448-🏡🔑 Reimagining Real Estate: Insider Secrets for Thriving in an Ever-Changing Market TTST Interview with Sage Weiss

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Sage Weiss is a dynamic real estate agent, podcaster, YouTuber, and signed actor based in Seattle. With a strong focus on building his personal brand and expanding his audience, Sage aims to be a fresh, young voice in both real estate and media. He offers free consulting services, assisting clients across all 50 states and even internationally in buying and selling all types of real estate. By connecting them with the right agents, Sage is committed to helping people achieve their real estate goals. He gets paid to make friends 😊

 “Your lowest point is your launching pad—take responsibility, make a change, and watch yourself soar.”
– Sage Weiss

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. 🌟 **Own Your Journey:** Take full ownership of your life circumstances. This mindset shift is crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success.
  2. 🤝 **Serve First, Success Follows:** Focus on serving others. When you prioritize adding value and helping others, success will naturally follow.
  3. 🎯 **Learn from Risks:** Don’t shy away from risks, but learn from them. Even if things don’t go as planned, use the experience to make better decisions in the future.
  4. 💪 **Consistency is Power:** Stay consistent in your efforts. Whether in content creation or daily habits, persistence is key to achieving significant results.
  5. 💖 **Live by Your Values:** Let your personal values guide your decisions. Living authentically and in alignment with your values will lead to a more fulfilling life.
  6. 🏠 **Be Realistic About Investments:** Approach investments, especially real estate, with caution. Educate yourself and be realistic about the risks and rewards.

Level 🆙


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript


[00:00:00] Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and I got the young guns episode my guy Sage Weiss he’s an actor. He’s a youtuber He’s also a super I call him like a relationship creator He builds relationships with people especially when it comes to the real estate side of things Wise beyond his years.

I wish I would have known I believe he’s 25 What I do now when I was 25 because he knows a lot of what I do now so if you’re looking to really build up your real estate portfolio, or you’re really looking to build up your Just business savvy and how to communicate please break out a notebook maybe share this with somebody that might need to hear it or subscribe or Whatnot because my sponsors and affiliates absolutely love that.

So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Sage Weiss Let’s level up time to shine today, podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I am kind of going back in time. [00:01:00] And meeting my younger self here a little bit. But this guy’s a little bit more handsome than me and he’s probably more versed in what he knows at his age than what I knew at that age. So, and he’s about here to drop some serious knowledge nuggets on you.

He’s a fantastic podcaster, which I’ll put his show in the show notes. Don’t go there now because the knowledge nuggets he’s going to drop today are going to blow your mind. But Sage Weiss is a, he’s a real estate professional. Cross the board. He’s a lifestyle optimization artist. He likes to lift people up.

He’s his podcast life money and more is off the charts. It’s fantastic. I’ve listened to every episode. I don’t miss these. I’m unsubscribed and so should you but don’t go there now. He’s a YouTuber signed actor. Yes, he does some acting, , and he’s in the Seattle area now, but he’s kind of lives the laptop lifestyle.

He can work from anywhere. He’s building a brand around himself and building an audience. His goal is to be a younger voice in the world of Both those topics he helps people in all 50 states And also all their countries when it comes to buying selling [00:02:00] real estate investing. He’s the shebang of it all and sage Thank you so much for coming on.

Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color?

Well, , it’s kind of in the name. It’s just sage, sage green.

That’s badass, man. That’s awesome,

brother. I know I’m named after a color. I’m named after a lot of stuff, but yeah, that’s my favorite color.

And you know, Scott, I’m going to need you when I run for Congress as my press secretary. So if you’re, if you’re looking for a job a couple of years from now, when you run from Congress, I’ll let you be my press secretary. , it’s really tough. I might do Republican. I don’t know if I’d fit in as a moderate Democrat, but yeah, , maybe I’ll do Republican I don’t

really talk on it.

I’m like, I’m a conservative. Person, but I also believe in a lot of values for people for themselves So I don’t want to go down that route on this But yeah, I would introduce you anytime anywhere sage brother 100 percent So let’s get to your roots. I know that you’re a quarter century years old Okay, but your knowledge is chock full and it’s killing [00:03:00] but let’s get to the roots of how I’m sorry a kid Okay, that like really poured into himself and pours into others.

How did that come about?

Oh, oh man, that’s, that’s a long story , just the fact that I’m here to me is surprising. I’m not even sure where to start. I have a wild story. Geez, Oh, what, how about give me a couple seconds to think and just rephrase the question. Okay. It’ll allow my brain to process it.

Okay. So how did you get to where you are now? Like you’re 25, you’re successful, brother. Okay. Give me a story that happened that really turned your mind on to be like, boom, I want to be an entrepreneur and I want to serve people.

Well, , I think it happened actually at the lowest point in my life.

This would be December of 2022. I, I basically become homeless. I move out of my dad’s house and I have no money. I’m door dashing. And I get stuck in this snow storm [00:04:00] in this hotel and I’m living on an American express card. I have like 15, 000 of debt. I’m basically at the lowest point you can get.

I mean, I’m sleeping in a car and the car’s broken down. The car has a pop tire and the battery’s not working. So I’m living on the Amex platinum card. And at that point, I think I hit my lowest and I was like, okay, you know what? I think i’m the problem here. So then I decide to change my life around and fast forward Basically three years now and i’m where i’m at now.

So i’m here because I hit rock bottom essentially

Dude, I love that. What I heard in that is you took responsibility for everything.

Yes Yes, there’s a book i’m reading. Yeah, that’s extreme responsibility. I forget the he was the navy seal guy I forget his name extreme ownership. Yeah extreme ownership.

Yeah, he’s a friend of mine.


Yes, I That’s kind of what happened to me. I would I just started taking extreme ownership of everything and looking in that’s awesome

sage Yeah, [00:05:00] what what do you feel your definition of responsibility is?

Hmm, I think it’s like twofold. It’s it’s if something’s wrong in your life, it’s probably your fault.

That’s one. And then number two is, Hey, I kind of stopped making things about me so much. I started viewing responsibility as a, I have a duty to my children, their children, so responsibility is and this is also important for my background too, is, is both of my parents were, were addicts, they were not responsible.

So they didn’t do very responsible things growing up. I got to see them. So responsibility for me is taking ownership, but also making decisions today that impact people years and decades from now. That’s huge. It is. Yes. It changes how you live life when you think, what are my actions for 30 years from now?

It changes things. Yeah, man, like responsibility. My mentor told me is like, say Fergie [00:06:00] responsibility. It’s nothing more than the ability to respond, right? Like it’s rooted right in the word response ability. And you have the ability to respond. A lot of people react, right? They see something like, Oh my God, I suck.

But you responded to it. It was, it was bad things that happened to you. Responded to you door dash. You didn’t just sit on your ass. You door dash. You got out there. You made ends meet where you could, , that’s awesome. That that’s the kind of people that we love to have on the show stage. And just get rocking.

So how did you kind of come into the real estate side of things?

Well, , I’d always been interested in real estate in high school, much like acting, and you can get your license when you turn, , 18, you can get your license right away. And I just always had this interest in it. And I think I have the personality for it.

And one of the things that really kind of jumpstarted this thing into real estate was I like to do things like weird, like I like to do things out of the box. And I said, okay, so I probably don’t really want to be a real estate agent. , yeah, it sounds interesting, but what if I did [00:07:00] something different?

So I’m always the kind of person that likes to keep my. My, my, just everything broad. I like to be everywhere. , as you mentioned, I’m kind of that laptop person. So I’m like, how can I make a real estate business that operates everywhere? And the current business I have is that business. So I became really interested in being able to build a life where I can just travel places, teleport, snap my fingers and show up and real estate fit in perfectly to that, and I also wanted to use my acting skills that I had gotten from, you community college and being an acting school in New York, I wanted to figure out how to make money with a skill where you don’t make a lot of money.

Typically at least, I knew I probably wasn’t going to be in any massive sag productions, at least not right away. An acting career is something that takes years and years and years to build up. So real estate. It’s a fantastic way to make incredible money. And I’m also not college educated. Like I don’t have a college degree.

I’m the first person in my family to not go to college like a full four year degree. So it’s [00:08:00] just, I wanted to build a business that was truly everywhere. And that’s kind of what inspired me to jump in. That’s amazing,

man. And like, that’s your omnipresent when you are doing what you’re doing. I mean, you are everywhere.

You are like, if someone comes to you and says, Hey, I’m looking in Houston, Texas, you will make that connection with somebody that is looking to buy in Houston with a professional in Houston. Correct.

Yeah, so I approach things very, very, very client focused. And I’d say it’s a boutique kind of business. So essentially anyone, anywhere in the United States comes to me, they want to buy.

I spend as much time as I need to spend with them or as much time as they want to spend. I basically consult them through that whole thing. A lot of people don’t really get to talk to a Real estate professional before they do something, right? And if they usually do talk to someone, it’s someone that wants to sell them on something.

So I come across a lot of people, whether it’s a 200, 000 purchase or a, I haven’t done 12 million yet, but let’s say 5 million. They want to talk to someone before they do it. [00:09:00] And I can consult them through that process. That process is also free. I’m not the agent in the area trying to consult them.

The agent pays for my services, so I spend as much time as I need to spend with them. Sometimes I spend an hour. Sometimes I spend four or five hours talking with someone and then. I go ahead and use my proudness and my skills to then find the best fit for them in that area that could serve them. I can care based on personalities, experience.

So I basically hold agents accountable and interview agents to serve the clients. Some people really love that, especially nervous, anxious people. Investors love that too. And then the agent pays for that service through the commission once that deal closes. So my services to that client, whoever it is, first time home buyer or luxury buyer, commercial land, it’s free.

So I, I like to make the joke. I get paid to make friends.

Amazing, man.


[00:10:00] Yeah. And so. When you’re, when you’re setting this up, how do people without divulging, if there’s a secret sauce to it, but how do people find you to make that connection?

Yeah. So the podcast, as you mentioned , that, that’s a way that a couple of people have actually found me.

Okay. It can also be organic word of mouth is really powerful. I have my YouTube channel at Sage Weiss. It’s a pretty small right now. I just started a couple of months ago, but I do personal finance and real estate videos on there. And basically it’s one video a week. I’m at 69 subscribers. Nice. So we’re going for 70.

Nice, man. Well, you got,

hold on. We’re going to nail 70 right now, brother. I know,

I know YouTube is much like podcasting. Now you have 70. You have 70 now. Boom! Once I hit a hundred, I’m going to throw a little party, but yeah, people find me through either Google search. Podcast, YouTube, or word of mouth.

And there’s very, very few [00:11:00] people who do what I do. The largest example of what I do would just be Zillow. So when anyone hears, Oh, there’s a real estate agent that like, can it help me buy in Indiana or in Canada or Mexico? England. Well, they’re like, okay, let’s talk to this dude. This is weird.

What I love about

your show is, is there longer form videos, right? They’re not interruption marketing. , you’re flipping through stuff. I love it. And I have an idea here. I don’t know if you’ve implemented it yet, but are you thinking about interviewing agents in different areas? And just hear me out before you say anything, because YouTube is owned by Google.

Obviously, everyone knows that, right? And so if, let’s say you live in frickin Houston and you want to move to Seattle, or let, let, you live in Seattle. You, you live in Houston, you want to move to Palm Beach, right? You would interview me in Palm Beach to give the 10 top reasons to move to Palm Beach, right?

So when someone’s moving from Houston to Palm Beach, they might Google that. And then you rank that [00:12:00] video, but you also are building your podcast because you’ve interviewed a professional from that area Is that something that you you might do?

, that sounds, it sounds interesting. , I always want to do things that You and I are the same.


literally, we laterally think. We’re not in a box.

Yes. Yeah, I know. I laterally think. I’m always thinking about how do I make a video that interests me, interests the people that want to watch and listen, but also interests Google. , the overlord of everything. Often, like, I have some ideas for you, Sage.

Like, did I? Yeah, I haven’t, I haven’t the 26 episodes I’ve done I haven’t interviewed anyone yet, which is


And they’re awesome. I’ve done a lot of podcast interviews and I’m sure, as , I’ve done, how many have I done now? Five. I think this is my fifth. Yeah. Yeah.


And I don’t get to see those for a couple months.

So I’m considering putting those on my podcast as special episodes. Yes.


that. So yeah, that’s an interesting idea. Yeah. But. Maybe i’ll think about it

because if you put it into utah The only [00:13:00] reason why I know is because I know agents I coach an agent. I had I took her from 10 million the close volume to 145 million in four and a half years And she started doing long form videos 10 reasons to move to sacramento california and she’d walk around doing it And so I was thinking if you are a connector, you interview that agent from Sacramento, right?

And it goes out there and all of a sudden that starts growing in YouTube because people are looking to move to Sacramento. They Google it, there’s a video there, and this agent’s on there talking to you about the 10 best reasons to move to Sacramento.

I know, I know a couple agents that own certain markets and certain areas on YouTube especially Tennessee.

I know an agent in Tennessee. She has a couple thousand subs on YouTube, but she effectively, as far as YouTube is concerned, owns Nashville. A hundred percent.

I know exactly what you’re talking about too, man. That’s

awesome, dude. I think it’s moving to Tennessee or moving to. I forgot the name of her channel.

But yes, that is, that is, if you’re an agent and , I, I am an agent, but if I was [00:14:00] someone who worked in one area like that agent, that’s absolutely what I would do. Yeah, that’s a, that’s a good point.

Yeah. You interview that agent. It gives your podcast cred, right. And it gives you that agent to make a connection to.

Right. I mean, you’re going to, , refer him or her business. Now it’s just something again, you and I could probably sit over a coffee, dude, and just start bouncing stuff all over the place. I’ll fly to Florida. We can, we can fight the alligators and drink some coffee. Let’s go, bro. Let’s go. Russell some sharks and go get after it.

All right. We’ll stay on track now. So with, with your real estate business, like, are you an investor as well?

, it’s really, really funny. So, , whenever you talk to a real estate agent, they’re going to praise the, the powers of real estate and they’ll typically own property. For me, since I’m 25, obviously most 25 year olds don’t have two nickels.

I have all of my money just in ETFs. Everything is in the stock market. One of the interesting things about doing real estate is you learn how much of a pain in the ass it is. It is [00:15:00] expensive. It is not passive. The margins are not that great unless you really know what you’re doing. 95 percent of investors fail.

So in a perfect world, I’m not sure I’ll own property until I’m married and have kids. Good for you. Ned, that’s the way to go. I’m completely honest with people. Cause I buy, buy, buy. I know. I’m completely honest with people. When I say that, what, If you just, if you want to get eight to 10% a year in the market, , just do your ETFs and your indexes, you’re gonna save yourself a lot of stress.

And you put that on your


like, right. I, I do. Cool. I do love, it’s, I, I’m very honest with people. If, if I got half a million dollars cash right now, I might not buy. I’m going to put an investment property with it. I might just put it in the markets.

That’s just how I am honest in Florida here.

It’s kind of like, I affectionately call it heaven’s waiting room. People move here to die. And so like I made friends when I moved down here 11 years ago from Detroit, I made friends with every probate attorney that I could because I went and talked to the probate attorneys and be like, listen, [00:16:00] someone dies.

I’ll make an offer on their house. And if they don’t want to accept my offer. , obviously you’r their family who doesn’t They want to get rid of t get the deal at a decent not, I’d love to sell it Right. So I’d work that a Florida by making friends with probate attorneys. Does that make sense? What I’m saying?


done that. I’ve done that here. I’ve done that here with divorce lawyers. Hell yeah. And . Yeah. Yeah. So I have a coach. I have a coach. I can do a little shout out to Rick Silva. One referral away on YouTube.

I know he Ricky, yeah. Okay. Nice man. Nice.

He is. He’s one of my coaches. He’s responsible for one of my deals right now, actually.

And he was the one that suggested to me that I go ahead and start making friends with all the local attorneys which is great. I’m going to get a discount on my will. And then I have gotten a client from one of them too. So every

single state you go to. Make friends with their probate attorneys, man, divorce [00:17:00] attorneys, dude.

Yeah. I mean, this is Palm Beach divorces. This is where Donald Trump lives, , like Mar a Lago is three miles away from me right now. Right. So it’s like the divorce or like through the roof, bro. It’s kind of crazy. But what, what have you found the hardest? About growing your business? Sage?


Biggest challenge.

Yes. The hardest thing is just understanding that things take time. They take years. My mentor, it took her eight years to build her business from zero to, I believe a million gross and personal income. Okay. So she was doing 200 million a year in referrals on year eight she sold that.

Okay. She’s retired now at 34. She started about the same age as me. So just realizing that you can do all the work you want on planet earth, you can kill yourself with working. You can make as many videos as you want. The difficult thing for me is just realizing that this takes years. Not one year, not two years, not three [00:18:00] years, more like four plus.

So that’s honestly the most difficult thing, even with making a YouTube video a week. Like it also really helps me. I’ve done a lot of research cause I know numbers are boring, but I’ve done a deep dive into. Big YouTube channels, big podcasts, and for YouTube channels, it takes them to get to a hundred thousand plus subscribers, usually 400 plus videos.

It takes them four to five years. Podcasting, it can take you two plus years. It can take you a hundred plus episodes. So just realizing that things take time, no matter how hard you work, things take time. Yeah, in the gestation period that you’re talking about, I mean, inch by inch, it’s a cinch, right? By the yard, it’s hard.

Like, everybody wants it now, but like, listen, man, you dr you’ve seen oak tree in an acorn falls in the ground. 10, 000 of them are there. Which one grows to an oak tree? One that’s watered. It gets the right sunlight. The one is given what it needs, but it doesn’t grow to a freaking oak tree for like 10, 15 years.

So now again, we don’t want to take 10, 15 years, but [00:19:00] if it takes five years, that’s fine, dude. I did the first hundred episodes by myself, , , editing all that other stuff. Didn’t make a dime on it till 200, right? Not, not a dime now, which I don’t, I don’t care. It’s on my, it’s on my website.


so it is.

Yeah. And then just taking a long term approach to things , I didn’t make a single dollar in real estate my first year, not, not a penny. And the rate of failure for real estate agents, cause you get relicensed every two years is about 90%. So only 10 percent of people actually make it to year three.

My first 12 months, not a dollar, I probably spent about 5, 000 in total. So think about how demoralizing that is

laughing with you brother

to be to be a real estate agent Who’s fully capable of selling houses in the area? But instead i’m doing this weird business and people are judging you they’re like, what is this guy doing?

He’s an idiot, , yeah my first 12 months not a penny. Wow, that’s brutal

Like people don’t realize like they get in real estate. I’m gonna sell my mom dad house Yeah, then what dude and [00:20:00] it’s like listen man as a real estate agent the ones I coach I make sure they realize You That they wake up every day unemployed every day unemployed They got to find someone to interview them to sell their house to sell right to rent them a house To rent their house out for you.

You’ve got to always be prospecting And you have to and if you don’t you’re going to start unemployed, but me I love that shit I love getting up not knowing where it’s coming from going serving people And the only way we can get is through service, right? I go serve people and I just out serve everybody else, not everybody, but , the people that may out serve enough people to make me comfortable and live in my version of paradise on the Atlantic ocean and doing what I want to do.

Right. So this is,

this is my prospecting, , making that podcast episode every five days, making that YouTube video every week, doing these interviews. That’s my prospecting. I love it. I love it. And

you’re just, you’re just amazing. At the like your your knowledge is is way up there, but you’re at the infancy of anything gonna be breaking through man I cannot wait.

I’m gonna follow you [00:21:00] on your journey. I’m gonna help you out where I can man That that’s what it’s about brother. I freaking love it. So what do you feel your biggest weaknesses?

Oh, my biggest weakness. I love, I love taking stupid risks. , with

you, bro, not at you.

I’m laughing. I do love doing dumb things.

, as a personal finance YouTuber and as a real estate professional and As someone who’s also debt free, I also, it’s, it’s like, I do all these things to take risk out of my life and make sure I have the best chance for success. But then I do really dumb stuff. 000 on a, on a crypto transaction error, just 5, 000 poof gone into the wind, , so I’m not doing that again, but I, I saw an opportunity and It worked.

I just screwed it up. So I was like, Oh, this would make a great YouTube video. If I bought this dumb meme coin and then made a stupid video about it, how dumb it was. There goes most expensive YouTube video I ever made [00:22:00] 5, 000. Right down the drain. Geez, I would say doing this business as a risk.

I just, I just like doing dumb things. , I like doing things and this is really funny. I make this joke with some friends Living in the whole car thing for like the two years I lived on and off in my car, I was like, what? I’m just doing this because it’s going to make a great story.

, I might get robbed, my car might get stolen. I don’t know what’ll happen, ? But this is going to make a great story. So my weakness is sometimes I just do dumb things because they’re going to make a fantastic story in the future. So do I,

 What I call that with my coaching clients?

And actually my coach called it my superhero syndrome. Like I will put myself in situations sometimes so I can save the fricking day. You know what I’m saying? And so if you can do that, they actually make it fun. You just don’t want to attach too much of a dollar sign to that. You know what I’m saying?

Yeah. Well, I have,

I have a fiduciary. She handles all of my retirement stuff. I’m not allowed to touch it, but , I’m one of those people that if you, if you put, 10, 000 cash in front of me, I’m [00:23:00] just going to be like, Ooh, what stupid thing can I do with this? I can do it, , to make it 20, 000.

Oh yeah. No, I get you. I get you. That’s my weakness. Yep. What’s your thoughts on.

Building a team for, for success, , down the road. What are your thoughts on building this out and like making it like super global? I mean, like, I know you’re global, but I mean, super global.

Yeah. A great example of that would be like Ryan Serhart.

He’s that luxury real estate agent in New York. Ryan’s a friend

also. I’ve hung out. I was like, yeah, I was with Ryan last week. I’ll send you a picture off Mike. So yeah. Yeah.

He He’s a great example of kind of a worldwide brand of real estate. And I think for me, I’m a massive fan now, and I wasn’t always because of the superhero syndrome thing, but about a year ago, I really started getting into delegation, which is that team building.

So I’m a massive fan of delegation. I do want to build a team. I think, yes, in the future, I definitely want to go ahead and start building out [00:24:00] a team of people around me. That can help me help me grow. As you said, I’m in barely the infancy , I’m barely killing

it for where you’re at. I have to, I

know, yes.

And much like Sarah, I have gray hairs too. His is artificially colored. Mine’s real. So Yeah, I just, yes, I do. I do want to build a team. And as the years go by, I, I’d love to have a big team of people around me, like publicist. I already have technically a team. I mean, I have my tax person, my fiduciary, my YouTube editor slash channel manager.

I would like to get a podcast editor. An executive coach in the future. Yeah I feel like strategic hires will really help you grow much faster. So definitely interested in doing that.

Gotcha. What businesses I’m not asking you to tell everybody to stay away from them, but what businesses does.

Sage stay away from

businesses to sage stay away from like just any kind of business or national businesses or [00:25:00]

like like, like just business in China. If you look at me like, nope, not for me. I know you kind of said it about rentals, but I can see you buying some real estate in the future just to kind of balance out your portfolio.


Yeah. I would say as, as a real estate professional, I’ve seen a lot of people get in trouble with Airbnb investing. I’ve met a couple of people that got their shirts taken from doing that. I, I’ve met a lot of people. I know the burr method is people love the burr method. Very few people do it greatly to effect.

So taking on a lot of debts. To buy real estate it sounds fantastic I know and if done right in the right market conditions, it can be great but there’s a lot of people that get themselves into a lot of trouble and I don’t want to blame like bigger pockets and gram stefan and all the big people for that but taking on debt.

It’s just it’s just risk now. I live debt free completely. I’m one of those crazy like dave ramsey people. So, I would say the Airbnb investing, taking on a bunch of debt another business I don’t really like ooh well, I don’t like the IRS, but , I can’t do [00:26:00] anything about that. I can’t do anything about that.

What is your definition of a life well lived?

Mm. A life well lived. , I’m weird. My definition of a life well lived is being sober. Completely. Stone cold sober. Yeah. I, I come from a background where both of my parents drinking and pills I’ve made it my life goal to always be sober. I’ve never had a drink in my life.

Always being sober. aware and present of all of your actions, which is painful. I have to say I have to live and I have to sit with all of my mistakes constantly. I don’t get to take any, any substances, anything like that. So a life well lived for me as being sober. That, that for me is the biggest goal, and I’m most proud of something I haven’t done in my life, which is become an addict.

Good for you. So, yeah, that’s, that’s the life well lived for me. Dude, you were, we were so, cause my parents were the same thing.

They’re addicts, and I’ll have a brain grenade every once in a while. I’ll have like a [00:27:00] drink every once in a while, right? But I just, other than that, I saw what it did to them. And I was like, nope, ain’t going to happen to Fergie.

Not me, not this Ferguson. It’s just not happening. So I’m glad that you saw that, man. Time to shine today, podcast, varsity squad. We are back and Sage, we’re going to definitely meet up.

We’re going to make sure of it one way or another. And we’ll talk about some of these questions at length, but today in this, I hold my interviewees to this. You got five seconds. With no explanations. They can all be answered that way in five seconds. You’re ready to level up. Okay, let’s do


Let’s do it.

Sage, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Ooh, taking, taking risk and looking without leaping. Love it. Share one

of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Oh, asking for help. Let’s get your asking gear. I love it. So you see me kind of walking down the street. It looks like I’m in Fergie’s in his doldrums a little bit, [00:28:00] hey, this doesn’t look like that energy. Is there any book that you’ve read that really flipped your mind on and said, , Hey, and hand it to me.

Oh, Oh, geez. Yes. Never split the difference by Chris Voss.

Excellent book. Thank you for saying that. Your most commonly used emoji when you text. Oh God.

I’m not going to say the eggplant emoji. Winky face. That’s awesome. Nicknames growing up. Let’s see snaggle. I have a snaggle tooth, so I’d get called snaggle a lot.

All right. Awesome, man. Do you have a hidden talent and or superpower that you have that no one knows about until now?

Uh, always staying sober. That’s my superpower. That’s awesome,


Chess checkers are monopoly. Anything else would be weird, right? Headline for your life. Ooh. Oh, crazy guy does crazy stuff to get crazy results.

Go to ice cream flavor.

Oh I like I like

cookie dough.


[00:29:00] So there’s a sandwich called the Snaggly Weiss. Build that sandwich for me, man. What’s on your sandwich?

Goodness, the Snaggly Weiss. Okay, so we’re going to have to go ahead. Pepperoni gives me heartburn, so we’re not going to do that. We’re going to do salami.

We’re going to do

lettuce, black olives, oil, vinegar, oregano, pepper maybe a dash of mustard jalapenos, and we’re going to do it toasted. Yes. I’m not, I’m, it’s a, basically an Italian sandwich. Yeah,

you and I definitely, I got some places for us to visit. They will blow your mind with a sandwich like that down here.

All right. Favorite charity and or organization you like to give your time and or money to.

Oh, favorite charity organization. I would say I, I like wounded warriors. I, yeah, I’m a fan of Wounded Warriors. One of the other things, I know this is longer than five seconds. Every single real estate transaction I do on the back end, 10 percent of my gross commission.

So let’s say it’s a check for 5, 000, which is fairly normal. I’ll take 500 of my gross and donate it to whatever charity or [00:30:00] foundation the client wants. Boom! My man! I love so 10 percent of my personal earnings go to a lot of different charities of foundations. So that’s a long list. I have a spreadsheet I could share.

You’re good, but yes, every single transaction, there’s a charity or foundation involved somewhere. Love it. Last question. We’re going to elaborate on this one a little bit as well, but what’s the best decade of music. 1960s 70s 80s 90s or 2000s early 2000s depends on the mood. God. I love Vietnam music.

I would say this late 60s. I, I, I know. I also, I also love like the mid seventies. So I’d say 1968 to like 1975. Gotcha.

Love it, man. And there’s such good stories told in those songs, man, from the Eagles to Croce to, I mean, all those kinds of like storytelling, John Denver, even, what I’m saying?

I got,

I got my aviators. So sometimes when I’m driving down the road, I put these on and listen to, some stones and just pretend I’m a Kiwi [00:31:00] pilot.

Love it, man. Love it.

So Sage, how can we find your brother? Oh, there’s so many ways. So obviously we got life money and more podcast. We got Sage Weiss on youtube.

I’m a real estate agent so you can google me and all my information’s public there’s so many ways to find me my phone number is even public So if you want to call me feel free to call me. I have an answering service. So no weird calls, but you can leave a message

Get you in touch and again, if you’re an agent out there I would probably want to get, with Sage down the road because Sage is a connector.

He has people that he could possibly refer to your area and set up a strategic alliance with Sage. , like reach out to me, , I’ll reach out to Sage first, make sure he wants the intro and we’ll make it happen. But Sage, do me one last solid and leave us with one last knowledge nugget. We can take with us, internalize, and take action.

Oh, you know what? I have a great knowledge nugget. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go ahead and get on my computer and I’m going to do a quote that I really, really like by [00:32:00] Michael Caine. He says it in the Batman movie. I always forget it. Let’s see here. Okay. Okay. Here we go. So he says, endure master Wayne, take it.

They’ll hate you for it, but that’s the point of Batman. He can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make the right choice. And the message for that is my knowledge nugget is if you believe something, be willing to stand alone on it be willing to stand as long as you need for B B the Batman.

That’s my, that’s my burning advice for all the listeners. That’s awesome. I just said. just a kick ass conversation. My good friend Sage here, that again, we jokingly were saying, , he’s me like 25 27 years ago, but 2022 hit a low point, right? He’s homeless, no money living out of a car.

The thing is, I heard is he winners make adjustments. Mediocre people are granted losers. They make excuses. He took responsibility and he got done with the Made, made it [00:33:00] happen and he did it through serving people. He didn’t just go rob banks or, , roll the dice or play the lottery. He’s out there serving people.

He understands that the actions he said that he takes today could still make an effect and things 30 years down the line. I mean, he says he does things weird and out of the box, but like me, he’s a lateral thinker, so if that makes us weird, sign me up, , he’s very boutique, he’s very client or.

Focused business whether a real estate agent who’s working wants to make build relationships with you. He’s a relationship creator, which is Again, it’s fantastic. And if you’re looking to buy a house in the united states, I know he goes outside of it But if you’re listening to the united states, you’re looking to buy a house Let me make a warm introduction to sage because he will find you the correct professional that’s going to help you , he understands that gestation period that acorn that goes in a baby just isn’t Had through sex and all of a sudden bam a baby pops out nine months of gestation Okay, he’s so clear headed [00:34:00] That a lot of it comes from being stone cold sober sober and this guy’s out there living a life of options And not obligations.

I coach my clients live a life to me success squad is living a life of options and not obligations That’s all it is. If I want to do what I want to do, that’s fine, but you have to do it. And the only way you get there is through service. And that’s what my guy Sage does. He plants, he’s planting trees.

He’s the, that he’s never going to sit in the shade of. He’s doing it. He’s he’s out there and he reminded us make sure you ask like get your asking gear Right if you don’t know something ask there’s people out there that are happy To to help you out with that people like myself people like sage and sage Thank you so much for coming on man.

You level up your health. You level up your wealth You’re you’re humble yet. You’re hungry. You earned your varsity squad letter here time to shine today Thank you so much for coming on brother. I absolutely love your guts

Yeah. Well, thank you to the listeners too. I look forward to hearing from people.

And as far as interviews I’ve done, I’ve got to say, this is, this is one of my favorites. So thank you.

My man. Have a great [00:35:00] day. You too.

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