Welcome to Episode 208! Scott was raised by two working-class Kansans before attending Columbia Law School, then worked in New York City for nearly 20 years, before becoming an executive for a large social services nonprofit and, from there, became co-owner of a Brooklyn-based printing company.
Scott now lives the life of his dreams as a business and leadership mentor and speaker, sharing his message about resilience, personal transformation, and social ethics to all who will listen! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
What you are capable of and what you truly can be is beyond your imagination
– Scott Mason
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Lean into your passions
2. Take off the social expectations on what you should be
3. A great speaker can connect to your emotions and respect and understand their audience to deliver the best message
4. If you use your voice correctly it can be a superpower!
5. You must try to connect to your providential purpose to build a better self and world
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
The Purpose Highway Podcast
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Scott’s Instagram
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Scott Mason with Scott Mason LLC. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend, Scott Ferguson time to shine today
Unknown Speaker 0:14
podcast varsity squad to Scott Ferguson and we’re going to take a journey on the purpose highway with my really good friend, Scott Mason. Scott is a fantastic speaker. He’s a motivator every time I talk to him or associate with them, or hear people talk about them. It rings true is this he’s just fantastic. So you’re going to want to take notes here, man, he’s going to talk about connecting to your providential purpose. He’s going to talk about really connecting and how to connect with everybody that you come in contact with. So without further ado, let’s take that journey on the purpose highway with my really good friend, Scott Mason. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast, varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got my boy that we run a very parallel life. We’re both biracial. We’re both adopted, we are both born outside the United States of America. And we are both speakers, although he’s probably a better speaker than I am. And we’re going to kind of kind of get into my boy speaker Scott Scott Mason. And like I kind of mentioned a second ago, you know, he was Scott was raised by two working class Kansans in in Kansas State in here in the United States. Um, you know, and they were African American, and they raised him so but he lived a little bit of a country lap playing with crawdads. And he really wasn’t expected to make much from South you know, but this guy is a rock star speaker rock star podcasts are after you listen to this show, you must check out the purpose highway podcast, I just listened to one with I believe his name is Julio, he rocked the mic and Scott rocks on mic as well, you’re gonna see a lot of energy here, you know, and he attended Columbia Law School, then worked in New York City for nearly 20 years before becoming an executive for a large social services nonprofit. And from there became co owner of a Brooklyn based printing company. He now lives the life of the streams as a business and leadership, mentor, and speaker sharing his message about resilience, personal transformation, and social ethics to all who will listen now we have another squad that’s going to listen to my voice, Scott Mason. So Scott, come on, introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:32
Deep Blue. And I like deep blue. Because it’s rich, you can look at it a long time. And know it’s better than the word itself. depth, depth baby love it.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
I love it. And you are full of the depth of my man. So let’s get to the origins man, like a little bit like we went over some of your childhood. But I want to see how some of that childhood kind of rolled in to where you’re at now. And how that helps you level up to really reaching out and touching people’s lives in a positive, thriving manner.
Unknown Speaker 3:03
You know, there are so many ways that I can answer that question. But I’ll actually start about start with the earliest point of transformation. You’re my mom worked in a dog food factory, my dad worked for the highway patrol in Kansas, I with hard work and not a little bit of luck. Ended up as you mentioned earlier, going to Columbia Law School, I was surrounded by people whose parents were high level professors, fancy Wall Street lawyers, judges, big time business people, I didn’t know people like that growing up in Kansas, especially when your mom works in the dog food factory. And so one of the best things that happened because of that, I had to learn to communicate at the top of the food chain all the way down. So I would walk down the halls and and talk to these fancy schmancy people and then hang out with a cafeteria workers and janitors. And that’s one of the big sources of resilience that I have. Because I have connections and abilities to relate to people all across the dial
Unknown Speaker 4:03
gonna say Dude, you relate to everybody. And Dude, you and I are just two people in two separate bodies. I do that. Because of where I was raised was kind of wipe already suburbia with, you know, a lot of money on one side of the tracks, literally. And my dad worked for General Motors on the on the line. Yeah, right. And he made good money, but we’ve never lived that life. So like I luckily, I was good at sports, you know, so I can kind of walk on the other side of the tracks and be noticed, but like you said relation, I relate to everybody. And that’s why you’re awesome speaker and awesome, coach. So let’s get into the origin. So of your speaking and coaching Scott.
Unknown Speaker 4:37
Yeah. So a couple of with regards to the speaking. I actually have heard my whole life that the presentation skills that I have, could effectively communicate points that I might want to make and to support whatever cause it is that I was behind even if it was just whatever my employer wanted me to present In front of a group of my colleagues, it wasn’t until later in my career, when I began to understand and separate social expectations about what my profession should be, from what I was called to be as a human being, that I began to really look inside, and try and connect with what I felt my true gifts were. And the one thing that I kept coming back to over and over and that other people came back to me over and over, was the ability to speak to be a voice for something. And as I began to figure out how I could be of service to this world, the use of that voice began to be apparent to me as the superpower that I could use to be out there make this world a better place.
Unknown Speaker 5:49
Were you scared? When you start to speak? No, I didn’t think you were man. It’s like there’s certain people out there that you get the you get ramped up, and you get ready to go. But I don’t think that you were ever too afraid to get out there. and whatnot. So that’s awesome. So do you work with individuals one on one,
Unknown Speaker 6:10
I actually have a group of small business owners in particular that I work with and provide leadership mentorship to, as well as strategic and operational guidance, I have a massive operational management background, I have a very diverse, that combined with the legal experience puts me in a position where I can leverage those skills to help organizations that want to grow and scale successfully. And that are those clients are my lifeblood, and I love them all.
Unknown Speaker 6:40
Love that. So grow and scale. So let’s talk about your you’re bringing somebody into your group, right, and you’re there in the discovery period and whatnot. Or maybe even people in your group Scotty, is there any secret sauce that you might use to help them find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 7:01
Well, some of them are the basic tools to sort of figure out what your aspirations are, and what your strategy is for your company and what to what extent you’re aligned or not. But one thing that I strongly believe, is looking at two things. First of all, what are the emergency problems? The emergency problems are the gateways that we can walk through together to figure out what those blind spots are, there inevitably have become emergencies because of a blind spot that’s been uncured. So diving in regularly on emergency situations, opens the door to the leadership challenges, and the leadership challenges ultimately drive everything. The other thing to do is to figure out what your purpose is, as an entrepreneur, if what you’re doing is not aligned to that purpose, a blind spot, either with regards to the business itself, or your place, as the founder and CEO of that business is in play. And we need to figure out how and why and what we can do about it.
Unknown Speaker 8:03
So with your speaking, what do you think then makes a great speaker, a great communicator,
Unknown Speaker 8:09
two things, first of all, the willingness to connect to emotion, fearlessness about it. Number two, respect for an understanding of the audience. It’s not about you, as a speaker, you know, this is a podcaster, who just in this episode alone is demonstrating it, you understand, you can’t sit there and just drone on and on, you have an obligation to that audience only impart information, but to keep them awake so that they can hire it
Unknown Speaker 8:40
is frickin awesome, man, those two are just amazing. They, they resonate across my whole avatar of the people that I want listening to hear, and then the people that I’m trying to attract into it, but like getting on stage is a whole different. You’ve got to do that research and find out, you know, the emotions of the audience what they’re expecting, right, and then their respect and understand them as well. Like you said, So have you ever failed, let your station not connect.
Unknown Speaker 9:13
You know, learning how to read an audience is another skill, particularly in live settings. That has not happened to me live. However, there have been situations there was a situation where I did a virtual presentation, I put my heart and soul into it. I heard from some people after the fact that they were riveted that it was powerful. They were deeply affected. But the man who had brought me there, who perhaps was the most important person of all, sat there a stone face the whole time and made it pretty clear that this was not something that he enjoyed, I had to D personalize it. You know, because you have a very specific and strong style. We cannot and do not aspire to appeal to everyone we can be ourselves. And that’s what ultimately works even if these failings happen. Along the way,
Unknown Speaker 10:01
right? Yeah, I have had that where I was actually asked to speak at an introvert conference because they wanted the exact opposite. And it was like, I had everybody rolling the person in there, because they wanted to have a different perspective. I just stayed authentic. You know what I’m saying, which in retrospect, I probably should have added it in like a lot of what the tips you just offered him to be able to connect with emotion and stuff, like I just went in, guns blazing. It was a lesson learned.
Unknown Speaker 10:31
Unknown Speaker 10:33
then, when you’re starting to kind of work with these businesses to help them leverage and level up, is there any good question Scotty that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 10:45
Unknown Speaker 10:47
What exactly does mentorship mean to you, Scott, because that’s important for us to understand to figure out whether we are a personality match, I have a lot of substantive knowledge. They’re seeking it. But if our styles can’t work together, there’s going to be a problem. And I will try and raise that upfront with the individual. But sometimes it may or may not come up or they may commit quickly or or whatever. And none of us are perfect. We all forget things. Sometimes ups that is what I wish they would ask
Unknown Speaker 11:20
in mentorship, and you open the door to that how important is mentoring to you?
Unknown Speaker 11:26
profoundly. Yeah, I was once told by a boss when I worked for city government, I was frustrated because I could not get one. He said Scott, you will never have one. It’s not in the cards for you. I was devastated. He said just your personality, you’re not going to attract it. Right. But you can become your own mentor. And do you know Scott To this day, every year I put together a curriculum of books that I read for myself to self educate, follow that stuff, just like a just like a classroom, and constantly act as my own mentor. It means that much,
Unknown Speaker 12:00
right? And but you’re also paying that forward, aren’t you? The stuff that the people that are willing to absorb? And listen, you’re paying that for it? Aren’t you Scott?
Unknown Speaker 12:07
Yeah. And I have aggressively sought out people that I see might not have mentors. Otherwise. Yeah. Thank you for doing that. Huge, bro.
Unknown Speaker 12:14
You know, my mentors told me is like, Listen, man, the more the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. That’s what I try to mentor all the time. And it’s like people, you pay that for penaflorida like someone 10 people down the line because it came from you. You don’t I’m saying and there’s people 50 100 above me that it came from that was told and that that’s amazing that you do that man, I frickin love you said metrion. So, you saw Back to the Future, right? The movie
Unknown Speaker 12:41
many years ago,
Unknown Speaker 12:42
we’re in the same age. Let’s get that DeLorean man with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to that 22 year old Scott Mason. What kind of knowledge nuggets as we call them. your time to shine today? What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on Scott, to help them level up, maybe shorten that learning curve and blast through maybe just a little quicker.
Unknown Speaker 13:02
Take off social expectations about what you should be like an old pair of socks and throw them away. Pay what your calling is. And if you have a feeling inside. Or if you have an urge or a poll. Don’t turn that away. Listen to it. lean into it. If you do the means for you to become that will occur.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
And I love that you said that. Like I’m hearing time and time again through you in this interview man and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but be authentic. You know, I’m saying and I always say like and I was taught this my really good friend Leah Woodford that you know that if you’re you’re leaning into it and you get stuck and you get scared. Get you’re asking gear start asking for help, man, there’s people out there that will show up, right? I mean, they’ll happily help you. That’s awesome. So Scotty, how do you want your dash remembered man that that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? you’re lifting nothing? How do you want Scott stash? Remember?
Unknown Speaker 14:06
He gave Love? Love it.
Unknown Speaker 14:10
That’s an offset.
Unknown Speaker 14:13
Thank you. Keep it brief.
Unknown Speaker 14:15
Yeah, revenue, brevity is huge man. You know, it isn’t a lot of people. So what who has one person that’s had the most profound impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 14:31
I would say actually an author by the name of Jean wolf. He’s a brilliant literary sci fi ish genius, whose books have utterly turned me inside and out. And they are all around the theme of leadership. or understanding that who and what social expectations are of you and who and what you think you might be because of those arts. Just illusions, what you are capable of and what you truly can be beyond imagination.
Unknown Speaker 15:06
That reminds me of the book that George McFly wrote at the end of at the end of Back to the Future, you can be anything you want to be if you put your mind to it. Remember, at the very end, he got his books delivered to them. That’s awesome that you said that you said sci fi too. So the other way, man, what’s the worst that person but what’s the worst advice you’ve ever been given?
Unknown Speaker 15:31
Actually, when I went when I was finished with college, I did not I wasn’t literature, had a literature degree. And I didn’t know what to do with it. I thought about going to law school, which I ultimately did. I wanted to take some time off, though, to be sure that before I invested those hundreds of 1000s of dollars, it was what I really wanted to do. And the worst piece of advice, I love the people who gave them to me, and I do not fault them for giving this advice. It was my fault for taking it I want to be clear about that. My folks who are from a different generation, said Scott, no, go to law school. Now don’t take that time off. You will not you’ll get into doing other things and you’ll never get that degree. It ended up being the worst piece of advice because I was never happy as a lawyer and I ended up taking spending hundreds of 1000s of dollars and being endangered in debt to that for until I was 41. Whereas if I taken the time to explore and figure out who and what I needed to be in this world, a lot of heartache and hassle wouldn’t have happened
Unknown Speaker 16:34
like you said lean into that passion man. Find out what your question about lean into that. And thank you for sharing that man. It’s very transparent. Really appreciate that. So Scotty What? What? Three apps on your phone? Can you not live without?
Unknown Speaker 16:49
I will confess to Instagram. Okay, not proud of it, man when you’re good, but it’s there. And I will also probably use refer to a calculator app because I’m bad at doing math in my head and we need to be on top of our finances can’t live without it. Right? Oh, and my banks app. Okay. Very cool. I
Unknown Speaker 17:12
appreciate that, man. Appreciate it. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Scott?
Unknown Speaker 17:19
That I actually can be quiet some time. You ever have that misunderstanding? Dude, I get it.
Unknown Speaker 17:30
Are you on like 24 seven, no matter what I love about my girl is she’s more introvert. And she allows me to just chill at home. You know, that’s where I’m most comfortable. But we
Unknown Speaker 17:40
are separate. same person separate bodies. I have that relationship dynamic, too. So what keeps
Unknown Speaker 17:47
you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 17:48
Thinking about what is to come the next day, I am motivated by my mission. So I wake up and I’m always thinking this that in the What can I have out on social media the next day? Who can be my next guests on my podcast? What can I do to help a client with a problem? What is the subject of a new speech that I’m going to be giving? It’s too much.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
You live that man, you live that that’s awesome. So what then scatti is your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
A life well lived is one in which and I’m going to get a little bit spiritual here. But it is one in which you have connected to your providential purpose. You’ve dived into the river that it has carved for you that you go with that flow. You’re building a better self through it. And you’re taking it outwards. You’re building a better world.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
Yes. That is awesome. Man. That is a life well lived in the perfect nutshell. Thank you for saying that. So hey, we are back with my man with a purpose highway podcast, the Rockstar speaker Scott Mason, and we’re gonna move into our leveling up lightning round scat. And you you and I could talk 1520 minutes an hour on each one of these questions, but you got five seconds with no explanations. You’re ready to rock.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
I’m scared. But yes,
Unknown Speaker 19:10
let’s do it. Let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Scott’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 19:17
Go for it.
Unknown Speaker 19:18
Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 19:23
Looking neat and well groomed.
Unknown Speaker 19:25
Yes, they do. You’re a very studious, handsome brother. Awesome. So other than speaker Scott calm and time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What other website does Scott like to go to the level up?
Unknown Speaker 19:43
overcoming odds dot today.
Unknown Speaker 19:46
Boom. Love that. Love it. That’ll go in the show notes squat. Alright, so I’m not feeling it. I’m walking around and I’m in my doldrums. You see me in New York City. I didn’t reach out to you’re already mad about that. You see my my doldrums right. Fergie read this book, what book you handed me?
Unknown Speaker 20:02
The Book of the new son by Jean wolf.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
I mentioned I’m gonna put that in the show notes. And I’m literally buying that when we’re done. Scott, what’s your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 20:15
This month is Paul love it.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
And don’t frickin lie to me right now. Okay. All right. Here we go. What age physically physically? Would you stay for the rest of your life? If you could keep the knowledge you’ve gained and continue to garner knowledge? What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 20:35
Believe it or not, I’m happy with where I am.
Unknown Speaker 20:37
Okay. All right, I’ll still take 32 because I’ll tell you what, when I get up in the morning, I feel a lot better than like, recover a little bit easier, but out, but I’ll go with you because you look great. Because I know your age. I ain’t gonna say it. Right. Scott, what’s your favorite charity organization like to give your time or money to spectrum designs,
Unknown Speaker 20:55
which is a T shirt printing company that by and large employs folks on the autistic spectrum.
Unknown Speaker 21:02
Love it, dude. I’m putting that in the show notes. Please do? Yes. Yes. Back. trum I’m writing it down. Guys. Hold on one second, everybody. Last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one, Scott. But what is the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 21:20
To me the best deck? Ooh, best of those decades. 70s Disco, disco. question here. Studio 54. Baby. Who was Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson. Donna Summer. That’s that’s what it’s all about. Baby.
Unknown Speaker 21:35
I love it. I love it. I just got it. How can we find you, man?
Unknown Speaker 21:38
Speaker scott.com
Unknown Speaker 21:41
I love that URL, by the way you locked it in with that. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 21:47
Thank you. And then purpose highway.com love it. And
Unknown Speaker 21:50
you talk a little bit about purpose highway man, I listened to a couple of interviews your rocket you rock that mic. So talk to us a little bit about Thank
Unknown Speaker 21:57
you. Look, I appreciate hearing that from you. First of all, purpose highway is a space for conversations with people who have connected to their higher purpose to build a better self and a better world. There are people that might have had certain boxes created for them, but are thriving in the circle around it.
Unknown Speaker 22:15
Wow. That’s it’s awesome squad you got to go to it. I believe that has a separate URL purpose. highway.com that’s another fantastic URL. You locked in there, my man. So I appreciate that. So scary. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget. You want us to take with us internalize and take action
Unknown Speaker 22:35
when you connect with your providential stream. In other words, when you’ve connected your skills, experience, with an area of service, you know your purpose, you will go with the flow and your life will be better than you can imagine.
Unknown Speaker 22:56
That is frickin awesome man. And squad literally, I got pages of notes. And I hope that you do too. With here with my really good friend Scott Mason from speaker Scott calm and also purpose highway.com his podcast, you someone that can communicate at the top of the food chain down. So it didn’t matter if you’re a billionaire, or a zero air, Scotty can all he can communicate with you. He can converse with you and he can help you level up. He says that the use of the voice is a superpower and his voice rocks. You know, if you start working with people in their blind spot, he finds out what their emergency problems are. And they work to go through those together. And they also help you figure out your purpose and align with it and help you level up. You know, he’ll tell you that a great speaker connects with emotion to the audience. You also secondly respects and understands his audience. You know, he he wants to be a mentor to people like we say, Scott, he’s gonna be immortal, because the way he’s consistently mentoring people, you know, he wants you to take off social expectations and what you should be thrown away. He wants you to lean into your passion. And he will be remembered as someone who gave loves and is motivated by his mission every day because that actually keeps him up at night. You know, his life well lived with the that you have connected to your providential purpose, and to build a better world out of that through your skills and experience and your areas of expertise, expertise, and really able to push it through and help others level up. And Scott, you do just that man, you level up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re humble yet you’re driven. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future and get us a bird dog there in New York
Unknown Speaker 24:31
Unknown Speaker 24:32
Man I love your guts brother. Thank you so so much for coming on time to shine today.
Unknown Speaker 24:36
Thank you for having me. Awesome, bro.
Unknown Speaker 24:38
Talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine Day, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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