? And if it’s simply just, my friends are doing it. I shouldn’t be trying to sign a tie and sign up for all these like private trainings with with all these coaches that are because they’re gonna hate it. Right. I think also getting clear on like, what’s the goal here? Was sports going to do for us? Not was sports going to do to us?

Unknown Speaker  8:54  

I love that man. And, you know, the kids these days are even when I was younger, they’re, they’re. They’re told no, by the time they’re 13 135,000 times on average. Okay. And so they were born salespeople, I’m sure your kids go through the checkout line. They’re like Dad, can we can we can we you know what I’m saying? They see that m&ms or whatever, like we’re born. But that’s just instilled out of us or just kind of taken out of us. Do you go through any coaching with parents, when you’re when you’re starting to work with them about providing affirmative feedback? Or if you have to say no, there’s a certain way to say it. Because that’s just what I’ve, you know, came across with my coaching of parents. I don’t do it from like an athlete’s level, but I just hear no a lot and I was told no a time. It’s a friend of mine whose parents encouraged him, because I believe that’s the biggest gift you can give a child his encouragement period. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  9:56  

encouragement. You know, and I I’ve done a deep dive into parenting and stuff from a lot of great people just because I want to figure out for myself, because my kids are six and three, right? And I was going down this path of like, Man, this is frustrating. And like, you know, you don’t get a manual on this kind of stuff. It’s just like, hey, most people parent and how they were parented, and there was a lot of great stuff my parents did. But there was also some things I was like, Is there a way to evolve parenting because, you know, we, as humans, it’s natural for us to evolve, right? So it’s like, there’s some things like, you know, value systems, things that I take away from my parents did for me, like doing the right thing, and Tegrity like that kind of stuff. All those kinds of things are important. But I was like, I didn’t feel like I had much of a voice growing up. And it wasn’t like, something that my parents did intentionally. I just felt like, you know, what, I’m the oldest kid, I gotta be the most helpful, you know, follow the rules, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, you name it. And so I was like, that’s, that’s all good and fine. But as I got older, I was like, I was nervous to speak up a little bit as a kid as I was, Oh, I was. I wasn’t as great at advocating for myself. Right. So I’m like, What can I do for my kids to help them be a great advocate. And so when they asked something that I had to, like, I had to tell them no, first I asked, I respond by asking them a question. I’m like, do you think this is going to make you better, healthier? Or is it going to benefit somebody else? Hmm.

Unknown Speaker  11:20  

And if the answer’s no.

Unknown Speaker  11:24  

And he’s like, no, no, no, but I still want it. I was like, fair, that’s candy. Okay. Yeah. So that opens up another conversation of like, there’s things that we want, and there’s things that we need, right. So sometimes the things that we want, is that I know you’d like to run fast. Is that going to help you run faster? Man? Yeah, it’s just like, like, you know, and he’s like, probably not dead. And you see, like, the disappointed face, I was like, okay, like, Hey, buddy, now that, you know, I’m gonna let you make this decision. And everyone’s I was like, I let him made the decision, ya know, that he has a full understanding of like, what’s going on? Love and so chooses it. I was like, okay, man, I just want you to like, this is probably not going to help you run faster. Because like, I know, but I really want I was like, Okay, I think what we want to do is like, we don’t want to create a kid that’s just going to rebel because they was like, you know, no, no, no, because whenever they make their own choices, they have I’ve seen as a rebounder fight the kid just go nuts. Right on stuff. So and what we found out is like, he will now this is crazy. I don’t know. I mean, this is I love this is like something that we did, per se or what but he’s like, that can happen. Sorry for snack.

Unknown Speaker  12:33  

Oh, has a lot to do with what you’re saying, you

Unknown Speaker  12:35  

know, and, and, and I wonder, and I wonder if it’s like, okay, since he feels like he’s able to make his own choices more. So he has a say in what he what he gets to choose. He’s realizing that you know what that does take he’s like, even told me the days like that. I don’t even know if I can do that much. I was like, okay, you know, no matter what he says, I always try to stay as monotone as possible. Like never like, you know, excited to Okay, yeah, you know, and I was like, Well, tell me more. What do you think about that? And, and just, I think the more that we can ask questions to get into what’s going on in their mind, it helps me direct the way that I parent that makes sense. Love it. Now, sometimes there’s there’s some absolutes like, hey, buy, this is for your safety. So Daddy has to say no one got to

Unknown Speaker  13:21  

know. Yeah. At least you’re explaining it to him, Jay. Yes, it’s a safety thing versus, you know, me not wanting you to have it. And we’re just not good for you. And got to ask you, and we can cut this part out if it goes too deep for you. But you know, your father took his life. I’ve went through my little brother and stuff. How much of that really encapsulates who you are now wanting to work with parents with their children?

Unknown Speaker  13:51  

I mean, fatherhood yeah, I’ve always wanted to be a dad. Right. And that’s something that I was like, super excited about. But you know, losing my dad, I think I realized how much how important a dad a great dad is, in a kid’s life. And what I mean by great data means like, you’re there, you’re giving your best effort every day. Like, nobody’s meant to be perfect, but are you showing up? Are you trying? If you mess up, do you like hey, man, like, I tell my songs I like, like, Daddy messed up on this. My bad buddy. I was I raised my voice too loud. I was frustrated. I had a tough day at work, you know, things. So So even when I when I do mess up? I let them know like if I was too hard on him, or you know, that kind of stuff. Because, you know, we as parents, we have our own issues and things that go on throughout the day and stuff. But I think the key thing is like fatherhood they’ve done studies on how how much more successful kids are that have present fathers that are engaged you and thank you, and you don’t I guess it nobody’s perfect at this but it just does show up in I just show up. And you know, you don’t have to like I said, you know, you don’t have to be like The perfect person. Sure you just need to be available.

Unknown Speaker  15:03  

I love it, man. Yeah, I’m actually typing that out, man. Don’t be perfect available man. It that’s, it’s so true. And my father, you know, we’re best friends and stuff like that he worked on the line at General Motors and he wasn’t able to make my sporting events which actually, me I think excelled me to want to be like, Hey, look at the paper, I made the paper. You know, I’m saying they like that it. But at the same time, there’s one wrestling match. It was a super arch rival, both of our high schools were on the same campus, you’d actually see the guy last sinned against a day. And he in got lucky. And I stuck and I pinned them. I just kind of looked up the audience saying, oh, man, there’s my dad, bro. There was nothing like that. He’s just like clapping and going nuts and really made the time to make it to the rivalry one and, and I just love that you’re saying, Hey, be present for your child, even if you can’t so much physically be there because there are some parents, especially in this day and age and economy and whatnot, they gotta work right? In How do you go about those parents that like maybe have latchkey children, they want them to be involved in great things like sports and, and stuff like that, to build confidence and to learn competition. But like, how do you work with those parents, Jason, that really have to be absentee because maybe they’re a single father, a widow or widower, like how do you work with them? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker  16:30  

think, you know, if I have to be gone for a little while. Now, what I did was I made like, I have a little canvas that has like things that my kids favorite things. And I drew a picture, but like, I’m not an artist by any means. But like, I had it where like, it sits by my son’s bed, my son’s bed and they’re like, hey, look, bye. Daddy is going to be physically on for a little while. But this is how this is something that you can keep next year, knowing that daddy always comes back. Yeah, he always comes back. Yeah, I will call you, I’ll check in on you. You know, it makes you doing well. But just because Days Gone, though. There’s still some standards that we have to live up to, like, you still got to, you know, do what you’re supposed to do in school, help out grandma, whoever’s watching love it, man, that kind of thing. So like, and that. And then what that does is that that builds integrity of like, who are you? When the point of authority is not around? What are the decisions you’re making? Because I was like, Look, man, I’m not going to be around all the time to tell you what to do, what not to do. So, like, I want you to know that I care about you. I love you. And even if I’m gone, here’s this thing to remember me by it. It was a cool thing he did was he’s like that. You know what? I drew a picture. He colored me in a picture of like a gingerbread house. He’s like, I want you to take this on your trip with you. So you remember me? I was like, Okay, great. But yeah, I do. That’s awesome. So it’s like just being an example of what it means to care about somebody. Right? You can’t be by somebody all the time. 24/7. That’s, that’s just unrealistic. Right? Yeah. It’s

Unknown Speaker  17:59  

probably not great. Because yes, I have to still mold themselves.

Unknown Speaker  18:02  

Yeah. So but what are the things you can do that still build connection, even when you’re not there? And it can be something super simple as like, draw a little

Unknown Speaker  18:11  

picture. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And like, this sounds cliche, but things are cliches and worn out, because they work but there’s some Hey, you’re the man of the house. And I’ve got you know, you have you have responsibilities that you know, you’re ready for and it builds on I remember the first time my dad told me that, you know, as a kid and be like, really have animals. I have my little brothers. And I have it and the responsibility gave me man, it was awesome.

Unknown Speaker  18:35  

So yeah. And like, I just PBL like, make sure whatever you say things like, Hey, you’re the man of the house. Like, you explain to them what that means. Because yeah, I have a story about that. That kind of like went the wrong way. Like so after my dad passed away. And I talked about this in my book, elderly woman, she I don’t know, she’s probably a family friend or whatever. She’s like, Well, hey, you’re the man of the house now. And I was like, 17, I’m like, Oh, my gosh, that mean? Like, like, I’m working in a grocery store making like eight bucks an hour at the time, right? Like, what does that mean? Right? You know? So I think like, the thing is like, Hey, bud, you’re the man that house is six years old. What that means is, I need you to get ready for school on time, and be helpful. And grandma, listen. So like, I think, you know, we could do a better job of like, being a little bit more detailed by what we mean. So that way, kids aren’t coming up with their own stories about what this stuff means, right? I love that man. Because that’s where like the nervousness, worry that kind of stuff, whenever they’re in their own heads, and you don’t direct them away what you mean by things. You leave it up to them to figure it out. And you know, you and I know maybe you can come up with a bunch of different things, but what that could mean so

Unknown Speaker  19:44  

right. And I love that you broke that down because it can be as easy as saying, Hey, me, you make sure that you know you help mom out you clean the litter box or whatever he’s capable of doing at the age and give him the responsibilities. And like you said, I believe He said, You know, you know, sharing the lessons and when the point of authority is not around, you know what they could be doing. That’s awesome. And so tell me a little bit about the MVP, the most valuable parent teen in the program. You get going out with that, sir.

Unknown Speaker  20:14  

Yeah, so we’re starting up here in probably about a week or so. Maybe after Thanksgiving, but it’s most valuable parenting. And we’ve partnered with real Allah from build great minds.com. And she’s in Kent area, but she’s some I have learned a lot of these great emotional intelligence parenting strategies from Okay, and we’re gonna do like a five day mini classes on each day on the five A’s of parenting. So that way you understand, like, how can I show up more emotionally present with my kid. And then after that, like, we’re going to offer something to as well for people, there’s a coaching program that we’re going to offer as well, that you can have with with us to really go in and become the best parent, the most valuable parents, if you will, you could be to your kids. So that way, whenever they become like, 1819 2025, whatever it is, the experiences you gave them as a kid, they’re gonna remember that and they’re gonna want to come back in a healthy way to spend time with you visit you, you know, I’m not talking about like the boomerang kid that’s, like hanging out in your basement, which I mean, no problem with that either. I mean, I have kids, but you want your kids to thrive and fly right when their nest, right, but they come back because they want to come back, they’re doing well. So that’s a lot of what it then we’re using sports as a as a term because, you know, a lot of people have kids in sports at some point. And, you know, what are the things in life lessons that you can use in sports to, to help you become a better parent, as well and support your kid and their activities?

Unknown Speaker  21:51  

And that let me ask you something that you’ve laid a lot out today, but it’s 19 years in the future? Your boys 25? Right. Yeah, 2536? What would be the biggest victory at 25? For your son, meaning, like, what would make you feel the best? When he’s 25?

Unknown Speaker  22:19  

You know, I would say, seeing him happy, healthy and helpful. The three H’s. You know, he’s, he’s loving what he’s doing. But you know, he’s, he’s challenging himself. He’s, he’s getting better every day. He’s, he’s creating opportunities. He’s healthy, like, you know, as healthy relationships, he’s around great people he has, because you and I know, like, your, your bait your your kid’s biggest influence till about 1112. But then it’s like, who you surround yourself with, right? So that he’s picked a great group of people that are going to encourage him, you know, that kind of thing. And then I who’s he helped me, right, right, was he, how was he making the world a better place. And then, and then obviously, like, another thing that would be like, home, either the fourth age would be like, he calls, he can do something, whether it’s like, let’s go pick up a new sport, like golf, or let’s go movie or, Hey, come fly out and hang out with me for a weekend or whatever it is. So I think those four things at the end of the day, you know, where we

Unknown Speaker  23:23  

father like, uj, Senator trying to blow smoke, you guys gonna be tight, you guys be coming down to Abaco and catch in St. Louis, Cardinal, you know, spring training games and whatnot. That’s the reason why I even picked 25 As you know, because like you said, you’re you’re connected with your kids while they’re like 12 than they know everything. Of course. Yeah. Yeah, right. But the reason why I take twice because physiologically, your brain is developed. It’s funny, we’re mush in the brain still wishing to work 25 That’s the only reason why pick 25. And we’d love to hear your insights on that. So yeah, we’ll move on to the the force central questions that we talked about a little bit off of off camera, and yeah, I hear it. Tell us a little bit about the Insight struggles, that you know, what not, that’s coming together with the four central questions that you’re rolling out.

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

Yeah, these are these are four essential questions that I have found that like, as I’ve studied a lot, and like kind of thought process meditated on like, Man, if I were to ask somebody for questions, that were essential for me to get to know them as a leader, whether you’re a parent at home, teacher, coach, CEO, whatever it is, you know, if I get asked to number one is I could I want to be and now you get presented today, like it’s probably for kids that are like, you know, maybe eighth grade 1415 Going they’ve lived they’ve had some life experience, right? They kind of have some cognitive ability writing ability, but first one is like Who do I want to be? I’m not talking like external I’m not talking about you know, I’m talking like, like winning the game with it like is it do I want to be confident though, Wanna Be bold to I want to be courageous? I want to be joyful. Like, what do I What are the things I want to feel on a daily basis because at the end of the day, we’re all chasing a feeling of like peacefulness, satisfaction, fulfillment. Yeah. That’s where all of our internal struggle comes from is because we’re trying to chase all these things that are going to try to like give us this like inner peace or like fulfillment or like, praise, acceptance, whatever it is. And that’s why we feel so empty is because we’re trying to chase Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, and animate, it feels for a little while. But then you’ve that Chase, you know, monster comes again, it’s like, oh, man, I Okay, what’s next? Keep going. What’s next,

Unknown Speaker  25:37  

we’ve got to understand that the bottom top of one mountain is the beginning of another one for successful but like what you were saying is like chasing it instead of like, really dialing it in, in climbing up. How about number two?

Unknown Speaker  25:51  

So then now I didn’t know like, let’s say, I’m just gonna use confidence, because that’s a big one, right? Most most parents want their kids to feel confident. Sure. What do I need to do in order to feel confident? So this gives me a blueprint, okay, I need to think about and I, what I do is I give people like two to three minutes, because I want them to think off the top of their head. I don’t want them to overthink it. Okay, so maybe it’s like, study somebody that’s really confident. Maybe it’s, you know, famous athlete that they see his car, maybe it’s an actor, maybe it’s somebody they’re like, Okay, so maybe it’s a book I need to read, or whatever it is that what do I need to do to help me develop confidence? So these are the action steps? Then the third question is, and they all build off of each other. So this is like the foundation is like, put on a suit? Yeah. Excellent. What do I need to do to make that happen? Now, now that the seeds have been planted, you’ve been fertilized in it? Right? So what I do, what do I have? What will what will manifest from it? Well, I’ll have probably better relationships more confident, I probably have more opportunities in life. You know, so these, and then then it helps people like, see, like, oh, that’s what I’ll have, if I do this, if I want to do this. And then the last piece is like, that completes the circle is, what can I give back? If I’m confident, maybe I can, maybe I can start a foundation. Maybe I can go out and have build a startup that’s going to change the world, you know, that can give back I can, I can truly like make a difference and live on purpose, right? And then the more that we’re able to give back, the more that we feel like we’re on purpose, the more we feel more fulfilled in our lives, and we feel better. So it’s a mental health piece. It’s a living on purpose piece, right? So and then as a leader, you can you can have people do that maybe it was the janitor, whether it’s, you know, whoever it is your admin assistant, and you can look at that and say, oh, you know what? Scott said he wants to feel more joyful. Okay, what, what are some resources I can help them out with maybe feel more joyful? Hey, why don’t you go take a look at how to meditate? I, here’s this, here’s this conference here, or here’s this, you know, what, why don’t you say, you and your wife and you all go to that? And then check it out to me see what you’re saying? I love it. Because then, like everybody wants to know, like, how can I be a better leader? How can I help the people that are working for me? How can I help the people that I’m coaching? You know, this can give you a blueprint? Without, you have a conversation with them? Like, hey, you know what, I saw that you said, you want to be joyful here. How’s that going? For you? It’s a conversation starter as well. Yeah. And people feel like you care about them. Because you took the time to read what they wrote down, and now you’re asking them about it. And anybody that feels cared about will go 10 times further than somebody that’s just absolutely

Unknown Speaker  28:28  

gone pack so much more, man. Yeah, that’s awesome. Dude, I love that it’s a fantastic blueprint of really anything in life. Just never be kids or parents. I mean, anything you have, I love it. And I’m going to incorporate a little bit of that into my own coaching sessions and stuff with my clients because I get you know, there’s, there’s it’s proven track record with those four questions. So Jason’s we got to kind of move it along a little bit, and I’d be remissed not to take you through our leveling up lightning round again. Okay, I added a couple of questions for you. Yeah. And again, no explanations. You got five seconds to answer. No explanations. You’re ready to level up.

Unknown Speaker  29:11  

Let’s go. Yeah, ready? Here we go. Jason,

Unknown Speaker  29:14  

what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Just get better every day. Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to success. journaling. Beautiful. Your most commonly used emoji when you text. Thumbs up nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  29:34  


Unknown Speaker  29:36  

I love it. I never do that. jaybird

Unknown Speaker  29:39  

sparkle these days because I have bird ladies right so I’m pretty slender guy so Jaber and sparkplug

Unknown Speaker  29:43  

love it they’re just checkers a monopoly. Checkers. Love to love it. Go to ice cream flavor.

Unknown Speaker  29:53  

Oh, Moose Tracks.

Unknown Speaker  29:56  

Dude, you were the second person today on interview I swear you You’ll see that that’s awesome news tracks that said that there’s a sandwich called the spark plug for Jason Holzer. What’s on that sandwich builder for me?

Unknown Speaker  30:09  

burnt ends provolone cheese, and some nice pickles on

Unknown Speaker  30:16  

it. Nice nice for every charity and organization like to give your time or money to Jay.

Unknown Speaker  30:22  

Movember, it’s a men’s mental health. Yeah, baby.

Unknown Speaker  30:25  

Good for you. And last question. I’ve asked you this before, but what’s the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  30:35  

I guess say early 2000s. Okay, very cool.

Unknown Speaker  30:39  

And you’re got them you just check your your, your favorite color still kind of yellow? Gold. Orange, orange. Okay. Very cool. Very cool. Awesome. So, Jay, how can we find you broke?

Unknown Speaker  30:55  

Yeah, so our website is 40 athletes.com. And it’s same with LinkedIn watching

Unknown Speaker  30:59  

on, we go for Facebook,

Unknown Speaker  31:03  

we’re on all YouTube, you know, you name it. And then my personal one is and my Instagram is Jay Holzer and then LinkedIn, I’m on LinkedIn as well, my personal LinkedIn to

Unknown Speaker  31:13  

awesome, it all those will be in the show notes, as well. And Jason, do me one salad here, again, it leaves us with a Knowledge Nugget that we can take with us internalize and take action on.

Unknown Speaker  31:25  

Yeah. You know, I would say one thing that I’ve done recently is just be more present. Like, I Be Where Your Feet are. And I that’s I know, that’s, that’s not my own. It’s what I’ve heard multiple times. And like, so I’ve started doing this, like, when I get home from work, I put my phone in a different room, I try to do much more. Oh, yeah. And just because my kids are gonna be this little for so long, like man, like it’s gonna fly by I already had. So like, I was my wife or my family. But the people that matter to me, just trying to be more with my feet are like, I’m not me, I messed up that kind of stuff. But I’m trying to just being more present and being where

Unknown Speaker  32:08  

my feet are. And I love it. And squad, Jason is always present, when we’re talking, I can justify as a fly on the wall, I could see him talking to parents and even the youth and being super present as well. You know, it’s important to you that the children go home to and that’s really paramount to Jason for helping the level up, you know, from the roots with the parents, you know, the home life dictates and who the Jason reminded this, that the home life dictates the child’s gonna grow up to be, you know, and everybody kind of shows up differently. And that’s what’s great about life. And that’s where Jason can really dig in with the parents to help them level up their game, to bring their kids in, to win the game within, you know, to grow up, you want Jason’s passions to see these kids grow up to be interdependent, motivated, but also come back to the parents to have a great relationship as they get older. You know, Jason sees his son when he’s 25 Going out visiting them, you know, at his place, catching ballgames, and hanging out and having that connection, that’s what he wants to see through for the athletes that parents have the connections with the children, you know, he brought up, you know, what can sports do for your child, not to them. So he wants the children to be passionate about that he wants the parents to see that they’re passionate about it, as well, you know, and he reminds us that you know, what you’re doing, does it make you better, healthier, or benefits someone else? And then it shouldn’t say what you’re doing is what you want. And he reminds us that does it make you better, healthier benefits someone else, you know, and this apparently wants you to show up for your kids, if it’s possible. He wants you to own the mistakes that you make and be transparent, because the kids will feed off and say it’s okay to make mistakes. Just come back better. Okay, and basically, they gave us are the three actually four H’s of healthy, healthy, happy, healthy, healthful, and also the home life? And he reminds us about the four essential questions, which is a fantastic blueprint, you know, playbook with, you know, what, who do you want to be? Or what do you what do you need to do? What action you need to take to get that? What will manifest from this and how can you give back and you can’t get any better, and he just really, for lack of a better term, dumbed it down for people like me to say to grasp that, you know, Jason is somebody that you know, it like Bobby Knight used to say, the more immortal you are, the more you met her, the more immortal you become. That’s what Jason does is he’s always mentoring. He’s always lifting up and people are gonna remember my good friend Jason from this because he’s planting trees that he’s never probably going to sit in the shade of. And he wants you to be more present in the moment that so many people have a foot in the future foot in the past. They piss all over the President, when we sit there in the present and really I know where we’re at, be there now be present for your children, be present for your spouse be present for yourself. That’s what my good friend Jason does. He’s earned another varsity letter here. It’s time to shine today. You know, I really appreciate you coming on man. I absolutely love your guts. You’re humble yet you’re hungry. And I love collaborating with Jason, thank you so much

Unknown Speaker  35:18  

for Scott. Man. It’s been great. Being on here and I appreciate you having me on. It’s always good to talk shop with you, man, because there’s so much good that comes from so

Unknown Speaker  35:27  

Thanks, brother. We’ll chat soon my friend. Yep. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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