Welcome to Episode 99! Terry is a good friend of mine from Michigan. The ultimate networker and consultant. Terry is a Coach-Sultant to businesses to help them Level UP. Terry is genuine and I guarantee he is more concerned with what you need than what he does. Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Don’t be all things to all people – Be you – Focus your energy
– Terry Bean
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Networking in a group setting is about having the right people around you
2. Have a genuine concern about the success of other people
3. If you are going to help other business grow, you must grow yourself first
4. Invest your time into your network. Who they are, what they are trying to achieve, what they care about.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Terry’s Book: Be Connected
Terry’s Linked IN
Terry’s Try Bean Facebook Page
Terry’s Twitter
Terry’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
this is Jerry been with try bean and Motor City Connect. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend,
Scott Ferguson.
Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson. We’re Episode 99. And I am on stoked to have my good friend Terry Bean from tribe been coming on and dropping some serious knowledge nuggets on everybody out there. He’s fantastic. He’s a friend of mine from back in the mitten, aka Michigan. And he actually really cares about that state right now. It’s going through a lot of turmoil. But it’s been going through turmoil for decades before but Terry kind of stepped in in the middle 2000s and really took it for lack of better term by the horns and he has really helped shape the city of Detroit which is kind of overlapped in the state of Maine. And Terry is an awesome speaker. His energy is through the roof. He’s an author. He’s a coach salt and so if you’re a business that’s looking to really level up smaller business between three and 30 people give Terry a call. I’ll be happy to put you in touch. So I’m going to shut my trap right now. And without further ado, here is my awesome conversation with my good friend, Terry beam.
Hey, Tom to shine today varsity squad to the Scott Ferguson. And I got a little slice of my homeboy here, Terry Bean. He is the coach Saltine that’s a combination of coach and consulting, extraordinary, extraordinary in Michigan. People would think that I was connected people come to say forget who can I talk to and a lot of times when people came to me and asked me, who can I talk to me, someone for this One of my first texts or calls was to terrifying. So I might take credit for putting people in touch with Terry’s the guy that actually put me in touch. I don’t know anybody in the mitten that’s actually the name for the state of Michigan the shape like a mitten. He, I don’t know anybody more connected in the mitten than Terry being the nuts is saying that and that’s blowing smoke up your assets, the truth, Terry’s been a catalyst for good things happening in around the Detroit area for over a decade, probably way more than that, probably 2025 years, but he’s being humble. He’s a published author, a sought after speaker, intuitive business coach, and it’s just a fun guy to be around which I can attest to that for some half hour nights and whatnots but we won’t get into that too much. Some of his credits include finding business networking group Motor City Connect, which I was a part of, for probably a good 10 years, producing TEDx Detroit, which is a really big deal there in the mitten in winning an award from the President Obama for volunteer service. Again I’m super stoked to have Terry on so long time coming he’s a really good friend of mine from from Michigan and somebody that I really looked up to in the coach Saltine side and just an ultimate connector and Terry if you could just come out introduce yourself to the squad, but first, what is your favorite color? And why? wow man, that’s an interesting question. My favorite color is indigo blue. If you if you ever look at cars, there’s a Dodge Challenger that’s rolling around in this electric as the bright blue. Right and that’s the that is the exact shape when I say indigo blue then I’m thinking of and I was I was seconds away from picking up that car at the end of fall but ended up getting an Audi convertible. I’m not I’m not feeling bad for myself. No you’re not you shouldn’t indigo blue that’s royalty to man this royal regal feeling to it. Yes. Hey Terry. What it give us the origins because I know you from networks And don’t you and haven’t usually really brief conversation because everyone wants a piece of you at every event and whatnot, but give us the origins from where you’re from, what you how you got to where you’re at. And I know you were a hurdle in Eastern Michigan hurdle, right? And that way you thought we say we’re here on spec today, but then they change it to the Eagles just for political correctness and whatnot, but give us your origins place. So I grew up between Michigan, Minnesota, my parents got divorced when I was a lad like four or five years old. Mom got remarried. So she moved me from Detroit to Minnesota right before sixth grade. So I tell people I spent the formative years in the Twin Cities, but I came back every month my dad still lived in the Detroit area. So I was flying back and forth every month. moved down, came back here my dad in my junior year in college slick Dude, this guy was said you go to college anywhere in the country and you pay for it. You go to school anywhere in the state of Michigan. I’ll pick up the tab
we’ll have enough
I just limited the choices pretty quick bed and ended up at Eastern for a couple of reasons. One state was way too big. I didn’t think I’d ever make it to an eight o’clock class. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t gonna make it to any eight o’clock class regardless of how close it was. Right? So in eastern was close to U of M and I was dating a girl that was a Wolverine at the time. So it was kind of convenient. That’s right. I left I actually met my first wife while at Eastern. And when, right before we got married, she ended up getting transferred to Columbus and I moved down to Columbus, Ohio for a handful of years. Okay, that’s actually we were talking about our mutual friend Bob Berg. I first met Bob when I was in a networking group in Columbus at 2627 years old. He came as the keynote presenter to the group one time and so that’s when I got into business networking. There was a group that was based on DNI In fact, the lady that started It worked very closely with Ivan Meisner as a director for him for a few years before moving back east. And so we had this whole kind of networking setup that weekly deal, I ended up being an area director for that group and manage five or six different chapters, I’m 27 years old, running around telling all the old heads what to do and how to network more
And it worked out man and I really liked it. But when I moved back to Detroit in 2000, I couldn’t find that same kind of group. You know, networking is in a group setting is about having the right people around you. So it’s not the structure, it’s the people, right? And so I’ve messed around with a few different organizations here in town for a little while, but 2005 I really, really started missing it. And I’ve been connecting with people on LinkedIn all over the world, right, learning about their culture, their places and what happened was a realize that none of them gave shit about Detroit. And at that time, oh 506 we were on a downward spiral. So I took what I knew about real world networking. And I took what I knew about online networking emerged, the two in Motor City Connect, oh, six timeframe became the very first, at least that I was aware of hybrid online and real world networking groover and it shot off man, it just it took off like a rocket and it was something that the area needed. And as a result that launched TEDx Detroit. And somewhere in there, people started asking me to come talk on networking. I was like, sure, and I found out that I have a knack for flapping my gums and listen to you. Occasionally they do it. Sometimes they actually even take the advice. It’s amazing with it. So it’s been it’s been a hell of a run, dude, it’s been a hell over Yeah, it’s impressive too. So what what do you Think then Terry makes a good connector, somebody that can go into a city that you’re familiar with, but you’re not, and kind of go in and grow the group, from what it started as to where it’s what it’s become. What do you think makes that I think there’s three things that really need to happen. One, you have to have a genuine concern for the success of other people. Right? That’s, that’s the starting point, you got to care about others, right? You don’t have to like them, but you got to care. Number two, you got to listen, man, you have to have exceptional listening skills. And number three is kind of a hybrid between
you got to have some memory system,
whether it’s inside your own head, right and you got a good memory or you’ve got a great CRM that allows you to manage those contacts. I don’t care how you do it, but you need you need something there because if you’re not taking the time to introduce and connect the people, you How could you be a good connector. That Absolutely So, obviously I know you and you have the service service first you do everything in the service of others. Where did that come from? Because it’s not just you’re not born with that service gene if you will, for lack of a better term. Where did that come from? Terry? You know, it’s interesting if you asked me Do you have a need to be liked? We’ll tell you no, I don’t really care what other people think. So it must be that I have a really strong need to be liked and the only way I can figure out how to do that is to be of service first. I feel it looks like there’s some psychological damage that happened at some point that haven’t worked through on the couch it in That must be it must exemplify itself as a need to help others so we know your connector and stuff but do you have like a company try bean or like what what consists of that? Try beans, a consulting coaching in speaking
firm. It’s a little bit about it, sir.
So I look at I look at my world in I do do business growth right for others, I deliver that through training, I deliver it through keynote speaking I deliver it through coaching. In the reality is if you’re going to grow your business, you often have to grow you first. So I look at the individual from a 360 degree portion. So I’ll have I have coaching calls with clients and we’ll be talking about their sex life and they’ll be like, how does this have anything to do with my business? I’m like, man, if you ain’t taking care of business at home, you’re gonna write the care of business at work, man. So it’s it’s really in people forget, right we run around trying to compartmentalize way too much in and we don’t really need to what we need to do is show up as our authentic self. So right, we need to double down on actually who we are, as opposed to wearing masks or hiding who we are, um, masks, not COVID Gotcha. So, then Okay, so let’s take it to this. So if I am out at a networking event and you know pressing flash which hopefully we move into phase two or three or whatnot, when we can actually go out and do this. What am I listening for at the event that would be a great prospect contact connection for Terry are so ibus I appreciate that man. So for me, a good referral is an owner or a sales leader that’s got a team of three to 30. I’m not trying to go after Fortune companies. I like working in the small and it’s not even medium businesses, the Treasury Department calls it. I like working with small business owners. I want to help them get better at doing what they’re doing. So normally they’re expressing challenges with I’m not reaching my market the right way. I’m looking for new ways to get into market. I don’t have the right people in the right seats. Right, I know I’ve got good folks, but they’re not doing what they need to do. So those things, right issues with business growth are the people that I’m really looking to connect with. Love that. So if you bring somebody in, and they’re a prospect, not quite a client yet, and you’re asking them questions, or maybe even you take them out of the client, or what is your secret sauce, if you will, for finding their blind spot? Just questions, man, it really is a matter of taking them through that conversation. You know, when you when you read my bio, it said, intuitive circle, right? I’m not I’m not certified. I don’t practice any real particular methodology. And what I do is the two things I referenced, they make me a good connector. I listen really well. And I have such a fast amount of experience through thousands upon thousands of conversations over 25 plus years of doing this, that I’ve got, I’ve got this framework that I can Oh hey, this is this This, this, and I connect dots really well. So you do that. And one thing I noticed about you is, like when I see somebody that I, you know, respect and whatnot, I’ll take a step back even while I’m in the same room with them. And I’ve noticed that like, you don’t only listen with your ears, but you listen with your eyes and you’re looking at body language and you actually are really great mirror of, for lack of a better term of somebody and actually, you know, getting the most out of you did it with me, when I’ve asked you for stuff you’re like, Alright, and, you know, so it’s that that’s, that’s great. You’re listening. I don’t leave the ears with your eyes and every other senses that you have to find their blind spot. So, Terry, I’ve always wanted to kind of ask you this, if you could get in that DeLorean, maybe Marty McFly or whatnot right and head back to the 22 year old Terry beam. What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on him to help him level up from where he’s at? Maybe shorten his learning curve. Yeah, I love that. I love that. I love that. Don’t be all things to all people would be Number one, right? So focus your energy focus your time, is when you’re like, I refer to myself as a little helper monkey a lot,
right? And the older I get,
the more like, I’m still wired to help three people day. But I really want to be more selective in who those three people are. Right? I also want to make sure like I needed to work on my receiving abilities earlier than I did sensitivity, right? Yeah, super good at giving super good at giving really less good at taking, right so i would have figured out how to how to offset that, that find some level of balance in that. So those would be those would be the pieces of that i would i would slap little Terry around. Be like Hey, listen, be open to you know getting you know I mean we’re like I have a servant you know spirit as well or servant heart and you No, and I always kind of go back to our, again, our mutual friend, Bob Berg, where he made the analogy of, you know, if we if we’re breathing in, we’re breathing in oxygen, if we breathe out, breathe out carbon monoxide. In the plant, an actual plant or a tree, it breathes into carbon monoxide breathes that action. So we’re all taken and given it all time, so you just never even know we just have to be more conscious, right? Maybe of the situations. That’s, that’s fantastic. And in that you even admitted that you would tell them be like, don’t be afraid to get as well. So Terry, you’ve accomplished a ton. What would be the big what’s the big thing that you’re really going after to accomplish? before that? That last day that last breath? I still on my my list of things to do. I haven’t spoken to a group of over 5000 people. Okay, right. So at some point, I want to be on a stage in front of and I’ve used 10,000 in the past. candidly, I’m not sure we’re ever going to see 10,000 people So that’s, uh, that’s one, one issue. The other thing that I would really like to do is I got to get another book out, man, you and I were talking about book writing. I’m not saying who’s writing the book because I don’t know anything about that. But on the off chance, I would like to I would like to finish one of the two other manuscripts that I have.
So that’s gonna want to have to do that.
You know, it’s funny because I read Rich Dad Poor Dad while I was writing the second book, and the lady that he was talking to in this book said, I’m a great writer, but I’m afraid I can’t sell right i don’t i don’t want to sell I don’t want to sell and he’s like, it doesn’t say number one book writer. It says number one book seller sure in in that that gave me pause because you never know if you ever get to a point where you’re like, Hey, I’m sold enough books. Yay. But I had that same I had that same issue because Going on six years ago, eight years ago when I was doing this same issue with the receiving thing, right? If you it’s hard to stand and go buy my book, buy my book, and you kind of need to, right? Oh, absolutely, absolutely. You know it, actually Chris Weidner in in Berg actually gave me an A, I guess a piece of advice about that, to get you in front of the 5000 people is to their budget for the actual material for a lot of speaking events is higher than to pay your speaking fee. It’s time you speak for free. But you know, buy buy books, and maybe they’ll buy enough books, they get you in front of all those people. And then you’ll make a little bit of that money off the books and in front of more people. That’s just something that was passed on to me. I thought that was genius. So you’re not really demanding a speaking fee to get in front of a lot of people. You’re but you’re saying buy the books, which is going to get you promoted anyways, but I can do that. That’d be great. Right? I got I got a great deal of my publisher. That’s fine with me. Yeah, absolutely. So, Terry, we talked And time to shine today about the dash. I’ve blogged about it I’ve did a whole hour long podcast about it about my dash but how do you want your dash to be remember that dashes your life date to death date that dash and the How do you want that to be remembered for you?
You know, I got a I got one of those
like LTU remember Lawrence Tech University?
They’ve got a deal.
Yeah, right. They had a they have a leaders and innovators award series that they do every month or every year and I’ve got I’ve got a plaque from them for receiving that at one point. And mine on the there’s a very similar question, and it’s how do you want to be remembered and mine was I want to be the guy that changed the energy in Detroit in in 2009 when I received that 2010 whatever it was, Detroit was still you know, not what it is. Today, right and if I look back on the last decade, and I think about the amount of time I don’t know if you’re familiar with whole Pono Pono is a Hawaiian mystic healing thing, right? So the amount of time I spent in that mindset, thinking about Detroit and cleaning and cleansing and clearing all of the energy in and around the city, and just the amount of effort and time and energy put into Motor City connect and TEDx Detroit and 313 d love and making March 13 Detroit day and
all of that that
right is a
I had a small part in helping change the city to where we are right opening the suburbs, eyes to where what the city could be changing the narrative. Absolutely. And it’s coming around the doodle the part that you’re you’re playing in it and the other people, you know, Detroit, I kind of look at like a little brother like I can talk shit about it, but if anybody else does, game on you, don’t ever say insert Exactly it’s kind of like that so I got up so Terry, what are your take your cell phone out of it take your computer out of it. What are three things that you nouns people places or things that you can’t live without?
paddleboard? Have it
music I love that word kit and music and you know they’re like I always say chicken wings is my third if I get asked that like sparkies I missile Sparky chicken wings. They’re 59 a duck, like, you know what I’m saying? So people that are listening probably don’t know we’re talking about it’s like my favorite wings in the world. I’m not gonna call eight is, man. So I know no one knows what we’re talking about. But the you know, Detroit itself is 142 square miles and right. I actually have all the places we both live. And we’re lived on the exact same Lake, right 40 miles outside. So that place that you just mentioned I’ve never been to and it’s like five miles up the streets. I’ma have to dump. Thank you for that. Terry. What? Yeah, well definitely me for something also what what’s your definition of a life well lived then being able to do what you want, when you want without having to worry about, you know, whether you can afford it or have time or what’s going to happen if you’re doing it, what’s going to fall apart? Right? So it’s, it’s freedom, ask kind of answer, but it’s it’s just living out. You like your highest self love that I love it. And that’s that’s true. I mean, there’s certain aspects I have to go into that right um, you have to have your health. You know, you have to have money. You know, no matter what anyone says. You have to have the monetary size because when you say what you want when you want without worries, monitor, he’s got to be there. So that’s just different pillars of harmony. They’ve got to be there and if you know music, I will we talk about some I learned from James Arthur Ray, which was actually a highlight So far by stuff, it wasn’t a big event. It’s only like 100 people, but it’s still pretty cool. And I just remember he talks about harmony and not balance. And you know, in balances zero harmony is like, like you’re in the music. So if you’re in a jazz band or something, you know, the guitar is out of whack. That could be like your personal life or your drums is like your financial life. So if you can get a harmony in all those areas, it’s kind of like your definition of a life well lived, where you keep harmony going right in those areas to get what you want without worrying. So I learned from you. So it’s like, the way you said it made me think back to that, which is pretty cool. So a fun, fun fact, I opened for john SRF years back, right. I remember I was there was at the Detroit zoo. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They’re 100%. So that was really cool. And I have I have exactly one tattoo. It took me eight years to figure out what I was gonna have permanently imprinted on my body. And potentially I’m not 100% sure, but the idea was to have Have the word harmony tattooed in Chinese characters on my arm. It might say silly white boy thinks of this as harmony. I don’t have any idea what’s out or whatever you want, right? It was 19 like 98. So you couldn’t like just google What does it say? I didn’t have a phone. You know, but it was it was one of those things, man. I already I appreciate it. James Arthur Ray’s lesson on that. Yeah, fan. I have five pillars that I try and follow all that book harmonic Walters is fantastic. I loved it. It was good him and after after bolt on the the movie The secret to the book The Secret fantastic. So we’re going to move into as we wind things down a little bit, Terry, we’re going to move into what we call our leveling up lightning round. You and I could talk 1520 minutes in each one of these questions. We got like five seconds. I got top of the head. You’re ready. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Just do it. Love it. Love it. share one of your friends. habits that contributes to your success. making time for myself in the morning right? blackout anything but what I want beautiful. So not the book you’re reading now not the flavor of the month. What’s that book thousand my doldrums. Come Terry man, you know this immediate tagless Omni, you’d be like, hey, make sure you read this. Like, what’s your book? Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. Ass Melman. Absolutely. What’s your most commonly used emoji? I use the crazy tongue out eyes goofy looking thing, most frequently beautiful. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? Probably 37 or 38. Beautiful right? A decade ago,
but you know knew enough.
But not enough. Right? That’s a fun. That’s a fun time. Yeah, favorite. Cheers. And or organization you like to give your time and or money to gotta be Motor City blockbusters man based on what I’ve done. Yes. Last question. What’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s I gotta go at if I if I look at the top 10 albums list like seven of them always are over on the ADCs I’d love you have like big hair don’t care all the way down to you know the cure and I love it. That’s good stuff. Good stuff in touch mode you too. Absolutely. What How can we find your very best displaces try being calm try be calm. So it was a clever name from my hotmail days in 1996. Somebody already had Terry Bean and they suggested a bunch of random numbers after it I’m like, if I drop the E and the R and next thing you know, 30 years later have a business with that name. LinkedIn is where I like spending time and I’m open to connect with people. I’ve got a page on Facebook I’ve got an Instagram account. I don’t normally connect with people on Facebook that I don’t know anymore, right? Just because I don’t everywhere else I’m wide open and all those people will be in the show notes. And Terry needs to do one more thing for me just leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want to drop the time to shine today varsity squad for them, take with them internalize, and really work with. Yeah, so it’s really important to invest some time into your network, get to know these people in right this second. It’s awesome because you can hop on a zoom call and spend 15 or 20 minutes name dial in and understand who they are and what they’re about and what they care about and why their customers should care. And then when you do that, and you talk To 30 or 40 people, then connect the dots between the ones that you talk to, because that’s where the magic lives is making those introductions and have two people talk about you when you’re nowhere around. That’s amazing, right? And hopefully it’s all good stuff, right? It’s bad or bad you’re still being talked about in squad you’ve been dropped a huge masterclass here and my really good friend, Terry Bean is telling you to invest time in your network. And then it’s kind of like a three headed system of being genuine for the concern and success of others. Listen, really listen, not just with your ears, but with your eyes and all your other senses, senses and have a memory system in place with the CRM or if you have a great safe of a brain that’s that’s fantastic in a CRM anyways, just so you can put it know who to follow up with those are three headed monster I like to call it to really level up your life. Show up as your authentic self. Don’t put on a bullshit mask. Get out there and be you. Okay, that’s it anybody in my listeners out there which I know there are some that have that are struggling or they’re looking to level up their business that our businesses three to 30 people give Terry a call elicit information in my show notes or reach out to me I’ll make a personal introduction. He says Don’t be all things to all people be you be genuine it goes back a couple of things I just said to go use the ultimate helper monkey and coach salting is 313 d love I love his his thought about Detroit with March 13 in Detroit and even think about that. That’s brilliant threes. 13. That’s fantastic. And the reason why I said 313 is that’s the area code they’re in Detroit is they’re changing the energy. And most of all, do what you want when you want without worries. And if to do that, you have to put all those pillars together from all different facets of family relationships, money, yes, I said money people. It’s critical to If you’re spiritual, get that in line and be harmonic with it So, and Terry is humble. He’s very generous with his time with us here today. He’s I’m proud to call him a friend. He’s always leveling up his health. He’s leveling up as well. And Terry, you are part of the squad. I appreciate you and everything you did. And thank you so much for coming on, brother.
appreciate you having me. Thank you very much.
All right, talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561249726 in online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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