Welcome to Episode 54. I had the opportunity to interview Ryan Steinolfson. A total rockstar when it comes to helping companies get found of Google! Listen closely as he drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets to help you Level UP your SEO game! Enjoy!
The bigger the door that shuts, the bigger opportunity you will find
– Ryan Steinolfson
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. There are 73 strategies that can be used to Level UP and get found on Google. See Ryan’s website in show notes for explanation.
2.Always stay up to date with all the trends with regards to SEO, it changes almost daily
3. Spend as much time as you can to work on yourself. Internal work is key!
Level Up!
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Speech Transcript
Hey, this is Ryan Donaldson with accelerate marketing. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Time to shine today’s squad it is Scott Ferguson and I am super excited to bring you this interview with Ryan Stein often from accelerate your marketing comm full disclosure, Ryan’s actually a pretty good friend of mine. He’s also a client and I’m a client of his, but if you’re really looking to get found on Google, his company is the place to go. So let’s sit back Let’s relax let’s take out your notepad. And Ryan is going to spill some serious serious knowledge nuggets on you whether you want to try to do it yourself or hire a top notch company like his. So again, without further ado, here’s Reinstein offseason with accelerate your marketing.com
Hey, time to shine squad This is Scott Ferguson and I am more than stoked to have on not only a ninja in the online agency in the marketing world, but he’s also I consider one of my first friends here in South Florida. His name is Ryan Stein offseason, and he is the founder and CEO of accelerate your marketing or accelerated marketing. It’s a digital marketing agency that guarantees three times return on investment on your ad spend by month three or your money back. they implement Google Local Service ads, local search, search engine optimization and reputation management marketing for small to medium sized businesses throughout the world. And I am again super blessed you guys need to sit back break out your notepads relax. If you need to push pause before you break out the notepad because Ryan’s here, he’s gonna be dropping some serious knowledge nuggets on everybody. So Ryan, welcome to the show and can you please share with the time to shine today’s squad your favorite color? And why?
Ah, very very nice. Okay, that’s different. I was I was not really ready for that but I’ll have to share you know, typically people say blue I would say I think blue just resonates with me. That was my first I you got it yo got to go with your gut. Right? Right. That’s what my that’s what came into my mind as far as why I would say because it’s the color of the sky and that’s that’s you know, that’s you know, always always had enough You know, I don’t know.
In squad one thing about Ryan is that I left out is this guy is a real water man. Like not just somebody that dabbles in the water. This guy is a badass border, you anything that has to do the water resonates with Ryan and so blue is I was betting the house. You were going to be honest with your brother. Well, thank you. Yeah. And there’s a reason for that. And I’ll share that with you a little bit later of why I asked that. But give us your origin story. Ryan, how you got started from say 18 year old Ryan forward.
Wow. So I you know, 18 year old Ryan was where my son is right now, Connor can’t leave wanting, ya know, right. Wanting to go to just go to university, whatever, go to any university, started out at University of South Florida transfer to Florida. I got my degree in accounting. And after that went to, you know, basically went to start selling because I enjoyed relationships I enjoyed. I’m a connector and so I’m really Really good at connecting people and so developing strategic relationships was second nature to me. So I really accelerated no pun intended. And by the way, Excel accelerate marketing a lot over a quarter accelerated yet, but but you know, it really, you know, was good at that and that’s that’s why I gravitated towards sales went to work for you know, Parke Davis, Schering plough back then and eventually Pfizer and then went to work for a biotech company called label science. And then Berkeley and, you know, I really learned how to do digital marketing for myself because I was dabbling in real estate for a while and actually investing in, in, in real estate and was marketing myself online and people were asking me to do it for them. So that’s what got me into, into the online marketing digital marketing world. And that’s where I’ve been ever since which was probably about, you know, a little bit more than 1314 years ago. And, you know, we’ve been, we’ve been doing local search engine optimization, Google ads and, and reputation management for, for most of that time, and I’m blessed to have a really good team now. And, yeah, and I’ve, you know, along the way, I always I really enjoy pushing the limits of technology. As you know, that’s how we met. And, um, you know, and show that because I think there’s a lot of opportunity if, if a owner of a company for example, embraces the current technology, or what’s available out there, like live video, that’s right, you know, I got into live video and using You know, the iPhone back then who’s got like iPhone five and for whatever three, you’re like, you know,
five to six, Scott, you need to say, yeah, we’ll start Periscope.
That’s how we got a man now.
And now, you know, we’re, I just got, I’m using the 11 right now and, and it’s great because it’s got I mean, they just get better and better and better because now I mean back then you could have a student I call it a studio in your pocket. Sure. And now it’s like, I mean, it’s legit, like you’ve got, I mean, there’s videos that were just created two, three months ago, where now professional videographers are going, man. I don’t need my DSLR camera anymore. Or my vlogs sir Yeah, shooting my vlogs right guy, you know, the back camera on this thing’s got a dedicated mic. And now you’ve got you can you can get in really close or as three different lenses, you know. And so anyway, so that’s, that’s where that’s that’s what that’s where I’m at now.
Yeah, that’s your origin story. So like, it’s kind of like I know what my, the feedback from my listeners and whatnot are going to hear they’re going to see or this guy that went to school to be a bean counter, basically, for lack of a better term, and then really got embrace the sales because he’s a excellent connector in developing relationships. Right? What was that aha moment that said, I got this degree in accounting. But now I want to start developing relationships because with your company, it doesn’t start without developing those relationships. But what was that moment that aha moment that says, This is the route I’m gonna go?
That this is the route to go from, from the sales world to my own company? I’m assuming it’s what you’re asking. Absolutely. Um, yeah, it was when I was when I was like, Okay, you know what, um, you know, it’s funny. Yeah. I actually was let go from life Oh, science. And after being asked, achieving my goals and actually making presidents cup, the premier Last year, and almost every year before that, not only with life science, almost every company. And so it’s like, I was like, wow, if I can be let go after one, you know, what year for, you know, like, there’s flat? Yeah. And and it was in. There’s a lot of reasons for it. I mean, one of the reasons was because we were sending out a blood test and you’re limited by the doctor’s ability to be able to send the blood test out. It was very challenging to go out there and actually like treat and this is actually where I learned, you know, you your biggest challenges turn into your biggest successes in the future. And that’s where our reputation management structure comes from now, or what we call now our review culture training, because one of the things that I was really good at was actually training and educating the office staff on how to actually send our blood test out. And that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. That is separating us from everybody else’s that we’re doing a training and educating of the staff From these offices in order to know the who, what, where, when and why I’m getting reviews, so those reviews are organic and so that they can literally have an army of people out there getting reviews at that exact moment. That’s really important. So anyway, back to your question. You know, that was when I really realized I was like, okay, you know, like, if I’m that disposable, I might as well just go out there and do this myself, and start my own company. I’ve got all this training and education, you know, they spent millions of dollars on me Pfizer and Schering plough and on you know, on on how to sell and I was good at it. So I’m like, Okay, well, these people were asking me to do this stuff. I might as well just create my own company and get rockin
I love that here that squad you found obstacles and worked his way around them. And one thing about Ryan that I know because I did work with him is his protocol is always in place. And even when he was setting that up with the blood tests and stuff like that, people didn’t have the protocol in place with Ryan’s company, his protocols always spot on. And you’ll see that when you when you vet out his company here and my show notes. Ryan, let me ask you something when you decided to step away from the corporate culture, what was your family’s reaction from it? I’m sorry, your family’s reaction to it?
Well, you know, whenever there’s change, you know, there’s obviously there’s there’s concern. I mean, obviously, when you’re learning when, when I was about to lose my salary or my income source, and that was a, that was a big concern for for my family. And so, you know, that was the big question is, you know, how is that income going to be replaced? How quickly and, you know, there was a transition period for sure. So they were concerned to say the least and there’s a lot of objection to it. And, and one of the things we’ve joked about in pharmaceutical sales was everybody had the golden handcuffs, golden handcuffs, we’re having the company car, you know, all your health benefits like the best help them out. There are literally every, you know, you get expenses for everything and anything you need every expense was paid for on the car. Or if you didn’t have a company card, you actually got a stipend for the car that you own, which is always more than what it costs to, you know, to actually maintain it. So everything was paid for, you know, health insurance, life insurance, I mean, you name it, you know, potential retirement plan, you know, all that stuff was, you know, was going away, potentially. So, you know, those were the big challenges and that was the, that was the concern and anytime, you know, the, the, what I found is, the bigger the door that I shot, the bigger the opportunity that I find. I love that. So it’s like, if I if I, if it was a big that was a big door to shot, you know, it was really a big door, you know, right,
those those handcuffs that they had on you. So, Ryan, I have a friend and we’re here Actually a real person, I’m going to introduce you to sometime, but he’s a dentist. And he’s local in the city of Chicago. And he’s actually a listener and a subscriber to the time to shine today. What can your company do to get him found throughout all of Chicago land?
Okay, so here’s what I would do first, first, you know, whether you’re using me or anybody else. Having done this now for more than a decade, there’s a few things that I would I would use and you met it. You mentioned protocols already to vet any company because there’s a lot look when I started doing this, this was the Wild West. I mean, you could you could put a tag, a meta tag on a website, and you could rank first in Google and you just get a bunch of traffic and there was no podcasting. There was no live video, there was really no video youtube was, you know, just the thought in somebody’s head. You know, and so really, you know what, what I would say suggestion is is to a, whether using my company accelerate marketing or any other company is make sure that they have experience implementing the strategies that you’re wanting to implement in your niche number one, here, I’m going to tell you as well as Do they know, all of the office 73 we we’ve actually identified 73 different strategies that you can implement in order to double a company business. Do they know what that checklist is so that they can go to the one that will get you to your goal the fastest? That’s number one. Number two, do they have experience in your niche? Number Three do they have? Do they have what we call a template some people call them standard operating procedures, or a process in place we’ve got 142 for each of our primary services that we offer which is local search engine optimization, which means Just getting on the maps on Google for a doc dentist, that’s huge. In other words, if you’re typing in dentist Chicago, and you’re not showing up, there are dentists in your city. And you’re not in the maps where the little map is. And then there’s the three businesses below that’s called the three pack. That’s local search engine optimization. The other service we offer is reputation management marketing at the other big one that I was sharing about earlier. You know, do they have, you know, we’ve got 142 step process for local SEO, we’ve got approximately a 67 now step process that’s constantly being updated, based on you know, the latest. And, basically, you know, so that’s, that’s the process, we’ve got a reputation. And then the third is, is the third product that we offer is, is is Google ads. And so, you know, you want to make sure you have they have a process for all those things. And, and if they stay up to date by going to the, you know, for example, dentist, you know, they have to do continuing education, you know, is that company going and doing continuing education on an ongoing basis, like we’re going to be attending what we call what’s called local you, which is for companies that are doing and implementing local search engine optimization for SMBs or small to medium sized businesses, and in a month, and we go to three of those type of events every year. And, and that’s really what’s needed because this, everything is changing so fast right now, right. And, you know, with with things like Google Local Service ads, for example, for small and medium sized businesses, that I mean, literally, Google is offering this new ad unit that will literally cut in half or maybe even reduce your Google ad spend if you’re running Google Ads by 70 to 80%. For qualified leads, you only pay for qualified leads, love the brand new ad unit. They’ve been running it now for about two years. And if you’re you know You’re a small and medium sized business business, I would definitely look into that. And, and understand, you know, the companies understand how to optimize you for those type of ads, you got to have experience with them. So anyway, that’s how we would help them is by it to help them get on the maps, help them get more reviews so that they convert more people that find them on the maps. And then once they’re ready to actually run, start running ads, we’ve got a progression about five steps that we take people through a protocol in
place for that process, right? Yeah,
yeah, absolutely.
Gotcha. What are you doing then to stay ahead of your company? Sounds like you’re going to a lot of continuing education for yourself. But wouldn’t because every every time I’m talking to you, I reach out to you like, Oh, I’m down at this event. I’m everywhere. I mean, Ryan is the epitome of staying up to date with all of the gadgets and all of the protocol out there. What is the most important stuff that you think that you do, Ryan to stay ahead of people that are competing with you
Good question number one is that we do attend the conventions, the the events, that with our colleagues, so that we know what the best strategies are for, for example, local search engine optimization, so that we know what the best strategy strategies are for getting reviews, which right now is a combination of, you know, review calls, training with the staff to get organic reviews and texting those review requests out via a text message from the team, which is something that is awesome. Um, you know, it’s really just going to those events because, and, and communicating with our colleagues, you know, I do a lot of interviews with people that are in my industry, so that I have to share knowledge and to make sure that because there is a there is some opening with certain, you know, with certain companies between us, and really just specializing, you know, being really good because it’s very easy to have that shiny object syndrome to go and say, you know, especially in today’s there’s, there’s 73 different ways you can you can double a business, you know, for us, we just got we’ve gotten really good at the top three that we’ve identified over the past 10 years for small to medium sized businesses. And, and we’ve just gotten really good. So it’s specialization. And, and niching into we’ve really got, you know, we’ve got five, five to seven niches that we really specialize in, and, and really just being, you know, staying up to date. That’s really it. I love that.
Let’s dig a little bit into Ryan here. What What would you with all this experience that you’ve had? Have? What would you go back Tell the 20 year old Ryan Stiles
I would tell a 20 year old Ryan’s Donaldson to spend as much time as you can to work on yourself and do the tough, you know, internal work on me first, and guess what I what I found is that is that when I do that, you know, there’s there’s all this manifestation stuff that’s out there and law of attraction. And I’m you know, I’m in agreement with a couple of people that I follow that in my experience has told me the same that I can try to manifest as much as I want. What I really have understood now from just practical knowledge is is that I get that stuff and I am able to manifest instantaneously when I clean the inside of myself and I work on the cleaning the inside of the bowl, so to speak, as opposed to just working on the outside and, or going after another, you know, strategy when I’m clear about you know, my intention for doing that, and I do it. I especially in the past, you know, five to 10 years I’ve gained the most personal personally professionally, um, you know, emotionally spiritually all that from from from doing just that like really, you know, doing the tough work and working on myself internally and and that’s that’s really helped me in every every aspect of my life.
Love it and that that younger Ryan would definitely internalize. And that’s fantastic. So what let me ask you so what is because you’re all over the place, and I have mad respect for you, I mean, I would not be where I’m at right now without probably 40% of the stuff I’ve learned from Ryan. So, what? And I get this question I got asked in an interview, so I have to ask you, what is the thing people misunderstand about you the most?
Hmm. misunderstand about me the most. I think a lot of people, you know, when they, you know, they, they look at me, they, you know, they, they see the, you know, the business they see the, you know, the success that I’ve had, I think that and they think that Oh, what he’s just got everything, he doesn’t have any, you know, struggles or whatever. And for that, whatever, you know, like,
that is like, right, I’m going to cut you off. That is exactly my answer that says that people see this thing on the surface. They think that Ferguson’s made it and he’s did everything but man, I’m like a duck on a pond where I look all calm on the top underneath man, my feet are going to stay me flow but go i’m sorry i digress but yeah, exactly on
it. Well, I mean it’s like, you know, just like the key for me is just to is to be transparent and to you know, and that that’s I’ve learned is to be transparent and to really share and that’s where I get the most growth as well as is to share my struggles with people and help them and it helps me that’s what that’s the the, you know, that’s the paradox of the whole situation. I think that that’s one of the big things that that is that’s really tough in today’s society is that people you know, in for guys especially, it’s it’s not standard, it’s it’s against the grain to really share your feelings and any anything It’s deeper, it’s all superficial, it seems like and, and I think that that really is the biggest opportunity. And I shared this back in the, in the live video days, you know, when I first You know, when I did my, you know, my YouTube video and all that, you know, back when I remember going on and yeah, I mean that that was the biggest opportunity for growth that I had, it was like, It scared the crap out of me and I had, you know, somebody supporting there, you know, with me and that’s the that is those are, that’s an example of like, you know, that kind of stuff is really I think saved my life, you know, to be able to go out there and to and to put myself out there and I got so many people that after that video that were colleagues of mine that were like, Oh my gosh, thanks for sharing that. I had no idea and you know, these are people I did not expect it. And these are like clients, you know, that came to me and 232 or three You know that that are now a part of my facebook group, you know, to that, that deals with that. So really, you know, that’s, that’s, that’s the biggest challenge I think is just, you know, people thinking I do my best to bust right through that as quick as possible. Awesome.
So let’s remove your cell phone. What’s the three things that Ryan cannot live without
the weather, you know, one of the things that I mean I now recently I used I grew up playing a lot of tenants now, I, my son who’s 18 one of the ways that we connect and have fun together is we play pickleball it’s like, I played tennis for 3540 years, right? I was about five and now you know, it’s just an easy transition to play pickleball which is kind of like in between, it’s basically I love in between, yeah, ping pong and tennis smaller and smaller for fast paced, strategic, you know, and Connor just picked it up in a year and a half. It’s so fun about You can move really quick. So that’s it my pickleball racket number two, I’d say. And very, I mean really tied look first places anything that has to do with my, you know, like my water stuff, my kites, my kite surfing equipment, you know, my, my surfboard, you know that all that stuff. Um, you know really is is is just invaluable. Like it’s that’s such a source of, of pure enjoyment you know to me, you know, it’s like it’s huge so that and then
you know my car and to transform
travel absolutely travel and and well and and you know my team you know like they’re just you know, yeah, so
absolutely. So we’re gonna do what says we wind kind of down we do like a level up lightning round here with time to shine today. And there’s five or six questions I’m going to ask you and I could talk for 2030 minutes each but seriously like seven to 10 seconds on the answers. You’re ready, Ryan? Yes. What’s the best level of advice you’ve ever received?
To say do do the hard stuff, you know, stuff that scares you the most.
I love that. What’s one of your personal habits that contributes to your success?
Never give up love it found an attitude
other than accelerate your marketing COMM And of course time to shine today calm my shameless plug recommend to awesome internet resource that we can go to level up our life quickly.
Well based on what I know is you know like bright local you know, I go to bright look calm if you’re smaller in size business or just your Google My Business Page. Love atomizer Yeah,
recommend your go to book if you’re feeling like you need to rewire reset. What books do you go to
rewire reset, I got it. I listened to it. You know right now it’s all YouTube stuff. So it’s all you know recent Yeah, so it’s YouTube videos about Yeah. Okay.
favorite charity or organization you like to give your time or your hard earned money to.
Um, I have to say for you know, like, a sangha adult children alcoholics, I’ve done that. Let’s see. That is a big one and then it’s really
Okay, last question. The best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s
I’d say the is pretty solid. I love
that we’re both proud that It’s so yummy. Before we end leave the time to shine squad out there one Knowledge Nugget you want them to take with them?
Well, yeah, I think you know, it pertains to business I’d say is just use your your naked level. We call it it’s a review link that you can get in your Google My Business Page to get reviews and text that out so that you can get more reviews that’ll help you more than anything to show up on the maps as fast as possible and convert more people when they see that you’ve got more reviews and a higher star rating because your excellent reviews
and Ryan How can we find you? I already kind of went off on some of the stuff is there anything else you’re rolling out that you want to get out to our subscribers?
And let’s well I mean to have them you know, they want to just keep it simple, you know, like I we you know, one of the guys that I follow this guy, you know, we create all these funnels that go left and right, drop down and you know, blah, blah, blah, you know, he was he was super simple. He’s doing a zoom video and he’s charging 60 bucks for the for the workshop. And it was super cool. Just simple. Call me like call me or text me on my cell phone. I don’t care. You know, like that’s like five sigma, my numbers. Live 613090050 that’s my cell phone. It goes right to my phone I’m using right now. Again, that’s 561-309-0050 you have to stop Florida number been born and raised here. So yeah, I mean, that’s what I would say let’s just you know, keep it simple.
Awesome. All right squad this has been like, again, I would not be here where I’m at no way without Ryan Stein off since help and guidance and we’re so privileged to have a guy like this that believes in doing the hard stuff first get it out of the way, someone that believes his connections and developing relationships is key. And also he mentioned that the bigger the door that shuts the bigger opportunity that is ahead of you. So get after it. And so as we’re always seeing here at time to shine today, we’d like to surround ourselves with people who stay humble, stay healthy. There are Always top vibing vibing they’re always leveling up their health and leveling up their wealth. And Ryan, thank you so much for coming on man. I’m honored privileged in of course, I mean, you’re also a friend so man, thank you so, so much, brother. You’re awesome, man. Thanks. Take care. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show bye supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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