Co-founder of Ned, a leading health and wellness company based in Boulder, Colorado. I’m committed to helping as many people as possible find a deeper connection to the natural world.
We believe to treat the plant with respect at the end of its life
– Ret Taylor
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Ret’s passion is helping people feel and live better by designing natural remedies that serve as a holistic first line of defense
2. When it comes to CBD, It is critical to know where ingredients are sourced from and how they are harvested
3. CBD is just one of many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.
4. The efficacy of the plant will be better when it is processed correctly
5. Before taking CBD, ask where ingredients are coming from and where they are sourced
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is REt Taylor with NED and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson time
Unknown Speaker 0:09
to shine today podcast versus squatted Scott Ferguson in Episode 242. And a super excited to interview somebody so transparent, so honest, such a rock star that really wants to help you level up your health, wealth and mindset. And we have my good friend Rob Taylor from med their websites Hello, Ned calm and they’re all about the CB, D that’s so much CBD, but they have awesome blends that will help you with your sleep, anxiety, and just they’re all sourced from a fantastic their own farm out in Colorado. And, you know, he believes in treating the plant with respect towards the end of its life. And that’s something I’ve never heard anyone say and I just think that that’s fantastic and amazing. And I’m going to shut up because I’m going to bring on my really good friend Rob Taylor, from Ned, so he can really educate you about CBD the benefits and how it can help you level up. So without further ado, here is Rhett from Ned. Hello, Ned calm. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:15
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad and I got my boy Rhett Taylor here from med and we’re gonna dig into that. And for Ned helping people feel better and live better has meant creating simple and effective natural remedies the serve as a holistic first line of defense against common ailments. Turns out it takes a lot of steps to keep things purely simple and products are a reflection of the care and commitment required to live up to their mission. You know again, it’s all about simplicity, science and soul. And right here is a co founder of Ned and it is a leading health and wellness company based in Boulder Colorado they are committed to helping as many people as possible find a deeper connection to the natural world in red please come on introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first What’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:06
Green for sure. You know kind of ties in with that connection to nature.
Unknown Speaker 2:12
You got it behind you too in that plant bro. It’s all about the green so let’s dig in a little bit here man let’s go from maybe the origins and how you ramped it up and gotten that off the ground?
Unknown Speaker 2:23
Yeah, sure well real quick. My mom had breast cancer she was able to skip chemo and radiation and really focus in on battling cancer through nutrition which really scared the hell out of me so I went out and learned everything I could about doing so and one of the things that I came across was was CBD cannabinoids and really leaned into those and then just found a massive hole in the industry for you know, quality products and transparency and really the kind of company that I was looking to you know, provide to my mom there just wasn’t the quality out there. So you know, very long story short you know, ended another business sold that and really began to focus on Ned which really became the passion
Unknown Speaker 3:14
and you did that with I believe it’s Adrian also your partner there
Unknown Speaker 3:18
Yeah, well Adrian’s my business partner and he and I go way back all the way to college. You know, when I when I found our farmer and when I realized that you know, really the the way of going about creating a better company a better product, I knew I would need to tell that story otherwise it would just sit next to these other products that weren’t doing it right. And and so I reached out to Adrian, who’s the absolute best storyteller I know he’s had an amazing career in digital media and marketing and just a real brand guy and so I asked him to join and it was just the right time he had just gotten off a two year two and a half year journey around the world really trying to find himself after a massive burnout in front of his entire company. You know, he was in all the ash ROMs and mountain tops and all the places you go to find yourself and he landed back in Colorado and and it was just divine timing.
Unknown Speaker 4:14
I did that too. I went through that burnout bad and I went to Peru and did that whole Alaska thing. Well, that’s a whole podcast in itself. But let’s talk about the the simplicity and the natural and the barriers that you have to go through to get to basically getting to market of really pure form of CBD and have
Unknown Speaker 4:38
Yeah, well, you know, there’s a lot of CBD on the market. Yeah, CBD is just one of many cannabinoids that are found in the hemp plant. And it’s it’s mostly prevalent in hemp and less so in the marijuana plants why we use hemp plants but there are over 200 other cannabis nuts but a lot of people just will isolate out that CBD and sell it and they really have no a lot of a lot of companies have really you know very little understanding for where that comes from or you know where it’s grown and and so you’re really not getting a great product or product that that can be traced from really from seed to bottle which is you know for me and and the team here that’s really the most fun part we love that connection we have with our farm apolonia Colorado sure you know we were up there as much as possible and and so we you know, we try to do everything as naturally as possible because there’s so much more to learn about natural remedies and absolutely hemp as well and until we you know until or if we ever really learned a lot more we just tried to do it the way mother nature intended that’s just that’s just as smart as you can get you know right? We overthink things so often these days in our society and we build things in the in laboratories that are just better built in nature and absolutely our ethos
Unknown Speaker 6:13
so riddle me this man because it was funny when our production meeting yesterday we’re talking like difference between about interviewing you right and I wanted to ask you this what is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil? Like I think you just said you said something a couple seconds ago but like can you tell the listeners what the difference is? And what it really
Unknown Speaker 6:35
yeah you know it all comes down to nomenclature but you know there’s there’s hemp seed oil which you can buy in a grocery markets. And then there’s there’s full spectrum hemp oil, which is what we do and full spectrum hemp oil would mean that it’s really been extracted from the flowers of a hemp plant. And it’ll have all of those cannabinoids that CBD, which is kind of the famous one, you know, kind of think of it as like the lead singer in a rock band, right? Got the, you know, gets all the data, all the models and is on the Billboard, and that’s the CBD without CBD without the CBN and the CBG and the CBD a and, and on and on. You know, you don’t have the full effect. Right, right. That’s the drummer and the bassist and the lighting guy and the sound guy. And and without everybody on the team, you don’t have the full effect. CBD gets a lot of credit because it’s really kind of the bus driver that drives it into your body. Sure, and then allows the other cannabinoids to do their work. One of our best selling products is our sleep blend. Yeah, and that is we have elevated levels of CBN CBN is the sedative cannabinoid and that’s just a massive success for us and for our customers it’s it’s something I’ve wanted to tackle for a long
Unknown Speaker 8:03
I gotta get this yeah this this amazing so that you would think that isolating the CBD would be more expensive. But is it more expensive just to get the full hemp oil with all the plethora of cannabinoids if I even said that, right? Is it more Why is that? Is it the process different or? Yeah?
Unknown Speaker 8:25
like yeah, it’s it’s uh, you know, we use a cold ethanol or organic ethanol extraction method, and it’s just more time consuming. And it’s, you know, isolating out a cannabinoid and you can isolate out any cannabinoid Sure. Most people isolate out CBD but right, but that’s typically done with really harsh chemicals at very high temperature and lots of pressure and when we really believe in treating the plant with respect at the end of its life, you know, absolutely that’s kind of a hunter Yeah. Yeah, do a little hunting. And you know, there’s a difference between between wounding an animal and a clean shot and it’s really about respecting the plant at the end of its life and it’ll give you its medicine either way but the the efficacy of that medicine is going to be better when you respect it and now we don’t hit it with high heat or high pressure it’s it’s really gentle, pure clean extraction process that mark again, doesn’t beat up the plant.
Unknown Speaker 9:34
That’s awesome ready? Thank you for explaining it in terms that I actually understand. So this gets some benefits of Ned like what like let’s go with the sleep blend here. I see it sleep longer. Wake up, refresh. Keep the CBN in there as well, that that’s the CBN actually promotes the downtime, right? Is that yeah, that right? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 9:55
Yeah, you know, A lot of my friends that think it’s funny that I’m in the in the cannabis industry because I’m the only one of my friends that never really got into pot but I don’t know about your listeners but if if if anybody’s ever smoked old pot THC turns into CBN and CBN again is that sedative cannabinoid so old pot typically will make somebody feel very sleepy and so anyways we’ve we have elevated levels of CBN are sleep blood and you know sleep was we asked our customers you know what’s the number one thing you’re coming to us for all day all day yeah sleep was the big thing especially you know back during COVID times not that we’re entirely through the woods yet but so we we said let’s let’s focus in on sleep. We added strains with higher levels of CBN we added natural botanicals like valerian and skullcap and kameel and you know for me it’s my one of my big missions is finding alternatives to pharmaceuticals I love that too many people yeah dude yeah the
Unknown Speaker 11:22
stuff that goes we all know freakin liver just to get metabolize to help you sleep. You know, I do. I mean, my squad listens to me and I tell them you know, like, you know, I’ll do like, I make my edibles myself. You know, I have an awesome THC extractor. And then I have the stuff here lemon balm, which I absolutely love it. It’s kind of acts kind of like the CBN in a sense, because it shuts me down and then l theanine, which you know is extracted from green tea that helps kind of with anxiety and stuff just because I dealt with PTSD from Desert Storm operation Southern watch and stuff like that. And it’s just what you just said about Epstein natural is what it was because I was one of those babies that was kind of like hey, you know the Mental Hygiene guys like here’s some Xanax, it’ll do it and weaning off that was the worst thing I could ever like that I went through is worse than anything to happen to Felicia ramanuja and things I saw that was harder you know that that’s natural now and so I have a protocol at night and includes escalada I’m using the CBD oil not that one anymore because it’s just straight CBD lemon balm and in the theme so this is this is awesome that they’re right this is absolutely awesome. So where did Ned come from?
Unknown Speaker 12:40
Yeah, you mean the name Yes sir. Yeah, well you know when we started the business Adrian I we we took a look at everybody around us and everybody was either you know, super serious or scientific and or kind of just really hippie dippie she’ll love it. Yeah, you know we I remember the conversation with my mom when I brought CBD home I was like you know mom, this is from hand and she’s like I’ve never smoked marijuana in my life now and the police gonna show up and I was just thinking like you know, this could be happening millions of times oh yeah the world you know all the time and so just wanted to have a really really approachable name and then you know, if you look at our packaging it looks much more like a bath product or a
Unknown Speaker 13:27
Yeah, it’s nice and brown it has hammock
Unknown Speaker 13:29
leaves all over it you know, you know so so Ned was the name of a farmer that we knew and respect and Wow, that is kind of your he’s he’s a renaissance man he’s the kind of guy you can go to when you have a question about about anything from from natural remedies to Ancient Greece to fixing your sink to changing your tire you know, he’s your guy, farmer nag again just approachability is super key for us. Love it. So
Unknown Speaker 14:00
when you’re when people are gonna, like maybe come to you is in there. They want to go on this protocol, which I strongly recommends people, especially this net sleep, I cannot wait to try it. Is there any good question that they should be asking before they start the protocol?
Unknown Speaker 14:20
Yeah, and whether this is for us or for for any other high quality natural remedies company should really just be asking, you know where the ingredients are coming from, how they’re being extracted or harvested. That’s another thing we only source from one farm and two small farm. It’s a 10 acre farm, when we would never want to have a bigger farm. Because after 10 acres, you start getting into big machinery and kind of big Ag and mono cropping. And so our farm is regenerative, it’s organic, it’s biodynamic, it’s as good as it gets. So really looking into the sourcing. You know, for me personally, I I just need to know people you know I need to understand what the motivations are. And and that’s why our there’s so much on our website about that currency element.
Unknown Speaker 15:11
yeah awesome that
Unknown Speaker 15:12
you know, we’re, we’re really you know we’re storytellers first and foremost we we we really want to transport you to our farm you know I want you to feel the sun on the back of your neck and smell the hay and kind of hear the crickets and I want you to be there when you’re using our product. That’s why we have the GPS coordinates of our our farm on our products. We have the top topo map on there. Right and But yeah, I mean getting getting back to your question. I think it also comes down to intuition right right. You know so much of our thinking these days we use you know, our prefrontal cortex the front of our brain to to rationalize and put language to everything but you know, again, I think that we’ve really gotten away from from using our, our ancient brain our monkey minds to to make decisions and those are that’s what’s called a gut decision when you just can’t put it into words right? But you just know and I think putting more value on that so so really, you know coming to our site going to other companies or or natural grocers you know, just do that gut check.
Unknown Speaker 16:22
Love it. Love it. So how old is net? The company
Unknown Speaker 16:29
we’re coming up on? We’re coming up on four years which isn’t very long but in this industry we’re we’re one of the oh geez.
Unknown Speaker 16:37
And so your grandpa on the industry, bro? I mean, I didn’t even hear about CBD oil till 2019 was two years ago Really? I mean, I heard about it, but access to it was kind of sparse, you know, compared to when you see it now. So have you saw the movie Back to the Future right? Of course. Alright, let’s get that let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly let’s go back to say the 22 year old right what kind of knowledge nuggets you drop it on him to maybe help him level up push through maybe shorten the learning curve a little bit
Unknown Speaker 17:08
yeah you know well 22 year old red was all about two things one was adventure and the next one was money and and it was in that order and I lived in Saudi Arabia I lived in the Brazil I traveled all over the world and then I really got more that switched it was turned into the money Saudi I grew up with with very little of it just thought that it was the the answer. Right and so I would have told myself to continue to focus on the adventure the passion the interests that went on to start another business which which did very well and took me to the top of my field but it was not a passion and I honestly feel like that was that was not time well spent. It took me until I was 36 which was five years ago to to really reconnect with my purpose be able to articulate it and define it and that is what led to Ned
Unknown Speaker 18:13
bobbitt the dude You don’t look like you can be what 4041 42 actually do you don’t look at it all brother that’s awesome man. remedies baby I come in about 50 and I started all naturals six years ago and it’s changed so that that’s awesome. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:31
you know ages nothing it’s not hard our bodies have to work. No so if you know so if we’re putting bad things in our body our bodies are working overtime is 20 but our body could be 40
Unknown Speaker 18:43
exactly in the I mean my like jujitsu matches or I mean everything is just been better since everything’s just been natural everything so how do you want your dash remember then read that little line in between your inclination date your expiration date, you know your life date and death date? How do you want red stash remember?
Unknown Speaker 19:01
Yeah, I know exactly what I want it’s helped a ton of people find a deeper connection with nature. And I really believe that when we’re deeply connected with nature in the natural world and natural processes it’s like fighting downhill you know, it’s it’s like you know, it’s just becomes easier because when we’re in in alignment with with nature, we it just becomes easier to thrive now we can we can thrive for a little while if we’re disconnected if we’re you know, every day looking at screens every day eating garbage and you know, you can drive for a little while but it’s fighting uphill. It’s you know, it’s it’s, it’s trying to go upstream and it’s just easier and then Honestly, I hope personally, that that deeper connection leads to people making different decisions about how they impact the environment.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
Wow, that’s actually man, you’re doing so much good stuff. You’re transparent as hell Man, let’s get back in that DeLorean but this time with Doc Brown you know where they’re going you don’t need roads right? Where do you see that five years from now?
Unknown Speaker 20:11
Yeah we’ve always wanted ned to be that different better first line of defense so instead of turning to your doctor and getting prescribed Xanax or Ambien or you know the plethora of exactly yeah yeah and you know there’s there’s a place for both of those those pharmaceuticals and and many others as well. Right But it’s really at the other end of the bell curve and it’s not for 80% of us it’s really should be a last option and so we want to be that that alternative we want to be a pharmacy where people think first that hey, let me go get this ashwagandha and CBD and and and and malaria and instead of Ambien right so that’s where we hope your love
Unknown Speaker 21:03
by protocol. I’m telling you right now it sounds like it did it before I go to bed This
Unknown Speaker 21:08
is the weirdest thing my girls like what are you doing? What’s that smell my cat knows nuts. You know I take Valerian oil right? And I put it on my temples underneath my nose and then bottom my feet and then I have a dropper they put a little bit on my tongue too and I tell you what, the whole protocol natural bro knocks me out. It is so good. Let me ask you something this then also if you’re not taken what would keep you up at night then? If you’re not taking the the Ned sleep blend? What keeps right up at night?
Unknown Speaker 21:40
Huh? Yeah, well, honestly. Just making sure this company gets where it needs to be.
Unknown Speaker 21:51
Yeah. So what do you think people misunderstand about red the most?
Unknown Speaker 21:57
About Me personally? Yeah. It’s, it’s a great question. I’m going to start asking people but I think
Unknown Speaker 22:07
time to shine today, baby. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:09
I think. Yeah, you know, and this might come off the wrong way. But I really do care about people and I really do want the best for people and, and, and it’s, I’ve been told that that’s, that’s kind of rare. And like, what’s the catch? And you know, so I think yeah, maybe misunderstanding that. That desire that altruism,
Unknown Speaker 22:40
man, you’re transparent as all hell, man. That’s awesome, brother. So let’s take out anything computer. Let’s take out anything electronical what are three things right? Can’t live without?
Unknown Speaker 22:51
Sure. Yeah, my oak journal, which was developed by a good friend of mine, Keith Roberts, Oak journal. And it’s, you know, it’s where I, I structure my life and, and it’s where I write down what I’m grateful for everything from that to what I gotta do each day.
Unknown Speaker 23:08
Oh, a cake. Okay. Yeah, okay.
Unknown Speaker 23:12
Okay. I believe. Okay. And so I love that. My dog
Unknown Speaker 23:21
Bella. My man what kind of dog
Unknown Speaker 23:24
she’s, she’s half. Aussie. Spit a poodle spit a lot of
Unknown Speaker 23:29
things. Oh, butter. Hi. Love it, man. That’s awesome. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:32
what’s the last one? Oh, of course. My family.
Unknown Speaker 23:36
I love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. So then what is Rhett’s definition definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 23:45
Yeah, man, it’s honestly it’s, it’s what I’m doing right now to be spent way too long not doing it. Really? You spent way too long not doing it. Yeah, but why? A life well lived. Recently one of my very good friends and somebody who inspires me tremendously. Teddy Van Buren passed.
Unknown Speaker 24:12
I saw your post man. That’s me. You guys supposed to go to Iceland and all that jazz and it just happened, right?
Unknown Speaker 24:19
Yeah, he was. He was helping a buddy move and and anyways, he he was Dewar, he was somebody who’s always doing and just always inspired and inspired others and so I’d like to continue that and, and, you know, try to do as half as much as what Teddy did. So
Unknown Speaker 24:43
triathlon or triathlon guy or was the marathon runner You know,
Unknown Speaker 24:47
he was a he was a poet warrior. He was just a brilliant guy and friends with everyone. He was on the board of four different nonprofits and wow, just at a time he was an outdoorsman, and He would quote you Byron while we were you know fly fishing are
Unknown Speaker 25:06
the good ones to get taken man it just sucks bro it really does time to shine today podcast versus while we’re back with my really good friend co founder of Ned and also he’s just a rock star in red we’re going to take you through our leveling up lightning round you and I could talk literally an hour on each one of these questions but you got five seconds with no explanations you’re ready to rock
Unknown Speaker 25:29
let’s do this
Unknown Speaker 25:30
right my man let’s level up what is the best leveling up advice that’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 25:38
surround yourself with great people.
Unknown Speaker 25:40
Yeah, sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success
Unknown Speaker 25:45
exercise every morning.
Unknown Speaker 25:48
Love it so other than your website which hell on or time to shine I shameless plug what other website does right go to to level up
Unknown Speaker 26:05
at Wim Hof ‘s website,
Unknown Speaker 26:06
I add more every morning, bro. Every I do is breathing every morning. I’m up to two and a half minutes on the outbreath it’s it’s getting there, man. Nice. So you’re seeing me walking down the street or whatnot. You’re like man, Fergie. Looks like he knows he’s in his doldrums. Like what book? are you handling me?
Unknown Speaker 26:26
What’s it called? JAMIE will starting fire.
Unknown Speaker 26:32
Okay. Never heard of it. Put that money. Awesome. Awesome. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 26:40
Definitely, the hands together. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 26:44
Awesome. Chess or checkers.
Unknown Speaker 26:48
checkers man?
Unknown Speaker 26:49
Love it. Okay, Don’t lie to me on this one. Because I know your age. But if you can stay one age physically for the rest of your life, keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and continuing to gain wisdom what age physically would you say for the rest of your life? Right 2320 year maybe early 30s i janss Alright, so what’s your favorite charity an organization like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 27:14
Yeah, Outward Bound? I’m on the board and I was given a scholarship and now given back
Unknown Speaker 27:21
love it. Best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 27:28
Maybe 80s
Unknown Speaker 27:29
I’m an 80s guy man big hair don’t care I was born in 72 so it’s like a kid like 80s is my jam dude so that’s awesome so how can we find you brother?
Unknown Speaker 27:39
Yeah, hello Ned calm
Unknown Speaker 27:42
sorry I said hell on net sorry about that I just sorry Hello.
Unknown Speaker 27:48
Hello Ned at med on Instagram at D and then my personally is at I’m ready I am our TTY
Unknown Speaker 27:58
love it love it and squad we’re going to give away a free sleep lend 30 milliliter to the first one that will respond to anything on our social from Pinterest LinkedIn wherever you see this if you respond back with Ned rocks in Ed r o c Ks you I will personally sleep send you out of sleep lend 30 milliliter one ounce and I can’t wait to try it myself. It’s gonna be fantastic. So read do me one favor please and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action I
Unknown Speaker 28:37
find that deep connection with the natural world whatever it is, whether it’s just looking up between buildings at the sky, or getting out on an 18 day raft trip down the Grand Canyon. It’s just gonna do wonders for you.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
Love it and squad we just, I don’t want to call it a masterclass but it kind of is so informative, yet it’s gonna tell you how to level up your life. You know, Rhett’s mom battled cancer she decided to skip the chemo and do it through nutrition that really helped Rhett open up his eyes to what’s really out there and he found that hole in industry for quality products you know he is it I’ll let it let you go the website Hello Ned but really it’s full spectrum are extracted from the hemp plant he’s very very careful with how he treats the plant cuz the plants dying people, you know, we got to care about stuff in this world and they do it from a way that is I’m gonna say painless, more painless to the plant where you’re going to get the full aspects of the goodness in from it. And if you’re starting to want to go the CBD route, you know, find out where the ingredients are sourced and how they’re harvested. And if you really want answers to that go to Hello Ned calm and they have a plethora of information on there. You know, net is very transparent. You know, he wants you to focus on adventure, passion and interests, you know, and he wants to be remembered as somebody that helps people find a deeper connection to nature and within that Go out there and give it a she mentioned looking up in between skyscrapers find the beauty and everything I tell you guys that every single day that are on my email list is always level up and find something that you’re grateful for wake up everyday get the old journal which I’m going to throw into the podcast notes as well, in that thank you some arrests thank you so much for coming out and you level up your house, you level up your wealth, you’re transparent. You earned your varsity letter. You’re fantastic. Can’t wait to collaborate with your company in the future brother.
Unknown Speaker 30:30
Likewise, really appreciate it, man. It’s a really appreciate you thank you again.
Unknown Speaker 30:36
You bet. Kitsune Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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