Raj Subrameyer is a tech career strategist focusing on helping people to land their dream job and become successful leaders. He has been featured in numerous podcasts and publications. He is also the author of the new book – Skyrocket Your Career.
So many people have one leg in the past, another in the future and pee on the present.
– Raj Subrameyer
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When hiring a new coach, make sure they have walked the same path similarly to yours!
2. Ask your coach what motivates them. How they will help you make an impact in the world
3. Your past trauma is part of who you are. Embrace that, learn the lessons and Level UP!
4. Don’t let other people’s opinions become your reality
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Raj’s Book: Skyrocket Your Career
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, there’s Raj Subrameyer. I help people discover their zone of genius. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to Time to Shine Today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson,
Unknown Speaker 0:15
time to shine today podcast versus squad. This is Scott Ferguson, we’re at episode 251. With my brother from another mother, Mr. Raj super Meyer, he was going to help us discover our zone of genius. Raj and I seriously walk kind of the same path where we didn’t really feel like we were adequate enough in certain situations, whether it be family and friends, but we’ve really taken that and bottled those insecurities up and kind of set him to the side and really brought forth our own Zona geniuses, and Raj will help you do just that. And I listen, I’ve got pages and pages of notes. And so you’re gonna want to break out your notebooks on this one. Super stoked. We have the same energy. It was such a fun conversation. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend. Tech Career Strategist, Raj super Meyer. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:12
Time to shine today podcast RC squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got my boy from Chicago shy, tell them my favorite cities Oh, I really can’t wait to go visit them. In a couple months. My guy here is out on the road right now doing TEDx speak. He just got back from bleed from Colorado. His name is Raj super Meyer. And he actually let me break down his last name. And I just was so much easier because I tried to say it myself, I wouldn’t be able to do it. But Raj and I kind of come from a little bit of a same background with an inferiority complex where, you know, we had family members that were successful, and just rocking it. And we’re just kind of left in the dark. But we both kind of aligned with people to help us level up our life. And that’s what Raj does. Raj supermind will help you level up your life. He’s a tech Career Strategist focused on helping people to land their dream job and become successful leaders. He has been featured numerous podcasts and publications. He’s also the author of the new book, skyrocket your career and can be contacted at his website, which I’ll put in the show notes. But we’ll talk about his website just here in a little bit. And Raj, thank you so much for coming on. Please. Introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast, varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:24
Favorite color is great, because it looks really good on my brown skin.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
I tell you that my boy Raj is from is from Chicago, but I believe his background was India. And he’s just got this smile and eyes just suck in. You want to listen to him. He is a fantastic speaker. You can check them out on YouTube, whatnot. But let’s get to the roots. Now start a little bit with that inferiority complex that I resonate with you with and kind of work from there in your roots and then move forward into how you’re helping people level up now.
Unknown Speaker 2:58
Yeah, and that I think that’d be a great starting point for your listeners and viewers as well. Let’s do it. So from my thick, Texas accent, you know, I was not born in the United States. So I grew up in the southern part of India. And I was a younger of the two kids. And since a young age, I have this inferiority complex similar to you because my dad was super smart. Since he was born. He studied him scholarships throughout his life. Then he had my brother who was a genius. He has three masters and a PhD. And then there was the average Raj who didn’t do anything you name it sports, academics dating of average and everything. And a part of Asian culture is focus on academics. And growing up. I was constantly being compared to other overachievers around me from an academic standpoints. And I could never live up to their expectations, even though I tried and this constant trying let me get I’ve got me into this place of anxiety, stress, depression. And this kind of continued throughout my childhood to my second year, my undergrad. And then I had an awakening. I still remember the moment because I was in my study room. All of a sudden, my chest started hurting. I thought I was getting a heart attack. But now I know there was my first panic attack. Yeah, anxiety, baby. I now apparently 19 years of holding my feelings within myself. It just burst out. And in that moment, and I just was crying for two hours, right? Because I came to this realization that all this while I was living life, based on other people’s opinions and letting other people’s opinions be my reality. Once I started realizing that I said, Man, I’ve wasted so much of my time. You know, screw people. I know I have skill sets. I’m going to take matters my own hands. I’m going to carve my own identity I’m going to spray for grief and that’s when the real transformation happened. And to Kerala Long story short 16 years from then, I have transformed my life from a shy introverted kid earning a minimum salary into an international keynote speaker, author and Career Strategist running a six figure business and this one I tell people, if an average guy like me can make a change, so can anyone else.
Unknown Speaker 5:20
Oh, love it. I love it man in so your Are you saying you’re in your 30s?
Unknown Speaker 5:28
I look like a 22 year old but I am I am in my late 30s
Unknown Speaker 5:33
Oh, dude, cuz you I’m doing the math. And I’m like squat. If you see this handsome devil, man, you don’t, there’s no way you think he’s coming up on the floor. Oh, that’s awesome. And you take care of yourself too, obviously. Because you wouldn’t be able to you look the way you do and shape and fit and young if you didn’t,
Unknown Speaker 5:48
that’s amazing story because I actually lost 50 pounds in 2016 and six months. So you’re talking about and since then I have kept off the weight. And it’s interesting, because inside me is this fat kid. And again, I’m not saying this. myself here. I grew up as a fat kid throughout my life. And then even though I’m 50 pounds lighter, still the demon there’s another guy inside me who comes out from time to time, then I have to suppress him. And the way I do that is through mental and physical strength. We get back over that, you know in a bit, but the point is, yeah, fitness is definitely something my primary focus,
Unknown Speaker 6:35
you got to take care of the tumble bro. I mean, I’m, I grew up the skinny kid leaving I’m six one I’m like 250. Now, my wasted I always say this, my waist is still 34. So, and I’m a big dude and put together pretty good. But I grew up skinny. So I still have that complex of a skinny kid. Even when I’m on the jujitsu mats, and I’m just crushing people, I still feel like man, I’m skinny and weak, you know? And that’s someone who’s gonna run ask you, it’s like, does any of that kind of time ever come back and haunt you a little bit? Meaning like how you thought about yourself then and what is your exercise your main go to, to get yourself back into your into where you can thrive? Where you’ve leveled up? The reason why I’m saying is that, you know, I grew up again, being told well, you’ll be nothing, you’ll never make money and never serve people and all this, you’re not good enough. And I blasted through it because I surrounded myself with the right people, how many do it? But do you ever have that kind of come back and haunt you? What your feelings were before? Maybe you went to a holiday dinner with your family? And then you’re like, it just comes back to you? Right? And then how do you get on that? You know what I’m saying?
Unknown Speaker 7:43
Go? Yeah, 100% is, uh, you know, it’s a work in progress. It’s always a constant struggle, because you’re past trauma. It’s part of who you are, you cannot get rid of it. Right? It’s ingrained in your brain because I was in similar situations when people said, you know, you’re an introverted kid, you know, you’re dumb. In fact, my parents took me to the hospital to make sure as mentally stable, right. So all those things, you cannot raise it from your head. But it does teach you lessons in the sense, it helps to drive you. So whenever you’re down, then you remember those trauma. People echoing those things saying you’re not good enough, you’re not good enough. And then you know what? You’ll say, okay, you know, I’m gonna prove people wrong, prove myself wrong. There you go. And then it helps it drive you. So that’s why that’s why I view it as a positive thing, especially when I’m speaking or whatever I’m doing. There’s always another part of me, which tries to bring me down. But you know, that it’s a constant thing. I think for people like us, that is one thing. But the second part of the question in terms of what is one thing I do to stay stable and you know, get focused, I do a lot of things actually. But one primary thing, which has been a huge stability point for me is working out. And I’m definitely working, I do running. So I run 45 miles a couple of days a week. And then I alternate days, I lift weights. And so I work out about five to six times a week. And in doing that constantly, for over three, four years, and that’s what gives me stable, especially with COVID and you people are have been forced to live a sedentary life. So it’s more it’s more than more than important than ever to work out now. Yeah, any time else but
Unknown Speaker 9:42
doorframes to get your mind right. I
Unknown Speaker 9:44
love that. Exactly. And then of course nutrition is something you want to try to focus on absolute. It doesn’t mean that I don’t eat cakes and desserts. I love them. The point is that, you know, others good nutritional stuff. because my only hobby in life is traveling food and beer. At one point, I had 150 different types of beers in my basement. So I love the year. So that’s one of the main reasons I’m motivated to workout. So
Unknown Speaker 10:16
love it, man, I love that you answered the way you did. And you know, to prove yourself right, when you’re feeling wrong, that’s beautiful. So what do you think then makes a great coach? A great leader.
Unknown Speaker 10:32
So I would say, first thing, you should have gone through similar experiences, which you can relate to other people, which would be, you should have hit rock bottom at some point in our lives. Because you may agree with this, where if you read any leadership book, any motivational book, any great leaders, they always had to hit rock bottom at some point in their lives, to get the realization that okay, they can impact people. And so I think the I know, it’s weird to say, but an awesome coach is a person who had hit rock bottom, when in their lives, that’s when they understand the true feelings of other people. That is, number one. Number two, is they should be able to share their real life experiences going through similar kinds of journey as their clients and tell them how, with empathy, they could feel what they’re going through, and then give them strategies based on your experiences. That’s when people can relate to it. Anyone can read a book, and then give five strategies. Here you go, no matter because people have to know that you have gone through the same experiences, right? Sure. Because people won’t understand anxiety, depression, if they didn’t go through that when, because I suffer with anxiety, depression, and I take medication, I do a lot of stuff. But the point is, people do not understand what that actually means. Right? So. So I think two things, as I was saying, you have to hit rock bottom. Second thing is you have to use your experiences to get people to write up. So I think those are the two things apart from other important characters respects for a culture, which would be probably mindset, being consistent and showing up every day, the same way, with
Unknown Speaker 12:10
with their agenda in mind, not yours. I love it. I love it. Yeah. So let me ask something. So if you’re starting to work with a client or even a company, is there any good question you wish they would ask you to, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 12:27
company or a client so they could ask me what motivates me, right? Not a lot of people actually asked me that. For me. Motivation is the impact people and change lives. That’s my motivation. That’s why I show up every day. I’ve helped over 50 plus clients, I’ve helped them get jobs get 30% increase in their salary. And most of them have been immigrants who are about to get out of the United States. And because of me, they were able to get a job and have a life. So all those things, you know, keep running through my head when I talk to new clients, but they don’t ask me what motivates you. How do you keep showing up every day, the same day, no matter what happens, right? That is something I wish people asked. But it’s okay. It is what it is. But the point is, that’s what motivates me every day.
Unknown Speaker 13:13
I love it. Love. So Roger, you know, here in South Florida, we’re networking like crazy. You know, we get out we’re processing flash, and other people are out there motivated and networking, too. If I’m speaking to somebody, what are they saying to me, that would make them a good contact referral or prospect for you?
Unknown Speaker 13:31
So just to make sure I understood the question. So you’re saying, if, if you’re talking to me, what would make you a good person,
Unknown Speaker 13:40
I shut my mouth, and I open my ears at networking events. It’s not about fucking me. You know what I’m saying? It’s about who I can help. Right? What are they saying to me, they would want me to introduce them to you.
Unknown Speaker 13:52
So I think first thing, it starts with research and offering value. So no wonder they seem
Unknown Speaker 13:59
to me, Raj, that makes me think Raasch I need to introduce those two
Unknown Speaker 14:07
rather needed entities. If someone says someone’s talking to you to introduce me to you, and what do they say? Right. That’s where you’re at. Right? Yeah, I would say that. You need to meet a guy who can transform people’s lives. And you really need to meet him because you seem to be like a similar kind of person. So you need to meet Raj because I think you both together can impact the world and and really large scale. I think that’s what they would definitely say,
Unknown Speaker 14:38
love it, man. I love it. Love it. So Raj, have you seen the movie? Back to the Future?
Unknown Speaker 14:48
I know, unfortunately, no, no problem when the team
Unknown Speaker 14:53
goes back in time. You can change some things but I don’t want you to change anything. I want you to go back in time to the 80s Your old kind of inferiority complex Raj, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you that’s what we call them here at time to shine today, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on that Raj to maybe help them shortness learning curve level up and blast through maybe just a little bit quicker?
Unknown Speaker 15:14
Yeah, so a couple of things. One, as an from an entrepreneurial standpoint, I think you need to automate as many processes as possible. I learned that the hard way, by doing everything manually, I think you need to invest money in automating from your invoicing system to, you know, whatever you cannot automate from an admin desk point of view, that is number one, from an entrepreneur standpoint, number two is you should be willing to take risks, sometimes things may not work out and you should be okay with that. So you you try something doesn’t work out and then try another thing. And that’s how an entrepreneurs life work. I think a lot of things are definitely the pivotal moment for me once I release those two things for you as an entrepreneur.
Unknown Speaker 15:56
So then, how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date? And your tombstone? How do you want Rogers dash remembered, hopefully its way down the line? How do you want to remember?
Unknown Speaker 16:14
Again, it’s about impact, man. So from day one, it’s been about that. So I want to be remembered for the impact of meeting people’s lives because you money with you. But you can actually, you know, impact a lot of people’s lives before you leave. I think that’s the only lasting thing. Other things remember last.
Unknown Speaker 16:33
I love that. I love it. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Raj?
Unknown Speaker 16:39
Oh, they think I’m a perfect person, with everything figured out. And I keep telling people, no, that’s not the case. That’s how you do a lot of videos and have a private Facebook group bear attack with people because I have my own demons. I have anxiety, depression, stress, you name it, but I take action towards getting better every day. I think that’s me and other people.
Unknown Speaker 17:03
I love your transparency, man. I can feel your drive. You know, I have clients that I’ve coached to the level and Goutham close to at your level. And it’s what you’re saying? Exactly. You have coaches? Correct?
Unknown Speaker 17:18
Right. Yep. Oh, okay. percent. Each coach has other coaches. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
I have for myself. So it’s like I did it, man. I even make a huge investment myself a coach. That’s fantastic. I love love, love that you said that. So what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 17:36
How I can impact people, even on a larger scale. I’m constantly thinking about it. For example, as we speak, I’m working on my online course. Because I think that’s gonna impact a lot of people. Then after that, what’s next, so I can see keep thinking about ways to reach more people on a larger scale. And people won’t believe this. But I truly do this for impact. And money is a byproduct of what it is. Love, and but yeah, it’s about what I can do next, what I can do next, from an impact standpoint,
Unknown Speaker 18:06
your favorite word is impact. And I love it, man. I love it. You are amazing.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
I haven’t stuck over here. I don’t want to move the camera now. I feel bad every day. It motivates me. Why am I doing what I’m doing? Right? We should periodically ask that question. And if you’re not able to answer that, then you probably want to get back to the drawing board and then do some retrospection
Unknown Speaker 18:30
that I love it. I love it in retrospect and always go back and always look where you can level up just like any coach is gonna have to do anyways, man, rain. Right. I love it. I love it. So what’s one thing you know, for sure, Raj.
Unknown Speaker 18:44
One thing I know for sure is nothing is permanent in this world. And, you know, if people are affected by COVID, but remember that before we had the 2008 recession, then you had 2001 recession, then you had 911. So life is a bitch. So you’re gonna get a curveball, and nothing’s going to be permanent. So if you think that you start a multimillion dollar business, and that’s the only thing you want to focus on for the rest of your life. The news to you is that it’s not going to be a case so no need to be ready that things change. And you just have to adapt to change.
Unknown Speaker 19:25
I love it. And you know, like, you know, I use kind of a Biblical sense of this too shall pass you know, and like overlap your happiness is a whole course that I’ve did with you know, a couple 100 of my my clients and like you know, you’ll have like, let’s say you pack up you come to Florida, and hang out with Fergie for a few days you’re stoked you’re happy but guess what that vacation ends so you got to do stuff every day to overlap your happiness. That’s what we say Right? And then also, bad things are gonna happen. It’s how you handle it and respond not react but respond to them, correct.
Unknown Speaker 19:59
Yeah, 100% This one, I tell people, you cannot control the circumstances. But you can control the actions under any circumstance, right? So that’s what you need to think about. And life is like that you are going to get curveballs when you least expected. But then you have to be prepared for those kinds of things can take things one step at a time. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 20:22
So then you’ve mentioned it here. But it sounds like a lot of your you haven’t mentioned, it seems like a lot of your premise around your your company and you love leveling up people is taking responsibility. And I want to ask you, what’s your definition of responsibility?
Unknown Speaker 20:42
Definition of responsibility, man, hard question. I know different people have different interpretations of it. For me, responsibility is showing up every day and doing the work. I think that’s your responsibility. Because people believe and delayed gratification, do not believe in delayed gratification where they want immediate results, they go to the gym for two days, maybe they want a six pack. It doesn’t work that way. Doesn’t work that way, or life doesn’t work that way. You just need to do the work and be consistent. And I think that is our responsibility, no matter what happens. No circumstances are,
Unknown Speaker 21:21
I was taught by my mentor, my coach, actually, the responsibility is nothing more than the ability to respond. Tonight, right in the word itself, responsibility, the ability to respond, and you just nailed it with impact. And I love it. I love your definition. And I actually have that written top right here. So let’s get another question for you. Let’s take out our out of the equation anything electronic includes cell phones, tablets, computer, what are three things that Raj can’t live without.
Unknown Speaker 21:54
So no electronics, right. So not one thing would be books. I love that you can see in the background I read. I bought at least close to 3040 books a year. That is number one
Unknown Speaker 22:06
right there. Me and you are like brothers from different mothers, I tell you, he was going
Unknown Speaker 22:09
through his hydration, so water bottle with me. And number two. Number three is my workout shorts and workout gear. Even if I go to a hotel, I actually work out of my hotel room. So those are three things to check. And I’ve lived with them. For sure
Unknown Speaker 22:29
movements important to you. And I love it. It’s key to every one of my mornings, you know, I have my power hour you know, and it’s like it I call it getting hydrated. Right? Getting moving and getting lit. You know what I mean by that, you know, hydration, I do a two ounces of distilled water with apple cider vinegar, pink Himalayan sea salt, and lemon juice, fresh squeezed lemon juice, I slam it’s the first thing I hit the hits the resets my PH balance. That’s and then I back that up with 16 ounces of water, purified water, then I go and I get moving. I’m a huge believer in rebounding and trampoline for the clearing out the the lymph nodes and then I get lit. Luckily here in South Florida, there’s sun all the time. So I get sunshine. So I love that we are like even if you’re in a hotel room, you don’t make excuses. You make adjustments. And that’s what winners do. And I love that. I love it. Raj, what would be your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 23:29
Definition of life well lived, I think being present at any moment. I think that’s what would be a good life for me. Because in the first half of my life, I was always thinking about the future. But I let the present slip away from me. I’ve been more diligent in the past 767 years to live in the present because nothing is certain as we already talked about. I think if I’m pressing and mindful, that is a life well lived. Just as quick thing I wanted to just mention this, don’t have one leg in the past another leg in the future and be on the present. So
Unknown Speaker 24:09
that is massive.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
So that I know it sounds cheesy, but oh my god, there’s frickin deep meaning in that man and that that’s what I live by.
Unknown Speaker 24:19
Dude, that that is oh man. That’s the best I’ve ever heard. I mean, ever. I mean, everyone’s like, Oh, yeah, you know, tomorrow’s a mystery Yesterday is history. You know, today’s a present so it’s a gift that this is awesome. Do like you know don’t have a leg in the future like in the past be in the present you’d like right now because right now is old news. It’s like Dude, it’s like you have to take care of now to make your tomorrow what you’ve envisioned that dude that was frickin awesome. Time to shine today podcast squat versus squat. We are back with my good friend Raj and Raj. We’re going to take you through a leveling up lightning round you and I could talk 1520 minutes an hour and each one One of these questions we’re gonna ask and we might do it over a brain grenade or two in Chicago sometime or here in Salt. But you’ve got five seconds to answer with no explanations. You can do it. I promise. Nothing. I’m gonna ask you, please. All right, my brother. You ready? Yeah. Let’s level up. What is the best leveling up advice Raj has ever received? Be yourself. Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success working out beautiful, other than your website’s Raj. Raj subra.com, which we’ll put that in the show notes, and of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug what website does Raj go to the level up?
Unknown Speaker 25:41
Tim Ferriss blogs
Unknown Speaker 25:45
blog actually drank some mushroom coffee with Tim you know, it was it was life changing good stuff. So you see me like man freaky doesn’t look right, man. He seems to be in his doldrums. Oh, sorry, your book that you wrote. What book would you be handing me to get me out?
Unknown Speaker 26:02
I would say a book by Robin Sharma called monk who sold his
Unknown Speaker 26:05
Ferrari literally dude, I’m reading this 5am club right now. Dude, Chairman I already read it that’s coming out and coming on my podcast to the summer can’t freakin wait. Raj. What is your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 26:18
Ah Sprintax. Emoji. Emoji. Yeah, love
Unknown Speaker 26:23
it. What was your New Year’s resolution?
Unknown Speaker 26:27
To accomplish? 90% of my goals. Beautiful. chess or
Unknown Speaker 26:31
checkers? Chess. All right, smarty pants. What if you have a favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 26:40
Yeah, that Chicago Food repository.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Thank you for keeping it local, keeping the level up. I love that. Love that. Last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one, my friend. But what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 26:55
So I would say 90s Because that’s when I actually enjoyed music. So I was awesome. I like I love Bryan Adams meatloaf. And you know, and you know, Metallica was awesome.
Unknown Speaker 27:13
And he had the grunge bands with like Nirvana and stuff like that. Oh, yeah. DJ bands like Blink 182 and suffer. But then you also had hip hop? Like I mean, you had rap in the 80s but you had some solid hip hop in the 90s
Unknown Speaker 27:26
Well, yeah, of course. You know, Dave static and Biggie and yeah, to go back was I was in the early 90s At least right before us ladies
Unknown Speaker 27:39
early 90s. But
Unknown Speaker 27:40
you got bigger in the early night. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Great donor, like popular I love and that’s that’s why I listened to while working out as well. It’s my favorite time you know? Exactly.
Unknown Speaker 27:55
I’m coming up on 50 years old and like, my all my that I listened to and I want to get ramped up for workout is nice music. You know, if I’m just chilling, I know you’re throwing some 80s music at home take me back to my elementary school days and stuff like that. That’s awesome. So Raj, how can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 28:10
so a couple of ways one is you already mentioned my website rhassoul Braddock calm you can find on my life’s work and how I help people and also if you want any information about my book if they go to skyrocket your career book.com They can download the free chapter there and also connect with me and finally LinkedIn I live on LinkedIn so as you do me follow me and connect with me there
Unknown Speaker 28:32
and squat all that’s gonna be in the show notes and I’m going to actually pop on I’m going to grab his skyrocket your book and Raj, I’m gonna ask y’all so I want to do a book giveaway for you and I’ll purchase it I just need you to sign it and ship it. Would you be willing to do that for me? Yep. Okay, gotcha. So the first person that replies skyrocket in any of Pinterest, all your Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, anyone that puts skyrocket in there I will have a free autographed book that I’m going to purchase time to shine today will purchase and Raj will gladly sign it and ship it out to you. So Raj do me a favor and leave me with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action
Unknown Speaker 29:13
no matter where you are in life your personal brand is what is going to help you set yourself up for success. So build your personal brand via social media via different blogs and any other channels he could do to build your personal brand that’s what I would advise
Unknown Speaker 29:31
I love in squad we just have an awesome free masterclass with my good friend the non average Raj, you know he thought himself is that was we kind of raised by that and he wants you to remember don’t let other people’s opinions become your reality that that stuck with me that’s huge. You know, in past trauma can become ingrained in your brain. You know, prove yourself right of what you really were born and meant to do in this lifetime by getting out of your own way he did mention alter ego becomes something that is going to help you level up, stay grounded to your roots and your family but don’t let their opinions become your reality at all. You know, a great coach should have walked the path from rock bottom in leveled himself up by using other coaches preferably, and should be able to share those real life experiences with you, the client to help you level up and ask your coach what motivates them. You know, Rogers motivation I heard at least 15 times in this interview is impact impact impact, Raj impact will change and does change people’s lives. He’s always looking to make that impact you want you if you’re in business to set up automated processes, have your you know your finger on the button and on the pulse but allow other people to do the work. Be willing to take those calculated risks he says and if you don’t have all the answers, like my good friend, Leah Woodford says, Kate you’re asking your ask for the answers, get get out there and make it happen. You know, be present, and make that impact. Again, impact impact impact, he’s gonna remind us you know that no matter where you are in life, your personal brand is what’s gonna set you up for success and Raj can help you get branded and do the right things. So his leadership and communication skills to help you level up your life and lastly, dude, this is gonna be my quote of the year but don’t you know you live with a leg in the past a leg in the future and P in the present man that’s just freakin fantastic. Rise levels up is healthy levels up as well.
Unknown Speaker 31:35
He’s humble yet hungry. He’s earned his varsity squad letter here. Thank you so much for coming out. Raj. You’re amazing. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future brother.
Unknown Speaker 31:45
Thanks so much for having me, man. And thanks for also showing up consistently and impacting other people in your way, own way as well. So thank you. Love it, brother.
Unknown Speaker 31:54
I’ll talk to you soon. Love your guts. Bye. Sounds good, man. Thanks. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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