Welcome to Episode 59. Ready to REALLY level and learn to own your sh**. My conversation with author/coach Zo-Anna Bell will rock your mind and make you want to dig deep to start to honor yourself and see the good in everything, no matter the situation! Enjoy!
Juice the fu** out of each and every moment. Have a love affair with the moment.
– Zoe-Anna Bell
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach with call out Bullsh** – Be the belief in that person maybe they do not see
2. Never base who you are on other people’s opinion.
3. Have boundaries. Honor your ‘no’
4. Feel honored and grateful for everything you go through. Either good or bad.
5. Enjoy stillness and meditation every morning
Remember your uniqueness and your purity. Own your yes!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Zoe’s Book RAW: A Key to a woman’s Heart and Soul
Zoe’s LinkedIN Page
Zoe’s Intimacy Coach Facebook Fan Page
Zoe’s Instagram Page
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hi there, it’s Zoey Anna. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Time to shine today varsity squad. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode where I get to sit down and have an awesome conversation with my Australian friend Zoe Annabel. She’s a relationship and intimacy alchemists the knowledge nuggets, she’s gonna drop, not just so much on the intimacy part but just really building relationships. And being true to yourself is fantastic. So make sure you break out the notebooks, you sit back, carve out a little bit of time because Zoey is just fantastic. So without further ado, here is my friend, Zoe Anna bell.
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Hey, hey, time to shine podcasts squad, Scott Ferguson and I am super, super super super stoked to have my Aussie friends Zoey Anna bell. And she’s it’s two in the morning right now, and she’s doing this for us. So just like I said in the intro, get your notebooks out, she’s going to share some solid knowledge nuggets with you.
Unknown Speaker 1:28
So get ready to go deeper into the chasms of your heart and soul with words that touching T’s leaving you raw and wanting more. This is Zoey. She’s a relationship and intimacy coach facility and connections to your true self rah feminine power and flow state mastery. She cultivates excellence while supporting evolving relationships. She’s a three time published author and get this in number one bestseller with the little snippet that I just read to you from her book Roth. She has three more books ready to rock she lives in
Unknown Speaker 2:00
Australia with two beautiful boys and travels globally running workshops and retreats. And Zoey, thank you for joining our squad and if you could please say hello and tell us your favorite color and why.
Unknown Speaker 2:15
Oh, well thank you for having me on. It’s an absolute pleasure to be here. What is my purple? There you go What is my purple favorite color?
Unknown Speaker 2:28
Purple but it’s more of a reddish purple like a deep. It’s like an in between a deep red and I’m purple. Gotcha. I’ve seen your hair a little bit that color before I believe it looks good. Yeah, maybe Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:41
It changes colors. Gotcha. So let’s let’s get to the origins of Yeah. Let’s tell us a little bit from the start and, and bring us forward and we’ll work right through. So the origins of where I originated from sleaze. So background growing up in England and Wales
Unknown Speaker 3:00
And then I came across to Australia 21 years ago. So Australia is home. And I was one of the I call myself more of a cow that got on a plane and never went back. So I’ve been back once for a week and that’s it in 21 years. Wow. Well, yeah. It’s so good. God so it feels like you know, when people say to me, where are you from? It’s a really interesting concept. It’s, or wherever I’m living in that moment, and I really feel it’s, you know, when you find that place in your heart, then can live absolutely anywhere in the world and make it home. Okay. And what made you really love Australia then? I’ve been there a couple times. Know why I would love it. But yeah, I guess I guess at the time, I mean, I had a really colorful past and a lot of different things. I shifted through
Unknown Speaker 4:00
And it was really about me reinventing and having a clean slate when I came over here and I was still sorting through a lot of stuff when I came. I came when I was a nurse. So that was I knew when I had my nursing that would give me opportunity to be able to travel. And it gave me more freedom. I really, I was a little bit done with the whole class system in the UK. And I really needed to share. My sister was here at the time. And I loved it, it felt very much you know, the extended family where your friends are very much your family and I guess that would be my whole growing up. I’d already always seen friends as being an extension of my family and it’s very much like that here in Australia and plus the weather and the beaches, all of that.
Unknown Speaker 4:54
You would connect with that energy with people and like you just said the weather in the area.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
That’s why I kind of migrated from Detroit, Michigan down to the south Florida for the same nice. You know, I live like the oceans right there. And that’s that I did the same thing kind of. So what was your aha moment to want to help people awaken and unleash their human potential,
Unknown Speaker 5:20
really from myself of hitting rock bottom quite a few times the first one being into a in for 2003. And then I had a massive turnaround in 2010 after leaving my marriage, and going on this path of I really need to start kind of swearing here. So shut out. I really needed to start I started to see how there was a patent was a pattern of traumatic events. Which really when you have that happened, it’s like you get slapped in the face enough time so then go right, I actually need to wake up and change me
Unknown Speaker 6:00
And it was the first time really where I really gave myself permission to do be guided into that inner work. And I started to see that there was a pattern. And then beautiful souls came into my life taught me the meditation and taught me other things to assist me with finding myself and finding moments of peace from feeling very, very lost for a long, long time and not really understanding how to
Unknown Speaker 6:34
manage that energy that was in my body. And you know, there was a lot of numbness and pushing down so from it’s from my journey of overcoming my things myself and completely turning my life around when people when I grow up, who I grew up with, a lot of them don’t recognize me now and
Unknown Speaker 6:56
it’s, you know, being able to then guide others having
Unknown Speaker 7:00
do that in themselves is what drives me and what inspires me. Okay, and did you during this time of turmoil? Did you seek help? You said you had some guidance and what did you do? Because we’re all about kind of leveling up here. Yeah, shine today. I’m always telling people to put, you know, find that person. How did that how did you attract that person in your life?
Unknown Speaker 7:23
Or, you know, I had I had people that would come into my life from early 2000s. And they were complete strangers, but they would see me in a crowd. And they were like angels in disguise. They’d come up and say,
Unknown Speaker 7:39
I can see what’s happening with your energy can I do some healing on you? So I had no concept of how disconnected or emotionally dysfunctional I was, I was in survival mode and doing everything that I could.
Unknown Speaker 7:55
So it was within layers. People you know, is the one defining my
Unknown Speaker 8:01
As many I guess, when I hit rock bottom with post traumatic stress disorder and from a massive trauma and I started having obviously professional help for that with the EMDR for the eyes, and then the body building that was a big thing for me really getting in and learning how to channel My aggression and my energy through weights and training and it was it was really powerful foundation for me. anyone listening, it gave me that discipline and being able to see that I could start changing my body first. Very good. Did you ever tangible Do you ever compete in the bodybuilding? Yeah, I competed. I was taken under the wing by the they became my brothers at the gym and they had all competed. So I competed in amb so the Australian National bodybuilders and I am ba
Unknown Speaker 9:00
The first time I competed, I was slowly like had three or 5% body fat. They were drug testing me. They were like, have you had clenbuterol and I was like no.
Unknown Speaker 9:15
Right to draw.
Unknown Speaker 9:19
And then I was back in the gym the next day saying, right and training for next year to then be more of a figure shape. So I did that I competed in the nationals and came second in Australia, okay qualified for the worlds which was canceled. So I guess that for me I’ve had I had a lot of things in life of disappointment, so I had a lot of getting so far. And then that next phase never happened. And now I can actually see that they were these defining points of these beautiful lessons for me to really realize that there is no such thing as disappointment.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
They were all things to assist me to grow to ignite that passion, that when you know when that switches on, it never turns off. And the only thing you can be disappointed about is not stepping into your full potential. Right? It’s, I always say on the podcasts or, you know, in my little knowledge next I dropped that, you know, sin. Sin is just a Greek word for missing the mark. So when you’re not getting to that full potential, then or just living in that uncomfortable feeling, you’re really not growing. You know, that’s, that’s fantastic. You know, I’m not gonna I’m gonna digress a little bit but you know, I competed at national level, you know, for four years within bodybuilding whatnot, and what did you think about being basically in your underwear in front of hundreds and possibly thousands of people doing what we did? Well, those only 2000 people I guess that you know,
Unknown Speaker 11:00
It was, it was, it was actually a really big defining point for me. I was bulimic at the time. So I have been bullying mix for 16 years. And I defined the way that I looked from my exterior. But what it did teach me I love to dance I love to move I love to create. So that’s where I started like creating my own choreography, right and then getting up there and being able to perform even though I had a fear of speaking and I had a fear and I was nervous. I actually had a gift of being able to perform so it got me to face my fear basically of having this tiny
Unknown Speaker 11:46
you know what it’s like these tiny bikini on Sure. And and it stopped me from you know, I remember cheating one night when I was dieting and I’m like in the kitchen and I’m standing on a street
Unknown Speaker 12:00
My boyfriend at the time is like, what are you doing? And I’m eating dry biscuit like dry refix in the middle of the night, like, you’re gonna get on the stage and you became you’re like, Oh,
Unknown Speaker 12:13
yeah, I mean, the dream tan and all of the proton. I mean, like I. Now when I look back on it, I know the protocol that I learned from just going through the prep stages is, you know, inch by inch. It’s a cinch, you know, you can’t do it all at once you know what I’m saying? So, that’s what my coach used to say inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard so that 16 weeks or 14 weeks that you’re prepping really instilled in me a lot. I mean, I have a military background, but it really instilled in me just you know how to break things down. And that’s what’s great about that. I haven’t really interviewed anybody that’s ever competed before. So that’s awesome for you to share. What I have to I have to admit, I loved it. I love the thing. I still it’s like something that’s so ingrained in
Unknown Speaker 13:00
To me, sure, did it, you know, and the whole physiology of it, I find it very, very fascinating. So you went with your coaching to kind of the feminine side of things, what took you in that direction.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
So with that, so I worked with both men and women, and it was more about again, it was my healing of learning to love my body. It was learning how to release sexual trauma and different trauma in my body, which has then been revealed the path of me being able to relate to people on a really deep and intimate level. So when I left my marriage, my body was very shut down sexually, as I wasn’t honoring house feeling on the inside and my ex husband’s a beautiful man. But my body was saying no, and I ignored that. And I had a lot of shame that I felt a lot of guilt, a lot of shame of my of my body, as a
Unknown Speaker 14:00
Woman. So then that started opening that door and then I would almost be able to feel it and other women of what they were going through without even having to say and because you can understand it, you have this deep emotionality of connection with them. And it opens up this massive doorway for healing for them to start loving their bodies.
Unknown Speaker 14:25
And I think I was meant to do it from a very, very young age. I mean, like, three and four years old. I mean, I was highly explorative. I was like, really into everything I wanted to know about anything that was sexy or anything. So it’s funny when I look back on it, my mom’s very much, you know, she can understand, you know, it was my natural design coming through as a child from a very, very young and curious age. Wow, that’s, that’s amazing. You really look back on your journey and then your family
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Seemed like they’re very supportive, as well, because they’re they’re seeing you go towards what you were kind of meant to do. Yeah. So you said people had approached you before and kind of felt the bad energy? Do you feel yourself paying that forward? Now, when you see women that maybe their energy’s off? And did you approach them in, start up a conversation, not to get business, but just to really see if you could, you know, help them level up?
Unknown Speaker 15:26
I find on the whole it’s mostly being men approaching men, women, I’ll be honest, we’re running in the opposite direction. And what I’ve actually understood from that is, it’s it’s about being comfortable and embodying a sensuality, which we all have, and
Unknown Speaker 15:48
I think some women can feel because they’re feeling uncomfortable in their body, they can feel some form of threat with it. So I’ve had to learn in myself as
Unknown Speaker 16:00
really being able to meet women where they’re at? Does that make sense? So it’s, you know, this is comparison and we have it so much in the media and you know if you look a certain way and so it’s been a real learning for me as well too. So I find the women that usually drawn to my work usually women that a get on well with men, or have been,
Unknown Speaker 16:28
you know, the tomboy best stepping more into their femininity, they usually they’re
Unknown Speaker 16:36
doing a lot of physical training and things like that. So I’m sort of brought but now that’s sort of opening up with people but it’s not something I say to people. It’s a sense in which we got a sensor vibration, correct. And they Yes, and they they just stop telling you like without even asking, they will start opening up
Unknown Speaker 17:00
Yeah, yeah. So I can I can feel your energy now I get your very think we’re kind of cut from that same sheath where people will do the same thing with me. Once they get the past the whole 612 hundred and 60 pound big guy then they’re like, Oh, he’s like he’s, I’m inviting. That’s and you have that energy and that’s one reason why I really wanted to get you on here to kind of share. So what do you think makes a great coach? Then in any line of work? What do you think makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 17:31
A coach that is going to have your back has meaning.
Unknown Speaker 17:38
They will call out bullshit. It’s something I stand by that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to be to be that belief in that person that maybe they don’t see. And that doesn’t mean about being fluffy. And very, I like to have an approach. That’s it’s
Unknown Speaker 18:00
It’s non judgmental, it’s compassionate, it is badass, it’s to the point. And it’s transparent. So it’s getting people to see what they can’t see. And I feel people are really ready for that. And they’re really hungry for that. And then it gives them permission that there is no such thing as shame or blame or guilt. Right. And as a coach, also a big A big part is showing up in myself taking my coach hat off, or if there is such a thing, and showing up and being real, so people can understand and relatable so often in my sessions, it’s about them, but I will also open up something of something that maybe I’m still haven’t been honest about. So I’ll call out my own staff as well in the session and it it really makes people feel comfortable. depa does because you’re showing them that you’re flawed as well. I feel
Unknown Speaker 19:00
You know and that you are a human being and that always a human doing and when you’re being you’re there and you’re vibing with them and that that makes a great coach. I love that and I love that you said be the belief in the person that they’re trying to be and really help them level up. That’s fantastic. So what would you
Unknown Speaker 19:19
if you’re to write a letter be able to go back in time and meet the 20 year old Zoey?
Unknown Speaker 19:26
What would you tell her?
Unknown Speaker 19:33
Ah, this like brings up emotions. Wow. I would tell her that she’s beautiful. And to
Unknown Speaker 19:47
not base who she is on other people’s opinions of you and to set firm boundaries. I was a slow learner when it came to
Unknown Speaker 20:00
I had a lot of teachers and I was a slow learner when it came to men. And I love men. I love women. I didn’t have very good boundaries and I found it very hard to say nose really
Unknown Speaker 20:15
kicking her in the ass a little bit with love and say, honor you’re not and have the firm boundaries. I love that. Yeah, awesome. And so, you’ve had a lot of experience from different platforms of life we call them are different pillars of life. What’s the one thing Zoey knows for sure
Unknown Speaker 20:39
that everything that I’ve experienced, I chose it before I came back. I feel honored. I feel grateful for everything I’ve been through. As I would not be able to show up and simply be myself in this way Have I not fully experienced or
Unknown Speaker 21:00
tasted digested marinated in the wealth of stuff i think
Unknown Speaker 21:07
i love that and so
Unknown Speaker 21:10
you’re you’re in a you’re in a arena where it can feel kind of risque and people will be a little bit closed off but you’re great at opening them up. What is there any
Unknown Speaker 21:24
Is there any question that you wish people would ask you, but never do
Unknown Speaker 21:32
about me personally or about them to go deeper? There you go.
Unknown Speaker 21:39
Unknown Speaker 21:44
I watch your videos. I want to have one for me like ask me one.
Unknown Speaker 21:51
Okay, um, I get asked what’s your what’s your what’s your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 22:05
The reason why I’m asking that is a lot of people see you they see themselves. And that’s a question that I was gonna follow up that I will I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while because I do I follow you, you know, I see what you’re putting out and it’s very impactful. So what is your definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 22:21
to juice the fuck out of every now moment, and to each and every moment that comes up, even the emotions have the most beautiful love of fire with it, even if it’s you feel shame, embellish it, like make love to it, feel into it. So then you can transmute, you can you can shift beyond that. And I feel we don’t give ourselves permission to feel a certain way we, we pretend and we posture and it’s thrilling to Yeah, take that mask off and know you know, the only person that knows
Unknown Speaker 23:00
ourselves as ourselves.
Unknown Speaker 23:02
If we were to remember, like, I feel like I’m three years old now with the wisdom of a 48 year old, so that’s probably quite dangerous to
Unknown Speaker 23:12
remember to be kids. Yeah, here. That’s what
Unknown Speaker 23:18
you’re excited. People that know me personally, they’re like Fergie and you’re like, 48 but you act like you’re 12 and that’s me. I don’t take I don’t take life seriously, I was told and I and I did a whole podcast on this. And I saw it in a movie, but in and people have said it but don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never make it out alive. You know? So it’s like it’s that’s how I just start living. I’m just like, whatever I I live with a duality of you know, I don’t really give a shit what other people think about me as long as I’m not hurting them in any way shape from I could care less about that. But also, I want to serve as many people as I can. So I want I like that duality of stuff. So who is this
Unknown Speaker 24:00
One more thing to add this I always get told People always say this to me a lot. And I’ve stopped listening. They’re like, you’re so deep, so you’re so deep. And I’m like, and I was like,
Unknown Speaker 24:12
Okay, stop being deep. And now I’m like, no.
Unknown Speaker 24:18
debt. Fuck down. And like, join me and when I’m ready, I’ll come up with my deepness is my stillness and my silence and that is like, that’s like sacred people. If people are listening and you get told, you’re too deep, no, enjoy. Oh, yeah, keep going nuts, the juicy stuff, and then you get to bring it up to the surface and share it when you want. I love that. All right, as we kind of wind things down. We’re gonna go through a lightning round. Okay. Oh, you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these. But you got 10 seconds. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
But I’m gonna cut you. I’m kidding. Okay. Let’s try to keep it in five to 10 seconds. What? We’re ready, set, go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 25:11
On your ship? Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 25:19
stillness, meditation each and every morning looking at my day before I start my day. Love it. That’s awesome. I do the same thing that’s we’re like we’re just parallel in different times.
Unknown Speaker 25:30
Other than your own website and of course time to shine today. Calm that’s my shameless plug. What’s another internet resource you’d like to go to?
Unknown Speaker 25:39
to level up your life you know to really feel good or you know?
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Oh, I do love living listening to ventini Massara. Do you like him? I dig him. Okay, so your go to book when you’re feeling doldrums or you need to lift yourself up and sit in it.
Unknown Speaker 26:00
Your shelf, you know that you can pick it up at any time. It’s kind of like a security blanket. What is that book?
Unknown Speaker 26:06
My second book, it’s on erotic poetry and it’s sensual and it’s juicy.
Unknown Speaker 26:12
Wait for my FREE copy.
Unknown Speaker 26:16
Awesome. All right, so your favorite charity or organization you’d like to support?
Unknown Speaker 26:23
human trafficking, support fake human trafficking. Yeah. Okay, in the last question. The best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 70. You know, you and I are like twinsies That’s awesome. So before we we, we cut away here. Leave our squad
Unknown Speaker 26:50
with one Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with them.
Unknown Speaker 26:54
Just one deep one. You can be Own your shit whatever you wants. But what’s one one Knowledge Nugget
Unknown Speaker 27:02
To remember your uniqueness and your purity and honor your sovereignty of who you came here to be and when you do have a yes really own your Fuck yes and shamelessly
Unknown Speaker 27:21
awesome. So how can we find you everything’s gonna be in the show notes but how can we find you
Unknown Speaker 27:26
usually on LinkedIn is a great way to connect with me and send me a message on that scrape professional
Unknown Speaker 27:33
a my website
Unknown Speaker 27:37
which will be on the links, it’s probably on LinkedIn, that’s the most because then it’s not the conversation. Exactly. You know, you taught me the voicemail. I do it with everybody now and that and I’ve had people say shit for you, dude. Like, I didn’t even know I could do it’s just so much easier. I love it. Love hearing your voice that that’s just awesome. Real quick. Tell us about the potent blueprints that you have coming out.
Unknown Speaker 28:00
So the potent blueprint is a program one for men, one for women. And it basically takes people through
Unknown Speaker 28:08
an intimate journey with themselves through this all learning how to go into those things that are still blocking the view, healing the inner child. Bringing that aspect back into you is your sparkly aspects because that’s who you are. And what to guiding people with the meditation with body work, how to turn the energy up in their body, and then towards the end of the program, how to bring that into an intimate connection with the person that you love. And really men remembering that and honoring their masculine they came here to me and for women, and realizing we’re both so it’s learning how to become architects of your own blueprint and being able to
Unknown Speaker 28:58
have more impact in the world.
Unknown Speaker 29:00
So I find a lot of the people that I work with, they’re then going out and being they’re finding out what their calling is, which is beautiful. That’s fantastic. I can’t wait to get that out to our squad out there sounds like every every
Unknown Speaker 29:14
sex male female would really benefit from that. So, alright squad. We know that when we surround ourselves with great people who stay humble, that stay hungry, that are always leveling up their health, leveling up their wealth, you’re going to take it to the next level. I got so many great knowledge nuggets from my friend Zoe today that use up all your fucking experiences in your life, to surround yourself with people that will help you be the belief in that person that you’re trying to be. And to always remember your uniqueness and purity. So Zoe, I’m humbled, grateful. Thank you so so so much for coming on. And we’re all going to tune in to see you everywhere. I’ll make sure that you are everywhere. So thank you so much. Thank you so much, Fergie. All right. Thanks, guys.
Unknown Speaker 30:00
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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