Welcome to Episode 195! Vasi Siedman is originally from Bulgaria. She is a photographer and have been in Florida for almost 11 years. Vasi teaches her students how they can have a virtual persona for their online business and improve their image. After COVID a lot of Vasi’s clients started reaching out to her to find out how they can look more professional on their social media platforms. Vasi likes to inspire people and help them get past their fears and jump in front of the camera. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Continue to learn, grow and follow your instincts. Always believe in yourself
– Vasi Siedman
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Education is the key to success in the field you are passionate about!
2. Great photographers make you look their best, they show the confidence in the person they are shooting
3. Always know what value you bring to your audiences
4. Vasi’s strives daily to inspire people to take action
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hi, this is Vasi Siedman. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should listen to time to shine today podcast with my very good and dear friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:14
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson weird Episode 195 with my really good friend, Rockstar photographer, and teacher vasi Seidman, I see does all of my real estate portraits, not only for my business car, but she shoots my properties as well and makes them just look outstanding, and I get my asking price for my clients because of what she does. But even more importantly, she can teach you how to become the best virtual version of yourself through her class. So she’s gonna drop some serious knowledge and I guess she is an immigrant from Bulgaria. She’s just also a fantastic person and a full disclosure. She’s also kind of our neighbor here in South Florida. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend vasi Seidman, Rockstar, photographer, let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:10
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I have the opportunity I could probably do this in studio but my because my good friend bossy here she lives, you know, a mile or two from me. But she is the most awesome sauce photographer. I hire for the people that out there that know me and my listeners know that I’m a real estate agent here in South Florida and vasi does the photo shoots for my homes. But best of all, she can teach you how to be an excellent photographer on your own, which we’re going to get into her course which there’s perazzi stuff that we’re going to get into what she does for pets and whatnot is just phenomenal. But vassy is originally from Bulgaria. So she has that awesome European accent, which you’ll hear here in a second just and she’s if you’re watching, she’s absolutely gorgeous. She’s beautiful. And best of all, she’s my friend here in South Florida. She’s a photographer, and she’s been in South Florida here for 11 years. She teaches people how they can have a virtual persona for their online business and improve their image. And ever since COVID happen. The clients and friends and other people in me referring to her started reaching out to her to find out how they can look more professional on their social media platforms. And if you’re looking at us right now, my background my lighting my camera is because of the woman that you’re seeing here on the screen. So Miss bossy please come on. Introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:45
Oh my god, this is the hardest question you can ask me. It used to be pink if you ask my four year old daughter. But I kind of changed nowadays probably it’s kind of awkward to just because it’s very elegant. And because it represents me as the new varsity.
Unknown Speaker 3:05
I love it. I love it the new vaci. So let’s get into maybe the old vaci a little bit and pull that forward to the new boss see. So let’s get into the origins, maybe your little trip and how you got here from Bulgaria because I know our listeners are looking forward to hearing that. And then, you know leveling up into your business of photography right now.
Unknown Speaker 3:24
So first of all, I just want to say thank you so much for having me like I’m so honored. I’m very excited. And hi to you, dear listeners or viewers. So 10 and a half years ago, I had this dream that I’m packing up my staff and going on the airplane. And it happened on the next day I had the phone call and I had the opportunity to come also my little sister who is very important for me. She was already here. And she did tell our mom one day takes time for me to come to us and just who got denied to reunited and be together. And then fast forward a few months. I came to us the first six months I was in Massachusetts, and then I came and lived here in Florida since then. And I’m joking that I haven’t seen snow for 10 and a half years. And I laugh because I know that in New York and other places around you know us And the world. It’s not rolling. I’m like well, I’m like 40 degrees and I’m freezing with jackets. And it’s funny, but it’s true.
Unknown Speaker 4:33
Love it. I love it. And so like your little sister obviously actually is a really good friend of mine as well. Right, Monica? Yes. Okay. Yeah. Love Love me. So Monica. She’s a realtor that actually compete with in South Florida but I also bounce I meet once a year with Monica for a brunch and we always talk business and I’ll tell you what, that girl levels me up and I can see why you guys both are leveled up. So like what kind of obstacles Did you find when you move from Bulgaria to the United States, and how did you kind of get through those obstacles, and really level up to where you are now?
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Well, well, I would say English, English, English is that in Europe, they teach us British English, no. American English and no one prepares for accents and slang. And so like landed here, and I, you know, I study English in my university. But I also learned some English watching movies when I came here, and I never will forget, one time one of my boss texted me massive. Are you on your way? No. So for over a year, truly, I was sending every single text message I was receiving to my sister to reply to people because I wasn’t able to reply. So it was quite a bit of challenging. And that’s not, that’s the hardest thing. Of course, the culture was very, very different than, you know, good manners, at least in my family in my country, sometimes it might not be considered for good manners here. Okay, it’s time to pivot. But also, what was interesting is that when I came to Florida, where my sister is our view, you know, nowadays, she lives here, she said the past, I’m very disappointed that you don’t, because you almost don’t speak any English. So you and I are going to speak English. 24 seven. So can you imagine? I know, it was brutal. It was brutal. You wake up at two in the morning, and you want a glass of water? And she would say, Can you repeat again? What are you trying to say? So it was like, a little math. But then one day, she said, Hey, I’m sick and tired of speaking English all the time I do. I’m going back to Bulgarian I’m like, seriously, I just got it use thread. I really enjoy speaking even if it’s broken English still, at least I’m trying. And then. But then it was easy, because at that time, I had a boyfriend who is now my awesome husband. I was practicing with him English. I guess that’s how I got it.
Unknown Speaker 7:07
So what did your family make about the decision? Think about the decision of both you and your sister coming to America and really starting a life for yourself? Were they were they in your corner? Were they for you, supporting you, or were they kind of wanting to pull you back?
Unknown Speaker 7:23
They were so excited. And so happy. Because I have a joke, but it’s true. So the family right now it’s separated by to mom and dad are back in Bulgaria. And my sister and I, we live only 10 minutes away from each other, I will keep going the same daycare and we really support each other, having each other in one place. It’s a wonderful, it’s hard to know that like when I didn’t see my sister for four years. And the way for me mentally to handle this was okay, she’s just in a different state. You know, we were talking to each other pretty often. And then when I came to us, that’s how I feel for my parents. You know, before all of us, we were doing FaceTime and Viber and WhatsApp, we just talked, but I knew that they are in a different state. And they they know that their kids in a better place and we can make more impact. So my parents are really good people. They’re very open minded. That’s how they, you know, raised us.
Unknown Speaker 8:23
That’s great. And so let’s move forward and then to your passion for photography. So you got the family support, you know, over here, what were you into photography in Bulgaria? Or did that passion start to come up in the past 11 years? Or how do we get into that, that passion,
Unknown Speaker 8:40
so you’re going to be laughing, but my boyfriend in Bulgaria, mom, and I week, he was very passionate about photography. So we made him a photographer, we helped him so I was around the photographer for like two and a half years. So when I came here, and I really kind of knew a little bit of English, I was able to work at you know, pretty much to have the freedom after I got married. And I was thinking what I can pursue as a career which one they would allow me to have family like kids and etc. So one day again, Mom, very important person she said so fast. Why you don’t consider photography Korea, it would really give you good flexible, you’re very artistic because so I’m nowadays third generation photographer. So my grandfather used to be a photographer in the Second World War. He was very tiny man. So he was going on the front taking pictures. Then I didn’t know until a few years ago that also my father was a part time photographer. And my mom was winning photography contests. So that’s how eventually she said vassy photography. And that day again, I had these days in my life. I worked as a waitress and a photographer came and I thought I was very brave there with my apron said I want to become a photographer. I was like, This foreigner barely speak English. But anyway, I went there showed him my pictures, he gave me the chance. I worked with him for two and a half years. And right away, I recognized the education is the key to success. So I started going to three, photography, organization trainings, volunteering, helping other photographers, I was the system to go. And it helped me to meet a lot of different styles of photographers, and I volunteer. Nowadays, I have two photography degrees, a lot of awards, for those of you who are looking there, the blue things, they also purple, all of them, there might be, you know, awards degree, photography degree, which I suppose to be inspiring other photographers. So that’s it, you know, I was asked, actually two days ago to be the president of my local photography Guild, among their boards. Yeah, but I tell him, I don’t have time. Sorry, I
Unknown Speaker 11:01
don’t have the time.
Unknown Speaker 11:03
I will give you my creative ideas. Because I’m very modern thinking being exposed to the online world and typography field a little too tiny time old fashioned in certain aspects. I’m like, No, you need to do this, you need to do this. And they, they like and dislike me sometimes.
Unknown Speaker 11:22
That’s okay. You know what, there’s a competition that involves around everything. And I think with photography, it’s not so much a competition against others. I think it’s a competition to to make your next shot better than your last shot, you find that yourself kind of drawn into that because I know your sister probably a little bit better than you because you know, we’re in the real estate business. I know she’s competitive. Me and her like love to compete on a fun level, like, within yourself competing to take that shot? Do you find that you get kind of caught up in a negative way with it sometimes, where you’re just trying to be too perfect? Or do you just kind of like let it flow vasi?
Unknown Speaker 12:03
Okay, depends of the session. I always love learning, which helps me grow as an artist, I believe that I need to take must have pictures, make people pets, to look their best, because people think you just press the weapon. And like, No, we have a very important job. Because from us as our talents and skills depends the confidence of a person, a lot of times doing business portraits. If I do a good job, they might be hired, they might get this big account. And on top of it, they will believe in themselves. I build security and confidence. And when I talk to people, they think I’m just talking to them. In reality, what is going in the back of my mind, it’s okay, let me look at your face, your eyes are asymmetrical. Like, let me look at your body language to structure your clothing, the message your personality. So this is everything what I need to capture. So I will start taking the pictures, whatever I’m photographing, but then I will try to perfect it and master it. By the time I know that I have it. Then I’m personally considered done with the session. But of course I keep them. I show them the pictures, make sure they have couple of pictures they like and then we will meet again or right away for them to review the picture. So it’s very responsible for me. Every time when I press the bottom,
Unknown Speaker 13:32
you know that you you’re so right, because squad she does my real estate pictures. And I’m up for I think they’re about three years old now. So I probably should get some new ones. But I remember during our session, you had me in a power pose turns aside when my arms folded, and you took like five shots. I’m like, Oh, that’s good. She’s like, No, no, no, your watch is very nice. You pulled my sleeve up a little bit to make sure that watch was exposed. You know, and it was it makes the picture because people will be like, they see that and they see the watch. And they I get brought up more about that watch and the picture of my wall than me. And that’s because of your eye and I appreciate you doing that. So if I see when people want to become kind of like improve their social image and become a rock star and their own persona online, especially that you’re helping people do what do you think is their biggest blind spot that they have when they’re trying to set that up? The biggest obstacle, the biggest blind spot
Unknown Speaker 14:33
themselves, we are our worst enemy. This is legitimate. So a lot of times I hit this on a daily basis, I probably have to start writing the journal. Oh, I’m not going to do this video. I’m not going to do this picture. I didn’t do my hair. I gained couple of pounds vehicle you know, during COVID and I’m like listen, people, I love you. But first of all, who cares? You have couple of extra things. Because who cares, you have couple of extra pounds. The truth is that good lighting, good posture and posing properly clothing, you know can really help and benefit you. But at the end of the day, what people truly want to see, it’s you, it’s the person you are. Because even when you go online, even when you look on the street, you’re going to see a lot of men there, a lot of women, a lot of kids, but if they really truly see you and they see your smile, then see you confident, you believe in yourself and you’re happy, even if may be stressed out. That’s what they’re going to be attracted to. And this is you know, I actually, sometimes funny story for women that will be laughing, I couldn’t find my makeup bag for two days. But I know it was a disaster. I couldn’t. And then I had to go online and teach two and a half hours and I said, It’s okay, if I see lipstick, you know, your photographer, put the lights in front of you, no one can see you didn’t sleep you woke up at four, you went to sleep at four. And that’s how I wrote the magic. But you know, because I, in a normal time confident I didn’t care because I knew that what I can bring on the table and give the value to my listeners, to my followers to the people who I photograph. It’s so much greater than me having dark circles under my eyes or just you know, not having makeup because people who follow you and fell in love with you and just refer you and help you grow for the person you are because you’re so unique.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
So what I mean, so what I’m hearing is like you don’t be perfect. Yes Just doing get take action. Let your personality shine through these people that are trying to build a either a business online or persona online or podcasts like me, because I learned that from us. Be yourself. Just do the best that you can to set up the put yourself in the best situation. When things go sideways. You’re saying adapt and overcome, right? Like just push them floor but still do it.
Unknown Speaker 17:03
Correct? Absolutely. Damn beats perfect. You just do it. Even if it’s not perfect, because again, you had a lot of reason you couldn’t get it perfect. Nothing keeps perfect. I mean, seriously, you watch a movie. Nothing. It’s perfect. You just do your best. And if this time wasn’t like you didn’t work out the right short, maybe the shirtless wrinkle, just dry. If there is a way next time to improve at least 1%. Yes, slowly.
Unknown Speaker 17:31
You hear that squad. She’s saying don’t try to make it don’t get stuck in the analysis paralysis. Just you know, go out there and do it. Understand that there’s always improvements we can always progress because we’re either progressing or regressing. That’s what we stay here. Time to shine today a lot. That’s what vasi is telling us to get set up, hire someone like vassy that’s going to be able to put you in the best possible position. And then just do it and just keep moving forward. So lastly, I want to take a step back a little bit if you seen the movie Back to the Future. Yes. Okay. Marty McFly. He got in his DeLorean and he went back in time. Let’s say you got in that DeLorean. And I’m just gonna take you back to say the 20 year old bossy. I don’t like to see your age, because I do know it and you look phenomenal for thing. But let’s go back in time to the vaci at 20 years old, what kind of knowledge nuggets that’s what we call them here. Time to shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you going to drop on her to maybe help shorten your learning curve blast through and level up maybe a little bit quicker.
Unknown Speaker 18:34
First of all, I would say vaci learn English, believe me because if I knew English better, like riding wise, even as well, I would be able to accomplish me know everything much quicker. And I would encourage young horses to continue just learning and growing and for her instincts. Because a lot of times just keep learning and growing and bounce beats perfect. You know, I hear it every day I repeat it every day. It’s so true. Just believe in yourself and being surrounded really good people and a lot of times and that’s why even going to a coach to me it’s very important going to training because you can ask your loved ones for advice. But I cannot ask my husband for photography advice just because this is not expertise, his expertise. So being surrounded good environment of people who are very motivated like you it’s really it’s very beneficial for you to grow.
Unknown Speaker 19:34
Speaking of that, who in one sentence or one? Don’t be long on this one but who has had the most profound impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 19:44
My sister Moni
Unknown Speaker 19:45
Moni, love it, love it. So let’s go to the direct opposite direction. who’s giving you the worst advice or not know what is the worst advice you’ve ever been given? You don’t have to say who it is who’s given it or what was the worst advice you’ve ever been given.
Unknown Speaker 20:01
To leave photography field to leave it,
Unknown Speaker 20:03
I had the balls to tell you that. No, no, don’t tell me. No.
Unknown Speaker 20:09
I’m open. It was my auntie. She said, leave photography, you probably barely can pay your daughter. You know, school fees go and become like in the medical field and my husband said,
Unknown Speaker 20:22
Yeah, a lot of times people say stuff out of love, they think there’s loving us. And that’s probably your aunt Auntie, you know that that’s fine, that I’ve been told that too. I, I liken it vasi to a bucket of crabs. You know, you have a crab that trying to crawl out of that bucket and the rest of them are pulling them back to what they think is safety. I appreciate you sharing that because my squad our listeners like to hear that. So how do you want your dash remembered that little line between your incarnation date and your expiration of your life date and your death date? How do you want that? How do you Abbas’s dash remember
Unknown Speaker 20:59
making impact and inspiring people? I did this digging, actually like a month ago, two months ago, and I was trying to even for myself, in a way keep growing to find a game I really changed so much since COVID. I was trying to find myself from being a photographer now be teaching people. And I’m like my power. It’s my superpower. It’s sympathizing, and showing people and encouraging them just to take an action and just to do it. And this is what I really am so proud of myself that I discovered that that’s how my parents, you know, raised me, and it’s never too late to find that you have it and recognize it.
Unknown Speaker 21:42
Love that. I love it so bossy. And it’s true. You You found a superpower and then you just kept on adding in, for lack of better term piling on to it where you’re at now. Do you ever find yourself being in a situation in photography where you’re not confident?
Unknown Speaker 22:00
Oh, well, very often, oh my god, I go there shaking. I’m like classy how you’re going to do this. And then I would tell my husband, he would say, Come on vasi you have so much experience, this is almost a decade of being the photography field. Like you can do it, I can do it. Even if you wake me up to me being a professional. You. It’s that at any situation, you just can do it. And it did happen to me and I did it. So I I shake sometimes,
Unknown Speaker 22:28
yeah, your husband’s a rock, you know. And I mean, that is like he’s there. And that’s twice now you brought him up saying get past your fear. And like we’ve been taught in life that anything you want on the other side of fear, right? I mean, just once you blast through I mean, even when you came on today, and you’re like, Scotty I’m nervous. But you’re crushing it, look at this. So what do you think? Now, let me ask you this, what what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 22:54
Oh, my God, I have so many ideas. It’s crazy. I, oh my gosh, they just flow and not only ideas for myself, but very often I have ideas for my students. And I’m like, Okay, I know, I see your Instagram account, I know how it’s going to look, I see that this is the way you can pivot and change it in your new vision. And it’s here. So the moment when I have these ideas, I actually send voice messages. And you know that very well
Unknown Speaker 23:24
you do. And I thank you for doing that. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 23:27
Thank you. It’s easy, and it’s more personal. So I would go and send them voice messages with my ideas. And that’s what it is, is just the ideas I cannot stop them of coming. You know.
Unknown Speaker 23:40
I love it. I love it. Do you journal?
Unknown Speaker 23:42
I don’t I’m honestly as an artist, very honestly, sorry, friends, but I’m a little unorganized. So what I do, it’s true. I mean, my husband is opposite when I’m an organized but I do in my phone. In the notes. I do have different places I write. And in January, I when I wrote the plan for this year, I actually simplifies everything. And it was vastly more that wants to accomplish, you know, my local studio, and then you know, my online business, my family. And that’s kind of when I separate it and this is what honestly even now sometimes when we feel lost or overwhelmed with daily basis problems and things to do, I just go back visually, I wrote this at 4am Yes, I have to follow it and gain so much clarity.
Unknown Speaker 24:32
That’s me. Yeah, that’s that’s great. I mean, I I journal I’m always writing 10 things I’m grateful for every day and you’ve made it on that list quite a few times. And that that’s great that you’re doing that. So what is your definition of a life well lived Ozzie.
Unknown Speaker 24:48
spending more time with my family quality experience. Even drinking coffee in the morning and hugging them and our daughter watching TV show which we watch TV, Kids TV all the time. I’m and I love traveling, spending time with my sister, her family, my parents, and just making an impact in my students. Me growing and helping them to grow and see horizon they never thought. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. And hey,
Unknown Speaker 25:18
we are back with my good friend vaci the awesome, awesome photographer and we’re gonna bring her into our leveling up lightning round. And vasi we’re gonna ask you five or six questions. You have five seconds to answer no explanations. Okay? It will beep you in the back. I’m kidding. We won’t do that. But we’re gonna have just just real quick question. All of them can be answered you and I could personally talk about each one of these questions for an hour, but you got five seconds to answer. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 25:47
got it. Got it,
Unknown Speaker 25:48
boss. All right, let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice boss has ever received?
Unknown Speaker 25:54
Keep learning?
Unknown Speaker 25:55
Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success
Unknown Speaker 26:00
drinking coffee.
Unknown Speaker 26:04
So, other than your websites because you have virtual persona by Vasa you have the pet pics. academy.com also time to shine today.com that’s my shameless plug. What other websites do you like to go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 26:18
Oh, well, I listen podcasts. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 26:22
That’s fine. That’s perfect. Hopefully it’s time to shine today. Awesome. Okay, if I’m not feeling all that great. My I’m in the doldrums a little bit. You’re like Fergie read this book. What book would you give me?
Unknown Speaker 26:35
Oh my god. Well, this is funny, but I Outlander, it’s my favorite. It’s a girly stuff. But that’s what I would suggest you to read. It’s not for boys. It’s for girls. But
Unknown Speaker 26:49
I watched the show, so don’t even go there. Awesome. So what emoji Do you use most when you text?
Unknown Speaker 26:56
Miley face,
Unknown Speaker 26:57
smiley face. Love it. Now you can’t lie to me on this. But if you can stay one age for the rest of your life and keep the wisdom you’ve gotten and continue to garner more wisdom. What age would that be?
Unknown Speaker 27:11
My current age?
Unknown Speaker 27:12
Okay. Okay, that’s fine. That’s fine, because I know your age. So I would like to be the current age that you’re at now, too. So that’s my, is there any favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 27:25
That’s the rescues. Oh, the
Unknown Speaker 27:26
Thank you. Thank you. Love you, ma. Thank you for saying that. Last question. You can elaborate just a little bit on this one. But what’s the best decade of music set? 7060s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 27:39
I guess around, probably around in the 19th.
Unknown Speaker 27:43
I figured you’re gonna say that. That’s awesome. So bossy? How can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 27:51
Honestly, the easiest way is going to be just to find me on the vassy side. It’s vassy. Vi Si, si, Ed Ma. vassy. Simon, it’s my own Facebook. I’m the most active there and you can find everything. Awesome. Teach me.
Unknown Speaker 28:07
Tell me about the pet pics Academy.
Unknown Speaker 28:09
This is my passion. So what I decided to do is to teach people how to take better pictures of their furry kids with their cell phone. So I know it’s strange, but I do a lot of pet portraits. And for years I kept being asked for my clients. I said, Can you give us few tips, they even call it vassy tips, how we can take pictures when our babies furry kids are doing on the bat this cute expression. And that’s kind of 2019 I came up with the idea of creating pet pics Academy, which nowadays has different courses. And I just I make so much impact. It’s incredible. For two weeks, I have different age group of students from 20 to 75. And for two weeks, you can see the growth. If they take my popularity score for beginners. It’s incredible. And I love it. I love it. And so how much is that? The school it’s 119 and my membership, I could also have a membership. So $1 for two weeks, and $19 for the month end, it really teaches them a lot. So I recommend the school would be the best. But even if you start with membership, get it just feel to it. And then the rest of it. Time will show but in you not only learn to take pictures of your pets, because my lot of my pet people they have businesses, they have bad businesses they have like different. I just helped them being able to take better pictures of everything, including when they go on vacation. Even nowadays, this is you know, a little touchy subject, but when you’re with your families for the holidays, and it’s incredible to see, like I’m telling you that some of my students their pictures, they call it before vassy time and after vassy time, it’s just so rewarding.
Unknown Speaker 29:55
Wow. And so what can they expect? Back to really the biggest takeaway would they get from the pet pigs? Is it not just with the pets, but they’ll be able to take pictures of different situations? Or is that all in? Is it a virtual course?
Unknown Speaker 30:11
Yes, it’s an online course. So they can take it in their pace. So even if they start watching it, and they decide to go back in a year from now, they always will have access, but the best part is, they can still also ask me, so I can customize it and answer them. What they will learn, you know, I am like, I’m very open all of my students, they have it me, they will private message me, I’ll respond to them. And everything else. I know all the names and everything else. I really know everyone their styles. But what do we learn? It’s to create memories. That’s what is. So in 15 years from now, we have this joke when photography, if you purchase a piece from us, and we want to buy it back in five years from now, what we’re going to be the price, you know, the memories, you cannot put a price
Unknown Speaker 31:04
right? Yes, I love that. And will you be updating the course periodically? Or is it just, you know, are you are you adding videos to it to your subscribers? Are they already done? Or how does that work?
Unknown Speaker 31:18
Unknown Speaker 31:18
I keep adding new courses like currently. So I have for beginners I have home studio, so you can build a home studio at home. I also have Canva Lightroom. I’m currently running Lightroom Photoshop. But what I’m about to start, I’m going to be launching the pet influencer Academy, and also a podcast for people with pets, I’m going to help them teach them you’re my inspiration, how to bring it to the next level and become pet influencers and spread the love of their babies with others.
Unknown Speaker 31:54
I love that. I love that and squad. I just had a fantastic conversation with one of my besties here in South Florida. She’s fantastic. She’s gonna remind us policy is gonna remind us that education is really a key to success. Whatever field you’re getting into whatever you’re passionate about, get as educated as possible. When you’re doing this, she’s gonna say a good artists, a great photographer is going to make you look their best it’s going to show bring out the confidence and the security in that person. And that’s what vasi does just look at the picture that’s going to be right up above my head right now, lastly, took that picture. So remember that she brought out this confidence, I’m a pretty confident guy. But she took me to a level up that that I get so many compliments on my business card picture that I don’t want to change it but I do have to update it because I’m getting older. But you know, a good photographer, a good artist, and know what values that they have, they can bring to the audience to their viewers to really tell a story through their photography, you know, and she’s going to tell her younger self to, you know, learn I mean with her, it was a language, she would tell you that as well. Whatever you’re struggling with the most your biggest obstacle she’s going to tell you to learn and grow and follow your instincts and believe in yourself the most. You know, she’s going to be remembered as someone who made an impact inspired people to take action, I know that she is doing it now. I am privy to be around her at least a couple times a year and actually see how she works. I’ll tell you what, when she’s in a mode taking photographs of a picture that I have listed, I just get out of the way. She says Scott, can you move furniture, I do it that’s she takes charge. And I love that love that about her. And her life well lived is a quality experience with time and family and building. Those are memories, memories that you want to get good at photography, because 15 years from now you want to look back at that and you want that picture that you take to really bring back those memories to almost where you smell and taste the air and what you’re going through in that. And I’m just so blessed that I Novosti on a personal level I’d love to introduce you to vaci if you’re looking to level up your home studio, or level up your picture taken of your family and pets, please please give me a get in touch with me. I’ll put you in touch with bossy and bossy thank you so much for coming on you level up your health you level up your wealth. You’re so driven, so hungry, so humble. I love your guts. Thank you so so much for coming on time to shine today.
Unknown Speaker 34:19
Thank you as well of Scott for having me. Thank you dear listeners and viewers. It has been such a pleasure and honor. And I believe in you and just keep pressing the button of your phone create memories because you’re going to love them and cherish them forever.
Unknown Speaker 34:34
Awesome. Na thanks so much fancy talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate. Real Estate excellence can be reached at 5612497 to six six and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today Please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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