413-⚡️From Exhausted to Energized: Master Your Sleep 💤 Habits for Optimal Memory, Energy, and Health💪 with Sleep Better NYC’s Teresa Power DeNike

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Teresa is a board-certified clinical sleep educator, national speaker, and the founder of Sleep Better NYC, joining us from Brooklyn NY.   Her expertise is in testing and treatment of sleep disorders like sleep apnea, sleep hygiene & habits, and improving mindset for sleep and overall well being.  

 “Sleep doesn’t just make you feel better, it helps you learn better, helps you hold onto memories and helps you literally create new memories”
– Teresa Power DeNike 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. To help your sleep worry less about supplements and gadgets and more about your habits
  2. Make sleep a priority for yourself, sleep is critical to your memories, energy, health and even skin tone!
  3. Teresa loves to take complex issues and make them simple to understand
  4. Remember what’s the point of getting something you have wanted if you are not healthy
  5. Remember we are wired to sleep
  6. During the day, use light to your advantage, get outdoors and minimal light at night to shut down and prepare for rest!
  7.  Journal your day and see what things you can improve on
  8. Make your ‘sleep sanctuary’ a priority
  9. Teresa’s passion for helping others while being real and authentic is above reproach
  10. If you decide to hire a sleep coach, make sure you tell them what your day is like, your lifestyle, give them feedback on how you think your sleep can improve, and will give the coach a great basis to start with.

Level 🆙


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00]

Time To Shine Today, podcast, varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson. And this episode is near and dear to my heart, my lifestyle. I struggle with it even, but I’ve very much improved it. And I really wish I would have had a connection to Teresa Power-DeNike back then when I was really struggling, struggling, she’s with Sleep Better NYC

She’s a sleep coach that. Like for a lack of a better term of dumb things down for you to actually get it, , set up your sleep sanctuary, set up your life to get really good sleep without gadgets or pills and stuff like that. I’m telling you, if you struggle with sleep, please listen to this, take notes.

And if anybody that’s struggling with sleep, please. Pass this on, share it with them. And if you don’t mind smash that like button and subscribe, if you haven’t already on any platform that you’re on. So without further ado, here comes our really good friend, Therese Power DeNike from Sleep Better New York.

Let’s level up.

Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I had to [00:01:00] reschedule with my awesome sauce friend Teresa Power tonight. She’s a sleep strategist, sleep study. She’s just basically everything to do with sleep. And there’s so much of a percentage of this world that is lacking in sleep, especially someone that’s speaking into the mic right now.

So I’m so stoked to really bring you. Teresa, who is a board certified clinical sleep educator, national speaker, and the founder of Sleep Better NYC. Joining us from Brooklyn, New York right now, but I know she’s going to be wheels up here in just a few minutes. So I’m so glad that she carved the time to come on here and rock the mic with me.

And her expertise is in testing and treatment of sleep orders like sleep apnea, which I should have brought my sleep machine out with me. So she can actually see his sleep hygiene. And habits and improving mindset for sleep and overall well being. And Teresa, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to Time to Shine Today podcast varsity squad.

But first, what’s your favorite color and why? Oh,

Teresa Power-DeNike: well, wow. What an introduction. My favorite color as a New Yorker is black. Is [00:02:00] it? Okay. Yeah. You know, it just goes with everything.

L. Scott Ferguson: You’re Yankees or

Teresa Power-DeNike: Mets fan? I’d say Yankees cause my husband, but it doesn’t matter

L. Scott Ferguson: much to me. Gotcha. Not a sporty too much.

I’m sure there’s some of those athletes, especially ones that I coach that are out there. I got blessed. I have some professional athletes in my roster. They’re always talking about sleep. So I might have some introductions for you, which would be fantastic. So let’s get to the roots. Did you have issues with, see, I can ask something like.

Yeah. Do you have sleep issues before? Cause some women they help with like eating disorders. So I can’t say, Hey, do you have anorexia before? Yeah. Right. But were you ever struggling with sleep?

Teresa Power-DeNike: That’s such a good question. And I actually even just like the way you phrased it. Cause usually I’ll come on and I’ll just like give my background, which is, , sort of interesting, but not really.

I. Did not have, , what we would call a sleep disorder by any means. I don’t think I really ever experienced like chronic insomnia or sleep apnea, anything like that. Like anybody, I do have bouts of insomnia and [00:03:00] sleeplessness. I think that’s very normal, but I actually did always have a thing for sleep, if you will.

I used to have, well, I still have migraines. Not as well controlled many, many years ago, and I found that like the only thing that would make me feel better was sleeping and with that, I also just started, , healthier habits, probably younger than other people, , in college, I started to drink less and to go to bed earlier because I really wanted to, I know it was not great for my social life, but I was like, this is the only way I’m going to feel better.

So, yes and no. Right.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. So what, then what was the niche, like what got you really into, because you crush it. I mean, you have a great following, you’re a national speaker, like what, what really brought you to the niche of sleep or niche, however you say

Teresa Power-DeNike: it. Yeah. Good. I have no idea how to say that either.

I have been in ever since I graduated college. I’ve been in healthcare sales and consulting. We’re at the pediatrics dentistry. I got into sleep medicine. I guess, I guess about eight years ago, I was [00:04:00] working for a company that was manufacturing sleep apnea devices. So something like that. It was actually a dental company, so not CPAP machines, but oral appliances.

And I realized. I mean, it was literally days on the job before I was like, Oh my God, wait, this is so important. And everybody has a problem. So it was, it was just like clicked right away. And again, obviously it’s very relatable. Everybody sleeps and almost everybody has trouble sleeping. And I just, I just felt like everybody was had so many questions all the time and I couldn’t figure out.

Why nobody could get the answers they wanted. And I was like, I need to do something about this. So I went and got a clinical credential myself. Eventually I obviously started my own company and now I only ever want to do sleep.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. So if I’m like at a networking event, right. And I’m pressing flash and I’m meeting people and stuff.

And , I’m my superpower is like curiosity, right? So I like to just meet people. And when I walk away them say, Oh my gosh, [00:05:00] what the hell does that guy even do? Cause I just told them my life story. What am I listening for that not? Oh, I’m not getting sleep. But is there any other trigger words that I could be listening for that would make them a good prospect, a referral or connection for you?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Well, I think almost everybody, including myself, could improve, , just like you can always improve your healthy habits. You can always eat better. You can always exercise more. You can really always improve your sleep habits. I think what’s tricky about sleep specifically is that what is very common.

Is not necessarily normal or healthy. And so we live in this very like go, go, go and sleep on your dead world. And so we, we sort of accept, , there’s like means all over the Internet about like only getting four hours of sleep and how you need five cups of coffee. And, and it, it seems very normal, but it’s, it’s not at all.

So I think the intensity and the frequency of sleeplessness is something that I would really focus on. If you’re looking to see if you have a problem.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. [00:06:00] Gotcha. So like, if I’m like someone was telling me, I’m like, man, I’m just having trouble focusing and locking in. Oh, that’s one of the questions I actually asked, , during my hour power discovery coaching sessions, right.

Is ask about their sleep. Cause I struggle with it. Pretty badly. And so, and the thing is, is I worked a lot of night operations. In desert storm and stuff like that. So a lot of my stuff is there. So I’m, I can stay up all night and that was 1992. , I’m 51 years old, dude. So it’s like I, , I still struggle with it, but I really just kind of ran into, , kind of like some little countdown things that I’ve had that I found on like YouTube and other people that I’ve interviewed that help them or other operators, , that I served with or tell me, is there any exercises that you really are kind of a go to?

Yes. Okay. I would love to hear many, maybe your top two.

Teresa Power-DeNike: Okay. So I would say top two would actually be two like easy, totally free things. So the first is not necessarily an exercise more of just like a habit is to use [00:07:00] light to your advantage. meLatonin and many other hormones are directly related to light that goes into your eyes.

It’s what’s called your suprachiasmatic nucleus and tells you what time of day it is. So you can kind of Can you spell that? Actually it’s called the SCN. But it, it helps to trick your body basically into telling you that it’s morning, which naturally tells us that it’s time to be awake. So when you’re super groggy in the morning, or maybe you didn’t get enough sleep, if you can get outside and get that natural light at the minimum, get indoor light, that’s very bright, but outdoor light’s always going to be better.

That helps you be awake. And Conversely, melatonin is produced in darkness. It’s called the vampire hormone. So if you want to help you yourself wind down at night, I recommend dimming all the lights as soon as like dinnertime really. Then obviously, , you get into screen time and all that. So minimal light at night, as much light as possible in

L. Scott Ferguson: the morning, in the morning.

It’s funny. Cause I, I have [00:08:00] a , my body coach has me get, get hydrated, get moving and get lit. Right. So hydrated, I have like a protocol that I do to get hydrated. I still compete in jujitsu and I’m still like all over the place traveling. So at 51 years old, I have. To really take care of myself.

So hydration get moving. I really believe in rebounding like a trampoline to really get your day started and then get outside and living in South Florida. I have a pit bull that loves to walk and make everybody his friend. It’s out there. So just getting out there and people kind of laugh because they’re like, I wear like just shorts, right.

And I’m walking around shirtless and it’s not because I want to, it’s because I want to expose myself as much light as possible. And I love that. How about taking melatonin. Orally or something like that. What do you believe as a, , a sleep expert about someone really kind of taken like those not kind of drugs because your body produces, so you’re just taking a little bit more of it.

What do you think about that?

Teresa Power-DeNike: I Have super mixed feelings and in the clinical world, , I. I am very like [00:09:00] client facing and patient facing, but my, most of my work is in the clinical world. So it is a little controversial and not because it’s bad for you or it doesn’t work, but in the clinical setting, we use melatonin at very, very low doses, like 0.

2 milligrams. Studies, you’ll see like two or three milligrams. And this is just for sleep. , melatonin has a lot of other. Functions. It helps with immune system. And so, so it is good. We obviously create it in our own body. So it’s, it’s good for you, but it’s just, , especially here in America where supplements aren’t regulated.

melatonin, especially you just don’t know what’s in that bottle. That’s the studies show that basically 0 percent of melatonin has what’s in the bottle. So I would just recommend getting it from like a trusted source, somebody maybe like organic or lots of studies. But basically More is not better.

And just, , get it from a trusted source. And like you said, it’s not a vitamin. It’s actually a hormone. So you can [00:10:00] supplement with it, but you can’t just if you pop it in the middle of the night, it’s not going to do anything for you because a hormone telling you it’s time to go to bed. So at two o’clock in the morning, it’s not really working with her circadian rhythm the way you want it.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. So is there a brand that you kind of recommend that the squad out there can really look into? Are you affiliated with anyone that you’d like to,

Teresa Power-DeNike: I’m not, , I’ve tried a few, there are definitely a few out there. I would just, yeah, nothing that

L. Scott Ferguson: I want to throw out there. Okay. All right. So I’m winding down and get my day, , shut down.

It’s my end of day and I have like a routine. What does my room look like with, to get it set up to be the perfect sleep sanctuary?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Ah, sleep sanctuary. I love that phrase. And I like to be very cognizant that everybody has different situations, different environments, different, , what they can afford to do in their room.

So, I do want to put a pressure on, like, literally anything you can do if you’re, if you’re intentionally doing it to improve your sleep is going to be helpful. And it’s [00:11:00] kind of helpful for your mindset too. So to make your perfect sleep sanctuary, it needs to be dark. I’m going to recommend blackout blinds.

If you can’t do that, a sleep mask. And honestly, it doesn’t even have to be that fancy. The point is just to block out that light again, to reduce the interruption of your natural melatonin. We want it to be quiet. If somebody who needs sound, white noise or pink noise seems to be Better for sleep, although, , frankly, any kind of noise machine could probably work.

I definitely do not recommend music like with lyrics or TV to fall asleep. Our brain loves picking up on patterns. So let’s say it’s playing a song you like. You might feel like you’re relaxing and you’re sleeping, but your brain is still working. So it’s going to be picking up on those lyrics and trying to think what’s next, what’s next.

And we don’t want that. Right. And more importantly, I think your bedroom, , as a sleep sanctuary, you want to save it [00:12:00] for bedtime activities. , you’ll see only use your bed for sleep and sex, but also like, , don’t argue with your partner in your bedroom. I’m not saying don’t argue with them, but keep it outside your bedroom.

If you’re, if you’re working, if for some reason you have to work in your bedroom, make your bed and sit on the end of it. Like, don’t get all comfy cozy in the pillows. Just keep it for sleep so that your mind says, okay, my bed is for sleep and it’s excited to go to bed to sleep and not do anything else.

L. Scott Ferguson: Wow. What’s your take on sleep hypnosis?

Teresa Power-DeNike: I think it can be super helpful. I think a lot of people, yeah, especially, yeah, not, not everybody has anxiety and depression and mental stress, but everybody has a little bit of it. And sleep is very subjective and very much about your

L. Scott Ferguson: mindset. Okay. No, no, I love you being transparent with that and just being like, yeah, it could work.

That’s awesome. How about the temperature in the room? Where do you like to, if you, again, that sleep sanctuary, where would you like to keep that temperature

Teresa Power-DeNike: at? [00:13:00] You’ll see on the Internet, we’ll tell you about 67 degrees, there are some studies that definitely show that that can be helpful.

Personally, it’s a bit too cold for me. It should not be warm. Our body in temperature to go to sleep and stay asleep. But , somewhere I would say about 70 or lower if you can. Okay,

L. Scott Ferguson: gotcha, gotcha. It’s funny that we talked off mic, , being from Michigan and moving down here. It was like so hot all the time but now it’s like I keep my sleep temperature at 72 Where in the mitten in michigan, I would keep it at like 66 65 just because My blood just changed and i’m getting old.

So it’s just it really changes a little bit So do you work one on one with with clients? Is that a majority of

Teresa Power-DeNike: what you do? Actually, it’s sort of changed over time. So, I was working with, with clients, , just anybody. One on one, virtually, everything we do is virtual. Now I have more self paced courses for people [00:14:00] like that.

And I work primarily with people who already have sleep disorders who are working at the position. So they still get sleep coaching, but it’s, it’s just a little bit different because they are already diagnosed.

L. Scott Ferguson: Beautiful, beautiful. And maybe if you’re in a discovery, I mean, they’re coming from a position.

I get a lot of referrals from therapists because the therapist helped the past and I’m a vision center. I get things going forward for them. When you’re starting to work with. prospect. They haven’t re You’re still kind of in t there any secret sauce yo mind sharing, maybe help spot that’s really causin happen for him?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Yeah, definitely a bunch of que I like to put it back to really what’s your day like. So although of course I’m focusing on sleep and we want to improve their sleep, it doesn’t really matter if then your day isn’t improved. And that’s, that is typically when people finally decide to see a professional.

I think is when their quality of [00:15:00] life, their daytime is just getting so messed up from their sleep. So I would, , try to figure out what is missing from your day. What would improve from your day if you got better sleep? And really questions to try to determine again, everybody can improve their lifestyle, right?

But is it just your lifestyle? Are you drinking espresso at 10 PM and, , watching murder documentaries until two o’clock in the morning? Are you doing that a little bit? But you’re also really stressed or are you doing everything you’ve , you’ve tried everything out there But you’re still feeling really groggy in the morning Then we’re going to look into like, , maybe you have sleep apnea or something.

Sure. I

L. Scott Ferguson: love it I love it. So maybe we’re still in this discovery Period is and you’re kind of conversing back and forth. Is there any good question? That you wish that they would ask you but never do

Teresa Power-DeNike: I Just sort of I wish that they would [00:16:00] ask less about the supplements and the gadgets. So sort of different than what you asked, but , it’s perfect for us to like, just want that quick fix. You have to remember, like, we didn’t just Developed, they’ll just say insomnia. Thank you. In one day, right?

Like it took us quite a while. So I’m not gonna say yeah, take a melatonin. You’ll be

L. Scott Ferguson: cured, right? It’s funny. Like, , you’ll have my body coach, , people will come to him in Nate and he he’s like, he’ll tell them straight. It was like, it didn’t take you. , three months to put on 60 pounds.

Is this going to be a step, a protocol, a process? Thank you for saying that. That is awesome because a lot of people will be like, I want to fast track this. I want, , the hack and stuff like that to get through. Thank you. That’s awesome. Fantastic answer. So, have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Yeah, like a hundred years ago. Yeah, a hundred

L. Scott Ferguson: years ago. So Yeah, it’s gonna be 40 years old in 1985. Anyways, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly, right? Let’s go back to [00:17:00] we’ll say the double deuce the 22 year old. Hmm, Teresa Is there any knowledge that I guess you might drop on her to not change anything your life is awesome Fantastic hubby fantastic place to live travel and stuff and helping people but maybe to help her shorten her learning curve And maybe blast through maybe just a little bit quicker to learn better

Teresa Power-DeNike: sleep just in life.

Oh, well, I mean, you’re going to need sleep to learn in general. Actually, I was just talking to a bunch of medical students yesterday. And , we always see these things, these like self care phrases, like you can’t pour from an empty cup and put on your mask before helping others. And I do find that especially with students or people who are in like a nurturing position or healthcare where you want to help everybody, but it’s like, what about, what about you?

So sleep has to do with that and sleep doesn’t just, , just make you feel better. It helps you learn better, helps you hold on to memories. It helps you literally create new memories while you sleep and what’s called offline learning. Yeah. It can help you jump [00:18:00] faster and run harder. It can improve your skin tone.

So, , if you want to. Be looking your best. I mean, there’s a reason why, , they say like bright eyed and bushy tailed. Like if you actually do get your sleep, you will look better and potentially younger for a long time. I mean, look at J. Low.

L. Scott Ferguson: You say that you would say that to you by that time you were kind of making decisions to really level up your life a lot, doing a lot less drinking and stuff.

But yeah, make sure that sleep is critical. So How does Teresa Wanner Dash remember? That little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date. Hopefully it’s way down the line, right? But how does Teresa Wanner Dash remember?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Oh, I just want to, I want to help the most people I can and just be very real.

And authentic with them. I want them to feel like there is no shame in sleeplessness or loving sleep. And that’s, that’s it. I [00:19:00] just want to spread the

L. Scott Ferguson: news. No, that’s, that’s fantastic. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Teresa?

Deep questions. You should

Teresa Power-DeNike: have prepared me for this.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s why I’m top 2 percent baby that people are like, we go, huh?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Let’s see. Well, , this is something actually personally go back and forth. So maybe hopefully I’m not like oversharing, but , my job as a coach and prior, , my previous life when I was in sales was to really take like complex clinical things and to.

To make them simpler to explain them to people and, and I, I love that. I feel like there’s so much stuff out there that people just don’t understand. And so they don’t learn from it. So I love to do that. I love to sort of, just for lack of a better word, dumb things down, but I also am worried, like, do people realize that I know all these other things?

These people realize that I, I am [00:20:00] board certified in sleep health, like. Do they know that I can connect them with a physician? Dude, that

L. Scott Ferguson: is one of the best answers I’ve ever heard. Like, honestly, on this. Because that’s fantastic, because you’re like a super smarty pants when it comes to sleep, right? But you have to dumb things down to be able to get people like me to understand it, right?

And it’s like, I don’t want to hear SCA or whatever that long ass term is, right? This is what it is. Man, that’s ostrich. That’s fantastic. So, I’m going to go another deep one with you. The end. If people really knew Teresa, what would they know?

Teresa Power-DeNike: They would know that I’m generally pretty optimistic. Nice!

I’m not really afraid to fail, which I think is a superpower. But that Certainly doesn’t prevent me from losing my mind when I do fail.

L. Scott Ferguson: But you failed forward, right? , like if you give it a [00:21:00] football analogy, like your hubby probably likes, which I don’t know if you follow football, but like, , if you’re running with the ball and someone tackles you, you want to get that extra yard, but you’re, you’re learning from it.

You don’t, you win or you learn. I don’t believe in losing, , that that’s fantastic. So what is Teresa’s definition of a life well live?

Teresa Power-DeNike: I think. A life well lived. I think if you define, you start to define success, excuse me, like earlier and in a different way, which is something I think that And like an elder millennial and I feel like perhaps maybe regular like younger millennials or even younger than me have really really done a good job at this for all the things that we make fun of them for is to say, like, I don’t need to just work and make a ton of money.

Like what’s the point of all that money if you’re not happy if you’re not I mean for me if you’re not sleeping at night if you’re stressed all the time if you don’t see your family and so I think a life well lived is just how you feel successful and loved and comfortable even if you have five dollars or five million dollars [00:22:00]

L. Scott Ferguson: that fits right into my blog it’s like there’s a harmonic there’s harmony to that right.

Because a lot of people want this work life balance and balance is junk, right? Balance is zero, right? It’s zero, but like if with my coaching clients, , I love jazz It’s weird, but I love it and it’s like, You have like the drums is god or your spirituality personal growth might be the guitar family community work They’re all different instruments if one of them is sleep If one of them is out of whack the band sounds like crap Right.

So just to have that is to me, that’s what I heard is really kind of having a harmonic view, living a life of options and not obligations. What I’m saying? So that’s fantastic. That’s awesome. Wow. This is fantastic. Time to shine today. Podcast roasting squad. We are back and Teresa one day we might meet up or something and talk about some of these questions for 15, 20 minutes, but today you have five seconds with no explanations. And I promise you, I saw those eyes go wide.

I promise they can all be answered that way. [00:23:00] Here we go. Teresa, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Teresa Power-DeNike: nOthing really matters. Nobody’s opinion matters.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. Yes, do you? Fantastic. So share one of your personal habits other than sleep. Okay, that contributes to success. I

Teresa Power-DeNike: take like three minutes every morning and focus on my breath and try to think of something. That’s

L. Scott Ferguson: awesome. Yes, yes. So you maybe see me walking down the street or you’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit.

What book might you hand me to level me up? Hmm.

Teresa Power-DeNike: , I, I read a book in college and it’s always like my favorite book. And it’s probably like, not, I don’t know, there’s probably 5 million other books that are the same, if not better, but Dale Carnegie, how to win friends

L. Scott Ferguson: and influence people. It’s the Bible, man.

Are you kidding me? That’s the Bible. Yeah. Nice. Great answer. Especially, , find something which I don’t know your age, but [00:24:00] some of you said you’re a late millennial to read that. That’s baller dude. That’s awesome. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? I

Teresa Power-DeNike: do the upside down smiley face a lot.

Love it,

L. Scott Ferguson: love it. Nicknames growing up?

Teresa Power-DeNike: TAr, Terry.

L. Scott Ferguson: Tar, Tar, okay.

Teresa Power-DeNike: Alright, love it. Nothing crazy.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Chess Checkers or Monopoly?

Monopoly. Monopoly, very cool. Headline for your life?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Definitely not. Oh my gosh. I

helpful, fun,

L. Scott Ferguson: determined. Love it. Yes. Any superstitions? Not

Teresa Power-DeNike: really, no. Okay. I’m boring in that way. Go to ice cream flavor. Oh, I love like something with like nuts in it, like a pistachio or a. Hazelnut. Very good.

L. Scott Ferguson: Definitely hang out. For sure. There’s a, there is a sandwich called the tar. Build that [00:25:00] sandwich for me.

What’s on that sandwich?

Teresa Power-DeNike: I like bacon. Although I try not to eat it that much, but that’s definitely going to be candy. Maybe like a sort of just like a BLT, like a, Oh, there you go. Crunchy. Yeah.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s my girl. Yeah, man. Favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time

Teresa Power-DeNike: or money to. You know, for a while, I did sort of the basics like animals that ASPCA always gets me in those damn commercials.

St. Jude, yeah, absolutely. Yes. Lately, I have been really learning a lot more about like equity and health equity and trying to get more involved in like those kind of organizations.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s baller. That’s awesome. All right, last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit, but the best decade of music, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, or maybe even 2000.

Teresa Power-DeNike: Oh, I mean, I’m probably biased again because of my age, but I freaking love them. All right. Very cool.

L. Scott Ferguson: Very cool. Love it. So, Miss Teresa, how can we find you, love?

Teresa Power-DeNike: Ideally on Instagram at sleep [00:26:00] better NYC, no dots or spaces or underscores. From there you can message or email or contact directly. Okay.

That would be the best way. I’m also on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn. All the social channels but Instagram is my go to.

L. Scott Ferguson: I would love, you’re so well spoken, I would love to see you launch a podcast. I would love

Teresa Power-DeNike: it. I mean, I don’t know if I have the questions you have, so.

L. Scott Ferguson: No, but I’m an interviewer, like the, the, the, what you can put out there, crush.

People are like, dude, people struggle with this and they will listen to you. I’m telling you ever need that. I’ll have my producer fly up to you and he’ll set you up, man. Yeah, you will. Okay. Perfect. So how about this? The free sleep resources that you’re graciously kind of giving away to the listeners.

Tell us a little bit about what they can find in there. The no strings attached. Yeah,

Teresa Power-DeNike: no strings attached. You can download it if you go to my website or even On instagram it’s linked there It will give some tips and tricks for sleep very super simple helpful, but it will also Because again, I have this clinical [00:27:00] background and connection I do find that a lot of people have sleep disorders and they just have no idea So I do a few screening questions as well to sort of think about or maybe ask your doctor

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay.

You know, it’s funny. I should have kind of told you my story a little bit. Like I, I was married at the time. This was 2005 and I, we slept in separate rooms. I don’t smear, but whatever. I slept in separate rooms and because I snored so bad and she got I was like. I asked her to come in. I’m yelling. She came in.

My face was purple. Couldn’t feel my legs, right? And I also weighed about 320 pounds. I was fat as all you know what? So I went to sleep study, right? And with me, , doing I did the military, they give me free Medical and I, , stayed the night wires attached everywhere and I guess I woke up like 80 times in an hour, like, so, , so then that’s where I recently just have gotten myself to the point now where I don’t have to wear my CPAP.

And that was 2005. That’s 20 years [00:28:00] ago. Like now I’m sleeping. There’s just certain things I’m doing. I’ve added fasting into my life and, , different things. And but yeah, I had that. And it was like the, like, I was actually addicted to the machine. Where I couldn’t sleep like I couldn’t go camping with my friends unless I had some kind of battery backup and at that time They didn’t have the batteries for the respirator.

 Now they have the stuff. So yeah, I should kind of preface this whole thing

Teresa Power-DeNike: But we could have talked the whole time about C Vapnion, so maybe we’d get better off. Yeah,

L. Scott Ferguson: maybe we might do that , maybe we do another one because I know you’re going to get some serious feedback on this good stuff to want to know more.

And if you could do me one last solid and leave us with one last knowledge now that we can take with us internalize and take action

Teresa Power-DeNike: Actually something i’ve been thinking about a lot lately is that , we all have sleep trouble at some point Aside from having a, a diagnosable sleep disorder, we have to remember that sleep is, we’re wired to sleep.[00:29:00]

It’s, nobody cannot sleep. You might feel like I can’t sleep, but it’s, it’s just absolutely not true. Everybody can sleep. We can just improve it. So give yourself a little grace when you’re going through it and just remember that eventually you will sleep again.

L. Scott Ferguson: Wow, that’s solid. Yeah, it’s the space and graces is.

Yeah, because I would panic when I went through my bowels, like shit, we’re never gonna sleep again. And squad, we just had like a really fun kind of deep conversation and a masterclass out there with my good friend Teresa here whose roots were kind of in the migraines. And when she started getting the migraines, she said sleep, it actually will help you.

So yeah, that’s pretty cool. Then they kind of like flipped the switch into her knowing that, Hey, everybody has trouble sleeping. , they, she has the title, she has their credentials, but she dumbed it down for us out here today to make us realize that, , sometimes we can make it tricky in ourselves.

The what’s normal is not healthy. She said, , extra coffee, extra tea, all that stuff. That’s not the answer. There’s that’s where I need you to get in touch with Teresa or let us. [00:30:00] Get in touch with Teresa. She will help you set up that sleep sanctuary with dark, blackout blinds, sleep masks where it’s quiet, white or pink noise, only good communication in the bed.

If you know what I mean, fellas, , have a little sleep time, maybe sex time, and that’s about it. And maybe keep that room right around 70 degrees where it’s comfortable, maybe even a little lower, if you can take it, , and I also, when you’re maybe working with a sleep coach. , explain what your day is like to them and what you feel might improve their sleep, your sleep, and then really listen.

So they can go and see what lifestyle changes that you can make. Then also the lifestyle changes you’re making or lifestyle decisions you’re making now that really are not adding up, , cause there’s a lot about supplements and gadgets out there. And really she reminded us that we are wired to sleep.

, you are wired to sleep. You have to sleep. There’s nobody that does not sleep. Okay. So in one thing I love about, , Teresa here, she she’s doing this for the intention, not the attention. She’s not out blowing me and look at me, look at me. And she’s [00:31:00] absolutely stunning woman, but she’s not out there.

Like, look at me. She’s actually fricking helping people. She’s planting trees. She’s never going to sit in the shade of she, again, she takes complex things and she dumbs them down, , and. She lives a life that’s helpful, fun, and determined. And that’s what fits in here at Time to Shine today. Thank you so much, Teresa.

You level up your health, you level up your wealth, you’re humble, yet you’re hungry, and you’ve earned your varsity squad letter. So tell your hubby, you’ve earned a varsity squad letter here at Time to Shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. And we absolutely love your guts.

Teresa Power-DeNike: What a morning. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

L. Scott Ferguson: Chat soon.

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