Welcome to Episode 96! Zondra gave us a true master class about how a small business can Level UP by implementing streaming! Zondra spent 40 years in corporate America, only t be unceremoniously let go. She Leveled UP started Zondra TV and she will help you as a business owner be heard, seen and grow! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Show up EVERYDAY and serve the world your genuine authentic self and help others live the life they deserve
– Zondra Evans
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great leader will not ask anyone that they would not also do
2. If you are interested in residual income and really growing your business then a streaming platform is right for you.
3. If you are stuck ask yourself who you are? And why are you here?
4. Be courageously intentional!
5. Done is better than none!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Zondra’s Book: The Power of Investing in You
Zondra TV Network Facebook Page
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Zondra’s Instagram
Zondra’s Twitter
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hi there. This is Andrea Evans with saundra TV network. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and we are coming into Episode 96. Not trying to be too biased, but it’s one of my favorite interviews. It’s with my good friend zondra Evans with zondra TV and she is going to blow your mind with the knowledge nuggets that she’s about to trap on you about being courageously intentional about being a great leader about just showing up every day. She has a small business platform to get into streaming which you really need to start looking into. It’s very, very affordable. So sit back, relax, try to take as many notes as I did during the interview because I have pages upon pages of notes. So without further ado
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Here’s my good friend zondra Evans from zondra. tv. Enjoy.
Unknown Speaker 1:14
Hey, time to shine today varsity squad, Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked, super privy to have my good friend zondra schizandra TV. This lady helps small businesses at an affordable value. Get known get noticed get out there on the platforms that you want to be seen. Zander has over 40 years of corporate experience as a talk show host and executive producer of real biz talk with zondra, a global TV platform to showcase small businesses on Roku, biz via Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Comcast Cable and several other networking platforms. That’s some serious crowd right there. She’s the host of
Unknown Speaker 2:00
executive producer for an unscripted talk show called fireside chat was ondra can’t wait for my appearance. As founder and owner of zetz Corp xandred. TV network her goal is to provide an affordable your that people affordable global media exposure experience. for small businesses her motto is be heard be seen and grow. Zander is a motivational speaker and is known for revitalizing messages which makes her the Inspire choice for memorable and entertaining seminars, lunches and partner programs. She’s a captivating compelling force in the platform, our meaner audience with current creative and practical to cool ideas for increasing leadership skills and personal growth. She’s an author, certified self investment coach and strategist helping people navigate the waters of their personal and professional journey out of broth. That’s fantastic she’s a rock star and guess what people you get basically a free masterclass, my friend Sandra. So Sandra, please come on. Introduce yourself to the temperature
Unknown Speaker 3:00
Today squad but first, what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 3:05
I think it’s royal blue. I like royal blue. Love it. Love it. Well, you’re you’re kind of royalty. I know I’m sorry. I feel like I’m Rosie. I love royal blue and purple. So those are my two favorite colors regal. It’s like you You look good in both of them. They’re both in your color. So, which is fantastic. Fantastic. So, Doc, easy. Tell me your origins like origin story get up to where you’re at right now. I mean, you’re a rock star. You’re an all star you have people like people out there say they have Roku channels. I have this, but you have one like a real one. So can you give us the origin starts and then kind of get us to where you’re at now. Yeah, you know, I to be really honest, God. I mean, I had to just, you know, be fully transparent. I after 40 years in corporate America, and I call it the golden handshake, I got the golden handshake. I
Unknown Speaker 4:00
I got laid off for the first time in my life. And I was skipping through the hallways, probably because I had an exit strategy. So I just blew the dust off of that and started executing. But I want to let you know that that exit strategy really wasn’t media and TV. It was really to be on larger stages. Doing my motivational speaking. I wanted to return to that after my corporate journey. So really, that’s where it all started. I did not know that I would hire media coach and PR agents that was booking me on TV and radio and they love me so much. They kept asking me to come back, come back, come back. When I when I looked at my exposure, it was probably somewhere between 20 to $25,000 worth and I paid zero for it because they love my story.
Unknown Speaker 4:52
I didn’t expect to own a TV channel but when the momentum started, you know kind of happening. I just grabbed
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Hold and said, Okay, this is my journey, I’m going to accept the call and I did and started building my own network. I love that and so you’ve got that golden handshake, which, you know, fortunately I’ve never had to go through I’ve my last handshake was in the military right into entrepreneurship. But that golden handshake was just basically like good luck in the foot in the butt kind of, you know, experience so you have family you know, what did they think about you kind of walking away from your, your paid? Well, we’ll just say that we’re walking away from that and starting something that you want to be motivational speaker but then, like, into where you’re at now, were they supportive of you know, what, my children that’s, my story is, Scott, you know, I don’t have any immediate family. My mother, father, brothers and sisters are all gone. So it’s just me. So my children are very supportive. So they were like, Mom, you could do this go for Go for it.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
Then I had an awesome team around me, that was basically saying strike while the iron is hot bondra people are loving you, you can go ahead and put this together. And that’s what I did. I took some time and it took a lot of money. And now from the money part, my kids will always tell me, um, you know that you’re an entrepreneur, you can’t throw it up all your money on developing this, but I made the strategic decision to engage and to invest in myself. And then today, here I am, you know, with a TV network with multiple different types of TV shows and and bringing new producers every day. It’s a legit network. You’re not just somebody that’s on somebody else’s network. This is your network. Am I saying that correctly? I am on this is my own network.
Unknown Speaker 6:47
I think I’m a little bit fortunate because I’m on my own network. So you can download my channel on Roku, but I’m also in collaboration and partnership with so many others that I’m also on their networks is
Unknown Speaker 7:00
Well, wow, it’s a total of about seven different networks. Cross platforming is Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:08
is fine Roku, I’m unrefined Roku, I’m on my own, I have my own channel and network. So just,
Unknown Speaker 7:15
you know gives me a really huge reach. And so you have a team under you that is working to serve what you’re able to make it better for you to serve others, the utmost what makes a great leader to you.
Unknown Speaker 7:30
You know what, I still stand by this principle. I absolutely don’t ask anyone to do anything I haven’t done or wouldn’t do. So that to me that sums up my leadership. If I say that we’re gonna work on Saturday, then I’m gonna be there on Saturday. I not because I don’t trust them because I want to show them that I’m willing to roll up my sleeves and do whatever it takes in order for success in the same for their businesses, because many of the people that work with me have their own
Unknown Speaker 8:00
business. So then I support their business like what is it that you need me to do to help elevate your brand? I’m willing to do that. So if you’re getting this up and running, like the mice listeners here, they want to hear about the fail. What was the one fail forward that stands out in your mind that really shaped you even to be even more?
Unknown Speaker 8:23
leveling up? What was that? You know, my fail for it. I’m be honest with you. So the first Roku channel I was offered, I paid for it. And they taught me nothing. They took my money. And I was left out in the wind to learn what streaming TV was really about. They had promised me that they were going to teach me you know, and help me understand this infrastructure. And they didn’t. So I ended up being taught, you know, God was my teacher.
Unknown Speaker 8:55
teaching myself and then really
Unknown Speaker 9:00
networking with people that have been immediate, maybe not streaming to help me navigate the journey and one of my coaches, actually was a PR manager here in Dallas for like 35 years. And she took me on right away. So
Unknown Speaker 9:17
yeah, I bought a channel, my first channel that I bought it failed and didn’t know what to do. So you know what you found you’re been resourceful. So you found the resources to help you. You know, pick yourself up by down in your mouth. We use a lot of sports metaphors here
Unknown Speaker 9:34
today, but in push for that, that’s fantastic. So what when you bring people into the zondra TV network family? Are you teaching them as you go along? Are you just taking it and running and just collaborating with them? How does it really work with you guys? You know, that’s a really good question. When so many people started coming to me going I want a show on your channel. I didn’t even have the channel.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
built at that time, and so there were at least 10 folks that came to me. And I was like, Well, if they’re coming to me wanting a show on their channel, the right thing for me to do is to build
Unknown Speaker 10:13
an educational portal. So I developed the Zee TV media and TV incubator, and everybody that wants to be a producer goes to the incubator for 12 months. Now during that 12 months, we’re producing your shows, but I’m teaching them how to posture and be a producer and you know, in streaming TV, and at the same time how to monetize their content. Wow, that’s, that’s amazing. So not only are they giving you the reins to help guide them right direction, but you’re educating them through your incubator as well. That’s fantastic. So if I’m out, we’re almost out to where we can get out networking, again, pressing some flash meeting with people, if I’m talking with somebody, how will they know if they were
Unknown Speaker 11:00
Did you know prospect contact connection or someone to refer to zondra? TV network? Yeah, you know, people that understand I mean, let’s, let’s take the pandemic, I think I’ve been busier than I’ve ever been during the pandemic, because people now realize that streaming technology, the digital market, the entire world is ingesting information through streaming. And of course, you could think about all of the social platforms. But for someone that really wants to grow their business differentially, and be able to have a subscription model to be able to sell to their clients. Streaming TV is right for you, is totally 100% right for you. Then you gotta want to grow. I mean, beyond social platform, because social platform gives you a little bit of something, right? Right. It does. You could have groups and social platforms, but where can you actually charge
Unknown Speaker 12:01
A minimal subscription fee and make tons of money in residual income. So if you’re interested in residual income and growing your business, then streaming is for you. But in like, I’ve been asking people on this because you know, folks that are out there listening, we’re probably by the time this podcast episode drops will probably be kind of really out into phase two and phase three, but we’re kind of working our way through the phase one and we’re in day like 9270 of currency. What do you really see? With regards to it going on? Do you think people are going to go out to their old ways of networking? Or do you think this zoom and streaming and stuff like that are going to kind of have a place to say because I feel it’s here to stay, because people are finding the advantages with it. But what’s your thoughts? Yeah, I think it’s here to stay. And I think we need to kind of shift our mindset. I really believe that it’s here to stay and so do I think that there may be some gatherings here and there of potential
Unknown Speaker 13:00
But I think that’s in 2021. I believe that in 2020, we have to become smart and wise and small business owners and understand the power of digital marketing, digital advertisement, all of that works together because I mean, streaming TV is one piece of digital marketing play. Really, there’s another piece that you know, targeting writers, right? Yes, that’s amazing. So, z, let’s get in our DeLorean. Let’s hop in there with Marty McFly. Okay, a little Back to the Future. Let’s go back to the 22 year olds ondra. What kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on her? To help her level up?
Unknown Speaker 13:42
Well, I’ll tell you why I got the 22 year old Mike. I’m like, that’s insensitive. I gotta go back a little ways. But if I had to drop knowledge nuggets and I do every day to people that are in their 20s people are in their 30s the knowledge nuggets is there are a couple of things that you need to know and you need to know this. Well.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
Before you do anything, and that is you know who you are. And the second question is why you’re here? I think getting the answer to those two questions help you develop the right foot in your business. You got to know that people are, you know, thinking I could just level up and be like, XRP. Like, why that’s not true. I mean, I’m leveled up, but I’m not like Oprah. yet. Yeah, but I’m just saying, like her because my unique talents and capability is something different. And so we have to be able to embrace our difference and know who we are and why we’re here in order to really develop the right way. This just fell in place with me and at 22. I think that’s what people should be figuring out who are you? Why are you here? And then develop the right what around that? That’s fantastic. That’s out. Phenomenal. I wrote that down. Ask yourself, who you are and why you’re here. I got lots of notes there. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 15:00
you accomplish in a relatively short amount of time. I mean, you say you try to throw out there a little bit and you window about your age, but if people are gonna be watching this, no way, I mean, for her to even say she has, you know, 40 years of corporate experience, I don’t even know how that’s possible. That’s my, you know, anyways, what is the big big thing that saundra wants to accomplish?
Unknown Speaker 15:24
You know, my big thing is all around legacy.
Unknown Speaker 15:28
What I want to accomplish is that, you know, in my latter days, I want to be known as a woman that
Unknown Speaker 15:38
was on a personal crusade to level the playing field for small business. That’s what I’m doing. This is legacy work for me. I want to be known for being someone that sacrifice for a small business in order to level the playing field. That’s what I want to be known that a strong, so that just really kind of goes into the next question I was going to ask you is
Unknown Speaker 16:01
Okay, so we hear a time to shine today, you know, my subscribers, my listeners, we all talk about the dash and we’re always posting about our dash and what, how, like, Okay, how do you want to be remembered within that dash, the life date and the death date that dashes in between the two? So I think he just answered it with a legacy to level the playing field for small businesses and help them level up. So I didn’t even have to ask that question. But it’s a question I like to ask people. If I if there’s anything you want to add to it, please do.
Unknown Speaker 16:31
Well, you know what, I love that you said the dash and one of my signature speeches is called the dance. Because I think there’s so much power in the day. It’s really not when you were born. It’s really not when you expire. It’s really the dance like what do you do that differentially sets you apart from the rest of the people in the world and everybody can do something that sets you apart and
Unknown Speaker 17:00
But here’s the thing most of us are not courageously intentional. You can be intentional every day but being courageously intentional is stepping out into uncharted territory and uncharted waters. And so I want to be known. That’s my dashes stepping out into uncharted territory, uncharted waters, to be able to really create something powerful that the world will remember me back. That’s fantastic. That’s, that’s amazing. And you’re doing just that and you’re helping people and you’re doing that in your journey in that dash by serving people. That’s fantastic. Is there any when you’re meeting with a new prospective client? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you? Um, well, I have so many different types of clients. So that’s kind of hard as Gemma, let’s say that it is a client that that wants to become a producer and producer.
Unknown Speaker 18:00
Their own show, I think the best question that they could ask me is
Unknown Speaker 18:05
really about monetization. And I, because I think people think they’ll come into streaming potentially and become millionaires overnight. It’s not that you couldn’t but it really doesn’t work that way. And so I like to be fully transparent. In fact, I do my my incubator kickoff presentation talks about this is not a get rich quick scheme, but it is, it is absolutely a strategy for the early adopters are the people that early adopt streaming will be the millionaire. Absolutely, it will be and they will be. You know, it’s funny when when I actually got into the podcasting thing, I was thinking, Oh, man, I can really because I leveraged my list I’ve over like all my listeners, thank you so much over 50,000 people out there, and then I thought, well, this is just the podcast is just gonna really just blow it up to the next level, but
Unknown Speaker 19:00
There’s work that goes on to it to modernize. And that’s what zondra TV kind of comes to help you leverage that. And, and thank you for doing that. So
Unknown Speaker 19:11
tell me something that’s blown your mind. Something that’s just really just sit back and go, damn or you know, just really blown your mind.
Unknown Speaker 19:21
A lot of love on a regular basis. Well, I tell you, it’s something that’s happening this Friday, that just blew my mind. So let me just tell you this, please, on this Friday, this Friday, May 15 I’m going to be able to share the stage with Sharon lechter. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 19:40
who wrote Think and Grow Rich for women, and we’re doing a program called assets are sexy. And and so when I was given the opportunity of like, absolutely, because you know what my asset my asset is streaming TV is absolutely sexy.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
The people there really want to get engaged and really be an early adopter. YouTube will have a sexy asset. So yeah, I’m gonna be on stage with her you know virtual stage of course. I’m in the panel discussion and I’m a key sponsor for assets of sexy cell that blew my mind because a really I’m gonna get to share the stage and so
Unknown Speaker 20:25
Sharon’s Sharon’s, amazing. I’ve been to like seminars she put on I believe she wrote loopholes of the rich one of the purple books are saga, which actually saved my arse back in probably the mid 2000s with some of the stuff the knowledge nuggets that she dropped in that book. That’s, that’s phenomenal. Congratulations on that. So what’s your what’s Sandra’s definition of a life well lived, a life well lived. It goes back to my legacy again, a life well lived is that I show up and I serve the world that genuine authentic me. Not some days but every day.
Unknown Speaker 21:00
And I think that that is a decision and a choice that all of us can make every single day. life circumstances really doesn’t define me It only creates depth in my character. And so every single day, my goal is to serve, show up, serve the authentic me, and at the same time help other people to live the life that they deserve. There’s nothing more fulfilling than that. There’s really not about money. It’s just that’s it. I mean,
Unknown Speaker 21:29
yeah, you get better than that. Yeah, just just see the look in other people’s faces or the vibe that they’re putting off when they notice like what you’re helping them with is working. It’s It’s amazing. It Zander, we’re gonna move into as we wind things down just a little bit. We’re gonna move into our what I call our level up lightning round. They’re gonna ask you five or six questions. You and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each question, but you got five seconds, like first thing that pops in the top of your head. All right. All right. You’re ready. You’re ready.
Unknown Speaker 22:00
Got Yeah, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Oh, done is better than none done as I’m writing that down, we got to pause for some is better, is better than better than none beautiful. What’s one of share with us one of your personal habits that contributes to your success?
Unknown Speaker 22:22
Oh, prayer, Love it. Love it. Not the book that you you wrote not the book that you’re reading not the flavor of the week. What’s the go to book that if you met me and I’m just like, you want to lift me up?
Unknown Speaker 22:36
What’s the book you hand me? Oh, god that is so hard. I know.
Unknown Speaker 22:43
I don’t know cuz I’m just so in Thrall. But this book the lemonade stand. Because this there’s so much encouragement in this book called the lemonade stand. I love it. I’ve heard of it. I’ve read it. I love it. What is your most commonly used image
Unknown Speaker 23:00
When you’re texting somebody
Unknown Speaker 23:03
probably I don’t know it’s funny that Flo kiss
Unknown Speaker 23:09
you can be one age and the rest of your life what would it be? Wow, that’s that’s a good one. I’d like to be there I am right now. experiencing what I’m experiencing so I’m cool to be 61
Unknown Speaker 23:24
my life I
Unknown Speaker 23:26
carry it awesome. Hey, what’s your favorite charity and or organization you like to support? Or give your time or money to? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
There’s a couple of women organizations that I really love supporting. One is called dress for success, where you are able to give, you know garments to help women to give back to them. See, that would be one.
Unknown Speaker 23:51
That’s fantastic. And last question, what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s right?
Unknown Speaker 24:00
You know, let’s say the 70 there such a mid 70s of the best yes there’s there’s such a mix between the two. You know that you can bring in disco you can bring rock and roll Yeah, everything so that we would definitely hang out anytime. So doctors are Sondra I call your doctor’s see how can we find you? Oh mo very easy. You can check out me at zondra TV calm do n dr a back home tv.com and and see episodes of shows you can see you can get a discovery call there you can schedule it to be on TV so zondra tv.com I love it and Sandra and although will be in the show notes as well as all of her social media. Everything will be in the show notes my listeners. So Sandra, please do us one last favor. Please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to take with us and internalize
Unknown Speaker 24:58
my last nugget
Unknown Speaker 25:00
is how you respond dictates how you recover. And so the reason why I’m giving that nugget today is because how we respond to this pandemic actually really will dictate your recovery as most of us want to land on our feet and be able to move forward but it is going to take you being courageously intentional, to try something different. And you must enter into the digital space and so how we respond dictates how we recover. I love that in all my time to shine to the varsity squad that is tuned in are lucky enough to get these knowledge nuggets dropped down to you by my good friend zondra who will never ask anybody do anything she wouldn’t do. She gets in the trenches with them. She shows up works with their people she has a when she works with new clients. She gets them educated in her incubator system when you’re out and about in your lifetime.
Unknown Speaker 26:00
Or if you’re stuck, rewind back actually ask yourself who you are and why you’re here. You know her really wants to level the playing field for small businesses. That’s a legacy that she’s gonna be leaving behind, because she’s courageously intentional.
Unknown Speaker 26:17
This awesome ladies gonna be sharing the stage with Sharon lechter. Yay. And show up and serve the world genuinely. And then that that’s a fantastic knowledge I get right there. But one of my last one I’m going to drop on you people that I picked up here is Don is better than none. And that is fantastic. So take action move forward and complete it. So Dr. zondra is somebody that if anybody’s out there that’s looking for assistance and leveling up their business, taking it to the next level in the streaming world, producing world please get in touch with Dr. Sandra she’s she’s very humble. She’s very healthy.
Unknown Speaker 27:00
She’s very driven. She’s very wealthy, and she’s always leveling up all aspects of her life in back in z. We’re so happy to have you aboard. Thank you for coming on. I really appreciate your time today. Thank you so much. It was a it was great talk soon. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just
Unknown Speaker 28:00
Give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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