Welcome to Episode 60!. Get ready to pick up some solid Knowledge Nuggets from my good friend Reina Rose! Reina is a ROKU TV host, author and coach. She lives each and every day on purpose and Level’s UP not only herself, but her infectious attitude and vibe Level’s UP anybody and everybody privy enough to be in Reina’s company! Enjoy!
Always stand up for justice even in the face of loss
– Reina Rose
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Learning to pause and really enjoy slower ‘seasons’ will allow you Level UP
2. Give yourself periods of both ‘rest and running’
3. When starting something new you are passionate about be BOLD and ask questions to be at the top of your game
4. The grass is always greener where you water it
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Reina’s FREE Stress Reduction PDF
Read Reina’s Chapter in The Book: Natural & Organic Healing: Your Ultimate Guide to Health and Wellness
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Rainer rose, host of Roku TVs. So nutrition. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend, Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:13
Hey, hey, hey, time to shine today squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and this is episode 6460 episodes in and I get to bring on an interview with a very good friend of mine, Rainer rose. She is a Roku key Roku, TV host of soul nutrition. She’s an author and a coach. And she has the mindset of leveling up on a daily basis. But she also paces herself. So she during the times when she needs to grind and grit and bite down on the mouthguard. She’s rusted so she really believes in being a human being and not a human doing all the time. And she’s always about stealing up for justice even in the face of loss. So sit back, relax, break out your notebook. And without further ado, here is my good friend, Raina rose.
Unknown Speaker 1:25
Hey, time to shine squad podcast. Wow, this is Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to be sitting here with my friend Raina rose. She’s kind of a rock star. She’s an international best selling author, and sold nutrition Roco TV host. Rena shares her unique experience and expertise on the importance of nourishing the soul digging deep into the question of what truly satisfies our inner life. Rena distills ancient wisdom into practical tools useful for today’s modern audiences. Since launching her first business in 2003, she’s progressed from teaching wellness and abundance workshops to leading immersive life transformative retreats that help high performance individuals temporarily, temporarily pause so they may read align with their true values and read range more fully and effectively and I’m Stumbling on my words because I’m, like, super stoked to have Reena on and without further ado, Raina, can you please say hi to the time to shine today squad and also share with us your favorite color, and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:34
Hi, everyone, it’s such a pleasure to be here. Um, my favorite color it changes all the time. I used to just not have one but it’s been red lately, mostly just because it looks good on me. I’m really fair.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:48
And so you don’t want to walk into a room wearing red, it’s like, looks great and it’s a fun color and brightens everything up. So I’ve been really into red lately
Unknown Speaker 2:59
and you’ll see on her little thumbnail that’ll be sitting here on our podcast. She’s wearing an awesome red shirt. So, which is fantastic.
Unknown Speaker 3:07
A lot of red juice, please speak, you know, make me feel
Unknown Speaker 3:11
it’s a go color, right? It’s a motivated color. So, Raina, you have a ton of accolades here and you’ve accomplished quite a bit in your life and with our squad, this is the people like I’m so stoked that you consider coming aboard and doing this interview, but tell us the origins of kind of where you got started and where you are now.
Unknown Speaker 3:33
Sure, so um,
Unknown Speaker 3:37
where to start? So I started let’s say in the fitness sector, when people would ask me how I got into health and fitness. Or when I started it, I would tell them how I would dance to Jane Fonda videos when I was seven years old, living in the jungle with my I would steal my mom’s videos and just like dance to the Jane Fonda videos because I thought it was so fun. And then I think my, my mom always struggled with like healthy eating because she never grew up that way. And so I think I kind of began to watch that as at an early age and start to make different choices. And then I wanted to help other people do that. So when I was 19, I started my first fitness business. And just it I joked that that was my first life coaching job too, but it really was, but a lot of ways. Yes. And so um, yeah, around the that business for about 11 years. And then during those times, though, running that business, you know, started when I was 19, and just a go getter and I still am in so many ways, like leveling up is really important. And I also I, I listened to that podcast you have about being a human being and not human doing. And that’s a lot of what I teach. I teach this concept of resting and running like we have to do You both kind of that human being part. And I had some great mentors when I was running that first business that I started at just 19. And when things would slow down, sometimes I would go to my mentors and what do I do? And he would, and of course, it’s fitness, it’s gonna go up and down their seasons where people you know, come more and less. And he would just tell me, I think you should enjoy this slow time. I think that it’s not like the business is crashing, it’s not like you’re doing something wrong. It’s just the seasons. And I think you should enjoy it and learning to actually pause and enjoy slower seasons allowed me to be more productive and really level up when the when the busy season came, because I was rested and I was ready to go. And I wasn’t burnt out in any way because I just had a pretty easy season. And so when the hard season came when January hit and everybody wanted to exercise, you know, and I had 16 hour days sometimes I was like really For that, and then when it was slow down again, I had saved a lot and I could enjoy that slow season when people are taking vacations and they’re not coming to the gym or working out with me as much. And that pattern of enjoying rest, enjoying the times where you’re just running a marathon. And that developed it that really age for my mentors and I’m so grateful to be able to share that with clients now.
Unknown Speaker 6:24
Love that. So you What was your you were a personal fitness trainer then? Yeah, okay. I was
Unknown Speaker 6:32
just I had a few trainers who worked for me as well.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
So did I in the name of my business was time to shine fitness mentioned. But it kind of parlayed into the real estate thing and the fitness kind of went down. I would just take care of myself. But then you know that that’s fantastic that you did that for 11 years and then you transitioned into what from there,
Unknown Speaker 6:54
then I actually so I have this broken engagement in South America. And I told my dad who the reason I lived in Brunei growing up is he was a pilot for the Sultan there and I said Dad I want to be a flight attendant I just want to get up to the sky not not think about I wanted to avoid thinking about this pain right? Then I had gone through with this engagement that didn’t work out. And but I had always thought about being a flight attendant loves travel every time I had extra money, I would spend it on traveling so it made sense. And the cool thing is I had all these private jets yacht set it up on my vision board. And by doing this job, I was traveling on a private jet like at least every week or two. And then I get to go to yacht parties in Monaco. I sang at the church in Monaco because I lived in France half the time with this job. Like I just had this fabulous billionaire lifestyle that I was actually getting paid to do. Instead of writing all of it. My family got to come visit me I bring friends and family cuz like once you touch down in the area in the client wasn’t gonna fly for Another week or so, you just had free hotel and food and extra money. And like so I’d get a two bedroom hotel and have my mom come my friends and stuff. And just so I got to travel, and live this wonderful lifestyle and get paid extra and save a whole lot of money, which like I just decided not to have a permanent residence after the first year, I realized it was never there, right. And I put all that money that you would put into, you know, paying for a mortgage or rent into savings. And I’m like, when I finished this job, which I realized you can only do this kind of travel for a finite period. When I finish I’m going to have several years income set aside so that I can rest and decide where I’m going from here from a place of peace and not grasping at needing to make money.
Unknown Speaker 8:51
Wow squat. You hear that? She puts herself at PC takes breaks, when I’d love to rest and running and do both. So I know that we talk about that. Within our Facebook group a lot, guys with regards to taking your little daily sabbatical if you will, I mean even before I brought Raina on today, she’s like I just finished my meditation she’s ready to rock the mic so she does pause and rest and reflect Reena what your family sounds really cool but what do they think about kind of your free spirited? Raina isms?
Unknown Speaker 9:23
Oh, you know, they they’ve always been pretty supportive, even honestly. So obviously, my dad was a private pilot took us halfway all the way across the world, you know, growing up to live in a third world country and it was a great and my dad has always been very supportive. I actually had this example when I first moved to Houston, where it was where I eventually got this fabulous job. I had, I was praying and I was talking about going to Houston to start a charter company because I had worked in the air charter. And in my And this guy who I had done his marketing, he wanted me to start a business with him. So I just moved to Houston and I just come back from South America, I didn’t have the kind of savings I have now. I had like, no money, no car, no place to live. And I just like moved to Houston on a one way ticket because I’m like, you know what, I’m just gonna do it. And I didn’t even tell half the people because they would just think it was crazy. And I remember borrowing some money from my dad because I had gotten there and I needed like, a couple hundred dollars to pay my own bills. I was so broke. And my dad says, Yeah, you know, no problem. I’ll send it to you because I know you’re gonna be so successful. I’ll be borrowing money from you one day, and he’s just seen my life you know, I would take big risks, but honestly, I took this big risk moving to Houston with nothing, and like within a few weeks, this girl today like Couch Surfing which which I thought that was only for rapists and murderers. I would never try and help find me a place to live. She gave me a place to live for free. for like a month a friend of mine who is in there gave me her z three convertible to use for a year because she had like 10 extra cards. Then I got two job offers, the one ended up leading to this fabulous job within four to six months. And I just, you know, kept rock, whatever little I would get, I would give it 1,000%. And like that little like, I just took a receptionist job at the private airport. And I was like, you know, the most fabulous bilingual receptionist is what they needed, you know. And that led me to being in the place where I could get the job that I had zero experience for it. I was told I’d need 10 years at zero money to do I told him I need thousands of dollars. And all these qualifications I didn’t have ended up just getting the opportunity to do the job really shining and staying with it for five years. So what
Unknown Speaker 11:51
do you test the secret sauce to seems like when you do things you are going in with an attitude of gratitude, but all this stuff just attracts to you. That happens to you. So what what do you attest that to? What’s the secret sauce that you can share with our squad out there of it, whether it’s attitude or whatever it is? Can you elaborate on that a little bit?
Unknown Speaker 12:14
Yes. So my pilot’s used to joke that I would Bob my head and say, I’ll pray about it. And I don’t Bob my head as I bumped my head. Of course.
Unknown Speaker 12:25
When I was told by this flight attendant who had been flight attending for 30 years, and he knew everything about flight, his name that I would be 10 years of experience, and this make thousands of dollars to do what I wanted to do, I just said, I’ll pray about it. And within six months, I had the best job on the best jet with the most phenomenal passenger. Some passengers can be rude and hard to work with. And with the most qualified pilots, like everything was the best and I just walked into it with no experience, but I also you know, when I was working In the private airport, I had been VP of Marketing at another charter company, and I was working as a receptionist, you know, like I, I took the humble road of I will go there, and I will be the best receptionist you’ve ever seen. And I helped them with their marketing on the side, because I was bored to tears with the receptionist, after, you know, after learning thing, and from that stance, I actually so I was doing the marketing with the sister company of the airport. And that guy was the guy who did the hiring for the flight attendants. And they already had a flight attendant who they had some problems with. And I saw that right away. And when I met that person, I was like, when that person is done, I want the job. And they gave it to me and just as a shot with like a temporary trial. And every time as I was working as a receptionist, a flight attendant would come in, you know, on these private jets so fabulous. And I was asked what would be your three biggest tips for someone who’s starting out? Tell me this, tell me that and they would tell me like oh, make sure you oil on this because it can, it can light on fire in the oven. If you don’t do X, you know, make sure you do this, do this for the passengers and I would just write it down. And in those couple of months, I was just obsessed with I’m going to do this and I’m going to be the best at it once they do.
Unknown Speaker 14:18
Also, no matter what it was you were doing, you were giving a gajillion percent to whatever you were staying present. You were being mindful of your situation, you’re trying to be the best that they could have been, you know, shining shoes or whatever for them, you still would have found a way to still level up in that. That’s fantastic. Let’s segue into the soul nutrition on Roku TV. How did that come about?
Unknown Speaker 14:42
Oh, so I was it’s on Christian Times Magazine channel. And so I was interviewed for their magazine last year. And they apparently liked me and they called me up several months later and they said Hey, will you do a TV show? For us, and I wasn’t sure I said, you know, not sure if I have time for that I’m not sure if it’s in line with what I’m doing right now. Um, but the more I thought about it, the more I prayed about it. And I just felt like, this isn’t a cool niche to be in. It’s, um, it’s really lifted me up, actually to go and interview people and find out about the cool things they’re doing in the world. I mean, I’ve interviewed people who bring clean water to nations all over and educating the public that the equivalent of two jumbo jets full of kids under five dies every day, just because they have dirty water and they die from diarrhea, like, people need to know this. And so I get to interview people like that and have them on my show and talk about how I have priests and monks Come on, and we’ll talk about how to pray in a way that’s different than the usual like give your laundry list of woes to God and then tell him And how to fix them to actually sit in silence and listen for God, you know, like still give him your problems, but then listen for the solutions because if we’re just whining all the time and we’re not listening, like very well, that spirit inside of us, God will be telling us the direction to go and we have to be still sure
Unknown Speaker 16:23
to wait and listen on that.
Unknown Speaker 16:25
So yeah, that I guess what is it the x A CTS acronym when you’re, when you’re praying, you’re you’re asking them for forgiveness. You’re asking them for supplication, but you’re also giving thanks, you know, and adulation. So it’s adulation, confession. Thanks and in supplication. So it sounds like you kind of go through that with your prayers where you’re thanking him or her wherever the Creator is. Everyone out there knows I’m a man of faith and a Christian. I have no qualms about it, but I’m also open to other you know, backgrounds as well. So that’s fantastic. Well You just said there. So you’re an author as well. And I kind of read through your chapter. So tell me a little bit about that book. That’s it looks like it’s kind of segmented into a bunch of different professionals. It kind of broke down. Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 17:15
Yeah. So that looks an anthology. And I actually participated in that book because it was guaranteed to be a best seller and they, you know, just brought in some really great experts to be a best seller. And my next book I can put best selling author. No. Sure. So I actually wrote that chapter in like two days, because I found out about this, like two days prior to the deadline. And so I just like, it was funny, he, the person reached out to me, they said, I think you’d be a great person to this book. I wrote a chapter sent it to my editor. I turned it in the next day. But, um, this is stuff that I’ve been teaching for so long, you know, is that if we don’t slow down if we don’t take that rest, we’re not going to run well. You know, if you think about if you had a really big presentation tomorrow, would you do better if you stayed up all night practicing 1000 more times, or if you practice the hundred times, went to bed, got a good night’s sleep, and then woke up fresh and did that presentation like we all know the answer to that. Yeah, but in our lives, we still think more is more and more is more we got to keep hustling, which there’s totally a time to hustle. Right? But there’s also a time to even take a sabbatical or take. I honestly take one minute like I’m working on working with hospitals and they generally have like a huddle in the morning. They just check in like, Alright, here’s what’s going on with this many beds open coronavirus is going around or
Unknown Speaker 18:43
whatever. Sure.
Unknown Speaker 18:46
And they touch base. And I say well, what if you took one minute before that touch base and just spent that in a silent meditation and calmed your heart rate down, calm down your breathing and then you come up Meeting from a clear focus because a lot of times the kind of start just be guessing in the meeting, it gets off focus. And it’s only a short meeting. So like if you took just one minute, came at it from clear, focus, calm, heart rate, calm breathing, that meeting is going to be so much more effective and it just takes a minute a minute isn’t gonna kill your schedule.
Unknown Speaker 19:21
Not at all. And I find that you actually unlock a lot of that knowledge. It’s in your subconscious because you’re relaxed and it kind of comes out because of relaxed state your subconscious work if that gatekeeper is gone, Oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, right. I mean,
Unknown Speaker 19:36
right. That’s what we spend and we get nothing done. We do a lot of things, but nothing actually gets completed and the priorities don’t get done. Exactly. We were so busy quote unquote, but nothing really got done.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
So I’m out network and presence and flash are just meeting people who what kind of phrases or what kind of my listening for that could be a great Great prospect contact or someone that you would love to meet and help.
Unknown Speaker 20:05
I’m like I said, I’m really tackling, I have this very ostentatious goal of like overhauling healthcare from the inside out. And, and so people in healthcare, I also realized it’s a very challenging space because it’s a very high stress environment. And I think some of these techniques such as, you know, just taking one minute things that are doable, because a lot of you know, the ideal techniques just aren’t doable in this, you know, already jam packed environment. Those people and then also like the individuals I coach, I still coach some individuals, I preferred groups, I love coaching groups and like really making an impact many of the time, but individuals, a lot of people come to me actually for financial coaching. We get that organized and then we go so much deeper into I think, actually you were talking in your podcast. You know, you have to level up in all areas. of life. But honestly, if you haven’t leveled up your finances and like just that Hierarchy of Needs being provided for it’s really hard to do any of the other areas because you’re like, grasping
Unknown Speaker 21:12
all the time. So financial choices, right?
Unknown Speaker 21:15
Precisely. So I usually help people get that organized and in place and then we work on so much deeper.
Unknown Speaker 21:22
That’s fantastic. And so you’re looking back at the say, 20 year old Raina. You’re writing a letter to her. What are you saying to her? Awesome wisdom knowledge nuggets on that 20 year old Rena.
Unknown Speaker 21:40
So So To tell you the truth, I changed my name because of a big life event. My name used to be Melissa so 20 years old, I wasn’t random means Queen, and most of them in the honeybee and Melissa honey bee was going around buzzing hearing there and it was very productive in a lot of ways, but She wouldn’t stand up for justice she wouldn’t she would play small in order to not get hurt back and fired not be in trouble, you know, not rock the boat. And I would tell her to level up, step up. And when I changed my name, what I said is Melissa played small in order to not get hurt, not get fired, you know, not get in trouble. So but Rina stands up for justice, even in the face of loss. And when I did stand up for justice, I lost that fabulous job, because I stood up for something wrong that was happening there. And I said, If I can’t stand up for justice in the face of losing a job, how in the world will I stand up for justice in the face of nations or whatever I’m called to do in a bigger capacity later, so I would tell her early on, you know, stand up for what’s right, even if it means losing this wonderful thing you have. Gotcha.
Unknown Speaker 22:55
Love that. Well, that so
Unknown Speaker 22:59
let’s take Your cell phone out of it. What are three things that Raina can’t live without?
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Haha. Oh, trust me I can go on a sabbatical and live without
Unknown Speaker 23:11
okay fairly good pilot
Unknown Speaker 23:12
monasteries and my favorite part is the phone stops working about an hour out love it
Unknown Speaker 23:19
um there’s very few things that I truly truly couldn’t live without I prefer not to live without
Unknown Speaker 23:31
a nice place to live
Unknown Speaker 23:35
I you know like having sanctuary is really important to me. Although like I told you I live in many places as well. And wow, healthy food. It’s really basic like I have lived without so many things but I know I can live without just about anything you want
Unknown Speaker 23:55
to say that I kind of knew the answer to it.
Unknown Speaker 23:59
But when you Have to go for the third well we’ll call the third one Jane Fonda videos what what is rain is a definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 24:12
a life well then
Unknown Speaker 24:17
I’d say there’s this in the Bible they call life more abundantly like right Jesus came to give us life more abundantly and so then what does that mean? I think that life more abundantly is a life where you are at peace whether you have these things you can’t you think you can’t live without, or you don’t have them like you that you can live in what we would call the fruits of the Spirit love joy, peace, patience, regardless of what’s going on. And that your relationships there’s there’s also definition for righteousness meaning right relationship and I love that like that. You have great relationships and that’s what makes your life juicy and awesome. And of course, like all this The fundamentals like we talked about, like you got to have your finances in order and things in order in order to live this abundant life. And once that’s once those things are secure, you can just like, live in joy and peace, you know, and right now I have a stock that’s down at $7,000 like,
Unknown Speaker 25:18
am I right? You’re good.
Unknown Speaker 25:21
I’m good. A you know if it if the worst were to happen with it? Well that which has happened, me worrying about
Unknown Speaker 25:27
it not gonna have
Unknown Speaker 25:28
anything along at all right?
Unknown Speaker 25:31
If I just hold it, and you know, hopefully it goes up then worrying about it didn’t help either. So like, I couldn’t just be like, well, that happens. Again, if I don’t pull it, nothing happens. Some people are like, Oh my gosh, the stock went down today. Well, did you sell? No, open you’re fine. You know, um, and so I think just being able to ride out, sometimes things are down sometimes things up and feel joyful. And then I sometimes I have bad days, and that’s just part of life, and that’s okay. And then I can have a bad day, I can have a lazy day. But I also have like, really productive days, like, it’s this balance of being in allowance with life.
Unknown Speaker 26:10
You’re enjoying, like I, my last Knowledge Nugget podcast I dropped was the dash, that little dash it’s in between your birth date and your death date. mad dash is all the fun whether it’s up and down, it’s still a dash and still level. So
Unknown Speaker 26:26
fun and it’s got work and it’s got purpose. And you know, we’ve got to get back. I had lots of charities and orphanages that I like to work with, like, that’s it. It has to be a full life and a full life isn’t only fun. It’s not only money, it’s not only giving back like it’s all of these things in their proper time. Yeah, love it, my long version.
Unknown Speaker 26:49
All right, we’re gonna move into our level up lightning round. So you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these topics but you got like five to seven In seconds so I just want quick bam bam answers and we’re going to start right now. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received
Unknown Speaker 27:12
to take rest in order to
Unknown Speaker 27:14
be able to really run after love it
Unknown Speaker 27:17
sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success
Unknown Speaker 27:23
career generally
Unknown Speaker 27:25
other than your website Rainer rose, calm or time to shine today calm which another website you’d like to go to to kind of level up your life
Unknown Speaker 27:38
Unknown Speaker 27:39
fine, it is a website recommend to the time to shine squat a book it’s your go to book the one that comes pops to your head right away outside of maybe the Bible but what’s another twist, Craig co Hello. I love it. favorite charity organization you support you kind of answered this already. But I’ll let you You say it again?
Unknown Speaker 28:02
Whoa, just an orphan story. Sorry that’s too
Unknown Speaker 28:05
but that was fine. All right, last question. What’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s
Unknown Speaker 28:14
Oh m 80s Hey, I’m right
Unknown Speaker 28:19
there with the 70s and 80s is my kind of time so
Unknown Speaker 28:22
fun music
Unknown Speaker 28:23
Yes. Happy
Unknown Speaker 28:24
yeah it is like big hair and happy I love it. So Alright, so before we sign off leave the squad with a Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with them.
Unknown Speaker 28:36
Knowledge Nugget. Oh, I love it’s a quote but the grass is always greener where you water it.
Unknown Speaker 28:43
Love it. All right, Raina, how can we find you? And I’m gonna put all these in the show notes all you listeners out there so everything will be below.
Unknown Speaker 28:52
Yeah, so it’s www dot Reena rd RTI na dash ro SC rose calm and at this point The best place to find the most information. Facebook, the sole nutritionist, Instagram the same. I think everything else is the sole nutritionist at the moment.
Unknown Speaker 29:08
Beautiful. And do you have any book tours or something you might have coming up?
Unknown Speaker 29:13
Yeah, I am looking to book tour. I’m balancing that with weather. I’ll start this other podcasts and what things I’m going to
Unknown Speaker 29:21
we’re going to get a rock in her own mic. She’s going to blow everybody out of the water. And we’ll make sure all the subscribers here get on her subscription as well. So everybody out there in my squad land. We just had a fantastic conversation with someone who grew up dancing the Jane Fonda loves to stand up for justice. Everything she did, she gave a gazillion percent to the way she leveled up from that issue. She was always a sponge, and she always believes and rest and running and taking sabbaticals. So we are always saying that we love to stay hungry. We’d love to stay humble. We’re always leveling up our health and leveling up our wealth in Raina. You are the epitome of that and we are grateful for you to have came on. And thank you so so much. Thank you. It’s been a pleasure. Awesome, man. Take care now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcast, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends How to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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