Welcome to Episode 22. We meet new people every day. Let’s learn about them instead of telling them all about ourselves.
ou can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
– Dale Carnegie
From how to win friends and influence people
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
- Get curious about others
- People will want to know more about you when you get to know about them first
- Be genuine when you are asking the questions
Level Up!
Recommended Resources
Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Robin Sharma: Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons From The Monk who Sold His Ferrari
Bob Burg: The Art of Persuasion
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Speech Transcript
Hey, what is up time to shine squad? This is Episode 22. Use Ford to make more friends. This is Scott Ferguson. Let’s level up.
Hey Scott Ferguson here with time to shine today and welcome squad and Fergie fanatics. We’re going to get into a little bit about networking today and meeting people and making friends etc, etc. I do a ton of networking, whether it’s online or face to face, love getting out, pressing some flesh, meeting new people, finding out their stories, and actually trying to pick up a step from them from time to time, which is something that I was taught to do when I was younger because when I was a little bit younger, I was pretty selfish.
To the point where I wanted to get my point across, I wanted to get what I did, out to the masses. And back in the day when I started in the real estate business people would be like, here’s your cards give out 50 cards a day to people. And I just found that the looks on people’s faces were mostly kind of ones of like I was being a nuisance to them, giving them my my real estate card. And I understand the logic behind it, because it’s a numbers game. But I was also finding out really quickly that when I would see them again, they would run the other way. Even if it was someone new, and I would see them again, they would run the other way because they thought I was immediately going to try to sell them something. I don’t do that anymore. I get approached by a lot of people in the business world or even my personal world where they just talk about themselves and that’s fine. And I’m going to tell you that it though that it’s kind of a turn off to me and it’s I do want to know every
thing about you, without a doubt, but and I’m hundred percent more interested in you than I am really about telling you about myself but there’s a way to come across more couth than others more appropriate than others. And I found that when I stopped talking about myself and start being curious about other people, that is when everything turned around Mecca Sammy, great friends by it, I’ve made friends that are close through the years, friends that I’ve
do business with friends that I hang out with. And I learned a acronym from somebody at a
convention a speaker one time I can’t remember his name I just remember was like real estate all stars, but you use the acronym Ford, f o r d like the car acronym.
stands for family, occupation, recreation and dreams. And if you use that acronym, family occupation, recreation and dreams and you ask the questions,
people will be more than happy to share their information with you. And when you actually pay attention to somebody and maybe paraphrase back to them what they’ve told you and get even more and more and dig and dig and dig using the acronym afford, people are going to tell you a lot, then they’re going to want to reciprocate and hear about you. That’s just what I found. You can try it. I guarantee that you’ll catch more you know, flies with honey, if you will, like really wanting to be a go giver. You know, Dale Carnegie said it best. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. So be curious with people use the Ford. Let’s start with the family. When I meet people I asked him Do you have kids? You know what did you
mother and dad do. Where did you grow up? What do you what do you do with your family? That’s fun. Okay, and that’s just the greatest icebreaker ever. You ask about someone’s family, it’s really the thing that’s closest to them. And they’re always willing to tell you about it. They’ll break out pictures of their kids, they’ll show you their vacation pictures, which is just awesome. Okay, let’s go the occupation more times than not. You’re going to be at a networking event when you’re going to use the floor. Okay, or getting to know people. And you’re going to ask them what they do for work, how they came about being in the position that they’re in, where they’re working, why they chose that profession.
So you found out everything now from their family, and their occupation. And just keep digging with questions. People want to tell you about themselves. It’s human nature. That’s moving to the ER. That’s recreation. Recreation is stuff that people like to do for fun stuff they enjoy.
Are they paddle boarders? Are they surfers are they
golfers, they like to lift weights? Do they like to volunteer?
What do they like to do for fun? Do they like to travel? If they’ve traveled and you’ve been to the same place before you can share stories and keep that conversation rolling, which is just fantastic. You’re getting to know more and more about the person. Okay, and then dreams where do they see themselves five years from now? What? What goals are they striving towards? Now it’s time to shine today. That’s what we want to know is what you’re striving for. So we can help connect you with the right people to get you progressing forward and leveling up. Do they have a certain number they want in their bank account? Is there a certain place that they want to travel to to add to that recreation, find out from people? So the next time that you’re out, meeting people, whether it’s you’re being introduced to inless, which works really good, whether you’re at a networking event, get to use the Ford get to know people?
I can find out right there at the networking event, if I want to do a one to one coffee with somebody by just asking them the questions, because networking event, you’re just moving around passing cards, pressing flash getting to meet people. But I’ll tell you what my best strategic alliances my best friends that I’ve met at events is using the Ford
acronym, family occupation, recreation and dreams and then moving it to a one in one coffee and then really digging deep and seeing how you can help their company and possibly how they can reciprocate and help you. Okay, here’s a great question you can ask that I heard from Bob Burg. He wrote the go giver. You wrote the art of persuasion. Yeah, I’m a fanboy of Bob Burg.
But he says to ask, How can I know if someone I’m talking to is a good prospect contact connection or something that you would like to meet? ask that question to people. It’ll get their mental Rolodex going, but also
shows that you care. So I’m going to urge you stop talking about yourself and you’re meeting people. Be curious and learn about others. It gets interesting when you meet somebody that’s just as curious about you. You’re trying to pull it out of each other using the Florida acronym back and forth. But those are usually the best people that I like to be around anyways. Alright, so thanks for tuning in to this Knowledge Nugget from time to shine today. It let me know some of your stories, go to our Facebook group, time to shine today and put in there, what you’ve used or tactics you’ve used to become curious and learn from people and not just talk about yourself. All right, so everybody fire up. Let’s level up our life. Let’s level up our health. Let’s level up our wealth, because it’s your time to shine. Ciao. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today. If you’re a business owner or a professional who would like to be interviewed on our podcast, please visit time to shine
today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio, or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope you will help support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. Until next time, level up. It’s your time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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