Welcome to Episode 173! BRoman is a coach trained by Tony Robbins’ program, helping people create amazing relationships and a happy lifestyle. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Live with no regrets and live intentionally..love love love
– Roman Mironov
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Treat your relationships with unconditional love
2. A great relationship coach understand wants, clarity and guide them to find their own solutions
3. If you are a man and want to save your relationship, please get in touch Roman
4. Treat your partner the way he/she deserves. Relationship skills are not default. You must listen.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Roman’s YouTube Channel
Romans’ Instagram
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Romans’ Twitter
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey, this is Roman Aronoff. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast but my good friend Scott Ferguson,
time to shine today varsity squad to discuss Ferguson and we’re at Episode 173 with my really good friend Roman mirror nof. He is a relationship coach kind of works a lot with men who are looking to save their relationship and really level up their life. Learn to respond and not react, live life with no regrets and live a life of discipline. So make sure even if you’re a female, please listen to this Roman drop some serious knowledge nuggets on leveling up your life and leveling up relationships. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, relationship coach Roman mere nof. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today podcast Swati to Scott Ferguson. If you want someone who can fight for relationships, or even beyond salvation, someone that can help clients open up their hearts and give them a feel of a measurable love. This person will teach them acceptance so they can find happiness and inspiration in their partner or whatever area of life you’re looking to level up, because that’s what we’re all about here at time to shine today. My friend Roman Marinoff, who is a little bit north of the United States border hit there and Canada is a Tony Robbins certified coach and trainer. He helps people create amazing relationships and a happy lifestyle. So Roman, thank you so so much for coming on the time to shine today. podcast, please introduce yourself to the varsity squad. But first, what is your favorite color and why?
Okay, first of all, thank you for having me Miss Cod. It’s a privilege. And my favorite color is blue. Blue. I don’t know it’s always been maybe because I love the sea. I love the ocean. Yeah, excellent. It’s
funny, I’m actually looking at the Atlantic Ocean right now myself, I’m a blue guy. Sometimes I’ll say purple, because you know, red and blue makes purple. And I have my red streaks that come out every once in a while. But it takes a minute for it to get there. So let’s get into the origins man you like, like kind of starting up this coaching business and like squad, you got to go out and check out this guy’s YouTube channel. He’s got videos that I know a lot of coaches and stuff that would be pretty hesitant to put out there. But Roman puts him out there with authority in his crate, crate communicator. So give us origins here, Roman.
You know, Funny enough, I had been a translator for 14 years, a professional translator back in Russia. And then I was lucky enough to actually move to Canada last year. So I’ve been in Canada for one year and a half. And I decided to you know, change gears. And I shoved it into coaching because this is something that I really enjoy. And I love helping people with self development and romantic relationships in particular. So I went through a training program with Tony Robbins, and I became a coach. And since April this year, I have been very actively coaching clients.
Nice. Why? Why the niche of romantic relationships.
The niche is a result of my divorce, which happened six years ago. Okay. And I was at that point, I was so bad with women. I did not know what to say. I did not have a clue. Okay, so well, how can I get divorced? I actually had to go through through a lot of learning. Sure. So I learned a lot. I learned a lot of material and actually went out and tested everything on myself, like making myself a guinea pig. Yeah.
Is this all soft? taught Roman? Or did you get help with a coach to help you level up through that?
At that point, it was all self taught.
Okay. Very cool. Very cool. And how did you educate yourself with with kind of making yourself a guinea pig like taking what processes or protocols and then try them on yourself? Where did you get that from?
Mostly YouTube, and birth. Oh, good.
Good, man. I love your transparency. Man. You and you’re standing tall and proud and in own in it, that it you went through a pretty devastating time. I’m sure it was six years ago, to where you’re at now helping people that are going through that time to level up and understand that there’s still happiness out there to be found. Correct.
Exactly. Exactly.
So what do you think makes a great relationship coach?
Wow, there are quite a few qualities that go into that. One thing I think is being relatable, because because when I tell people that I went through a divorce, they know that I know how they feel. Exactly. That helps them
Plus I as a relationship coach, I’m all about specifics. So oftentimes a client will come to me and they have a dilemma. And they’re very, very general about it. They don’t know in which direction to go. And I always keep them going into specifics, defining a plan, creating actions and doing those actions. God, this is the second important thing. Okay.
And you let them let me as a as a relationship coach, I mean, everybody’s relationship is different, correct? I mean, they have, you know, it could be someone, a spouse cheated, or it could be, you know, things are just in the bedroom, they’re kind of falling apart, if you will. So, like, if you help them as a coach, guide them or more tell them to find the what’s going to help them the most?
That Yeah, that’s very good question. Because a lot of people, they come for guidance, right. Like, my, my goal is a coach is to understand what they want. Find clarity for that, and
define the actions for themselves. I don’t want them to follow my advice. I want them to find things that work for themselves. Wow, that that’s that that is to me, and I’ve been coaching 20 years, that is exactly how I would have answered that question. You help them find their results or their solutions by kind of understanding what they want, give them clarity, and then they kind of come to the lack of a better term of conclusion. Right. Gotcha. So what is some of your secret sauce, then as you’re starting to bring a client on if you don’t mind sharing, that you help them find their blind spots?
I, you know, I take a lot of time asking them a lot of questions. And I try to first of all, I have a list of questions that I know help. Like, like questions, let’s say, What are you not saying that needs to be said? Or what? I you not hearing that needs to be heard? Or what? What you’re just not say?
Gotcha, gotcha. These
types of questions. Yes. questions that I, you know, customized based on on the client situation.
Right. Right. Do you have them fill out kind of an intake form before you even will consider working with them? Or what’s your process Roman?
Now, I have an enrollment session, which is free and during the
session, right? Yeah. Okay. Okay,
I take a lot of notes here in that session. That’s the basis. Nice.
So if you’re starting to work with somebody, or you’re still in that discovery process, Roman, is there any good question that you wish? They would ask you, but never do?
Wow. There probably is.
You know, I would ask you about your fails to be honest with you. And the one thing about you is you’re living your legacy. And you’re you can be relatable, like you just said, you know, you’re understand, be real, be relatable. And be specific, is what you just said, so I as myself, I’d be like, so you’re going to tell me that you can help me level up my romantic life. But what about you, you know, where have you saw? So, you know, that’s what I would ask you, but there’s a plethora of different questions, I’d like to ask coaches that, you know, it’s well, I would like to tell my clients about my failures, you know, because they can see you’re relatable, exact words that you would use. Fantastic, man. I love that. So if I am out at a networking event, or pressing flash meeting people or even virtually What am I listening for Roman, when I’m talking to somebody, it would make them a good prospect, referral or connection for you.
I think, you know, just in general, lots of people have issues in their relationships and things to they could work on, they can improve, because, because oftentimes, we feel that actually, we already have the skills for having a great relationship in our life. And this is quite often not true. So this this makes basically everyone a good prospect. Okay. And I prefer I prefer to work with first men who want to save their marriage, or just go through a breakup because oftentimes with men, when they come to me, they come because their wife already like push them out of the house, okay? Or just wants to get a divorce. So it was quite late. And I love to help women who want to actually save the marriage because I feel let women have a little bit more potential for saving and marriage. Gotcha.
So that’s true, though, by the way, they do hold a lot of the cards the women do. So how do you how does business come to you? Because it’s a very, it’s a niche that people. There’s a lot of ego that they’ve got to set aside before they come to you. How are people finding you?
Most of my clients that come through Instagram, okay, so I, I create tests for them, okay. And they take those tests they’re interested about taking for those tests. Okay. And I just tell them, thank you for taking the test. And you can, you can learn more about the results of the test by talking to me by having a free clarity session. Love it.
I love it. I’m looking at your Instagram right now. What are you afraid of in your intimate relationship? I love it. I love that. That’s very cool. So if you I know you’re from Russia, but if you heard of the movie Back to the Future,
how, of course I love it. Okay,
I asked your age Roman. I’m 38. Wow. And if you’re watching on YouTube, or any of my replays, it looks like a kid so I can actually answer this question or ask him this question. But let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 23 year old Roman. What kind of knowledge nuggets we call knowledge nuggets here at time to shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on the 23 year old Roman to maybe help them level up shorten the learning curve or blast through?
Ah, work and life balance. That’s one thing. Okay. The second thing is, treat your marriage and treat your wife the way she deserves. I mean, like, love her unconditionally. And don’t. Don’t think that you have the relationship skills by default. Now learn that. You need to learn that. Wow. Get to acquire those skills.
Wow. Wow, hold
on. I’m taking notes, brother. Sorry. I know that’s that’s fantastic. That was a huge Knowledge Nugget. So Roman, how do you want your dash? Remember? That little line in between your, your incarnation date and your expiration date? Your life date and death date? How do you want Romans dash remember maybe your legacy or your epitaph?
She loved life.
That’s it, huh?
Easy, bad. That’s awesome. That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. So Roman, let’s take out anything electronical you know, laptops, phones, tablets? And also don’t answer with oxygen, you know, sunlight, or any of those other common answers, but we’re what are three things that you cannot live without?
Well, the first is, of course, love. unconditional love. Because I believe this is what are like everything the universe revolves around. So important. The second thing is my son who is back in Russia. And And the third thing is funny enough, it’s my bike. There you go. I don’t be able to live without it.
I mean, if you’re watching YouTube, this guy’s pretty well put together I saw on Twitter, you like a long distance runner too? Or would you do cross country or something? Because I saw on Twitter, there’s a runner, like, looks like you’re ready to run or something like that. So but you obviously take care of yourself. You check them out on Instagram or YouTube or anywhere you can see that Roman does take care of themselves. I’m sure the bike comes in with that. You know, a lot of good exercise. Right? Fantastic. So Robin, what’s what’s one thing you know, for sure?
I’m gonna be boring, but it again, it’s love.
Oh, that’s fine. No, I believe in it too. Brother. It’s, it’s the people want to oversimplify stuff. You know, I call it dumbing it down. That it’s like, Listen, man love if you if you put love in anything and everything, whether it’s opening the door for somebody or, or anything just smiling man, that’s the thing is I love to make people smile, you know, and pay that forward. You know? That’s awesome. That’s all. So we’re, as we wind things down just a little bit here. Roman, we’re gonna do our leveling up lightning round. Okay, and you and I could talk 1520 minutes on each one of these questions, but you got five seconds to answer with no explanations, right or and they all can be answered that way. So you ready to rock? Okay, awesome, brother. So, Roman. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Develop your discipline.
Wow, that’s awesome. Sure, one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Meditation. Love it. Love it. 100%
other than your own website, Roman mirror, enough calm or of course time to shine today. Calm a shameless plug. What’s another website? site that you go to use to level up
That crazy. It’s just morphed into what it is. But it’s the very truth. Not the book you’re reading now, or the flavor of the month. If I’m in my doldrums I’m just not feeling right. You’re like a four you read this book. What is that book?
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Yeah,
copy baby copy. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Roman. When you’re texting What is your most commonly used emoji?
thumbs up
thumbs. Right up. So
physical wise,
not wisdom wise or anything like that physically? Physical, what age would you stay? If you could stay it for the rest of your life and still continue to learn and gain wisdom? Physically what age would it be?
Around 40 I get very
cool. You’re not even there yet. So you’re right there. Awesome. Awesome. So what’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
It’s a local Russian organization back in my native city.
Okay. What does it have to do with?
It just helps. Nice.
Good for you, Rob. I appreciate you saying that man. Last question. What is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Oh, for me side is because I’m into punk and hardcore.
Mommy, I love it. Who’s your punk band?
My favorite is better religion, of course. Really? Nice. Yeah. That’s
awesome. Awesome. So Roman, what’s your definition of a life well lived?
Well, obviously having no regrets, because you actually made an effort to live your life intentionally. So not just by, you know, fluttering around, but by having a plan and sticking to the plan, no matter no matter how it goes, but just really having the black.
Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Robin, how can we find your brother?
My website is Roman mera naam. Calm spelled as RO ma NMIRONOV comm go to the contact tab, hit me through that tab and for free clarity session. And make sure to mention that you’re coming out Scott’s podcast, the time to shine. And I will give you a 30% discount if you mentioned that.
Excellent. You’re gonna do that for like three listeners. Right? Excellent, excellent. Trust me, I have people that reach out. If you’re listening, you know, you’ve reached out to me, especially regarding relationship leveling up. So make sure you reach out to me so we can, I can put you in touch with my good friend Roman, who he was a professional translator, which is fantastic. I mean, you never really met anybody that did that professionally. That’s, that’s awesome. You know, he’s gonna remind you to be relatable and be specific. You know, he’s a coach who understands watts, provides clarity and he helps will help you find your own solutions, not going to tell you what to do. He’s going to get you there. You know, if you’re a man, he works with women also. But if you’re a man and you want to save your relationship, or you’re going through a breakup, reach out to me so I can personally put you in touch with my friend Roman, who believes in a really good work life balance, you know, and he’s going to remind you also to treat your relationships with unconditional love and it doesn’t matter what your relationship with his with your loved one your spouse, or anything in this earth, treat it with love and he’s a person that will be reminded to love life. You know, in relationship skills are not default you have got to learn and level up on a daily basis in still absorb, absorb absorb don’t think you know it all especially when it comes to relationships because that would be the first thing that will go stale. It’s gonna remind you to develop discipline because that is what he does to level up. And he lives this life with no regrets he lives intentionally and he loves love’s loves and Roman you earned your varsity letter here. You are leveling up your health you level up your wealth, you’re leveling up other people. I’m humbled and grateful immensely that you came on the show and spill these fantastic knowledge nuggets and I hope to do some collaborations with you in the future, my friend.
Thank you so much, Scott. It’s It’s been fantastic and awesome. Take care.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will Support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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