Welcome to Episode 119: Today Tim Winders takes time from his RV trip and drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets and being true to yourself, faith in God and being at true peace! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Learn how to rest and be at peace in other areas, not just the pursuit of the dollar
– Tim Winders
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Our purpose in life is to find out what our assignment is
2. A great coach has and incredibly intense love for others
3. Get out of your fixed mindset and into a growth mindset
4. Ask your coach, what I can do to succeed in all areas of my life? And am I defining success correctly?
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello this is Tim winters I’m a business coach and I’m the host of seek, go create podcasts and let me tell you if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine podcast with my friend, Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:14
Time to shine today varsity squad to Scott Ferguson and we are Episode 119 I’ve been waiting to drop this episode with my good friend Tim winters from seek go and create he’s got the podcast seek go and create, which is fantastic. So go find that on overcast or iTunes, Apple podcast, Google Play wherever it is that you’re listening to your podcast, but go in check Tim’s podcast out he travels in an RV with his lovely wife and he gets to see the world and on the road. He coaches clients to level up their life Tim’s a man of faith. Tim is a man of conviction. Tim is a man of peace and I love this interview with Tim. So sit back, relax, break out your notebooks because here comes my Good friend Tim winters
Unknown Speaker 1:08
Hey time to shine today varsity squad is Scott Ferguson and I am super super stoked I got my my boy Tim winters and he is the Nomad and he’s if you look in it you’re watching this on video. My brother is in a 39 foot RV and he says he’s really ready. You make time for me. He’s ready to back out and he’s going to make his way East I believe you said he’s right in the kind of the Midwest maybe Missouri or something like that. And he is about ready to make his way east and I can’t wait till he makes his way down to Lauderdale so I can meet the man for for a coffee. You know, he’s got a podcast you have to check out it is in my show notes. It’s called seek, go create. We kind of run kind of on the same platform. A little bit about helping people level up and he interviews people as well. I’m hoping hint hint that I get on his as well, but you know, he’s Tim started and ran multiple businesses since 1985. And if you look at this dude, you don’t look like he could be a live and running successful businesses since 85. And he’s even transfer he says some done very well. Some have not some If not, he’s worked as a coach, consultant and trainer since 1990. And late night in 2019. He started the seat, go create podcast, his wife in himself live and work in and are being considered themselves like I said, nomads, Tim is a man of faith. And I love love love that he’s not ashamed of that and I cannot wait to bring him on. So Tim without further ado, come on and introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad, but first what emoji Do you use the mouse when you text?
Unknown Speaker 2:49
Well, this will say a lot about me. I do not use an emoji at all. No emojis. For me Scott. I don’t know if that helps or hurt. Your brother lied. Man, I’m just I get straight to the word straight to the content around Don’t play with emoticons or emojis,
Unknown Speaker 3:07
what’s your favorite color and watch them
Unknown Speaker 3:10
you know what my favorite color would be black. And the only reason I would say that is if you open up my minimalist essentialist wardrobe little cabinet you would see about a handful of black shirts, black, black pants, it’s simple. It makes a statement, you know, I feel like I look pretty okay in it and wearing it now. I’m wearing it now. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s a I think black is a is a is a power color. Also it is and, you know, some people say all black that’s boring, you know, but I like my favorite color. So how about that? It’s a statement color. And for me, it was like 270 pounds. It’s slimming. So it’s like, I liked by black as well. But no, that’s that’s a sidebar and I welcome that Also,
Unknown Speaker 4:02
also he tends to skip to a little bit of origins man and work our way up and you help people level up your interview people. And they fantastic podcast, folks, by the way, you have to have to take a listen to it. But give us a little origin story, please.
Unknown Speaker 4:17
Well, I grew up born and raised around the Atlanta Georgia area, a small town in the suburbs of Atlanta that got swallowed up as I was growing up, Scott. And in the interesting thing was when I came out of high school in the early 80s, I just knew I was going to be successful man. I didn’t know what it was going to be. Both my parents were educators. And I took a look at the US us enroll report. And they said the top four most in demand work, you know, work roles were engineers. I was okay. In math. Georgia Tech was a little bit down the road from me. I said, You know what, I’m going to become an engineer with Georgia Tech. Got an industrial and systems engineering degree from Georgia Tech, got married coming out of Georgia Tech, and I came Mountain I realized that engineering was not exactly when I was cut out for went to work corporate. And my second day corporate, I said, I need to figure out a way to get out of this. And about eight years later, I’d gotten out with some businesses we started and other things. But Scott, I realized that really what I was wired to do, and I think this is important for all the folks that are on the squad, the folks listening in is our purpose in life is to find out what our assignment is find out what we were created to do what we were supposed to be. And I looked at a US News and World Report thinking that the money was going to drive that. But I was really designed and created to coach teach and train and reach down inside people and pull out what was there from the time they were created. And so the coaching gene is built inside of me. So I’ve everything I have done, I have moved into a role where I either teach train or coach people how to do those things. And the cool thing is I can tell you’re kind of that same Which is awesome.
Unknown Speaker 6:01
Awesome. Yeah, absolutely. So tell us. Alright, so what I got asked you like, this is probably pulling forward a little bit, but what got you on the road? Like how you and your wife just kind of Nomad, the life and whatnot. I know there’s something that led up to it. So I’m intrigued. I’m gonna ask it way before I want to ask anything else. What else? Well?
Unknown Speaker 6:20
Well, that’s a great question because one of the things you know, and I’m sure your listeners are this way, too is when you begin entering this area of entrepreneurship, coaching, business, just doing things, you kind of you kind of dance to a little bit of a different beat than most people in society. And so it gets you just thinking differently. And so we started a process back in the 90s in the 2000s. And I’ll just go and fast forward by 2008. We had three companies that were seven figures had over 100 pieces of single family homes in and around the Atlanta area. At the time, you know this, you’re in the business It was valued over 15 million in real estate. Who knows if those numbers were valuable or not. We had a national coaching business, lead gen business, all of those things God and, and, you know, oh eight happened you know we were living in a resort community we had a Ritz Carlton as a neighbor where we were living hundred 17 holes of golf, outside between Atlanta and Augusta, Georgia. And by 2013 This is really fast forwarding the story but 2013 we were homeless nomads living out of a Honda van. All of that was gone. That’s a long story. But it’s it’s a cool story for a lot of people to learn from. And, and so we just said you know what we’re going to travel, we’re going to be nomads. We’re going to go and we started house sitting we lived in Australia, New Zealand for a little while all over the US living in homes that we didn’t build. We didn’t pay the bills for and and Scott went to Bible school for a couple of years up in the mountains of Colorado and to fast forward again, when we finished that up in January. In 2019, my wife says, hey, let’s travel again. Why don’t we get an RV and I went, RV. I can’t even spell RV. I
Unknown Speaker 8:09
love it. I love it. So, let’s go back to the coaching, what do you think makes a great coach? You know,
Unknown Speaker 8:19
I, I’ve over the years, I would have answered that a little bit differently. But right now, I believe it’s love. Okay, if you don’t have an incredibly intense love for other people. And when I say love, I mean, Scott, that means that you have to sometimes talk tough. Sometimes you have to give them a hug or whatever you can do in the world we’re in today. Sometimes you have to encourage and but unless you have just an incredible love for that person or for people are gonna be really difficult to and listen, I listen, your podcasts you get a lot of coaches on and they give great answers. So I’m going to A layer with what I believe is a foundational principle. There’s a lot of skills and techniques. Sure, but that’s the heart that comes with coaching.
Unknown Speaker 9:06
I love that. I love it. So are you coaching now at all? Absolutely. Okay, so you’re bringing somebody into your coaching program or you’re kind of in discovery process maybe even past that. What is your secret sauce then? So if you don’t mind sharing to help them find their blind spot
Unknown Speaker 9:24
Yeah, no, not at all. And there’s listen there’s levels of this and I love your I love your level up because because you’re always leveling up it there’s never a place where you reach it so so my first my first indicator is and you know what, this is a book if you don’t mind me referencing Carol Dweck wrote a book I think it was like oh 607 called mindset and she basically groups people and we have to be careful grouping people I know I mean, we’re in a society right now we’re we’re that’s really causing issues or we put people in identity groups, but she basically says that people are either fixed mindset, or growth mindset. And so Scott, the number one thing that we have to do when we are working with people, and it’s going to be extremely frustrating if you don’t, is identify as if they’ve got that growth mindset. So that they’re willing to make some change, willing to adjust, willing to tackle things that are going to be tough. Because if they’re fixed, let me just tell you, we can beat our heads against the wall all day long, and we’re not going to get anywhere with them. And you know what, we’ve all we’ve all dealt with those folks. Sure. Right. But but that’s the secret sauce that starts off my process, if that helps you a little bit. Absolutely do that. Due to that? Do you do that with powerful questions? Is that where you’re kind of asking them to really find that see if they’re fixed or obviously you’re listening not just with your ears, but with your eyes and you’re looking at them and emotions and whatnot. But is it real powerful questions that you’re asking them? You know, the question is process is definitely part of it. But um but people that have a growth mindset leave clues. Mm hmm you know what I mean? They, they, they they read books, they don’t sit around and stream Netflix you know 24 seven, they they post curiosity type things on their social media versus dogmatic statements and listen to some some of us get dogmatic at times so don’t lose someone’s someone’s gonna go seek me out say ah this guy but but, you know, they they just leave clues they treat people around them with kindness and and love Listen, I look for people that are fun to be around. You know, nobody likes to deal with jerks either. Sure. And so, so that that gives you a little bit of that. You know, it’s interesting Scott, I’ve got to share this sir. Had you interviewed me 1015 years ago you would probably getting getting some extremely formulaic, extremely, almost I’ll use the word dogmatic again but when when when people go through you know getting punched in the nose or go through collapse or just you know, adjustments in life The thing I like to say is it kind of softens the heart. And we have a little bit more grace and understanding to deal with people sir. And And listen, I’m a hard charger man I’m an engineer at heart systems process so so anyway I hope that helps a little bit. I love your squad with those answers. They’re a little bit different maybe than some people may go it’s very humble
Unknown Speaker 12:31
you know it’s very, very solid answer so if I’m out networking and pressing flash were starting to release into the COVID out of out of COVID by the time we get this we might even be in stage for whatever they’re they’re calling it but right now we’re in stage two here in South Florida. They still don’t believe really in social distance but so then out networking presents some flattery virtually, virtually not working. And I’m talking to somebody, what would they say that might make me feel think that they would be a great referral connection or introduction for for you
Unknown Speaker 13:06
as a coach. Yeah. Well, they would say some things like, I have done well in my life. But I believe I’m called to do more. I’ve succeeded to certain levels, but I’m rethinking how I define success. And it seems as if my assignment might be more than it currently is. I just brought on a new client, I’m working with an entire leadership team of a company that’s approaching 10 million, they’re really successful and they’re really they really have a good hedge against the current economy, Scott. And, and what I’m going to be doing is I’m going to be working with leadership, communications and growth for the entire executive team off and and the guy came to me and he was listening to the podcast and he basically said, you know, we’re doing well. We’re about to maybe move towards a And expansion of our business. But and I’m gonna bring a little faith in this. He says, I think God has really wanted me to do more with the success that I’ve had. Sure. And so I look at, I look at what you’re doing, and I believe that you can help stretch me and do that. So does that answer your question? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:17
Yeah. People that really want to level up, then they think that they are but maybe they just need that direction. And you’re maybe there to push in and guide them a little bit. So what do you think is something that people misunderstand about Tim the most because you live a life that a lot of people probably underneath their ego blanket wish that they could do? So what is the one thing that you think people misunderstand about Tim the most?
Unknown Speaker 14:45
Boy, another great question, Scott. You’re great at this. Um, the thing that probably people misunderstand is they look at people that have dinner at certain places in life and they They haven’t had any challenges or issues. And it’s one of the reasons why I share my testimony in this story pretty often. Because you know, to go from three, seven finger plus companies to, you know, $100 in your bank account living out of a Han van. It’s almost like we need to remind people that they’re struggling victory and all that we do in life. So, so I think Listen, I’ve been really blessed. I’ve been married for 30 plus years and my wife gorgeous wife and married a beauty queen from the University of Georgia, even though I’m a Georgia Tech guy married with two great kids just had our first grandchild, and he’s, you know, and and, you know, people say, Oh, you’re living the dream in the RV. You know what I did? 20 minutes ago, Scott. I went and unhooked a sewer hose.
Unknown Speaker 15:44
I love it. I love it. Oh, yeah, but, but you know what you’re living, you’re living life on purpose. You’re living your life intentionally for you. And a lot of times when people see you doing that, they they don’t know how to react sometimes in that That’s why I was just asked was something somebody might misunderstand, Tim, if you if you wouldn’t again, we’re going to kind of go back to if you’re taking on a new client. Is there any one question that you wish they would ask you but never do? Because as a coach, you know, you ask all the questions did like you said, kind of dig in there and kind of see if they have a growth mindset, like you said, Is there any question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 16:29
You know, the question that I would love to get, and I poke at this with some of my assessments and some of my onboarding when I bring clients on Scott, the question I wish people would ask, is, what can I do to succeed in all areas of my life? And and when I say that, I’ll use a few spiritual terms here. I mean, spirit soul and bought the and and that kind of layers into another question Scott. And that is Am I defining success correctly? And, and and in the society that we’re currently in? I mean, listen, let’s just let’s just go and call it like it is with all this going on around us. lockdown, no lock down, riots, whatever. And you know, whenever this whenever this releases, I am so hopeful that the world is absolutely perfect and there are no issues circumstances that are very slim. But to me, the thing that all of us need to be doing on a constant basis, and it’s where an advisor or a mentor or a coach can help Most of all, is how do I define success? And and that definition needs to include health, it needs to include what am I doing for my immune system? Or am I doing in my relationships right with my children, with my spouse with my partner? What am I doing spiritually to connect with whatever that means you’re because I don’t think people can ignore it eventually. People that really wish they could.
Unknown Speaker 18:02
Yeah, we, you know what I mean? You we call it our pillars here at time to shine today where, and I liken it to a jazz man because I really don’t think you can have balance because balance is zero, you know, but there’s harmony and if you have a jazz band, like your personal relationships might be the drums and your money, which money’s important, sorry, but it is, you know, is the guitar and then love and whatnot is your is your horn. And if any of them are not tuned in, they can throw that harmony off. So that’s where we kind of, you know, when I put my clients through is that having harmony in those different areas? So I love this. Like, I use the word peace I use the word peace is are they using? Are you are you at peace? Sure, like if you and I were talking and I say all right, what? What are the areas that you are not feeling peace? And it’s like, you know, my health? I don’t feel good about it. That’s okay. Let’s see what we can address there. And that’s even for corporate executive leadership clients. Oh, yeah. I mean, I’ve gone I’ve gone through a wave with a new client recently. And I can tell you that 80% of what I’m addressing is not work related items. Yeah. And you know what? I’m cool with that. Yeah, that’s part of success. That is our success. Yeah, there’s that my or like work life balance a lot of times where they’re crushing it at work and but they’re still working like 70 hours. You know, me, I was that guy as a real estate agent. And then, you know, my mentor kind of told me to stop being ambitiously lazy. So I am so I started kind of delegating and whatnot. But I digress. So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. All right. I’m sure you’ve heard me ask this. But let’s go back to the 22 year old Tim. And what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on him with the experience that you’ve had? Since?
Unknown Speaker 19:44
I don’t know. Listen, but you know, I know my Scott wouldn’t. But 22 will be interesting. First thing I’m doing is man, I want to check out the DeLorean because I wish those things would have made it and we still had them and you know, the Tesla doesn’t quite fit that. But it’s close but you know, I think the biggest thing, man I was a hard charger at that age I was busting it I had a business when I was at Georgia Tech. And then I got out work corporate started another business and I, I think that what I would say is is learn how to rest and be at peace in some other areas. Other than just pursuit of the dollar bill. Because I was going after that dollar bill. And you know what, I’ve had a lot come and go over the years I am so thankful that I’ve still got this my beautiful wife by my side children and all that shirt that I could tell you, I look back at my earlier self and I can see how real easily they could have gotten tired of tired of the way I was going. I love that learn how it rests at ease and in all areas, not just the dollar like we just kind of went back you call it peace, I call it harmony. And I love I love that you kind of that you said that. So
Unknown Speaker 20:55
your dash like you know that little you know, we talked about the dash here. How Your dash remember that little thing between your life date and update? How do you want your epitaph to read? How do you want to be remembered them?
Unknown Speaker 21:06
You know, I had a, I’ve got a background in ministry consider myself a pretty strong man of faith and, and really we marry all of that with what we do in business and our podcasts and everything that I would like. It used to have used to be a thing on the wall, Scott that said, when I enter the gates, I want to hear the words well done. good and faithful servant. And, and there’s kind of a little bit of a sidebar to that my daily. My daily prayer meditation to achieve that is to just ask the question, and I’ll just go ahead and word it the way I do, Lord, what is the assignment that you have for me? Today? My assignment right now is talking to you, Scott. Love it and your squad and your people. And hopefully encouraging Yeah, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:56
yeah. I love that. It’s my assignment. That’s a heck of a legacy. You’re leaving there. So But you’ve kind of kind of give like a little definition of success. But what do you think? What is your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 22:09
It kind of spills over to that same kind of figured you’d say that. Yeah, yeah. But But listen, I mean, for more, I mean, listen, if you get to the end of that day, and you don’t have some people around you, and that’s probably my 22 year old self wouldn’t really cared about a light people if they could achieve and help me accomplish my goals. But, but if you don’t have the people around you, if you don’t have the long term relationships, if if if you don’t have some people that would return a favor. If you needed to ask for help yourself, then, then to me, I’m not sure that we could define that as a life. Right, right. Well, well lived and again, man, you’re catching me at an awesome time. Several years ago, 15 years ago, different answers Sure.
Unknown Speaker 22:55
Apps Absolutely. So what’s what’s one thing you know for sure.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
The one thing that I know for sure is that there is a God. Love and and that he, he is not controlling everything. But he is allowing things to happen so that he can advance his kingdom. That’s the one thing that I know. I love it. I love that you’re convicted with that. That’s beautiful. Hey, Tim, as we wind things down
Unknown Speaker 23:23
just a little bit. I got to have my leveling up lightning round. So you and I could talk for 2030 minutes and each one of these topics we have five seconds, so no explanations. Just fire off the answer. They’re super easy. You’re ready. Okay, I’ll try. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Read?
Unknown Speaker 23:42
sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:46
I do not watch television.
Unknown Speaker 23:48
No TV, love it. Okay. Other than your own website, and of course, time to shine today. calm. That’s my shameless plug. What is a great internet resource you’d like to go to the level up
Unknown Speaker 24:01
You know, what’s happened recently is that we have master class which has some phenomenal classes and training on it if you familiar with the master class training system and so it’s kind of website it also we can kind of stream it in via the TV that I don’t watch other things, but I’ll watch a masterclass on it.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
Master beautiful. I love it. I love it. I did it myself. So you already mentioned this in the question one were you reading but let’s, let’s recommend a book not when you’re reading now not the Good Book, the Bible, not the flavor of the month. What’s the book to the summons and doldrums like mine is Andy Andrews, the travelers gift you know as Christian comedian, fantastic book literally, I’ve kind of the same story as us sleeping in a couch in a short sale. When I lost everything. And I was handed that book just out of the blue I think I attended a seminar and the some guy said you should read this book, and it changed my life. So what what’s the book?
Unknown Speaker 24:56
Alright, the book is the choice by augmon Dino Because I think it might be unique to the audience that haven’t heard augmon Dino augmon. Dino is famous for the greatest sales in the world. He wrote 17 plus. And I just finished a novel and truthfully, he inspired me to write it in that book. The choice is one of his most powerful books if you ask me, so absolutely fantastic that up if people haven’t read that, oh, yeah, I’ll throw that in the show notes to people. Okay, what’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to? You know, we have a family foundation as a 501 c three, that we do coaching and we help organizations grow that are advancing the kingdom. So we funnel our time. So what I do in the for profit world, we also do in the nonprofit world with our family foundation. Beautiful,
Unknown Speaker 25:43
beautiful and what is the last question what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 70s 70s,
Unknown Speaker 25:49
rock man classic, classic,
Unknown Speaker 25:54
classic rock you can even narrow down the year it was 76 Fleetwood Mac rumors and Eagles Hotel California. Senior to man, he got a lot of stuff that came out that you know, my dad, we used to work security for senior where I grew up in Detroit. And it was cool. So I got to beat rock and Robert a lot. So is a really, really neat. So how can we find you Tim?
Unknown Speaker 26:16
Find me at the best place right now is seek go create calm, that’s our podcasts and they can find it on all platforms. Also Tim winters calm is my personal site with coaching and all that you know that you know, you know what I’ll do for folks, if anybody goes to that site, they can click on and if I could work it in my calendar, my schedule, I’ll talk to anybody that wants to have a conversation, love that love. I could get it on my calendar, I’ll communicate I’ll do a 30 minute call with them just to chat and do whatever we need to do.
Unknown Speaker 26:46
Love it. Love it. Tell me a little about this novel. That’s when we run out of time to act.
Unknown Speaker 26:51
You know, like I said earlier, it was inspired by augmon Dino it is a novel which an engineer typically wouldn’t write a novel because they’re not typically good with you know, verbs. But um, but anyway, so it’s a time to act. It was something that I got inspired to write when I was in a camper van in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand. And I won’t give the roots to it, but it basically is a story of a business guy who is at the lowest point that anyone can ever be in life. And I’ll just go ahead and share he’s holding a gun to his head in chapter one. And he goes on a journey to basically find out what true success is and the subtitle is it’s a novel about finding peace in a world that’s full of chaos
Unknown Speaker 27:35
You and I are like so cut from the same sheets I’m finishing up level up it’s your time to shine Volume One, same guy, real estate agent lost you know, huge commission going to quit the business goes and tells us millennial brokers quit and millennial broker as a father who said, Listen, if you ever want to quit the business, here’s five people you need to talk to. And he handed that those five people to the character and he sits down with them. So that’s that’s why Tessa, I will I cannot wait to read it. So I’m looking forward to my signed copy. All right, brother. Sure You betcha. Hey, so leave the time to shine today squad with one last knowledge nuggets you want them to take with them internalize and put action to.
Unknown Speaker 28:16
Yeah, I think the best thing that that people need to do is to be self aware, is to raise your self awareness. And there’s a lot of ways of doing that. I’ll tell you how not to do it. And that is why we talked earlier watching TV and sitting around doing nothing scrolling through your social media feed. The way to do that, for me, personally, is to have someone speak in your life that can stretch you, that might be a coach, it might be a spouse, it might be a parent so so to level up is to be self aware and to be self aware. Most of us need help doing that.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
Love that. We just had a masterclass I’m still writing that’s why I’m pausing here. I mean, literally, if you’re watching on YouTube as a whole Just page a notes from my good friend Tim here, who’s going to remind us that our purpose is to find out what our assignment is. And Tim wakes up every day and ask God to provide that assignment for him and that that’s just fantastic. The the, that he said that great coach has an intense love for others. If you’re looking for coaching, make sure you have a growth mindset and willing to make changes and trust the coach. You know, I’m just reading through these I’m blown away. So if you’re working with a coach, you want to really succeed in all areas of your life, not just the money, but your relationships, your family, your giving back. And also really work to be at ease in rest in all areas of your life. I mean, like Tim, I do mine through prayer in my version of meditation, my discussions with God, and He Tim wants to leave really a legacy of well done and being a good and faithful servant. You He believes God is really not controlling is letting the world play out to expand in His Kingdom. And most of all, be aware in get somebody to if you’re really in that growth mindset, get someone to speak into your life and stretch you and Tim, you’re so humble. Yet you’re so hungry. You leveling up your health, leveling up your wealth, leveling up your faith, leveling up your mindset. We’re so blessed to have you on you’re part of the time to shine to the varsity squad so you can’t go anywhere. And really appreciate you coming on brother.
Unknown Speaker 30:31
You bet I enjoyed it. Thank you, Scott. You bet
Unknown Speaker 30:33
talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash Guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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