Welcome to Episode 116: Master Linked IN Coach and marketer Scott Aaron drops by and drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets about human connection, rewarding yourself and always Level UP! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
A life well lived, is living a life without limits or barriers. Wake up daily grateful
– Scott Aaron
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Human connection is the number one business building tool that we all possess
2. A great leader goes first. Make sure a great coach walks their talk
3. If you preach prosperity you must also continue to invest back into yourself
4. Ask yourself what area of your life are you looking to improve the most.
5. Take time to give yourself credit or pat on the back. Reward yourself
6. Stay genuine, authentic and real
7. When meeting new people, ask how you can SUPPORT each other.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Scott’s Book: The Linked IN Book for Network Marketing
Scott’s Linked IN
Scott’s Twitter
Scott’s Facebook
Scott’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Scott Aaron LinkedIn coach, human connection expert, best selling author and podcaster. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today. varsity squad is Scott Ferguson weird Episode 116 with my good friend Scott Aaron Scott is a basically I call him a LinkedIn sensei. The guy is a master marketer. He’s a phenomenal coach. He’s someone that genuinely cares he believes strongly in human connection. He believes strongly in rewarding yourself not taking life too seriously waking up grateful. So without further ado, here is my good friend Scott Aaron.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Time to shine today varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked that I have my jersey buddy Scott Aaron. from LinkedIn lead specialists he’s got a podcast also that you’ve got to check out I just listened to his last two episodes 163 and 164 it’s called network marketing Made Simple this guy’s forgot more about you know generating leads from in putting together business for network marketers than I will ever know. So I’m super stoked to bring on Scott he’s people focused results driven his strategic approach to teaching others how to create wealth online and organic traffic is the game changer when it comes to competing in a saturated digital world. So Scott, what’s your come on? Introduce yourself the time to shine today squad but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 1:45
Blue All right,
Unknown Speaker 1:47
because to me blue equals clarity,
Unknown Speaker 1:51
clarity. Love that man. Love that. Second question. What emoji Do you use most when you’re texting brother
Unknown Speaker 1:59
depends I’m texting it to
Unknown Speaker 2:02
I would say either I mean, it’s probably a tie between three, the red heart emoji, the fire emoji
Unknown Speaker 2:16
or the the double high five emoji. Love it, love. That’s my man boom.
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Hey, so let’s get to your origins of how you started kind of take it back a little bit how you started and how you got to where you are now helping people level up throughout the world in the digital marketing world.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
Yeah, so again, Scott is grateful to be here and just appreciate you so much in this opportunity. So I’ve been coaching and consulting for 23 years. I just turned 41 in April. So I started when I was 18. And I started in the health and wellness industry actually as a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist by accident. My my father who’s also an entrepreneur prior to having our first gym, made some bad business decisions that actually landed him in federal prison for two and a half years. And at that point I had to step in as a sophomore in college and 18 and a half years old to take over the gym as the new owner. So I was kind of thrown into the ring as an entrepreneur. So I’ve been psychologically unemployable since day one, so I’ve never had a boss. I’ve only worked for myself. In my career in the health and wellness industry, owned and operated three gyms we sold our first two for a million dollars in 2003. Ended up opening up our final location in 2004. But by 2009, I was $1.5 million in liability debt because I was the only one left with credit after my father’s business mishap so everything had to be put into my name. But I always tell people, you know, you’re dealt hands in life and you can either hold them or you can fold them. Sure. And I’ve never been one of those people to fold a hand I I take it head on. learn the lesson. from it and get better from it. And I found network marketing in 2013 a good friend of mine reached out to me with an opportunity and like I said, you know, I’ve never had a boss so I didn’t believe in ponzis or pyramids, or I dove in headfirst. It was a health and wellness based company called Isagenix incredible company, great products, great culture. And within four and a half years, I amassed over $400,000 of income, build a an incredible team, and in the process, was able to step away from owning the gym. And to do that actually, I had to file for personal bankruptcy in 2016. Because I was the guarantor of the lease of the gym. My landlords had no money to fix up the building when it rained outside it also rained inside. And I knew that with the thriving network marketing business that I had with also the the new, the new coaching practice that I developed using LinkedIn to help entrepreneurs and network marketers I had these two profitable businesses that were getting funneled into my business that was failing. And my lawyer said, Listen, you’re the personal guarantor. The only way out of this is for personal bankruptcy. And it was the best decision that I ever made file for personal bankruptcy July 1 of 2016, closed the gym July 31. And I have not looked back since in 2015, about six months prior to filing for personal bankruptcy. That is when I discovered LinkedIn, because I remember the driving force but behind any business, whether it’s network marketing, an entrepreneurial endeavor, coaching, practice, whatever it is, human connection is the number one business building tool that we all possess. And I wasn’t finding that through Facebook and Instagram. I saw them more as social entertainment where people were just watching and they were just looking at what people were doing. You know, I consider Facebook, the barbecue of social media because that’s where people go to hang out. I consider Instagram the real reality TV show of social media because that’s where people go to watch other people’s lives, wishing it was theirs. And LinkedIn is a global networking event every single time you log on, you know, I remember watching something by Gary Vee back in 2019. He said, If you don’t have a marketing strategy for LinkedIn right now, you’re going to be in deep trouble come 2020 I’ve been saying that for five years. It’s just no one knows who I am, which is fine, but those that do have jumped on there, and I started creating massive results on LinkedIn organically, never been taught, self taught. And then I was able to patent my program licensed copyright and trademark it but it also led to a number one best selling book. And now I teach, mentor and consult and coach, other network marketers, other entrepreneurs, high level business coaches, how to leverage LinkedIn organically without any costly sales tactics using the basic platform of LinkedIn to build their business brand. And eventually if they treat it like a 401k And not like a lottery ticket building their bank account. I
Unknown Speaker 7:03
love that, you know, squat. I actually met Scott on LinkedIn so I’m probably need to level up my life and bring him into it, you know a little bit more but I actually reached out he was grateful enough to come on this podcast but he’s got what do you think then makes a great coach or a leader?
Unknown Speaker 7:20
Someone that actually goes first you know, this is not to put down people that have gotten coaching certifications because you know, Scott, you know this, there’s people that they go to Proctor and Gallagher. They go to the john Maxwell team and they get these coaching certifications because it’s, it’s something that you know, they want to have, right, I was giving a keynote last year in California at a high level mastermind that was put together by one of my good friends, Chris harder. him and his wife, Laurie, incredible entrepreneurs. Chris has a phenomenal podcast called for the love of money. And I was speaking at his at his mastermind, and I said something that I didn’t realize how impactful it was. But I said, Guys, what you need to understand the greatest certification that any of you could ever get is living and going through life yourself. Yes. So, so for me, why what makes me such a great coach is I went first, I used LinkedIn to grow my business to prove the concept to then earn the right to teach others. That is not saying those people that take those Proctor and Gallagher courses, or those john Maxwell coaching courses aren’t legitimate they are but look who went first, john and Bob Wright went first. So if you really want to become the best coach, you have to make sure that you’ve worked out all the kinks in your hoses because Scott, I can’t tell you how many coaches I talked to that are charging 510 $15,000 for their coaching services. But then when it comes to the mirror being turned around, and now they’re put in a position to invest back into their business. Now their money, objections come up. So you have to practice what you preach. If you if you preach prosperity, you always have to invest back into your business
Unknown Speaker 9:04
right into the proofs in the pudding with what you have. And that that that’s excellent. So if I’m out pressing flesh, which here in South Florida, we’re allowed to do, we’re about 75%. So I’m able to go out and do my network, you know, in in person, if I’m talking somewhere, even if I’m zooming with somebody, and I’m listening, shut my mouth, open my ears. What kind of things might people say that would make them a great referral connection? Someone that I want to introduce to Scott Aaron?
Unknown Speaker 9:33
Well, the best thing that I the best question that anyone could ever ask someone when they’re opening a conversation, is this. What area of your business or life Are you looking to improve most? That question literally opens the door for anything that you want, because what that question does is that it We’ll then reveal to you what that person actually needs help with
Unknown Speaker 10:04
reveals their cycle. All right, Scott,
Unknown Speaker 10:06
it Well, I mean, think about it how many people Scott get on the phone and they just start pitching and selling and talking about their program to someone else. But they haven’t done the most important thing. You have to HSK to gt you have to ask in order to get. So when you ask good questions, you’re going to get great answers. We always
Unknown Speaker 10:23
say get your asking gear here.
Unknown Speaker 10:25
Absolutely. You know, you don’t want to, you don’t want to go out and immediately try to be a hunter, you need to be a farmer, those that plant the most seeds reap the greatest harvest. So when you ask this question, they’re going to reveal to you what they may be struggling with what they need help with. And then you can build the entire conversation around building up and supporting their pain point which is going to add more value to them, which is going to make what you do more attractive to them, whether it’s picking up a client or like you said, getting a referral. I
Unknown Speaker 10:57
love it. I love it. So you know what squad I want to have been, you know, he had scotties short on time day. So I gotta get to the next couple of questions I want to ask him. And you know, he’s 41 if you’re watching this on YouTube, he doesn’t look at you put very well put together. Today, Scott, let’s, let’s go back in time. Let’s hop in to your 41. So you’ll know this that’s happened with Marty McFly and his DeLorean. Right,
Unknown Speaker 11:19
Scott. It is so funny. You just said that. I use the back to future analogy literally every week. So, so continue and then I’m going to throw it
Unknown Speaker 11:32
back. So let’s give him that DeLorean. Let’s go back and talk to the 20 to 23 year old Scott Aaron. And what kind of knowledge nuggets you drop it on him to help him shorten his learning curve kind of blast through level up a little quicker.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
I wouldn’t necessarily say I would go back and give myself tips to shorten the learning curve. Okay. I would go back and give myself some credit and a pat on the back here. Go for boys for always moving forward and and just to let myself know that I’m appreciated. And I’m worth it. And great things are on the horizon as long as I keep taking those steps forward. I love
Unknown Speaker 12:15
that man.
Unknown Speaker 12:16
So here’s my back to future analogy. Yeah. So what I tell people is I’ve had people ask me that question, and they would say if you can go back in time, right, would you change anything about your journey? And I said, Well, let me let me, let me paraphrase it. Let me give you an analogy with this. If you remember back to the future, Marty goes back 50 years. I 1855. And if you remember what his objective was, was to get his mother Lorraine and, and his father right. to to to meet but what happens? Lorraine’s father so Marty’s grandfather hits him with the car. Instead of George,
Unknown Speaker 13:01
right, right,
Unknown Speaker 13:03
so then Lorraine starts. So and if you remember, if you remember his whole goal was to get them to have that first kiss at the under the seed dance. Right, right. Right. Right. And he’s standing on stage playing with Chuck Berry’s cousin Marvin Marvin and and he’s looking at the picture of his brother and his sister and it starts to fade away. Sure, because he was changing what had already happened. Right. So if Scott if I went back and tried to change anything, I would fade away. So I appreciate an honor every aspect of my journey because it happened exactly the way that it should Love it. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 13:41
So we talked about the dash here a lot, Scott and we want to know how you want your dash remember that little line in between your life date and death date your epitaph, if you will, how do you want Scott Aaron’s dash to be remembered?
Unknown Speaker 13:55
So the funny thing is, I had a great friend of mine, Cody shoe and on my podcast and he He wrote a best selling book called everyday legacy. And he talks about in this book, how you don’t want to wait until you’re gone for your legacy to be left, you want it being left while you’re still living. And He then asked me this question, he said, Scott, how do you want to be remembered? So I don’t want to be remembered when I’m gone. I want to be known for how I’m still here right now, which is a person of integrity. Someone who’s genuine, authentic and real and truly wants the best for every single person that he comes in contact with.
Unknown Speaker 14:34
Got it, man. I am like, dude, if you’re watching on YouTube, we got a whole page full of notes, the genuine authentic and real. That’s just insane. So Scott, what what do you think? Let me ask you something. So we do have a little bit time. When you meet somebody new, and they’re kind of coming your discovery process. They’re not quite a client, but they’re a prospect. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 15:01
Well, the one question that I, it’s really funny you, you asked this because I have so many people that connect with me on LinkedIn. And and they’ll send me a note. And they’ll say, you know, check out your profile. We’d love to be connected to you. And I accept their connection. And then I always, always send an introductory message. So I call it the magic formula. It’s a three step process, state their name, reason for reaching out without pitching or selling, and asking for a time to talk. So hey, Scott, great to be connected to you. I saw that you also have a business podcast as to I would love to hear about it. share more about mine, to see how we can support each other here on LinkedIn anytime for a phone call. That’s it. So So I did two things there. Number one, I created the link and the barrier between Scott and myself. We both have business podcasts. So when he reads that, he’s gonna say that makes sense. Oh, that’s why he wants to talk. The second thing I use one of the most important words in the English language support, it has been proven that your brain actually produces oxytocin, which is the feel good brain chemical just by reading the Word support, which is going to lower the resistance, and it’s going to raise the level of that person wanting to connect with you. But the interesting thing is Scott, when someone connects with me on LinkedIn, and I send them this message, and they don’t write back, so why are you taking the time to connect with me? If I’m then asking you for a phone call, and now you’re quote, unquote, too busy to get on the phone? So the best question that any one person could ask and even ask me is how can we best support each other? Not how can I best support you? Sure. What can we do for each other because again, if you follow the teachings of the science of getting rich by Wallace D, wattles, maybe there you go, he says, live in a world of abundance. collaboration and creation instead of a world of competition and compare, thank you. Thank you for saying
Unknown Speaker 17:06
that man.
Unknown Speaker 17:06
And that’s it. You want to create wealth, start creating, start collaborating, stop competing, stop comparing and you will create that wealth, which leads to a greater impact.
Unknown Speaker 17:16
Love it, love it. What’s your definition of a life well lived Scott.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
A life well lived to me is, is living a life by design, where there are no limits. There are no barriers. I wake up grateful and appreciative of everything that I have no matter what I’m going through, and understanding that every single day that I am given as long as I can open my eyes and I can look at the ceiling above me. I am early on top of the world so I keep things very simple. Everyone thinks about you know the size of my house and how many cars and all this stuff. If I’m given another day, I am given an a new opportunity every single day to do something better for
Unknown Speaker 17:56
yourself, my life and my family.
Unknown Speaker 17:58
level it up progress. It We’re gonna wind things down here. Now with our level of lightning round you and I could talk 15 minutes, but each one of these questions that they can be answered in five seconds with your time, timing, you have to be ready. Do it, do it. What’s the best leveling up advice Scott’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 18:20
I mean, there’s been a lot of great advice but
Unknown Speaker 18:23
what you think about most often is what you become and I read that in the Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale and that’s when I started really shifting my mindset because the space between your ears that six inches will either alert you or help you so my thoughts are everything to me.
Unknown Speaker 18:38
Absolutely share one of your personal habits to contribute to your success.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
I have a very, very dedicated morning routine with my wife. We do no business before 10am we wake up at 536 o’clock. We wake up we take the dogs out. We go downstairs to work out in our home gym. We come upstairs, we have breakfast, have coffee. And then our day begins at 10am. So my morning is absolutely protected because those first four hours of my day are much Beautiful. Beautiful, not the book you’re reading now not the flavor of the month. What’s the one book that just rings true to you? Go for no by Andrea Walton, Richard Fenton. Andrea, Andrea has actually become a good friend of mine she was on my podcast and that book along with when I was using LinkedIn it just made sense because yes is the destination but no is how you are going to get there. So I appreciate the know that I get from people now more than ever because a yes is waiting right behind your
Unknown Speaker 19:42
favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money too quickly.
Unknown Speaker 19:47
So I’ve been donating to make a wish for about seven years now. Because you know, being now being a father, you know, seeing you know, kids and families get those wishes granted, and You know, the issues that they’re going through seeing just that the look on those kids faces when they they get they meet their favorite baseball or basketball player or take that that dream trip. That’s everything for me. And that’s what I want to do for my son as well.
Unknown Speaker 20:13
Beautiful, beautiful. Last question. Best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s.
Unknown Speaker 20:19
That is real. So this is a real it’s a great question. So I’m a music buff. So it’s a layered answer. So for me,
Unknown Speaker 20:29
it’s got to be five seconds Scott. Which was it?
Unknown Speaker 20:34
If I if I had to pick any year if so I’m going to give you my 10 year decade okay on 65 to 75 in my opinion, okay, those 10 years because then you have the crossover from the doors, Hendrix Zeppelin, but then you’re crossing that bridge over into some of the
Unknown Speaker 20:54
bigger letters. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:55
But also the queen, rocker and then you get to The funk so
Unknown Speaker 21:00
that’s that’s my I’m right there with you in that decade, man. Hey Scott, how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 21:05
Yeah, best way to ways obviously my website www dot Scott Aaron dotnet I’m very omnipresent on social media, Facebook and LinkedIn under Scott Aaron that’s two T’s in two A’s or on Instagram at Scott Aaron LinkedIn.
Unknown Speaker 21:21
Love it and a squad Listen, you just had basically a free masterclass from a gentleman who was just dumped into the ring of fire man like literally, at a young age. He’s unemployable. Basically, he’s worked for himself, he’ll tell you either to hold it or fold it might as well. frickin hold it and just keep firing up and moving forward and leveling up. He reminds us that human connection is our number one business. LinkedIn is solid, get on LinkedIn, get leveled up, talk to Scott or even talk to me I can help you out a little bit as well. A leader is someone in a great coach and a great leader some of that goes first. Also give yourself credit for what you’ve done. Moving forward, don’t beat the hell out of yourself. give yourself credit. He wants his legacy to be left while he’s living not when he’s dead. So that’s a hell of a way to really realize that dash because he’s still living it be genuine, authentic and real. And live life by design with no limits, no barriers. Scott, you’re you’re healthy. You’re humble, you’re hungry. you level up your health level up your wealth. I appreciate you. It’s been amazing. Thanks for taking carving this half hour. Come on, talk to our squad brother.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
Scott, thank you again so much. Appreciate you and thank you again for having me.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
Unknown Speaker 22:36
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner, a professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today. COMM slash guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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