Today dig a little deeper in the Hero Sabotage.
I’ve read everything Randy Gage has put out. I admit that he is a HUGE reason why I level up every day.
In this episode we cover why we sabotage ourselves when something great happens to us.
It is what it is. But it doesn’t have to remain that way. Because you really can kill off the old and replace it with a new and improved model
– Randy Gage
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
- Don’t let your past dictate where you are heading
- Surround yourself with the right people
- No imposter syndrome
- Consistently feed your body and mind only that which serves you.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources
Randy Gage Blog Post – Are You a Broke Hero?
Pick up the book Why Your Dumb Sick and Broke….
Pick up Randy Gage’s Prosperity Series
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout:
Speech Transcript
Time to shine today, Episode 006. The hero sabotage a little bit from Randy gage. This is Scott Ferguson. Let’s level up.
Hey everybody, it’s Scott Ferguson with time to shine today. And it’s the beginning of the new year. It’s January 2 2020. Super stoked. ready to fire it up. I’m always fired up though so it’s not I don’t make resolutions something that my coaches and whatnot Do not let me do. I I follow a schedule every day for myself. I guess it’s my own routine. Morning Routine, what I feed my body what I feed my mind how I take care of my temple or my body is already built into me. So it’s almost like automatic when I wake up, but today, I’m going to start off the new year with Something that Randy gage wrote about that I first read in his book, why you’re dumb, sick and broke and how to get smart, healthy and rich. And a lot of people don’t like Randy in a sense, they say he’s a little bit too blunt. I’m sorry, he’s not. Or they say he’s a little too blunt and doesn’t care, but I’ve never met the guy I will. Eventually, my whole goal always is to maybe get on stage and open for him one day and get my message out there because it kind of coincides with everything that he puts out. I’m a no frills guy. I’m a military guy. I was raised by military with a yes sir. No, sir all the time. And Randy is that kind of bluntness where he puts it out, he’s not afraid to speak his mind. And I love reading his material. So I’m going to ask you to pick up that book while you’re dumb, sick and broke. And you’ll see it in the show notes and also pick up his prosperity series, which is in the show notes as well, but he has a blog that he just put out and I had to kind of piggyback on his blog because it’s, it’s The name of the blog is awesome, too. It’s Are you a broke hero. And what that means is you’re always self sabotaging yourself, you might get a little bit of success, you’ll start noticing things that are going great for you, but you’re not feeling worthy of having it. And that will stall you. I am the biggest victim of that start, you know, going all the way up to about 10 years ago before I really read his books in a series. And I would be a guy that would attain success. I mean, I made crazy money in 2003 in 2004, and the real estate business, but I was raised by a family where my father, I love him to death and he is the amazing man. He’s my hero. But he worked on the line and he never really had the prosperity mindset that I really wanted to attain in my own ways of life. And what I would happen is I would find success, get success and then sabotage it. I would look for ways in my subconscious Mine because I just didn’t feel worthy about it. A lot of that comes again from your programming within your young, okay? It could come from like organized religion. And again, I have a very close relationship with my God, I’m a Jesus Christ follower, I’m God, I don’t put that out and shove it down people’s throats. But that’s just my, what I go with in life. And he’s my Creator, and he’s the one that I love and adore. And I pay all my homage to and but you can be programmed when you’re younger, to not feel worthy, whether you are called dumb, whether you’re called stupid by your parents, because that generation really kind of pass that down to us to where we’re not really that worthy that we should make do with what we have. So when you do great, get that step and then you start making that say money or you’re in a relationship, and it just starts yours, it’ll start going south, because again, you don’t feel worthy. But again, what you want to do is you want to strive to feel the worthiness again, so that puts You in what you know gage will say and I will also say superhero mode to where you’re helping out, you know people I mean where, where you are going to just step up your game for that time until you sabotage yourself again. You know, he brings up in his blog and I’ve also watched these movies as well but you look at movies like Batman Chronicles of Narnia, Finding Nemo, The Lion King To Kill a Mockingbird, everybody’s is a victim and then they become a hero. What I’m saying is don’t once you start getting success, and once you start attaining what your dreams and your goals are,
don’t fall back into thinking that you’re not worthy of it worthy of getting what you rightly deserve through your hard work. And it’s hard because you don’t notice it’s happening. It’s like a it’s like an addiction. The crop, you know, climbs up down you and crawls up on you and says hey, you’re not worthy. You need to Go back down to the bottom rung and build it back up. And I am so guilty of that I would do it because I didn’t feel worthy of what I was having. So, ways to get through this one, surround yourself with people that are striving daily for around the same goals that you have. Okay, I’d make it a point to meet somebody every week, that is leveling up their life that is moving forward, that is liked by people, admired by people adored by people, but still seem to have a good grounding to them. That’s something that they’re just posturing and what gage will call an imposter syndrome. Okay? So surround yourself with the right people, feed your mind. Only things that serve you during this time and do it every day. So when you start getting that success, you’re still feeding your mind that you’re worthy that you’re ready to go. Okay, so feed your mind books readings. I mean, I have my morning routine. Where I read a little bit of Proverbs, you know, every day there’s 31 books in Proverbs and a lot of the month there’s 30 to 31 days. So it’s just a chapter a day takes two minutes, but there’s so much wisdom in those, they’ll keep you striving towards prosperity. Okay, and then I also feed my book my mind with books say by Randy Gage, Bob Burg Tony Robbins rod Harrison, you know, eccentric cetera this I’m always feeding myself, my mind. So surround yourself with people, feed your mind, the right books, and then also when you’re listening, get a good podcast, get this one. Hopefully you’re listening this one and it’ll feed your mind daily. What you need to know and keep you in that fired up level up mode on your way to work on your way to see a client that you’re notsuper excited to see. But you know, you have to. So again, feed your mind feed your body and get yourself around the right people. To keep you from falling back into victim mode, and then put you into superhero mode to save the day, how about you just wake up every day? I mean, look at it, Superman wakes up every day. And he saves the world. He doesn’t give any thought to to it, he just does it. It’s just an everyday thing for him. So when I wake up every day, I see who I get to serve. Who I’m you know, first of all, what, who I’m grateful for who I get to serve. And if I do that every day, it keeps me out of superhero mode and keeps me pushing forward. Okay, so the hero sabotage, we’re wiping that out for 2020 period. All right, tribe.
This is it. Our squad at time to shine does not fall back into the hero sabotage. Okay, this is Scott Ferguson. And thank you so much for listening. I’m going to jump right now I’m going to leave all of the resources down in the show notes. So please click on them, absorb them, read them and turn off them, okay. And until next time, make sure you level upand it’s your time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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