Welcome to Episode 216! Rocío is an unapologetic optimist and sought-after international speaker of truth who has helped to transform leaders around the world. She has delivered hundreds of inspiring and life-changing leadership talks that have helped thousands of attendees embrace success by becoming more intentional. She believes everyone has the
capacity to live an empowered life of prosperity, service, and happiness.
Rocío is the founder of Inventíva Consulting. She created Inventíva to bring positive
change to the workplace and help organizations align culture, brand, and leadership. She
designed a 7-Step Coaching Process and wrote an international bestselling book. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Ignore your ‘not enough-ness’. Rocio Perez
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. If you make it about others, life will be much easier
2. A great coach will learn to understand their clients’ world.
Being empathetic is huge
3. Rocio will help you reconnect to who you are and live an extraordinary life!
4. Auto reflect to bridge your gaps
5. No matter your situation, we are all born equal and able to create
6. What we choose in the here and now creates our future.
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is their Rocio Perez and with image diva consulting also author, speaker trainer of unstoppable in the Microsoft Game, and I really want you to learn how to level up your life. You should be listening to time to sign today’s podcast with the amazing friend of mine, Scott Ferguson who is absolutely extraordinary. You want to learn from someone who knows that? Who’s been there done that?
Unknown Speaker 0:21
Listen to Scott. Time to shine today podcast versus writing to Scott Ferguson and I met Episode 216 I’ve been looking forward to dropping this show to you for a while now with a really good friend was co Perez from m&p ba rosio has a hell of a story of very young mother, I’ll just leave it at that. And how she used in leveraged the knowledge that she picked up from other people to help you level up. It’s just fantastic. Again, I’ve been stoked to bring this interview to you my squad my awesome awesome listeners. So without further ado, make sure you sit back relax, break out your notebook, pages of notes. If you’re watching on YouTube, you’ll see I have pages of notes but again, here comes my really good friend receive Perez from inventory Eva, let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:16
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad leader Scott Ferguson and I are so been looking forward to this interview. Actually, I moved it up in the kind of line of interviews because I just love love love my really good friend rosio Perez from n ven tiva ro sia is an unapologetic optimist and sought after international speaker of truth, who has helped to transform leaders around the world. She has delivered hundreds of inspiring and life changing leadership talks and have helped 1000s of attendees embrace the success by becoming more intentional, which I love. She believes everyone has the capacity to live an empowered life of prosperity service and happiness. rosio is the founder of inventory Eva consulting, she created mmtv to bring positive change to the workplace and help organizations like culture, brand and leadership. She designed a seven step coaching process and wrote an international best selling book. And if you’re watching, it’s right here, I’m about halfway through, and it’s called unstoppable and it rocked your world. So rosio please come on to time to shine today. And enter just do she’s up to the varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why? Other than blue?
Unknown Speaker 2:23
I love blue because it makes me just feel very centered, aligned, focused.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
I love it. And it’s you’re wearing it and it’s
Unknown Speaker 2:33
I am wearing it now. And I love it. I love it. It’s my power color Scott,
Unknown Speaker 2:38
it’s in your color wheel, right?
Unknown Speaker 2:41
It’s in my color palette we are how
Unknown Speaker 2:43
to do something I saw in a movie one time actually, Sandra Bullock set it in the blind side, she’s wearing that color because it’s not my color wheel. But anyways, I just use that now. I also look look at you a little bit of purple as well because like you have that awesome blue hue to get but there’s a red side, you know that I’m sure they can come out a little bit and when you’re helping people level up, but we’ll go with blue. And I’m actually looking at the Atlantic Ocean right now. And that’s a nice shade of blue today as well. It’s beautiful, but welcome. And it’s such
Unknown Speaker 3:12
a privilege and a pleasure to be here with you now. I’ve been so excited about this opportunity to connect with you. I know you’re qualifier and on fire.
Unknown Speaker 3:22
We are like cut from the same sheet that’s for sure. Yes. So let’s get to a little bit of the origins maybe a little bit of backstory that brought you into antiva. We’re just leveling up like all these people and then also writing the best selling international book too as well.
Unknown Speaker 3:36
Oh, definitely. I would say my passion come came from being a little girl and I had this dream, Scott when I was a little girl. And I’d run around with my toddler books, and I talk with people at the age of five. I remember seeing a teacher on TV. And I said, Wow, that’s that’s wonderful. I want to be her. I want to be her when I grow up. And I just I saw her as this amazing individual who taught people and I remember walking around telling my uncle said he’ll say no go sit here someday I’m gonna grow up and become a teacher so that I can be inspiring people. And I I talked about life I talked about learning I love school, never miss day of school just loved it. Loved it loved it. Yeah, I came from extreme adversities, and poverty, and abuse of all kinds moving from point A to point B and it wasn’t like the movers are coming. There isn’t even Barbies to pack it was whatever fit in the trunk of a car. And to begin from square zero constantly. And that was my life. It taught me adversity taught me many, many different lessons. First and foremost, I would say taking responsibility over my wife, I ran away at 12 I was pregnant at 14. I was mama by 15 years old, I had a sixth grade education put myself through university that felt like uphill both ways. Eight hours a day round trip who carry a baby in my arms at the age of 79 divorced parents at 15. And I just continue moving forward towards that vision of becoming that teacher to impact people in the world. That was my dream became my dream. It became my Especially, and I knew being being a young female family than supporter, you know, I had to create these opportunities. And I feel very blessed of having taking being unstoppable at a very young age and saying, Hey, I can do this, like, if no one’s gonna decide for me, I get to choose my life here now. And I always believe that we choose in the present moment, choosing here now creates my future. A lot of people think it’s like, well, it’s impossible. No, it’s one being here now, that determinism dictates my future. And I got through school. As a matter of fact, I graduated with my own students, I started off with a sixth grade education, I graduated with them from university, we had cap and gowns together at the same time, very interesting experience to go through and continuing to lead people along the way, I’ve made an impact in education. I’ve always had a foot in nonprofit community world, as well as the for profit and seeing how can I make an even greater impact? What makes us tick? I always wondered, as a child, hey, there’s, there’s a magic formula for people that are successful. And for people that are not, why do some people have something and others don’t? What is it about, they’re thinking of the way that they’re seeing and doing because we’re all born equal, in the sense that we’re able to create, we all have the same type of a mind and it functions, relatively the same given that we’re born healthy, and in a way that we can use that mind? What are the actions, how are people seeing the world, experiencing the world, being in the world, and so forth. And that took me on to graduate students I had, at one point, graduating individuals and helping individuals at a capacity of 100% graduation rate for students, like that’s unheard of people had a third grade education in their country, they were on their second careers, we had a mix of individuals within our cohorts, to see that capacity to be able to sell people a vision to say, hey, you can walk into it, and maybe until you see it, let me hold this vision right here near dear to my heart, and help you do that. I’ve done that with business owners. I’ve done that throughout corporations around the world, and it’s been such an exciting experience in life.
Unknown Speaker 7:10
So is there was there any insecurities as you kind of move forward being like, you know, single mom at the age that you were, but you also had that vision of helping people in serving people from such young age, but was their insecurities that kind of popped in? When you’re kind of starting to help others level up?
Unknown Speaker 7:30
You know, there was moments in life when I made it about others life was easy. When I just focused on myself, there was moments that I just focused and said, Oh, you know, how can this be happening right now give you pay to have picture. When my son was four and a half years old, I was in university working two jobs, cleaning houses, mentoring students, taking up to 21 credits a semester, getting through school on a bus, okay. And there came a moment that I was in the closet or a walk in closet, looking at all the laundry that I must do, and thinking, Okay, here’s what I must do. And here’s what I have to do. Like, no matter what, buy my son a gallon of milk, right? buy him a pair of shoe laces, right? Like that. Still, at times, it brings tears to my eyes to think of that moment of vulnerability and saying, Well, how do I do this here now? And getting up and saying, okay, shake it off, Mama, I’ve got to keep moving forward. This little guy relies on his future. His world relies on me here now. And what I do, and yes, there was a moment that I felt like an imposter. I was in university, I had a sixth grade education. Okay. What isn’t there to feel like an imposter when people are walking around talking and having conversations in my classrooms about events that happened in history or things that I should have learned calculus, math, geometry, whatever that was, and I had no bass, right? Yeah. And you
Unknown Speaker 8:57
were like, kind of from imposter to owning it. You haven’t did a whole class on that I believe, pretty recently, or you’re doing one? I mean, it’s just on the Can I just ask if you were born in the 70s?
Unknown Speaker 9:06
I was born in the 70s.
Unknown Speaker 9:08
Okay, so am I so what kind of judgments Did you have, if you don’t mind sharing being a single mother of 15? Because Come on, I mean, like I was once and I know what people would go through back then like, now, I’m not gonna say it’s common, but it’s a little more accepted. Like what kind of judgments Did you have against you?
Unknown Speaker 9:25
A lot, a lot. Even my family would say, you’re never gonna make it. You know, you’re, you shouldn’t go to school, you should be home looking for a husband or taking care of, you know, take care of your son’s father, whatever was right. Like, you’re never going to make my own mother said, you’re never gonna make it. Okay. I grew up hearing you’re not good enough. You’re never going to make it that way. You’re not enough that not enoughness definitely. You know, for me, it was how do I ignore that? Like, I don’t believe you. I’ve seen something out in the world. I don’t know what it is. And I know it’s not this, right. I knew at a young age that the life that I live lived in would not be the life that I lived in. And I’ll repeat that, I knew that the life that I lived in was not going to be the life that I would live in, in the future because I had the capacity to be able to create it, I made a vow to myself, when I saw people around me drinking and beating up on their partners, whatever that was that I continually saw in my own family to say, when I have children, it will be different, I will honor it. And really take that to another level for them. And that vow, but that was my promise.
Unknown Speaker 10:31
Why is it squat that what you just said, kind of goes into my last vlog, which I don’t know, like, 600 of you kind of responded to, which was awesome. It’s like the the windshield and a car is so much bigger than the rearview mirror. You know what I’m saying in that rearview mirror, you did not pull that forward. And that is so impressive. So that’s just amazing. So rosio, what do you think then makes a great coach, to help people level up?
Unknown Speaker 10:57
To be better understand a person’s world? What does that person’s world look like? How can I get into their shoes and not just understanding and what I hear a lot is regurgitation. How do I understand where you hear now? What is the feeling? What is the experience of what you’re experiencing here? Now? How do I listen to you in a way of possibility and probability in the future, and help you get into that? To have empathy not to have sympathy and I get those two very separate? A lot of people have empathy. There’s no sympathy running when you tell your kid needs to eat. Okay, I’m sorry. You’re kidding, Steve. I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I know what it is, again, a gallon of milk, right? To be able to have to make that decision to say, okay, Mama, shake it off, get up. Let’s go ahead and do something. You know, how do I get what I need here now to focus and seeing? What is that resourcefulness? Scott, I truly believe that we’re like a seed. Yes, there’s a seed of Scott. And there’s only one seed of Scott in this world forever. And sometimes Thank you God, right, because we’re such a ball of fire. Same thing, sometimes I’m like Energizer Bunny over here, right. And everything just like that. See, in for instance, even this, this flower here. Everything that was inside of this flower was inside that seed, the colored texture of the flower, the stem, everything that was there. And it’s time to bring it out. And we learned somewhere along the way to start wearing this mask of how do I please mom and be safe around mom and dad and brother and sister, teacher, preacher, whoever you want to call it? And how do I return back to who I am? And start owning me? Yes, I understand that all the answers. Were inside that seed. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 12:41
Yeah, it’s funny. There’s such a gestation period that happens during that time of what you’ve got to do with that seed. To make I mean, acorn has how many frickin? You know, I mean, how many acorns in an oak tree, right? It’s like in only maybe one turn out into an oak because it’s been fertilized and fed the right nutrients. And that’s what you help your clients do add inventory that correct?
Unknown Speaker 13:03
That is correct. I help them see what’s possible and probable, I believe that the hardest thing that any one of us can do is to reflect to auto reflect, where have I been? What am I doing here? In the present moment? Where am I going? And how do I bridge the gap from where I’m out to where I want to be? Because who I am now is not who I must be in order to be who I want to be?
Unknown Speaker 13:29
Ah, love it, it will seal when you’re starting to kind of take on a client, maybe in a discovery period? With Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?
Unknown Speaker 13:42
Yes. How do I tap into my own inner wisdom? How do I discover the answers inside of me, clients come to me and say I want to earn more money, or I want to level up on my business or job or whatever that may be. yet they’re looking for the answers outside of them. What they discover in the process is that I’m here to help them reconnect to what they already know. And that’s what makes it powerful. It makes it powerful beyond measure. As a matter of fact, we coach roughly right now we have a couple of different programs. Mainly it’s one year total, total. Well, you’re if you’re reading, you’ve already reached to where you want to be, and you’re ready to level up. If you haven’t leveled up, then we can’t help you because then then it didn’t work for you. Right, right. Right, coach, and I mean, your workout. Your coach comes by your body trainer comes in and says, Hey, Scott, this is the way you do a proper squat. And this is the way you you work on the biceps and whatever it may be. You’re the one that can work on that. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 14:41
Unknown Speaker 14:42
I can give you the tools until I’m blue in the face. Yet your results. You’re the only one that can bring those results to fruition. You’re I mean, just for me a million times.
Unknown Speaker 14:52
Yeah, you’re the I love it. You take more of a coach approach than a consultant approach, in my opinion, is what I’m seeing. It’s like a coach. doesn’t go out in the field perform you’re at the player has to but the coach has given all the tools, the information, the game plan to go out to execute that. That’s fantastic. So we’ll see if I’m out at a networking event, which here in South Florida, where I’ll press and flash masks, of course, sometimes, but like you were out kind of doing that is there. And I’m talking to somebody, and I’m using the whole Golden Rule of, you know, two ears and one mouth for a reason I’m listening, is there anything I’m listening for? That they might be telling me that would make them a great contact referral, a connection for an infant diva?
Unknown Speaker 15:34
Let’s definitely say the number one key thing is an individual who’s aware of what’s going on with them. They’re like, okay, maybe I’m having these problems. I don’t know how to fix them. Right? Yeah, I know that I’m having problems. And on top of that, I’m committed to stay the course. See, Scott, we can be anyone can be curious about anything, we’re curious, we take a look, you know, sometimes they’re driving down the highway, there’s an accident we’d left, right. So curiosity, only lasts as long as that moment, if somebody is interested, they’re only going to do it until they get a certain result, or until the most important thing, you know, another, here’s a squirrel moment of something else is more important. If this is something that I’m really committed to, so it’s those individuals that want to level up the individuals that are committed to their vision, their passion, and their purpose, then that’s something that’s completely different, that know that they have the capacity to transform, they may not know how, how do I transform me first to be able to transform the environment? Because here’s the distinction between us. And maybe our cute little puppy, right? Like all of these amazing little puppies. between us and them is that everything exists inside and they have lungs, we have ones. Now they have legs, we have legs, you know, we have a heart, they have a heart, right? Our ability to be able to think and transform see a tree could only be a tree, a car could only be a car, it can’t transform itself. Yet, as a human being we have an unlimited capacity to be able to transform ourselves. It’s a moment by moment by moment thing, it can happen here. And it can happen here. It can happen if I don’t like my stuff here now in the smoke can change that. I
Unknown Speaker 17:07
love it. I love that. So let’s see. Have you seen Back to the Future?
Unknown Speaker 17:13
I haven’t. It’s been a very long time. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 17:15
So remember, Marty McFly had a DeLorean. Right. He went back in time. So let’s get into that Dory with Marty, let’s go back to the mother have basically a five year old a 20 year old rosio will get a knowledge nuggets. Would you drop on her to maybe shorten their learning curve level up and blast through maybe just a little bit quicker?
Unknown Speaker 17:35
Hmm. Wow. That’s such an amazing question. trust people. I grew up Scott not trusting people. I thought that people were out to get me because they were when I was a little kid. Except that kept me safe, then. It won’t keep me safe where I’m at now. To understand that it, I don’t have to do it alone. anymore, right? I can leverage other people’s networks. I can leverage their talents I can leverage. I can even leverage a box. How How important is that? And to be able to understand that there’s nothing wrong with the life that I’ve lived. I think a lot of the time, I’ve looked back and I’m like, in the beginning, you could have put me on the stage and done anything. And I could talk about marketing or whatever that was right. Right. And when it talked about vulnerability, that was hard. So that would be another thing right there to be vulnerable to own all of me to own my ex. Yes, I was that runaway? Yes, I was that teenage mother. Yes, I was a dropout. And yes, I have a dual MBA in international business and marketing. Okay. Yes, I’m a serial entrepreneur. Yes, I make an impact on a global scale. Yes, I own all of it. I’m a woman. I’m a Latina. I’m somebody who’s for people. And impact.
Unknown Speaker 18:53
I love it. So how do you want your dash? Remember, like that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date? How do you want that? That little dash remember life date and nothing? How do you want it? Remember,
Unknown Speaker 19:03
no CEO? was a woman worth becoming?
Unknown Speaker 19:06
Wow, what?
Unknown Speaker 19:10
That is awesome. You That was so quick and so convicted, and you’re passing it on to the people that need your help to become what they want, if they’re ready to because that’s just awesome. So received. What do you think that people misunderstand about you the most?
Unknown Speaker 19:29
Well, I think sometimes they confuse my drive for wanting to be constantly working. I think that’s a big confusion right there. No, I’m driven because I have a purpose in life. I have a purpose. I have solutions and I can help people. I know the ripples of my impact.
Unknown Speaker 19:47
Unknown Speaker 19:48
And I know the ripples of my impact will ripple through attorney or not
Unknown Speaker 19:53
that Wow. So yeah, the ripples are very, very, like important paramount. So what What keeps you up at night then?
Unknown Speaker 20:02
The possibility and excitement and how to how to help people reconnect to who they are? How do I help you reconnect to who you are? How do I help you bring those gifts from inside of you to share with the world so that you can own and be completely free. You know, my ultimate goal at the end of the day is for people to live an extraordinary life. I want children to come home and feel like they live a magical mystical experience that this is their kingdom, Mrs. Or castle, this is a place that they’re loved and accepted. I want people to walk into work and know that their ripples of their impact decisions, having conversations showing up and making sure that they feel psychologically safe and when they feel like an imposter that I can take control here now.
Unknown Speaker 20:44
Wow. That’s strong. That is that is huge. That is huge. So let’s take electronics out, phone out, tablet out what are three things that real SEO can’t live without?
Unknown Speaker 20:58
Hmm, my purpose number one, okay. My purpose knowing that I’m making an impact. And while nobody’s ever asked me that question, okay, Scott, you’ve got to give me a moment. Right? So number one is to know that I can’t live without making a passion that makes my heart sing to know that people are succeeding. The next thing I love to dance, I love music. I’m like that little Tasmanian devil remember back in the 80s and watching him on TV. Just that flow and sharing time and space with people that I love with family and friends to salsa dancing, salsa dancing
Unknown Speaker 21:37
might come down man
Unknown Speaker 21:39
in bachata salsa dancing, you know, that’s, that’s definitely me.
Unknown Speaker 21:43
Okay, what’s the third thing? Well,
Unknown Speaker 21:46
the third thing is to spend time with family and friends and people that I love talking about everything, you know, whether it’s current events, or talking about possibility and opportunity and what we want to create in the world and make it an impact through that human being in those moments.
Unknown Speaker 22:02
That’s fantastic. And you are doing it all you are you are so and we’re back squad with my good friend, Rosie Perez, and receive we got our leveling up lightning round. And you and I could talk 15 2030 minutes on every one of these questions. But you got five seconds to answer with no. Are you ready to rock? I’m ready to write let’s level up. receive what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 22:29
But life has always wanted me here. What ever happened to me life has always wanted me here because the
Unknown Speaker 22:36
beautiful share whatever your personal habits that contribute to your success
Unknown Speaker 22:40
termoli journal every morning about possibility of as seeing myself in that future.
Unknown Speaker 22:47
It’s a lightning round that we’re just gonna answer. We’re not ready. All right, other than your own website and fintiba consulting.com. And of course time to shine today.com shameless plug. What other website Do you like to go to to level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:00
What other website YouTube loves to listen to other people
Unknown Speaker 23:06
love it. So if you see me and I’m in my doldrums just kind of moping around. Other than unstoppable look at a you’d be like Fergie read this book.
Unknown Speaker 23:17
I would say hey, Fergie, get the mind shift game. Love transform right here. I’m the creator of the mind shift game. I’ve taken all of those learnings. Helping people level it up.
Unknown Speaker 23:28
I love it. Love it. What’s your most commonly used emoji? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 23:34
happy face.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
Love it. Not and Don’t lie to me on this one lady. If you could be one age physically for the rest of your life, keep the wisdom you’ve garnered and continue to gain wisdom. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life and don’t lie? Oh, 15.
Unknown Speaker 23:49
Okay, well, this is younger, I usually say 32. But I’ll take whatever you say so quickly on this one who has made the most profound impact on your life?
Unknown Speaker 23:58
I say my son,
Unknown Speaker 24:00
beautiful, great answer on that one. What’s your favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 24:06
I’d love to give my time and money to organism right now. I have an organization called Global minded. I love to give my time and energy to them. They’re loving and lit up for everyone else. Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 24:17
And last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit. But what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 24:24
Hmm, I think they all have great. There’s something great in each of them. Pick one
Unknown Speaker 24:28
receive Oh my god. Okay. Okay. Big hair. Don’t care head wrap
Unknown Speaker 24:35
your head like you do not see my hair on my book. Scott.
Unknown Speaker 24:37
I know. I love it. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 24:39
Okay, 1980 hairdo there.
Unknown Speaker 24:42
Love it. I love you so beautiful on it. That’s awesome. This kind of a throwback. If you look at it.
Unknown Speaker 24:47
This is a throwback of the 80s
Unknown Speaker 24:49
so we’re seeing how can we
Unknown Speaker 24:50
find you? You can find me in the diva consulting.com. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. We also have a website that we’ll be launching for the mind shift game as well. So the mind shift game.com. So you can find me on all those
Unknown Speaker 25:06
articles about the mind shift game.
Unknown Speaker 25:09
The mind shift game is a game that helps people build their competence, take courageous actions, expand their vision, powerfully step into those visions with the energy necessary to do so. So the mind shift game was developed for that people would come to me central say, Oh, I don’t know what to do, how do I regain my confidence, and it was people all over, you know, it was people who had three or four businesses that sold it lost their confidence, didn’t know how to gain it. I developed affirmation cards to help them take a look at it every day. We also develop this journal where they can take powerful actions every single day, and continue to expand test, track it, tweak it, evaluate it, we cannot test and we cannot tweak we cannot evaluate.
Unknown Speaker 25:51
We cannot Wow, that is awesome that I can’t wait to get it. So tell us a little bit also about your book you wrote and what was kind of the forefront of that. And by the way, squad, I can tell you now, whoever whoever posts on either Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, the first comment that is row seal rocks, whoever posts rose seal rocks will get a free copy on time to shine today’s dime, and I will send it out to my good friend received for her to john Hancock it for you. Maybe she’ll take care of the postage to you. If not, we’ll Venmo her the marks. But tell us a little bit about the book is I am on page 49 just starting chapter seven on the size of discovery accelerated insights, and it’s awesome. I’m a five page a day guy I got like seven books going.
Unknown Speaker 26:41
That’s very powerful.
Unknown Speaker 26:42
Tell us a little bit about unstoppable please.
Unknown Speaker 26:44
Oh unstoppable is I was coming up with a lot of stages, Scott all over the country and speaking all over the world. And people are asking me Don’t seal. How do I take you with me? And it was impossible. I tried to do it. I tried that. for clients meeting them on a weekly basis. Okay, 4am to 10pm. It didn’t work, okay, I tried doesn’t work. And so I started to put everything into this book, they can take me with me now, right there, they’re going to do the reflection, they can do it in their own comfort of their own time, they want to go five pages at a time, go ahead and go five pages that looks like for you. You have it here now. And when we know where we’re going, we can start to create when we understand where is our mind, how is it designed? And how is it not designed? How do I hijack my mind? Right? Because you brought that up there as well? How do I able? How am I able to take a look at it? Where am I at? You know, what are the things that are conflicting? Those conflicting values? How do I align that because anyone can provide a step by step process? Sure. If we don’t have these tools, it doesn’t work.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
Right. In squad, you’ll love the book because not only is an awesome read, you know it comes from the heart and I get to take receipt with every day. Here we are side by side. But like seriously, it’s interactive. She has worked steps for you to do to go through the book. So it helps to ingrain an X that into your brain, which is just awesome. So one last favor from your CEO, can you leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action on
Unknown Speaker 28:14
your greatest investment will always be in yourself. Love it, always invest in you hire a coach, hire a teacher, whoever can help you support you and bring it up the best of you that’s inside of you.
Unknown Speaker 28:26
Not that you in squat. I’m blown away. I don’t know about you, but I got pages of notes. And if you’re watching on YouTube, it’s like front and backs. And we just had our free masterclass for my really good friend Rosie Perez, who told everyone even when she was younger, that she would be a teacher and inspire people, you know, she reminds us that we choose the here and now and that will if you live in the here and now that will create our future she’s going to also see that we are all born equals and that we are able to create to create, you know to make it about others and life will be a heck of a lot easier. You know, ignore you’re not enoughness that’s what you said that really stood out to me ignore you’re not enough. Don’t listen to those people, you know, line with somebody like time to shine today, you can make an introduction to inven tiva and let them help you level up. You know that she a great coach will understand the push get to understand the person’s world through asking the powerful questions, get in their shoes, not sympathetic but empathetic look through their eyes. She’s going to remind you that when she puts that awesome flower up that you know there’s a gestation period that that seed that happens is all throughout that flower. And if it’s cultivated the right way, it’ll bloom into that beautiful, beautiful flower just like received it from her hardships coming up when she was younger. You know, she wants you to auto reflect to bridge that gap. You’re gonna she wants you you’re gonna start to work with a coach to ask the coach to tap in to their own inner wisdom don’t look for answers outside of them. And are you you know, are you aware of the problems you have? Are you committed to leveling up let us introduce you to Edmund tiva And she would remind her younger self and she wants to tell you as well to trust people use and leverage their knowledge or like my good friend Leah Woodford says and I always use is to get your asking gear, get out there ask the questions, be vulnerable a bit be open to learning, you know, in her dash that that remembering her she wants to be a woman worth becoming that blew me the frick away. You know she wants to help you reconnect to who you are, and to live an extra extraordinary life. And she lives a life with purpose. You know, dancing in family in man, you can ask for any more than that. And that’s probably why she leveled up through COVID and the crazy time and she wants you to always invest in yourself in real see it. You are just amazing. You’re beautiful. You’re hungry yet humble.
Unknown Speaker 30:50
you level up your health, level up your wealth. We’re so happy you’re here. Can’t wait to collaborate in the future. I just love your guts.
Unknown Speaker 30:56
Scott, you’re amazing. Again, you’re a ball of fire somebody that inspires me just watch new touch, move and inspire other people. Thank you for being such an extraordinary contribution. And I know the ripples of your impact will go through.
Unknown Speaker 31:09
Thank you love. I’ll talk to you soon. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 31:11
Thank you. Hey, thanks
Unknown Speaker 31:13
so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 in online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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