Welcome to Episode 150 – George Hendley from The Speakers Academy pops on for a return interview. Previously on episode 41 George dropped some awesome Knowledge Nuggets on the TTST and today we continue our conversation and chat about gifting ourselves to really Level UP! Break out your notebooks! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
To become a top performer speaker, speak at every occasion you are offered. – Get the reps in
– George Hendley
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Live a life of gifting yourself, give yourself away.
2. S.A.Y. = Subject – Audience – Yourself
3. When you are a speaker ask yourself what you can do to give value to your audience
4. If you lose your train of thought while giving a speech, engage with your audience.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey, this is George Henley with the speaker’s Academy. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be used to the time and a podcast with Mark prisk Ferguson, I am happy to be able to send this message to you to make it happen. Have an awesome day. Bye. Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and we are Episode 150. With my really good friend George Henley from the speaker’s Academy, I was blessed enough to have George on the time to shine today show an episode 41 which I would strongly recommend you pop back there after listening to this one. And listen to the serious knowledge nuggets that George drops. And today we just kind of really picked up on our conversation regarding more than nuts and bolts of speaking itself getting in front of people what to do if you lose train of thought while you’re on stage. And trust me, I’ve been there. And he’s also we’re going to talk a lot about living a life of gifting ourselves. So we’re going to all become hope merchants hope merchants hlp by listening to people like George, again, George Hanley is a really good friend of mine. He’s put me in touch with a plethora of people. That’s really helped me level up time to shine today. So I’m blessed. And I just love the guy. So without further ado, break out your notebook sit back, relax, because here comes my really good friend George Henley from the speaker’s Academy.
Hey, time
to shine today. bursty swatted is Scott Ferguson and I have actually my first return guest. Very, very good friend of mine out of the great state of Texas. He lives in the antique capital of the world. They’re in taxes. And his name is George Henley. He has the company, the speaker’s Academy. And back in February 18. I interviewed George and I dropped his podcast if you want to go back, it’s Episode 41. And George was just fantastic with his knowledge nuggets that he dropped on us his visual vocal and verbal his three V’s you know about honing your skills as a speaker and we really dug in deep about who George is. And but now I want to give him a platform of telling us about the speaker’s Academy. We touched on it a little bit, but I want to find out how he handled the quarantine. How he, you know, during because right now we’re in August, and this might drop in a couple weeks, or maybe even September before this episode actually drops. But you know, we’re in quarantine. So we’re not totally in quarantine. But we’re still kind of locked down a little bit until that November 3 date. And then we’ll see what happens. But I want to bring my good friend George Henley on and just ask him how he’s doing. The man is just a phenomenal go giver. He’s put me in touch with people that I never probably would have reached out to consciously. But I did pray for people like George come into my life and God provides because God is good. So George, welcome back to the show, my friend. How are you? It’s I mean, to know that I’m the first guy that is honored. I mean, my ego is kind of going.
You don’t have an ego?
I do. It’s really
I’ll tell my wife that today and she’ll go Oh, that’s nice, dear.
So, oh,
February 18. We were still living life, you know, coming off a Super Bowl, you know? Yeah. Great. Your episode dropped on March 4, which was still 32 weeks before quarantine really started in March 17 and 18th for most of the United States, but like, how did you you know, we’re going into we never really had a chance to discuss it, but you’re still thriving during the quarantine time. You tell us a little bit about how that worked out for you. Yeah. So you and I both know the principle of reciprocity. From a universal perspective. It’s as you sow, so shall you reap. Right. And I had already begun to think in terms of gifting myself giving myself away. And so I because I know that anytime I feel like there’s any even just a little clog in the works as far as things coming back my way, I need to increase my giving. Because I know the principle I’ve lived the principle I’ve seen things I mean, I’ve just seen miracles happen in my life. And God’s been good to me. And and every time I’ve given I’ve always had a wonderful return on the gifts I’ve been given. So I started literally a session a zoom session for free zoom. sessions each week, it’s called me for free, ask me anything me for free asked me anything. And on those zoom sessions, I help people practice the skills that are so important in good communication. Such as, like, right now I’m trying to give you great eye connection. And I’m trying to show you that I’ve got energy. So I’m gesturing. And I’m looking at how we can connect with one another. Because all of these little things, it’s gonna make a big difference. So in my sessions, every week, I pick, shall we say, a little principle, a little technique, a little piece of the bigger picture puzzle that will help them level up and take that next step upward. But the key issue, and this is something I’ve just driven home and driven home and driven home, the key issue is practice, practice, every session starts with a chance to practice. And they do one of two different kinds of practices. But bottom line, everybody practices, they get a little feedback from me as the coach, and they get peer feedback. And that practice in that positive feedback helps them just continue to step higher, higher, higher, higher, and, and their game and their, their skill sets are growing. As an example, just yesterday, on our practice session on our zoom session, one lady who I’ve had as a new client for a while I was I quite frankly, I was blown away to see how much she has improved in a short period of time. And I don’t say that in any way to, you know, point the finger at me, I just say that I know the principles, you know, the principles, if you go into the weight room, once a year, you don’t get nothing out of it, except some sore muscles. If you go into the weight room, once a month, you don’t get nothing out of it except sore muscles. But if you’re, you know, really, shall we say religiously happy and going there regularly, you get the benefits, it’s the practice, and then the coaching that makes you better and better, stronger and stronger. I love that. So, which is true, you know, repetition in reps getting the reps in, it’s going to make you better. So I’m curious to know, you know, I’ve been blessed. I’ve gotten some live speaking gigs here in the past couple weeks, you know, in different parts of the lower southern states here. So we can do real estate offices and whatnot. But when you’re doing a lot like okay, when I practice on a daily basis, you know, George, like presentation, but I just found like, how are you helping people like this lady, and you just spoke about, she’s practice, practice, you’re like blown away about how good she’s gotten? How do you think that’s going to translate when she kind of gets in front of 20 3050 hundred 200 people?
Well, bottom line, there’s always going
to be in the early stages, some nerves,
there’s, I mean, even for me, when I get back in front of a larger audience, one, especially that I’m unfamiliar with, I have to make sure that I kind of get my set my head in the right place in the right mindset. But when I know, I just think back on the years and years of work that I’ve done, and everything that I’ve done to prepare for that moment in time, then I think, hey, I’ve got decades of practice and experience. I’m just here to deliver and it’s not about me, Scott, it’s never about me, it’s about what can I do to give value to my listeners that one, or 15 or 500 or 5000 in the audience? What can I do to give them value today that they walk away and they go, I can apply that today? I can do something with that today. And that gives them hope. And Scott, you know, you know right now people are craving
They’re craving for the connection, but man they’re looking for hope. They need hope merchants, they need people who can deliver a ray of sunshine, a little bit of hope for tomorrow and next week and the coming months. Love it, love it. But when you’re coaching these clients and you’re doing it virtually, are you planting seeds that like you know, because I know that you know, I love speaking that’s the thing I kind of get off before it man and start showing up and showing out for but other people it’s like when they get in front of a crowd. They rather they fear that more than death. You know that cliche they fear death more than public speaking. me. I love it. I mean, don’t don’t get me wrong. I am scared shitless like every time I go up there but I feed off of it. You know I’ve competed in bodybuilding competitions in my underwear in front of 2000 people so I get you know what the eyes are on you and whatnot. But are you planning anything in them while you’re doing the video training to get them ready for the crowd? Yeah, well, I just read something yesterday that just, you know, reconfirmed and substantiated, something that I’ve known quite a while. And that’s just basically this incredible picture of visualization. And I read a book, gosh, over 20 years ago, and the guy Bob Conklin, who developed a course that was truly life changing for me and millions of people around the world and globe. He wrote a book and had several chapters on visualization, verbalization actualization. And as you visualize, and as you verbalize, those things began to take shape and form. I have a picture up here, you can’t see it. But I’ve got a picture up here on my vision board is a vision board. And that vision is a picture of me, visually, standing in a river with a fly line out there and casting that fly out there to really lure those fish my direction. I have another picture above that. It’s got this gnarly looking wild hog. And I’m going it via an invitation from an old high school friend in early fall to hunt hogs. Right, right, right. I mean, so it’s it, everything that we do, it may be just that quick, the snap of a finger, but everything that we do is a visualization I was visualizing coming on the show with you today. And knowing that you and I have a great rapport and a great opportunity to converse, and to again share something of value. So I help them visualize success, before they actually see success in front of their group. I love that. Thank you for saying that. That’s what I was kind of dig in for this was going to hope you’re going to say, because everything really is about visualization. Every time that I’ve competed in something or even now speaking, whether it’s virtually or even just waking up, George in the morning, I’m visualizing through prayer through my breathing exercises through however you do it, I actually visualize my day, you know, and I love that you have those narcissistic pictures of yourself. I’m kidding. No, but I love that you have that because Are you you’re planting that seed even subconsciously, you see that even your unconscious brain sees it, even though you’re not. And this is again, I’m going to lose her I’m going to do the right things to bring the right people in, I’m going to be the rock star on stage. I’m gonna do that. So let’s talk about the process at the speaker’s Academy. So someone reached out to me and they’re like, Scott, man, I need to level up my speaking right. Um, and luckily I have somebody that is coached me since I was young man, you know, my in my 20s. But I really like you and I like your style, love your man of faith, it but I want to refer someone to you, how’s the process start to bring them out as a client at the speaker’s Academy?
Sure, well, first of all, I do a lot of assessment. And I do a lot of questioning, you know, you’re very good at asking questions and drawing these kinds of things out of me, as well as your other people that you’re interviewing every single week. But it always starts with me learning more about them. I think you remember my sky formula, sa y stands for subject audience yourself. So the person that I’m coaching, they’re my audience, and I must really get to know him or her I got to get to know them, I get to get to know their their purpose, their passion, and how they want to profit from getting in on the stage and getting in front of people. I have a two page, very detailed 60 point assessment, 60 point assessment that they score themself on, before we ever really get going. And it gives me and it gives them an idea of what they know, as well as where they want to go. And, and the bottom line is that it’s it’s humbling in many respects, because for the most part, everybody is ranking themselves in what we’ll call the mid range, knowing that they’re not applying a lot of things that they could. And it’s important for them to have a self assess. It’s just like, you go to the doctor, and and they say How are you doing? But before they even get that conversation? They put you on the scale, they take your blood pressure, they do all of those assessments are you to see what they are seeing via their instruments and scale, etc, etc. All of those things are done, because they never want to assume that you are the same you were from six months ago or a year ago to where you are today. So assessment is the first step. What do you do? Okay, I love it. Because I mean, even for my coaching program, GA it’s almost 14 pages, really. I mean, I make sure that whoever comes into it is serious, right? Exactly what I put on the front like that, I’m going to ask you this because it’s very detailed 60 bullet points or 60 points. And and I love the analogy used by going into a doctor, they just go in and say What’s wrong? They take your vitals and I love that that’s so true.
And yes,
what do you do defuse there because what a lot of people will think when they see my, my intake is what I call it is, you know, they’re like, oh, you’re gonna judge me from this? You understand what I’m saying? Like people are, I’m in you, in your detail with the 60 point, shell, what do you do to defuse them to let them know that you’re not judging them from what they’re feeling? Because, again, let’s go back to your analogy. You have, you know, blood pressure of 160 over 110. You know, the doctor is just gonna sometimes jerk doctors will come and say, You need to do this and this and this, you know what I’m saying? They’re pre judged. They don’t look right. So what do you do to defuse that? Yeah, well, one of the first things I do is say, you just basically like everybody else. In other words, there’s never been anybody who’s scored themselves up on the higher echelon. Not once, right? And quite frankly, quite frankly, if I’m honest, on a day to day basis, I’m not sure that I could score myself up on the highest line. I was kind of like, right, okay. But but we have to understand where we’re at today, so that we know where we want to go tomorrow. Love it. And and we just have to say, Okay, this is a process of learning. And you can’t go beyond what you’ve been taught. If you haven’t been taught something. Nobody can expect you to know it. Hey, you know, we’re all dumb about one thing or another. I’m dumb about a lot of things. I’m here, right? Okay, but let’s find out where we’re at today. So we know where we want to go and how we want to go in our progress together. Love it. I love it. So after they they come in what do you have? When the quarantine lifts? Do you have in person speaking courses? and virtual? Oh, yeah. Work with you, George? Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, you know, everything right now is virtual just because of where we’re at with the quarantine issue. But before, and then after, we’ll get back into the face to face work, the group session work, because that’s where I can really see the most, okay, like, right now I’ve got a client, and he’s doing virtual work. And, you know, I can’t really see him doing his virtual work well, it’s just a difficult situation, we’re making great progress together. But it’s not quite the same as watching him in front of a group and seeing him and how he handles himself, and the group and the interaction thereof. So things will get much, much better and more balanced once a quarantine lifts. And we can go back to the kind of things that I typically do in the sessions that I handle, because the more I see them in and around other people, the more I pick up on a variety of little things that they’re doing well, and I take note of that, and the things that they can do to improve. And we take note of that, and we look at and make sure they see and feel good about what they’re doing. And where they can continue to improve.
Love and do Mr. Miyagi them, do you kind of make sure they wax on wax off a lot of times before you like put them out to the wolves, I hate to use that term. But a lot of them they’re coming to you, you’re able to do that. Yeah, you give them guidance at the speaker’s Academy and say, okay, find this and go try to speak there or just, you know, me, that’s what I started with Toastmasters. Right, you know, and then just work my way up saying I’ll give free whatever, to a real estate office, it was outside of my competition zone. So I would drive this where I live in, in Detroit, from Detroit to Kalamazoo, which was like, a long way, you know, a little bit like took me an hour and 45 minutes to get there. But it was allowed me to get out of my pond. And listen, because people will listen to somebody that they don’t know more than they’ll listen to people that they know, you know what I’m saying? How, what’s your process with, you know, I call it Miyagi them, like getting them ready to know, like, hey, they’re going to the Hidden Valley karate tournament, you know, I’m saying how to get to the stage. What’s your process evaluation that. So one of the first things I try to make sure that they recognize is some of the greatest advice I got from two of the icons in the speaking business. The very first National Speakers Association convention, I went to the very first luncheon during that convention. My sister who had been a member for already like 10 years, she says, Let’s go have lunch with Cabot and I’m going in and she’s referring to Kevin Robert, who was the founder. Founder of the National Speakers Association, right? I’m kind of going, I’m kind of going, Oh, okay. Right. Sure. So we go and I’m literally sitting next to Cabot, right and, and his glasses need some help. So I help reconfigure and get his glasses back in shape and clean them up and hand them back to him. He looks at me says, Good job, son. Thank you for that. But the piece, the little jewel, the nugget that he gave me that day, and the nugget I heard later on from Zig Ziglar was very simply speak at every occasion you can, it doesn’t matter what size the group is, it doesn’t matter whether or not you know, you’re getting paid, get in front of every audience, you can and speak and learn by the process. In other words, it’s doing the reps, it’s getting the practice. And I’ve got I lost count long ago of all the free presentations I’ve made to rotary clubs and Lions Clubs and nawbo. And I mean, every under Association under the sun that I can get in front of I got out and spoke. I mean, I literally had people fly me down to Houston and Lubbock in San Antonio to deliver free presentations years ago. Oh,
give me practice. Yeah. And
it gave me practice. And I was able to deliver something and watch the audience and how they responded. And the fact that they were inviting me after a while, I was like, Okay, I guess I’m doing okay. And they’re inviting me different places. And and the thing that you talked about, I had a young lady, gosh, probably 910 months ago. And she said, George, I’m thinking about doing a TED talk. And I said, Well, okay, and she said, You know, I just heard that that’s really going to help, you know, me. And my speaking, I said, let me give you this piece, let me give you this piece of advice. Before you ever consider walking on a TED stage, you’ve got to walk on at least 30 or 40 or 50. Other stages, right, that are much smaller, that are much more low key that are much less hazardous for your own EQ for your own ego. Because if you get on a big stage, and you fail, that will hurt you in a bad way. Yeah. So you got to play in the little leagues. Yeah. Before you get into the big league got a wax on wax off wraps, right, get it done. Get it done. That’s it. George, what do you use to get like, I’m gonna ask for a little secret sauce from the speaker’s Academy right now. But what do you use a technique to? Like, I’ve been that deer in the headlights before where I’m flowing. Everything’s good, then Oh, crap. I forgot what I was going to say. Like, is there something that you use to help your clients kind of get back on track? Yeah, I wish I could remember it so vividly. I was in Irving, Texas, which is part of the mid cities. I was invited. And I think it
was a rotary club. I can’t remember that
for sure. But I had this, shall we say, sort of, like canned speech. And I had tried to memorize a lot of it. And unfortunately, I learned along the way that didn’t work well for me, but, but I probably got about a third of the way into this thing. And all of a sudden was just like,
what, right?
and I was I was the deer in the headlights. Literally, I was like, Oh,
where did it go? Right, right.
So, Scott, I’ve been there, done that. And, and this is the thing I tell people, the audience can help you. And the way you can get the audience to help you is I’ve just covered a couple of points, who would like to help the entire group by remembering and sharing those points that I’ve already covered. And somebody will say, well, I’ll do that. And they’ll jump up and while they’re talking, you’ve got a chance to kind of search your mental file and find where you were and what you are trying to then move to the next point. And you just have to go Okay, I know it’s there. I know it’s there. I just have to have a moment to find that on the the mental rerun and you get your audience involved and they help you by way of taking the pressure and the spotlight off of you for a moment and then you Oh, there it is. Okay, I’m good. Wow, that sound and it works and they help you so you know, I can’t I can’t really let you go George without you know, I didn’t ask you this during our interview, but how do you want that dash remembered man that little line between your life date and expiration date. How do you want George Henley’s dash, remember
That’s a hard one. You know?
We’re time to shine today, baby.
You can take your time you wanna engage the audience here. I’ll say that you can get it. I’m kidding. No, I love it. I’ve been wanting to ask you this man, you’re such a go giver. I’ve learned from you just watching your your posts and just everything you did for me. But how do you I look at you is like, you’re living legacy, George. I mean, I’m not trying to pump up that ego or whatnot. So your wife can be like, that’s nice, George. But you know, just like, what do you what do you think? Yeah.
It served God to the best of his ability.
Love it. Love it. And you gave gave gave to so I’m going to add that in there for you. I’m going to add that in there for you. So, George, which saw? I’m gonna ask a little Casey hastin. question here. Oh, good. From the left a software plaque.
Ah, oh, Scott, she’s gonna love that. I
know. Right? You go you go. You’re going to Mars. First colony are three things you’re taking with you. Just say the Bible is already going. Your wife’s already going? Alright, what’s what’s Give me three other things, some fun stuff.
Okay, some fun stuff.
I would take someone who has demonstrated the ability to live in that kind of forum somewhat hostile environment.
Like a survivor, you know,
yeah, yeah.
You know, you know, cuz that’s going to be a foreign, possibly very hostile environment. So I want somebody who has been there, done that to kind of lead me by the hand, right? So I’m a follower before. I’m a leader, I’m a follower ago, let me follow your example. I don’t want to get out there and goof up and end up, you know, blowing myself up or something else. So I need somebody who’s gonna be there, sort of as a leader, and then I’ll follow and say, Okay, good, I’ll go that direction. But beyond that, I’ve already got my wife since I’ve already got my Bible.
that’s, I don’t know how there’s so many things, I have a vast library and maybe I would be able to take a one of those
locker books, Kindle or Kindle, Oh,
my gosh, hundreds of hundred books
on my Kindle, so that I’d have great insight and things to be able to look at. And then I guess the other thing I take would
an everlasting journal meaning something I could drill in and journal and journal and love ever love because I know the value of that value to me and I think a lot of other people are seeing and understanding the value so being able to take and record a few of my thoughts along the way. And leave that for perhaps my children, grandchildren, friends, etc. to benefit from you left chicken wings, dogs, I’m taking chicken you know. Hey, George. Oh, look, kinda last question. What’s what’s the one thing you know for sure?
This is a good one and I prepared for this one.
And knowing you, my friend, this one you love. All right, Scott. The one thing I know is no matter what the circumstances look like today, or tomorrow or this week, this month this year. No, this one thing I know. We win in the end. Wow.
Love it.
Scott. We win. In the end. I don’t care what the scoreboard says right now. We win in the end we know that beyond any shadow of a doubt. That gives us hope that gives us peace that gives us great comfort we win in the end my friend. Love it and love it and squad. Thank you for like tuning in to another awesome conversation with my really really good friend George Henley. Humble beyond beyond words. Love Love this skylight uh, seriously man, he’s gonna mind you to gift yourself to people. You know, and when you’re kind of in the doldrums or whatnot, try to increase your giving you know um, you know, check him out I have his website will be in the show notes here. But check him out or else I can put you in touch with George and maybe he might still be running to me for free. He kind of pop in and and kind of check out what he’s got going on. You should hire him if you’re really looking to get on stage. He has a inch by inch. It’s a cinch mentality about your speaking you know, by the yard. It’s hard. You told a story about a woman wanting to get up on a TED or TEDx stage. He’s like, man, just take it inch by inch. You know it’s going to work out because you don’t want to fall on your face in front of a big crowd. fall on your face and a lot of mini crowds and if you’re a speaker and aspiring speaker Take every friggin opportunity you have, even if it’s to speak for free. You know, he reminded us about his say acronym of subject audience yourself. You want you to visualize and verbalize while you’re practicing. Put yourself in the situations of giving, giving, giving of the information while you’re up on stage and visualize yourself they’re giving the best speech possible. And if you do run into a speed bump, use George’s advice of engage with your audience. If you forget you have that deer in the headlights, maybe reach out to the audience with a question to get them engaged. And then we’ll work your mental Rolodex mental filing system to kind of get your back. And it also will remember that no matter what the circumstances are, we will win in the end. By God’s grace that will happen. So, George, thank you so much, brother for coming on. I can’t wait to do it in 2021. Again, if not before, and folks reach out to me so I can put you in touch with George. He’s humble. He’s hungry levels up his health levels up as well. You’ll always be part of our varsity squad. So again, thanks, George.
Thank you, Scott. What a pleasure to be with you today.
Awesome. Have a great day, my friend. Bye. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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