At Time To Shine Today, we believe that the quality of life that you have is ultimately shaped by the quality of your choices. And the choice to act on discipline is key to progressing daily.
The tougher you are on yourself, the easier life will be on you
-Robin Sharma
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
- Know that you might not like doing it, but that feeling must be subordinate to your purpose.
- See the big picture, but take baby steps
- Get moving, give yourself a countdown with each task
- Solid morning routine is key
Level Up!
Recommended Resources
Robin Sharma’s book ‘Who Will Cry When You Die?’
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Speech Transcript
Time to shine Episode 008. The discipline of doing this is Scott Ferguson. Let’s level up
Hey time to shine squad at Scott Ferguson. And I just wanted to wish you are another Happy New Year here in 2020. I’ll stop saying that after the first couple weeks, but it just you know, we’re kind of still in the holiday humdrum still in the let’s get some rest time. But it’s the first kind of working Monday I believe a lot of the kids go back to school today, I believe it’s January 6, and allowed the kids go back to school and the man I hate that I have much respect to the teachers. That’s why teachers are part of my heroes program and my real estate side of business where, you know, I could back a portion of my real estate commission to heroes and because of their gonna have to deal with kids that are coming back from the holiday hangover, but lots of love to them today. So we’re going to talk a little bit about discipline. There’s a lot of people out there that I respect that I listened to when it comes to discipline from Jocko willing could be an ex Navy SEAL David Goggins, another ex navy seal. But I’m also in the book by Robin Sharma. He wrote the book, the monk Who Sold His Ferrari fantastic book, please pick it up. It’ll be in the show notes, a little link for you. But I’m in a book right now by him named who will cry when you die? And it has, I believe it’s like 99 chapters, but it’s I just wake up every morning part of my morning routine, read one of his chapters a day. And I just continuously read the book, I add it to my morning routine, not only do you know I read my proverbs and kind of, you know, get close to my Creator, but I also read a little bit from a stoic right now I’m reading some sonica in Marcus Aurelius, but then I move into somebody else that kind of moves me. Other gentlemen you’ve probably heard me mention like Randy Gage, Bob Burg, whatnot, but Robin Sharma is a great writer, great speaker, you need to need to check them out. But what he each day it within his book, he gives you a little Knowledge Nugget, like we say here in time to shine. And today, this book is really about the discipline of doing a lot of people will talk. But when your actions catch up to your words is when it really happens for you. Okay, but to get there, it’s gonna be a monotonous grind of every day seeming like you’re spinning your wheels seeming like you’re doing the exact same thing every day, but not seeing results. But I’ll tell you what, step back and try not doing anything every day and see what kind of results you have. Okay, so you’re going to have zero. What happens we get with our credo that we got from rod Harrison division you is inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. So you do the little things every single day to make that happen. Now it’s going to be hard. It’s going to be tough. Robin puts out in this book the tougher you are on yourself the easier life will be on you. That’s the bottom line. I get out there I get doing I cannot stand getting up and getting moving some some mornings I just I’m not feeling it My body’s aching I my mindset just not right I didn’t receive my mind at night I met the rest of my body but I didn’t receive my mind so it can get a little monotonous every single day. But I always keep it in the back of my head that the quality of my life is ultimately going to be shaped by the quality of my choices. And that again that kind of I believe that came from Robin as well. Fantastic quote, but I know that my choices with it, whether it be in career fitness relationships, is going to be the the outcome of is we dictate on the choices that I make now the choices that where I am now the choices that I made 10 years ago to upgrade my career. I’m sorry not upgrade the state level up. Let’s stick with our topic here. Time to shine today. We love a lot bye Career or fitness or relationships, again, what I do is I start my day, every day with an attitude of gratitude, wake up, thank my Creator for everything that I have. And I have a little journal that I put together every single morning that I write in, and I list five to 10 things that I’m grateful for. If you’d like to see it, I’d be happy to send you a maybe a Google Doc share of it, some of it I’ll have to remove because somebody can be pretty private. But I do every single day put their put out to the universe, what I’m grateful for. I also am going to feed my mind every morning just like I kind of went back and said, I’ve read my mind with wisdom, stuff that’s going to help me help others to serve others. I’m going to do that every morning. Okay, and and once that keeps going becomes almost an everyday thing for me. The discipline is next is the level up in what can I do more, but you’ve got to start with the small stuff. You’ve got to let Nike says just do it, you know that you might not like doing it, but that feeling subordinate to your purpose, it’s subordinate to your purpose. So you might not like doing something you might not like getting up and walking that 10 to 15 minutes every day. But there’s a purpose to that it’s to get you out there to start the fat burning processes to start your mindset in the right spot. Me I love walking my dog stitch we walk every morning for 10 to 15 minutes around our little lake here in South Florida and it sets my mind right I don’t exactly love doing it. But I know that there’s a purpose to it. You know I’m a bigger guy I need to consistently watch my weight.
I’m not a scale watcher but I’ve got to consistently watch it because I don’t want you know gravity is is ultimately going to win and pull my body down but I know that if I get up I get moving. That it will help with my weight. Keep it stabilized how With my blood sugar, and it gets me exercise with me and my little dude stitch. So again, that is the purpose is to stay in great shape with my temple, my body and also with my mind. So after the movement comes my readings comes to my meditation and then it comes here to do this podcast literally, that’s how my morning works every single morning and I love doing it. So, again, it’s just real quick the discipline is in the doing, you’ve got to be stay the course stay focused on what you want in the actions that you take. And the choices that you make is going to shape your life going forward. And those is so Elementary, but I gave you some you know little knowledge nuggets that you can use and I hope you do. And if you need any other knowledge nuggets, please shoot us an email at s f at time to shine I would love to share with you my daily routine my daily Stories, my journal. I’m an open book here and I’m consistently trying to pick up steps from other people to level up my life. Okay, guys, I really, really am so grateful for you to listen to this podcast. It’s fantastic. And I’ve saw that some of you have actually found us on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, I Heart Radio, Alexa, it’s really cool to see the downloads and I just have to appreciate and show gratitude to you as well. And if you would like to please leave us a review down below whether it’s good, whether it’s bad, we’d still love to get your feedback. If you don’t agree with us, and what we say. Again, please, please shoot us that email at SF at time to shine and, again, if you have any questions, you know, you can leave a comment below if you’re on our website, or just reach out to us to the email just mentioned. Alright everybody, let’s fire up. Let’s level up. It’s your time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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